St. Josaphat’s Roman Catholic Church 34-32 210th Street Bayside, New York 11361 email: [email protected]

Rectory: (718) 229-1663 Fax: (718) 229-8018

Parish Website:

Rev. Andrzej Klocek, Pastor Rev. James J. Meszaros, In Residence Deacon Robert Lonergan MASS SCHEDULE : Weekdays: 8:00 AM, Saturday: 8:00 AM &7:00PM, Sundays: 8:30 AM (Polish Mass),10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon. Holy Days: 7:30 PM Vigil, 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM Rectory Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM– 3:30PM. Evenings by appointment. Saturday by Appointment, Sunday Closed. Devotions: Every Wednesday: Novena to St. Jude & Rosary Devotions 7:30 PM Every Friday: Chaplet of Divine Mercy before 8:00 AM Mass First Tuesday of Every Month: (October-June) St. Padre Pio Prayer Group 7:00 PM Holy Hour, Exposition, Recitation of the Rosary, Benediction, Confessions, 8:00 PM Holy Mass First Friday of every Month: Exposition & Litany to the Sacred Heart after 8:00 AM Mass First Saturday of every Month: Exposition & First Saturday Devotions after 8:00AM Mass.

Rev. Msgr. John F. Keppler, Weekend Assistant

Religious Education: Saturdays from 9:00-10:30AM Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults- RCIA- For information about the Sacrament of Baptism, Holy Eucharist or Confirmation, please call the Rectory. Parish Registration: All families are welcome to the Parish and should register in the Rectory. Please call to make an appointment with the Pastor. SACRAMENTS : Confessions: Monday to Friday before 8AM Mass Saturday 4:00 PM. All other times by appointment. Baptisms: Baptisms will take place the 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. An instructional class is required for all parents & Godparents and will be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 8PM in the rectory basement. Parents should call the rectory to arrange the celebration. Marriages: Reserve and register date & time as soon as possible, at least six months in advance of the wedding. Pre-Cana and other instructional sessions are required for all couples. Ministry to the Sick: Sick calls and Communion calls on the First Friday of the month. Please call the Rectory.

Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence. — Acts 2:28

May 4th, 2014

Third Sunday of Easter

We pray for those in our parish who are ill, especially for: Gary Flynn, Gail Seper, Jean Machalski, Thomas Starace, Jack Conway, Jeffery Kalenka, Denise Cosentini & Fr. Joseph Carroll. Please call the rectory to add a loved one to the prayer list. The names will remain on the list for 4 weeks and are repeated as requested.

Sunday, May 4th 8:30+ Kazimierz Piwowarski ( Anniv.) By: Markowski Family 10:00 * Specialne Blogoslawienstwo dla Marty od Babci 12:00+ Elvira Anna Giancola By: Giancola Family Monday, May 5th 8:00+ Lina Muzic By: Lidia Maver & Family Tuesday, May 6th 8:00+Joseph, Laura & Carlo Maresca By: Sophie, Clorinda, Rosa & Elsa Wednesday, May 7th 8:00+Mary Benvin By: Dino Muzic &Family Thursday, May 8th 8:00+ Brady & Ensign Families By: Eileen Brady Friday, May 9th 8:00+ Helen Albaneze (Anniv.) By: Family Saturday, May 10th 8:00+ Mila Vlacancich By: Lino Basic & Family 7:00 Mother’s Day Intentions Sunday, May 11th 8:30 Mother’s Day Intentions 10:00 Mother’s Day Intentions 12:00 Mother’s Day Intentions

Weekly Parish Stewardship Attendance 4/27/14 Weekly Collection 4/27/14 Catholic Home Missions Collection

432 $2757 $922

The Second Collection today is for the Renovation Fund.

