Our Journey – love, live, laugh, learn.

The Curriculum at Christ Church C. of E. Primary School At Christ Church Primary School we believe that the School Curriculum should be broad and balanced, offering children the opportunity to achieve success in many different areas. Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and there are other planned opportunities that make up the wider curriculum. We aim to follow a theme-based approach to learning, in the belief that children learn best when logical connections are made between different aspects of their work. At Christ Church C of E Primary School this statement sets out the principles underpinning the curriculum and reflects the school’s commitment to developing all aspects of their pupils’ lives. Learning at Christ Church C of E Primary is a journey, sometimes travelling together, sometimes working as an individual; needing a guide, sometimes needing support - step by step; tackling challenges to reach their personal best; having a sense of awe and wonder with discoveries; always enjoyable. We are privileged to be involved in each and every child’s learning and development and we value each child’s talents and skills. We believe that the best learning happens when every child has a creative approach to learning, access to ICT, is able to develop independence and has a range of wide and varied stimulus. There is access for all. (Developed 2nd June 2009)

At Christ Church C of E Primary School we aim for our children to become: Successful learners with: • enthusiasm and motivation for learning • determination to reach high standards of achievement • openness to new thinking and ideas and be able to: • use literacy, communications and numeracy skills • use technology for learning • think creatively an independently • learn independently and as part of a group • make reasoned evaluations • link and apply different kinds of learning in new situations

1 September 2014

Confident individuals with: • self respect • a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing • secure values and beliefs • ambition and be able to: • relate to others and manage themselves • pursue a healthy and active lifestyle • be self aware • develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world • live as independently as they can • assess risk and take informed decisions • achieve success in different areas of activity

Responsible citizens with: • respect for others • commitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural life and be able to: • develop knowledge and understanding of the world and England’s place in it • understand different beliefs and cultures • make informed choices and decisions • evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues • develop informed, ethical views of complex issues

Effective contributors with: • an enterprising attitude • resilience • self-reliance and be able to: • communicate in different ways and in different settings • work in partnership and in teams • take the initiative and lead • apply critical thinking in new contexts • create and develop • solve problems

2 September 2014

Religious Education (RE) At Christ Church C of E Primary School, children are taught to understand and respect the importance of religious beliefs in the world around them. We encourage children to use and develop their skills in RE and to participate in critical thinking. We aim to ensure that the RE curriculum is challenging, dynamic and relevant to pupils of all ages. In the Foundation Stage, RE is taught through topics based upon children’s own lives and their own experiences. During Key Stage 1, the study of Christianity is introduced and aspects of Judaism, Hinduism and Islam are taught. In Key Stage 2, the study of Christianity is developed and religious beliefs within Hinduism, Judaism and Islam are explored. We study festivals such as Diwali or Hannukah. Collective Worship As a church school, collective worship at Christ Church Primary is an integral part of school life. It creates, nurtures and sustains a sense of community and creates an opportunity to bring to life the core values of the school and local area. Each term we focus on one worship theme, allowing us to come together, celebrate children’s achievements and provide an opportunity for pupils to reflect. Our close relationship with Christ Church provides children with another regular link to the Christian faith. Pupils are involved in various services at the church throughout the year and church members actively contribute weekly to collective worship themes at the school. Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC) At Christ Church we have a firmly embedded set of School Values that are taught and lived out by the entire school community. Through regular worships, references in RE and other lessons as well as seizing upon opportunities in other areas of the school children are explicitly taught the 18 Values for Life of: generosity, friendship, trust, service, truthfulness, forgiveness, respect, perseverance, compassion, thankfulness, justice, courage, creativity, peace, humility, wisdom, hope and responsibility. At Christ Church School we recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures. All curriculum areas have a contribution to make to a students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and opportunities for this will be planned in each area of the curriculum. Christian values, principles and spirituality will be explored in the curriculum, especially in RE. The integrity and spirituality of other faith backgrounds will be respected and explored. The school prides itself on the range of opportunities that are available for our students to embrace. English At Christ Church C of E we use English to communicate in both written and spoken form. We use language to build our view and opinion of the world and our community. We believe that developing a love of our language in our children is vital in achieving success at school and later in life. The exploration and enjoyment of the English language is our priority and we value all its aspects – speaking, listening, reading and writing. English is taught daily across the whole school with work appropriately differentiated to match all abilities. 3 September 2014

