Healthy Life for All

Healthy Life for All Acupuncture Cardiology Dental GP Gynaecology Hospital Furniture Medical Consumables Orthopaedic Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation ...
Author: Elaine Arnold
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Healthy Life for All

Acupuncture Cardiology Dental GP Gynaecology Hospital Furniture Medical Consumables Orthopaedic Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Radiology Sports Medicine

INDEX Diagnostic & Imaging




Patient Monitor & Fetal Monitor

10 - 12

Electrotherapy / Laser / Shockwave

13 - 23

Combination Therapy

24 - 28

Therapeutic Ultrasound

29 - 32

Shortwave Diathermy

33 - 33


34 - 34

Bio Feed Back

35 - 35

Respiratory Therapy

36 - 36


37 - 41

Hot & Cold Therapy

42 - 45


46 - 47


48 - 59

Exercise Therapy

60 - 62

Mobility & Orthopaedic Support

63 - 68


69 - 70


71 - 74


75 - 76


77 - 77


Portable B/W System Ultimate Performance, Like Nothing Else ƂȈÃ>vՏ`ˆ}ˆÌ> É7 1ÃÞÃÌi“܈̅Ȏ}Üiˆ}…Ì>˜`ˆÌˆÃˆ˜Ìi}À>Ìi`܈̅>œÌœviÀ}œ˜œ“ˆV`iÈ}˜Ã̜“>ŽiˆÌ i>Ãއ̜‡ÕÃi>˜`iÝVii˜ÌvœÀ`ˆ>}˜œÃˆÃ° iÈ`iÃ̅ˆÃëiVˆ>`iÈ}˜]̅iLˆ}}iÃÌÃÌÀi˜}̅œvƂȈÃ̅i«Ài“ˆÕ“ ˆ“>}i µÕ>ˆÌÞ ܅ˆV… ˆÃ Vœ“«>À>Li ̜ …ˆ‡i˜` V>À̇L>Ãi` É7 ՏÌÀ>Ü՘` ÃÞÃÌi“ð /…ˆÃ Àiˆ>Li >˜` i>Ãއ̜‡ÕÃi ՏÌÀ>Ü՘`ÃV>˜˜iÀV>˜LiÕÃi`ˆ˜>L`œ“ˆ˜>]" É9 ]À>`ˆœœ}Þ]Ó>«>ÀÌÃ]>˜`̅ii“iÀ}ˆ˜}>««ˆV>̈œ˜Ã] ÃÕV…>à 1]i“iÀ}i˜VÞ]>˜iÃ̅iÈ>]-]>˜`Üœ˜° Features U*œÃˆÌˆœ˜>`ÕÃÌ>Li£Ó¸ “œ˜ˆÌœÀ U7iˆ}…̏iÃÃ̅>˜Ȏ}] œ˜ÛiÀ̈LiÌÀœiÞ`iÈ}˜ iÈ}˜ U Ƃ««ˆV>̈œ˜ wi`Ã\ i˜iÀ>] ,>`ˆœœ}Þ] " É9 ]] 6>ÃVՏ>À] 1Àœœ}Þ] Ƃ˜iÃ̅iÈ>] “iÀ}i˜VÞ] i˜VÞ]  1]  1] *…ÞȜ̅iÀ>«Þ]-]*i`ˆ>ÌÀˆV]iÌV° U/ÌiV…˜œœ}Þ܈̅ˆÛi6>Àˆ>LiÀiµÕi˜VÞ VÞ U ˜ÌՈ̈Ûi œ«iÀ>̈œ˜ ܈̅ ‡/՘ˆ˜} œ˜i‡ŽiÞ ŽiÞ ˆ“>}i ˆ“>}i œ«Ìˆ“ˆâ>̈œ˜ U ˆ«‡Lœ>À` v՘V̈œ˜ vœÀ µÕˆVŽ «>̈i˜Ì ˆ“>}i V>«ÌÕÀi }i V>«ÌÕÀi >˜`ÀiۈiÜ U £näci˜`œV>ۈÌÞ «ÀœLi ܈̅ /i“«‡`iÌiV̈œ˜ «‡`iÌiV̈œ˜ /iV…˜œœ}Þ U Տ «>̈i˜Ì `>Ì>L>Ãi ܏Ṏœ˜Ã\ 6 ] 1-  -  Ã̜À>}i] * Ài«œÀÌ]Ƃ6É* ]  "ΰä]iÌV° U ՈÌ‡ˆ˜…ˆ}…V>«>VˆÌÞˆ‡ˆœ˜L>ÌÌiÀÞ

