the life and power of the

Spirit First produced in eBook format in 2011 First published in Australia in 2008 Copyright © Clark Taylor

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the life and power of the



This eBook explains: The way to build the character of Jesus in me and around me; How to practise the life of the Spirit of Jesus, living in me; How to release God’s power to others to help them; How to minister God’s healing virtue to the sick; The reality of being disciples of God’s power.

If these truths are interesting and vital to you, then this booklet will be an invaluable resource.

© 2008 by Pastor Clark Taylor

Chapter 1

The spiritual life of a Christian is a progressive journey with God from revelation truth to revelation truth. God’s truth is to be experienced with the whole self; that is mentally, emotionally and experientially, if I am to experience the life of the Spirit as God teaches me in the Bible. We grow from level to level in experiential knowledge. It is only when we experience a truth that we ‘know’ the truth in the Biblical sense. In Genesis 4:1 the Bible says, “Now Adam knew Eve, his wife, and she conceived...”. Adam experienced union with Eve. When Paul says in Philippians 3:10, “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection...”, he is speaking about experiential knowledge. So in this booklet we are speaking of the experience of knowing the life of the Spirit of Jesus within us, joined to our spirit as in 1 Corinthians 6:17, “But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him”. When we speak of the power of the Spirit we are talking of experiencing His power and ministering the Spirit’s power to others. There is much theoretical knowledge and many find a satisfaction in simply acquiring this kind of knowledge. The Bible teaches us to experience what we know. Only then is knowledge validated. The ‘how to do things’ in the Spirit will be the focus of this booklet. When I began in ministry the first man I saw operate in the gift of the word of knowledge truly amazed me. In 1 Corinthians 12:8 it says, “For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit”. I asked the minister at the end of the service, “How did you do that?” His answer was, “It just happens”. My trouble was that it didn’t just happen for me. This began a long and, at times, frustrating search for the answer to the question, “How does God operate through a person with His spiritual gifts?” I felt it wasn’t happening for me because I was not holy enough. Surely that was the answer. With all sincerity I endeavoured to make myself more ‘holy’ or acceptable to God so that He would speak to me and give me words of knowledge so that I could help people. It was by and large a fruitless search. Though my life improved somewhat I found it impossible to be holy enough. Every search like this, though ever so sincere, is doomed to failure. It is not, and never will be, holiness by works. Even sincere works, like discipline, Bible reading and prayer which are all very good essential things to do for our daily spiritual growth, can improve my life but cannot give me holiness. Jesus Christ is our holiness. Jesus is holy. His nature is holy, just as our fallen nature is sinful. He has no

desire for sin, and the lusts of the flesh have absolutely no attraction for Him - rather repulsion. Ephesians 4:22-24 says, “that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness”. This is the source of my holiness. Jesus wrought out the new life as He rose from the dead and ascended on high. He gives me this new life already created in holiness and instructs me to put this holiness on; that is to live out of it. It is the gift of the Lord Jesus to you and me. Christianity is a life of revelation. Revelation comes from the Word of God, from observation of nature and of life. From time to time God will give you insights or revelations. For example Jesus saw a farmer sowing seed and revelation of the Kingdom and satan’s opposition flooded His soul. I have learned that the Spirit of Jesus entered my life when I accepted Him as my Saviour and was born of His Spirit – John 3:7 “ must be born again”. When Jesus rose from the dead He became a life-giving Spirit, as it says in 1 Corinthians 15:45. When He comes into your life He joins Himself to your spirit. The word ‘joined’ means ‘fused’. As tea leaves are fused to boiling water and the new substance is called tea, so the Spirit of Jesus is joined to our spirit and the result is called a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”. In John 15:5 Jesus tells us that He is the vine and we are the branches. Just as the branch lives from and is joined to the vine, so the life of Jesus fused to our spirit is the source of our new life, character and power to minister to others. Christianity is a Spirit-faith. It is not a religion. It is a relationship between us and the Lord Jesus Christ. We are birthed by the Holy Spirit into the life of the Spirit as we are born again. John 3:7 says, “... you must be born again”. And in verse 6, “...that which is born of the Spirit is spirit”. Hebrews 13:5 says, “...I will never leave you nor forsake you”. It is comforting to realise that before He came to you and joined Himself to you He already knew every weakness you had. He knew every failure you would have. He loved you with a powerful love and wanted to come and join Himself to you regardless. Jesus came to imperfect people. This is no excuse to remain as you are. All who have lived have been prone to make mistakes and fail in one way or another - this includes the prophets, apostles and all except Jesus. As we live out of His life within us the old way of life will drop away and our lives will be more