Speaking and Listening Talking is fundamental to learning. Pupils are encouraged to speak clearly, confidently and with expression in order to state their ideas and opinions. Just as important is the need to listen carefully to others and respond in appropriate ways. At Christ Church Primary, pupils are given opportunities in all areas of the curriculum to develop their speaking and listening skills, in paired, group or whole class situations, class assemblies, presentations, Mock Court Trial, Public Speaking Competition and Wildlife Quiz. Across the curriculum we aim to provide opportunities for our children to develop: • an exceptional talent for listening attentively so as to understand what is being said. • a rich and varied vocabulary that gives clarity and interest to conversations. • clear speech that can be easily understood by a range of audiences. • an excellent grasp of the rules used in English conversation, such as tenses and the grammatical structure of sentences. • a highly developed ability to tell stories that capture the interest and imagination of the audience. • a delight in initiating and joining in conversations. • respect for others when communicating, even when views differ. Reading Children who read for pleasure gain a richer vocabulary, more knowledge, critical thinking skills and become independent learners. Guided Reading is an important part of our curriculum. Children work in focused groups to develop their reading skills and their understanding of texts. We provide children with rich reading experiences within the English lessons and encourage them to appreciate the author’s use of language and writing techniques in order to develop their own writing skills. Across the school curriculum we aim for children to develop: • excellent phonic knowledge and skills. • fluency and accuracy in reading across a wide range of contexts throughout the curriculum. • knowledge of an extensive and rich vocabulary. • an excellent comprehension of texts. • the motivation to read for both study and for pleasure. • extensive knowledge through having read a rich and varied range of texts. Our children take their reading books home daily to share with their families/carers. Spelling We place great value on the importance of accurate spelling. A structured daily programme of spelling extends across the whole school, beginning with Jolly Phonics and Letters and Sounds in EYFS and Key Stage 1. There is a natural transition to the Support for Spelling programme at the end of Key Stage 1 and beginning of Key Stage 2, and this continues to be used through to the end of Year 6.

4 September 2014

Writing At Christ Church Primary we aim for children to be independent writers. We encourage them to write clearly and with confidence in any given genre. We teach them to use punctuation and grammar accurately, to be able to proof-read their own work and make amendments and improvements. Our system of pen licences encourages children to place value on the development of correct letter formation and neatly presented handwriting. We give children a wide range of opportunities in which to develop their writing skills and display work of which they are proud. Across the school curriculum we aim to develop: • the ability to write fluently and with interesting detail on a number of topics throughout the curriculum. • a vivid imagination which makes readers engage with and enjoy their writing. • a highly developed vocabulary and an excellent knowledge of writing techniques to extend details or description. • well-organised and structured writing, which includes a variety of sentence structures. • excellent transcription skills that ensure their writing is well presented and punctuated, spelled correctly and neat. • a love of writing and an appreciation of its educational, cultural and entertainment values. Through our English curriculum, we aim to nurture in the children a love of literature and language, and the confidence to continue reading and writing throughout their lives. We use layered targets to focus development in identified areas of English and progress is monitored in termly target setting and Pupil Progress Meetings. Mathematics Our Mathematics curriculum equips pupils with tools that include logical reasoning, problemsolving skills, and the ability to think in abstract ways. During the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, maths forms part of many interactive learning experiences. Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of Mathematics through play, exploration and discussion. Children work with shapes and begin to learn their properties, use language to give positional clues and compare quantities, identify and recreate patterns. They learn to count, read, write and order numbers to 20 using songs and rhymes. The Key Stage 1 and 2 Mathematics curriculum is divided across the primary years as follows: Key Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2 are taught to use and apply Mathematics, and about Number – including number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and fractions. Measurement Geometry – including properties of shapes, and position and direction. Lower Key Stage 2 – Years 3 and 4 are taught all the above, plus Number – fractions (including decimals) Upper Key Stage 2 – Years 5 and 6 are taught all the above, plus Number – fractions (including decimals and percentages) 5 September 2014

