Rio Conventions Pavilion @ Rio+20 13-24 June 2012 Athlete’s Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Transport to the Pavilion: By shuttle bus from the RioCentro entrance. The Pavilion is labelled ‘CBD/UNFCCC/CBD’ on Athlete’s Park maps; upon entrance to the Park, head right (towards Pavilion A). Sessions will have Portuguese/English simultaneous translation. Wed 13 June Pavilion opening 15:15–16:45


Thu 14 June 11:15–12:45



The Roads from Rio - 20 years of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin IISD will provide an insider’s briefing on negotiations, and introduce ENB Mobile, an application for participating in Rio+20 and other environmental negotiatons. Speakers: Langston James ‘Kimo’Goree VI (Director, IISD), Pamela Chasek (Exec. Editor, ENB) and Peter Doran (Queen’s University) Rio Conventions Pavilion Opening Reception Welcome remarks by H.E. Izabella Teixeira, Minister of Environment, Brazil

Economic Valuation of Land (EVL): an approach to advance sustainable development in the context of a green economy (part 1) Chairs: Mr Aly Abou-Sabaa (AfDB), Mr Simone Quatrini (Global Mechanism) Moderator: Dr. John Soussan (OSLO Consortium) Speakers: Dr. Elijah Phiri (University of Zambia); Andrew F. Seidl (IUCN Global Economics Panel), Dr. Timo Busch (ETH Zurich); Gustavo Fonseca (GEF) Coffee for participants served at 11:00 Facilitating Green Growth in Africa: Perspectives from the African Development Bank

Lunch for participants served 12:45 The Contribution of Traditional Knowledge to Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Speakers: Indigenous representatives from Africa and Latin America, Government of Guatemala, and UNESCO; Facilitated by Mr Johnson Cerda, Indigenous Advisor, CI

Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Day


Ecosystem Based Approaches to Adaptation: From Concept to Action Introduction to the concept (Jaime Webbe, CBD); Tools for planning ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation (Jacqueline Alder, UNEP); On the ground examples of ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation (Adriana Moreira, World Bank; Didier Dogley, Seychelles Special Adviser to the Minister of Environment and Energy (tbc), Robert Nasi, Director, Forest, Trees and Agroforestry, CIFOR) Economic Valuation of Land (EVL): an approach to advance sustainable development in the context of a green economy (part 2)



IISD, Rio Conventions, Global Environment Facility (GEF). Contact: Leonie Gordon and Neil Pratt, [email protected]; [email protected]

Africa Day and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Day

Fri 15 June


International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Contact: Leonie Gordon, [email protected]

The Bonn Challenge – Restoring 150 million hectares of degraded landscapes by 2020 Featuring the film ‘Bonn Challenge’by John Liu, and discussion on CBD and Aichi Target 15, Forest/Landscape Restoration and the GPFLR, opportunities of REDD+ for landscape restoration, and a case study from Brazil. Facilitator: Daniel Shaw, IUCN; Speakers: Tim Christophersen (CBD), Carole Saint-Laurent (GPFLR/IUCN), Mario Boccucci, and Miguel Calmon (Mata Atlantica Restoration Pact) Coastal Climate Change Solutions – from Principles to Practice This event will illustrate how management, restoration and sustainable use of coastal ecosystems can achieve concrete adaptation, mitigation and development outcomes. Needs and opportunities will be identified, and recommendations on overcoming challenges to scaling up ecosystem-based climate change solutions in coastal areas. Reception to follow

Programme as of June 13 2012. Updates available on

African Development Bank, UNCCD Secretariat, Global Mechanism (GM). Contact: Simone Quatrini, [email protected] African Development Bank. Contact: Anthony Nyong and Mwila Musumali, [email protected]; [email protected] Conservation International, UNESCO, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Contact: Kate Hanford, [email protected] CBD and UNCCD Contact: Jaime Webbe, [email protected]

