Unified Life Sciences A Scientifically Proven Multidimensional Approach to the Health of Body, Mind, and Spirit

The Dynamic Interaction of Human & Animal Consciousness: An Introduction By Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. Note: This lecture, presented in 2003, shows the origins and development of work that evolved into Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis. It is published in its original form to preserve the integrity of the material and so readers have a sense of the roots and complexity of Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis. Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 July 20, 2009 Lecture presented June 28, 2003 7:00–9:00 pm, PDT Pacific Palisades, California I want to talk tonight about the work I do. It is not going to be a teaching class; it is going to be an informational class about my work. Everybody here is interested in animals and has had relationships with animals. I want to address the work I am doing with the Multidimensional Layers of Consciousness in the human and how it relates to Mammalian Design and thus, to our relationship to animals. ELEANOR: The Map of Consciousness describes what each of these layers represents (cf. Map of Consciousness & Mandalas Illustrations at end of this document, p. 21-22). You see represented on the map the Basic 64-Gate Human Design Matrix, layered with the Sleep Design, which is the Mammalian Matrix. When Ra told me about the information regarding what he called the “dream design,” the only information he had was that when we sleep we move into a Mammalian Matrix. This Mammalian Matrix, instead of being a 64-gate Matrix, is a 15-Gate Matrix. When we sleep we lose the Solar Plexus, the Heart Center, the Head Center, and the Ajna Center. We give up the capacity when in sleep for cognition, emotion and will. Of course, that makes perfect logical sense; when we sleep and when we dream we are not in our head and we are not in our emotions and we are not imposing our will on anything. What Ra was told was that when we sleep and are horizontal, we become mammals. I initially began working with that information and thinking, as he had told me, that the Mammalian Matrix represented what happened when we dream. But as most of you know, my relationship with my first cat, Noble and the close relationship we have now © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

with our animals led me to know that animals dream. As I began to work and people started to ask me to look at their animals, I realized I had a very incomplete system. All I had was the animals’ waking designs, not what happened to them when they sleep or dream. I knew I needed another calculation. In addition, as I began sorting through all of my clinical files as well as 4,000 astrological charts, many of them people I knew very well from having worked with them analytically, I realized that people change Type with consciousness. For example, somebody might be a Manifestor or a Generator in their waking state, and yet when they sleep they become a Reflector or a Projector. This means that their Strategy for how they approach life alters with shifts of consciousness. I had the intuition that these adjustments must be very significant. I did validate the waking 64-Gate Mandala. There are five Types scientifically, and I validated this fact on 30,000 cases cutting across a general population, an AIDS population, a fibromyalgia population, and heart attack patients. I had four distinct groups of people with control populations. The largest population, of course, was the general matched pairs. I did astrological as well as social science controls of the data, so that when I ran the statistics and I got high significance tests; it reliably meant that Type is not differentiated by chance alone. What I was able to verify is that Type is a real construct and therefore very significant. You can go to the web site and download the scientific paper and see what the percentages are. About 8% of the population is Manifestors, about 35% is Manifesting Generators, 35% is Generators, 20% is Projectors and 1% is Reflectors. I was able to validate certain other things, like the geometry of profiles and whether there are splits or triple splits, which are also valid. Because of my work with the Mammalian Matrix, I was interested in how Type changes in the Sleep Design Layer. I found that indeed it changes significantly from one Type to another Type way beyond what we would expect from chance (the criterion used in scientific research). Based on my own knowledge of psychodynamics, I had hypothesized that Type would change across consciousness and it has proven scientifically to be an important variable (cf. Revised Research Verifies 5 Types in the Human Design System. Eleanor Haspel-Portner, PhD. Unified Life Sciences, 2001, 2003. The Triple Design Matrix: Type Statistically Verified Across the Matrix. Eleanor Haspel-Portner, PhD., 2002,2003). We have a good friend who is a Reflector, meaning he has no definitions at all in his Solar Design, and yet, when he goes to sleep, he becomes a Generator. I thought, “Well, that’s very different than a Reflector who is always going to remain a Reflector.” Jumping ahead in my story is the fact that we had six kittens born within a two-hour period and timed for the birth moment with a stopwatch. When I ran their waking chart I could not differentiate between any of them. That didn’t make me happy as a scientist. I knew then that I really had to find missing calculations. Two of the kittens were twins, Joe and Ruzle were identical twins born one right after the other. Of the six, they each © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

had distinctive markings, except for Ruzle and Joe who were absolutely identical. Every once in a while, and I didn’t think at the time to use a Sharpie and mark one of them, – but in my nature of trying to find the differentiation, one had a little dot, a little darker fur, or one’s ear had a tiny fringe that the other one didn’t have; minute nuances let me tell them apart. If I saw one and not the other, it was very hard to tell them apart. Joe died when he was 10 years old of cardiomyopathy and Ruzle is still very healthy at age 13 with no health problems. That led me to believe even more strongly that, given I knew they were identical twins and they were born within a very short period of each other, I had to find what in their design calculation as a mammal would differentiate between the two of them. My intent in doing this as a scientist was that, for me, the validation of the system had to show up in these twin kittens. If it could not discriminate at that level, then it really was not going to hold up for humans scientifically at the deepest level of consciousness or genetically. Erik Memmert is the computer programmer to whom we owe a huge debt of gratitude for the whole system as well we do to Ra Uru Hu. When Erik came to visit last year, we worked very hard, and we were able, in a lunar minute calculation, to get the differentiation that I was looking for. Out of that we came up with a four-layer calculation. Over the last year I’ve been working very intensively with this Multidimensional-layered Matrix that gives me the auric bodies of a person: the waking body, the mental body, the spiritual body, the emotional body and the physical/hormonal body. Not only do I have the design and the strategy of each auric body and how it alters with shifts of consciousness, I also have the dream sleep layer. Out of that work I was able to determine through construct validity with PET and SPECT scans of the brain that the unifying integrative field of consciousness is in fact a 64-Gate human Matrix which is calculated based on the Moon rather than the Sun. When we sleep we are in a 15-Gate Matrix, but when we dream, the circuitry that’s operational is a 64gate Matrix circuitry that then feeds into our waking consciousness. We know from PET and SPECT scans of the brain that there are neurotransmitters that move between the dream state, which is nonverbal, symbolic, collective archetypal information and our waking state of cognitive consciousness. When we sleep we become one with the unified whole of consciousness, one cell in a total organism. The consciousness of the unified field is one. Working with this information explains mechanically why across all cultures the same symbols reappear. They are communicated to us via the cosmos in non-verbal form: symbols like the spiral, the Sri Yantra, cats and animals acting as spirit guides. As I began working with the Dream layer, I realized that the brain scans were showing (there is now a vast literature that shows this) that there is communication between the Dream state – that means REM and our Cognitive conscious aware state. We are in a 64-Gate, Lunar Matrix when we’re in REM Sleep. All the brain waves are present. They communicate with and activate neurotransmitters in areas of the brain that are active in the waking state, and then that