SonoScape - A8

Trolley Mounted B/W System Premium Performance at Affordable Price Ƃn ˆÃ > -œ˜œ-V>«i¿Ã ˜i܏Þ `iÛiœ«i` V>À̇L>Ãi` `ˆ}ˆÌ> É7 ՏÌÀ>Ü՘` ÃÞÃÌi“° Ì Ài«ÀiÃi˜Ìà ̅i vi>ÌÕÀi œv ¸*Ài“ˆÕ“«iÀvœÀ“>˜Vi>˜`…ˆ}…VœÃÌivviV̈Ûi˜iÃø°/…iVœ“«>VÌ>˜`>}ˆiV>ÀÌ`iÈ}˜ˆÃ>Ài>ÃÕVViÃÃœvœÕÀ Ì>i˜Ìi˜}ˆ˜iiÀÿVÀi>̈ÛiܜÀŽ°/…iƂnˆÃ>Ãœvi>ÌÕÀi`܈̅…ˆ}…`iw˜ˆÌˆœ˜ˆ“>}iµÕ>ˆÌÞ]i>ÃÞ`>Ì>“>˜>}i“i˜Ì >˜`>vՏÀ>˜}iœvVˆ˜ˆV>>««ˆV>̈œ˜Ã° Features Uˆ}…‡`iw˜ˆÌˆœ˜£x‡ˆ˜V… “œ˜ˆÌœÀ܈̅>À̈VՏ>Ìi`>À“° U œ“«>VÌ>˜`>}ˆiÌÀœiÞ`iÈ}˜° U -Ì>˜`>À`̅ÀiiÌÀ>˜Ã`ÕViÀ-œVŽiÌð U ˆvÌii˜>Û>ˆ>LiÌÀ>˜Ã`ÕViÀV…œˆVið U -Õ««œÀÌ > ܈`i À>˜}i œv >««ˆV>̈œ˜Ã\ }i˜iÀ>] À>`ˆœœ}Þ] " É9 ] ÕÀœœ}Þ] «i`ˆ>ÌÀˆV] - ­ÕÃVՏœÃŽiiÌ>®] -…>Ài` -iÀۈViÃ]iÌV° U £nä`i}Àii i˜`œV>ۈÌÞ«ÀœLi܈̅Ìi“«iÀ>ÌÕÀi‡`iÌiV̈œ˜ ÌiV…˜œœ}Þ° U ˜ÌՈ̈Ûiœ«iÀ>̈œ˜܈̅‡/՘ˆ˜}œ˜i‡ŽiÞˆ“>}iœ«Ìˆ“ˆâ>̈œ˜° U ˆ«‡Lœ>À` v՘V̈œ˜Ã vœÀ µÕˆVŽ «>̈i˜Ì ˆ“>}i V>«ÌÕÀi >˜` ÀiۈiÜ° U Տ«>̈i˜Ì`>Ì>L>Ãi܏Ṏœ˜Ã\  "ΰä]Ƃ6É*]1- Ó°ä] £Èä ]* Ài«œÀÌ]iÌV°



Portable B/W System Ultimate Performance, Like Nothing Else S2BW is SonoScape’s new compact portable premium black and white ultrasound unit which can be upgraded to a comprehensive color Doppler system. Engineered with SonoScape’s advanced imaging technologies like u-scan (speckle reduction), spatial compound imaging, tissue harmonic imaging, the S2BW image quality is truly eÝceptional vor a system in its class. t is catered to the needs ov doctors\ intelligent patient wle management system, convenient user-dewnable settings, and provessional diagnosis applications. ombined with ergonomic portable design, S2BW can be ready at anytime and anywhere. Features U *remium BÉW portable system with color option U £x inch antiglare high resolution  D monitor U maging mode\ 2D, , 2B, {B, BÉ, *W and *, U ull /ransducer amily\ onveÝ, icro-conveÝ, *hased, inear, /rans ns vaginal, /ransrectal, ntra operative, 6olumetric, etc. U Wide range ov applications\ abdominal, "BÉyn, cardiology, urology, smallll parts, and vascular, orthopedic and other emerging applications include e  1, emergency, anesthesia and S. , U Ƃdvanced imaging technologies\ u-scan(speckle reduction imaging), /, /rapeâoid imaging, U ntuitive operation with one-key image optimiâation vunction U {D imaging optional with volumetric transducer U 1ser-dewnable eÝam mode, "B vormula and hot keys vor "BÉ ardiacc measurements U ull patient database solutions\ D "Î.ä, Ƃ6É*, 1SB2.ä, DD, etc. U Built-in high capacity i-ion battery, U *anoramic imaging, spatial compound imaging, etc.

SonoScape - S6

Portable Color Doppler System Ultimate Performance, Like Nothing Else SÈBW is a genius ov BÉW  1 system. She vully eÝpresses the character ov ¸Small yet powervul vunction, ight weight but uncompromising ability¸. /he SÈBW is designed to be an easy-to-use yet veature-rich ultrasound system, so it can not only vulwll the traditional application work, but also the emerging applications, such as anesthesia,  1 and emergency. /he doctors will show much more conwdence than ever based on both the high dewnition 2D image quality and the optional color Doppler kit ov SÈBW. Features U Support *WÉ*, Doppler U *remium BÉW  1 with color option U maging mode\ 2D, , 2B, {B, BÉ, *W, and *, U ull /ransducer amily\ onveÝ, *hased, inear, /rans vaginal, /ransrectal, Bi-plane, ntra operative, etc. U 2ääctransvaginal image with /emp-detection /echnology U ntuitive operation with one-key image optimiâation vunction U ÎD imaging compatible with all transducers U ull patient database solutions\ D "Î.ä, Ƃ6É*, 1SB2.ä, DD, *D report, etc. U Built-in high capacity i-ion battery



