ST. MARGARET MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 26, 2016 - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

25511 Eshelman Ave. Lomita, Ca 90717 Phone: 310.326.3364 Schedule of Masses Sunday 6:45am , 8am , 9:30am , 11am , 12:30pm (Español), 5pm, 7pm (Español) Saturday 8:15am , 5pm (Vigil Mass) Weekdays 6:30am , 8:15am First Wednesday and First Friday 7pm Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8am - 12pm /1-8pm Friday 8 am -12 pm /5-8pm Saturday 8 am -12pm/ 1-5pm Rev. Paul O’Donnell, Pastor Rev. John Palmer, Associate Pastor Rev. Marinello Saguin, Associate Pastor Rev. Sebastian Venni, Priest in Residence Danny Guinto, Seminarian Intern Deacon Craig Siegman Deacon Rick Soria Deacon Dan Wallace Deacon Cheto Mendoza Bulletin Editor Matt Johnson, [email protected] Christian Service Laura Nieto, ext. 35 Parish Administrator Deacon Dan Wallace, ext. 42 Parish Office Adriana Gomez, ext. 10 Rosalba Rodriguez, ext. 21 Religious Education Teresa Carbajal, ext. 16 Joe Voigt, ext. 17 St. Margaret Mary School Elisa Fernandez-Zimmerman, 310.326.9494

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Friday 5-5:30pm Saturday 3:30-4:30pm and 7:30-8:30pm Also available by appointment Infant Baptism Baptisms are celebrated in English and Spanish on a regular basis. Please visit or call the Parish Office to register or for more information. Adult and Children's Initiation The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and Children (RCIC) is coordinated by Deacon Rick Soria. The process is ongoing so please call the Parish Office for more information. Sacrament of Marriage We welcome engaged couples to contact the Parish Office early to discuss celebrating your wedding. The process takes at least six months. Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Office in case of serious illness or before surgery to arrange for a priest to celebrate the Sacrament. Vocations Those who may be considering a vocation to the priesthood, please contact Fr. Marinello in the Parish Office.



By , JOSÉ H. GOMEZ, Archbishop of Los Angeles On June 9, California becomes the fifth state in the nation to allow doctors to prescribe lethal medications for patients who ask for them. With the new “End of Life Options” law we are crossing a line — from being a society that cares for those who are aging and sick, to a society that kills those whose suffering we can no longer tolerate. Our government leaders tell us that granting the right to choose a doctor-prescribed death is compassionate and will comfort the elderly and persons facing terminal and chronic illness. But killing is not caring. True compassion means walking with those who are suffering, sharing their pain, helping them bear their burdens. Loving your neighbor as yourself is not a duty we fulfill by giving our neighbor a lethal dose of pills. Assisted suicide represents a failure of solidarity and will only increase the sense of isolation and loneliness that many people already feel in our society. With this new law, we are abandoning our most vulnerable and frail neighbors — dismissing them as “not worthy” of our care and as a “drain” on our limited social resources. This new law will worsen the inequalities in our health care system. The poor elderly already have far fewer treatment options and far less access to palliative care and nursing home services. In a state where millions are forced to rely on government-subsidized care, who can imagine the government will continue paying for months and perhaps years of costly treatments rather than prescribing a cheap bottle of suicide pills? And faced with growing numbers of elderly suffering from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, how long will it be before we start hearing appeals to offer “compassionate choices” for those who can no longer choose or speak for themselves? This is the danger of this new law: the death that some demand for themselves today may become a “choice” that many will not be able to refuse tomorrow. The logic of assisted suicide leads inevitably to the government and corporate administrators essentially deciding which lives are worth saving and caring for and who would be better off dead. The criteria for such decisions will always be arbitrary and the process will always mean the strong and powerful deciding the fate of those who are weak and less influential in society. This is the beginning of tyranny. Californians deserve and should demand better from our lawmakers. Giving doctors a license to kill is not leadership on health care. On June 9, when this new law takes effect,

