WATERINTAKE 5/2016 September – Oktober - November 24.11.2016

World Toilet Day 19 November

… 19 November, is about taking action to reach the 2.4 billion people living without a toilet. The theme of World Toilet Day 2016 is ‘toilets and jobs’, focusing on how sanitation, or the lack of it, can impact people’s livelihoods … http://www.un.org/en/events/toiletday/ UN-Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFhllGl1K3s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1pjvFBZ8dM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI2HaManwZo

United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 22) http://unfccc.int/meetings/marrakech_nov_2016/meeting/9567.php http://cop22.ma/en/

Video from COP22 water event 07.11.2016 … looked at how to bridge the gap between the producers and users of hydro-climate services, between water and climate communities, and between science and policy-makers and negotiators … https://vimeo.com/191079250


Klimakonferenz in Marrakesch: Es geht ums Wasser 14/11/2016 Der Klimawandel hat direkte Auswirkungen auf die natürlichen Ressourcen, die Ökosysteme und Gesellschaften. Der Wasserbereich ist dabei besonders betroffen. Das zeigen alle wissenschaftlichen Studien und Vorhersagen. Ideen, wie die Wasserwirtschaft in Zukunft aussehen könnte, kommen unter anderem vom “Office international de l’eau” aus Frankreich, das sich auch mit der Abfallverwertung und dem generellen Umweltschutz befasst. Der “Wasser-Aktionstag” wurde im Rahmen des Paris-Abkommens ausgerufen. Jetzt fand er zum ersten Mal statt. Mit dem Tag soll die Bedeutung des Wassers unterstrichen und Aufmerksamkeit für das Thema geweckt werden. Außerdem geht es darum, Lösungen und Antworten zu finden. Wasser ist von elementarer Bedeutung für die Lebensmittelsicherheit, die menschliche Gesundheit, die Energieproduktion, die Industrie, die Biodiversität. Der sichere Zugang zur Wasserversorgung bedeutet Sicherheit in all diesen Bereichen … Loïc Fauchon, Ehrenpräsident des Water Councils meinte: “Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Klimakonferenz geht es darum, dass das Wasser einen entscheidenden Platz einnimmt. Wir werden in diesen 15 Tagen viel über die Umsetzung und Pläne sprechen, über konkrete Maßnahmen, um den ärmsten Ländern zu helfen, Lösungen zu finden, die es ihnen erlauben, sich an verschiedene Veränderungen anzupassen” … http://de.euronews.com/2016/11/14/klimakonferenz-in-marrakesch-es-geht-ums-wasser siehe auch: MARRAKECH: UN conference spotlights water, the ‘first victim’ of climate change, as part of the solution 9 November 2016 – In a first for United Nations climate change conferences, a special day was devoted to action on water issues, providing stakeholders gathered in Marrakech, Morocco, for the so-called ‘COP 22’ an opportunity spotlight water as a way of providing solutions to help implement the Paris Agreement. “Water is one of the most impacted resources, but water also provides solutions to these challenges,” stressed the President of the World Water Council, Benedito Braga, who said today in a news release issued by the meeting, formally known as the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Water is critical for successful climate change mitigation, as many efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions depend on reliable access to water resources. The Action Day for Water is part of the Global Climate Action Agenda, an initiative of France and Morocco to boost cooperation between governments, cities, companies, investors and citizens on climate change … http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=55513#.WCo0lIWcHIU 09 Nov 2016 Marrakech: UN conference spotlights water, the ‘first victim’ of climate change, as part of the solution … http://reliefweb.int/report/world/marrakech-un-conference-spotlights-water-first-victim-climatechange-part-solution

18.11.2016 bis 15.02.2017 "Virtuelles Wasser" Sonderausstellung im Internationalen Maritimen Museum, Hamburg … Die interaktive Ausstellung geht in positiver Weise darauf ein, wie und wo diese großen Zahlen entstehen und welche Auswirkungen unser Konsum haben kann. Zahlreiche Mitmachstationen laden dazu ein, dem Thema „virtuelles Wasser“ in vielfältiger Art und Weise zu begegnen. Besucher der Ausstellung können entdecken, wie bereits kleine Handlungen helfen, viel Wasser zu sparen …



WASSERSTANDSMELDUNGEN Water rationing introduced as Bolivia drought worsens 20 November 2016 … Authorities have declared water rationing in La Paz to be a permanent measure as the drought in Bolivia worsens. The three main dams that supply water to the city are almost dry … Across La Paz, residents have seen their taps dry up for 60 hours at a time, followed by 12-hour periods to replenish their supplies. Bolivia's President Evo Morales … said that he has ordered a group of technicians to come up with solutions to the city's water shortage. There are plans to install 300m of piping to pump water from the nearby Kairuni River … Riots over water have broken out in Bolivia before. Those which took place in 2004 resulted in the control of water being handed over from private hands to the state … The concern is that the current weak La Nina conditions in the Pacific will trigger a drought in the country. The situation in La Paz is already critical, but could get worse if the rainy season does not start as scheduled at the end of this month. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/11/water-rationing-introduced-bolivia-drought-worsens161120093020654.html Trump promised California farmers more water. Can he deliver? November 19, 2016 More than a year ago, Fresno County farmer Wayne Western Jr. penned a letter to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, pleading for help. Western said the federal government was mismanaging California’s water supply with unjustified environmental restrictions, and that San Joaquin Valley farms such as his might dry up and go out of business without assistance from Washington. Trump replied with a handwritten note of his own, a pledge: “Got it – crazy. If I win, it will be corrected quickly” … Battles over California’s water supply have been waged for decades. Legal experts say Trump’s vow to redraw the state’s water map won’t be fulfilled quickly or easily, even with Republicans controlling both the White House and Congress. Any efforts to direct more water to San Joaquin Valley agriculture would run up against a wall of California laws and regulations aimed at protecting water rights, the environment and endangered fish species. State agencies have broad authority over the allocation of California’s water … The new political dynamics in Washington make conflict over water policy inevitable … The easiest way that Trump could deliver more water to the valley doesn’t require changing one word of existing law. He simply could order top federal fisheries managers to take a fresh look at the influential assessments known as “biological opinions” that reflect federal scientists’ analyses of how much water is needed in the rivers to sustain imperiled fish populations. Farmers argue an overly broad interpretation of the biological opinions has resulted in vast amounts of water flowing out to sea that could have been diverted to farmland. The Obama administration recently began reviewing the biological opinions with an eye toward directing more water toward fish. Farmers hope Trump will take the science in the other direction … With Trump in office, the board is going “to need to step up and do more … They’re going to need to say, ‘No, we’re not going to let you do that. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article115901493.html China's Smog May Be Letting Up But Water Is Worsening November 18, 2016 ... China is making progress in battling the damaging smog that can shroud its big cities, but in many areas – from parts of the giant Yangtze river to the coalfields of Inner Mongolia – its water pollution is getting worse. Despite commitments to crack down on polluters, the quality of water in rivers, lakes and reservoirs in several regions has deteriorated significantly, according to inspection teams reporting back to the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) … inspectors found that a fifth of the water in the Yangtze’s feeder rivers in one province was unusable, and thousands of tonnes of raw sewage were being deposited into one river in northeastern Ningxia each day … China has long been worried about a water supply bottleneck that could jeopardize future economic development. Per capita supplies are less than a third of the global average. A survey published by the MEP last year showed that nearly two thirds of underground water and a third of surface water was unsuitable for human contact, with much of it contaminated by fertilizer run-offs,


heavy metals and untreated sewage … In an action plan published last year, the government vowed to improve water quality nationwide by 2030 … While improvements have been made in the past five years, China’s growing demand for water has put increasing pressure on its limited resources, and sources of pollution have not been put under adequate control ... http://fortune.com/2016/11/18/china-smog-water-pollution/ Drought, floods and water stress cost companies $14bn 15 November 2016 A survey of 600 global companies released at the Marrakech climate change conference shows they are still not doing enough to mitigate water risks … Droughts, water scarcity and stricter environmental regulations cost businesses a reported $14bn (£11bn) this year, up from $2.6bn in 2015. Yet companies still aren’t doing enough to protect themselves from water risks … More than a quarter of the companies said water-related issues, including floods and pollution, had affected their bottom line, typically due to higher operating costs and a disruption in production … “Every business in every sector needs water in some form or another,” said Morgan Gillespy, head of water at CDP [https://www.cdp.net/de]. “Addressing water risks is vital for business continuity, protecting the bottom-line and to enable an effective response to climate change.” Many businesses rely on water for their operations, but water supplies are at risk in many parts of the world due to pressure on resources, likely to be exacerbated by the effects of climate change. Although more companies than ever are making climate change a priority in their sustainability efforts, they still aren’t moving quickly enough to tackle water risks … https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2016/nov/15/drought-floods-water-coststudy-morrocco-climate-summit BEZUGSDOKUMENT: CDP Report November 2016 Thirsty business: Why water is vital to climate action 2016 Annual Report of Corporate Water Disclosure … Written on behalf of 643 investors with US$67 trillion in assets … https://www.cdp.net/de/reports/downloads/1306 siehe auch: 15.11.2016 Wenn Wasser zum Kostenrisiko wird … http://www.handelsblatt.com/technik/energie-umwelt/kampf-gegen-denklimawandel/klimagipfel-in-marokko-wenn-wasser-zum-kostenrisiko-wird/14843800.html

INDIEN + regionales Umfeld Afghanistan’s Water-Sharing Puzzle November 21, 2016 Pakistan and Iran have always had historical claims over the water resources of Afghanistan. These claims have always been rejected by Afghanistan. The chaotic politics of water between Afghanistan and its neighbours has a long history, due to the lack of water-sharing agreements between them. Despite sharing 90% of its water resources with neighbours, Afghanistan has only one bilateral water treaty, with Iran. Signed in 1973, according to the agreement, Iran should receive 850 million cubic metres of water annually from the Helmand River basin. However, Afghan officials believe the treaty has been not fully implemented from the Iranian side. Iran has been receiving 70% more than the amount of water initially agreed upon in 1973. Furthermore, without consulting Afghanistan, Iran has built infrastructure on the water flowing from Afghanistan. As for Pakistan, several attempts at an agreement have come up short … the intervention of the World Bank did not result in an optimal outcome for both sides, and conflict continued. In 2011, the Ministry of Water and Power of Pakistan once again asked for the intervention of the United States and World Bank in achieving a water treaty with Kabul to avoid disputes on water-sharing issues. Once again, the negotiations failed and water-sharing has become a potential troublemaker between the two neighbours. President Ashraf Ghani initiated talks on “water-related issues” during his visit to Iran in 2015 … stated that the government of Afghanistan always considered river basin management to be the best instrument for dealing with water issues … it is estimated that Afghanistan’s usage will increase to 30 BCM in the future … is


currently beginning the second phase of the development on the Kajaki dam, the largest dam in Afghanistan, along with developing the Sorobi dam and accelerating the procurement processes of five major reservoirs and dams. Pakistan and Iran are both dependent on water flowing out of Afghanistan to irrigate their territories and fuel their development … Thus, Kabul needs to assure Pakistan and Iran that recent development and infrastructure-building on the Helmand and Kabul Rivers is both a legitimate right and immediate domestic need of Afghanistan. Afghanistan must convince its neighbours that these projects will not threaten their downstream communities, but will rather lead to peace-building in the region. To do that Kabul needs to build its capacity in water diplomacy … Both Pakistan and Iran have a history of sabotaging Afghan efforts to use its water resources, in addition to diplomatic meddling to hijack investment of donor countries in Afghanistan’s hydro projects. Clearly, these neighbours do not want Afghanistan to become a hydro-hegemon. These issues could be solved properly if all actors would commit themselves to regional cooperation and collective action. Any further dispute and disagreement over water sharing between Kabul and the neighbouring countries will lead to further tangled ties in the region. And future socioeconomic, environmental, and hydrologic challenges will threaten all … It is time for the leaders of these countries to agree on the common cause of development in the region and build their relationships. They must act like statesmen and work for the next generation. The only option the region has for survival is consensus and agreement on pressing issues such as security, economic progress, and water sharing. https://www.thethirdpole.net/2016/11/21/afghanistans-water-sharing-puzzle/ IDSA Rivlin’s Visit to India: Envisaging Expectations November 11, 2016 … forthcoming visit of President Reuven Rivlin to India from November 14-21 … to engage Israel as a strategic partner in developmental projects as well as in the security sphere … While no official explanation was given for Mr. Singh not visiting Ramallah, avoiding a Palestinian visit may have been a culmination of choices based somewhere between pragmatic rationality and time constraints … Coming to the present visit, reports note that a large delegation comprising of government officials and business representatives from fields as varied as agriculture, cyber security, education, energy, and water technologies would accompany President Rivlin … While India-Israel trade reached a peak of USD 6.5 billion in 2011-2012, it has remained steady at USD 4.5 billion since then. This of course does not include defense and security deals which have been kept under close wraps. Conservative estimates though indicate that their value is 2 to 3 times the amount of civilian trade … Israel is a leader in cyber security technologies … Israeli firm Cyber Spark is said to be in talks … for setting up startup incubators for cyber technology … India is known to be vulnerable in terms of cyber attacks and in line with the growing threats, Indian IT officials have held discussions with their Israeli counterparts to set up cyber security initiatives that may get reaffirmation during the Presidential visit … The recent attacks in India from across the border and the subsequent retaliation by India as witnessed in the form of surgical strikes, has again brought to attention the need to seal the difficult border areas. India would be interested in procuring Israeli laser fencing and monitoring systems in areas where physical fences cannot be placed. There is a possibility that Israel may enhance homeland security cooperation with India … India has also been keenly seeking cooperation on areas like food processing, storage and transport from Israel in the recent past … Due to acute water scarcity, there is scope for establishing more number of desalination projects involving public-private partnerships. IDE, a leading Israeli company in desalination, has several plants operating in India including in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. Another Israeli company, Mekorot, has plants in Mumbai, West Bengal, and is setting up a waste water recycling plant along with a research center for water technologies in Rajasthan. In the renewable energy sector, there is considerable scope for research and development between India and Israel … http://www.idsa.in/idsacomments/rivlins-visit-to-india_amukherjee_111116 Pakistan’s Water shortage November 06, 2016 … the expected increase in population in the country will put tremendous pressure on water supply for households, industry and agriculture. The federal minister for water and power has said that a combination of global climate change, waste