Sanctuary Lamp...May In memory of Eugene Krigger (15th Anniversary) By: Wife & Family Padre Pio Candle…May 4th– May 10th Health and God’s Blessings for Gary Flynn By: Steve & Linda DeIeso St. Jude Candle...May 4th-10th Health and God’s Blessings for Gary Flynn By: Family St. Francis Candle…May 4th-10th Health and God’s Blessings for Gary Flynn By: Patti & Tim Harte & Family St. Anthony Candle..May 4th-10th In Memory of Agnes Bayer By: Rosa Rumprecht

May Calendar May 4th-Easter Dance May 5th– Holy Name Meeting May6th -Padre Pio Mass and Devotion May 7th– St. Jude Novena May 11th –Mother’s Day May 14th-St. Jude Novena May 15th– Leisure Club May 20th– Women’s Club May 20th– PPC Meeting May 21st– Joint Parish Respect Life Meeting May 26th-Memorial Day

May 4th, 2014 Parish Community News & Events Dear Parishioners, As you may see, we are slowly moving forward with the necessary renovation of our church building. Soon, we will finish the restoration of the outside frames of all our stain glass windows. They were in a critical state. This winter, we had to replace our church boiler. It was a major and unexpected expense. Due to generosity of many of you, we are able to finance those projects without going into a debt. Soon, we will have to restore the front entrance of the rectory. When the work begins on the rectory steps, please use the back door to enter the parish office. Permit me to remind you of this Sunday second collection, which is designated for our renovation fund. It is the major way step by step, we are able to collect funds to continue with the necessary repairs of our church building. Asking for your continuous financial support, I would like to ask you, above all, for your prayers through the intercession of St. Josaphat - that this parish, being spiritual home for many past generations of the faithful, will be a blessed place of spiritual growth for generations to come. May God bless you all, Rev. Andrzej Klocek St. Padre Pio Holy Hour and Mass Tuesday, May 6th,2014 Program: 7:00 PM Holy Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Recitation of the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Benediction, & Confessions. 8:00PM Holy Mass.

Third Sunday of Easter Parish Community News & Events Baby Bottles Save Lives….On the weekend of April 26th/27th there will be empty baby bottles in baskets throughout the church. Please take one or more home to fill up with your spare change, and return it on the weekend of May10th and 11th. Your monetary donation will go to help Bridge to Life, a local organization that gives women the resources needed to choose life! Checks may be made payable to “The Bridge to Life.” With your support, Bridge to Life can continue to help expecting mothers and fathers. Mother’s Day Cards…Let us always remember our mothers as the treasure which You have given us whether she is still here or in heaven. Mother’s Day Cards are available in the front of the Church and Mother’s Day Envelopes can be found in your envelope packages.

Still making your high school decision? St. Agnes Academic High School in College Point, Queens is accepting registration applications for the 2014-2015 school year. Students enjoy our AP classes, college credit courses, dance program, science research program, iPads in the classroom and so much more! Transfer students are also welcome to apply. St. Agnes H.S. 13-20 124th Street College Point, www.stagneshs .org 718-353-6276 ext. 12

St. Josaphat’s Church welcomes Fr. Andrew Apostoli CFR. Author of Fatima For Today, The Urgent Marian Message of Hope! Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 7:00 PM. FR. Andrew Apostoli will celebrate Holy Mass followed by the rosary and a presentation of his latest book “FATIMA FOR TODAY”

Co-Cathedral of the Dioceses of Brooklyn The Church of Saint Joseph located in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, is being elevated to CoCathedral of the Diocese of Brooklyn. This special Eucharistic celebration, is scheduled for Tuesday, May 13, 2014. The Mass will begin at 7:30 p.m. Saint Josaphat’s Parish has three tickets available to the May 13th Mass. If you are interested in attending this Mass, speak to Fr. Klocek.

Join the Leisure Club on its trip to Empire Casino in Yonkers on Thursday, May 29th, 2014. The cost is $25 with $15 payback. The bus leaves St. Josaphat’s Church at 9am and departs the casino at 4pm. For more information and reservations call Joy Bagatta at (917) 921-7631.

Free Universal Pre-K at St. Kevin Catholic Academy, Extended Day Schedule 8: 30 am-1: 30 pm with the possibility of full day to 2 :40 pm, Free Breakfast and Lunch, Call 718-357-8110 for more information.