we will still have all the same problems that make people afraid to grow old or become sick or disabled in California today. We will still have a health insurance system that prices pain-relief medication beyond the reach of ordinary people and makes it nearly impossible for them to receive the palliative care and other services they need to live their final days with dignity. On June 9, workers in nursing homes will still be overworked and underpaid and their working conditions will make it difficult for them to provide quality medical care with excellence and compassion. Medical schools still will not be providing future doctors and health professionals with proper training in palliative care and end-of-life treatment. These are the real issues that make the prospect of terminal illness and dying so frightening to people in California. I appeal to thoughtful leaders in the legislature and medical profession — now is the time to come together and begin to decisively address these issues. I also appeal to physicians, nurses, health administrators, hospitals and care facilities — this new law protects your rights of conscience. It does not compel your cooperation or participation. The proper response to an unjust law is conscientious objection. And this is an unjust law. Helping patients to kill themselves denies patients their dignity and diminishes the humanity of those entrusted to care for them. Medical professionals are called to be servants of life, not dispensers of death. All of us in California need to pray and work to rebuild a culture of human dignity in the face of this unjust law. We need to proclaim and demonstrate by our actions — that all human life is precious and sacred and is worthy of our care and protection, from conception to natural death. A person does not stop being a person, does not lose his or her dignity or right to life, — just because he or she loses certain physical or mental capacities. Indeed, it is when people are most vulnerable that they are most in need of our compassion and love. Let us pray for our great State of California as we enter this new moment. May God give all of us the courage to do what is right. And may our Blessed Mother Mary help us to see that everyone is a child of God and that we are all brothers and sisters called to love and care for one another.



Por Monseñor JOSÉ H. GOMEZ, Arzobispo de Los Ángeles El 9 de junio, California se convertirá en el quinto estado del país en permitir a los médicos recetar medicamentos letales a los pacientes que los soliciten. Con la nueva ley de “Opciones para el final de la vida” estaremos cruzando una frontera: de ser una sociedad que se preocupa por aquellos que están envejeciendo y están enfermos, a una sociedad que mata a aquellos cuyo sufrimiento ya no podemos tolerar. Los líderes de nuestro gobierno nos dicen que el conceder el derecho a elegir una muerte prescrita por el médico es algo compasivo, que confortará a los ancianos y a las personas que enfrentan la enfermedad terminal y crónica. Pero matar no es preocuparse por la persona. La verdadera compasión significa caminar con los que están sufriendo, compartiendo su dolor, ayudándoles a sobrellevar sus problemas. Amar al prójimo como a uno mismo no es un deber que cumplamos dándole a nuestro prójimo una dosis letal de pastillas. El suicidio asistido manifiesta una falta de solidaridad y no hará sino aumentar el sentimiento de aislamiento y soledad que mucha gente experimenta ya en nuestra sociedad. Con esta nueva ley, estamos abandonando a nuestros prójimos más vulnerables y frágiles, calificándolos como “no dignos” de nuestros cuidados, atención, y como un “gasto excesivo” para nuestros limitados recursos sociales. Esta nueva ley va a empeorar las desigualdades en nuestro sistema de salud. Los ancianos pobres de hecho ya tienen muchas menos opciones de tratamiento y mucho menos acceso a los cuidados paliativos y a los servicios prestados por los asilos para ancianos. En un estado en el que millones de personas son obligadas a confiar en los cuidados subsidiados por el gobierno, ¿cómo imaginar que el gobierno continuará pagando durante meses y tal vez durante años por tratamientos costosos en lugar de prescribir más bien un barato frasco de píldoras para el suicidio? Y ante el creciente número de personas de edad avanzada que sufren de Alzheimer y de otras formas de demencia, ¿cuánto tiempo pasará antes de que empecemos a escuchar peticiones de que se ofrezcan “opciones compasivas” para aquellos que ya no pueden elegir o hablar por sí mismos? Este es el peligro de esta nueva ley: la muerte que algunos exigen para sí mismos hoy, puede llegar a ser una “elección” que muchos no podrán rechazar mañana.

cuando esta nueva ley entre en vigor, tendremos todavía los mismos problemas que actualmente hacen que en California la gente tenga miedo a envejecer o convertirse en enferma o discapacitada. Contaremos todavía con un sistema de seguro médico que asigna precios que están fuera del alcance de la gente común a los medicamentos para el alivio del dolor, y que hace casi imposible para ellos poder recibir los cuidados paliativos y otros servicios que necesitan para vivir sus últimos días con dignidad. El 9 de junio, los trabajadores de los hogares para ancianos todavía estarán sobrecargados de trabajo y mal pagados, y sus condiciones de trabajo harán que sea difícil para ellos proporcionar una atención médica de calidad con excelencia y compasión. Las facultades de medicina seguirán sin proporcionarles a los futuros médicos y profesionales de la salud una formación adecuada en los cuidados paliativos y en el tratamiento para el final de la vida. Estos son los problemas reales que hacen que la perspectiva de una enfermedad terminal y la muerte alarme a personas en California. Hago un llamamiento a los líderes reflexivos en la legislatura y la profesión médica - ahora es el momento de unirnos y empezar a abordar estos temas de manera decisiva. También hago un llamamiento a los médicos, enfermeras, administradores de salud, hospitales y centros de atención - esta nueva ley protege los derechos de la conciencia.

