Figure Guidelines. Table of Content

Figure Guidelines Figure Guidelines Table of Content Table of contents ............................................................................
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Figure Guidelines

Figure Guidelines

Table of Content Table of contents ......................................................................................................... 2 1. File Formats............................................................................................................. 3 1.1. TIFF .................................................................................................................. 3 1.2. EPS ................................................................................................................... 3 1.3. JPEG.................................................................................................................. 3 1.4. Figures From Other Applications........................................................................ 3 2. Requirements .......................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Color Mode ....................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Resolution ........................................................................................................ 4 2.3. Text ................................................................................................................. 4 2.4. Sizing ............................................................................................................... 4 2.5. Columns ........................................................................................................... 5 2.5.1. 2 Columns .................................................................................................. 5 2.5.2. 3 Columns .................................................................................................. 5 2.5.3. 2+1 Columns .............................................................................................. 6 3. Line Art Figures ....................................................................................................... 6 3.1. Description ....................................................................................................... 6 3.2. Resolution ........................................................................................................ 6 4. Halftone Figures ...................................................................................................... 7 4.1. Description ....................................................................................................... 7 4.2. Resolution ........................................................................................................ 7 5. Combination Figures ................................................................................................ 8 4.1. Description ....................................................................................................... 8 4.2. Resolution ........................................................................................................ 8 6. Quick Figure Submission Checklist ........................................................................... 8


Figure Guidelines

1. File Formats 1.1. TIFF TIFF or TIF (Tagged Image File Format) is the recommended file format for grayscale and color halftones. It can also be used to submit line art (bitmap) images. TIFFs can be compressed to ensure that file sizes are kept to a minimum for quicker file transfer. Files should be submitted using the LZW compression or any other non-lossy compression method. Most common artwork creation softwares are capable of saving to the TIFF format, usually through the «save as» or «export» function. Extension: .tif

1.2. EPS EPS (encapsulated postscript) format is the recommended format for vector graphics and line art. It is an Adobe format that is generally resolution independent. Most common artwork creation softwares are capable of saving to the EPS format, usually through the «save as» or «export» function. Extension: .eps

1.3. JPEG JPEG (named after the Joint Photographic Expert Group) is a common format for photographic material. It can be used to submit grayscale and color halftones. JPG format is a compressed file format which sustains information loss. It is therefore not the preferred format for figure submissions at Frontiers. Extension: .jpg

1.4. Figures From Other Applications Please note that any image created in a word document (.doc), powerpoint document (.ppt) or excel document (xls,xlsx) needs to be supplied separately in one of the supported formats and at the required resolution. Most other programs, which support the creation of graphic materials, allow you to export and save images in all kinds of formats. To export an image in the TIFF format, you will likely be asked for an output resolution. Pick the highest resolution possible (or 900 for line art, 600 for combination, 300 for halftone). To export an image in the EPS format, you will likely be asked for the postscript version. Choose Postscript 3 if available and choose all fonts to be embedded.


Figure Guid delines

2. Requirrements 2.1. Color Mode M Pleas se submit yo our images in the color mode RGB B for color images, bitm map for line e art consisting of bla ack and white with no tints or gra ayscale for black b and white w images s with gradations.

2.2. Resolu ution For black b and white w line artt the minim mum resolution should be 900 dpi. For halfton ne figurres (photogrraphs), the resolution should s be a minimum of 300 dpi. For any typ pe of graph or drawin ng in graysc cale or comb binations be etween line art and hallftone, the uld be a min nimum of 50 00 dpi. resollution of your file shou Chec ck the resolu ution of you ur figure by y enlarging it to 150% on o a computer screen. If the rresolution is s too low, th he image will appear blurry, jagge ed or have a stair-stepped effec ct.

2.3. Text Text in Figures should be in Arial fontt and no sm maller than 8 points when reduced to ure panels are a lettered by bold capital letters s: A, B, C, D,, etc. final size of the figure. Figu mple: Exam

this is 8 pt text.

2.4. Sizing Figurre images should be prrepared with the PDF/journal layo out in mind, with a widtth that correspond ds to either 1 column, 2 columns or o 3 column ns, depending on articlle type..

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Figure Guid delines

mns 2.5. Colum 2.5.1. 2 Colum mns For Original Research, R C Clinical Tria al, Hypothesis and Theory, Methods, Re eview, Technology Rep port, Perspective, Mini Review, CPC and Cliniical Case Sttudy, Editorrial: 2 colum mn articles can contain n images 85 5 mm or 180 mm wide.

2.5.2 2. 3 Colum mns

For C Commentariies, Grand Challenges, C ook Reviews s: 3 column n Opinion Artticles and Bo articlles can conttain images s 55 mm, 12 20 mm or 180 1 mm wid de. g


Figure Guid delines

Fo or Focused Reviews: 2+ +1 column arrticles can contain c images 64 mm, 13 32mm or18 80 mm wide e.

3. Line Art A Figu ures 3.1. Description Line art is an im mage compo osed of lines s and text, which w does not contain n tonal or nly used to create charrts and grap phs. shaded areas. Itt is common

3.2. Resolu ution Line art images in TIFF or JPG formats should hav ve a minimu um resolutio on of 900 dpi. ctor based, therefore t th hey are reso olution inde ependant an nd offer the best EPS ffiles are vec qualiity for line art. a Exam mple:

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Figure Guid delines

4. Halfton ne Figures 4.1. Description Halfttone denote es an image which is co onstructed of o a continu uous tone photograph, p , which contains no text.

4.2. Resolu ution For halftone h figu ures (photo ographs), the resolution n should be e a minimum m of 300 dp pi.

mple: Exam g


Figure Guid delines

5. Combination n Figurres 4.1. Description Combination fig gures contain halftone + text or line art elements.

4.2. Resolu ution For combination c n figures, th he resolution should be e a minimum m of 600 dp pi.

mple: Exam

e Subm mission n Chec cklist 6. Quick Figure Beforre submittin ng your figu ures, make sure you ch heck the following: 1 1. Files are in the correct format. 2 2. My files are at the correct c resolution for th he type of figure. f 3 3. I have ch hecked the image at 15 50% resolution on my screen s and it is not blu urry or stair-stepped. 4 4. My files are sized co orrectly acc cording to th he layout fo or my article e. 5 5. The text in the figures is legiblle, at the co orrect size, and font. 6 6. The reprroduction rights have been b secure ed for any figure requirring it. 7 7. All figure es are proviided as separate files.

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