African Development Bank, UNCCD Secretariat, Global Mechanism (GM) Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration and CBD. Contact: Carole SaintLaurent and Tim Christophersen, Carole.SAINT-LAURENT; [email protected] UNEP DEPI. Contact: Jerker Tamelander and Jacquie Alder, [email protected]; [email protected]

and Email: [email protected]!/RioPavilion

Rio Conventions Pavilion @ Rio+20 13-24 June 2012 Athlete’s Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sat 16 June

Oceans Day


Renewing our political commitments: Perspectives on Rio+20 Reflecting on accomplishments, and how to mobilize political will, people and resources to implement Rio+20 ocean outcomes, with a look at moving toward the Blue Economy Scaling up integrated governance of the oceans This session will examine moving toward integrated, ecosystem-based management of marine areas beyond national jurisdiction, and long-term capacity development in integrated ocean governance. Special address: H.E. Mr. Henri Puna, Prime Minister, Cook Islands Lunch: Celebrating 10 Years of the Global Ocean Forum The Living Ocean: Enhancing Fisheries for Food Security, Social and Economic Benefits Special Address: Ms. Rachel Kyte, VP Sustainable Development Network, World Bank SIDS and Oceans: Building Resilience, Enhancing Social and Economic Benefits Special address: H.E. Mr. Anote Tong, President, Kiribati Climate Change and Ocean Acidification Co-chairs Dr. Wendy Watson-Wright, ES, IOC-UNESCO and Ambassador Isabelle Picco, Permanent Mission of Monaco to the UN Toward the Blue Economy and Society: Perspectives, Experiences and Initiatives Moving forward Presentation of the Rio+20 Oceans Declaration and Rio+20 Ocean Commitments Special address: Mrs. Rejoice Mabudafhasi, Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, South Africa, and Ms. Paula Caballero, Director, Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs, Columbia Closing of Oceans Day Reception to follow Organized by Nausicaa, World Ocean Network, Forum do Mar, Brazil, Tara Expediction, Green Cross, OpenOceans, Sea Orbiter


12:15-13:30 13:30-14:30

14:30-15:10 15:30-16:20

16:20-17:45 17:45-18:30


Global Ocean Forum; SOA, China; GEF; UNDP; OPRF, Japan; University of Delaware; IOC-UNESCO; UNEP; World Bank; Fórum do Mar; Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat; Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Seychelles; Republic of Vietnam; KORDI; WWF; World Ocean Network; TNC; FAO; CBD Secretariat; Caribbean LME Project; NRDC; SeaOrbiter. Contact: Joe Appiott: [email protected]

Sun 17 June

Securing Healthy Soils and Stopping Land Degradation within a Generation: Outcomes for Rio+20 World Day to Combat Desertification Global Observance Event


Including High-level Round Table by Heads of Agencies: What sustainable land and soil management can do to achieve the Millennium Development Goals Remarks by H.E. Ms. Izabella Teixeira (Minister of Environment, Brazil), Mr. Luc Gnacadja (Executive Secretary, UNCCD, and H.E. Mr. Don Ko Lee (Minister, Korea Forest Service, Republic of Korea) (12:30-13.30 Lunch served in the Pavilion for participants) Toward a Zero Net Land and Soil Degradation World Speakers: H.E. Mr. Don Ko Lee, Dr. Antonio Magalhaes (Chair, UNCCD CST), Mr. Dennis Garrity (UNCCD Drylands Ambassador) Coffee break (15:50-15:00) Global Soil Partnership Speakers: H.E. Mr. Manuel Gerardo Pedro Pulgar-Gidal Otalora (Minister of Environment, Peru); Mr. PArviz Koohafkan (FAO), Mr. Carlos Clérici (Uruguay),Ms. Diana Wall (Colarado State University); Mr. Eugenio Gonzalez (CIREN, Chile) The Economics of Land Degradation H.E. Ms. Edna Molewa (South Africa); Mr. Ibrahi m Thaw (UNEP); Mr. Kook Hyun Moon (Chair, SLM Business Forum); and Mr. Luca Montanarella (EC) Global observance of the World Day to Combat Desertification Land for Life Award Reception: Announcement of Winners with UNCCD Drylands Ambassador and Miss Universe Leila Lopez Remarks by H.E. Mr. Don Ko Lee, H.E. Mr Dirk Niebel (BMZ), Mr. Wang Wenbiao (CEO, Elion Group), Mr. Luc Gnacadja