pleasing to the Lord and to ourselves. He alone is holy and righteous. The secret of life in Jesus is to be more and more conscious of His holiness, love, joy, peace, temperance etc within. Sin is a horrible thing, but Jesus Christ came to imperfect people – you and me. All the apostles were imperfect. None of them were perfect. They didn’t have halos until they put them on in stained glass windows in churches. They were ordinary people that Jesus chose and they were not very successful until after Jesus rose from the dead and He placed His Spirit in them. That’s when the great change occurred. You and I are born of the Spirit, and we are born of the Spirit to get to know the Spirit; the Person of God who is a Spirit. It is the prime purpose of Christianity: “..that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings”. That was Paul’s great emphasis in Philippians. If only somebody had said to me when I first got born again, “Clark, the mighty Spirit of Jesus has come into you. He’s joined Himself to you. You will never again be alone although you can choose to ignore the One Who’s joined Himself to you, and live out of yourself. As you gain wisdom you’ll learn that when temptation comes to flee to Christ Who is within you. You can live out of His character and His nature, because all that He is has joined Himself to you so you can live out of Him”. If only I had that reality printed on my spirit, it would have saved me years of frustration. “ is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me”. I live by His faith, which He imparted to me, not my faith. Galatians 2:20 says that. I want to make what I’ve just said practical, so let’s do it together. I want you to imagine. Most people will be able to do it in the next few minutes. If you cannot do it in the next few minutes, practise it again, and if you keep practising it you will do it and your spiritual life will be enriched beyond measure. Pretend you’re a new Christian; you’ve only just been born again. Close your eyes and imagine or visualise or become aware of (whichever word suits you) the Spirit of Jesus standing about two metres out from you. The mighty Spirit of Jesus. He rose from the dead. The all-powerful Spirit of Jesus. Open your life to Him. Think about Him. Concentrate on Him. Let your entire focus be on Him and open your being. Now I want you to see Him in some way represented to you and sense Him walk into your life; just to walk in. Sense Him walk right into your being and join Himself to your spirit. Sense it, feel it, be aware of it and ask yourself this question – if I could feel the powerful Spirit of Jesus joined to my spirit, what would that feel like? What would it be like to have the power of the Son of God joined to me with all that He is - His character, His purity, His holiness and His righteousness all walked into me? What does that feel like? What words come up from your spirit to describe this feeling, sense, awareness? You may experience peace, calm or just love overwhelming. Give yourself to this presence of the Spirit of Jesus. The instant we were born again Jesus walked into our lives. The presence of the Son of God, the One Who healed the