and mismanagement have led to an alarmingly rapid depletion of Pakistan’s water supply. Also, the Asian Development Bank has reported that Pakistan was next to being classified ‘water scarce’ country. The country is currently beset with a clear and present danger – the desertification of its agricultural land along with a drought. This situation is a result of climate change … it is the need of the hour that a water emergency be declared in the country and the ministries of planning and development, and water and power plan and implement a fast track water policy primarily focusing on storage reservoirs and the conservative use of water for agriculture and other uses. https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/162733-Water-shortage# IDSA China’s Dam Building Spree in Tibet: Strategic Implications and India’s Options October 21, 2016 … Dams over the Yarlung Zangpo, even if these are ‘run of river’ projects, provide China the ability to control the flow of water in the Brahmaputra. An accidental or emergent outflow from these dams could prove catastrophic. Cases in point in this regard are: the sudden rise of water in the Siang in 2000, which resulted in the death of 26 people; and, the Pareechu episode in 2005, which led to flash floods in the Sutlej causing extensive damage. In case China pursues the option of diverting the waters of the Brahmaputra, the consequences could be wide ranging. It could seriously affect the navigability of National Waterway-2 – the 890 km stretch from Sadiya to Dhubri – given the requirement of maintaining a minimum depth of 1.5 metres from Sadiya to Dibrugarh and 2 metres beyond that. Even ‘run of river’ projects are not benign. When water held back in pondage is released for the turbines to operate, it results in diurnal variation in the downstream flow. That, in turn, is likely to seriously impact India’s efforts to exploit the hydro potential of the region. Moreover, any disturbance in the existing ecological environment will have an adverse effect on the densely populated Brahmaputra Valley. To counter the Chinese grand design of ‘stealing the rivers’, India has planned to construct 76 dams with an estimated capacity of 36,900 MW, taking advantage of the ‘UN advisory on the river water dispute’, whereby a downstream riparian state can ensure ‘first user right’ on the international rivers by building dams … http://idsa.in/idsacomments/china-dam-building-spree-in-tibet_ggdwivedi_211016 siehe auch: As India mulls scrapping of Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan, China blocks tributary of Brahmaputra in Tibet to build dam Oct 1, 2016 China has blocked a tributary of the Brahmaputra river in Tibet. It is not clear yet what impact the blockade will have on India and Bangladesh China has, however, dismissed apprehensions of restricting the flow of water … Last year, China had operationalised the $1.5 billion Zam Hydropower Station, the largest in Tibet, built on the Brahmaputra river, which has raised concerns in India. But China has been maintaining that it has taken into consideration India's concerns and allays apprehensions of restricting the flow of water, saying its dams are not designed to hold water. The outline of China's 12th Five Year Plan indicates that three more hydropower projects on the mainstream of the Brahmaputra river in Tibet Autonomous Region have been approved for implementation. In March, Union minister of state for water resources Sanwar Lal Jat said in a statement that India had expressed its concerns to China about the likely impact of the dams. While there is no water treaty between the countries, India and China established an Expert Level Mechanism (ELM) on trans-border rivers and in October 2013 the two governments signed a memorandum of understanding on strengthening cooperation on trans-border rivers under which Beijing provides data to India on the water flows. The blockade of the Brahmaputra river tributary comes at a time when India's reported decision to suspend talks with Pakistan under Indus Water Treaty as part of its efforts to hit back at Pakistan in the aftermath of the Uri attack … http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/As-India-mulls-scrapping-of-Indus-Water-Treaty-withPakistan-China-blocks-tributary-of-Brahmaputra-in-Tibet-to-builddam/articleshow/54622469.cms


After 16 months, Krishna water set to quench Chennai’s thirst October 13, 2016 … After nearly 16 months, Chennai will soon receive Krishna water from Andhra Pradesh, just in time to save the city from a looming drinking water crisis. Water from the Kandaleru reservoir in Andhra Pradesh was released into the Kandaleru Poondi (KP) canal … after sustained efforts of the Tamil Nadu government that sought water to augment Chennai’s water supply … Following the recent directive of the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu, about 200 cubic feet per second of water is being discharged into the 152-km-long KP canal, which carries water from the Kandaleru reservoir to the inter-State limit in Uthukottai, Tiruvallur district … http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/After-16-months-Krishna-water-set-to-quenchChennai%E2%80%99s-thirst/article16070051.ece

Der Krieg ums Wasser hat längst begonnen 08.10.2016 Das Klimaschutzabkommen soll verhindern, dass Verteilungskämpfe um Ressourcen entstehen. In Indien sind sie jedoch längst Realität … Brennende Fahrzeuge, Tote und Verletzte: Zwei indische Bundesstaaten streiten sich so heftig wie nie um das Wasser. Und weil der Regen ausbleibt und beide Seiten sich politisch blockieren, wird die Situation immer schlimmer. In Bangalore reichen die Vorräte noch gerade bis Januar. Wegen langer Trockenheit im Frühling und in der Folge schwacher Ernte sprechen Bauern in manchen Gegenden Deutschlands von einem "existenzbedrohenden Jahr". In anderen Teilen der Welt sind Landwirte noch härter betroffen: Jahrelange Trockenheit hat ihre Böden völlig ausgedörrt. Mit verheerenden Folgen: Konflikte um die knappe Ressource Trinkwasser entbrennen derzeit nicht nur in den Dürregebieten Afrikas, sondern auch in Indien. Zwei Jahre blieb der Monsun auf dem indischen Subkontinent aus. Die Ursache: Der Monsunwind weht wegen der Erwärmung des Weltklimas kürzer als früher. Oder er fällt ganz aus und bringt keinen Regen mehr. Dem "Indian Meteorological Department" zufolge litt Indien zuletzt unter den ersten direkt aufeinander folgenden Dürren in den vergangenen 30 Jahren. Die Folgen: Missernten, Hungersnot mit zahlreichen Todesfällen, Landflucht. Zwischen den indischen Bundesstaaten Karnataka und Tamil Nadu ist zudem ein politischer Konflikt entbrannt. Dabei geht es um die Frage, welches Gebiet wie viel Wasser des Flusses Kaveri erhalten darf. Millionen Menschen, Landwirtschaft und Industrie in beiden Nachbarstaaten sind dringend auf Wasser aus diesem Strom angewiesen, der in Karnataka entspringt und in Tamil Nadu in den Golf von Bengalen mündet. Die zu verteilenden Wassermengen sind in Verträgen von 1892 und 1924 festgelegt - doch Karnataka fühlt sich historisch benachteiligt und fordert, fortan höhere Wassermengen für sich behalten zu dürfen. Die Regierung von Tamil Nadu pocht derweil auf geltende Verträge und lehnt jede Reform ab … Mit bis zu 350 Millionen Klimaflüchtlingen rechnet die UN bis 2050 weltweit. Menschen verlieren ihre Lebensgrundlage – durch Klimawandel und andere Umwelteinflüsse. Hilfsorganisationen schätzen die aktuelle Zahl der Klimaflüchtlinge weltweit auf mindestens 25 Millionen Menschen. Aufgrund von Naturkatastrophen, Wüstenbildung und Verkarstung fliehen mehr Menschen aus ihrer Heimat als wegen politischer Konflikte … In den vergangenen Wochen eskalierte der Konflikt, als Karnataka nicht die vertraglich vereinbarten Wassermengen an Tamil Nadu abgab und der oberste Gerichtshof Indiens einschritt. Als Reaktion auf das Ignorieren der höchstrichterlichen Beschlüsse erhöhte das Gericht die abzugebende Wassermenge, was zu Demonstrationen, Unruhen und Gewaltausbrüchen führte, bei denen es Dutzende Verletzte und zwei Todesopfer gab. In Bangalore, der größten Stadt Karnatakas, traten daraufhin Notstandsgesetze und zwischenzeitlich sogar Ausgangssperren in Kraft. Öffentlicher Verkehr und Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Karnataka und Tamil Nadu kamen zum Erliegen. Lastwagen, die Sperren umfahren wollten, wurden in Brand gesteckt … Während indische Politiker miteinander streiten, sind sich zumindest die Forscher im Land darin einig, dass die klimatischen Herausforderungen nicht geringer werden. Den Trend zu mehr Trockenheit beobachten sie seit langem mit Sorge: So habe Indien in den vergangenen 20 Jahren mehr Dürren verkraften müssen als in den vorangegangen 80 Jahren, heißt es. Eine Trendumkehr sei nicht in Sicht. http://www.heute.de/verteilungskaempfe-in-indien-der-krieg-ums-wasser-laeuft-schonlaengst-45541016.html


Deaths, Riots Over 130-Year-Old River Feud Highlights India's Water Risks October 4, 2016 … The Cauvery’s catchment covers 81,155 square kilometers (50,427 miles) across four states. The dispute over how much water each can access is an issue not just for farmers but for big technology companies in the area such as Google, Infosys Ltd., and International Business Machines Corp. It also presents a challenge for Prime Minister Narendra Modi in trying to get states to resolve protracted, economically-damaging disagreements. “We are from the same country and we can’t use our own water,” said Mandanna. “The Cauvery’s water flowed from Talakaveri nourishing farms through the state.” Now, he said, Tamil Nadu is asking for water not just for their farms but to service the demands of their industrial towns like Hosur as well. The Cauvery dispute -- now more than a century old -- is just one of six long-running, inter-state water feuds being heard by judicial tribunals. Settling them and establishing an integrated water regulator to resolve future disagreements is something Modi’s government has struggled to make progress on … “There’s a fundamental flaw in the way we manage our rivers,” said Himanshu Thakkar, Delhi-based coordinator for the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People. The lack of a transparent mechanism to resolve disputes combined with gaps in basic information about water flows means “it’s one state’s word against another’s” … Rising urban populations and the hard rock geology of southern India that makes water tough to draw are complicating factors in the feuds, said Shashi Shekhar, the senior-most bureaucrat in India’s water ministry … India has failed to set up an integrated water regulator since independence in 1947, with the federal government playing a limited role beyond funding projects and advising in disputes. India is one of the world’s biggest users of groundwater, and the World Resources Institute estimates more than half of the nation faces high water stress … http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-03/deaths-riots-in-bangalore-show-indiawater-risk-as-states-argue

IDSA Deactivating the Permanent Indus Waters Commission October 03, 2016 The Indus Waters Treaty (1960) has not been immune to the vicissitudes currently affecting India-Pakistan relations. In the aftermath of the attack by Pakistani terrorists on an Indian Army camp in Uri on 18 September 2016, the Government of India (GOI) has indicated its decision, at the highest level, to comprehensively review the


functioning of the Treaty. India has been a scrupulous adherent to the Treaty over the past 56 years despite the periodic conflictual relations it has had with Pakistan. In the past, India has responsibly reacted to issues raised by Pakistan on India`s water usage in the Indus basin and tried to resolve them within the legal ambit of the Treaty … If India were to shut off an institutionalised mechanism for mutual communication like the PIWC, Pakistan will further malign India on the bona fide activities the latter undertakes within the scope of its obligations and legitimate benefits accruable under the Treaty. Furthermore, it is important to mention that even in respect of the eastern rivers of the Indus system (fully allocated to India under the Treaty),there are some stretches where the flows of the eastern rivers may not be totally immune to hydrological interference by Pakistan. For instance, the waters of the tributaries of the Sutlej and Ravi flow in some stretches through Pakistan and merge into portions of the main rivers flowing through India before finally entering Pakistan. All diplomatic demarches and disputes on such matters, should they arise, may become intractable and difficult to resolve, if the first-tier mechanism of PIWC were to be deactivated … The statement of the spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on 22 September 2016 indicates that differences have arisen between India and Pakistan on the Treaty, and cooperative arrangements vis-a-vis the Treaty like the PIWC are likely to be affected because of lack of trust. The moot point now is whether India’s overall interest would be served by deactivating or downgrading a key operative instrument of the Treaty when it is in its interest to continue to adhere to the Treaty provisions and try to obtain maximum benefit legitimately obtainable by subscribing to it … From the point of view of India`s overall interests and factoring in the power sector development and agricultural and allied sectoral needs of Jammu & Kashmir, it may be appropriate to plan more efficacious water usage arrangements under the Treaty and, thereafter, adhere to our stand determinedly in defence of the consequent measures taken. For instance, projects like Tulbul (in Baramula district near Sopore) have been in cold storage since 1987 owing to Pakistan`s protestations. This, despite India’s rightful stand, that the regulation of the depletion of naturally stored water for non-consumptive use is permissible under the Treaty. It is of the essence to reckon that any project of water regulation and usage in a state like Jammu & Kashmir requires at least a ten-year time-span to be successfully operationalised. It may be worthwhile to work with such a focus towards the realization of the water usage potential assigned to India under the Treaty, rather than retracting from some provision of this international legal instrument which is internationally acclaimed as a successful water-sharing arrangement between unfriendly neighbours. http://idsa.in/idsacomments/deactivating-the-permanent-indus-waterscommission_gsen_031016 Why the India-Pakistan War Over Water Is So Dangerous September 30, 2016 As New Delhi and Islamabad trade nuclear threats and deadly attacks, a brewing war over shared water resources threatens to turn up the violence … according to India’s Defense Ministry and military, Indian forces staged a “surgical strike” in Pakistanadministered Kashmir that targeted seven terrorist camps and killed multiple militants. Pakistan angrily denied that the daring raid took place … Amid all the shrill rhetoric and saber rattling emanating from India and Pakistan in recent days - including India’s home minister branding Pakistan a “terrorist state” and Pakistan’s defense minister threatening to wage nuclear war on India - one subtle threat issued by India may have sounded relatively innocuous to the casual listener … On Sept. 22, India’s Foreign Ministry spokesman suggested, cryptically, that New Delhi could revoke the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT). “For any such treaty to work,” warned Vikas Swarup, when asked if India would cancel the agreement, “it is important for mutual trust and cooperation. It cannot be a one-sided affair.” … After David Lilienthal, a former chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority, visited the region in 1951, he was prompted to write an article in Collier’s magazine, in which he argued that a transboundary water accord between India and Pakistan would help ease some of the hostility from the partition — particularly because the rivers of the Indus Basin flow through Kashmir. His idea gained traction and also the support of the World Bank. The bank mediated several years of difficult bilateral negotiations before the parties concluded a deal in 1960. U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower described it as a “bright spot” in a “very depressing world picture.” The IWT has survived, with few challenges, to the present day ... On Sept. 26, India’s government met to review the treaty but reportedly decided that it would