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becomes the filter through which we give language meaning and personal content from what we’ve received in Dreams. I actually am able to show the mechanism, the mechanics of how we get personal meaning out of impersonal dream material. That’s a very important filter. When I work with a multilayer, I’m working with how a person flips on and off between states of consciousness and how they function. I have a map of the functional psyche. In the Sleep/Mammalian layer we function on a mammalian level, with no cognition. Information at this deep level of being is imprinted on us in a non-verbal, symbolic, unified level during deep sleep. . Here’s where it gets quite interesting because of my very deep, special relationship with Noble. I got Noble in 1966. The first night I had him, and many of you have heard this story before, I was very afraid. He was a 12-week-old, little kitten. I had never had a cat. I’d grown up with dogs. He came on the bed, and I put him off the bed. I was ready to go to sleep, and he kept jumping up on the bed and I kept putting him off the bed. Finally, he walked to the foot of the bed, and he stood there. Some of the people here have met Noble and know that this was not a regular being. He jumped right at my face and he landed with one paw on either end of my face and looked me right in the eyes. I looked at him and I said to him, “I got the message.” Literally, I said that to him. The message I got was that he would never hurt me. He slept with me every night after that. When I tried a couple of times to put him out of the bedroom, the next morning he would limp; and when I let him back in, he would stop limping. He was really quite a tyrant. His alternate name was Tyrannosaurus Nip. Noble protected the children. He was known to attack people if they didn’t treat me right or were not in a proper vibration. During the group work that we did, he would go over to the person who next needed to be worked with and he would sit exactly on the spot that needed work. He wouldn’t let me leave the house. Noble gave me the courage to do my work and he gave me loving support and confirmation through his responses. When he was a kitten and I traveled without him, he’d get sick. If I traveled with him, he’d get sick. He wanted me at home. By the time Noble was 15 years old, I stopped traveling. The family just understood that he wouldn’t let me go, and my commitment was to him because he was my teacher and had saved my soul. It gave me a sense of the importance of these beings to me, without having any words or way to know what it was that was happening. And, of course when he died, my friend, Dori, whom many of you also know, said to us, “Well, if you’ve never had kittens, you have to have kittens.” So after a very long story, we ended up with 13 cats. I can go about two or three hours without a cat fix. The reason is really very clear when you look at the Matrix. What I am going to describe, in looking at these different matrices, which are all part of our being human and part of the Multilinear, is that they serve on a genetic level to connect us to our own nature. The other important variable here that some of you may or may not know is that the I-Ching Hexagrams around the wheel – have six lines in each hexagram. They break down into two trigrams of three lines each and they also break down in binaries of three. Those binaries are related to the © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

genetic code of a human being. That work has primarily been done in Europe. From the codons of the I-Ching Hexagrams, we eventually, and with the Multidimensional system, could map the actual genetic code and the timers of human beings genetics as well as of animals. The potential is enormous on a mechanical level. The Mammalian Design, which is primarily non-verbal, occurs when we sleep, so we have to be horizontal. We function vertically in our Waking state. Animals are always in this non-verbal, Mammalian Matrix. They don’t have the Crown and the Ajna and they don’t have the Solar Plexus. Actually, there is no Portal in that Matrix for the will. That is significant. What you can see is that in the Mammalian there are three portals. There is the 62nd Gate that goes from the realm in the Mammalian Matrix of wanting to understand and making cognitive sense of things and the Earth Plane that is the Taoist field of unification in the third dimensional reality world. Gate 62 is the conduit, the Portal responsible for allowing us to train animals. Through their relationship with humans, animals can have a cognition that they would not otherwise have. They have the Portal, but they don’t have the Centers. When they are with humans, they take on the human’s cognition and ability to communicate with them. They gain access to those Centers. Through the portal of the 19th Gate to the 49th Gate, they gain a portal to the Solar Plexus, so they have emotion when they are with humans. Those of us who have close relationships or have had close relationships with animals know that they definitely have feelings. It’s pretty funny, actually, in that we actually have two portals to the Solar Plexus. We have Gate 19 pointing to Gate 49 and Gate 12 pointing to Gate 22. Gate 22, out of the Solar Plexus, is human and Gate 12 from the Throat Center is the Mammalian Gate. Gate 12 is a Gate in the Mammalian or Sleep Design that comes out of the Throat Center and it doesn’t connect. It’s the Gate that is related to Mutation and Language and is the translation Gate. People who have that Gate coming from their Sleep/Dream are here to translate the archetypal collective unconscious into language for understanding and they carry a great responsibility as a translator of symbols. The Gate 19 to Gate 49 is a Portal from the Survival realm of animals, where they are concerned with surviving in the wild. Their alertness is tuned in; they are in the now, and they are concerned with where they are going to get their next meal and how they are going to eat. This Channel 19/49 relates in humans to our concern about having enough food. Those of you who carry food with you when you go somewhere are tapping into that Mammalian realm of survival. When you tune in to a danger in the Environment, all of the emotion and cognition disappear; you are in flight and fight. It’s that survival realm that make-up these Gates. The Earth and the Integrative Field are these Gates, including the Light Field. The ways that we want to understand and make sense out of the world are the upper Gates. (Just as an aside, these Gates correspond and correlate to alchemical literature, salt, sulfur and mercury, and the three worlds). We have in the Mammalian – in our relationship with animals, when we are awake, when we are with an animal – we have the only really direct communication we can ever have in a waking state with that realm of collective archetypal symbols. We are awake, and © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

yet, we are picking up from the mammals, our auras are merging, and we have memories coming through us of what it is like to be in a mammalian state. So, our consciousness expands when we are with animals of that memory, of being part of a total species, being one with the animal kingdom. It happens in our relationships now with domesticated animals. They, through their relationships with us, are able to change their own genetics and evolution. There is evidence that dogs, through their relationships with humans, have changed genetically. So when animals are domesticated and are in our energy, they have personality and cognition in a different way than non-domesticated animals have. Those of you who have close relationships with animals know this point as fact; I have primarily cats. I know if I’m away, my cats don’t eat. When I come home, they want their relationship with me before they’ll touch their food. They have changed from these wild beasts who search for survival into something much more than that. And, we have changed through the relationship with our animals into being much more intuitive and alert to other dimensions of our environment. The next Portal that I want to talk about is what I’m calling the Portal to the Angelic World, the World of Mystical Inspiration and Spiritual alignment. This came out of my work with the different layers of consciousness. There is a Biological Matrix, which has 25 Gates, and which is built during the conception sequence. In the first trimester of pregnancy we have most of those Gates laid down on a physiologic level and we have the timing of that. Then some additional Gates come in during the third trimester, and when we’re born we can function physiologically. Of course, the Biological/Physiological Matrix does not have the Mental Centers, and I began to think a lot about that. I began to think about the fact that some people have spirit guides and angels. They receive inspiration from other dimensions, not just from the mammalian dimension. They seem to be tuned in to guides. As I worked with that information, I realized there must be another missing Matrix. I labeled it “Angelic” for want of anything else. I may call it in the computer program “Mystical, Inspirational,” but I still like to think of it as Angelic. I began working with it and working with the Multilayer chart with my clients and in my own work, and found that the Gates that were not part of the Mammalian and were not part of the Biological, fell into what I’m calling the Angelic which explains the spiritual alignment of people and tells me what somebody’s spiritual purpose might be and how they get that information. We, essentially, have a Matrix then that comes from above, “as above, so below,” and we have the Mammalian that comes from below. We receive inspirational understanding of the construct and nature of the universe from above, to which we give meaning and cognition. We have the Mammalian coming from below telling us what we need to do to survive as physical entities. When you put the pieces together in an integrated, Multilayered, Multidimensional Matrix, you integrate 64-Gates that show us the layers and dimensions from which somebody actually functions. The 64 Gates are the same as the Gates in the original Basic Solar Human Design. The way in which I work with this Design and interpret it is extremely dynamic and unique. I feel, at this point, that it’s clinically irresponsible to use only the Solar Matrix. In addition, I always work with the Matrix over time. In the regular Human Design Matrix © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