No obliga su cooperación o participación. La respuesta correcta a una ley injusta es la objeción de conciencia. Y ésta es una ley injusta. Ayudar a los pacientes a que se suiciden niega a los pacientes su dignidad y disminuye la humanidad de quienes están a cargo de ellos. Los profesionales médicos están llamados a ser servidores de la vida, no los dispensadores de la muerte. Todos nosotros en California necesitamos orar y trabajar para reconstruir una cultura de dignidad humana frente a esta ley injusta. Debemos proclamar y demostrar con nuestras acciones que toda vida humana es preciosa y sagrada, y es digna de nuestra atención y protección, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Una persona no deja de ser una persona, no pierde su dignidad o el derecho a la vida, sólo porque él o ella pierde ciertas capacidades físicas o mentales. De hecho, es cuando la persona es más vulnerLa lógica del suicidio asistido conduce inevitablemente a able a la necesidad de nuestra compasión y amor. que, esencialmente, sean los administradores del go- Oremos por nuestro gran Estado de California al entrar bierno y los administradores corporativos quienes de- en este nuevo momento. cidan qué vidas vale la pena salvar y cuidar, y cuáles otras sería mejor que murieran. Los criterios para estas deci- Que Dios nos dé a todos el valor de hacer lo que es corsiones siempre serán arbitrarios y el proceso implicado recto. Y que nuestra Santa Madre María nos ayude a ver en ello siempre conllevará a que los fuertes y los po- que todo el mundo es un hijo de Dios y que todos somos derosos decidan el destino de los débiles y menos in- hermanos y hermanas llamados a amarnos y a cuidarnos unos a los otros. fluyentes dentro de la sociedad. Este es el comienzo de la tiranía. Los californianos merecen y deben exigir algo mejor de nuestros legisladores. El hecho de darles a los médicos una licencia para matar no es liderazgo en cuanto a la atención médica. El 9 de junio,


VOCATIONS CORNER Our Seminarian, Emmanuel Delfin is spending the summer in Mexico on a Spanish immersion . He will be sending us regular updates on his experience. Please keep him and his classmates in your prayers.

During Fr. Alvaro's Canta Misa (thanksgiving/first Mass of a newly ordained priest), I thought of how I felt about my own priesthood or rather, my path towards it. What came to mind was what I would say to my parish back home. I would say something like this: "I've heard many of you thank me for making such a big decision as to enter the seminary - to become a priest. Today, I would say that if you really want to thank the person who got me to where I am today and keeping me here, it's YOU!" In all the 4 years living in the seminary, we seminarians would always hear that we will eventually fall in love with the people. I thought I knew what that already meant, having made strong close friendships at St. Margaret Mary's. But as time at St. John's went on learning about love and sacrifice, I began to doubt that I actually knew what falling in love with the people was and I began to think that perhaps it was just all an exaggeration or that I had a lot more to learn before getting there. Now, here at the Canta Misa in Mesillas, Aguascalientes, my eyes suddenly opened... during Mass, as I looked out and saw the all the parishioners and relatives and friends of Fr. Alvaro, I realized what falling in love with the faithful was. There was something deeper happening inside the church that is difficult to describe to those who weren't there, but I'll give it a try here... We were in an old Baroque church, in the middle of a small humble town in the countryside. And everyone, no matter where they were in their faith journey, knew that something special was happening - their reverence towards the presence of God was solid. I saw so much respect in just the way they moved their bodies, no matter how differently they genuflected or did the sign of the cross. I was filled with joy to be in a place where everyone celebrated the Mass in unified faith and in awe. Then I realized that it may be that I was just too new to their culture and language to catch their nuances to get a more balanced understanding like I have in our parish. I thought about being in Mass back there in Lomita: We may know each other really well or we may just know each other looking out between the pews and the sanctuary. But we do share something just as beautiful. And what really matters to my heart is that you ARE present. I have a strong need to share my journey and to not be alone in my road to priesthood and you are already with me participating together in the Mass of our Lord Jesus. Whatever brought us to Mass doesn't matter. What matters is that by being together surrounding the altar, we become a family of God's children! And love, to me, has grown to be that which is sharing our lives with God in a profound way. Our own love and devotion for God is exactly what I love about us, no matter where we are in our own journey. Later back in la ciudad de Aguascalientes, we gathered for a little party for my pastor's cuñada's (brother's wife's) birthday and my pastor called it her quinceñera although she is about twice that age. It was a joke with which she played along well. I realized that while they were singing songs together, there was a camaraderie that felt almost ancient among them, as if singing was not merely a unitive force at that time, but that united them to their great grandparents as well. Some of the songs seemed timeless that stretched back to colonial Spain. It all made me happy. I was joyful to be integrated into something so intimate and loving. I longed to know their songs and to be one with them but I dodged from that feeling and hid behind being reserved instead. But that didn't stop them, they sang all night and I joined in the few verses that I knew. We ended the night dancing to Banda music and Cumbia.