Programme as of June 13 2012. Updates available on

UNCCD Secretariat; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), European Commission. Contact: Yukie Hori and Wagaki Mwangi, [email protected]; [email protected]

and Email: [email protected]!/RioPavilion

Rio Conventions Pavilion @ Rio+20 13-24 June 2012 Athlete’s Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Mon 18 June

Business Day


Opening Remarks and Presentations Christiana Figueres (ES, UNFCCC), Luc Gnacadja (ES, UNCCD), Monique Barbut (CEO, GEF), Peter Bakker (President, WBCSD), Olajobi Makinwa (UN Global Compact) Coffee for participants served 11 am Business and the Conventions from Rio to Rio+20 Panel: Private sector engagement in the last 20 years: successes and challenges Panelists: Jeff Seabright (Coca-Cola), Mr. Kook Hyun Moon (SLM Business Forum), Thierry Nowaczyk (Airbus), Bjorn Stigson (WBCSD, former president) Lunch provided for participants (13:15-13:40) Towards the Green Economy Panel: Managing Corporate Externalities - Public-Private Partnership and Ways Forward Chair: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy (GEF) Speakers: Richard Spencer (ICAEW), Malcolm Preston (Price Waterhouse Coopers), Pavan Sukhdev (TEEB), Jochen Zeitz (Puma), Marcelo Cardoso (Natura) Breakout Session: Bringing Industry into the Green Economy Theme 1: Sustainability Speakers from Agroamerica, Solidaridad, Vertica, Ecofrotas, Starbucks Theme 2: Research and Technology Speakers from Suzlon, Volvo, BT Brasil, PTB, General Electric, Codelco, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 16:45: Groups report to Plenary Natural Capital Declaration: Roadmap to Account for Nature Opening Remarks: Mario Monzoni (Centre for Sustainability Studies, FGV), Richard Burrett (Earth Capital Partners, UNEP-FI Co-chair) Natural Capital Declaration: Brief by Kookie Habtegaber, NCD Coordinator Presenting the NCD Roadmap: Andrew Mitchell, Global Canopy Programme Accounting for Nature In Four Steps: Understand, Embed, Report, Account Natural Capital in the Big Picture: Where we are Today Reception to follow (19:00-20:00)





Tue 19 June

Financing Sustainable Development Day


Natural Capital Solutions: Protected Areas meeting Global Environmental Challenges This event will focus on the key roles that protected areas can play in promoting more sustainable land and natural resource management, and as ‘natural solutions’helping people cope with climate change and contribute to the green economy. Lunch for participants served 12:45 Investing in Natural Capital in Africa, Asia and Latin America: Partnerships, Policies and Investments Speakers from governments in Mexico, Coastal Eastern Africa, and the Heart of the Borneo region in Asia will profile significant milestones, and highlight best practices currently being implemented at national and multi-national levels. International development partners will discuss trends in financing the transition to Green Economies. Representatives from: ADB, WWF, Indonesia, Mexico, TEEB, AfDB, IADB, GEF Investing in Natural Capital: Building our Sustainable Future Pre-Opening Day Reception Mozambique’s Green economy Roadmap will be launched, showcasing progress in sustainable development with a focus on conservation area advances, followed by a panel discussion on implementation. Representatives from: Republic of Mozambique, Government of Kenya, Government of Tanzania, WWF, AfDB Reception for participants



Programme as of June 13 2012. Updates available on

Rio Conventions and GEF. Contact: David Steuerman, Marcos Montoiro, Fernando Castellanos Silveira and Alexander Saier, [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