Ratio and proportion Algebra Across our curriculum we aim for children to develop: • an understanding of the important concepts and an ability to make connections within mathematics. • a broad range of skills in using and applying mathematics. • fluent knowledge and recall of number facts and the number system. • the ability to show initiative in solving problems in a wide range of contexts, including the new or unusual. • the ability to think independently and to persevere when faced with challenges, showing a confidence of success. • the ability to embrace the value of learning from mistakes and false starts. • the ability to reason, generalise and make sense of solutions. • fluency in performing written and mental calculations and mathematical techniques. • a wide range of mathematical vocabulary. • a commitment to and passion for the subject. We use layered targets to focus development in identified areas of Mathematics and progress is monitored in termly target setting and Pupil Progress Meetings. Science At Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 the science curriculum is planned on a programme of topic areas. The relevant key science skills for each year group are delivered through these topics. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Science in the Early Years Foundation Stage is introduced through activities that encourage our children to explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions and talk about the world around them. It’s called Understanding the World. The science curriculum is divided across the primary years as follows: Key Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2 are taught to work scientifically, and about Living things and their habitats Plants Animals, including humans Everyday materials Seasonal changes Lower Key Stage 2 – Years 3 and 4 are taught to work scientifically, and about Living things and their habitats Plants Animals, including humans Rocks States of matter Light 6 September 2014

Forces and magnets Sound Electricity Upper Key Stage 2 – Years 5 and 6 are taught to work scientifically, and about Living things and their habitats Animals, including humans Evolution and inheritance Properties and changes of materials Earth and Space Forces Light Electricity

Across our curriculum we aim for children to develop: • the ability to think independently and raise questions about working scientifically and the knowledge and skills that it brings. • confidence and competence in the full range of practical skills, taking the initiative in, for example, planning and carrying out scientific investigations. • excellent scientific knowledge and understanding which is demonstrated in written and verbal explanations, solving challenging problems and reporting scientific findings. • high levels of originality, imagination or innovation in the application of skills. • the ability to undertake practical work in a variety of contexts, including fieldwork. • a passion for science and its application in past, present and future technologies. Through work on experimental and investigative science the children are encouraged to be observant, inquisitive and to develop skills of scientific enquiry and experimentation. Year 6 revise all areas to ensure that they are familiar with each topic covered in the (SATs) standards assessment tests. Art and Design Art and Design contributes to the development of the whole child emotionally, aesthetically, physically, socially and cognitively. It provides all children with the opportunity to express themselves imaginatively, creatively and develop their understanding of, and respond to the world around them. Pupils are exposed to many visual, tactile and sensory experiences. Christ Church C of E Primary School enables pupils to become involved in, enjoy and appreciate the visual arts and how it can enrich their personal lives. They learn the part that art and design plays in their own and others’ lives, in contemporary life and in different times and cultures. Across the school curriculum we aim for children to develop: • the ability to use visual language skillfully and convincingly (for example, line, shape, pattern, colour, texture, form) to express emotions, interpret observations, convey insights and accentuate their individuality. • the ability to communicate fluently in visual and tactile form. • the ability to draw confidently and adventurously from observation, memory and imagination. 7 September 2014

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the ability to explore and invent marks, develop and deconstruct ideas and communicate perceptively and powerfully through purposeful drawing in 2D, 3D or digital media. an impressive knowledge and understanding of other artists, craftmakers and designers. the ability to think and act like creative practitioners by using their knowledge and understanding to inform, inspire and interpret ideas, observations and feelings. independence, initiative and originality which they can use to develop their creativity. the ability to select and use materials, processes and techniques skillfully and inventively to realise intentions and capitalise on the unexpected. the ability to reflect on, analyse and critically evaluate their own work and that of others. a passion for and a commitment to the subject.