you work with a calculation that is Prenatal to Natal. As a developmental psychologist and as a social scientist, I recognize the importance of the Postnatal period. The Design calculation for the Postnatal calculation is 88 degrees after birth. So logically and theoretically, it’s just as important as a Prenatal calculation. Is everybody following that? Energy always follows thought. So, at the moment of birth what gets set in motion is what becomes the unconscious or the Design calculation for three months in the future. There is not ever closure in any event for a six-month period. When I began looking at that Postnatal calculation for all of the Multilayers, I realized that I had Pre and Postnatal for the Waking state, the Spiritual state, the Mental state, and the Physical states. Developmentally in a baby, at three months Postnatally they begin to act as entities with the environment, really impacting it, and responding to people as though they are separate. Until that time, babies don’t actually actively interact with their environment. They may react and they are influenced. What that tells me as a clinical developmental psychologist is that the Postnatal three-month period is the time when, if a parent has that calculation at birth, they could really know what their baby is going to be vulnerable to and how to best maximize that child’s potential for the future. In working with the Pre and Postnatal Designs across the layers, what I get to see is how a person uniquely functions. How they come in with a purpose that I can see from their Waking Design, their Prenatal and Postnatal Designs. Then, I can track how that purpose is reinforced through all their Multilayers. I see what layer of their being is really predominant for them. Some people are driven and are here for spiritual work; other people are here for individual personality work; other people are here to be collective beings, transmitting and organizing the tribe. So the circuitry may all exist, but it certainly does not exist only in the Waking Solar Design. I found no statistical differences to support circuitry or streams, or any of the standard Human Design concepts, consistently or reliably on a flat Solar Chart. One might ask, just looking at my chart (cf. Illustration of Eleanor’s chart pp. 23-28), what my emphasis is in life. Imagine, if you will, that I superimpose my Waking Design with my Lunar Design. What you can immediately see is that I become in this composite a Single Definition Manifestor with a 3/5 Profile in my Waking Design, which is the basic one, with which some of you are familiar. But in the Lunar Design, I become a Generator. Thus, if you put my Solar and my Lunar Designs together, I gain a Defined Self. When superimposing my Waking Design with my Postnatal Design, I gain the Channel 15/5 in my Waking Design, which makes me in fact a Manifesting Generator. From this composite of the Layers and how they interact and when seen conjunction with the meaning of the circuitry, one can easily see that the emphasis in my life is on the spiritual alignment and expression of it in understanding patterns in life. In fact, it has been this understanding that has been my strength both as a social scientist and as a clinician. I’ve asked Erik in the upgrade to my program to allow all kinds of combinations of composites, and that is coming, and so is the Angelic. These composite combinations have never been done before. But if you look at the Angelic and you look at my Design, © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

you can see that although I don’t have the Mental Centers, primarily, I am a logical being. I have a great deal of what is in the Angelic Matrix. For example, I have the Channel 16/48, the Channel 18/58. The Gate 63 and the Channel 52/9. Also, I have the Gate10, the Gate 31, and the Channel 33/13, which has to do with memory. It may relate to Karmic memories as well as memories from this life. The Wheel of Fortune card can represent the G Center. I’m about to post a paper that one of my students wrote on Tarot, and I think I mention ways to work with Tarot in Gates in my own paper about Tarot. I’m integrating the Tarot and its Astrology into Design. In the wheel that we just released, you have it color-coded for the astrological sign as well as the quarter of the Incarnation Cross. That is all advanced Astrology and Design. On a theoretical level, I want you to at least understand that we now have a map of the mechanical template of functional consciousness and how it works, and we have the calculations to show each person’s unique imprint of when things turn on and when they don’t. The hormonal is the physiological releaser that times an hour-and-a-half span, so it times the Dream Cycle. I wanted something that would time the Dream Cycle, the REM Cycle. The Sleep and Dream Cycles are essential to all life forms, and the Cycle is regular in humans for optimal health and well-being. I knew that Chinese medicine, astrology, and sleep architecture all time hormonal shifts to about the same 90 minute to 2 hour period; thus, I hypothesized that there would be a calculation that would show the Cycle. It does. We dream about every hour and a half. Our Sleep Cycle goes through its different brain wave patterns. And then Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Cycle is about every hour and a half during the night. So, in sleep architecture, you surface way down into delta brain waves, and then you’re surfacing up. And, in REM, all the brain waves (64 gates) are present and that’s when there is neurological carryover. We dip down into the cosmos, we surface back up to communicate to the consciousness, then we dip down into the cosmos, and we come back up again. This Cycle repeats during the night several times. For the time being, I’ve asked Erik to do the Angelic Matrix as a Lunar calculation, but I believe that in other worlds we’re going to have beings on the different planets with different calculations. I think there’s going to be Venus calculations, Mercury calculations that would correspond to other dimensional beings. It may very well be that actual Angelic beings living wherever they live are working within a Mercurian Matrix, and then there’s overlap between those and us. I do not have any of this material worked out, and I am raising it as ideas and as areas for others as well as for me to explore. There are certainly more questions than answers at this point. We all have some Gates that would connect between different worlds. And don’t forget, there are always Transits. All the moving planets always influence us. And some planets move very slowly, like what’s happened over the last few years, the Saturn/Pluto slowmoving aspect and opposition affected everybody. Everybody has had a hell of a time. © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