Prayer for Priestly Vocations Good and gracious God, you have called us through our Baptism to discipleship with your Son Jesus Christ, and have sent us to bring the Good News of salvation to all people. We pray for you to grant us more priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters and lay ministers to build up your Church here within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Inspire young men and women by the example of Blessed Junipero Serra to give themselves totally to the work of Christ and His Church. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen!

5 THIS WEEK IN SMM HISTORY June 27, 1982—The parish welcomed The Pilgrim Friars, a group of Dominican priests and brothers, who led the music at the 5pm Sunday Mass and entertained afterwards in an old-fashioned hoe-down June 28, 1965— The Holy Name Society sponsored the first Fireworks Stand, open until July 4th, on Western Avenue and 262nd Street

The World Youth Day Pilgrims will be collec ng your prayer inten ons in the pa o a er all the masses on

June 28, 1982— The marble mosaic was completed along the back wall of the altar in church, a gift of the Holy Name Society.

Saturday, July 2nd & Sunday, July 3rd Saturday, July 9th & Sunday, July 10th

June 29, 1959— Holy Name Society held its first parish trip to a Dodgers baseball game at the LA Coliseum. Bus and ticket price is $3.75. Event was open to men and boys only. June 29, 1959—Four SMM women were officially certified by Cardinal McIntyre as CCSD teachers. Religious education for public school students began the following September. June 30,2010—Msgr. Patrick Thompson retired as pastor after 16 years of service at the parish. He is succeeded by Msgr. Marc Trudeau July 1, 1964– Father Hegarty announced a new parish fundraiser to replace the annual Bazaar: all parishioners were asked to contribute a day’s wage. The first year resulted in $13,421.

World Youth Day Pilgrims Blessing Please join us for a special sending mass and blessing for our WYD Pilgrims. Saturday, July 2nd, at the 5pm mass EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

July 2, 1967—Father Harold Cremmins was assigned to the parish as temporary administrator because Fr. Hergarty’s hospitalization and recovery from a stroke. He remained as associate pastor upon Fr. Hegarty’s return.

PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY CRUSADE Saturday, July 2nd Noon to 1 PM (every 1st Saturday) Pray the Rosary with us for our country to give witness to our faith. Torrance Crossroads Shopping Center, Crenshaw and Lomita Blvds. Bring a chair and American flag if you wish. Betty Gifford (310) 539-7606 or Linda Neal (310) 539-2211

PARISH DIRECTORY! This summer our parish will once again be taking appointments for photos for our parish directory. Appointments will begin July 20th and run thru August 21st. More details to follow.