UNEP Finance Initiative, Global Canopy Programme, Centre for Sustainability Studies at FGV (GVces). Contact: Paula Pierao and Ivo Mulder, [email protected]; [email protected] IUCN-WCPA and LifeWeb Initiative. Contact: Kathy MacKinnon, [email protected] m; [email protected]

African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, World Wide Fund for Nature, Natural Capital Partners, and the Global Environment Facility. Contact: Kate Newman, [email protected]

and Email: [email protected]!/RioPavilion

Rio Conventions Pavilion @ Rio+20 13-24 June 2012 Athlete’s Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Wed 20 June 11:30–13:00

Gender Mainstreaming Day


Linking research, policy and practice for gender-responsive action in forestry Political Leadership and Gender (televised panel) and stakeholders panel Celebration of Women’s Leadership in Sustainable Development In memory of Marie Aminata Khan of the CBD Secretariat, this celebration will award 10 women leaders for their leadership roles over the last 10 years. Featuring keynote speaker Tarja Halonen, former President of Finland, and Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the CBD Reception to follow

15:00–16:30 17:15–19:00

Mainstreaming gender in the Three Rio Conventions: Progress to date and way forward

Wed 20 June

The Economics of Sustainable Development


Special off-site event (by invitation): This high-level panel, featuring Lord Nicholas Stern, TEEB study leader Pavan Sukhdev, and ELD study leader Jeffrey Sachs, seeks to identify common policy and economic challenges in addressing market failures of global significance, and opportunities to overcome them. This session will cover the economics of land management, biodiversity and climate change contributes to achieving sustainable consumption and production. Location: To Be Confirmed

Thu 21 June 08:30–10:00

20 Anniversary of the Rio Conventions





UN Women and Rio Conventions. Contact: June Budhooram and Hanna Gehor, [email protected]; [email protected] CIFOR UNFCCC GGCA, IUCN, and WEDO. Contact: Nathalie Eddy and Lorena Aguilar, [email protected]; [email protected]

TEEB/UNEP/Rio Conventions. Contact: David Steuerman, [email protected]


Breakfast of the Rio Convention COP Presidencies (by invitation). Current and future COP presidencies of the Rio Conventions will discuss the future of the conventions, challenges and opportunities. Location: Sítio Santo Agostinho Launch of the Pilot Partnership on National Implementation of Synergies among the Rio Conventions Welcome remarks: Dr. Braulio Dias, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity Global environmental benefits that can be best achieved through a synergistic approach: Ms. Monique Barbut, CEO, Global Environment Facility Benefits of a synergistic approach in Jamaica, India, Vietnam, and GuatemalaA donors view of the efficiencies realized through a synergistic approach: Director General, European Commission

Joint Liaison Group (JLG) of the Rio Conventions. Contact: Annie Cung, [email protected] Rio Conventions, GEF, World Bank, European Commission, IUCN, Government of Japan, Government of Spain. Contact: Jaime Webbe, [email protected]

Launching Mozambique’s Green Economy Roadmap By His Excellency, Armando Emilio Guebuza, President of the Republic of Mozambique.

Government of Mozambique Contact: Telma Manjate, [email protected]

Supported by Her Excellency, Alcinda Antonio de Abreu, Minister for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs, Republic of Mozambique.

WWF, Co-organiser Contact: Kate Newman, [email protected] Rio Conventions and GEF. Contact: Didier Babin and Neil Pratt, [email protected]; [email protected]

Why the 3 Rio Conventions are Critical to Achieving Poverty Eradication (by invitation) Speakers: Dr. Elinor Ostrum (Nobel Prize Winner), Dr. Margaret Chan (WHO), Olivier de Schutter (UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food), Dennis Garrity (UNCCD Drylands Ambassador), Marina Silva (MDG Advocacy Group), Ralph Payet (Minister of Environment and Energy, Seychelles) Moderator: Dr. Gustavo Fonseca, GEF How the UN System can Better Integrate Environment Eithin the Development Framework (by invitation) Representatives from business (PDG, Ethos), Research (Cirad, Harvard), IPCC,