lepers, came into us. The One Who raised the dead walked into us. Sense, feel and be aware of the mighty resurrection power of the One Who came inside of us. I do that sort of thing at home sitting in the presence of God. That’s how I spend much of my time in prayer. I call it fellowshipping the presence of God, being aware of God’s mighty Spirit within me; Who this mighty One is. We will never stop repeating the ABC of our faith which is, ‘Christ in you’. The ABC of Christianity is that Jesus came into me. The XYZ is that I now know this Jesus Who came into me more fully. The deepest we will ever go is Jesus. Whether we could pass 50 theological exams may be important, but that this mighty Spirit of Jesus has now come to live in us and operate through us is the impressive issue. Jesus is the great Saviour who was raised from the dead a life-giving Spirit. He died as representative man, but He was raised the Son of God, a life-giving Spirit and now this mighty life-giving Spirit walks into my life. Early in my Christian life I didn’t understand this information. I thought I now had to be ‘The Christian’, and I know others have felt the same. I’m sure that over 90% of people, once Jesus comes in, think, “Now I must stop swearing. I’ve got to be humble. I must be this and I must be that. I must smile sweetly”, and all that’s true, I will do all of these things, but it’s not that ‘I’ must do it, it’s that now I can live out of this mighty One Who has come to live in me. He doesn’t want to swear and He doesn’t want to drink alcohol. He doesn’t want to take drugs. He doesn’t want to be immoral. He doesn’t want any of those things. To be perfect and holy is normal for Jesus. It is not normal for a fallen human being. That’s why if any man is in Christ he is a new creation. Paraphrased, he is potentially a replica of Jesus Christ. Isn’t that wonderful? No wonder Jesus said you must be born again. If I am born again and I am then told, “Now Clark, you give up this and you give up that”, I will instantly try to give those things up. That means I would move away from His power in me, to my strength of will, and my strength of will won’t make the grade. It should be explained to new Christians; Jesus Who came into you is perfectly pure. He’s never impure. He doesn’t want to be impure. He is holy. He doesn’t want to get angry with people. It’s His nature to help somebody along the road. He loves people. He walked amongst us. He died for us. We all know that, but if we try to be ‘The Christian’ we have problems. We can’t be a Christian. I truly did want to be an excellent Christian. I was earnest and very sincere. I would have given up, and Anne and I virtually did give up, almost every conceivable thing to follow Christ. We really did. We worked hard; we lived on very little. We really did put ourselves through everything to follow Jesus Christ. If only I’d have known that this Great Spirit of Jesus was in me and I’d spent my prayer life just thinking, talking to Him, “Jesus, You’ve come in. Your love is inside of me. Your purity is inside of me. Your holiness is inside of me”. I would like you to close your eyes and become aware, imagine, visualise, whichever word strikes you

(because everyone is different in their personalities) to see the Spirit of Jesus standing about two metres away from you. Let Him take form. Ask the Holy Spirit to let you become aware of Him. You mightn’t see Him with a face and feet, but be aware that the mighty Spirit of Jesus is there. He is there because He’s everywhere; totally present in all places at the same time and in no way diminished. That’s omnipresence. He is in the room with you now and I’d like you, if you would, to open your being with your longing and your desire, and say, “Lord Jesus come. Come Lord”. Open your being. I picture my life opening and my spirit saying, “Mighty Spirit of Jesus, walk into my life and join Yourself to my spirit”. Could you endeavour to sense it? Spiritually sense it? Let your heart, your inner life, sense it. Ask yourself this question, “What would it feel like if I could sense Him joined to me, this Holy One, till His holiness filled my nature, until His holiness pervades me and to be holy is as natural to me as breathing?” Would you let His holiness exude from you? He makes us holy with His holiness. I don’t do a thing except be aware of His holiness. Right now, would you take this imagery that the Bible gives us? He said, “I am the vine and you are the branches”. We are grafted in, the Bible says. The vine stem is Jesus and your life is grafted in to that vine stem. All the moisture and sap of the vine, or the character of Jesus, flows through you, the branch. Could you sense it flowing into your life, could you sense it flowing into your brain, into your being, right into your nature, to your character, to your morality, to your everything? The humility of Jesus is flowing up into you, the branch. Oh, isn’t that wonderful? The peace of Jesus is flowing up into you, the branch. Nothing can stop it. All you have to do is become aware of it happening and as you become aware of it happening it just happens. It’s happening all the time. We need to be aware of it, and then we’re recipients of it. Otherwise, we’ll be aware of ourselves and we can revert to the old fallen nature. That’s why He said that if we walk in the Spirit, we won’t fulfil the lusts of the flesh, because while we’re occupied with Jesus living in us, the flesh has no power whatsoever. Could you feel that mighty Spirit come in? Do you think that if you did that every day for the next two or three months you would be a different person? Do you think if you did it three or four times a day for the next three months that your Christian character would have improved out of sight? I guarantee it will, because Christianity is Jesus in us. He is the most wonderful Person in the entire world. He walked into us, therefore all of His character walked in. All the fruits of the Spirit walked in because they are His character. That’s Who Jesus is; love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and temperance. That’s His character. Christians tend to say, “I’m going to develop a bit more love in my life”. Why would I want to develop love when He is love? Why not let divine love infuse me and just become aware and conscious of it? I had a great mum. My mum was a professional mother, that is, to be a wife and mother was all she wanted to be. Previously she was also a music teacher. I don’t think I got any musical ability from her genes. After she was married, she had five children and became a mother. Her great delight was to have