El evangelio de este domingo marca el comienzo de lo que se llama tradicionalmente el Gran Viaje de Jesús del evangelio de san Lucas, subiendo desde Galilea hasta Jerusalén, y más adelante desde Jerusalén hasta el cielo. Para san Lucas, todo el ministerio público de Jesús fue una larga peregrinación que comenzó con el discurso inaugural en la sinagoga de Nazaret. Todo discípulo de Jesús está llamado a peregrinar, ya que la vida cristiana es un caminar con Jesús mientras nos habla a lo largo del camino. El evangelio nos habla de las disposiciones que hay que tener para poder caminar con Jesús. Hay que estar dispuesto a aceptar toda clase de dificultades y arriesgar el ser rechazado por los que valoran el mundo. El cristiano deberá responder al rechazo del mundo, no con sentimientos de venganza o tomando personalmente las injurias sino con perdón y amor. El caminar con Jesús no conduce a comodidades ni a hacerse rico en términos del mundo; lleva consigo la incertidumbre y la inseguridad humana que son vencidas por la fe en el amor que Dios nos tiene, ya que es necesario ponerse totalmente en, manos del Padre que nos ama y que alimenta y viste a los animales y a las plantas. Poniéndoos en manos de la Providencia La invitación de Jesús no admite dilación: uno podría pensar en quedarse piadoso y filialmente cuidando a sus padres hasta enterrarlos, y después de su muerte dedicarse con libertad al seguimiento de Jesús; pero el que sigue a Jesús y se pone en, manos de la Providencia, en cierto modo está poniendo su familia y todo lo suyo en manos de la Providencia amorosa del Padre. Jesús no admite reparos ni excusas a su invitación, especialmente cuando estas dilaciones nacen de preocupaciones puramente terrestres. Además, pide decisión, mirar adelante sin titubeos, y no volver a pensar en el pasado. Jesús nos llama al futuro. El futuro al que Jesús nos llama es un futuro de fe y confianza en el amor del Padre. Jesús no promete éxitos en este mundo, y mucho menos riquezas a quien lo sigue, como pretenden algunos predicadores evangélicos. Jesús llama a seguirle, tomando la cruz cada día para crear un mundo nuevo redimido por el amor. En resumen, la vocación cristiana exige humildad y amor, desprendimiento y pobreza, renuncia, compromiso y decisión. El seguimiento de Jesús supone para el creyente una meta, un camino plagado de dificultades y incomprensiones y unas actitudes decididas de desprendimiento, de aceptación firme e inquebrantable de no ceder a ningún tipo de veleidades (cambios en el es-

tado de ánimos sin causa justificada). La escena del evangelio de hoy nos presenta un rasgo del carácter de Jesús que todos admiramos: su coraje ante lo difícil. Es el tiempo de Pascua y todos suben a Jerusalén para la fiesta. Pero allí hay muchos enemigos personales que están tramando la muerte de Jesús. Ir a la ciudad representaba en realidad exponerse a perder la vida. El sabía lo que le esperaba, y normalmente debía sentir miedo. Era un ser humano, y por lo tanto, no quería morir. Pero al mismo tiempo, sabía que debía ir a la ciudad para dar testimonio de su misión como Mesías y Salvador. Así pues, contra toda prudencia humana, decidió subir a Jerusalén. Esa muestra de coraje humano aterró a los apóstoles calculadores, y encendió la ira de sus enemigos; pero a nosotros nos deja, a través de la historia, un grandioso ejemplo de fidelidad al deber. Por eso, no sólo los cristianos, sino también los incrédulos admiran la grandeza humana de Jesús. Reflexión. En la misa conmemoramos el sacrificio valeroso del Señor. El sacrificio de su vida por nuestra liberación. Recordemos que en la misa, no sólo somos espectadores. Somos actores. Nos reunimos en asamblea, como seguidores del Señor. Es el momento de hacer más firme nuestra decisión de ser cristianos durante todos los días de la semana. Que Dios nos ayude a cumplir con la exigencias de nuestra fe.


Council 7864 Monday, June 27th 8:15am Memorial Mass in honor of: Bernard Smith, Kit Karwick, and Chuck Hohn

Monday, June 27th 6:30pm Gathering and Dinner (St. Joseph Center) 7pm HNS Rosary (Church) 7:30pm Membership Meeting (St. Joseph Center)

Congratulations to the following St. Margaret Mary Schools students who participated in the “Vocations in Action” Speech Competition: 1st Place/Best Formal Speech: Jordan Aquino 2nd Place/Best Impromptu Speech : Natalie Luhrsen 3rd Place: Isabella Fernandez Honorable Mention Aimee Alberto Gabriel Castro Alexis Figueroa Rachel Moreno Nianca Perez Celeste Vasquez Adrian Arredondo Jady Mae Catimasan Jonathan Hardin

Lenissee Otereo Jonai Pasa David Zaragoza Camrin Burkhammer Jessica Eubanks Danielle Luzano Tristan Nozaki Max Sulsona

First Friday, July 1st 7pm Mass followed by Adorations of the Blessed Sacrament until Midnight.


