HS 141

The David A. Stein Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 Principal Lori O’Mara Department of Education City of New York Assistant Principals Sheila...
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The David A. Stein Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 Principal Lori O’Mara

Department of Education City of New York Assistant Principals Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Thomas Sullivan

French 2 Syllabus Syllabus Design: Stella V. Sourelos, French Teacher Textbook : Valette, Jean-Paul., and Rebecca M. Valette. 1998. Discovering FrenchBlanc, McDougal Littell. Unité 1 Qui suis-je?

Cultural Context Oneself and others

Communication Functions

Linguistic Objectives

Presenting oneself and others ♦ Providing personal data ♦ Identifying one’s family ♦ Talking about professions

♦ The verb être ♦ C’est and il est

Interacting with others ♦ Introducing people ♦ Making phone calls ♦ Reading birth and wedding announcements Talking about oneself and others ♦ Describing looks and personality ♦ Talking about age ♦ Describing feelings and needs

♦ Regular and irregular adjectives ♦ The verb avoir ♦ The verb faire ♦ Inverted questions

Describing one’s plans ♦ Saying where people are going and what they are going to do ♦ Saying where people are coming from ♦ Saying how long people have been doing things

♦ The verb aller ♦ The construction aller + infinitive ♦ The verb venir ♦ The present with depuis

Unité 2 Le weekend, enfin!

Cultural Context Weekend activities

Communication Functions

Linguistic Objectives

Talking about weekend plans ♦ Describing weekend plans in the city ♦ Planning a visit to the country

♦ The verbs mettre, permettre, and promettre ♦ The verb voir ♦ The verbs sortir, partir, and dormir

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | www.rka141.org

The David A. Stein Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 Principal Lori O’Mara

Getting from one place to another ♦ Getting around in Paris ♦ Visiting the countryside Narrating past weekend activities ♦ Talking about where one went ♦ Talking about what one did and did not do

Department of Education City of New York Assistant Principals Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Thomas Sullivan

♦ The verb prendre

♦ The passé composé with avoir ♦ The passé composé with être ♦ Impersonal expression: quelq’un, quelque chose, personne, rien ♦ Il y a + elapsed time

Unité 3 Bon appétit !

Cultural Context Meals and food shopping

Communication Functions

Linguistic Objectives

Planning a meal ♦ Talking about where to eat ♦ Setting the table Going to a café ♦ Ordering in a café

♦ The verb boire

Talking about favorite foods ♦ Discussing preferences ♦ Expressing what one wants

♦ The verb préférer ♦ The verb vouloir

Shopping for food at market ♦ Interacting with vendors and asking prices ♦ Asking for specific quantities ♦ Discussing what one can get ♦ Talking about what one should buy or do

♦ Partitive article ♦ The verbs acheter and payer ♦ Expressions of quantity with de ♦ The adjective tout ♦ The verbs devoir and pouvoir ♦ The expression il faut

Unité 4 Les loisirs et les spectacles

Cultural Context Free time and entertainment

Communication Functions

Linguistic Objectives

Planning one’s free time ♦ Going out with friends ♦ Extending, accepting, and turning down 660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | www.rka141.org

The David A. Stein Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 Principal Lori O’Mara

Department of Education City of New York Assistant Principals Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Thomas Sullivan

invitations ♦ Talking about concerts and movies Talking about your friends and your neighborhood ♦ Describing people and places you know

Discussing relations with others ♦ Asking others for assistance ♦ Describing services of others

Reading and writing about daily events ♦ Writing a letter to a friend ♦ Discussing what you like to read ♦ Talking about what others have written or said

♦ The verb connaître ♦ Object pronouns le, la, les ♦ The verb savoir

♦ Object pronouns me, te, nous, vous ♦ Object pronouns lui, leur ♦ Object pronouns in commands ♦ Double object pronouns

♦ The verbs écrire, lire, and dire

Narrating what happened ♦ Talking about losing and finding things

♦ Object pronouns in the passé composé

Unité 5 Les sports et la vie quotidienne

Cultural Context Sports and health

Communication Functions

Linguistic Objectives

Discussing sports ♦ Finding out what sports your friends like ♦ Talking about where you practice sports and when ♦ Giving your opinion