Programme as of June 13 2012. Updates available on

and Email: [email protected]!/RioPavilion

Rio Conventions Pavilion @ Rio+20 13-24 June 2012 Athlete’s Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Cities (Curitiba, Brazil, Slum Dwellers International), Indigenous Communities (Global Nomad Peoples’Alliance, Saami Council), and Cooperation (OISCA International, Jolie-Pitt Foundation) Also featuring heads of UNDG, WHO, UNSD, UNEP, UNDP, DESA, UNITAR, UNRD, FAO, WB, GEF and other partners th Celebration of the 20 Anniversary of the Rio Conventions High-level Reception (by invitation): th 20 Anniversary Cake with Media, Goodwill Ambassadors, keynote address and high-level guests Remarks by Edward Norton (CBD Goodwill Ambassador), H.E. Dr. Young-sook Yoo (Minister of Environment, Republic of Korea), and H.E. Dr. Izabella Teixaira (Minister of Environment, Brazil) Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Gustavo Fonseca, GEF

Fri 22 June

Cities Day: Sustainable cities through integrated local solutions /FURUSATO Movement/Pavilion Closing Event/GEF Journey to Rio Expectations Review E-Book Launch


Local leadership driving global change  Visioning – An Integrated Sustainable City  Local Leadership Driving Global Change Featuring David Cadman (President, ICLEI), Mercedes Bresso (President, Committee of the Regions), Richard Register (Founder, EcoCity Builders), and panellists from eThekwini, South Africa; Mexico City; Maringa, Joinville, and Curitiba Brazil; Istanbul, Turkey; Montpellier, France Visioning – An Integrated Sustainable City  Cities as Engines of Green Growth  Governing Towards a Sustainable Future  Integrated Urban Planning Featuring Konrad Ötto-Zimmerman (Secretary-General, ICLEI), Pavan Sukhdev (UNEP), Mauricio Macri (Mayor, Buenos Aires), and distinguished panellists A Sustainable Future for our Children: The FURUSATO movement Lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake and children’s participation in community restoration, and a model of sustainable development that prioritizes biodiversity, livelihood development, and capacity-bulding. A child representative will deliver an action plan for the future children want. Speakers: Dr. Yoshiko Y. Nakano (President, OISCA International), Eiji Suzuki (President, Association for Coastal Forest Restoration), Ms. Ritu Prasad (SG, OISCA North India), Mr. Rajat Agrawal (Children’s Forest Program, OISCA Green Wave) Rio Conventions Pavilion Closing Event Lessons learnt and next steps following Rio +20 Followed by ‘The Journey to Rio: Gathering Evidence on Expectations for the GEF’ Book launch and cocktail reception GEF was originally created as a 3-year pilot program to finance the incremental costs of global environment measures in developing countries. Twenty years after its creation, the GEF Evaluation Office is undertaking a review of how GEF has met the expectations upon which it was founded.




Sat 23 June, Sun 24 June 10:00–19:00

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. Contact: Russell Galt and Kobie Brand, [email protected] ; [email protected]

OISCA International. Contact: Yui Saito and Emi Takada: [email protected]; [email protected]

Rio Conventions and GEF. Contact: Veronica Lo and Baljit Wadhwa: [email protected]; [email protected]

Public Exhibition Days: Africa’s Lost Eden Join us for screenings of the award-winning film, ’Africa’s Lost Eden’, the National Geographic movie about the Gorongosa Restoration Project. It was known as “the place where Noah left his Ark:” 4,000 square kilometers of lush floodplains in central Mozambique, packed with wild animals. But 15 years of civil war took a heavy toll and conservationists today are battling to restore the park to its former glory. Winner of the Gold Dolphin Award for the Environmental and Ecology (Cannes Corporate Media and TV Awards) and Best Documentary Award (Brazilian Tourism Film Festival). This film will be shown in Portuguese.

Programme as of June 13 2012. Updates available on

Parque Nacional da Gorongosa, National Geographic

and Email: [email protected]!/RioPavilion