Portable Color Doppler System Ultimate Performance, Like Nothing Else Presented at SonoScape's 10th anniversary, the new SonoScape portable color Doppler system, S2 with brand new SonoScape software platform will bring more values to sonographers. S2 is catered to the needs of doctors: intelligent patient wle management system, convenient user-dewnable settings, and professional diagnosis applications. Working with S2, you can have comfort, accuracy and conwdence. Features U 1x-inch high resolution  D monitor with wide-view angle es U /wo probe sockets with probe holder, better protection for probes er U ,echargeable lithium battery, 1 hour scanning without power supply o, U Ƃbundant peripherals: D "Î.0, 6Ƃ, video out, 1SB, S-6ideo, and Footswitch etc. Complete working modes U B ode, Dual B, {B U  ode, Steer , Multiple Transducers U olor ode, DP ode

onveÝ, inear, /rans U PW ode, W ode (optional) vaginal, /ransrectal, ntra Advanced Imaging Technology operative, Phased array, U / icro-conveÝ, 6olume {D U ù-Scan Speckle ,eduction (optional) Broad range of clinical application U ompound maging (optional) U eneral Practice: Ƃbdominal, "B, 9 , 6ascular, 1rology, Small Parts U Panoramic maging (optional) U Post-measurement and calculations software package U /rapeâoid maging (optional) U Professional report for different eÝams U {D imaging (optional)

SonoScape - S11

Color Doppler System Ultimate Performance, Like Nothing Else Ƃs a newly developed trolley black and white ultrasound system, S11BW is integrated with the SonoScape new software platform specially optimiâed for smooth workyow and convenient operation. t is a slim unit capable of various functions. Based on the new software architecture, S11BW offers a wide range of application packages and can be individualiâed to every user’s speciwc needs. /hey include: Ƃbdomen, "B, 9 , 6ascular, /hyroid, Breast,

ardiology, 1rology, usculoskeletal and small parts. With a new dewnition of price-performance, S11BW can also be upgraded to include color and Doppler to meet the higher needs of doctors. Fe Features U Premium BÉW trolley system with color option U 1x inch antiglare high resolution  D monitor U maging mode: 2D, , 2B, {B, BÉ, PW, and P,F U Full /ransducer Family: onveÝ, icro-conveÝ, Phased, inear, /rans vaginal, / /ransrectal, U W Wide range of applications: abdominal, "BÉyn, cardiology, urology, small parts, U Ƃ Ƃdvanced imaging technologies: u-scan(speckle reduction imaging), /, / /rapeâoid imaging, U ntuitive operation with one-key image optimiâation function U {D imaging optional with volumetric transducer U 1ser-dewnable eÝam mode, "B formula and hot keys for "BÉ ardiac measurements m U Full patient database solutions: D "Î.0, Ƃ6ÉP, 1SB2.0, DD, etc. U Panoramic imaging, spatial compound imaging, etc. U 6 6ascular, orthopedic and other emerging applications include  1, emergency, anesthesia and S. ntra operative, 6olumetric, etc. a



Portable Color Doppler System An Ever-higher Standard of Echo HCU Sn is a high-end color Doppler C1 (and-Carried 1ltrasound) from SonoScape. /his system clearly eÝpresses the words of ¸an ever-higher standard of Echo C1'. Ƃlthough Sn is a C1 system, its performance is equal to high-end cart-based echo ultrasound systems. /his yagship C1 is incorporated with high conwguration to meet the strictest requirements from cardiologist, such as adult /EE, pediatric /EE, high frequency phased array, 1x â linear transducer, x12 super high density transducers, {D imaging function, and so on. Features U C1 design with two transducer socketsÆ Convertible trolley design U 1x»CD monitor with super large imaging area U Full cardiovascular transducers: /EE, Pediatric /EE, Phased array, igh frequency phased array, igh-frequency linear, etc. U igh density transducers with frequency ranges from 1.9 to 1xâÆ U ntegrated with state-of-the-art technologies, like ù-scan technology, /, multiple-beam processing, automatic yow volume analysis, {D imaging technology, etc. U Comprehensive cardiovascular analysis kits: /D, Steer , Color Æ CW, P,F, Panoramic image, etc. U Full patient database solutions: D6D ,W, DCOÎ.0, Ƃ6/PG, 1SB2.0, DD, PDF report, etc. U Built-in high capacity i-ion battery

Awarded by Frost & Sullivan "Product Quality Leadership Award"

SonoScape - S9

Portable Color Doppler System Ultimate Performance, Like Nothing Else S9 is born as the new generation ultrasound product out of constant innovation and considerable effort of SonoScape. Compact yet featuring full application packages for cardiology, abdominal, OB/GYN, small parts, urology and combining with cutting-edge technologies as well as futuristic operation design, S9 provides you the best solution to ultrasound imaging with outstanding Performance and trendy Style. Features U 1x inch CD with {xcadustable angle U 1Î.Î inch smart full touch panel with 1Îxcconvertible open angle U /wo transducer sockets U Full range of transducers: inear, ConveÝ, icro-conveÝ, Endocavity, Phased array, ntra operative, /EE, Pencil probe, 6olumetric, Endocavity {D and aparoscope probe. U Ƃdvanced application technology: /D, Stress Echo and Elastography U Full patient database solution: DCO Î.0, Ƃ6/PG, Dual 1SB, DD, PDF report U ,emovable battery ensures 90 minutes scanning U Stylish trolley with abundant accessories