her children around her, then her grandchildren around her. One day as I was driving along, I thought of mum and of how good mum’s rice pudding was. I used to love mum’s baked rice pudding. I just loved it. We used to fight for the edges around it. We used to argue, and if somebody got more than their fifth share, everybody would be upset. The edges on that pudding baking dish were the most important thing in the world. I was just thinking of mum and then as soon as I thought of her and that rice pudding I had this warm feeling about my mother, and then I started to think about some things that mum did for me when I was growing up. I had this warm feeling for mum, and I felt the Spirit of God say to me, “It’s like that with Me. You don’t think about Me for ages, so you don’t feel anything. But if you think about Me in the right way, then you feel My presence with you”. That was a big, big key for me. I can spend time thinking about the mighty Spirit of Jesus Christ within my life. I’ve got a good rocking easy-chair that Anne bought me, and that’s where I do much of my praying. In my early days I would have thought that the harder and more uncomfortable it was to pray, the more valuable the prayers were. That’s really not so. The important thing is God and you fellowshipping together. You’re communing. Be comfortable. If walking does it for you, walk. If driving does it for you, drive. If sitting in an easy-chair does it, sit in an easy-chair. If lying on your bed does it, lie on your bed. It’s you and God being together. Be aware of this One that’s come inside of you and is round about you as it says in Acts 17:28.

Chapter 2 The Power of God

I wanted the power of God so much. It started when I had cerebral malaria for two years. Anne and I were in a traditional church then and we had not been told that Jesus heals the sick. It was not preached about. No ministers that we knew prayed for the sick. I took dreadful fits, almost every day, for about two years. I went unconscious for long periods of time, my body going rigid. It was a most debilitating, horrible thing. I felt like I wasn’t even a man. I couldn’t provide for my wife. I just felt dreadful. Fairly often I used to wish to God that I could die. I couldn’t bear it. Then Anne and I heard about this man, Canon Jim Glennon, who was in the Anglican Church in Sydney. We heard that he prayed for the sick. We never knew Pentecostals existed. We didn’t know anybody prayed for the sick, but we heard he did. Anne drove me the 500 miles to Sydney so that I could get this man to pray for me. He prayed for me and I didn’t feel anything particularly happened, but it awakened in me a thought. I was staggered, because I was sitting there watching all these people going up in St Andrews Cathedral and he was actually praying for them. Many people were healed in these meetings. He was so sincere. I was amazed that somebody with such sincerity would pray for the sick. I was so occupied with that, that I pretty much forgot to think about what was happening to me and I just went up and I wasn’t really involved. I was so blown away that somebody would pray for the sick. It sounds childish now, but in those days it was a big deal that anybody would even pray in that way. Anne and I started to read the New Testament and in so many pages of the Gospel Jesus healed the sick. Isn’t it incredible? I was a student Methodist minister. I had done years of Bible College, but I had never noticed that the sick got healed on nearly every page of the Gospel, because there was no emphasis on it. It just wasn’t taught. I knew Acts chapter 2, but I had no clue about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I’d memorized it pretty much, but I still hadn’t seen it. When a Methodist butcher told me about it, I saw it. I got hungry for it. “How shall they hear except a preacher comes and tells them”, the Bible says. That sentence is so true. In 1966, God instantly healed me of cerebral malaria when I was prayed for by Reverend Godfrey Williams, a Methodist minister. There are millions in Australia, like I was, that haven’t got a clue that Jesus heals the sick. Christians work amongst thousands of them. Of those thousands, somebody, a close relative of theirs, somewhere some day during the next six months will be sick. If you carry the healing power of God over your life and you

