Notes CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Department of Transport, International Comparisons of Transport Statistics 1970-92 (London: ...
Author: Phillip Fisher
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2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Department of Transport, International Comparisons of Transport Statistics 1970-92 (London: HMSO, 1995). European Round Table of Industrialists, Missing Networks: A European Challenge (Brussels: 1990). European Commission, Growth, Competitiveness, Employment: The Challenges and Ways Forward into the 21st Century (Brussels: 1994). Department of Transport, Transport Statistics: Great Britain 1996 (London: HMSO, 1997). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Economies at a Glance: Structural Indicators (Paris, OECD, 1996). S. Buckold, Bottlenecks in European Infrastructure (Rotterdam: ECIS, 1997). Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, An International Comparative Study on Infrastructure (The Hague: Sdu Publishers, 1996). European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Investment in Transport Infrastructure in the 1980's (Paris: OECD, 1992). European Centre for Infrastructure Studies, The State of European Infrastructure (Rotterdam, ECIS, 1996).


2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8.

OECD, Public Management: OECD Country Profiles (Paris: OECD, 1992). European Centre for Infrastructure Studies, The State of European Infrastructure (Rotterdam: ECIS, 1996). R. Harman, New Directions: A Manual of European Best Practice in Transport Planning (London: Transport 2000, 1995). Commissariat General du Plan, Transport 2010 (Paris: La Documentation Fran~aise, 1992). European Commission, The New Regional Programmes under Objectives 1 and 2 of Community Structural Policies (Brussels: EC DG XVI March 1995). European Commission, Annual Report on the Cohesion Fund (Brussels: 1996). European Round Table of Industrialists, Missing Links (Brussels: 1984) and Missing Networks: A European Challenge (Brussels: 1990). European Commission, Communication on Financing the TransEuropean Networks (Brussels: EC COM(94)860, 1994).



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CHAPTER 3 ROADS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

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