Membership: Sunny Quezon - 310.318.9931 Insurance: Ernie Literte - 310.781.3048

Catholic Seniors age 50 plus: Men, Women, Married, Single, Widowed or Divorced We meet on the first and third Saturdays of the month at 6:30 PM usually in the lounge. The first Saturday is the Bible Care and Share with social events planning. The third Saturday is normally the social event of the month. We are planning a trip to the Regan Library to see the Vatican Splendors Exhibit on Sunday, July 17th.

Questions? Mike (310) 756-5637

We are reading... THE FIFTH GOSPEL A Novel by Thursday, June 30—7 PM Parish Center Lounge JOIN THE DISCUSSION! EVERYONE IS WELCOME whether or not you have read/finished the book. Questions? Call Flo (310) 328-8915 email: [email protected] In July: When Saint Francis Saved the Church by Jon M. Sweeney


ORACION POR LAS VOCACIONES Padre, en cada generación Tu nos proporcionas los ministros de Cristo y la Iglesia. Llegamos ante Ti ahora, pidiendo que llame a más hombres al servicio de nuestra Arquidiócesis en el sacerdocio ministerial. Danos sacerdotes que puedan mostrar el camino y guiar a tu pueblo santo reunido por la Palabra y el Sacramento. Bendícenos con vocaciones sacerdotales que nos ayuden a seguir siendo verdaderamente una Iglesia Eucarística, fortalecida en nuestro discipulado de Jesucristo, Tu único Hijo. Elevamos nuestras oraciones, por hombres que sean genero-

sos en el servicio, dispuestos a ofrecer sus vidas y todos sus dones para Tu mayor gloria y por el bien de tu pueblo. Te lo pedimos en la presencia y poder del Espíritu Santo., Por medio de Cristo Nuestro Señor. Amén.

Si sientes que Jesús te llama para ser sacerdote, no mires hacia atrás; se valiente y comienza la aventura de seguir su voz…



Recuerden que tenemos este servicio aquí, en nuestra parroquia los días lunes, martes, jueves y sábado con cita previamente acordada. Para solicitar este servicio, pueden pasar por la oficina de la parroquia para dejar el nombre y número de teléfono o dejar un mensaje en el teléfono: (310) 326-3364. ext.40


Este verano nuestra parroquia una vez más estará tomando las citas para las fotos de nuestro directorio parroquial. Para los que estén interesados en este directorio, las citas comenzarán: el 20 de julio al 21 de agosto 2016. Más detalles a seguir.


La Comunidad Hispana tendrá lventa de Tamales Mexicanos . Los fondos son para las Becas,

LA FORMACIÓN EN LA FE ( DOCTRINA) 2016 -2017. LAS CLASES EMPEZARAN EL 24 DE SEPTIEMBRE Las inscripciones para el programa de Educación Religiosa están abiertas: Para inscribir a su hijo/a necesita pasar por la oficina de Educación Religiosa, y llenar la forma de inscripción, favor de traer la Fe de Bautismo y pagar la cuota requerida. RICA: La pr epar ación Sacr am ental es par a per sonas adultas que necesitan r ecibir los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Reconciliación, Comunión y o Confirmación por primera vez. La oficina se encuentra abierta de Lunes a viernes de 10:00am a 7:00pm (12:00 a 1:00pm cerrado) Sábado y domingo de 8:00am a 2:00pm Si su hijo/a ya está en el programa de Educación Religiosa (Doctrina) necesita Re-Inscribirlo para el curso 2016-2017. Pasar a la oficina de Educación Religiosa, llenar la forma y traer su Fe de Bautismo si no la ha traído. Para más información:(310) 326-3364 Ext. 28 0 14.