Part of that (there is a paper on my web site) is about the fact that Pluto only moved into a Sleep Design Gate in 2000, and prior to that it had not been in a Sleep Design since 1992. When you think about that, if we’re awake and a slow-moving planet is not in the Matrix, it’s only going to affect people who have that Gate– it’s not going to affect anybody when they sleep. However, if it is in everybody’s Design, when they’re Sleeping, it repatterns the collective consciousness of the whole planet. Starting in the year 2000, when Pluto moved into the 5th Gate, it began to pattern everybody for a new consciousness and everybody felt it. Many people who never had trouble sleeping starting to have trouble sleeping, and people who didn’t have their Sacral Center defined suddenly had it defined. When a slow-moving planet impacts all the matrices all the time, it’s very different than if it turns on when you’re awake and turns off when you’re asleep. In other words, the Mammalian Matrix programs the collective archetypal layer of consciousness, and it’s going to move through the circuitry in REM. Pluto prior to the year 2000 had been in the 34th Gate, which you can see is part of the Angelic Matrix. I don’t know exactly when the Angelic turns on yet, but in that case it would not have been occurring, Pluto would not have been active when everybody went to sleep at night, so it would not have been setting a pattern in motion. It may have made everybody more open to a spiritual dimension then what they were looking for. But what I am talking about is if you look at only the Biological Matrix, or only the Mammalian, or the Bird Matrix, which has the Gate 34, you can begin to logically see that if it’s not in our Design when we’re asleep, it’s not going to affect us the same way as it will if the slow-moving planet is there all the time, 24 hours a day. That’s a very significant awareness, because it means that everyone on the planet gets programmed; people pick up collective energy but they don’t know it doesn’t belong to them personally; they don’t know that they receive information from other dimensions. Yet, those worlds come through to them in their waking state. I’m talking primarily about Mammals; we’re related as Mammals. When we Sleep, we are as Mammals; the collective consciousness programs us. I’m not talking about all life. I’m just talking about Mammalian life for the moment. This phenomenon does not affect all life forms. For example, the 5th Gate is not present in plants. When I looked at the Bird Matrix after designing the Spiritual Matrix, i.e., the Angelic Matrix. I was struck at the configuration of the Bird Mandala (cf. Illustration of Bird Mandala, p. 28). Given that we have Birds in our life now, I was thinking about how they influence us. And, it was very interesting to me that they overlap – the 44th Gate which is part of the Biological Matrix. The Reptilian and Bird Matrix has the Gate 34 and the Gate 57. The Gate 57 is also part of the Mammalian Matrix and Mammals have the Channel 5/15 and the Channel 1/8. I began to think, “Well, is not that interesting that Birds have the 34th Gate, which is Angelic, and Birds have wings. They fly. The mythology of the gods is that they come down from the sky, angels have wings; we have wings. I began to think about mythology and the fact that through mythology what we’re being given as a message is that we get information through our interaction and exposure to the creatures of the other world, and these creatures are here in our relationship with us to communicate other dimensions. There is or seems to be a whole renewal of bird

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watching. I had never heard before of as many birds being domesticated, but, increasingly, I hear about people who have cockatoos and ducks and parrots. We thought we were just rescuing Gracie (a Pekin duck) when we did, and had no sense that she really could relate and be cognitive and conscious and have emotion. Marvin certainly has much more of a relationship with Gracie than I do. Then, we met Nan who has half a dozen indoor ducks who live with cats and dogs. She designed an outfit for them so that they wear diapers. It has been really quite interesting to watch the mallards, who have come for four years now and are wild. They have a whole social system and social network and discipline. There is a very clear intimate relationship between the mallards, Bessie and Wilson. It is obvious that they communicate with each other. There is a great similarity to us in the way the male/female mallards relate to disciplining their children. Sometimes Wilson gets a little harsh, and Bessie chases him out of the pool and scolds him and then won’t let him come near the babies until he behaves himself and calms himself down. As Marvin can tell you in relating to the ducks, they want attention and they communicate with him. They want to be petted. They have definite ways of wanting to be loved. There are some people in the room who can testify to the fact that when they visit, Gracie seems to know them and she knows the people who bring her goodies, like slugs or snails. She even follows the gardener around for the snails. Watching how the bird has changed us and how we are changing the bird gives a lot of credence to the fact that the Matrix is a very interactive template for being the opening to other worlds. Through this relationship, not just with the Mammals where we get a symbolic survival kind of communication, but through the birds, we get another kind of understanding of something other dimensional that we can not quite verbalize yet. SPEAKER: I know someone who has a wall plaque that a lady gave to her; it has a picture of an angel and it says, “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly”. Which leads me to say that if the cognitive part is missing from a bird, then they’re not weighted down with all this mental stuff. They maybe take themselves more lightly and therefore are able to fly and be a part of the Angelic World. ELEANOR: Perhaps, they are the conduits to bring the Angelic realm down to us in some way. I don’t know. But I found it very interesting that some of the Gates are in common and in common with the Mammalian, so that there is a very interesting connection. There seems to be a genetic connection. I would love to have a hologram sitting in the middle of the table with all of the Matrices and all of the layers spinning and superimposing themselves with/in each other, and you would see the functional sort of blinking on and off of somebody’s psyche, almost like what we see in three-dimensional PET and SPECT scans of the brain. What I had in mind at one point was that I would love to do a non-verbal movie. Start with the conception and the building of the Matrix where it becomes form, and suddenly this Matrix continues developing. You would not need any words, you would just need a © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

music that picks up on it and the Matrix, and people would have a communication of who they are with no words. It’s that power of non-verbal delivery and immersion that I really want to communicate to people. One of the things I’ve been talking about is the fact that in the course of a six-month period, between the Sun and the Moon which operate at a180 degree opposition, within the course of that Prenatal/Postnatal period, every individual experiences in their own programming the totality of the universe. So we have within ourselves, within our birth right in the first six months, everything we need to be aware of and complete in our lifetime because we experience the whole zodiac in our day to day experience of life; to recognize ourselves as empowered with the abilities we need to be familiar with and to realize our potential is built into our mechanics. It is the fact that we have not been shown how that dynamic functions within us that disempower us. What you can see and what always is missing from my own Designs for me is any Definition in my head. In the early work that I did with Human Design, when all I had was the Solar Design; the description of someone with an Undefined Self Center, was “you don’t know who you are and you’re always looking for love.” This interpretation did not describe me. It did not ring true. Of course, it does not ring true when you look at the Multidimensional Matrix, because I certainly do have a sense of my Self. I am not always looking for love. I do wait. I had the experience of waiting with Tammy, and I had that experience with Jillian, which really brought home my self as a Generator. Marvin needed a new assistant for a very long time, someone with a well-grounded medical orientation. We had talked about it for many months and did not want to let his assistant go because we liked her so much. But when Dyan was ready to move to England, we knew we needed a different kind of help. We had talked about me putting an ad up and finding somebody. I could not do it. I just waited. And then Tammy faxed a resume, which ordinarily I would pull off the fax machine and throw away. I looked at it and I said, “hum,” and I put it down on my desk. I came back to it again the next day and I read it again. I said to Marvin, “Marvin, this looks interesting. I think we should follow through on this.” It was a gut response. I called Tammy and knew over the phone that, unless she proved to be very much other than what she had described, it was the right thing. And, of course, we made that decision and hired her, and it has been a great fit. That was a very good example of how, as soon as I get that gut response and I feel an alignment of forces, then, I take action and everything falls into place. It comes from the Lunar level, so I wait until the spiritual alignment is there and then I manifest without any thought. Now, I also say that I cannot think to “save my life,” and I cannot. That is why it would be almost impossible for me to write out a lecture unless I actually wrote it out and read it as a paper that I had written. If I want to write, I do not write an outline. I get an idea, I sit down, and within ten minutes the paper is written. I did my dissertation the same way. The whole thing was written inside of a week. When I decide to write something, I wait and wait and wait, and when I feel internally like it is there, it’s just there, and there’s no thought involved in it. It is just there in full form. © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