not revoke the agreement — for now. New Delhi left open the possibility of revisiting the issue at a later date. Ominously, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told top officials present at the treaty review meeting that “blood and water cannot flow together.” Additionally, the government suspended, with immediate effect, meetings between the Indus commissioners of both countries — high-level sessions that ordinarily take place twice a year to manage the IWT and to address any disagreements that may arise from it. These developments have spooked Pakistan severely. Sartaj Aziz, the foreign affairs advisor to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, said revoking the IWT could be perceived as an “act of war,” and he hinted that Pakistan might seek assistance from the United Nations or International Court of Justice … The IWT is a very good deal for Pakistan. Although its provisions allocate three rivers each to Pakistan and India, Pakistan is given control of the Indus Basin’s three large western rivers — the Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab — which account for 80 percent of the water in the entire basin. Since water from the Indus Basin flows downstream from India to Pakistan, revoking the IWT would allow India to take control of and — if it created enough storage space through the construction of large dams — stop altogether the flow of those three rivers into Pakistan. To be sure, India would need several years to build the requisite dams, reservoirs, and other infrastructure to generate enough storage to prevent water from flowing downstream to Pakistan. But pulling out of the IWT is the first step in giving India carte blanche to start pursuing that objective. Pakistan is deeply dependent on those three western rivers and particularly the Indus ... If Pakistan’s access to water from the Indus Basin were cut off or merely reduced, the implications for the country’s water security could be catastrophic. For this reason, using water as a weapon could inflict more damage on Pakistan than some forms of warfare … Pakistan’s economy is the most water-intensive in the world, and yet it has dangerously low levels of water to work with. As if that’s not troubling enough, consider as well that Pakistan’s groundwater tables are plummeting precipitously. NASA satellite data released in 2015 revealed that the underwater aquifer in the Indus Basin is the second-most stressed in the world …What this all means is that India’s cancellation of the IWT would not produce New Delhi’s hoped-for result: Pakistani crackdowns on anti-India terrorists. On the contrary, Pakistan might tighten its embrace of such groups. The mere act of canceling the IWT — even if India declines to take steps to reduce water flows to Pakistan — would be treated in Islamabad as a major provocation, with fears that water cutoffs could follow, and thereby spawn retaliations … To be sure, India has good reason to be unhappy about the IWT. The treaty allocates to India only 20 percent of the entire Indus River Basin’s water flows, and New Delhi knows it’s gotten the short end of the stick. Additionally, the IWT’s provisions limit India’s ability to build hydro-projects in Kashmir. These are significant matters in a nation with its own severe water stress. According to an estimate by the New Yorker, India boasts 20 percent of the world’s population but only 4 percent of its water. Not surprisingly, more than 300 million people in India face water shortages. Severe droughts have contributed to an alarming farmer suicide campaign that has claimed a staggering 300,000 lives over the last 20 years. And in an ominous indication of what the future may hold, India is consuming more groundwater than any other country in the world. All this is to say that India has a strong case for requesting a renegotiation of the treaty. That would be a more prudent strategy than unilaterally revoking it. India should preserve its decision to keep the IWT in place. Rescinding it could have disastrous consequences for Pakistan — and especially for ordinary Pakistanis — and also damaging results for India. With India-Pakistan relations nearly on a war footing, threatening a course of action that risks humanitarian devastation could bring the subcontinental powder keg one dangerous step closer to exploding. http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/09/30/why-the-india-pakistan-war-over-water-is-so-dangerousindus-waters-treaty/ siehe auch: 28 September 2016 Why India's water dispute with Pakistan matters … International disputes are less amenable to resolution and, as climate change alters weather patterns, meteorologists say water shortages will become more common. There is already a host of other flashpoints around the world. Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan wrangle over access to the rivers that feed the Nile, Turkey and Iraq over dams on the Tigris, and Israel


and its Arab neighbours over access to waters of the Jordan. The fear is that, by imperilling one of the few treaties that has successfully governed how water is shared between any nations, Mr Modi may have opened the floodgates to a new and potent source of conflict between India and its greatest enemy, and in so doing, have set a bad example for the rest of the world. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-37483359 Sept. 27, 2016 India and Pakistan Risk Going to War Over Water … Pakistan's ally, China, could be drawn into the dispute. Pakistani media is reporting China could respond to India's action by blocking the Indus and Brahmaputra rivers, which these sources argue could choke 36 percent of India's supply of river water. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-27/india-and-pakistan-could-go-to-war-overwater Water as weapon: Risks in cutting off Indus waters to Pakistan Sep 26, 2016 The logic of cutting off Pakistan’s supply of Indus waters seems compelling, but the dangers in it for India are clear. The diplomatic offensive is having some success, especially because the strategic manipulation of the subcontinent (whether for good or bad objectives) is being challenged by terror strikes in America and Europe and the real threat of IS going global. But diplomacy takes time, and may not be seen as an effective way to address Indian anger at Uri. Surgical strikes must calculate the incalculable: Pakistan’s shaky nuclear finger and its suicidal malevolence. Let us therefore ignore the fact that the Indus Treaty has worked better than some of our domestic interstate ones, and through wars at that; put aside ethical considerations, since it is indeed true that the Treaty is premised on mutual goodwill; and ignore the fact that cutting off water would be a crime against humanity no less deplorable than terrorism. If all’s fair in war, that still leaves interconnected practical and strategic considerations … Blood and water can’t flow together, says Modi at meeting on Indus treaty … Abrogating treaties and weaponising water also have implications both domestically and perhaps vis-à-vis Bangladesh. Indirectly, they strengthen the idea that circumstances may compel Karnataka to defy the Supreme Court’s orders, and are likely to lead to a replacement of Bangladesh’s nascent goodwill by reawakening that country’s fears over the Ganga, especially given the Inter-Linking of Rivers gaining impetus. Are these pusillanimous fears or bogeys? I think not. If we are thinking strategically, we must do so in all contexts. The Indian people and our gallant armed forces have shown tremendous restraint and dealt with great frustration in the face of a barbaric enemy. But a wise general strikes wisely, not in anger. http://www.hindustantimes.com/editorials/water-as-weapon-risks-in-cutting-off-indus-watersto-pakistan/story-kYqjweM43pJlMsm8d3fN7L.html Water crisis in Bangladesh September 27, 2016 Overpumping in Dhaka may threaten regional groundwater resources outside the city … With a population of over 15 million people, Dhaka — the capital of Bangladesh — is considered a mega-city and shares many of the water management problems common to other major cities … While efforts are made to sustain water quantity and quality in city water supplies, Dhaka pumping has caused groundwater levels to drop more than 200 feet over the last 50 years and these levels continue to decline at a rate of up to 9 feet per year. An often-overlooked consequence of these actions in mega-cities is the associated effect on the water quality and supply to surrounding peri-urban or rural communities, where water resources are stressed and surface pollution from toxic metals, organic materials and other pollutants, is widespread … “It is an environmental justice problem because the people who benefit from the city water supply are not the people whose wells are at-risk of contamination – arsenic contamination only exists outside of the city. There, if a community’s well becomes contaminated because of what’s happening in Dhaka, they may not have another source of safe water” … http://www.udel.edu/udaily/2016/september/bangladesh-water-overpumping/


BEZUGSDOKUMENT: Megacity pumping and preferential flow threaten groundwater quality http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms12833 Stop water release, face issue legally September 17, 2016 … State president of Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha Kodihalli Chandrashekar has urged the State government to stop the release of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu and face the issue legally … said that the Prime Minister will intervene only when a constitutional crisis arises … the farmers of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu can solve the issue without the interference of political parties. But parties are politicising the issue to gain mileage … http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/karnataka/stop-water-release-face-issuelegally/article9118977.ece DIE Wastewater systems and energy saving in urban India … June 2016… analyses the interdependency of water and energy in India’s wastewater sector. Wastewater treatment plants consume a great deal of energy. Energy-efficient technologies are available, but are only spreading slowly in developing countries. In India, only 10% of all wastewater generated is treated, while energy demand is soaring. The case for investments in energy-efficient solutions thus seems clear. This case study analyses under which conditions and with which instruments integrated approaches to the water, energy and food (land) sectors (WEF-Nexus) are useful in various different wastewater systems across the country. It focuses on the identification of existing drivers of and barriers to the diffusion of energy-efficient technologies in India’s urban wastewater sector, uncovering how investments in resource- and lifecycle-oriented solutions could be enhanced. Key findings are that India’s urban wastewater sector is still largely in a situation of lock-in although first innovative initiatives that focus on more resource-footprint, lifecycle-oriented approaches exist in some niches … The main barriers against technology diffusion and a shift of the sector towards integrated approaches are a lack of cost recovery; vested interests in the status quo; a lack of operation and maintenance skills; and complicated processes, with many agencies and bureaucratic layers involved. Land and water scarcity are found to be catalytic to a change in planning, depending on local conditions. http://www.die-gdi.de/discussion-paper/article/wastewater-systems-and-energy-saving-inurban-india-governing-the-water-energy-food-nexus-series/


VIDEOs: Oct 29 2016 Tribal Chairman Demands Rerouting of North Dakota Pipeline, Protesters Gather at Capitol … http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/dakota-pipeline-protests/tribal-chairman-demandsrerouting-north-dakota-pipeline-protesters-gather-capitol-n675106 November 3, 2016 For Native ‘water protectors,’ Standing Rock protest has become fight for religious freedom, human rights … http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/military-force-criticized-dakota-access-pipelineprotests/


Water Protectors at Risk for PTSD 11/14/16 For Water Protectors opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, both in the camps and on the front lines, the atmosphere is not unlike that of a combat zone. In addition to rubber bullets, pepper spray and aggressive arrest tactics from police, protectors are constantly on edge from the stress of continuous surveillance and the threat that agent provocateurs may be living among them. The sound of helicopters and planes buzzing overhead gives pause to prayer and conversation as people anxiously gaze toward the sky. Heavily armed police line the hills surrounding the camps, watching Water Protectors with binoculars. Even the most mundane tasks of camp life feel dangerous here. During actions actively opposing the pipeline, the atmosphere is far worse. Some were pepper-sprayed and beaten with batons even as they prayed … Some people are showing signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). According to the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs, PTSD occurs when someone has experienced so much stress in a situation that they find themselves “stuck” in that moment even when the danger has passed. The nervous system is unable to return to its normal state of balance, keeping people from moving on from the stressful event … “The young people especially seem unable to destress after experiencing police violence,” noted Melanie Stoneman of the Sicangu Lakota tribe. Stoneman and her family have been living and volunteering at the Oceti Sakowin camp for several months … http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2016/11/14/dapl-water-protectors-risk-ptsd166447

Dakota Access Pipeline By Dave Granlund 11/22/2016

For These Americans, Clean Water Is a Luxury OCT. 20, 2016 — Most Americans take safe water for granted: Turn the tap, and there it is. But recent protests against the Dakota Access pipeline on the Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota are a reminder that some Americans still worry every day about having enough clean water to survive … Nearly 24,000 Native American and Alaska Native households somehow manage without access to running water or basic sanitation, according to 2015 figures from the Indian Health Service, living in what my organization calls “water poverty.” About 188,000 such households were in need of some form of water and sanitation facilities improvement … Perhaps the worst case is on the sprawling Navajo reservation in the Southwest, home to about 170,000 people … Ending water poverty in the United States will require a concerted effort. Nonprofits can play an important role by working with communities to develop low-tech, low-cost solutions. These programs should be managed with the communities to ensure they are sustainable. Federal and state government should focus on water-supply and sanitation projects with the goal of making these local programs


unnecessary someday. With dedication and money, water poverty on the Navajo Nation could be eradicated within a decade. That would be a powerful start. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/20/opinion/for-these-americans-clean-water-is-a-luxury.html

War Bonnet

By Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune, 9/14/2016

‘Do it for the water': Native Americans carry Potomac water on prayerful, 400-mile journey October 16 It’s noon on a Thursday, and Reyna Davila-Day would ordinarily be sitting in her AP Human Geography class, memorizing the rivers of the globe. Instead she’s stumbling in and out of a gully alongside a busy road, ignoring the cars and trucks that whiz past, walking as fast as her 14-year-old legs can carry her. Instead of memorizing the world’s most important rivers, she’s walking one of them: The mighty Potomac, 405 miles from its source in West Virginia to the Chesapeake Bay. In a 13-day relay, Davila-Day and dozens of fellow participants in a Native American ritual are walking the entire length of the Potomac, praying for its return to unpolluted health. They will speak to the water, sing to the water, and pray for the water. And now, on a Thursday afternoon half a continent away from her Human Geography class, Davila-Day is carrying the water. “It’s us showing that the water needs to be cared for, and that we care about the water,” she says, beads clinking against the copper vessel full of a few precious pints of the river. “At school, they ask why I do it. I tell them that the water has a spirit. They’re like, ‘It does?'” … The Potomac River Water Walk began with a water ceremony - a tradition in the Ojibwe tribe - at Fairfax Stone, the 18th-century marker now located in a West Virginia state park that marks the source of the Potomac River … This walk is no leisurely stroll. Day insists on a fast pace, roughly 15 minutes a mile, so that the group covers almost 30 miles a day. One person walks at a time, while the rest travel in cars and in an RV that constantly scoots ahead, about a mile at a time. At each stop, the RV pulls off the road and the next walker hops out, ready to seamlessly grab the copper vessel from the previous walker and keep rushing down the road … https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2016/10/16/do-it-for-the-water-nativeamerican-women-carry-potomac-water-on-prayerful-400-mile-journey/