Color Doppler System Touching Your Needs, with Optimum Solutions S20, the newest color Doppler system from SonoScape, is specially designed for full ultrasound applications, including ,adiology, Cardiovascular, OB/GYN and others. This system is featured with innovative ergonomic design, latest ultrasound technology and powerful workyow. As a workyow enhanced ultrasound systems, S20, combining 1Ǹ monitor with smart touch panel together, will provide the most smoothly work yow which doctors have never experienced before. The high dewnition image quality is another strength for S20. Thanks to the innovative technologies, such as Multi-beam processing and ù-scan, the doctors will be conwdent for even toughest patients. So, from technology to imaging, from archiving to reporting, the S20's innovation will bring all the best for clinical practice in everyday. Features U 1Ç» high dewnition CD monitor with large imaging area U Smart touch screen U Four transducer sockets for a wide range of transducers: Convex, Phased, inear, Transvaginal, Transrectal, Bi-plane, TEE, Endoscopic, Intraoperative, {D U igh density transducers with frequency range from 1.9 to 15 MHz U 200ctransvaginal imaging with Temperature-detection technology U Integrated with state-of-the-art technologies, like ù -scan, multiple-beam processing, IMT, B-Steer, automatic yow volume analysis U Application: General, ,adiology, Cardiology, OB/GYN, 1rology, Vascular U Full patient database solutions: DICOMÎ.0, AVI/PG, 1SB2.0, HDD, DVD, PDF report

SonoScape - SSI-5000

Color Doppler System Ultimate Performance, Like Nothing Else SSI-5500BW is a newly developed premium level B/W (Black and White) ultrasound system. This unit is integrated with full clinical functions, and particularly the PW/P,F function. Thus the application welds of SSI-5500BW have been expanded much more than other B/W systems because of the diagnostic capability of hemodynamic. As far as common clinical applications are concerned, this unit is quite qualiwed for the applications, such as abdominal, radiology, OB/GYN, vascular, and so on. Features U Support PW/HP,F/CW Doppler U Support Color/Power Doppler option U High dewnition 15»CD monitor with an articulated arm U Standard three active transducer sockets U Wide bandwidth transducers, Frequency up to 1{ MHz U 200cTransvaginal imaging U Temperature-detection technology for endocavity transducers U Application welds: Abdominal, OB/GYN, 1rology, Small parts, MS, Orthopedics, Vascular U Full patient database solutions: DICOMÎ.0, AVI/PG, 1SB2.0, 1È0G HDD, DVD, PDF report



Color Doppler System with 3D/4D Imaging Based on the revolutionary new platform, combining with SonoScspe’s core imaging technologies and gorgeous ergonomic design, S{0 represents the new standard of SonoScape S series products which elevates the image performance to a record level and satiswes even the most demanding clinical requirements, signiwcantly expanding the value of ultrasound. Features U 19 inch dewnition CD monitor with wide viewing angle U 10 inch touch screen with 15cadustable ankle U Height and position adustable control panel with muted function U Five transducer sockets and additional one for CW probe U Additional Endocavity probe holder and gel warmer U Full range of transducers: inear, Convex, Micro-convex, Endocavity, Phased array, Intraoperative, TEE, Pencil probe, Volumetric, Endocavity {D and aparoscope probe U Advanced application technology: TDI, Stress Echo and Elastography U Full patient database solution: DICOM Î.0, AVI/PG, Dual 1SB, HDD, DVD, PDF report

SonoScape - SSI-8000

Color Doppler System with 3D/4D Imaging Discovering Outstanding Value in Echocardiography Featuring professional cardiac technologies, SSI-n000 is a yagship product of high-end echo Doppler systems of SonoScape. This unit is integrated with state-of-the-art technologies, like ù-scan technology for 2D imaging, multiple-beam digital processing, and {D imaging technology etc. SSI-n000 supports a series of 512 HD probes, and a full range of cardiovascular transducers, such as adult TEE, pediatric TEE, high frequency phased array, 15 MHz linear transducers. Moreover, cardiovascular analysis kits, full patient database solutions and incomparable crystal clear image quality make this system the right choice for the most demanding professionals. Features U Advanced architecture: Imaging technology, Hardware, and Workyow U 1Ç»high dewnition CD monitor with super large imaging area U Full range cardiovascular transducers: Adult TEE, Pediatric TEE, Phased, High-frequency linear, etc. U High density transducers with frequency ranges from 1.9 to 15MHzÆ U Integrated with state-of-the-art technologies, like ù-scan technology, multiple-beam processing, IMT, automatic yow volume analysis, {D imaging technology, etc. U Cardiovascular analysis kits: TDI, Steer M, Color M, CW, HP,F, Panoramic image, etc.


ECG SonaScape IE3 Cost-effective and Intelligent ECG IE3 has outstanding performance and features which are only available in high-priced systems, which will lead IE3 to receive widespread among the clinics, physical examination centers, small hospitals and labs without a doubt. Easy-to-use U 5. 1 inch high-resolution LCD, brightness and contrast U Durable and comfortable silicon keys U Rechargeable lithium battery for 2.5 hours operation U Peripheral ports: SD card, USB File Management Solutions U Up to 20 wles internal storage U Unlimited wles with external SD card U USB port for data transmission to PC Technical SpeciƂcations ECG: Input circuit: Floating circuit input Lead: Standard 12 leads Acquisition mode: Simultaneous 12-lead acquisition A/D converter: 12 bits Sample Rate: 1000Hz Input CIR current: ć0.1ùA Input impedance: >50M Patient leak current: 10ùA Time constant: Ĉ3.2s Frequency response: 0.05~150Hz Noise level: 15ùVp-p Sensitivity: ( 2.5, 5, 10, 20 )mm/mV Calibration voltage: 1mV´3¯ CMRR: >100dB Polarization voltage: ´500mV Filters: AC wlter, ADS wlter, EMG wlter Recording mode: Auto/ Manual/ Rhythm Rhythm lead printing: Any lead selectable, printing for 30-180 seconds ECG Storage: Inner storage: 20 ECGs External storage: SD card (optional) ECG Recorder: Recorder: High resolution thermal array printer Paper speed: ( È.25 12.5 25 50 )mm/s Recording mode: 1CH, 1+1CH, 3CH, 3 rhythms Recording paper: 63mm×30m or 63mmx20m, roll paper