If you ask me for facts, or if you ask me, “what is this Gate and what is this Line?” I go to the book and look it up or I tell you some keywords. But if you tell me the context and the structure and the pattern for someone, I’ll give it to you full-blown. And, you can see that in none of my layers do I have a Mental Center, but I certainly do have memory and a lot of logic and spirituality and alignment. The Channel 15/5 (which determines the rhythm, the patterns of the environment) activates in my Postnatal Design and is, in fact, what my family experienced me to be early on. I was very strong in my pattern and in my Self, and I would not change my Self for anything in the world. I have eaten the same breakfast since I was a child. I started with coffee when I was three. No one could stop me. With Jillian, I knew I needed help for a long time. I had set my intention that, come the summer, I would get organized. And, I literally prayed. Jillian wrote me a note about three or four weeks ago saying she had just moved to Southern California from Northern California; she was interested in Design; she had taken a class; she wanted to meet, she asked if I knew of anyone who was looking for someone to employ. She was looking for a job since she had just moved to Southern California. I wrote back to her and I said, “I think, Jillian, you are the answer to my prayers.” She sent me her resume; we met on a Sunday, and she was hired on the spot, and she started work on Monday. And it’s been fabulous for both of us. That is another example of waiting as a Generator and not moving before the Manifestation would be there for me. I had tried many times to get organized, and the time was not right. That is part of how a Manifesting Generator functions. When you get the instinct, you begin to look at it Manifesting, and sometimes you have to just throw it out because the time is not there yet. It is like what we did with Tammy; we knew that we needed something and we knew the response was there, but the alignment was not quite ready for it yet. So when you see that you function on a multilayer time frame, you really have to give yourself that time. It’s a six-month period. Probably it was three months before Tammy showed up that we really knew we needed a new assistant. We had given the other assistant many chances to do what needed to be done. It also was not until about three months prior to that that Dyan and Mike knew exactly when they’d be moving. With respect to Jillian the same thing occurred. I hadn’t really planned to teach classes in a formal way. And then one student called and said, “Will you teach a cartography class,” and I went “Yeah, I can do that, uh-huh.” Within a week four or five other people called and they came out of nowhere. I knew, once I had taught the class at the end of May, that I could not handle the overload anymore. I think in the last month I had 5,000 pages printed on my printer. In terms of what I’m turning out paper-wise on the printer, I generated 5,000 papers that I had to organize, between my trading and Design. MARVIN: Those of you who know Eleanor well know that everything seems to kind of just go in a flow because she waits like this. Now, none of that would show up in her Solar Design. It shows up in the REM design, the spiritual, not the Mammalian.

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ELEANOR: The Mammalian 15-Gate Matrix shows me as a Reflector. The 64-Gate Spiritual REM Design is related to the Mammalian because of the Lunar calculation, and it operates during REM sleep, whereas the mammalian operates during deep sleep. MARVIN: Those of you who know Eleanor well know that she doesn’t struggle. There is no emotionality; she doesn’t have any emotionality. She doesn’t struggle. Now, I have the Emotional Center Defined in my Postnatal. When I first met Eleanor, I used to always suffer over, well, what are we going to do and this and that. And she would just sit there and say, “oh, well.” It’s taken me many years to just let go and let her figure out the timing. And now it’s real easy, I just let her handle it. I mean all these years rather than focusing on the future filled with angst, I could have – you know just let go. I know now she’s going to handle it. SPEAKER: But you have emotion over your animals and other things like that. ELEANOR: Well, there’s a difference in interpretation based on what layer in the Multidimensional Matrix a person is being emotionally defined. When I’m reading a Multilayer chart, if somebody is emotional in their Solar layer, then it’s coming through a Waking Mental Personality. But if the Emotional Definition comes in on the Lunar level, it has a very different quality to it. It tells me what they’re going to get emotional about. Kathleen, can I mention your design? We were talking about some of Kathleen’s stuff and how it filters through the various layers. Because of the spiritual components and the way the layers function, Chiron defines her emotional being, in her Design. Being emotional in the Emotional Body only comes through when it’s spiritually oriented. In other words, the day-to-day stuff is not going to trigger her emotionally. When it hits a deeper layer of her being, that’s when she’s going to get emotional. It’s not just an emotional wave that you always have to wait out. Identifying these distinctions in all layers of the Multidimensional Matrix is a major key in understanding the fruition of all my scientific research. I do get angry, but only when the logic and the pattern and the information given to me are faulty. Then I feel like my spiritual information has been misrepresented or betrayed. Otherwise, I don’t care. When somebody gives me a commitment and I make a commitment to somebody out of a vibration of the highest energy and love, then don’t cross me, because that’s what I’m going to stand up for and value. It may seem emotional, but it’s not coming out of an emotional place; it’s coming out of a place of honoring the integrity of the spiritual layer of my design. I’m always looking for the nuance of the configuration within a chart to see what layer it is. Thanks to Erik who got me started on the Mammalian and then Charles who cleaned it up. What I’ve done is to give you a Map of the Consciousness layer, so that you can see that the Lunar layer is always non-verbally communicated. It has to do with the nature of somebody. SPEAKER: What do you mean by “non-verbally”? © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

ELEANOR: Symbolic. If you look at a spiral, you have a knowing, a resonance. You’re not going to have words, but when you want to explain it, it has to come through the Solar to get the words. One of the frustrations in dream analysis, or even when you write a dream down, is that you have this image and when you try to put it in words, it loses something in the translation. Yet, you have no way to communicate that layer directly, even though you’ve experienced it directly. SPEAKER: It’s like numinosity. ELEANOR: Yes, it’s the numinous layer coming directly from the collective unconscious. We have a Mental layer through which we filter information personally and we give it personal meaning and words and language. SPEAKER: This is why it’s helpful to meditate on the dream consciously. ELEANOR: Well, if you lay down when you’re thinking about your dreams, you’re going to have a lot more clarity than if you’re sitting up. It’s probably one of the reasons Freud worked with people laying down. If you go back to the roots, you have Jung with the collective archetypal, you have Freud with the analytic knowing that there is in deed a personal filter, but they didn’t have the mechanical mechanism that brought the worlds together and integrated them. They didn’t have the fact that this non-verbal, Lunar Matrix functions during REM. When you go down to the sleep layer, it’s there to restore us. Everybody needs to sleep to survive and to be healthy psychologically. When you’re in the Lunar Design or in the Solar Design, the archetypal layer is being directly communicated into the cells of the unconscious. Then when we go into REM there’s a conduit in terms of neurotransmitters that give us the ability to give cognition to the dream and attach personal meaning to it out of our environmental interactions. So it’s only because we can interact with the environment that we give personal meaning to dreams. They come to us with no personal intent. SPEAKER: That’s why dreams very often use something that’s happened outwardly recently and you suddenly see. ELEANOR: Yes, and there’s a six-day lag time-wise. SPEAKER: Between the dream and the manifestation? ELEANOR: Yes. Well, when we wake up in the morning, the information that is active in our dream state is the Prenatal Lunar calculation that is active presently, yet originates from six days prior to when we are dreaming it. We might filter it through the day’s activities, but the information and the symbol is coming from six days before the dream in terms of transit.