let it be known, without being offensive to people, you will have an opportunity to pray for that sick person, and not just one, but many of them. The power of Jesus will get known. That’s who you and I are - carriers of the power of Jesus. All the power is in Jesus. Everything is in Jesus; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We’re not going to separate the Trinity. It’s very difficult to tell where the Holy Spirit’s work ends and Jesus begins. In fact, I don’t think anybody can because there’s an overlap, but then there’s also an overlap in you. You might be a husband, a father and a grandad. So where does husband, father and grandad start and stop? It’s an overlap isn’t it? You’ll put your arm around your wife, and another arm around your child. You’re holding two. Your little grandchild could be on your lap at the same time. So as we overlap, the Trinity overlaps, and if we try to split it and get it theologically accurate, we’ll theologize ourselves out of common sense. If you happen to pray to the ‘wrong Person’ in the Godhead, God will not get upset. They are not egotistical. They are not developing their own ministry. They dwell in perfect unity. The power of God is God’s power expressed through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Where was this world before Jesus created it? “For all things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life and the life was the light of men”, John 1. Where was this world before creation? It was in Him. There’s a 20 story building down the Gold Coast. Before it was built it was in an architect’s mind. It came into being. Where was a great business that some of you might operate? It was in your heart. It came into being, manifested itself through work. Where was this whole creation that is still being created by God? God is infinite. You can’t come to the end of infinity, it’s impossible. It will be created forever and ever and ever. How can infinity have boundaries? There’s no limit to anything. God created and is creating the universe. There’s no limit to God. It was in God and He spoke it into being. Now that’s power. The Spirit of the One Who did this is inside of you and me. In my opinion the journey we take is the journey of discovery of the One Who has come to live within us. It’s a journey of discovery of His power. I have discovered a certain amount of His power, and what I’ve discovered I can tell you. I weep for the people who need me to have discovered more and for people whom I fail to reach with the healing power of God. If I can pass on what I’ve learned over many years, then you can go further. If every generation builds on the shoulders of those who went before, if we give away what we learn, the Kingdom of God can advance. It’s with that in mind that I’m sharing this subject with you. What we’ve already said is so powerful if you practise it. If it’s a theory in your head it’s pretty useless. Practise it, even for only three minutes a day. Sit and close your eyes and be consciously aware of this One Who has come to live in you, of His incredible character. If you’ve got somebody you find it hard to get on with, don’t think about that person, think about Jesus and when you’ve thought about Jesus a lot,