Design Technology Design and Technology provides our children with an opportunity to tackle problems of a practical nature. The cross curricular nature of Design and Technology offers a setting for the children to apply knowledge and skills from a number of other subjects including art, language, maths and science. Skills are developed using tools and machines in designing and making artefacts and food products with an emphasis on healthy living. Working with a variety of materials aims to help children learn important life skills. Children learn independently and in groups, learning to cooperate, plan, design and make and evaluate their work. They learn to make their own decisions with help and encouragement. Across the school curriculum we aim for children to develop: • significant levels of originality and the willingness to take creative risks to produce innovative ideas and prototypes. • an excellent attitude to learning and independent working. • the ability to use time efficiently and work constructively and productively with others. • the ability to carry out thorough research, show initiative and ask questions to develop an exceptionally detailed knowledge of users’ needs. • the ability to act as responsible designers and makers, working ethically, using finite materials carefully and working safely. • a thorough knowledge of which tools, equipment and materials to use to make their products. • the ability to apply mathematical knowledge. • the ability to manage risks exceptionally well to manufacture products safely and hygienically. • a passion for the subject and knowledge of, up-to-date technological innovations in materials, products and systems. Geography Geography develops children’s knowledge and understanding of people and places and should inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. At Christ Church we look towards developing geography based qualities with our children. These include: • acquiring an excellent knowledge of where places are and what they are like. • having an excellent understanding of the ways in which places are interdependent and interconnected and how much human and physical environments are interrelated. 8 September 2014

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acquiring an extensive base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary. developing fluency in complex, geographical enquiry and the ability to apply questioning skills and use effective analytical and presentational techniques. having the ability to reach clear conclusions and develop a reasoned argument to explain findings. developing significant levels of originality, imagination or creativity as shown in interpretations and representations of the subject matter. experiencing highly developed and frequently utilised fieldwork and other geographical skills and techniques. inspiring a passion for and commitment to the subject, and a real sense of curiosity to find out about the world and the people who live there. developing the ability to express well-balanced opinions, rooted in very good knowledge and understanding about current and contemporary issues in society and the environment.

History At Christ Church Primary we view History as a great deal more than learning facts. We aim to develop certain characteristics within children which will assist them as they develop as historians. These include: • acquiring a knowledge and understanding of people, events, and contexts from a range of historical periods and of historical concepts and processes. • developing the ability to think critically about history and communicate ideas very confidently in styles appropriate to a range of audiences. • developing the ability to consistently support, evaluate and challenge their own and others’ views using detailed, appropriate and accurate historical evidence derived from a range of sources. • developing the ability to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past, formulating and refining questions and lines of enquiry. • inspiring a passion for history and an enthusiastic engagement in learning, which develops their sense of curiosity about the past and their understanding of how and why people interpret the past in different ways. • developing a respect for historical evidence and the ability to make robust and critical use of it to support their explanations and judgments. • acquiring the desire to embrace challenging activities, including opportunities to undertake high-quality research across a range of history topics. Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is a carefully planned programme of learning opportunities and experiences that enable children and young people to grow and develop as individuals and as valuable members of families and of social and economic communities. PSHE education provides children and young people with knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive, fulfilled, capable and responsible lives. It inspires them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices and in managing their finances effectively. It gives children and young people the skills to reflect on and analyse their own values and equips them to face difficult and sometimes conflicting attitudes they may face in the future. 9 September 2014