Others: Display: 63mm×75mmx20m, z-fold paper (optional) Interfaces: 5.1 inch high-resolution LCD, contrast and brightness adjustable Power supply: SD card, USB Dimension(L×W×H): 100V~2{0V, 50Hz, 50VA Net Weight: Rechargeable Li-ion battery, 1{.8V-1550mAh 268mm×206mm×67.5mm About 2.1kg Standard ConƂguration: IE3 main unit ECG cable Chest electrodes Limb electrodes Thermal paper Paper roller Options: ECG workstation software SD card Trolley


ECG SonaScape IE6 ,eliable and Conwdent System for Cardiac Diagnosis IE 6 features itself with reliable quality and low maintenance as a 6- channel ECG. It can be recommended to all applications, such as stationary ofwce, hospital bedsides and ambulatory weld work, withfunctions that will exceed your expectation but not your budget! File Management Solutions U Up to 200 wles internal storage U Unlimited wles with external SD card and USB yash disk U Data transmission via LAN port Elegant Design U 8 inch TFT LCD touching screen U Durable and comfortable silicon keys and knob for easy use U Rechargeable lithium battery for 2.5 hours operation U Peripheral ports: SD card, USB, LAN Technical SpeciƂcations ECG: Input circuit: Floating circuit input Lead: Standard 12 leads Acquisition mode: Simultaneous 12-lead acquisition A/D converter: 12 bits Sample Rate: 1000Hz Input CIR current: ć0.1ùA Input impedance: >50Mø Patient leak current: 10ùA Time constant: Ĉ3.2s Frequency response: 0.05 150Hz Noise level: 15ùVp-p Sensitivity: ( 2.5, 5, 10, 20 ) mm/mV Calibration voltage: 1mV´3¯ CMRR: >100dB Polarization voltage: ´500mV Filters: AC wlter, ADS wlter, EMG wlter Recording mode: Auto/ Manual/ Rhythm Rhythm lead printing: Any lead selectable, printing for 30-300 seconds ECG Recorder: Recorder: High resolution thermal array printer Paper speed: ( 5, 6.25, 10, 12.5, 25, 50 ) mm/s Recording mode: 3CH, 3+1CH, Rhythm, 6CH Recording paper: 112mm×27m, roll paper 112mm×140mm×20m, Z-fold paper (Optional)

ECG Storage: Inner storage: External storage: Others: Display: Interfaces: Power supply:

200 ECGs SD card (Optional)

8 inch TFT LCD touch screen SD card, USB, LAN port 100V~240V, 50Hz, 50VA Rechargeable Li-ion battery, 14.8V-2200mAh Dimension(L×W×H): 290mm×245mm×99mm Net Weight: About 3.5kg Standard ConƂguration: IE6 main unit ECG cable Chest electrodes Limb electrodes Thermal paper Paper roller Options: ECG workstation software SD card Trolley


ECG SonaScape IE12 Quickness, accuracy and stability, beyond compare IE12 is a new type of 12-channel ECG which has made a lot of improvement in the key ECG technologies of quickness, accuracy and stability as well as the streamlined workyow. It applies a new platform for ECG signal acquisition, which can well perform in interference reduction, fast waveform display and right-level of wltering. It caters for the hospitals and busy clinics where ECG volume is high, speedy and quality-demanding. Abundant Peripheral interfaces U VGA port for connecting external monitor U LAN port for real-time data transmission U USB ports for data storage or barcode scanner U SD card for data storage or software upgrade

Technical SpeciƂcations ECG: Input circuit: Lead: Acquisition mode: A/D converter: Sample Rate: Input CIR current: Input impedance: Patient leak current: Time constant: Frequency response: Noise level: Sensitivity: Calibration voltage: CMRR: Polarization voltage: Filters: Recording mode: Rhythm lead printing:

Floating circuit input Standard 12 leads Simultaneous 12-lead acquisition 24 bits 1000Hz ć0.1ùA >50M 10ùA Ĉ3.2s 0.05~250Hz 15ùVp-p ( 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 10/5, 20/10) mm/mV 1mV´3¯ >100dB ´500mV AC wlter, ADS wlter, EMG wlter Auto/ Manual/ Rhythm Any lead selectable, printing for 30-300 seconds

ECG Storage: Inner storage: 200 ECGs External storage: SD card ECG Recorder: Recorder: High resolution thermal array printer Paper speed: ( 5, 6.25, 12.5, 12.5, 25, 50) mm/s Recording mode: 3CH, 3+1CH, 3+3CH, 6CH, 6+3CH, 12CH, 12+1CH, 12+3CHÆ Economy mode: A4 paper size Recording paper: 210mm×140mm-140m, fold paper 210mm×150mm-140m, fold paper (Optional)

Others: Display: 8.9 inch TFT LCD touch screen, with 1:1 ratio grid-line Interfaces: USB, SD card, LAN, VGA, audio Power supply: 100V~240V, 50Hz, 50VA Rechargeable Li-ion battery, 14.8V-4400mAh Dimension(L×W×H): 345mm×260mm×80mm Net Weight: About 4.6kg Standard ConƂguration: IE12 main unit ECG acquisition box Chest electrodes Limb electrodes Thermal paper SD Card Options: ECG workstation software Barcode scanner U disk Trolley WIFI



