* Have copies (1 per child ) of Action Agent assignment - Mission 6 available for use after DVD. * Enlist the help of adults who have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (the same as last mission or others) to help pray with children and encourage worship and praise with the children. * Have praise music CD/DVD available for Roundtable Workshop

Welcome: As children enter, greet them - have name tags available for children present at previous missions and make new ones for anyone new to this mission. Direct children to area of seats/pillows. Have “Godʼs Kids” theme song from DVD playing as children enter. Encourage them to listen and follow along with the singing. Sing all together before beginning Introduction.

Introduction: Say: Last mission, we were blessed with a very special Roundtable " " "

" "

Workshop where you prayed for the special gift from Host Agent, Jesus, of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. "

Ask: How many of you received the gift of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

" " " " " " ! " " "

" " " " " ! " " "

with the proof of speaking in an unknown language here last mission? Did anyone receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at home or church after our last mission here? (Follow any responses with an encouragement of “Awesome”, “Great”!) Did you get to tell anyone about your experience of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? (Allow for any responses)"

" " " "

" " " "

If you didnʼt get to tell someone or even if you did, who would like to tell the rest of us here today what it was like to have the gift of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit from Host Agent, Jesus? (Allow time for children to tell about their experiences)

THE HOLY SPIRIT OUR SUPER POWER MISSION 6: WHAT NOW? 2 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

Say: Just like it was in the Bible, the proof of the Baptism of the Holy " " " " " " " "

Spirit is still the same today of speaking in another language. If you did receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, remember to keep talking out loud to Jesus every day and when you think of those new words, just say them out loud. Just like Inspector Clueless told us about riding a bike, it gets easier the more you do it, and Jesus loves to hear you pray in that very special prayer language He gives you.

Say: If you did not receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, keep asking " " " " " " " "

and praying. Even in the Bible some of the people, Jesusʼ disciples, were told to,“ Wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit.” It may be you just have to wait a little longer, maybe even today will be the time; and remember you have others praying for you too. Thatʼs part of the power that the Special Agent, Holy Spirit gives you is to pray for others for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit just like praying for them to be healed, or for them to know Jesus like you know Him.

Say: In our mission today - our very last mission - Inspector Clueless is " "

going to give us clues about this power of the Holy Spirit. Letʼs go to Inspector Clueless one last time for these missions. !

Play DVD - Mission 6: Now What?


On completion of Mission 6 - stop DVD and continue discussion below: " (Have adults available to pray with children to join, encourage, worship and praise with them) " " " " "

Say: Today is going to be a different type of Roundtable Workshop as " " "


we celebrate what we have been learning about the Holy Spirit. First, letʼs talk about the questions Inspector Clueless gave us for this mission.

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Ask: How do you need the Holy Spirit to be brave in your life?

" ! ! " " " " ! !

How can the Holy Spirit help you know what to say to your friends or family about Jesus? (Allow responses guiding children to remember that they learned that the Holy Spirit knows everything about everyone so He can help them know what their friends and family need to hear about Jesus, and that the Holy Spirit is everywhere all the time so He can know what their friends and family have been doing so that we can know what to say to them to tell them about Jesus in just the right words they need to hear.)

" ! !

(Allow responses guiding children to remember that the Holy Spirit is all powerful and lives inside of them with Jesus so they can be brave.)


What are the things the Holy Spirit can help us be brave to do?

" " ! !

(Guide children to remember: doing the right things, not doing wrong things, talking to others and praying for others even adults.)


Ask: How can the Holy Spirit help you praise God?

" " ! ! " " ! ! " " " " " " " " " "

" ! !

(Guide children to remember the Holy Spirit and God and Jesus are one - so the Holy Spirit will show them more about God in their lives to praise Him for.)

Ask: What do you need to praise God for today? " ! !

(Allow responses - also try to include: Jesus in our lives, the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, family, church, friends, etc.)

Say: Now weʼre going to end our time of these missions by being " " " " " " " " "

Special Action Agents that praise or worship God and Jesus. We have some special adults here who are going to help us praise and worship and pray with us." Remember our special assignment in mission 5 - If you have not received the power of the Holy Spirit, continue to follow the steps to receive this gift of keep praying and talking to Jesus out loud. If you have received the power of the Holy Spirit, pray for someone here who has not received this gift yet.

Begin worship/praise CD/DVD during this time. " " "


" " "

Encourage children and adults to worship, raise hands to praise God out loud, use prayer language to praise Him, pray with children who have not received the Baptism yet.


When time of worship has ended continue discussion below: " "

SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT DISCUSSION Give out Action Agent Special Assignment: Mission 6 cards - 1 per child

" " " " ! " "

Say: Here is your last Action Agent Special Assignment card that you "

can keep with you. Keep it in a place that you will see it every day.

Ask: Where might be a good place to keep it? " !

(Guide responses of refrigerator, desk, computer, next to bed, etc.)



Closing: Say: Weʼre going to end our Missions with a special prayer today.

" "

" "


Inspector Clueless reminded us to put the power of the Holy Spirit to work in our lives - He wants to do great things in us.

Ask: What might be some great things the Holy Spirit would want to do

" "


in our lives?

" ! !

" ! !

(Guide responses of telling others about Jesus, doing right things, being a pastor, being a missionary, being a Sunday School teacher, etc.)



" " " " " " " ! ! ! ! " " "

Say: Letʼs pray and thank the Holy Spirit for His power and ask Him to " " " " " ! ! ! !

do great things in our lives. Letʼs pray one at a time by saying, “ I thank you Holy Spirit for your power to and ask you to help me do in my life.” (When all children who want to have prayed, leader should close in prayer thanking God for the opportunity to be a part of the group to learn about the Holy Spirit and for what the Holy Spirit has done in the lives of the children and asking the Holy Spirit to continue to work in the lives of the children.)

Say: Letʼs dismiss by singing “Godʼs Kids “ one last time. (Play DVD - Godʼs Kids and sing with children)