IRAN Dem Iran geht das Wasser aus 05.11.2016 Die Islamische Republik verbraucht weit mehr Wasser, als sie eigentlich zur Verfügung hat. Ganze Gegenden sind bereits ausgedörrt, die Erträge der Landwirte sinken massiv … Bei den Ursachen der Katastrophe kommt vieles zusammen. Experten wie der Botaniker Hossein Akhani nennen vor allem den Boom bei Staudämmen. Existierten am


Ende der Schahzeit 1979 nur 18, sind es heute 647 – plus 680 in Bau oder Planung. Jeder Fluss im Iran ist inzwischen etliche Male gestaut. Parks und Alleebäume im grünen Teheran werden aus fünf künstlichen Becken gespeist. „Wir sind ein Land ohne fließende Gewässer“, sagt der Wissenschaftler. Zusätzlich saugen landesweit 780.000 Brunnen die unterirdischen Quellen leer, die Pumpen sind oft illegal. Fließendes Quellwasser und lauschige Gärten gehören zum persischen Selbstbild, genauso wie die nicht versiegenden Wasserhähne zu Hause, obwohl sich der Iran das längst nicht mehr leisten kann. 90 Prozent des Wassers gehen in die Landwirtschaft, zehn Prozent werden zum Trinken und für die Industrie gebraucht. Die meisten Plantagen werden traditionell mit offenen Kanälen versorgt. Nirgends existieren Kläranlagen, die Abwasser wieder zu Trinkwasser aufbereiten könnten … http://diepresse.com/home/panorama/welt/5113335/Dem-Iran-geht-das-Wasser-aus VIDEO Iran's Water Crisis 13 Nov 2016 We investigate the race to save Iran's water, before water scarcity dries out entire cities and displaces millions … It is hard to imagine life without access to sufficient quantities of fresh water, but in some parts of the world, particularly the Middle East, that is becoming more than a theoretically disturbing possibility, as climate change, mass migration, environmental degradation, drought and political instability - among other issues - make the use and management of diminishing water resources an increasing challenge. It's a particular concern in Iran, where a number of problems - not least the stifling effect of years of international sanctions - mean water depletion is now receiving some serious attention … http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/peopleandpower/2016/11/iran-water-crisis161109114752047.html Der Iran: Ein Land lechzt nach Wasser 07.10.2016 Zehntausende Farmer im Iran bangen um ihre Existenz – und nicht nur dort. Der Wassermangel im Nahen und Mittleren Osten könnte die nächste Welle blutiger Konflikte auslösen ... Zehntausende Farmer fürchten um ihre Existenz. In der südlichen Provinz Kerman musste bereits ein Drittel aller Pistazienbetriebe aufgeben. Ganze Regionen des Iran drohen zu verkarsten und unbewohnbar zu werden, denn die Islamische Republik lebt seit langem weit über ihre ökologischen Verhältnisse. Mit den jährlich verfügbaren 100 Milliarden Kubikmetern Wasser wird rücksichtsloser Raubbau getrieben. International empfehlen die Vereinten Nationen, 20 Prozent der erneuerbaren Wassermenge zu nutzen, die ökologisch rote Linie liegt bei 40 Prozent. 60 Prozent Verbrauch bedeutet Wasserstress, 80 Prozent kritische Wasserkrise. Der Iran dagegen entnimmt seinen Reservoirs 110 Prozent, dreimal mehr als das gerade noch verkraftbare Maximum, eine Ausbeutung, für die es in der internationalen Klassifikation gar keine Kategorie mehr gibt … Die Ursachen der Katastrophe sind vielfältig. Experten … nennen vor allem den Boom der Staudämme. Existierten am Ende der Schahzeit 1979 nur 18, sind es mittlerweile 647 – plus weitere 680 in Bau oder in Planung. Jeder Fluss im Iran ist x-mal gestaut. Parks und Alleebäume im „grünen Teheran“ werden aus fünf künstlichen Becken gespeist … Zusätzlich saugen 780 000 Brunnen die unterirdischen Aquifers leer, deren Pumpen zur Hälfte illegal sind … 90 Prozent des Wassers gehen in die Landwirtschaft, 10 Prozent werden zum Trinken und für die Industrie gebraucht. Die Bevölkerung hat sich seit der Islamischen Revolution 1979 von 33 auf 80 Millionen mehr als verdoppelt, die landwirtschaftliche Produktion vervierfacht. Und die Verschwendung ist astronomisch, weil Wasser praktisch nichts kostet. Der Pro-KopfVerbrauch ist doppelt so hoch wie im Weltdurchschnitt. Die meisten Plantagen werden traditionell mit offenen Kanälen versorgt. Nirgendwo existieren Kläranlagen, die Abwasser wieder zu Trinkwasser aufbereiten können … Der Iran ist nur ein Beispiel. Alle Staaten im Nahen und Mittleren Osten leiden unter zunehmendem Wassermangel, der die nächste Welle blutiger Konflikte auslösen könnte. Die Nasa, deren Forscher Wachstumsringe von Bäumen in Nordafrika, Libanon, Jordanien, Syrien und der Türkei untersuchten, sprach


kürzlich von der schlimmsten Trockenheit in der Region seit 500 Jahren. Entsprechend erbittert ist der Zank auch um die großen Ströme der Region. Um Euphrat und Tigris streiten Türkei, Syrien und der Irak. Der Nil entzweit Äthiopien und Ägypten, der Jordan Israel und Jordanien, der Karoun Irak und Iran ... Spektakulärster Fall ist der ruinierte Urumieh-See im Nordwesten … Trotzdem machen die Bauern weiter, als sei nichts geschehen. 20 Kilometer entfernt wird sogar Reis angepflanzt, obwohl das verboten ist. Büsche mit Granatäpfeln stehen bis an die ausgedörrten Ufer, weil ihre Besitzer aus den immer tieferen Brunnen noch die letzten Tropfen herausholen … Seit dem Amtsantritt von Präsident Hassan Rohani 2013 ist der Wassernotstand zum ersten Mal Chefsache. Mit einem Nationalen Wasserplan will die iranische Führung den Verbrauch in den nächsten 20 Jahren auf das UN-Niveau von 60 Prozent, also höchstem Wasserstress, herunterdrücken – viel zu wenig und viel zu langsam, bemängeln die Kritiker … http://www.swp.de/ulm/nachrichten/politik/der-iran_-ein-land-lechzt-nach-wasser13756875.html Iran, FAO Sign Agreement to Save Lake Oroumiyeh September, 06, 2016 … At the ceremony held at Sharif University of Technology on Tuesday, Mr. Serge Nakouzi, the FAO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran and to the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), and Dr. Issa Kalantari, Adviser to the Iranian President on Water, Agriculture and Environment, who is also the Secretary of Urmia Lake Restoration Commission (ULRC) signed the agreement in the presence of Japan's ambassador to Iran, Hiroyasu Kobayashi. “The project will accelerate halting and inverting the lake’s drying-up process by targeting reduction of water consumption within the Urmia Lake basin” the FAO Representative said … http://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2016/09/06/1180106/iran-fao-si Vielen Dank für diesen Lesehinweis nach Hannover! J.B. … siehe auch: 09/03/16 Japan Donates 3.7 million US dollars to FAO on Saving Urmia Lake in Iran … http://www.fao.org/iran/news/detail-events/en/c/386893/ Iran links water deal with France, Sweden Aug. 29 (MNA) – The Iranian Energy Minister Chitchian has reported on signing of new water consumption management contracts with Swedish and French firms … pointed to capacities and potentials of Iran in power and water industries saying “at the present time, the country’s electricity production capacity reaches more than 75,000 megawatts” … while recalling Iran’s earlier close-knit ties with a French firm over water consumption management, referred to poor conditions of water resources resulting from climate change and emphasized “Iran remains as one of the victims of climate change in the world which has exerted its adverse effects in the form of drought” … “Iran has entered into fruitful contracts with France and Sweden on the issue of water consumption management while the possibility exists for further cooperation in several other areas including deep water exploration, restoration and balance of groundwater as well as use of new technologies in the field of desalination,” he underscored. http://en.mehrnews.com/news/119315/Iran-inks-water-deal-with-France-Sweden

----------Judge Orders That Bottled Water Be Delivered to Residents of Flint, Mich. NOV. 10, 2016 A federal judge in Michigan on Thursday ordered that bottled water be delivered to residents of Flint, Mich., more than two years after the city’s switch to an untreated source resulted in contaminated and undrinkable water … Judge Lawson also ordered that officials provide information in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Hmong, to residents about lead levels of city water and how to install filters that properly reduce the contamination … Flint had fought the request for deliveries of water, arguing that residents had sufficient access to clean water from distribution centers throughout Flint and at home using filters that the city provided. Judge Lawson disagreed. Residents struggled to properly install the filters because of language barriers, old age,


cognitive barriers or a lack of necessary tools, the judge said. Others struggled to retrieve water even from the distribution centers … http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/11/us/flint-michigan-water-ruling.html?_r=0

Easy Plumbing Fix For Federal Aid to Flint By RJ Matson, 9/29/2016

How land use change affects water quality, aquatic life November 7, 2016 … "We're doing a lot of data mining" ... They hope to use long-term data from water quality assessments to evaluate relationships between beneficial water uses and land use patterns. Those beneficial water uses include fish and wildlife propagation, recreation and stock watering sources, in addition to more specific uses such as domestic water supply … The researchers hypothesize that current approaches for dealing with excess water, such as wetland draining and tiling, could stabilize water levels in small lakes and impoundments. This then interrupts the normal ebb and flow that is advantageous to fish populations … https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/11/161107160600.htm Turning sun into water in parched rural Morocco November 9, 2016 … working to reverse an exodus from the mountains as people seek easier lives elsewhere … local problems feed into each other; isolation makes life difficult, which encourages people to quit the countryside. Abandoned fields lead to land erosion, which in turn also spurs on the exodus. And in the background, there is the constant shortage of water … Two rows of black solar panels, two metres (2.2 yards) across and 10 metres long, are connected to a generator which feeds a pump extracting water from underground … Solar energy alone won't be enough to solve Tafoughalt's perennial water shortage. "That's why we've installed tanks to collect river water, and we're also working on installing technology to make the use of water more efficient" … http://phys.org/news/2016-11-sun-parched-rural-morocco.html As climate heats up, Arizona confident in water-conservation efforts November 8, 2016 Some parts of southwest Arizona could experience more than 140 days of temperatures above 100 degrees within 20 years, according to a climate change model from the Environmental Protection Agency. The impact of rising temperatures would be most dramatic between Phoenix and Yuma, but areas all across Arizona could see greater vulnerability to drought, with extreme heat straining water resources. But water utilities and state agencies say they are confident that the state has been careful in its water use, and


communities and water utilities have developed responses to changing climates for years … Besides increasing demand, the EPA says rising temperatures could alter surface water quality, presenting new challenges to make sure the water is safe to use. http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-contributor/2016/11/08/climate-heats-uparizona-confident-water-conservation-efforts/93516896/ Denver Water Project Puts More Pressure on the Colorado Nov. 8, 2016 … Regulatory hurdles are nearing an end for a massive dam expansion project near here, which critics say would take even more water out of the river in order to boost supplies for the booming Denver area. That is on top of other projects planned to divert water in the upper basin of the 1,450-mile river. Next year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is expected to decide whether to issue a permit to triple the capacity of Gross Reservoir in the Rocky Mountain foothills, with additional shipments of about 18,000 acre feet of water a year from the Colorado River watershed … The Colorado provides water to 30 million people in the Southwest, from Denver to Los Angeles. It’s biggest customer is Southern California. But the Colorado has been running at such reduced flows during a 15-year drought that the level of Nevada’s Lake Mead, which is fed by the river, has fallen more than 100 feet in the past decade—nearly to the point that would trigger federal officials to declare a water shortage on the river. If a shortage is declared, some states would see their supplies cut. Arizona, for example, would see up to a 20% reduction … http://www.wsj.com/articles/denver-water-project-puts-more-pressure-on-the-colorado1478640265 A visionary solution for the water issue 11/06/2016 … Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry recently paid an official visit to Israel and met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Of the issues discussed between the two, the most important was that Egypt might consider appointing Netanyahu as its mediator to resolve its water dispute with Ethiopia … overlooked was the fact that Israel will manage the electricity output from the Renaissance Dam and is in general becoming a strong presence on the continent … for Egypt a higher share of cleaner Nile water for irrigation, industrial and commercial usage. We can build pipelines or construct canals to reach the western desert regions depending on site surveys and cost-benefit analyses. Israeli innovations and technology in agriculture will be an added assist. For Israel, the plan will guarantee a continuous flow of Nile water to meet its current and future needs. It will be then be in a position to sell water to both Jordan and Palestinians in return of securing peace for its people … Once Israeli technology is adapted in Egypt, together the two countries will gain entrance to African markets … http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/A-visionary-solution-for-the-water-issue-471856 Feds may order first cuts in water from Colorado River; CU team issues warning to next president November 5, 2016 … Arizona, California and Nevada could face shortages starting in 2018 … A University of Colorado team led by a former Obama administration water chief has issued a water warning to the next president: the Colorado River cannot meet the current needs of 35 million westerners and cuts likely must be made. The next president could be faced with ordering a first-ever reduction in water siphoned from the river by 333,000 acre feet next August, a report by the Colorado River Future Project contends … U.S. Bureau of Reclamation officials on Tuesday confirmed the finding. Federal models show a 48 percent chance that, without cuts, lower basin states Arizona, California and Nevada would face shortages starting in 2018 … http://www.denverpost.com/2016/11/05/colorado-river-water-cuts/ BEZUGSDOKUMENTE University of Colorado, Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment: http://www.colorado.edu/law/research/gwc A ROADMAP FOR THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR https://www.colorado.edu/law/sites/default/files/CO-River-Roadmap-Secy-of-Interior.pdf