Vital Signs Monitor - 3 Parameter Features U Blood Pressure, SpO2 and Pulse Rate are displayed by big, bright digital LEDsÆ U ECG waveform, SpO2 plethysmogram and system parameters are displayed on color LCDÆ U Accurate NIBP measurement with hardware and software over-pressure protectionÆ U Unique SpO2 measuring technique ensures sensitive and accurate SpO2, Pulse Rate and Perfusion Index measurementÆ U HR and SpO2 trend curve display for last 12, 24 or 96 hoursÆ U 12000 groups of NIBP measurements (nonvolatile) can be stored and reviewed by listÆ U Up to 120-hour ECG waveform can be stored and recalledÆ U Audible & visible alarm with 3 levels of alarm eventsÆ U Nurse call output is availableÆ U With tourniquet functionÆ U NIBP measurement is applicable to adult, pediatric and neonate by patient selectionÆ U Built-in printer is optional to print out waveforms, and text information.

Patient Monitor - 5 Parameter Features ECG/HR, RESP, SPO2/PR, NIBP & TEMP. 7’’ TFT LCD display, high resolution, Built-in rechargeable battery User-Friendly operational window 60s full disclosure of ECG playback 48 hours tabular and graphic trends & data storage Digital SpO2, high capacity against interference of ESU, motion & low infusion Isolated against dewbrillation effect Nurse call Wireless or wire communicable with central station system

Patient Monitor - 7 Parameter Features U ECG/HR, RESP, SPO2/PR, NIBP & TEMP. U 15' color TFT LCD screen supports display max. 11 waveforms U Personated voice reminding alarmÆ Visual On-display and integrated alarm light U Display mode: Standard, Large Font, NIBP Trend, Trend Table, Full lead ECG, Oxy CRG U Drug calculation and titration table U Real time ST segment analysis, pace maker detection and Arrhythmia analysis U Suitable for monitoring adult, pediatric and neonatal patient U Supporting storage of 720 hours patient data, 1000 NIBP records and 500 alarm events U Isolated against dewbrillation effect U Wireless or wire communicable with central station system U Multi-languages interface (14 languages)



Fetal Monitor Features U Folded 12.1 inch TFT LCD high-brightness screen U 12-crystal waterproof pulse Doppler transducer (optional), providing wider beam area and more homogeneous signal, thus realizing better performance for beside monitors than conventional transducers U Event Marker makes it easy to annotate perceived fetal movements (FM), or other events on the strip chart U Fetal Movement Prowle (FMP) detects and automatically records gross fetal body movements U Heart rate offset mode makes it easy to visually distinguish between the heart rates of twins by allowing you to offset the secondary FHR +/- 30BPM U Heartbeat Coincidence recognition provides visual and audible indication when it detects synchronous fetal or maternal heart-rate signals, indicating that you may be monitoring a duplicate signal U Fetal heart rate alarm provides both audible and visual alerts if the heart rate is outside of the user-dewned high/low range U Built-in high speed thermal printer, printing width can be set to 112mm,150mm U Internal Li-on battery power or AC power from external power supply U Supporting TCP/IP connection or wireless connection to the central monitoring station. U NST Report based on Fischer evaluation to give a score of fetal wellbeing

Fetal Monitor Features U Foldable 10.4 inch TFT LCD high-brightness screen with a wide viewing angle and large numeric U 12-crystal/1 MHz water proof pulse Doppler transducer (option for accurate detection U Event marker for easy documentation of events and kick counts U Fetal Movement Prowle (FMP) detects and automatically records gross fetal body movements U On-screen scrolling for viewing stored fetal traces U Twin ultrasound monitoring capability U Conwgurable audible and yashing fetal heart rate alarms U Twin signal overlap alarm function U Built-in high speed 112mm thermal printer U 24-hours memory for fetal traces U Supporting TCP/IP connection to the central monitoring station U Internal Li-ion battery power or AC power from external power supply U NST Report(Fetus health report)



Fetal Doppler Features U Handheld device, small in size and convenient for hand-carryÆ U Attachable probe is safer during carrying. Ergonomically design of probe makes the pregnant women feel more comfortableÆ U LCD display, and with LED backlightÆ U Two display modes: numerical & curve display of FHRÆ U Pulse wave Doppler working mode with sensitive single-chip transducer at 1MHz working frequency makes much lower ultrasound radiation, so it is safer to the fetusÆ U 2.0 MHz / 2.5 MHz Doppler probe availableÆ U MHz Fetal Monitor probe available & optional, used as a portable easy fetal monitorÆ U With alarm function, and the alarm limits can be setÆ U Store and recall FHR, up to 16 hours of FHR data storageÆ U Recording functionÆ U Measurement results transmission to PC by serial port manager software available U Built-in speaker and audio outputÆ U Auto power off after one minute if there is no signal detected for about 1 minuteÆ U 3 AA alkaline or rechargeable batteries or AC/DC adapter (optional) U Low battery voltage indication.