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ELEANOR: can see –

We function over about a week period in terms of the unconscious. As you

SPEAKER: Where does that come from, the six day? ELEANOR: Well, the Lunar calculation is an 88-lunar-degree calculation, which puts it time-wise at about six days prior to birth or six days after birth. When we’re asleep the unconscious is the active determining component, not the waking. When we’re awake what is conscious to us is the personality, but when we sleep what is conscious to our psyche is the unconscious. Since that is based on a prenatal calculation, it’s the active component of the design. And so when you wake up, you’re picking up symbols that have a lag time in terms of the transit. What makes it very difficult from a statistical standpoint is that in order to really verify the system, I need a statistician who can operate within multi-linear dimensions. I know one or two, but I cannot find where they are right now. I guess the time is not right. SPEAKER: Well, sometimes it seems like you have a Dream, and then one or two days later another Dream where you see two dogs fighting, or whatever, and then you have a Dream that takes off on that and does something with that. ELEANOR: Yes, and that is coming through – let us say you had an image in your waking life. When the symbol comes from the unconscious collective realm, you filter it through your own personal experiences from the most recent past. SPEAKER: The dream uses that because it helps you then to sort of be aware of the context? ELEANOR: Your consciousness uses it, not the Dream. The Dream is a raw symbol coming from deep sleep. Then, as you move into REM and it gets communicated to your waking cortex, you put it in terms that you can understand in your waking life. SPEAKER: So the dreamer uses it? ELEANOR: Yes, exactly. SPEAKER: To be more aware? ELEANOR: …of what that Symbol might be and how it might be expressed in the real world. In the Solar Design the content and the archetypal images stream through a filter. You are active, receptive and interpretive in the Solar Sleep Design. It is in this layer of consciousness that your interpretation comes through. You take the unconscious collective archetypes and transform them using your conscious filters. Let us say you have an image of a bear in a Dream. In Jungian terms, that might be the mother or the feminine, or we could go through the whole gambit of symbols. We look for what happened in your most recent conscious life to see how that symbol might be relevant to you. You may choose to identify it in your waking consciousness because of your © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

personal meaning. Everybody receives the Symbol. Note: we are programmed as a collective consciousness based on Transits. Your Design filters information in certain ways through your physiology and genetics, and then the content comes out through how the Gates all function. Your personal experiences in day-to-day life influence what your interpretation of all this material will be. MARVIN: It is also why it feels good that you dream in whatever form you do it or whatever. You pay attention to a very important part of yourself through Dreams. ELEANOR: And, of course, that material connects you with the greater whole. SPEAKER: There is a tribe in the South Seas, the Senoi. They have a saying, I believe it is: “if you work on your Dream, you affect the whole world.” ELEANOR: Yes, and that’s exactly right. Our consciousness and the importance of the Mammalian and of the Angelic Matrix is that as a consciousness, we are one entity. We are one cell in a total entity. In the first six months of life, we essentially have the experience of the totality. Think about that. You experience in six months of life every single Sun/Earth Cross. SPEAKER: A hologram within a hologram. ELEANOR: Exactly. And the symbols are universal and they are communicated to us every night through the Transits and through our relationship with our animals. ELEANOR: Look at events Multidimensionally. For example, the World Trade crash on September 11 had its precursor three months before and its Postnatal was December 7, which was Pearl Harbor. It was no accident. I knew on September 11 that we would find and reach some kind of initial closure 88 degrees Postnatally. And the Afghanistan raids completed on December 6 or 7, depending on the time zone. Energy follows thought, it had to be. Birds have the Gate 44 portal to the Gate 26, which then connects to the Self. So they define your Splenic Center to the Heart Center to the Self Center through the Channel of Initiation. And then, through the blinking design you gain the Manifestation on the material plane and up into the spiritual realm. MARVIN: Don’t they have the Channel 1/8? ELEANOR: They do have the Channel 1/8, The Channel of Inspiration. And they also have the Channel 5/15. The Channel 5/15 patterns the Splenic Center. MARVIN: There is no question that they pattern me, because I can read their signals about whether it is time for snails, or it is time for this, or it is time for that (cf. Illustration of Marvin’s Designs pp. 29- 34).

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ELEANOR: The energy in the Designs goes to the Root through this combination. Birds have the Gate 57, so it could hook up your intuition. It gives you Portals that you do not otherwise have; your ducks may have these Gates, we do not know. Since they only have seven gates, we could look at the Transits over the last year. The probability is that, given when their birth occurred, they have the Gate 5 or the Gate 15 and they could have the Gate 34, but we have to look at the Transits around the time that they were born. Gracie was born last August around the same time as Holly’s birthday. Although we do not have the Duck’s birth data, if the Gate was Defined by a slowmoving Transit that was in the Chart, the Bird would have it Defined. The point is that Birds bring us the connection with spiritual mythology. The awareness of the fact that Birds fly gives me the insight that through the mythology and folklore of the winged creatures, we connect with a Matrix that is part of our genetic inheritance; it connects us to creatures who actually are in this realm reminding us of things we have forgotten in our memory of ourselves. We have camaraderie with all living things once we open to the fact that we all exist within the Matrix. When I looked at the design of Birds, I said, “Oh, my God, the mythology is right there.” How could we not know that we have to have a physiologic matrix that hooks us up and forms the origin of mythologies? It is not a belief system. It is science when we look at the contextual and construct validity. From the symbolic layer of actual information coming through our selves, the filter on a personal level tries to make sense of Symbols in language. Mythology is the verbal expression of something that all of us experiences, i.e., we are one being; we cannot put words to our experience. That is why through the ages, no matter what the culture, if you look to the folklore, or to the mythology there is commonality through all of it. When I was in graduate school my research was as both a psychology and a psychological anthropology major. My specialty even in college was as a psyche major with an anthropology minor with a specialty in religion. I studied American Indians extensively. In graduate school my dissertation chairman did research on three tribes in Nigeria. My task as a research associate was to read and catalogue all the Dreams. I took seminars on the Dreams of the Ibo Tribe. I have a long history of working with Symbology in Dreams, not only of this culture but in other cultures as well. I see that they all show the same structure and information. You look at all cultures and at the structure of societies and the buildings look similar and the architecture looks similar. Styles change, but people have the same kind of structure within their society. The structure has to come out of the archetype and out of the spirit realm. Through our Spiritual Matrix, we have a physical commonality of programming with species that we then connect with for our level of understanding. That is what I am saying. When we connect with Birds and winged creatures, we connect with the spiritual dimension to make sense and understanding out of something beyond what our mind can comprehend. When we see Birds fly, we have a sense of ourselves soaring to other © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