Sex and Relationship Education We follow our sex and relationship education policy. We use the NHS school resources for the delivery of Sex Education with Years 5 and 6. Drugs Education The school has a scheme of work for the delivery of Drugs education that is cross-curricular. Physical Education (P.E.) Physical Education develops children’s physical skills, confidence, capabilities and potential. It gives opportunities for children to be creative and competitive while learning to work with and respect others. At Christ Church C of E Primary School children learn how to plan, perform and evaluate actions, often in pairs and small groups, helping them to develop the quality and effectiveness of their work. We promote a positive attitude towards active lifestyles and aim to introduce children to lifelong physical activity. Across our school curriculum we aim for children to develop: • the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills exceptionally well and develop an in-depth understanding of PE. • the willingness to practise skills in a wide range of different activities and situations, alone, in small groups and in teams and to apply these skills in chosen activities to achieve exceptionally high levels of performance. • high levels of physical fitness. • a healthy lifestyle, achieved by eating sensibly, avoiding smoking, drugs and alcohol and exercising regularly. • the ability to remain physically active for sustained periods of time and an understanding of the importance of this in promoting long-term health and well-being. • the ability to take the initiative and become excellent young leaders, organising and officiating, and evaluating what needs to be done to improve, and motivating and instilling excellent sporting attitudes in others. • exceptional levels of originality, imagination and creativity in their techniques, tactics and choreography, knowledge of how to improve their own and others’ performance and the ability to work independently for extended periods of time without the need of guidance or support. • a keen interest in PE. • a willingness to participate eagerly in every lesson, highly positive attitudes and the ability to make informed choices about engaging fully in extra-curricular sport. • the ability to swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and knowledge of how to remain safe in and around water. All of our children are taught how to swim. Swimming starts in Reception until the end of Year 6. Information and Communication Technology Recognition of the place of ICT in all learning is key to our approach. ICT is taught in a variety of ways. Where necessary, specific ICT skills are taught in discrete ICT lessons, however the majority of ICT teaching takes place using a cross curricular approach. This allows children to transfer ICT skills and use technology for a real purpose. 10 September 2014

Across our school curriculum we aim to develop our children’s: • competence and an enjoyment of coding for a variety of practical and inventive purposes, including the application of ideas within other subjects. • ability to connect with others safely and respectfully, understanding the need to act within the law and with moral and ethical integrity. • understanding of the connected nature of devices. • ability to communicate ideas well by using applications and devices throughout the curriculum. • ability to collect, organise and manipulate data effectively. The children and parents sign a user agreement to ensure that ICT equipmentis used safely and this is reinforced throughout their time in school. Music Music is taught throughout the school as a class subject and in cross-curricular way. The aim is to develop each child's musical potential giving opportunities for self-expression and creativity. Instrumental tuition is available to those children in Key Stage 1 and 2 who wish to take advantage of it. The children are taught individually or in small groups and parents are required to meet the cost. Children who play instruments are encouraged to utilise their skill in school by playing for assemblies. Across our school curriculum we aim for children to develop: • a rapidly widening repertoire which they use to create original, imaginative, fluent and distinctive composing and performance work. • a musical understanding underpinned by high levels of aural perception, internalisation and knowledge of music, including high or rapidly developing levels of technical expertise. • very good awareness and appreciation of different musical traditions and genres. • an excellent understanding of how musical provenance - the historical, social and cultural origins of music - contributes to the diversity of musical styles. • the ability to give precise written and verbal explanations, using musical terminology effectively, accurately and appropriately. • a passion for and commitment to a diverse range of musical activities. Modern foreign languages (M.F.L.) Learning a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience in preparation for future life. At Christ Church Primary School we teach French from EYFS to Year 6 starting with singing along to songs and joining in with games. The children enjoy “playing with language” and use it in a range of situations. The older children learn to speak in full sentences and write French in response to cross curricular topics and activities. Special Educational Needs Pupils with SEN receive a broad balance curriculum, which ensures continuity and progression and which is differentiated to match their needs and abilities. If a child is deemed to have a special need, a learning difficulty or learning disability, our school does all it can to meet these individual needs. We comply with the requirements set out in the SEN Code of Practice in providing for children with special needs or learning difficulties and will ensure that parents are involved in formulating a Learning Support Plan, if necessary. If a child 11 September 2014

