2015 South Atlantic Regional Figure Skating Championships

2015 South Atlantic Regional Figure Skating Championships S P O N S O R S H I P S A D V E R T I S I N G September 26 - 28 and October 4 - 8, 2014 Th...
Author: Margery Scott
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2015 South Atlantic Regional Figure Skating Championships S P O N S O R S H I P S


September 26 - 28 and October 4 - 8, 2014 The Cooler, Alpharetta, GA Hosted by Atlanta Figure Skating Club

ABOUT THE ATLANTA FIGURE SKATING CLUB The Atlanta Figure Skating Club is an enthusiastic group of 400 members who are devoted to the advancement of figure skating as an art and a sport. We are one of the largest clubs in the country, celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2008. We are a member of U.S. Figure Skating, the governing body for the sport, which is recognized as such by the U.S. Olympic Committee and the International Skating Union. We have hosted seven major competitions: the 1980 and 2004 U.S. Figure Skating Championships at Philips Arena, the 2007 Eastern Sectional Championships, the 1992 Skate America senior international competition, and the 1976, 1985 and 2000 South Atlantic Regional Championships. Each year we also host two of the largest competitions in the Southeast - the Magnolia Open and Atlanta Open - with the help of club members and the community.

THE EVENT The Atlanta Figure Skating Club, a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization, is the proud host of the 2015 South Atlantic Regional Figure Skating Championships, the first competition on the road to the 2015 U.S. Figure Skating Championships. Skaters from nine states - from Pennsylvania to Florida – in singles, dance, and pairs disciplines at the Juvenile through Senior levels - will compete at The Cooler, in Alpharetta, GA from October 4, 2014 through October 8, 2014. The non-qualifying portion of this competition for skaters at the Basic Skills through PreJuvenile levels will be held on September 26 - 28. We are expecting more than 650 competitors, their coaches, competition officials, families, friends and fans to join us during these events.

YOUR SPONSORSHIP Your sponsorship will be used to defray the costs of hosting the event, including ice rental, competitor gift bags, officials transportation and lodging, printing expenses, and officials and coaches hospitality. We will advertise your business in various ways through our welcome packet and official program and will offer promotional opportunities. Please help us showcase the hospitality and generosity of our awesome community by sponsoring this wonderful event. Your donation to the Atlanta Figure Skating Club will be greatly appreciated and will contribute immensely to our success!


Fu ll pag e color ad in official event program  Company logo and link on sponsorship page of Atlanta FSC and event websites  Prominent logo and pro motional materials in welcome packets  Company name/logo on display during event  Company name/logo on volunteer shirts  Press release, including sponsorship announcement on Atlanta FSC and event websites  So cial media me ntion on Atla nta FSC updates  10 Official programs  10 All-Event admission tickets


GOLD MEDAL - $1,000


Fu ll pag e ad in official event program

Half page ad in officia l event program

 Company logo and link on sponsorship page of Atlanta FSC and event websites

 Company logo and link on sponsorship page of Atlanta FSC and event websites

 Prominent logo and pro motional materials in welcome packets

 Company name/logo on display during event  6 Official programs

 Company name/logo on display during event  6 All-Event admission tickets

 8 Official programs  8 All-Event admission tickets



Quarter page ad in officia l event program

Business card ad in official event program

 Company logo on sponsorship pa ge of Atlanta FSC and event websites

 Company logo on sponsorship pa ge of Atlanta FSC and event websites

 Company name/logo on display during event

 2 All-Event admission tickets

 4 All-Event admission tickets

201 5 SOU TH AT LAN TIC FIG UR E SK AT IN G CH AM PIO NSH IPS SPON SOR SH IP FO RM T he A tla nt a F ig ure Sk ating C lu b, a 50 1(c ) (3) non -prof it orga niz ation, is on e of the la rges t m em be r c lu bs o f U .S . F igure S ka ti ng, the go ve rning b ody fo r the s por t, w h ic h i s rec o gniz ed as s uc h by the U .S . O l ym pi c C om m ittee a nd th e Inter nationa l S k ating U nion . W e are the prou d hos t o f t he 201 5 South Atlan tic R egio nal C ham p ions hip s , th e fi rs t c om petition on the roa d to t he 20 15 U .S . F igu re Sk at ing C ha mp ions hi ps . Sk aters from n ine s ta te s - from P enn sy lv ani a to F lori da - in s ing les , d anc e, a nd pai rs di sc ip lines a t th e Ju ve nile t hrou gh Se nior lev el s - w ill c om pete at T he C oo ler, i n Alph aretta, GA f ro m O c tobe r 4 , 201 4 th rough O ct ob er 8, 2 014. T he n on-qu alify ing po rti on of this c om petition for s k ate rs a t t he B as ic S ki lls t hro ugh pre- juv enile le ve ls w ill b e h eld on S ept em ber 26 - 2 8. W e are ex pe ct ing m or e tha n 650 c om petitors , the ir c o ac hes , c om pe titio n o ffic ia ls , f am ilies , fri ends and fan s to join us duri ng th es e ev ents . W e hav e hos ted s ev en m ajor c om petition s: th e 1980 a nd 200 4 U .S. Fi gure Sk at ing C ha mp ions hi ps a t Phi lips Aren a, the 20 07 Eas tern S ec ti onal C ha mp ions hi ps , t he 199 2 S k ate A m eric a s enio r i nte rnat ion al c om pet ition, and t he 19 76, 1 985 an d 2000 S out h Atlant ic R eg iona l C h am pion sh ips . E ac h yea r we a ls o h os t tw o o f the larg es t c om pe tition s in the So ut heas t - the M agn olia Op en and A tl anta Ope n w ith th e help o f c lub m em be rs an d the c om m un ity . W e are ple as ed to o f fe r c or porate s pon so rs hips in th e mi nim um am ount of $ 100 .00 .T he se f un ds w il l b e us ed to d efray the c os ts of h os tin g th e e ve nt, inc lu ding ic e tim e, c om pe tit or gift bags , o ff ic ia ls t ran sp ort ation and lo dgin g, p rinting ex pe ns es , an d of fi ci als a nd

co ac he s h osp ital ity.