OPPORTUNITIES FOR TANGIBLE PROGRESS https://www.colorado.edu/law/sites/default/files/Colorado%20River%20Policy%20Opportuniti es%20for%20Tangible%20Progress.pdf Wassermanagement in Brasilien 04.11.2016 In Brasilien kämpft die Bevölkerung mit Wasserversorgungsproblemen. Das soll sich ändern: Mit grüner Energie und cleverer Software sollen Millionen Menschen nicht mehr länger auf dem Trockenen sitzen müssen … 2014 verursachte eine beispiellose Wasserkrise einen historisch niedrigen Wasserspiegel im größten Stausee des Cantareira Systems, das São Paulo mit Wasser versorgt. Wegen einer Kombination aus klimatischen Faktoren, einem extrem trockenen Sommer und einem Wasserverbrauchsanstieg über mehrere Jahre hinweg, saßen letztlich tausende Bewohner der Stadt auf dem Trockenen. Dieses Ereignis war ein Warnsignal für die fragliche Handhabung der Wasserressourcen brasilianischer Großstädte … Samuel Barrêto, Fachmann für Wasservorkommen und Manager der Naturschutzorganisation The Nature Conservancy (TNC) … 2015 hat er eine Bewegung ins Leben gerufen, die sowohl Stadtverwaltungen als auch Unternehmen aus Brasiliens Großstadtregionen zusammenführt, um Wasserschutzmaßnahmen zu erarbeiten. In der „Coalizão Cidades Pela Água“ beteiligen sich mittlerweile neben sechs Großstadträumen (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Vitória, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia und Curitiba) auch multinationale Konzerne wie Ambev, Coca-Cola, Klabin oder Unilever. Eine der größten Herausforderungen ist, die Behörden von der Notwendigkeit zu überzeugen, in grüne Infrastrukturen zu investieren – etwa in eine Aufforstung von Wäldern nahe der Wasservorkommen … Den Stadtregionen stellt sich aber ein weiteres wichtiges Problem: bedeutende Wasserverluste im Versorgungsnetz … Das Projekt Programa Água Doce hat zum Ziel, den Zugang zu Trinkwasser an diesen Orten zu erleichtern. Dabei werden Entsalzungsanlagen mit Sonnenstrom angetrieben … Bis Juni 2017 wird angestrebt, insgesamt 120 Entsalzungsanlagen in ganz Rio Grande do Norte zu bauen … http://www.handelsblatt.com/technik/energie-umwelt/kampf-gegen-denklimawandel/wassermanagement-in-brasilien-wasser-marsch/14793876.html As Water Dries Up, West Bank Village Thirsts for Less Precarious Supply November 01, 2016 A mountainous Palestinian community in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Al Jab'a differs in many ways from surrounding Israeli settlements but it shares one worry with its neighbors — a shortage of water. In the last few decades, the West Bank has seen rainfall decrease and groundwater levels fall, with drought expected to become "more frequent [and] more intense," according to a 2012 United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) report. Residents of Al Jab'a, who once had to walk for hours daily to fetch water, do have limited access to Israeli water supplies in their concrete homes due to a reservoir, pipeline and pump built in 2013 by an Italian non-governmental organization … But the water provided is not enough … numerous rural and Bedouin communities in the West Bank are not connected to a network run by Israel's national water company, Mekorot, which is responsible for supplying water to Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territory … In Al Jab'a, only 10 percent of homes were part of the Mekorot distribution system until the pipes and reservoir completed in 2013 extended the network to the remaining households. Water piped by Mekorot is pumped up the hill to be stored in the reservoir. But this has not completely resolved the community's water problems. Residents say the Mekorot system supplies water only intermittently and at low pressure. When supplies flow, families must hurry to store as much as they can. In addition, residents like Musa and his family fear the reservoir could be demolished by the Israeli authorities because, like many of their homes, the structure was built without an official permit … After the 1967 war in which Israel acquired the West Bank, Israel imposed restrictions on well drilling and constructing distribution networks, which has left a quarter of Palestinians without piped water, according to a report by the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs … An assessment by UNICEF in 2015 showed that 400,000 Palestinians from 1.7 million living in the West Bank were in need of improved water, sanitation and hygiene services … Israel, however, points out that it provides the Palestinians with double the 30 million cubic meters of water annually that was


agreed to in the 1995 Oslo accords … Apart from building reservoirs, Von Medeazza suggests rehabilitating around 300 ancient cisterns — underground storage tanks dating from Roman times that once collected water in the rainy season. These have the potential to be used today and would be a cost-effective measure, he said. Around 80 such cisterns have been restored so far by a coalition of non-governmental organizations … http://www.voanews.com/a/west-back-village-thirsts-water-supply/3575150.html Water conservation improved in September but is still worse than in 2015 Water conservation improved in September but is still worse than in 2015 2016-11-01 Californians halted a three-month slide in water conservation in September, saving enough to hearten state regulators who previously had expressed alarm about possible drought fatigue. Residents and businesses cut their water consumption by 18.3% … compared with the same month in 2013 … In its statement … the board praised many water suppliers for maintaining high levels of conservation — including some that saved more this September than in September 2015 … However, regulators also singled out a few suppliers that they said were not “sustaining significant conservation” … During the 16-month period that ended in September, Californians used 23% less water compared with 2013 benchmarks … http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-water-conservation-20161101-story.html Danke für diesen Tipp nach Berlin-Mitte! J.B. „Den deutschen Gewässern könnte es besser gehen“ … 2. November 2016 ... berichtet die Bundesregierung der EU-Kommission … Damit beschreibt sie den Zustand, die Zielerreichung gemäß Wasserrahmenrichtlinie und Maßnahmen zur Erweichung der Zielvorgaben der EU beim Wasser in Deutschland. Demnach sind rund 34 Prozent der Gewässer in einem „unbefriedigenden“, 19 Prozent sogar in einem „schlechten“ Zustand. Bei 36 Prozent sei die Qualität „mäßig“, knapp 8 Prozent werden als „gut“ und nur 0,3 Prozent als „sehr gut“ bewertet … Die häufigsten Ursachen für das Verfehlen des „guten ökologischen Zustands“ sind veränderte Gewässerstrukturen – und damit fehlende Habitate – und eine zu hohe Nährstoffbelastung der Fließgewässer … Insgesamt, so betont der Bericht jedoch, habe sich der Zustand der Gewässer in Deutschland in den letzten Jahrzehnten deutlich verbessert … steigen die Stickstoff-Überschüsse jedoch wieder an. Damit wurde das gesteckte Ziel verfehlt. Dazu haben, erklärt der Bericht, vermutlich der vielfältige Umbruch von Dauergrünland zum nachfolgenden Biomasseanbau (häufig Mais) beigetragen … http://www.lebensraumwasser.com/?p=5795 BEZUGSDOKUMENT: Die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie – Deutschlands Gewässer 2015 September 2016 Laut der europäischen Wasserrahmenrichtlinie sollen Flüsse, Seen, Übergangsgewässer, Küstengewässer und Grundwasser spätestens bis zum Jahr 2027 in einem „guten Zustand“ sein. Für den Weg dahin hat die Europäische Union den Mitgliedstaaten einen klaren Zeitplan und drei sechsjährige Bewirtschaftungszyklen vorgegeben. Die vorliegende Broschüre zeigt die Ergebnisse des ersten Bewirtschaftungszeitraumes und die Entwicklung seit dem Jahr 2009 und gibt einen Ausblick auf den beginnenden zweiten Bewirtschaftungszeitraum … http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/die-wasserrahmenrichtlinie-deutschlandsgewaesser Florida And Georgia Argue In Court Over Water Rights 2016-10-30 … a fight between Florida and Georgia over water rights continues in the courts. The decades-long dispute is over how much water Georgia can take from its rivers … The case pits Florida against Georgia, and the case affects oystermen in Florida, farmers in south Georgia and people and businesses in Atlanta … The most basic thing to know about this case is that Florida says Georgia uses too much water, and it calls out Atlanta, which gets most of its water from the Chattahoochee River … For the past two decades, Florida, Georgia and Alabama have fought over this water. Now Florida's suing Georgia in the U.S.


Supreme Court over it ... two economies, Apalachicola and Atlanta, rely on the same water. And there are others in between who need it, too - the state of Alabama, other cities, utilities, people who boat or fish in the rivers, wildlife. And there's another river in this system, the Flint. It runs through the middle of Georgia and eventually meets up with the Chattahoochee to form the Apalachicola. Farmers who rely on that river are worried … Both states should be able to grow, have strong economies, have clean water supplies and have healthy river systems. But it's going to take a lot of work and it's going to take a lot of compromise to make that happen … http://www.npr.org/2016/10/30/499985890/florida-and-georgia-argue-in-court-over-waterrights siehe auch: Alabama sides with Florida against Georgia in water wars Oct. 25, 2016 Alabama, not surprisingly, is throwing its legal weight behind Florida in an attempt to keep Georgia from using too much of the Chattahoochee River. A trial is set … to determine whether Georgia, metro Atlanta in particular, hogs the Chattahoochee and Flint rivers to the environmental and economic detriment of downstream Florida. In readying for the latest legal twist in the never-ending legal battle — 27 years long and running — Gov. Nathan Deal this week shifted another $2.5 million from his emergency fund to pay for lawyers. In all, Deal has set aside $24 million this year alone to fight Florida and, now, Alabama. The U.S. Supreme Court agreed three years ago to hear Florida’s lawsuit which contends that Georgia does not allow an “equitable distribution” of the rivers. Alabama, a participant in earlier legal skirmishes in the so-called tri-state water war, filed a friend-of-thecourt brief last week supporting Florida’s call for a cap on Georgia’s water use … http://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/alabama-sides-with-florida-againstgeorgia-water-wars/jCXPDOVTpjTq9kvNDAEU9N/ Oct. 31, 2016 5 Things to know as Georgia-Florida water wars trial begins … http://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/things-know-georgia-florida-waterwars-trial-begins/41tWX8CJrXKtrtZS2ZbwRP/ Clean water becomes battleground 25 October, 2016 … Water even became an issue of foreign policy for India last week. Prime Minister Modi is considering changes to India’s water supply to neighboring Pakistan. The battle for clean water is finally over for two remote villages, thanks to India Partners and their in-country cohort … Through indigenous partner ministries, India Partners works to provide clean, safe water for remote villages. According to the ministry, 128 million people in the country lack access to safe water. India Partners aims to alleviate this need by digging wells in remote villages. Not only does this provide safe drinking water, the well’s central location in a village eliminates time-consuming walks … Approximately five percent of India’s 1.25 billion people lack clean water — that’s over a tenth of the world’s 650 million people without clean water access … Sanitation is another key concern. According to World Bank, approximately 21 percent of all communicable diseases in India are related to unsafe drinking water … India Partners addresses both needs in their Safe Water program. While the wells provide clean water, India Partners’ community health and hygiene trainings teach villagers about hand washing, basic hygienic practices, the importance of washing their food, etc. Glass says it’s important “not just to have water, but to know that you’re keeping it clean and safe” … https://www.mnnonline.org/news/clean-water-becomes-battleground/ Palestinian villages 'get two hours of water a week' 24 October 2016 Israeli control over water supplies in the occupied West Bank has left Palestinians desperate. Israel implements a policy of water cuts each summer, but this year it reached an unprecedented peak. Ramallah, occupied West Bank - Enas Taha, a resident of the Palestinian village of Kafr al-Deek in the occupied West Bank, has become desperate. "Since the [water] crisis started in June, the municipality has been able to supply water for only one hour twice a week," Taha told Al Jazeera. "I am checking the weather forecast every day; they announced rain three weeks ago, but it has not come yet. The only thing I


can do is to pray to God." Many West Bank communities are facing similar problems, amid an acute water shortage that has lasted for months … Some Palestinians have joked that the water bill collector comes to their homes more often than water … In early June, Israeli water company Mekorot informed the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) of summertime supply cuts totalling more than 50 percent - and the cuts, while not as dramatic, remain in effect today, more than a month after the official end of summer … Israeli officials have stated that water resources are shared equally in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, a unit in the Israeli army, noted that Israel provides 64 million cubic metres of water to the Palestinians annually, even though it is only obliged to provide 30 million under the Oslo accords … However, disparity is evident in the lush gardens, parks and swimming pools in illegal Israeli settlements. The key difference is that Palestinian villages in the West Bank are not connected to the national water grid, relying instead on local underground supplies. Palestinians living in remote areas have been hit the hardest by the ongoing water crisis, as access roads are often poor and the additional costs of delivery result in higher prices ... In the meantime, Israel has accused Palestinians of tapping into pipes, with the Israeli Water Authority asserting that 5,000 cubic metres of water is stolen every day by Palestinians … At the same time, increased water demands owing to growing Israeli and Palestinian populations is stretching the limits of existing water infrastructure. Most of the water network was installed in 1967, when Israel occupied the West Bank. Today, the diameters of the pipes are inadequate, and the system is reaching the end of its life cycle … http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/10/palestinian-villages-hours-water-week161023105150024.html Sewage Shortage Threatens Pure Water Plan October 22, 2016 San Diego’s Pure Water program, which aims to make sewer water drinkable, is facing an obstacle: there’s not enough sewage. The city collects and treats sewage from several other places in the county. But because the drought has caused people to use less water – meaning there is less water in parts of the sewer system – the city may need to spend more than $400 million to redirect sewage to a plant where the water can be purified into drinking water … http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/topics/news/morning-report-measure-a-gains-supporter-inwake-of-tragedy/ Trevi continues dam repairs despite Mosul battle 20 October, 2016 … Around 450 Trevi engineers and staff members are on site, protected by the Italian military. A spokesman for Trevi confirmed the work is continuing as planned … https://www.newcivilengineer.com/world-view/trevi-continues-dam-repairs-despite-mosulbattle/10012949.article Climate change killing East Africa’s water resources October 20 2016 Mount Kilimanjaro, one of East Africa's most important sources of water is drying up due to the impact of climate change. Populations and property near Mount Elgon on the Kenya-Uganda border are also being threatened by the impact of climate change, Unep said in a report on the status of mountain environments in East Africa. The Kenyan and Ugandan governments are further urged to “harmonise their environmental policies because, at the moment, they are scattered, disjointed and sometimes contradictory and are therefore failing to address climate change and mitigation issues, particularly in mountain areas.” Unep's report explains that Kilimanjaro's forests feed Tanzania's Pangani River, and this vital resource for much of East Africa is threatened by an increasing number of wildfires on the mountain … http://www.nation.co.ke/news/Climate-change-killing-water-resources/1056-3423570-uj0mob/ BEZUGSDOKUMENT: Sustainable mountain development in East Africa in a changing climate http://www.unep.org/roe/Portals/139/documents/Press%20Releases/AfricaFlyer_screen.pdf