♦ The verb courir ♦ The expressions faire du ♦ The pronouns en and y

Discussing fitness and health ♦ Describing exercise routines ♦ Describing common pains and illnesses Talking about one’s daily activities ♦ Describing the daily routine ♦ Caring for one’s appearance ♦ Giving others advice ♦ Asking about tomorrow’s plans

♦ The expression avoir mal à ♦ Definite article with parts of the body

♦ Reflexive verbs: present tense ♦ Reflexive verbs: imperative ♦ Reflexive verbs: infinitive constructions

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | www.rka141.org

The David A. Stein Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 Principal Lori O’Mara

Department of Education City of New York Assistant Principals Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Thomas Sullivan

Narrating past activities ♦ Describing one’s routine activities in the past

♦ Reflexive verbs: passé composé

Unité 6 Chez nous

Cultural Context House and home

Communication Functions

Linguistic Objectives

Discussing where you live ♦ Describing the location of your house or apartment ♦ Explaining what your house or apartment looks like Renting an apartment or house ♦ Reading classified ads ♦ Asking about a rental ♦ Giving more complete descriptions Talking about the past ♦ Explaining what you used to do in the past and when ♦ Describing ongoing past actions ♦ Giving background information about specific past events

♦ The verb vivre

♦ Relative pronouns qui and que

♦ The imperfect ♦ Contrasting the imperfect and the passé composé

Unité 7

Cultural Context Clothes and accessories

Communication Functions

Linguistic Objectives

Talking about clothes ♦ Saying what people are wearing ♦ Describing clothes and accessories Shopping for clothes ♦ Talking with the sales clerk ♦ Expressing opinions Comparing people and things ♦ Ranking items in a series ♦ Expressing comparisons ♦ Saying who or what is the best

♦ Ordinal numbers ♦ Comparisons with adjectives ♦ Superlative constructions

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | www.rka141.org

The David A. Stein Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 Principal Lori O’Mara

Department of Education City of New York Assistant Principals Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Thomas Sullivan

♦ Referring to specific items

♦ Pronouns lequel? and celui

Talking about how things are done ♦ Describing how things are done ♦ Comparing how things are done

♦ Adverbs ending in -ment ♦ Comparisons with adverbs

Unité 8

Cultural Context Travel and summer vacation

Communication Functions

Linguistic Objectives

Discussing summer vacations ♦ Talking about vacation plans ♦ Planning a camping trip

♦ Prepositions with names of countries ♦ The verbs recevoir and apercevoir

Making travel arrangements ♦ Buying tickets ♦ Checking schedules ♦ Expressing polite requests

♦ The use of the conditional to make polite requests

Talking about what you would do under various circumstances

♦ The constructions verb + à + infinitive, verb + de + infinitive

Making future plans ♦ Talking about the future ♦ Setting forth conditions

♦ The future tense ♦ The future with si-clauses ♦ The future with quand

Talking about what one would do under certain circumstances ♦ Discussing what would occur ♦ Discussing conditions

♦ The conditional ♦ The conditional with si-clauses

Unité 9

Cultural Context Getting around by car

Communication Functions

Linguistic Objectives

Talking about cars ♦ Describing cars ♦ Having one’s car serviced ♦ Getting one’s license ♦ Rules of right way

♦ The verbs conduire and suivre

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | www.rka141.org

The David A. Stein Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 Principal Lori O’Mara

Expressing how one feels about certain events

Department of Education City of New York Assistant Principals Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Thomas Sullivan

♦ Adjectives + de + infinitive

Talking about past and present events ♦ Describing purpose and sequence ♦ Describing simultaneous actions and cause and effect

♦ Prepositions + infinitive ♦ Present participle constructions

Discussing what has to be done ♦ Expressing necessity and obligation ♦ Letting others know what you want them to do

♦ Present subjunctive: regular forms ♦ Present subjunctive: irregular forms

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | www.rka141.org