Prof. Dr. S. Mahling

Die VL Mensch und Technik findet am Montag, dem 30.10.06 von 9.30 - 18.00 am Montag, dem 13.11.05 von 9.30 - 18.00 Raum A 2.07 statt Prof. Dr. S. Mah...
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Die VL Mensch und Technik findet am Montag, dem 30.10.06 von 9.30 - 18.00 am Montag, dem 13.11.05 von 9.30 - 18.00 Raum A 2.07 statt

Prof. Dr. S. Mahling


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Wie in Los Alamos die Atombombe entwickelt wurde Der Stellvertreter – Reaktion eines Menschen im Angesicht der Unmenschlichkeit Der gläserne Mensch und Datenschutz GATTACA – Menschen im Zeitalter der Genetik Der Risikobegriff – die Risikogesellschaft MATRIX – die programmierbare Welt Der flexible Mensch – wie Arbeitswelt und Technik unsere Entwicklung beeinflussen RFID – Technik zur Beobachtung von Kundenverhalten


• 75 % Anwesenheit • Bearbeitung eines Themas mit Animation zur Diskussion + mind. 2 Din A4 Seiten Resumée (2 Seiten pro Person) Abgabetermin Ende Januar

Bewertung WUIQS Wissenschaftlichkeit Umfang Inhalte Quellenangaben Stil

Mensch & Technik Gesellschaft




Mensch & Verantwortung

1.0 Wie in Los Alamos die Atombombe entwickelt wurde 080 BLUESTONE 1.2 MEGATONS CHRISTMAS ISLAND 1962. US NARA/Digital image (c)2003 Michael Light

072 OAK 8.9 MEGATONS ENEWETAK ATOLL 1958. US NARA/Digital image (c)2003 Michael Light

1.1 Zeitlicher Ablauf I

1933 1938 1939 1942 1943

Nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung Entdeckung der Kernspaltung durch Hahn, Strasser und Meitner in Berlin Diskussion zwischen Bohr und Einstein zur Energiefreisetzung durch Uranspaltung Manhattan Projekt zur amerikanischen Atombombe Robert Oppenheimer arbeitet in Los Alamos an der Atombombe

1.2 Zeitlicher Ablauf II

06.05.1945 16.07.1945 06.08.1945

09.08.1945 01.11.1952

Deutsche Kapitulation Zündung der ersten oberirdischen Atombombe bei Los Alamos (Trinity Test) Atombombenabwurf über Hiroschima 90 000 Tote, 50 000 Strahlenopfer mit Todesfolge (Enola Gray) Atombombenabwurf über Nagasaki 36 000 Tote, 40 000 Strahlenopfer mit Todesfolge Zündung der H-Bombe auf dem Bikini-Atoll

3.0 Der gläserne Mensch

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Einleitung Die aktuelle Diskussionen Schutzzweck und Regelungsgegenstand Zulässigkeit durch Einwilligung Allgemeine Rahmenbedingungen für die Zulässigkeit der Gendaten-Verarbeitung Das Recht auf Wissen und auf Nicht-Wissen Medizinische Untersuchungen Genetische Forschung Untersuchungen bei Arbeitsverhältnissen Versicherungszwecke Sonstige Anwendungen

4.0 GATTACA – Gene sind alles

FADE IN A white title appears on a black screen: "As night-fall does not come at once, neither does oppression...It is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight lest we become victims of the darkness." Justice William O. Douglas

4.1.1 GATTACA – Der Film 1 The name "Gattaca" is composed entirely of the letters used to label the nucleotide bases of DNA. The four nucleotide bases of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) are adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. Public address announcements in the Gattaca Corporation headquarters building are in Esperanto, an artificial language invented in the 19th century. The winding stairs in Jerome's apartment have the structure of a double helix, like DNA.

4.1.2 GATTACA – Der Film 2 Uma Thurman's character is named Irene Cassini. Cassini is the surname of the 17th century French-Italian astronomer, Jean Dominique Cassini, who discovered the prominent gap in Saturn's main rings, as well as the icy moons, Iapetus, Dione, Rhea, and Tethys. The space mission in Gattaca is destined for Saturn. A space probe is currently travelling towards Saturn's moon Titan. The probe is called Cassini. Jude Law's character asks to be called by his middle name, Eugene. "Eugene" comes from the Greek for "well born," which Jerome is. "Eugenics" (the science of improving the hereditary qualities of a race or breed) is the central theme of the film.

4.1.3 GATTACA – Der Film 3 The Gattaca building (interiors and exteriors) is, in reality, the Marin County Civic Center in San Rafael, CA. It was designed by American star architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1957. The largest Wright design ever constructed, it was largely built after his death in 1959. The central dome (prominent in the roof-cleaning scene) contains the county library. The FBI agents are called "Hoovers," a reference to legendary top-Gman J. Edgar Hoover, but also a clever reference to a vacuum cleaner brand. There are numerous shots of vacuums being used to gather DNA evidence.