displays signs of having special needs or learning difficulties/disabilities, his/her teacher will consult with the SENCO and Head Teacher. In most instances the teacher is able to provide resources and educational opportunities, which meet the child’s needs within the normal class organisation. If it is thought necessary, the SENCO or Head Teacher may refer the parents to the appropriate external agencies (e.g.; educational psychologists, dyslexia specialists or speech and language therapists) for advice and further assessment of the child. Gifted and Talented Pupils Extension activities are always given in lessons to children identified as ‘Gifted or Talented’ and recommendations are made to parents to follow up additional external opportunities if the child’s talents are in the sporting, musical or drama fields. Early Years Foundation Stage There are seven areas of learning and development. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three areas, the prime areas, are: • communication and language • physical development • personal, social and emotional development. Additionally there are four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are: • literacy; • mathematics; • understanding the world; and • expressive arts and design. Enriching our curriculum At the Christ Church, we value the importance of learning outside the classroom and carefully plan trips and visits which enhance the learning in school. Recent off site visits have included trips to: @Bristol Bristol Zoo Swindon Steam Museum by train Stroud Museum Local walks Visits to local school for events such as drumming, sports, art and music The pantomime at Cheltenham Everyman Theatre In-school visits have included: bee keeping talk local mill talk WW1 history talk police, fire service Malawi athletes 12 September 2014

a visit from the Olympic Polo Player, Craig Figes. This year our Year 5 and 6 pupils visited Morfa Bay Adventure Centre with a local school, for our biennial residential trip. They spent 5 days taking part in a wide range of activities, including caving, sea activities, abseiling, mud assault course and climbing. Not only is this an exciting opportunity for the children to try new activities, it also gives them the opportunity to be independent, build good friendships and build a sense of determination, courage and achievement. Our school has a Woodland Classroom where all the children have regular opportunities to engage with nature. Focus Weeks Some aspects of the curriculum are delivered through focus weeks and days. The timetable is suspended and activities are focused on a key theme. Last year’s themed weeks: Healthy Hearts/Healthy Minds week Art in RE week Sports week Planned themed weeks for 2014-2015: Anti bullying week Cultural week Sports week Homework Homework is used to support and extend school learning and also encourages children as they get older to develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study on their own in readiness for secondary school. It provides opportunities for parents and pupils to work together and to enjoy learning experiences. Extended School opportunities The school offers clubs for children to participate in after school. Clubs have included cookery, art, sports, singing, nature, chess, science and many more.

13 September 2014

The Role of the Governing Body The governing body must consider and agree the policy and monitor and review its implementation. They receive an annual report from the Head Teacher and need to consider the impact of the curriculum on various groups of learners within the school The Role of the Head Teacher The Head Teacher completes the Curriculum Statement each year for consideration of the Curriculum and Standards Committee. The Head Teacher and curriculum leaders monitor the provision of the curriculum by lesson observation, work scrutiny, planning scrutiny and feedback from curriculum co-ordinators. The Head Teacher reports to the Governing body on standards within the school, giving consideration to: • year groups • comparisons with national averages and similar schools nationally and for the LA • gender; ethnicity; special educational needs • pupils for whom the curriculum was disapplied • the nature of any parental complaints concerning the curriculum. The Role of the Class Teachers. The teachers have a responsibility to deliver the agreed curriculum through careful planning, teaching and evaluation. Each teacher has the responsibility for at least one curriculum area and they monitor delivery and progress of pupils for these subjects. They report to the Head Teacher and colleagues about this.

14 September 2014