Hand Held Pulse Oximeter

Features U Light,small in size and easy to carry for long time monitoringÆ U High resolution LCD to display SpO2, PR, and plethysmogramÆ U Adult/pediatric/neonate probes replacable & optioinalÆ U Stored data can be uploaded to PC for further review and analysisÆ U Up to 70 hours of oximetry data storage Record data once every 1/2/4/8 seconds)Æ U Over limit indication Æ U 3AA alkaline or rechargeable batteries or AC/DC adapter (optional)


ELECTROTHERAPY BLD AP439 Plus 4CH MULTI-WAVEFORM STIMULATOR Analgesic Pulsar Plus (AP439 Plus), the cutting edge multi waveform, multiple channels device presents the maximum applications of pain relief (Interferential, TENS, Galvanic, Russian etc.) and physiotherapy in one compact device.


Symmetrical Biphasic (TENS/EMS)

TENS (Conventional, Burst, Modulation)


Galvanic DC and Interrupt DC



U Microcosntrolled U 2 Outputs / 4 Channels U Precise treatment selection U True sine wave interferential U Comfortable electrical stimulation U MB Panel with digital display U Multi-waveform stimulator U 1 Year Standard Warranty

U 2 Outputs 4 Channels U Waveform: Sine Wave, Symmetrical Biphasic, DC U Modes: Interferential: +uadripolar with Vector, Premod, Russian TENS- Continuous, Burst & Modulation Galvanic- DC and Interrupt DC U Carrier Freq.: 4000Hz (IFT) and 2500Hz (Rus.) U Pulse Rate: 1-150Hz U Pulse Width: 50ùs-400ùs U Output Voltage : 0q70Vpp J 500 ø U Treatment Time : 5-60 min U Power: 110-220 V U Electrical Type: TYPE BF U Shipping Weight: U Shipping Dimensions:


Part No.

2000440-004 VL4545 4280901223 4381143904 4280845128


Lead Wire (5Pin 4Core) (2x) Self Adhesive Electrode (8x) AC Cord Instruction Manual Carry Bag (Optional)

Available Models: AP439 Plus / AP439 Plus Audio


ELECTROTHERAPY BLD NMS-498 4CH NEUROMUSCULAR STIMULATOR NMS-498 the electronic nerve muscle stimulator provides seven different modes of NMES stimulation which are designed to act on the speciwc muscle groups. This micro computer controlled unit combines the proven therapies suited best to the rehabilitation needs.


Symmetrical Biphasic (TENS/EMS)



U Microcomputer Controlled Digital unit U 4 channel / 8 Electrodes U Seven Preset programs for easy selection U Four Body areas treatment simultaneously U 1 Year Standard Warranty

U No. of channels: 4 U Frequency: 1Hz q 200Hz U Pulse Width: 50 S q 350 S U Treatment Time: 1-60 min. U Contraction Time: 6 sec, 8 sec U Relaxation Time: 2 sec , 4 sec U Power: 110-220 V AC U Electrical Type: TYPE BF U Shipping Weight: U Shipping Dimensions:


Part No.

446051304 VL4545 4280901223 4381149800 4280845128


Lead Wire (5Pin 2Core) (8x) Self Adhesive Electrode (8x) AC Cord Instruction Manual Carry Bag (Optional)


ELECTROTHERAPY BLD Stim3 2/4 CH IF, TENS, EMS & RUSSIAN STIMULATOR The BLD Stim3 series is one of the most popular and successful devices for physical therapy. It provides all therapies in a single hand held device for physical therapist and home care professionals. The BLD Stim3 provides two/four channels, delivering four treatments from a single unit.


4 Pole Interferential (IFT)


TENS (Conventional, Burst, Modulation) EMS (Conventional) SPECIAL FEATURES U Digital combo stimulator U Color-coded cables for the seprate channels U Large LCD Display U Intensity Controls For Each Channel U Low Battery Indicator U Treatment Lock-Out U Compliance Monitor U Protective Carrying Case U Lock ey: Saves the selected treatment parameters and locks out any other input U 1 Year Standard Warranty ORDERING INFORMATION

Part No.

22000440-004 VL4545 4255705.5-1.5 44811BLDSTIM3


Lead Wire (5Pin 4Core) Self Adhesive Electrode (8x) 5.5 V DC Adaptor Instruction Manual

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION U 2/4 separate channels 4/8 Electrodes U Waveforms: Sine Wave & Symm. Bi-Phasic Square Wave U Modes: Interferential: IF LOW, IF HIGH, IF WIDE & IF FI8ED TENS: Conventional, Burst and Modulation EMS: Conventional and Russian U Frequency: Interfential (IFT) Carrier: 5000 Hz. Sweep: 1-10 Hz. (Low), 80-150 Hz. (High), 1-250 Hz. (Wide), 10-200 Hz. (Fixed) EMS/TENS : 1-150 Hz Russian: 2500 Hz. (Carrier) / 50 Hz. (Beat) U Pulse Width 50-250ùS (TENS) Æ 200-450 ùS (EMS) U Ramp Up/Down: 1-10 Sec. U Contraction / Relaxation Time: 1-30 Sec. U Output Voltage: 50 V pp U Treatment Time: 1-60 Min. U Power: 1.2x4 AA Battery / 5.5 V Adaptor U Electrical Type: TYPE BF U Shipping Weight: U Shipping Dimensions:


ELECTROTHERAPY IF-5000 4CH IF, EMS, RUSSIAN & COMBO STIMULATOR Combo Stimulator IF-5000 is a Microcomputer Controlled Digital four-channeled unit through two outputs. It is designed to provide Muscle Stimulation & Interferential Stimulation current waveforms to treat painful muscles. The unit can be programmed to provide either of the waveform using either of the output. Combo stimulation can be selected to provide interferential for certain time in one output followed by Muscle Stimulation in the other output.