4.1.4 GATTACA – Der Film 4 The piece played by the six-fingered pianist is based on Impromptu in G Flat Major, Op. 90, No. 3. by Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828). However, the creators did a beautiful job embellishing the piece with additional notes/harmonies so that it "can only be played with twelve [fingers]," as Uma Thurman's character notes. The surgery that Vincent undergoes to increase his height is called the Ilizarov procedure, named after the Russian doctor who invented it 40 years ago to treat dwarfism. This painful operation adds length by allowing new bone to grow in the gap left by gradually seperating ends of the broken bone. The patient's shinbones are cut in two, a brace is applied and metal pins would pull apart the bones a millimetre each day. Risks include feet permanently turned at odd angles, twisted legs, and weakened bones that break again and again.

4.1.5 GATTACA – Der Film 5 When Gattaca was first released, as part of a marketing campaign there were adverts for people to call up and have their children genetically engineered. Thousands of people actually called the phone number, believing the advertisement to be true. The film's working title was "The Eighth Day."

5.0 RFID – Big Brother is Watching You Radio Frequency Identification (Funk-Frequenz-Identifizierung) Anwendungen: Eintrittskarten, Tickets, Bahncard, Einzelhandel, Lagerhaltung, Identitätspapiere, im Körper, Geldscheine, Bücher,... Auswirkungen: Bewegungsprofile, Konsumverhalten, Straftaten,...

6.0 MATRIX - Szenenwahl Die Matrix-Trilogie Szenenauswahl: Matrix Matrix reloaded Matrix revolutions 05-13 21-22 36

04-05, 07, 10 13-15 27-31

02-04 07-08 31-32

6.0.1 MATRIX It's 1999, and Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves) is a pretty normal guy, just minding his own business and doing some occasional computer hacking. One day, he's contacted by a man calling himself Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), who informs Thomas that the world he knows is merely a software program, called The Matrix, designed by machines to distract humans while they're used for fuel. The program perfectly simulates everyday life, creating an alternate universe down to the smallest detail. Morpheus tells Thomas, aka Neo, that he is the only one who can hack into The Matrix and free humankind.

6.0.2 MATRIX - Reloaded The machines have discovered the last human city, Zion, located in the Earth's core, and an army o f Squiddies is sent to destroy it. Neo (Keanu Reeves), the all-powerful One, must race to beat them there before launching a final battle that pits the last remaining unplugged humans against the machines. Along the way, with Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) by his side, Neo battles Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) and his clones, and a set of evil twins, among many enemies. Reloaded ends in a cliffhanger, setting up the trilogy's finale, The Matrix Revolutions.

6.0.2 MATRIX - Revolutions The concluding chapter of the Matrix trilogy finds Neo (Keanu Reeves) trapped between the real world and the computer-generated Matrix. After being rescued by Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) and Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), he consults the Oracle (Nona Gaye) and sets off to confront his nemesis, Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving). But to do so, he first must make a nearly impossible journey to the machine city to strike a bargain that may end the war and save Zion, which is under attack by sentinels, fierce battle droids sent by the thousands to wipe out the humans' last line of defence.

6.1 MATRIX - Personen Personen: Neo (Mr. Anderson), Trinity, Morpheus, Niobe, Senator Agent Smith Seraph, Orakel, Schlüsselmacher Merowinger Persephone Architekt Trainman

6.1.1 Neo Neo Symbolism Neo means "New" (Greek), • N-E-O is an anagram of O-N-E Reference to Jesus: Neo dies and returns more powerful • Symbolism Ander = "Man" (Greek), Son = "Son" Anderson = "Son of man". An attribute also given to Jesus. • Moreover "Neo Anderson" would mean "New son of man".

6.1.2 Morpheus Morpheus

Symbolism Morpheus is the Greek god of dreams • Morpheus: "Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real. What if you were unable to wake from that dream. How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?"

6.1.3 Nebukadnezar Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar was the ancient king of Chaldea (Babylon). He was born about 630 B.C. and died around 562 B.C. At this time, "God's people" had become extremely corrupt and idolatrous. They ignored all of the Prophets that God had sent to warn them (2 Chronicles 36:15-16), and they refused to repent. They trusted in themselves, in the city of Jerusalem, even in the physical Temple, rather than in God. So, God, through Nebuchadnezzar, destroyed it all in order to make them realize, in no uncertain terms, that they had turned their backs on Him, much like those inside of the Matrix have involuntarily turned their back on "reality". Like King Nebuchadnezzar, Morpheus is charged with snapping the people in the Matrix and Zion back to reality.

