PEQUEA VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Curriculum Guide for Spanish I Course Grade Level Course Number 514 9-12 Course Length (Days) 90 Clock Hours Per...
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Spanish I

Course Grade Level

Course Number



Course Length (Days)


Clock Hours Per Year


Periods Per Week/Cycle Written By

Number Minutes Per Day Number Credits

82 1


Jennifer Vitelli


June 15, 2005

Special Requirements or Prerequisites: N/A

Course Description: Topics:

Greeting and leavestaking, names of countries, numbers, likes and dislikes, time-telling, food, family members, clothing, colors, weather, physical and personality descriptions.


Adjectives, personal pronouns, -ar ending verbs, ir, future with ir, estar, plural of adjectives and nouns, -er and –ir ending verbs, possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, direct object pronouns, personal a, stem-changing verbs.


Participation, tests, compositions, homework, conversations, portfolio assessment and selection, and abilities' exams.

Pequea Valley School District Curriculum Guide Grade:

9 – 12


PDE Standard (ID #):

Est. # Class Sess. 6


World Languages

Course Name/Number:

PDE Standard (Description):

Process Indicators

Spanish I - # 514


Rev. 7/05

Primer Paso – Capitulo 7

Communication in a Target Language

Content Indicators


(Students will be able to:)

Topic of Study:

(Students will know:)

Planned Learning Experiences/ Resources

Discuss the influence of Spanish language and culture. Greet and say good-bye to people. Acknowledge interactions, find out others' names and give theirs'. Use numbers to count, give dates. Ask for and give information. Ask questions and respond to requests. Be polite.

The countries with the largest amount of Spanish speakers and how the U.S. relates in comparison. ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo ____ . ¿Cuántos libros hay?, ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? ¿Cómo se dice ___enespañol? Se dice ___. Profesor(a), ¿ puedo . . .?; saquen una hoja de papel. Por favor, gracías.

Text, workbook, audiotape, writing activities, communicative activities.

Express likes and dislikes of self and others. Say what oneself and others are like, and fin out. Ask what others like. Talk about activities. Ask if a statement is accurate. Discuss activities and the concept of friendship in Spanish-speaking countries. Use prior knowledge, and to scan readings.

Me gusta ir a la escuela.

Text, workbook, audiotape, writing activities, communicative activities.

¿Cómo eres? Soy simpática; pero tú eres cañoso. ¿Qué te gusta? ¿Qué te gusta hacer contos amigos? De veras? ¿Qué quiere decir esa palabra mágica, "amigo"? "Buscando Amigos"

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Paso a Paso 1 Scott Foresman and Company © 2000

Paso a Paso 1 Scott Foresman and Company © 2000

Assess. Procedures and Stand. of Perform.

Observation, classroom activities, lesson test, vocabulary and/or concept quizzes, abilities test, oral recitation, written activities. All students will perform process indicators at 70% mastery. Observation, classroom activities, lesson test, vocabulary and/or concept quizzes, abilities test, oral recitation, written activities. Write a poem about yourself.

Other Stand. Address.

Pequea Valley School District Curriculum Guide


9 – 12


PDE Standard (ID #):

Est. # Class Sess. 12


World Languages

Course Name/Number:

PDE Standard (Description):

Process Indicators

Rev. 7/05

Primer Paso – Capitulo 7 (continued)

The Role of Culture in World Language Acquisition

Content Indicators



Topic of Study:

Spanish I - # 514

(Students will be able to:)

(Students will know:)

Make comparisons between school systems in Spanish-speaking countries. Talk about school subjects and supplies, possession, and quantity. Express various types of emotion, hesitation, and regret. Discuss location. Find out and give information about something taking place. Ask and tell time. Use prior knowledge and to scan in reading.

Los miércoles tengo inglés en la primera hora. ¿Y tú? Necesito un bolígrafo y un cuaderno. Lo siento. A ver . . . Allí/Aquí está. ¿Practican deportes Marta y Teresa? sí, ellas nadan y practican. ¿Qué hora es? Son las dos. "Boleta de evaluación.

Compare leisure-time activities in Spanishspeaking countries and the U.S. Tell how someone feels. Tell where someone is, where someone is going. Say when and with whom you do various activities. Express various emotions as surprise, enthusiasm, disappointment. Extend and respond to invitations. Use prior knowledge and to scan in reading.

En el verano, me gusta ir a la playa y jugar al vóleibol. Felipe está muy cansado hoy. José y Ana están aquí. Mariana y yo vamos a la playa. Mis amigos estudian comigo despué de las clases. ¡No me digas! ¡Genial! ¡Qué lástima! ¿Te gustaría ir al cine el sábado? Sí, gracias. "Calendario"

Planned Learning Experiences/ Resources

Text, workbook, audiotape, writing activities, communicative activities. Paso a Paso 1 Scott Foresman and Company © 2000

Assess. Procedures and Stand. of Perform.