spaces. And we probably do travel there at night, or at other times. During sleep we travel into that Collective Archetypal realm with Symbols, but we do not have language there. Now, I do not know physiologically when we go into that spiritual dimension, but I am sure we do. There may be brainwaves that would identify that. Anthony Newberg’s book “Why God Won’t Go Away,” reports that scientists actually found physiological documentation for the fact that there is something beyond what is explained through physiology, and it is not oxygen deprivation or anything like that. The brainwaves and the states of consciousness actually relate to spiritual input; they are going to be identified as technology gets better and then we may easily see that they relate to the Bird realm. SPEAKER: We have wild birds, and I put wild birdseed out; we watch the Birds; they let us watch them. They are interesting, and I do not know what I could learn from them, except I know that they have some kind of code between them that we cannot see. It does not look like they speak but this bird communicates, – “Don’t you dare come near this when I’m sitting here,” or, “You have to wait your turn,” or, “This one can come, but that one can not.” It is very interesting. ELEANOR: You see, it is like what we said about intuition; it comes through in a knowing that is not the kind of instinctive intuition we have, but it is a knowing intuition in its own way. They know that and we sometimes know that about our own lives. SPEAKER: It’s similar to when you see a group of birds that seem to act like one, and, certainly, when they’re flying. You say, “My gosh, that’s one creature there.” ELEANOR: And they know where to go. It is amazing. Any other questions or comments? SPEAKER: In terms of what you just did with Marvin, what you’re doing is you are taking each Design and you layer it on top of one another to see what Channels connect; is that what you do? And in terms of the Birds, in other words, because you’ve memorized the Bird Matrix as well as you have, you can literally look at -ELEANOR: –anybody’s Design and know which Matrix are involved in its structure and mechanics. SPEAKER: And you can know how things are filled out. ELEANOR: Right. I can explain what I do in the multilayer. Let’s take a Gate. Like here you have the 3rd Gate and here you have the 60th Gate. Either one alone does not define the Root. When you look carefully you see the fact that during shifts in Consciousness the Gate turns on and off. What you have is like a moving target. SPEAKER: Would you define “shifts in consciousness” for me, or shifts in Marvin’s consciousness? © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

ELEANOR: If we’re moving always in four auric bodies – SPEAKER: Oh, I see. So you’re talking about Marvin shifting from his spiritual layer to his emotional layer and changing in his Design? ELEANOR: Right. And there is a carryover in those layers of our functioning psyche of which we are not conscious. SPEAKER: So when Marvin is in a Spiritual realm, you take the Spiritual dimension – well, let’s say that activation of the Gate in the spiritual is only half full but in the natal it is completely filled in, then you take the spiritual and match it in or are you saying when it is spiritual, just half of that outline channel is activated? ELEANOR: No, no. Okay, let’s not confuse the terminology. These are the auric bodies, mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical. Then we have layers of being where we’re related in a cross-specie Symbolic way and the information is fed into us daily. Consciousness crosses over all of these Matrices during a 24-hour Shift in Consciousness as brainwaves shift. In REM state we are in the Unified Integrated Field, but in deep sleep, we are in Delta brainwaves. What I’m saying is that the Earth realm where you are in the Basic 64-Gate Matrix is the world of the Earth. That is where we function in the third-dimensional reality plane and where we feed the third-dimensional reality with consciousness that comes from many other dimensions; however, we have to live in this world. When we live in this world, as Freud and Jung and all other great psychologists have said, we’re not just living in the here and now conscious reality. There is unconscious material and spiritual and symbolic material that all feeds into this moment in ways of which we have no conscious awareness. There is subconscious and unconscious and pre-conscious and super-conscious. In the Map of the Multidimensional Layers of Consciousness, I show you that the Mystical, Inspirational, Angelic Matrix is super-consciousness. The map shows how we try to make sense out of all the layers of the world and give meaning to it. In the world of Archetypes, we’re dealing with the subconscious realm of existence. In the world of Biological form, we’re dealing with our very existence in a form. In the world of Earth, we’re dealing with interactive conscious reality and we have to get a unifying field that brings the other dimensions into our awareness, so we can live and function in life. If we didn’t have these dimensions, every day we would have no memory of any other day or any other existence. There has to be a reason and a way that this all codes into ourselves. The ideas about reincarnation, past life, afterlife, belief systems, the meaning of life, or the meaning of relationships have to be coded into us somewhere. What I’m saying is that meaning is coded into us through these other worlds through the Unifying Integrative Field. We have the conduit to understand it through our relationship with animals, who, when we relate to them in our waking state, remind us of the Matrices that we live in other States of Consciousness. They become the Portal through which we gain access in © Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

our waking state, i.e., those dimensions that usually are not available to us when we are awake. It is a brilliant Design that we have as human beings. MARVIN: I want to show one thing here. This is my Chart superimposed. Holly had the Gate 19 and the Gate 62 and the Channel 15/5. The Channel 19/49, sometimes, called by Ra, “the eating/feeding Channel,” is also called the Channel of Sensitivity. The Channel 17/62 goes from the Throat Center to the Ajna Center also as a Portal to the Human Design. ELEANOR: The Gate 62 is a Portal to understanding and cognition. It gives an animal the capacity to understand meaning and to understand language. The Channel 19/49 is a Mystical Channel that gives spirituality and a sense of the relationship between humans and animals for more than just survival. MARVIN: Right, and Holly had an amazing voice. ELEANOR: Oh, she did. Holly would be resting and Marvin would be out playing golf. She would come down to the very bottom of the stairs with a pink powder puff in her mouth; she would howl with her very squeaky, little, beautiful voice which you could hear all over the house. Within five or ten minutes, Marvin would call and say, “I’m on my way home.” So when Holly would speak and sit at the bottom of the stairs with her powder puff, I knew that Marvin was on his way home, and I knew that he would be calling momentarily. Then she would wait at the bottom of the stairs with her puff. When Marvin came home Holly expected him to throw the powder puff for her so she could fetch it. MARVIN: And this could go on a long time. And I loved it, by the way. That is what was so magical about it. ELEANOR: The more I work with it, the more I recognize the importance of the Postnatal Design and the significance of it. Also, I believe it tells us the last incarnation, i.e., what we are here to master and the issues we are here to work out in this lifetime. As I’m working with it, really there is so much information. I’ve been working with these Multilayers for about a year, and I am only now really seeing additional things in my own Design. Each time I work or teach, or when I do readings I see more and more that the Postnatal Designs tell me. For example, when I taught the last class, I realized that the Postnatal Design for a baby mostly occurs in a horizontal position. In the first three months of life, a baby is horizontal more than vertical. So that programming field, although it is in a 64-gate Matrix, has a very different geometry than the Waking 64-Gate Matrix. And, of course, when we are born, we are also not vertical beings; we are horizontal beings. I don’t know what that means, if the Mammalian functions horizontally and the information is fed in – I’m trying to make logical sense out of how that functions since in the first three months of life we are primarily horizontal instead of vertical.