6.1.4 Trinity Trinity Trinity = "3 in 1" Trinity is an old (Egyptian) belief, marketed by the catholic church, that god can be divided in 3 parts (or persons or features or gods). One could write whole books about these trinity mythologies. "Trinity" was the name of a famous atomic bomb. (Ed: anyone tell us which one? The bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were called "fat man" and "little boy") .Since there doesn't seem to be anything "threeish" about Trinity, most probably this bomb is the source of her name. Trinity was actually the site in New Mexico (close to Los Alamos) on the Northern end of White Sands Missle Range where the first atomic weapons were tested, just before the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were used.

6.1.5 Merowinger Merovingians The Merovingians are an old French dynasty (The Merovingian speaks many languages but French is his favourite) who claimed they descended from the line of Jesus "The One" Christ. The Merovingian Kings were also the guardians of the Holy Grail. The Merovingian might represent "Hades" from Greek mythology. "Persephone" was also the name of the wife of Hades. They lived both in the Underworld.

6.2 MATRIX - Orte Orte: Zion, Tempel Maschinenstadt Quelle Underground, Train Korridor Schiff: Nebukadnezar

6.3 MATRIX - Links


7.0 Der flexible Mensch Richard Sennett

1. 2. 3. 4.

Drift (Wie persönliche Erfahrung in der modernen Arbeitswelt zerfällt) Routine (Ein Übel des alten Kapitalismus) Flexibilität (Die neue Strukturierung der Zeit) Unlesbarkeit (Warum moderne Arbeitsformen so schwer zu durchschauen sind)


Risiko (Warum Risiken auf sich zu nehmen verwirrend und deprimierend geworden ist)

6. 7. 8.

Das Arbeitsethos (Wie sich das Arbeitsethos gewandelt hat) Scheitern (Wie man mit dem Scheitern fertig wird) Das gefährliche Pronomen (Gemeinschaft als Mittel gegen Drift) Siedler Verlag, 2000

8.2 Risikowahrnehmung

Objektive Gefahr vs. Individuelle Wahrnehmung Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit Alter Geschlecht Kultur Bildungsstand There is no such thing as „real“ or „objective“ risk ! Risiko als soziales Konstrukt ?

8.6 Risikobewertung

Freiwilligkeit Nutzen Schadenspotential Katastrophenpotential

8.8 Stigmata und Traumatismus

Stigmata = negative Etikette

Traumatismus = Störung in der Erlebnisverarbeitung

8.9 Risikoakzeptanz und Vertrauen

Vertrauen = Persönlichkeitsmerkmal Vertrauen   Information Nutzen




Akzeptanz -



M.M. Zwick Risikoakzeptanz

Schein: Hausaufgabe 3 + 80% Anwesenheit Themenbearbeitung in Gruppen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Wie in Los Alamos die Atombombe entwickelt wurde SCHINDLER: der Nonkonformist GATTACA: Der gläserne Mensch RFID: Der gläserne Mensch SOYLENT GREEN: Überbevölkerung MATRIX: Die programmierbare Welt Der flexible Mensch - soziologische Studie

4 DIN A4-Seiten, Schrift Times New Roman 12, Quellenangaben Abgabetermin: 08.07.05


• •

Robert Jungk – Heller als 1000 Sonnen; Heyne-Verlag 1991 Robert Jungk – Strahlen aus der Asche; Heyne-Verlag 1991

• •

Rudolf Höß : Komandant in Auschwitz; Autobiographische Aufzeichnungen / hrsg. Von Martin Boszat; DTV Sebastian Haffner – Anmerkungen zu Hitler

• •

Richard Sennett – Der flexible Mensch, Berlin-Verlag 2000 Hans Jonas; Das Prinzip Verantwortung; Suhrkamp


The Day after Der Stellvertreter (Kp. 3 + 5) GATTACA (Anfang) Matrix I - III Claude Lanzmann – Shoa Schindlers Liste Soylent Green

Dazu im Internet 1

Bewertung der Themen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Wie in Los Alamos die Atombombe entwickelt wurde GATTACA – Menschen im Zeitalter der Genetik Der gläserne Mensch und Datenschutz RFID – Technik zur Beobachtung von Kundenverhalten Der Stellvertreter – Reaktion eines Menschen im Angesicht der Unmenschlichkeit MATRIX – die programmierbare Welt Der flexible Mensch – wie Arbeitswelt und Technik unsere Entwicklung beeinflussen Der Risikobegriff – die Risikogesellschaft

Bewertung der Veranstaltung Zeit / Block erwünscht Themen / welche gut, welche schlecht Materialien Haben Sie für Ihren Umgang mit Verantwortung etwas aus der LV gewinnen können ?

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