S PO NS ORS HIP BENE FIT S Go ld L evel: $1,00 0

C o rp o rate L evel: $2,000 Fu ll p ag e co lor a d in off icia l eve nt prog ra m C om p any log o a nd link o n spon sorsh ip p age o f A tlan ta FSC an d even t w eb sites P ro min en t log o and p ro mo tion al m a terials in w elco me p acke ts C om p any na me /log o on displa y du rin g e ven t C om p any na me /log o on volun tee r shirts P re ss relea se, includ ing spo nso rsh ip

Silver L evel: $500

Full p age a d in off icia l prog ram C om pa ny lo go an d link on spo nso rs hip

H alf p ag e a d in of ficial p ro gram C om pa ny lo go an d link on spo nso rsh ip

pa ge of Atla nta FSC a nd eve nt we bsite s Prom ine nt logo a nd prom o tion al m at eria ls

pag e of Atla nta FSC a nd eve nt we bsite s C om pa ny n am e/ logo o n d isplay

in w elco me p acke ts

6 c om plim en tary p ro gram s

C om pa ny n am e /log o o n d isplay

6 a ll-e vent ticke ts

8 com plim en tary p ro gram s 8 all-e vent ticke ts

an no un cem en t o n Atlan ta FSC a nd eve nt w eb sit es S ocial m e dia me nt io n on Atla nta FSC u pd ate s 1 0 O fficial p ro gram s 1 0 A ll-Eve nt ad missio n t ick ets

Bro n ze L evel: $25 0

Pew ter L evel: $10 0

Qu arte r pag e ad in o fficial p ro gram

Bus in ess card ad in o fficial p ro gram

C om p any lo go o n sp on sorship pa ge of Atla nta FSC a nd eve nt we bsite s

Co m pa ny log o on spo nso rsh ip p ag e o f A tlan ta FS C an d e ven t w eb sites

4 com p lim en ta ry progra ms 4 all-even t t ick ets

2 a ll-eve nt ticke ts

T he A tlan ta Fig ur e S katin g Clu b is a 5 01 (c) 3 no t-for -p rofi t o rga ni za tion . P le ase sen d you r Cor po ra te Sp on sor ship che ck or m on ey or de r, pa ya bl e to the A tlan ta Fig ur e S katin g Clu b, with the form be low to: Lo ri Mc Ga rig le , Ch air 21 25 Ecto r Pla ce N W Ke n ne saw, GA 30 15 2 77 0- 84 1- 60 32 Lo riM cG ari gle @ com cast.n et

T h an k you fo r yo ur su pp o rt!

SPO NSO RSH IP FOR M P lea se p rin t you r na me or yo ur b usin ess n am e a s i t will a pp ea r in th e p rog ra m: Na me A dd ress City

Sta te

Zip Le vel

Au tho rize d Si gn atur e

Program Advertising Rates

Full Page Ad: Inside Cover (7-3/8 x 9-1/2) Inside Back Cover (7-3/8 x 9-1/2) Outside Back Cover (8-1/2 x 11) Inside (7-3/8 x 9-1/2)

$200.00 $200.00 $225.00 $150.00

Half Page Ad: Horizontal (7-3/8 x 4-7/8) Vertical (9-1/2 x 3-5/8)

$100.00 $100.00

Quarter Page Ad: Horizontal (7-3/8 x 2-3/8) Vertical (3-5/8 x 4-5/8)

$50.00 $50.00

Business Card Ad


Good Luck Greeting (Max. 20 words)



Contact Name

Phone #

Company Name Mailing Address City



E-Mail Address Authorized Advertiser Signature


Black and white ads only. Please provide clean, original, camera-ready copy and artwork. Please do not fold or staple copy. Electronic submission in high resolution JPG or PDF format is also acceptable.

Personal Ads Send us your personal good luck wishes for family, friends, and special skaters, and we'll design the ad. Personal ads are limited to 20 words in a business card size: To:



Inside Cover (Full page, 7? x 9½ ) Inside Back Cover (Full page, 7? x 9½ ) Outside Back Cover (Full page, 8½ x 11) Inside Full Page (7? x 9½) Business Card

o o o o o


Inside ½ page (Horizontal - 7? x 4?)

$200 $225

Inside ½ page (Vertical - 9½ x 3?) Inside ¼ page (Horizontal - 7? x 2?)

$150 $25

Inside ¼ page (Vertical - 3? x 4?) Personal Good Luck Ad

Return this form with your ad and a check payable to the Atlanta Figure Skating Club to: Lori McGarigle, Chair 2125 Ector Place NW Kennesaw, GA 30152 770-841-6032 [email protected]

DEADLINE: August 25, 2014

o o o o o

$100 $100 $50 $50 $10

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