siehe auch: UNEP- WATER PROFILES FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES IN AFRICA http://www.unep.org/dewa/Assessments/Ecosystems/Water/CountryWaterProfileinAfrica/tabi d/29935/Default.aspx As California Water Use Rises, Some Ask: Were Limits Eased Too Soon? OCT. 19, 2016 — This state slashed urban water use over 25 percent in the face of a punishing drought last year, exceeding a mandatory order issued by Gov. Jerry Brown and turning California into a model of water conservation. Californians tore out lawns, cut back landscape watering and took shorter showers as they embraced Mr. Brown’s call to accommodate what he warned were permanently drier times. But this year, after regulators lifted the mandatory 25 percent statewide cut following a relatively wet winter, water use is up again, a slide in behavior that has stirred concern among state officials and drawn criticism that California abandoned the restrictions too quickly. In August, water conservation dropped below 18 percent compared with August 2013, the third consecutive month of decline. “The lifting of the mandatory conservation targets was a big mistake,” said Peter H. Gleick, a founder of the Pacific Institute, a think tank dedicated to water issues. “It sent the wrong message, it stopped the implementation of a growing set of effective urban conservation and efficiency programs, and it took pressure off both utilities and individuals to continue to improve water-use efficiency.” Felicia Marcus, the chairwoman of the Water Resources Control Board, said the state could not continue to ask Californians to take emergency measures amid evidence that the situation had eased. Still, she said she was concerned by the rise in water use and warned that the state may reimpose mandatory cuts if conservation continues to decline and California endures another dry winter. “It’s not clear whether it is an understandable and reasonable relaxation or a turning away from the effort,” she said. “You can see it as people still saving two-thirds of what they were saving in the worst water moment in modern history, or you can worry that people are saving one-third less than last year. It really appears to be a mixed picture” … http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/20/us/as-drought-california-water-use-rises-some-askwere-limits-eased-too-soon.html In parched Sri Lanka, biggest shortage is of water policy 18 October 2016 - In this village in southern Sri Lanka's Hambantota District, water sales are big business. Beset by a prolonged dry spell and day-time temperatures reaching above 36 degrees Celsius … the village has seen all of its wells run dry. Water arrives once every three days in the form of a free government tanker, but it's not always enough to last. Buying a tanker of water privately costs 5,000 rupees ($34), more than most people can pay. Instead the village's farmers and traders buy their water in one-liter bottles from small-scale vendors who charge four to 10 rupees a liter (less than one U.S. cent) for drinking water brought from about 30 kilometres away. "We buy drinking water, and try to use other sources for cooking and washing," said Sarath Mahanama, one villager. Those other sources include the muddy puddle left in the bottom of a nearly empty nearby water reservoir … Nine districts in Sri Lanka's Southern, Northern, North Eastern and southeastern Uva provinces have been hit by drought. According to the national Disaster Management Center, by mid-October over 875,000 people were being provided with government tanker water in these areas ... Today, in some drought-hit areas of Sri Lanka, for instance, water remains in storage dams but officials are reluctant to release it, fearing there will not be enough irrigation water for farmers to plant in the next growing season that starts in November … http://news.trust.org/item/20161018073444-xzy1e/ China's dirty water gives Pentair and Ecolab a big business opportunity October 15, 2016 “Great Opportunity in China” isn’t a headline we have seen much this year. Yet U.S. companies from spigot manufacturers on up should have figured out by now that there are sales to be made in helping China solve its growing water -scarcity problem. They certainly recognize that inside the offices of locally based companies like Pentair and Ecolab, the biggest of an emerging Minnesota cluster of companies that make products to


conserve and clean water. Market size and growth rate -estimates vary, of course, but even the cautious view says the market for this technology should grow two or three times faster than the Chinese economy. While economic growth has slowed, it is still -chugging along at about 7 percent per year … If present trends continue … by 2030 there will be 40 percent more clean water needed than the world can supply or the Earth can replenish. At least three quarters of the world’s biggest economies by then will be in … “high water stress.” That is what makes China so interesting … China still would have had a water-scarcity problem even if it had managed to keep the water it had a lot cleaner. Roughly one in five people on the planet is Chinese, yet China only has about 7 percent of the world’s freshwater supply … more than 400 Chinese cities now suffer from water shortages and at least 280 million people in China lack safe drinking water. What has changed lately, though, is that the Chinese won’t put up with bad water or water shortages any more. In China, the central government still runs things, and last year the government produced its so-called Water Ten Plan to set standards for industrial water discharge, water efficiency and other measures … The opportunity in China isn’t all with large projects or just with the government support. It should be no surprise that the consumer market for products used to treat water in apartment units and houses is also huge there … It is also worth noting that the Minnesota players in water technology have an opportunity to sell a lot more of what they make in lots of other markets. Ecolab’s Beck said China isn’t alone as a great growth opportunity, listing the United States as just as exciting over the long term … http://www.startribune.com/lee-schafer-china-s-dirty-water-gives-pentair-and-ecolab-a-bigbusiness-opportunity/397129151/ Utah water strategy is puzzling to advocates and even some who drafted it Oct 14 2016 Water experts and advocates worry that a draft state water strategy released late last month is all talk, offering few specifics and many contradictions when it comes to water management. The Recommended State Water Strategy is also built on some baseline assumptions — including that Utah should be able to produce enough food to feed its population — that are raising eyebrows, among even those who contributed to the document. Here are a few of the controversial statements … One of the 18 baseline assumptions of the report is that there's no way Utah can meet its future water needs without new infrastructure, and the document recommends both the Lake Powell Pipeline and the Bear River Project for construction … http://www.sltrib.com/news/4377999-155/utah-water-strategy-is-puzzling-to?fullpage=1 BEZUGSDOKUMENT: Utah Water Strategy Recommendations http://www.envisionutah.org/projects/utah-water-strategy Desalination is costliest California water solution October 14, 2016 As communities across California weigh their long-term water options, some potential fixes will cost much more than others. Researchers have done detailed number-crunching and found that building desalination plants on the coast would top the list among the most expensive strategies. In a report … the Pacific Institute estimated the costs of various alternatives for generating water supplies for urban areas, such as water recycling and stormwater capture projects, and compared those with the costs of a range of water conservation measures … Researchers at the Pacific Institute have previously recommended bigger efforts to encourage water conservation and efficiency improvements in California. Managers of water agencies have long known that desalination using reverseosmosis technology turns out to be a relatively expensive alternative. But Cooley said the new estimates can help policymakers and communities in comparing options … The report focuses on alternative water supplies for urban areas. The researchers point out in the report that the state’s rivers are overallocated, groundwater is being severely depleted in many areas, and new reservoirs “are expensive, politically controversial, and offer only modest improvements in water supply” … http://www.desertsun.com/story/news/environment/2016/10/14/desalination-costliestcalifornia-water-solution-study-finds/91973414/


BEZUGSDOKUMENTE: Existing and Proposed Seawater Desalination Plants in California http://pacinst.org/publication/key-issues-in-seawater-desalination-proposed-facilities/ Desalination and Alternative Supplies http://pacinst.org/issues/sustainable-water-management-local-to-global/desalination-andalternative-supplies/ Controversial water tunnel will go on as planned October 14 2016 The controversial Sh6.8 billion project meant to increase water supply in Nairobi will proceed as planned, Athi Water Services Board (AWSB) chief executive Malaquen Milgo has said … dismissed claims that the Northern Collector Tunnel (NCT), which is being built by AWSB, will harm the environment … the project was subjected to public review and an impact assessment study and research were done indicating there would be no impact on the flow of rivers … said once the project is completed, the supply of water to Nairobi residents will rise by 140,000 cubic metres per day … the host county will derive benefits through the implementation of community water projects … The project, partly funded by the World Bank, has caused controversy, with critics arguing that it would turn parts of central Kenya and areas where the River Tana traverses into deserts. http://www.nation.co.ke/news/Controversial-water-project-will-go-on-as-planned--boardCEO/1056-3416432-9grvcu/ Wasserversorgung und Bildung in Afrika … 10. Oktober 2016 … Ausbildung und Schulwesen hängen auch von einer funktionierenden Wasserversorgung ab. In vielen Regionen Afrikas sind die Kinder, weil sie die fehlende öffentliche Trinkwasserversorgung ersetzen müssen, vom Zugang zur Bildung ausgeschlossen – wenn sie denn überhaupt existiert … muss das Wasser noch in Kanistern herangeschafft werden. Dieser Wassertransport ist traditionell Aufgabe von Kindern. Fast immer sind es Mädchen, die sich auf den mehrere Kilometer langen, nicht selten gefährlichen Weg machen müssen. Selbst wenn es Schulen gäbe, für Bildung bliebe ihnen keine Zeit. Statt Schreiben und Rechnen zu lernen, müssen sie für ihre Familie Wasser holen … Der aktuelle Weltbildungsbericht 2016 der UNESCO räumt Versäumnisse ein: „Nur 70 Prozent der Kinder aus Entwicklungsländern werden bis 2030 die Grundschule besuchen, ein Ziel das bis 2015 hätte erreicht werden sollen. Wir brauchen daher politischen Willen, die politischen Handlungsfelder, Innovationen und die Ressourcen, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen.“ Wollen wir verhindern, dass die Menschen sich als Flüchtlinge auf den Weg machen, dann sollten wir nicht den nächsten Weltbildungsbericht abwarten, sondern die Mittel und das Know-how bereitstellen, um den Menschen das zu geben, was sie brauchen: Wasser und Bildung! … http://www.lebensraumwasser.com/?p=5703 BEZÜGE: UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report - Weltbildungsbericht https://www.unesco.de/bildung/weltbildungsbericht.html UNESCO Water Education http://en.unesco.org/themes/water-security/hydrology/water-education Heide dreht Hamburg das Wasser ab 05.10.2016 Kreistag und Kreisverwaltung entscheiden: Hamburg Wasser soll ein Drittel weniger Grundwasser im Kreis Harburg fördern dürfen als bisher. Ein Problem für die Versorgung der Hansestadt. Der Streit über die Menge an Grundwasser, die Hamburg in der Heide fördern darf, schwelt seit Jahren … Bis 2004 durfte Hamburg Wasser 25 Millionen Kubikmeter aus den Brunnen in den Nordheide entnehmen, doch dann lief die letzte reguläre Bewilligung aus. Seitdem läuft ein Verlängerungserfahren. Die Hamburger durften übergangsweise 15,7 Millionen Kubikmeter fördern. Jetzt sollen es noch einmal weniger werden. Doch: „zwölf Millionen Kubikmeter wären definitiv zu wenig“, sagt Ole Braukmann, Sprecher von Hamburg Wasser. Warum das so ist, wird beim Blick in den aktuellen Sachstandsbericht zur Trinkwasserversorgung klar. Denn schon mit der jetzigen