Observation, classroom activities, lesson test, vocabulary and/or concept quizzes, abilities test, oral recitation, written activities. Write a letter about your school day. All students will perform process indicators at 70% mastery.

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Text, workbook, audiotape, writing activities, communicative activities. Paso a Paso 1 Scott Foresman and Company © 2000

Observation, classroom activities, lesson test, vocabulary and/or concept quizzes, abilities test, oral recitation, written activities. Write an invitation to a party. All students will perform process indicators at 70% mastery.

Other Stand. Address.

Pequea Valley School District Curriculum Guide


9 – 12


PDE Standard (ID #):

Est. # Class Sess. 12


World Languages

Course Name/Number:

PDE Standard (Description):

Spanish I - # 514

Primer Paso – Capitulo 7 (continued)

Communication in a Target Language

Process Indicators

Content Indicators

(Students will be able to:)

(Students will know:)


Discuss eating customs. Describe meals, food, and drinks. Express likes, preferences. Indicate frequency. Indicate hunger, thirst. Ask for, give explanations, and elicit agreement. Use prior knowledge, cognates, and context to get meaning in reading.

Topic of Study:

¿A qué hora comen los hispanos? Las uvas son muy sabrosas. Me encantan los sandwiches. Siempre me gusta el pollo. Tengo hambre. Tienes sed. Timoteo y tú ven televisión todos los días, ¿verdad? "El Chocolate"

Planned Learning Experiences/ Resources

Text, workbook, audiotape, writing activities, communicative activities. Paso a Paso 1 Scott Foresman and Company © 2000

Assess. Procedures and Stand. of Perform.

Observation, classroom activities, lesson test, vocabulary and/or concept quizzes, abilities test, oral recitation, written activities. Write a paragraph about your favorite meal of the day. All students will perform process indicators at 70% mastery.


Rev. 7/05

Explain name formation in Spanish-speaking countries. Describe family members. Say someone's name. Ask and tell age. Describe people, animals, and things, and indicate possession. Use prior knowledge, titles, context clues for meaning, and scan readings.

Mi apellido paterno es ___ y mi apellido materno es ____ . Mi hermano tiene pelo rubio y ojos verdes. Él se llama Pedro. ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo 15 años. Mi hermano es guapo.

Text, workbook, audiotape, writing activities, communicative activities. Paso a Paso 1 Scott Foresman and Company © 2000

Observation, classroom activities, lesson test, vocabulary and/or concept quizzes, abilities test, oral recitation, written activities. Write a poem about yourself. All students will perform process indicators at 70% mastery.

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Other Stand. Address.

Pequea Valley School District Curriculum Guide


9 – 12


PDE Standard (ID #):

Est. # Class Sess. 12


World Languages

Course Name/Number:

PDE Standard (Description):

Process Indicators

Spanish I - # 514

(Students will be able to:)

Primer Paso – Capitulo 7 (continued)

Communication in a Target Language

Content Indicators


Compare shopping experiences in the U.S. and Spanish-speaking countries. Describe clothing, colors, and prices. Talk about when something happened. Indicate location. Address people and start a conversation. Use titles and pictures to predict; skim to identify the main idea.

Topic of Study:

(Students will know:)

¿Te gusta ir de compras en los almacenes o los centros comerciales? Hoy llevo una camiseta roja. Compré la blusa hace dos días. ¿Hay otra tienda de ropa por aquí? ¿Qué desea Señora? "El problema de las dos camisas"

Planned Learning Experiences/ Resources

Text, workbook, audiotape, writing activities, communicative activities. Paso a Paso 1 Scott Foresman and Company © 2000

Assess. Procedures and Stand. of Perform.

Observation, classroom activities, lesson test, vocabulary and/or concept quizzes, abilities test, oral recitation, written activities. Create an ad for an article of clothing. All Students will perform process indicators at 70% mastery.


Rev. 7/05

Discuss how teens in Chile spend their vacations. Talk about vacations, planning, and things to do and visit. Say that you want or would like something. Talk about past occurrences. Ask about or describe weather. Express amazement or satisfaction. Use prior knowledge, identify main ideas, and cope with unknown words in reading.

En el verano, muchas personas van de vacaciones. "I like to go to Viña del Mar with my family." En las vacaciones pienso visitar museos. Quiero visitar a mis primos. Fui a la playa el verano pasado. ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¡Vaya! Menos mal que tienes tu abrigo. "Deja de soñar y haz la maleta."

Text, workbook, audiotape, writing activities, communicative activities. Paso a Paso 1 Scott Foresman and Company © 2000

Observation, classroom activities, lesson test, vocabulary and/or concept quizzes, abilities test, oral recitation, written activities. Write an essay on vacationing in Puerto Rico. All Students will perform process indicators at 70% mastery.

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