Lecturas de la Semana Lunes 27 de junio 1ra. Lectura: Amós 2:6-10. 13-16 Evangelio: Mateo 8:18-22

Jueves 30 de junio 1ra. Lectura: Amós 7:10-17 Evangelio: Mateo 9:1-8

Martes 28 de junio 1ra. Lectura: Amós 3:1-8; 4:11-12 Evangelio: Mateo 8:23-27

Viernes 1 de julio San Junípero Serra 1ra. Lectura: Amós 8:4-6. 9-12 Evangelio: Mateo 9:9-13

Miércoles 29 de junio San Pedro y San Pablo 1ra. Lectura: Hechos 12:1-11 2da. Lectura: Tim. 4:6-8. 17-18 Evangelio: Mateo 16:13-16

Domingo 3 de julio Santo Tomás, Apóstol 1ra. Lectura: Isaías 66:10-14 2da. Lectura: Gálatas 6:14-18 Evangelio: Lucas 10:1-12. 17-20

Sábado 2 de julio 1ra. Lectura: Amós 9:11-15 Evangelio: Mateo 9: 14-17



2016 Goal Pledges as of June 16, 2016 Pledges needed Families making Pledges 581

$127,200.00 $124,548.00 $2,652.00

We are sooooooooo close to mee ng our annual parish goal and in record me. In years past, it would be November so, thank you for the outstanding response to this very important campaign suppor ng our brothers and sisters throughout the Archdiocese. If you s ll have a Together In Mission envelope at home now would be a great me to join the rest of the parish and make your annual gi . If you need an envelope, they are available in the parish office.


M ,J 27, 2016 A 2:6-10,13-16; M 8:18-22 6:30am Jimmy Jornacaion Brynn Jornacion 8:15am

T ,J 28, 2016 A 3:1-8; 4:11-12; M 8:23-27 6:30am +Paula Banda +Ramona Martinez 8:15am

,J 29, 2016 12:1-11; 2 4:6-8,17-18; M 6:30am +Dominga Ebilane +Leo Eriman Ingrid Dharman

Registra on for 2016-2017

The Religious Educa on Office is currently accep ng registra on for new and returning students preparing to receive the sacraments of First Reconcilia on/First Communion. Registra on forms can be picked up and returned to the Religious Educa on office when completed. The completed form, a copy of the child's Bap smal cer ficate is required. If you have any ques ons, please call the Religious Educa on office at (310) 326-3364 ext. 28.

+Victor Lorenzo Duarte +Teresa Cimino



Classes begin Saturday, September 24th, 2016

+Bernard Smith +Kit Karwick +Chuck Hohn Barbara McCauley

+Patrick-Dang Pham +Lawrence E. Daniels +Concha Lasso

T ,J 30, 2016 A 7:10-17; M 9:1-8 6:30am +Venancio Ebilane Doris Guarin 8:15am

Vince Mesplou +Bea Badalich +K.I. Joseph

F ,J 1, 2016 A 8:4-6,9-12; M 9:9-13 6:30am +Patirck-Dang Pham +Bertha Rojas +Teodoro Lising 8:15am

+Yvonne Doyle +Margarita Andrade +Xavier Vargas

S ,J 2, 2016 A 9:11-15; M 9:14-17 8:15am +Jess Gutierrez +Rogelio Fong +May Lou Murphy Gutierrez S ,J 3, 2016 I 66:10-14C PS 66 G 6:14-18 L 10:1-12,17-20


11 Please pray for

The Sick Gary Gifford Brian Goeppner Shari Smith Pat Santos Jojo Baluyot Jose Aguirre Liz Hoffman Bill Willett Ricardo Contreras Sandra Gonzalez Theresa Spinell Linda Orffice

The Recently Deceased Betty Ann Myers Alfonso Arnold Acuna Pedro Carrillo Tony Funari

St. Margaret Mary supports Zambian Students for the 10th Year! 17 High School students and 5 college students are the beneficiaries this year. We are working for permanent changes in Chilubia, a rural Zambian community. Girls are now staying in school past sixth grade. Before long educated students will be available to work in rural areas. In the past seven years, we have raised up to $12,000 annually (last year $9000). The monies have provided primarily tuion support, but also solar panels (providing electricity for the first me), and school desks (where students were si ng on the floor). Fr. Rodger, a priest who served here for 4 years, says that the children we support come from ordinary families that cannot support them. Your financial support has made a huge impact in the lives of these children. These contribu ons have brought hope to the children of Chulibi Basic School. The connua on in school of female students is especially gra fying. If you wish to donate please put check made out to St. Margaret Mary in an envelope labelled Zambia and place in the church collec on or bring to the parish office. The deadline is July 18. Ques ons? Call Janine Goodale at 310-530-5228

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND & JORDAN November 5-17 Escorted by Fr. John Planea and Linda Williams For more information please contact: Linda Williams at LW Travel 310.320.9514 or 310.413.4711

Since 1895 The Tidings, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, has been telling the story of the Church in Los Angeles and across the globe. On July 1, The Tidings will be transformed and become a multimedia platform: Angelus News. The new presence will include a weekly magazine, a website (, social media channels and a daily digital newsletter. Pope Francis has shown us how to utilize the vast communications vehicles available to us, and Angelus will follow his lead. Look for more national and worldwide reporting, stunning photography and a new design that’s attractive to all ages.