and you’re filled with Jesus, then think about that person and you won’t find them any trouble at all. Jesus will have overwhelmed your thinking and you will start to look at that person like Jesus does. It works every time. It does not mean you’ve got to be a doormat. It just means that you relate to them out of Jesus, rather than out of your own self. That makes all the difference in the world. I could talk about a number of the ways I’ve developed the power of the Holy Spirit around my life, but one of the ways is that I recognize that He is in me. You and I can move from being aware of ourselves to being aware of Jesus within, so that as we begin realising His power, then we can move from one function to another in the Spirit, such as preaching or sharing to releasing His power over people. If I become conscious of Jesus’ power emanating from me then somebody standing near me will feel it. That power is filled with Jesus’ healing ability, for Jesus is everything. He will manifest through us as we develop our awareness of Him. All of us who understand the Spirit-indwelling life can allow that to happen. We need to fill our consciousness with His inner presence. If I fill my consciousness with the gentleness of the love of Jesus, that gentleness of Jesus’ love will affect someone near me. If I fill my consciousness with the power of God, then as I learn to release His power, I am able to minister His glorious power into a person’s life. When I come to pray for the sick, I might ask God to tell me about someone in a meeting. He might tell me that there’s someone with a sore shoulder. When you enter into the Spirit-life within you can do whatever the Spirit leads you to do. You can minister the Holy Spirit’s healing gift to that shoulder, then ask the person to think about Jesus rather than themselves and move that shoulder. The problem will disappear either instantly or gradually according to your faith and the receiving attitude of the person’s heart towards God’s healing gift. I could take God’s power and bring that power on to someone and let the power of God settle into that person. That power will always do a person good because it’s got a presence in it if the minister knows what he’s doing. If you’re just under a ministry who wants to impress everybody, there won’t be much presence or much power, and the prayer won’t really do you much good. But if you’re under a minister who really cares about your soul, as he ministers the presence and the power of God, some of that presence will get into your life and will remain in you. It will change you and do you good. One touch may not change you, but if you are under it on a regular basis you will find your life changing, because that presence will keep entering your life. It will soak into you. That’s why the ministry you sit under is incredibly important, because whatever you sit under gets into you. If you sit under a dead ministry, death will get into you. If you sit under a power ministry, you’ll simply and profoundly be affected by it. That’s how God has designed His church to function. He anoints a person and gathers people around the anointed person. The anointing from God flows over and into the people. They are refreshed and inspired by the Spirit’s life.

When I pray for people, sometimes I ask, “What did you feel?” They might answer, “Like electricity and energy going through my hands and whole body”. I am able, by God’s grace, to let the power of God manifest and by the point of contact of laying on of hands convey the presence and power of the Spirit. That doesn’t make me anyone special. I’m simply conscious of the Spirit’s power. There are measures of the power of God and we go from measure to measure as we grow in our ability to minister the Spirit’s life to others. The Bible tells us that He made you and me ministers of the Spirit. That’s our task as ministers of Christ. We are all on a journey of discovery of God’s power and how to minister. If I knew it all I’d go and empty every hospital by His power. The day will come when we are very proficient at representing Jesus and we will delight in our confidence that we can, in His name, release more people from suffering and pain. If you practise what I’ve just talked about, it will flow through you. I’ve shared some of the things I have learned. If you become conscious of the character of Jesus, His character will manifest through you. If you become conscious of the supernatural power of Jesus, that power will manifest through you. Whatever you become conscious of, then guide to where God directs, it will flow there. It’s a river, and you and I are the conduits of that river. Anyone who desires to help people with Jesus’ power can do it. A child can do it, or an older person can do it. It makes no difference who you are. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been born again for one hour or for 50 years. It matters whether you’ve been taught what to do in the Spirit. It’s not theological expertise; it’s what you’ve been taught in the Spirit. That’s what makes the big difference. When you come to minister in the power of God, it is most certainly what you know to do in the Spirit that affects people around you. The more you hear the sort of things I’m talking about, the more activated they’ll become in your spirit. We have to learn and relearn the things of the Spirit. It is so easy to let the life and ways of the Spirit slip away and for us to go back to the natural methods and mindset. What does a good football coach teach? How to catch a ball, how to run with a ball, how to dodge the opposition and how to tackle. He will teach that until they are world champions, and when they’re world champions, he will be teaching how to catch the ball, how to run with the ball, how to dodge the opposition and how to tackle. He will not change, he will just go to deeper depths of how to catch that ball, how to catch it in a more awkward throw, how to beat the opposition. So don’t think ever, “Oh I’ve heard all this before”. It doesn’t matter what we’ve heard, it matters what we constantly think about, what has become part of our lifestyle. We can never come under the influence of the Spirit too much. It would be impossible. You will never get too much of the Spirit. Never. Maturity doesn’t sit back; maturity wants more. Maturity says, “God please give me more. Fill me Lord. Fill me more. Help me Lord, help me”. I’ll tell you when you get desperate. When you start to pray for the sick and you’re genuine about it, and you’re praying for people who desperately need your prayer, then you know that of yourself you can do nothing and you become