Fördermenge, bei der 15,7 Millionen Kubikmeter aus der Heide enthalten sind, kann Hamburg seinen Bedarf rechnerisch nicht mehr decken … Rund 133 Millionen Kubikmeter verbrauchen die Hamburger in den Hochrechnungen, 120 Millionen Kubikmeter waren es im vergangenen Jahr reell. Mehr als sechs Millionen Kubikmeter, die wegfallen würden, sind deshalb schon eine erhebliche Größe … in heißen Sommern wäre die Versorgungssicherheit für Hamburgs Westen nicht gewährleistet. Vom Werk in Nindorf in der Nordheide aus werden unter anderem die Gebiete Altona und Ottensen versorgt. Mehr als 12,1 Millionen Kubikmeter wollen Kreisverwaltung und Kreistag aber aus Sorge vor negativen Auswirkungen auf die Gewässer in der Umgebung der Brunnen nicht genehmigen … Statt einer Bewilligung, die sehr rechtssicher gewesen wäre, soll Hamburg Wasser nur eine „gehobene Erlaubnis“ bekommen. Eine Art Rückversicherung für Kreisverwaltung und Kreispolitik. Denn die Erlaubnis, die für 30 Jahre gelten soll wäre sehr viel leichter wieder rückgängig zu machen, sollten durch die Grundwasserförderung von Hamburg Wasser doch Teiche und Bäche in der Umgebung der Brunnen Schaden nehmen … https://www.welt.de/print/die_welt/hamburg/article158553697/Heide-dreht-Hamburg-dasWasser-ab.html Durst als Waffe 26.09.2016 Fast zwei Millionen Menschen in der umkämpften nordsyrischen Stadt Aleppo sind derzeit laut UNO von der Wasserversorgung abgeschnitten, weil alle Konfliktparteien Wasser als Waffe benutzen. Für die Bevölkerung heißt das: Verdursten oder verunreinigtes Wasser trinken - und ein paar Monate später vielleicht an Krankheiten sterben … Fast zwei Millionen Menschen in der nordsyrischen Stadt Aleppo haben keinen Zugang mehr zu Trinkwasser. Der Grund: Vor einigen Tagen wurde das Wasserwerk Bab al-Nairab beschädigt. Das versorgte rund 250.000 Menschen im Ostteil Aleppos, den Rebellen halten, mit Wasser. Aus Rache haben dann Rebellen die Pumpanlage Suleiman al-Halabi abgeschaltet. Die befindet sich ebenfalls in dem von Rebellen kontrollierten Ostteil Aleppos. Aber: Die Anlage versorgte vor allem Menschen im Westen der Stadt, den Einheiten von Präsident Baschar al-Assad kontrollieren, mit Wasser. Beide Seiten nutzen Wasserentzug intensiv. Insgesamt sind jetzt fast zwei Millionen Menschen in Aleppo von der Wasserversorgung abgeschnitten - so in einer Erklärung am Wochenende die Leiterin des UNO-Kinderhilfswerkes in Syrien, Hanna Singer. Unlängst hatte sie dem ARD-Studio Kairo ein Interview gegeben. In dem erklärte die UNICEF-Syrien-Chefin: "Wasser wurde hier ständig als Kriegswaffe eingesetzt; und kommt nach wie vor als Waffe zum Einsatz - in ganz Syrien." Beide Seiten nutzen diese Waffe - Gegner und Unterstützer von Präsident Baschar al-Assad. Und in Aleppo im vergangenen Jahr besonders intensiv ... Neben dem Durst, droht aber noch etwas, wenn die Versorgung mit Frischwasser unterbrochen wird: "Es gibt immer die Angst davor, dass ohne Trinkwasser Krankheiten ausbrechen können." Denn: Sobald die Menschen kein Frischwasser haben, beginnen sie das zu trinken, was noch da ist: Und das ist oft nur noch Brauch- oder Abwasser. Omar al-Khattan, ein Wasserexperte von UNICEF in Damaskus sagte dazu bereits vor einigen Monaten: "Trinkwassermangel tötet Dich von heute auf morgen; Abwasser bringt Dich drei, vier Monate später um. Krankheiten, die sich aus verunreinigtem Wasser heraus entwickeln, sind das bessere Übel. Die Alternative ist: Du kannst verdursten oder verunreinigtes Wasser trinken. Und ansonsten bleibt nur noch eines: Flucht. Entweder innerhalb des eigenen Landes oder raus aus Syrien, was das bedeutet, kann man in Europa sehen" ... In ganz Syrien ist das Trinkwassersystem vom Krieg in Leidenschaft gezogen - und das obwohl es einst recht gut entwickelt war … http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/buergerkrieg-in-syrien-durst-alswaffe.1773.de.html?dram:article_id=366820 Ontario Water-Taking Rules Need To Change 09/24/2016 — The bottled water industry in Ontario is facing renewed government scrutiny after a small township was outbid by multinational giant Nestle in its attempt to purchase a well to secure water supply for its growing community. Premier Kathleen Wynne said … her government will look for ways to put community needs ahead of bottled water corporations. "As we look at the water bottling industry, that has to be a question because we're talking


about what we could argue is our most precious resource …There is much pressure on our water, so as we have this discussion about our water, the status of and the treatment of water bottling companies, that needs to be taken into consideration.'' Wynne's comments came after The Canadian Press reported on Nestle's purchase of a well near Elora from a privately owned company. Nestle said the new site would supplement "future business growth'' and support its main-production site in nearby Aberfoyle, where the company has a bottling plant that employs over 300 people. The Township of Centre Wellington Mayor Kelly Linton said they wanted to purchase the well to keep its water supply "safe'' from commercial water taking long into the future, and to give the fast-growing community "control of our water source.'' The New Democrats said that allowing a corporation to pump out water and sell it across Canada and beyond while a community is lacking water makes no sense. "The danger is you'll have private companies squatting on water rights, effectively denying citizens access to their water unless they pay a ransom'' … In Ontario, municipalities, mining companies and golf courses — in addition to the water-bottling companies — are allowed to take a total of 1.4 trillion litres out of the surface and ground water supplies every day … It's time to separate bottled water companies from the many other sectors that have water-taking permits, including mining and construction, Wynne told reporters … "Water bottling is a different kind of industry and we need to treat it differently'' … "I think we need to, not just as a government but as a society, look at the way we use bottled water — of course there are situations where bottled water is necessary — but we need to look at what our expectation is of these companies and how we can put some different limits around it'' … The Canadian Bottled Water Association wants all commercial operations with water-taking permits to be treated equally under the new rules, and said it would be "unfair'' to single it out for different treatment. "It has to include all users,'' said executive director Elizabeth Griswold. "What would be quite interesting is to take a closer view, and education of the public, on who's taking the rest of the water, who's paying and who is not.'' http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/09/24/ontario-water-nestle_n_12170854.html An overlooked water resource September 24, 2016 'Green water,' or water absorbed by soil and plants and then released back into the air, makes up 61.1 percent of all precipitation, and it's underutilized … According to Henry Lin, Professor of Hydropedology / Soil Hydrology at Penn State University, “Blue water refers to water collected in rivers, lakes, wetlands and groundwater. Blue water is available for withdrawal before it evaporates or meets the ocean. Green water refers to water absorbed by soil and plants and is then released back into the air. Green water is unavailable for withdrawal” … Although green water clearly represents the lion’s share of precipitation, as Professor Lin states, “green water is an often overlooked resource” … In order for soil to store water effectively it must have organic matter, or carbon. This carbon gives soil the structure necessary to carry out its filtering and holding functions. When rain falls on soils that are carbon deficient, the water isn’t absorbed into the soil sponge. Instead, the rain sloughs off the ground’s surface, dragging valuable topsoil along with it ... The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has determined that a one percent increase in organic matter (carbon) in the top six inches of soil increases its holding capacity by approximately 27,000 gallons of water per acre … “Worldwide,” says Lin, “nearly 90 percent of water consumed by croplands is green water making green water key to global food security and land use.” Once we start actually seeing soil, we can realize that much of the water that has gone missing is of the green variety. The next step is to increase the organic matter on our fields so that when the rains finally come we’ll have forged the conditions to recreate the soil sponge. http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/The-Bite/2016/0924/An-overlooked-water-resource No Water Cops Yet - Council Not Ready to Embrace Lawn Watering Ban September 22, 2016 … California’s drought has not gotten grim enough to warrant enacting a ban on lawn watering or creating the new cadre of water cops needed to enforce it. Three councilmembers and Mayor Helene Schneider expressed serious reservations about Big


Brother enforcement scenarios  - no drones in backyards, the mayor said  - or a belief that city residents would conserve even more if told rather than asked … http://www.independent.com/news/2016/sep/22/no-water-cops-yet/ Maybe the West’s Water Wars Aren’t as Bad as You Think 09.20.16 The American West has always been a dry place. That gave it a reputation: Everyone is fighting over water. Historically, that reputation reflected reality. Decades-long grudges between farmers and environmentalists over endangered fish. Cities that slurp up entire lakes. States literally declaring war on each other—as Arizona did to California in the 1930s. And a complex legal system employing armies of water-specialized lawyers to arbitrate all the bickering. That water-for-fightin’ reputation masks a counter-narrative. Amid the droughts, the fish fights, and the water wars, the West remains wet enough for civilization. Las Vegas still has fountains, California still has farms, and Phoenix is still home to 1.5 million heat-loving lunatics. In his new book, Water is For Fighting Over, and Other Myths About Water in the West, John Fleck chronicles the mellowing of some of the west’s biggest water warriors, and explains why that is good for the region’s future. In 13 concise chapters, Fleck - veteran water journalist and director of the University of New Mexico’s Water Resources Program - illustrates how states, communities, and water rights holders have learned that the winner-takes-all approach to water management is a losing proposition. He is not ignorant of the West’s conflicted water past, or about how persistent pugilism remains in some parts of the region. But he argues that collaboration is growing. That’s a necessary development, he says, in a climate-changed world characterized by longer, bigger droughts and a growing population … The collaborative approach, which is what we’ve seen in the last two major Colorado River agreements - the 2001 surplus allocation agreement and the 2007 shortage sharing agreement. The states came together and said, “We need to figure out how to ratchet down use.” And instead of each state clinging to their big share, people agreed that there was not enough water, and everyone had to give up something. It’s not that there isn’t conflict, it’s just a different approach to digging in your heels. If you recognize that you can use less, and you don’t need an ever-increasing allocation of water, it makes it easier to share … In Las Vegas, people got together and decided what kind of city they wanted to be. Their water supply was fixed, and they had to conserve a lot in order grow into that vision. A lot of people might think that was crazy, but it was that city’s choice. Communities have self-determination in this country … we built this western US societal infrastructure around large scale agricultural development. If you look at first half of the 20th century, the notion that the west would have big cities, and they would need water, just wasn’t in picture at all. So you had communities that made good faith decisions to build farms based on what we, as a society, said we wanted to do … https://www.wired.com/2016/09/maybe-californias-water-wars-arent-bad-think/ Rice University, center for the Middle East Israel and the Arab Gulf States: Drivers and Directions of Change September 2016 … analyzes actual and potential areas of cooperation between Israel and the GCC in sectors that range from renewable energy and water management to medical technology and a shared interest in entrepreneurship and innovation as drivers of economic transformation … The government of the UAE declared 2015 to be the “Year of Innovation” and launched a National Innovation Strategy with a focus on seven sectors ranging from education, health, and technology to water, renewable energy, transport, and space, all of which offer potential opportunities for future cooperation with Israel … done. And yet, the capacity of initiatives to withstand external pressures may be enhanced if they are seen to pursue regional solutions to public policy issues that transcend geopolitical boundaries and produce tangible benefits to each stakeholder—such as working together to improve the management of increasingly scarce water resources, develop new sustainable energy technologies, or strengthen region-wide innovation ecosystems . http://www.bakerinstitute.org/media/files/research_document/13eaaa71/CME-pubGCCIsrael-090716.pdf



Who Has Space for Renewables? SEP 14, 2016 … Of course, the sun doesn’t always shine, and the wind doesn’t always blow, but intermittency problems are increasingly solvable as the cost of battery and other energy storage falls, and as smart meters and control systems make it possible to shift the timing of some electricity demand. It is now certain that, within 20 years, many countries could get most of their electricity from renewable sources at an easily affordable price. To be sure, solar and wind farms require large land areas. But at the global level, there is plenty of space. Solar energy reaching Earth totals more than 5,000 times today’s human consumption. Demand will likely double if the world population grows (as United Nations forecasts suggest) from 7.2 billion today to 11 billion by 2100, and if all 11 billion people attain standards of living now enjoyed only in developed economies. And today’s solar panels can turn only about 20% of solar energy into electricity (though that ratio will increase over time). But even allowing for these factors, estimated space requirements for solar energy sufficient to power the entire world are reassuringly trivial, at 0.5-1% of global land area … the far bigger challenges are those some emerging economies already face, and that several African countries will confront in the future. With population densities eight and 22 times the global average, respectively, India would have to devote 4% of its land to solar parks to meet all of its energy needs, and Bangladesh more than 10% … That means that while renewables must play a major role in decarbonization everywhere, in some countries other technologies such as nuclear power or carbon capture and storage may have to carry more of the burden. And improvements in energy productivity – via better urban design, for example – that enable income growth while limiting required energy input become more important in more densely populated countries where decarbonization will be more difficult. Indeed, some of the world’s most densely populated countries face a double disadvantage; they are often the most exposed to the adverse effects of climate change, and building low carbon economies may be more difficult … Dramatic progress in renewable electricity is a hugely positive development; but the benefits are most easily grasped in developed, relatively sparsely populated countries. Many other technologies and well-designed policies – both domestic and international – will be needed to enable less-endowed countries to build successful low-carbon economies. https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/renewable-energy-land-requirements-byadair-turner-2016-09


Ernährungssicherheit trotz Klimawandel: ohne Wasser nicht zu haben 21.11.2016 … Die wachsende Weltbevölkerung kann nur durch eine leistungsfähige Landwirtschaft ernährt werden. Gerade in Subsahara-Afrika steht aber die ungewisse Ernährungslage in unmittelbarer Beziehung zur Menge der produzierten Nahrungsmittel, im Unterschied etwa zu Südasien, wo Ernährungsunsicherheit vor allem der schwachen Kaufkraft und der Verteilung geschuldet ist. Die Agrarminister der 20 wichtigsten Industrieund Schwellenländer hatten sich bereits 2015 in Istanbul dazu verpflichtet, für die Ernährungssicherung einer bis zum Jahr 2050 auf neun Milliarden Menschen anwachsenden Bevölkerung zu sorgen … Gerade die Landwirtschaft muss sich erheblich an Klimaveränderungen anpassen. Bereits heute sind in Subsahara-Afrika starke Niederschlagsschwankungen sowohl im Jahresdurchschnitt als auch über längere Perioden kennzeichnend. In vielen Gegenden sind die Niederschläge schlicht unzureichend und Dürreperioden üblich. Daher ist die Anpassung der Landwirtschaft ohne Wasserspeicher und Bewässerungsanlagen sowie ein entsprechendes Boden- und Wassermanagement nicht zu meistern. Ein wichtiger Weg führt hierbei über den Ausbau der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft, um den Anbau von Nahrungsmitteln unabhängig von unzuverlässigen Niederschlägen zu machen und die vor allem in Sub-Sahara Afrika vielerorts bestehende geringe Fruchtbarkeit und Wasserspeicherfähigkeit der Böden auszugleichen. Obwohl die landwirtschaftlichen Erträge durch Bewässerung um die 50 Prozent angekurbelt werden könnten, werden dort Nahrungsmittel fast ausschließlich im von Wetterextremen abhängigen Regenfeldbau produziert. Doch bisher werden in Sambia und Tansania zum Beispiel, nur zwischen fünf und