Para mas información sobre la Feria de Lomita, llamar a: Roni Richards 310-835-2715 [email protected]

Promocione su negocio o mercancía en: La Feria de Lomita. Para reservar su espacio, llame a: Anna al Tel. 347-754-3379 o email a [email protected]. Para mas información, visite nuestra web en .

Visítenos en:, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Gana una beca de $ 500, para el mejor vendedor en el concurso del Rey y la Reina, para la Feria 2016 Lomita.

SEA UN VOLUNTARIO par a hacer de esta Feria la mejor de siempre! Hay muchas oportunidades disponibles incluyendo set-up, puestos, limpieza, etc. Contacta a: Margarita al Tel: (310) 749-0539 o [email protected] , para más información.

Promociona la Feria Lomita mediante la venta de boletos de la rifa y recaudación de fondos y al mismo tiempo ganar una comisión. A todos los jóvenes de 15 años en adelante pueden solicitar su participación. Póngase en contacto con Diane al Tel. 310-325-3038 para más información.

13 Holy Name Installa on BBQ

The Hispanic community will be selling

When: Saturday, July 16th 4-10pm

Mexican Tamales.

Where: Sacred Heart Courtyard Price: $15/person

Proceeds go towards Scholarships

Tickets are available after mass in the patio area or in the Parish Center. A limited number of tickets will be available at the for $20/person or $35/couples

JULY 9 - 10, 2016

Menu: Tickets include your choice of Steak or BBQ Chicken, Potato salad , and Pork and Beans

We ask that you bring a dish to feed 8-10 people: Last Name A-M—side dish Last Name N-Z—dessert Attire: Hawaiian


Questions: Ron 310.755.0772 Through the Peter’s Pence Collection, we stand in solidarity with Catholics all over the world to support the charitable works of Pope Francis. Contributions to this collection are used to support the Holy Father as he reaches out to those suffering the effects of war and violence, natural disasters, and religious persecution. As he has reminded us in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, “the time has come for the Church to take up the joyful call to mercy once more. It is time to return to the basics and to bear the weaknesses and struggles of our brothers and sisters. Mercy is the force that reawakens us to new life and instills in us the courage to look to the future with hope” (Misericordiae Vultus, no. 10).

[email protected]

Pro Life “All too often, as we know from experience, people do not choose life, they do not accept the ‘Gospel of Life’ but let themselves be led by ideologies and ways of thinking that block life, that do not respect life, because they are dictated by selfishness, self-interest, profit, power and pleasure, and not by love, by concern for the good of others. …As a result, the living God is replaced by fleeting human idols which offer the intoxication of a flash of freedom, but in the end bring new forms of slavery and death.” Pope Francis – from homily at Mass for ‘Evangelium Vitae Day’ June 16, 2013

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Pre-developed Cemetery Property Ahorre 40% Discount

Health Net, Anthem Blue Cross, LA Care, etc.

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Una Cadena Con Tradicion y Buen Sabor

Llame Ahora-Call Today

Cell (310) 987-1104

Sal Correa

Pre-Arrangement Counselor


[email protected]

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He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers.

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Win a $500 Scholarship as top seller in the King & Queen Contest for the 2016 Lomita Fair.

For more Lomita Fair info, contact Roni Richards 310-835-2715 [email protected]

Promote the Lomita Fair by selling

Visit us on,

Raffle Tickets and hosting fundraisers while earning a commission.

Facebook, Twitter and

Any parishioner age 15 and up may

Instagram #lomitafair

apply to participate. Contact Diane at 310-325-3038 for more information.

Promote your merchandise or business at the 2016 Lomita Fair. Contact Anna to reserve your spot at 347-754-3379 or email [email protected]. For more information, visit our website at .

Many opportuni es available to help make our Lomita Fair successful. Contact Margaret at 310-749-0539 or visit our Website