desperate for Jesus. If you’re not doing anything for God, you can be an armchair critic. When you’re stepping out on the water if God doesn’t help you, you’re going to sink. You pray, “God, You’ve got to help me”. A hunger for God will rise. You will be forced to live a lifestyle of prayer, drawing on the life and power of God. I have learnt this. I spend time at home and become conscious again of the One Who lives in me, become conscious of His power, power that can wipe cancer out. Power that can destroy it. We are on a journey. We don’t claim to have all of the answers but we know the One Who does. We link with Him in prayer. We draw on Him. Never become despondent by seeming failure. Learn what you can from it and go to Jesus again with hunger for greater understanding. The principles in this booklet work. They will work as you do them. Continually come to the Source of all power over all the power of the enemy. Draw on Him, His life, energy, victory and covenant with you. I keep doing it and doing it as I sit in my chair in my home and be conscious of Jesus and say, “Jesus, Your power is going against that foul thing, that thing from the pit of hell, and dissolving it, disintegrating it, breaking it down. Breaking its power. Your power to beat the life of infirmities is inside of me”, and in my imagination, my visualisation, the yearning of my spirit, I come against cancer, then I come against other things and I just keep doing it and I will keep doing it. I’ll keep doing it until the day I meet with Jesus face to face. By God’s grace before I die we will not have anybody in the church I pastor die from cancer again. By God’s grace the day is going to come, just as now there are almost no bad backs that will stay bad when we pray for them. There’ll come a day when there’ll be no cancers that will take the life of an individual. We will win by God’s grace. We can all do it together. You and I can do it. We can build a great army of people who will walk into this society and carry the supernatural power of God into this community and beyond this community. We can train people who come here from other places. If people can catch the fire and learn how to heal the sick then they will go where I may never get an opportunity to go. “...contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints”, Jude 3 says. If we didn’t have to contend, then it wouldn’t say that we earnestly contend. We look for it. We hunger for it. We fight our way for it. There have been mighty healing evangelists, but sadly they didn’t pass on how God flowed through them, and didn’t train people to take their place, so when they died the gift died with them. That’s tragic. We don’t want to be like that. We want to be Kingdom-minded. It’s the Kingdom of God we’re on about. God will build our family, but we’ll build His Kingdom. It doesn’t matter where a person goes to church as long as it’s a Holy Spirit anointed church, alive with God’s power. You need to practise moving in the power of God. Lay your hands on people with needs. It is all right to practise. We are disciples of Jesus. A good word for disciple is apprentice. We’re an apprentice to the

mighty Son of God. We are learning how to move in the power of God. There is no apprentice carpenter that didn’t hit his thumb learning how to drive in a nail. All apprentices make mistakes. We may make mistakes. I have learned to live with mistakes. When you’re immature, mistakes will stop you trying again. When you get mature, you will say, “Certainly I made a mistake, what can I learn from it?” You are foolish if you make the same mistake 50 times, you should wake up after three or four times thinking, “Now that didn’t work. What did I do wrong Jesus?” Paul said, “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 3:14. I wish for you the anointing from Jesus that will cause all of your dreams to come to pass. May you be a person filled with God’s Spirit and allow Him to flow through you. If you are just beginning to minister in the power of the Spirit, never give up. Never ever give up. Minister the love and power of Jesus to others all the days of your life.

© Clark Taylor