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The Matrices are probably not specifically positional, but rather the way we are just formed, and that may not be as relevant. I know that when I first began working with the Solar and Lunar 15-gate Matrix, one of my first awarenesses was that during hypnosis and meditation when we’re in an Alpha state we function in the 15-Gate Solar Matrix. The brilliance of Transcendental Meditation is that we’re sitting up vertically and turning off the Centers that are not part of the Mammalian Matrix. We are functioning in a Mammalian Alpha State in a 64-Gate template, and we then can witness the Cognition, the Will and the Emotion as a witness not engaged with those aspects of the Form. That is the meditative hypnotic state. It’s very clear that the Solar Design in a Mammalian Matrix is meditation. But the difference in the Lunar is that we have no conscious awareness of it, except as it filters through the Solar and as the Symbols come out, and then we have to interpret them because we are driven by our Minds. What excites me about this material is that I can actually begin to see the Functional Psyche. The mechanics of consciousness can cut short so much process because it is just right there. Even within myself to see how much I actually do live as a Manifesting Generator and wait, makes it very easy to wait when I can look and say, “Okay, the timing is not here yet.” I knew I was living that way. But, to see the mechanics of it is so validating and also to see it actually working in other people empowers them. Much depends on who is in your aura and what the Transits are. How something is affected depends on the timing in your life and what other kinds of Solar returns and Lunar returns and progressions activate as well. There are all kinds of collective aspects going on, and you may be living imprinted by the environment, but it may not feel like you. There is nothing wrong with doing something as long as you have the consciousness of what is imposed upon your own mechanics. My intent with people is to empower them, not to tell them they are not living as who they are. I am very impressed with how many people are actually brilliantly living who they are. The problem is not that they are not living who they are; the problem is that they have not received validation for living who they are, and then, they second-guess themselves and discount their own instincts instead of being empowered by them. It would be a lot healthier if people could see how they function mechanically and then honor it. It would take a lot of angst and grief out of life. Even people like myself who have the 50th Gate and feel a real commitment to some kind of higher purpose, can feel empowered because the energy shows up in the other layers. To feel that energy and to know it and not take it personally can be very rewarding.

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Illustrations Map of Consciousness Layers in Multidimensional Design Chart Environmentally NonVerbally Non Verbal Interactive Communicated Nurture Animus Mind

Sun (Solar)

Nature Anima Body

Moon (Lunar)

Nature Animate Body

Moon (Lunar) Mammalian

Human 64, Solar Design Active Mental Wakeful awareness Solar Minute Design (Passive) Emotional Underlay (Personal)

64 Lunar Design (Dream REM) Spiritual Awareness Awareness of Self Lunar Minute Design


25 , Solar Biology Design 6, Lunar Biology Design Mind/Body (Active)

Species (Autonomic)

Solar Minute Biology Design Sympathetic (Passive)

Lunar Minute Biology Design

15, Solar Sleep Design (Active Receptiveinterpretive)

15, Lunar Sleep Design (Restorative)

Archetypal Images

Archetypal Symbols


15, Mammalian Lunar Design Animal Spirit Mammalian Lunar Minute Design

The World of Earth (Interactive conscious Reality) (Unifying Field) The Earth Plane

Physical Mammalian Lunar Biology Design Species

The World of Biological Form

Lunar Minute Mammalian Biology Design

Existence Physical Realm

Genetic Mammalian Design (Lunar) The World of Archetypes (Collective Unconscious) Instinct

Sleep Solar Minute Design

Sleep Lunar Minute Design

Mammalian Sleep Design (Lunar Minute)

Experiential Context

Hormonal Triggering

Archetypal Patterns

33 Solar Angelic Design

33 Lunar Angelic Design

Conscious Activator (Morality/Conscience)

Spiritual Activator (Soul)

Solar Minute Angelic Design

Lunar Minute Angelic Design

Emotional Activator

Physical Activator

The Subconscious Demon Realm

The World of Mystical Inspiration The Superconscious The Light Field

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The Human Design Mandala (64-Gate Matrix)

The Sleep/Mammalian Mandala (15-gate Matrix)

The Angelic Mandala (33-Gate Matrix)

The Biological Mandala (25-GateMatrix)

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Eleanor: Solar Design

Eleanor: Lunar Design

Eleanor: Solar Minute Design

Eleanor: Lunar Minute Design

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Eleanor: Solar Sleep Design

Eleanor: Lunar Sleep Design

Eleanor: Solar Minute Sleep Design

Eleanor: Lunar Minute Sleep Design

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

Eleanor: Solar Biology Design

Eleanor: Lunar Biology Design

Eleanor: Solar Minute Biology Design

Eleanor: Lunar Minute Biology Design

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Minute Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Minute Design

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Sleep Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Sleep Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Minute Sleep Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Minute Sleep Design

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Biology Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Biology Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Solar Minute Biology Design

Eleanor: Postnatal Lunar Minute Biology Design

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The Bird Mandala (7 Gate Matrix)

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Marvin: Solar Design

Marvin: Lunar Design

Marvin: Solar Minute Design

Marvin: Lunar Minute Design

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Marvin: Solar Sleep Design

Marvin: Lunar Sleep Design

Marvin: Solar Minute Sleep Design

Marvin: Lunar Minute Sleep Design

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

Marvin: Solar Biology Design

Marvin: Lunar Biology Design

Marvin: Solar Minute Biology Design

Marvin: Lunar Minute Biology Design

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Design

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Minute Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Minute Design

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Sleep Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Sleep Design

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Minute Sleep Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Minute Sleep Design

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Biology Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Biology Design

Marvin: Postnatal Solar Minute Biology Design

Marvin: Postnatal Lunar Minute Biology Design

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com

About the Author Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. passionately synthesizes esoteric wisdom and scientific discovery. With her Ph.D. from The University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development, Eleanor is uniquely qualified to integrate Social Sciences (psychology, biology, anthropology, sociology) Research with a wide array of esoteric studies. Through the principles and tools she developed and validated at NobleSciences.com, Eleanor helps people transform their lives. Throughout thirty-five years of private practice work as a coach and clinical psychologist, Eleanor worked with thousands of individuals, couples, and groups to synthesize life experiences in practical ways for living healthy, successful, and creatively fulfilling lives. Contact Eleanor at: [email protected] (310) 230-7787 About Noble Sciences Noble Sciences mission is to verify and scientifically document the Multidimensional Human Design knowledge created, developed, and researched by Eleanor HaspelPortner, Ph.D. Noble Sciences evolved from work begun at Rave Life Sciences in 1999 by Eleanor, Marvin Portner, M.D., and Ra Uru Hu who partnered with Eleanor and Marvin to verify the Human Design System. Based on the statistical research completed on over 45,000 cases, Eleanor expanded the Human Design System correcting some of its erroneous hypotheses, expanding its calculations, and verifying additional layers of consciousness, and their ways of operating in developing human personality. Multidimensional Human Design, Unified Life Sciences, and Noble Sciences are Eleanor’s proprietary system. She has not authorized any teachers or licensed the use of her system to date.

© Unified Life Sciences. 2003. All Rights Reserved. www.unifiedlifesciences.com Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. www.noblesciences.com