Parish Community News & Events Ozanam Hall of Queens Nursing Home, Bayside, Served by the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm is looking for Eucharistic Ministers to assist the Pastoral Care Department. If you would like information, please contact Gail D, O'Donovan, Sr. Charlotte Michael or Kathy Baratta in the Volunteer Office at 718.971.2020/2021/2022. Pulaski Association of Business and Professional Men, Inc. ma zaszczyt zaprosic Ksiedza Proboszcza, Duchownych oraz Szanownych Parafian na uroczysta Msze Sw. Dziekczynna, kt6ra odbedzie sie 16 maja o godzinie 6:00 p.m., w Kosciele Sw. Alojzego, 376 Onderdonk Avenue, Ridgewood, NY 11385, z okazji kanonizacji Jana Pawla II. Msza Swieta celebrowana bedzie przez Jego Eminencje Ks. Kardynala Stanislaw Dziwisza, najblizszego wspolpracownika Jana Pawla II. Bezposrednio po mszy swietej bedzie mialo miejsce spotkanie charytatywne z udzialem Ks. Kardynala Stanislawa Dziwisza. W czasie spotkania zorganizowana bedzie zbi6rka pieniedzy w wysokosci $100.00 od osoby. Calkowity doch6d z tego spotkania przeznaczony bedzie na Centrum Jana Pawla II "Nie Lekajcie sie" w Krakowie, Lagiewniki, ktorego celem jest propagowanie ideii Jana Pawla II wsrod przyszlych pokolen. Wszystkich zainteresowanych prosimy kotakt pod numerem telefonu 718-389-4112. The Pulaski Association of Business and Professional Men, Inc. is honored to invite the Clergy and parishioners of St. Josaphat's Church to a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving, on the occasion the canonization of John Paul II. The Mass will be on May 16 at 6:00 pm, at St. Aloysius Church, located at 376 Onderdonk Avenue, Ridgewood, NY 11385. Holy Mass will be celebrated by His Eminence Fr. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the nearest co-worker of John Paul II. Immediately following the Holy Mass will be meeting with the participation of charitable Fr. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz. Tickets for this meeting are available in the rectory at a cost of $100 per person. The proceeds of this meeting are designated for the John Paul II Center "Do not be afraid" in Krakow, Lagiewniki. The objective of this event is the promotion of the ideas of John Paul II among future generations.


PORZĄDEK MSZY ŚWIĘTYCH: w dni robocze: 8:00 w soboty: 8:00 i 19:00 (niedzielna) w niedzielę: 8:30 (w języku polskim), 10:00 i 12:00 W uroczystości i święta: 19:30 (wigilijna), 8:00 i 10:00 Nabożeństwa: Pierwszy Wtorek 19:00 Nabożeństwa do Św. Ojca Pio Godzinna Św. i Msza Św. Każda Środa 19:30 Nowenna do Św. Judy Tadeusza i Różaniec Święty Każdy Piątek: Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego o 7:45. Pierwszy Piątek: Nabożeństwa do Serca Pana Jeszus po Mszy Św. Pierwsza Sobota: Nabożeństwa do M.B. Fatimskiej po Mszy Św. Sakrament pokuty i pojednania: od poniedziałku do piątku o 7:45 oraz w soboty o 16:00 Sakrament chrztu świętego: w trzecią niedzielę miesiąca o 13:30 (w języku ang.) w języku polskim do uzgodnienia z proboszczem . Konferencja przedchrzcielna do uzgodnienia z proboszczem. Rodzice są zabowiązani w celu zgłoszenia swojego dzieka do chrztu o kontakt z plebani Sakrament małżeństwa: należy zgłosić zamiar zawarcia małżeństwa najpóźniej 6 miesięcy przed planowana data ślubu. Narzeczeni mają obowiązek brania udziału w konferencjach przedmałżeńskich Pre-Cana oraz w pozostałych wymaganych przez prawo Duszpasterstwo chorych: w celu zgłoszenia chorych prosi się o kontakt z plebania Godziny urzędowania kancelarii parafialnej: pn-pt od 10:00 do 16:00. W soboty przez zgłoszenie. W niedzielę kancelaria parafialna jest nieczynna.

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