zehn Prozent der kultivierten Flächen bewässert; in Asien sind es 37 und in Lateinamerika 14 Prozent. Während Ertragssteigerungen schon für sich genommen ein schlagkräftiges Argument sind, steigen Einkommen nach der Umstellung auf Bewässerung, so z.B. in Äthiopien um 50 und in Tansania um 86 Prozent. Die AAA-Initiative [… launched upstream of COP22 … the initiative for the Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA) aims to reduce the vulnerability of Africa and its agriculture to climate change ... http://www.aaainitiative.org/] kann das Thema Wasser in der Landwirtschaft aufwerten und ihm eine neue Dynamik geben: Die vielerorts entstandenen Investitionslücken in Wasserspeicher müssen geschlossen, marode Infrastruktur modernisiert, in Bewässerungsmethoden und Technologien mit Standortvorteilen investiert und Maßnahmen zur Effizienzsteigerung umgesetzt werden. Landwirtschaftliche Wassernutzung und ein professionelles, an die Folgen des Klimawandels angepasstes Wassermanagement müssen allerdings Teil eines Gesamtpakets sein, das die Produktivität landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe fördert. Dazu zählen der Zugang zu Krediten, Betriebsmittel, stabile Märkte und weiterverarbeitende Firmen … Daher sollte die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit an der starken Förderung des Wassersektors festhalten, aber auch Wasser in der Landwirtschaft höher auf die Agenda setzen. Sie sollte ihre Zurückhaltung gegenüber Infrastrukturprojekten, also Wasserspeichern und Bewässerungsanlagen, aufgeben. Dazu gehört allerdings auch, dass funktionsfähige Wasserinstitutionen und transparente Genehmigungsverfahren für Wassernutzungsrechte aufgebaut werden, um flexibel auf Bedarfsentwicklungen und klimatische Schwankungen reagieren zu können. Nur so kann die Landwirtschaft im Verbund mit den Institutionen des Wassermanagements auf die Erfordernisse des Klimawandels angemessen reagieren und ihren Beitrag zur Ernährungssicherung leisten. http://www.die-gdi.de/die-aktuelle-kolumne/article/ernaehrungssicherheit-trotz-klimawandelohne-wasser-nicht-zu-haben/ Direkt zum DOKUMENT: http://www.diegdi.de/uploads/media/Deutsches_Institut_fuer_Entwicklungspolitik_Scheumann_HerrfahrdtPaehle_21.11.2016.pdf

UN-Water Work Programme 2016-2017 02.11.2016 UN-Water … focuses its interventions at the level of the United Nations family. The main target group is the United Nations bodies that have a focus on, or interest in, water-related issues. Member States gain from increased coordination and coherence, and reduced overlap and duplication of the United Nations family. These include full access to expertise on water, which improves the ability to deliver efficient and sustainable water and sanitation services to people, who are the ultimate beneficiaries of UN-Water interventions. UN-Water’s overarching focus in the 2016–-2017 biennium is to support Member States as they start implementing the 2030 Agenda. More specifically, UN-Water will work on raising awareness of the importance of water and sanitation, providing consolidated and coherent policy advice and technical input on water- and sanitation-related issues, and integrating and harmonizing a global framework for monitoring and reporting on water and sanitation under the 2030 Agenda. Part 1 Strategic Outlook Setting the stage Maintaining momentum Fit for purpose Focus in 2016–2017 Part 2 Results Areas 2016–2017 Results Area 1 Informing policy processes and addressing emerging issues Results Area 2 Supporting monitoring and reporting on water and sanitation Results Area 3 Building knowledge and inspiring people to take action Results Area 4 Effective management of efforts aimed at improved coordination and coherence among UN-Water Members and Partners at all levels Part 3 Overview of Governance Brief introduction Terms of Reference -30-

Organization and governance Collaboration with other United Nations mechanisms and entities Inter-Agency Trust Fund http://www.unwater.org/publications/publications-detail/en/c/450172/ Water Resources Management in the Lower Asi-Orontes River Basin 24.11.2016 Contents Chapter 1. Addressing the complexity and uncertainty of water management in the Orontes river basin Chapter 2. The Effects of the conflict in the Orontes river basin in Syria Chapter 3. Political economy and political ecology of the Turkish section of Asi river basin Chapter 4. Development and management of water resources of Turkey with specific reference to the Asi basin Chapter 5. Legal and institutional basis of the Asi basin management committee Chapter 6. Land-use and land-cover changes in Amik plain, Hatay Chapter 7. Sustainable land use planning of lower Asi river basin Chapter 8. Assessment of groundwater pollution parameters in the Amik plain Chapter 9. Water quality issues in the Asi river basin Chapter 10. Sustainable agricultural water management in the Asi basin Chapter 11. Sustainable water management in Hatay: Hydrographic Planning Approach Chapter 12. The Turkish-Syrian Friendship dam on the Orontes River: benefits for all? Chapter 13. Transboundary water relations in the Asi basin: the case of Syrian-Turkish relations https://docs.water-security.org/document/water-resources-management-in-the-lower-asiorontes-river-basin

… October issue now available … Volume 9 | Issue 3 - Flows and practices: The politics of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in southern Africa - The birth and spread of IWRM - A case study of global policy diffusion and translation - The flow of IWRM in SADC: The role of regional dynamics, advocacy networks and external actors - Emergence, interpretations and translations of IWRM in South Africa - The ‘trickle down’ of IWRM: A case study of local-level realities in the Inkomati Water Management Area, South Africa - Surges and ebbs: National politics and international influence in the formulation and implementation of IWRM in Zimbabwe - The complex politics of water and power in Zimbabwe: IWRM in the Catchment Councils of Manyame, Mazowe and Sanyati (1993-2001) - Land, farming and IWRM: A case study of the middle Manyame Sub-catchment, Zimbabwe - IWRM avant la lettre? Four key episodes in the policy articulation of IWRM in downstream Mozambique - The politics of water payments and stakeholder participation in the Limpopo river basin, Mozambique - Winners and losers of IWRM in Tanzania - Whose waters? Large-scale agricultural development and water grabbing in the WamiRuvu River Basin, Tanzania - IWRM in Uganda – Progress after decades of implementation - Reflections on the formulation and implementation of IWRM in southern Africa from a gender perspective


- Viewpoint – IWRM and I – A reflexive travelogue of the Flows and Practices research team - Institutional path dependence and environmental water recovery in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin - Domestic and international dimensions of transboundary water politics http://www.water-alternatives.org/index.php/current-volume/305-issue9-3

UNEP - Science-Policy Interface Transboundary Waters Assessment Programmes Summary for Policy Makers: Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Systems of SIDS - Status and Trends https://uneplive.unep.org/media/docs/assessments/transboundary_aquifers_and_groundwat er_systems_of_small_island_developing_states_status_and_trends.pdf Transboundary Lakes and Reservoirs - Status and Trends https://uneplive.unep.org/media/docs/assessments/transboundary_lakes_and_reservoirs_sta tus_and_future_trends.pdf Transboundary River Basins - Status and Trends https://uneplive.unep.org/media/docs/assessments/transboundary_river_basins_status_and_ trends_summary_to_policy_makers.pdf Transboundary Waters Systems - Crosscutting Status and Trends https://uneplive.unep.org/media/docs/assessments/transboundary_waters_systems_status_a nd_trends_crosscutting_analysis.pdf Technical Reports: Volume 3: Transboundary River Basins - Status and Trends https://uneplive.unep.org/media/docs/assessments/transboundary_river_basins_status_and_ trends_technical_reports.pdf A Snapshot of the World’s Water Quality https://uneplive.unep.org/media/docs/assessments/unep_wwqa_report_web.pdf Video: https://uneplive.unep.org/media/docs/assessments/WWQA_Video/INTERVIEW_UNEP_013_ AVD1080p25fps48kHz_130516.mp4 adelphi Water and Climate Diplomacy – Integrative Approaches for Adaptive Action in Transboundary River Basins August 2016 Weltweit stehen grenzüberschreitenden Flussgebiete vor klimabedingten Herausforderungen, die sich in den kommenden Jahrzehnten noch verschärfen werden. Erfolgreiche Anpassungsmaßnahmen werden daher zur notwendigen Voraussetzung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und politische Stabilität in diesen Regionen. Gleichzeitig sind aber Stabilität und Kooperation Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Auf welche Weise erreichen also Anrainerstaaten diese verknüpften Ziele am besten? Wie kann die internationale Gemeinschaft beide Prozesse optimal unterstützen, und wie können sich Wasser- und Klimadiplomatie gegenseitig stärken? … identifiziert Schlüsselinstrumente der Wasserpolitik, welche zugleich die Anpassung an den Klimawandel in grenzüberschreitenden Flussgebieten stärken können. In einer steigenden Zahl von Flussgebieten nutzen Akteure bereits diese Instrumente – beispielsweise Mechanismen zum Daten- und Informationsaustausch oder flexible Wasserabkommen –, um den Folgen des Klimawandels adäquat zu begegnen und Anpassungskapazitäten aufzubauen. Nichtsdestotrotz zeigt der Bericht auch, dass diese Instrumente in vielen grenzüberschreitenden Flussgebieten noch gar nicht zur Anwendung kommen oder nur in eingeschränktem Ausmaß … identifizieren daher das Verbesserungspotenzial in den verschiedenen Flussgebieten und erkunden, wie die bestehenden Schwächen mit Hilfe von Instrumenten der Klimapolitik ausgeglichen werden können … Recommendations: … Riparian Countries - ensure sufficient funding for the core tasks of river basin institutions through reliable membership contributions; - support activities to strengthen linkages between basin-wide and national water management institutions through, for example, specific national bodies and/or standardised communication and reporting procedures;


- promote the incorporation of climate change adaptation policies into existing and newly established basin institutions, including work programmes and legal frameworks; - promote the incorporation of basin-wide, transboundary thinking in national adaptation planning … https://www.adelphi.de/de/publikation/water-and-climate-diplomacy BMZ / DIE

Drought, food security, migration and climate: Implications for policy and conflict 1. September 2016 … Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) … zum Thema Dürre, Nahrungsmittelsicherheit, Klima … http://www.die-gdi.de/veranstaltungen/drought-food-security-migration-and-climate/ Report: … The challenges are crosscutting in nature and require a holistic approach in addressing them as they affect every sector of the economy, societies and livelihoods … While conflict is never caused by a single driver, the understanding of the interconnectedness between different conflict factors is instrumental for informing effective conflict prevention measures. Vulnerable communities affected by forced migration induced by floods or droughts are often targeted by various political movements, terror networks, and organized crime groups (incl. human trafficking) which further exacerbates conflict dynamics in volatile regions … http://www.diegdi.de/uploads/tx_veranstaltung/20160901_Drought_food_security_migration_and_climate_0 1.09.2016_Report_01.pdf siehe auch: Water, Energy & Food Security Resource Platform https://www.water-energy-food.org/start/

WASSERKUNST ZURICH FILM FESTIVAL ZFF 72 "Wasser Fall" Kurzfilmwettbewerb Meine Favoriten: Essence http://72.zff.com/de/2016/1493/ VAND http://72.zff.com/de/2016/1214/

… und dann war da noch: Wasser in den irakisch-syrischen Bürgerkriegen Ich erlaube mir auf eine Neuerscheinung (nicht wissenschaftlich, sondern politischhistorische Bildung) mit einem Beitrag von mir hinzuweisen: Barandat, Jörg: Wasser – Lebensspender und politisches Konfliktthema, S. 217ff in: Wegweiser zur Geschichte: Irak und Syrien. Im Auftrag des ZMSBw hrsg. von Bernd Lemke unter Mitarb. von Stefan Maximilian Brenner, Paderborn: Schöningh 2016, 296 S., 16,90 €, ISBN 978-3-506-78662-3 https://www.schoeningh.de/katalog/titel/978-3-506-78662-3.html Das Buch kann beim Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr (ZMSBw) elektronisch frei zugänglich als pdf (9.4 MB) heruntergeladen werden: http://www.mgfa.de/html/einsatzunterstuetzung/downloads/043201meusyrienirakgesamtinter net.pdf


… und zum guten Schluss:

Weltklimavertrag Kostas Koufogiorgos, 04. Oktober 2016

Beste Grüße von der Elbe! Jörg Barandat [email protected]

---------------------------------------------------------------Info: Zusammenfassungen der WATERINTAKE-Newsletter sind abgelegt in: >WASSER: Ressource Risiken – ChancenW A T E R I N T A K E< wird jeweils im Bloq Massenbach-Letter geposted: … der letzte 4/2016 vom 18.09.2016 kann im Internet aufgerufen werden: https://udovonmassenbach.wordpress.com/2016/09/24/joerg-barandat-waterintake-42016/ Die Auswahl der Beiträge / Links im WATERINTAKE erfolgt nicht auf der Grundlage von Sympathie oder gar Übereinstimmung mit deren Inhalten, sondern ausschließlich auf ihrer Substanz / Kompetenz und Relevanz für den politischen Diskurs und / oder darauf, dass darin vertretene divergierende Ideen eine Herausforderung darstellen, die eine Auseinandersetzung damit notwendig erscheinen lassen. Die in den Beiträgen geäußerten Ansichten liegen allein in der Verantwortung des jeweiligen Autors. Haftungsausschluss / Disclaimer Für Schäden infolge der Nutzung dieser Inhalte kann keine Verantwortung übernommen werden. Die Links waren zum Zeitpunkt der Setzung – soweit erkennbar - frei von illegalen Inhalten. Da diese Websites aber nicht meinem Einfluss unterliegen, distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich von allen etwaigen rechtswidrigen oder anstößigen Inhalten dieser Seiten und davon weiterführenden Hyperlinks. Wahrung der Urheberrechte Dritter WATERINTAKE verfolgt keine kommerziellen Ziele. Es ist eine Drehscheibe für Hintergrundinformationen in einem Netzwerk an Wasser-Themen Interessierter. Sollte jemand vermuten, dass WATERINTAKE eines seiner Schutzrechte verletzt, teilen Sie das bitte umgehend mit, damit zügig Abhilfe geschafft werden kann.

Water is Life and Access Freedom, Sanitation is Dignity, Resource Management is Leadership and Responsibility!