SPECIAL FEATURES U Digital combo stimulator U Digital Display U ABS molded beautiful design U Compliance timer / Compliance number U Battery operated U Lock ey: Saves selected treatment parameters for EMS, Russian, IFT & Combo U 1 Year Standard Warranty


Part No.

2000440-004 VL4545


Lead Wire Self Adhesive Electrode Instruction manual Carry bag

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION U 4 Channels 2 Outputs U Waveforms: Sine Wave & Symm. Bi-Phasic U Modes: EMS, IFT, Russian, Interferential and Sequencing (combo) U Frequency: Interfential (IFT) Carrier: 5000 Hz. Sweep: 1-10 Hz. (Low), 80-150 Hz. (High), 1-250 Hz. (Wide), 10-200 Hz. (Fixed) EMS : 1-150 Hz. Russian : 2500 Hz. (Carrier) / 50 Hz. (Beat)R U Pulse Width: 50-400 ùS U Ramp Up/Down: 1-9 Sec. U Contraction / Relaxation Time: 1-30 / 0-30 Sec. U Output Voltage: 50 V peak to peak on 500 ø load U Output Current: 100mA peak to peak on 500 ø load U Treatment Time: 1-60 Min U Combo Sequential Timer: 1-30 Min U Power: 48 1.2V NiMh AA Rechargeable batteries U Electrical Type: TYPE BF U Shipping Weight: U Shipping Dimensions:


ELECTROTHERAPY ProStim-2 & ProStim 4 2 CH TENS-EMS-IF-RUSSIAN STIMULATOR ProStim 2 / ProStim 4 is a portable electrotherapy device featuring four Therapeutics modes: TENS, EMS, M-STIM, INTERFERENTIAL & RUSSIAN which are used for pain relief and electrical muscle stimulation. The stimulator sends gentle electrical current to underlying nerves and muscle group via electrodes applied on the skin. The parameters of the device are controlled by press buttons. Its intensity level is adjustable according to the needs of patients.


Mono-phase square pulse

Symmetrical biphasic square pulse

4 Pole Interferential (IFT)




U Combination of TENS, EMS, M-Stim, IF & Russian U Clear LCD Display with moonlit illumination U Low Battery Indicator U 1 Year Standard Warranty

U 2 Channel / 4 Electrodes U Waveform: Mono-phase square pulse wave; Symmetrical bi-phase square pulse wave U Modes: SSD-1 TENS/EMS: P1-P20 Programs (10 Fixed, 10 Adjustable)I M-Stim: P1-P10 Programs SSD-2 IF: P1-P4 (Pulse Rate Modulation) TENS: Burst, Normal, PW/PR Modulation EMS: Synchronous, Alternate, Delay Russian U Frequency: Interfential (IFT) Carrier: 4000 Hz. ; Sweep: 1-150 Hz. TENS/EMS: 1-150 Hz. Russian: 2500 Hz. (Carrier) / 50 Hz. (Beat) U Pulse Width: 50-300ùS (TENS/EMS) U Contraction / Relaxation Time: 1-30 Sec. / 0-60 Sec, U Ramp: 1-6 Sec. U Output Current: 100mA (TENS/EMS), 60mA (IF/RUS) U Treatment Time: 1-60 min. U Power: 48 AAA Alkaline U Shipping Weight: U Shipping Dimensions:


Part No.

VL4545 2000420-004 4255705.5-1.5


Self Adhesive Electrode Lead Wire 5.5 V DC Adaptor Instruction Manual (SSD-1) Instruction Manual (SSD-2)

Available Models: ProStim 2 (TENS+EMS+MSTIM) / ProStim 4 (TENS+EMS+IF+RUS)


ELECTROTHERAPY 2 Channel Multi-Mode Neuro-Muscular Stimulator EK 1302

Stimulation Current Modes U Galvanic - Continuous; Interrupted; Mf U Dyadinamic - Monophasic; Biphasic; Monophasic Sync.; Biphasic Sync.; Cp; Lp U Pulse - Rectangular; Triangular; Traebert U Faradic - Rectangular; Triangular; Neodynamic U Tens - Burst; Random; Modulated; Al Tens U Biphasic - Symmetric; Asymmetric U Interferential - +uadripolar; Isoplanar; Vector; Bipolar; Stimulating; Russian Current (otz) Micro Currents High Voltage Hvpc H Wave Aps Creation Of Rheobase And Cronaxie I/t Curve

The Main Fields Of Application Are U Pain Treatment (Chronic Pain / Post-surgical Acute Pain) U Orthopedics (Tendinitis, Arthritis, Epicondylitis, Etc.) U Sport Medicine (Sprains, Muscle Aches, Etc.) U Aesthetics (Pefs, Lymphatic Drainage, Etc.) U Dermatology (eloids, Lymphedema, Bedsores, Etc.) U Neurology (Neuralgia, Phantom Limb Pain, Etc.) U Uro-gynecology (Urinary Incontinence)

Wide display: 8» colour touch-screen. More than 36 waveforms: low and medium frequencies high voltage, microcurrents, nmes, stochastic, aps and others. More than 100 therapeutic suggestions grouped according to anatomical areas, specialist branches and waveforms. I/T curve with value comparison before and after treatment. Patient wle for storing all patient’s data, treatments and short case history. Help button. Each therapeutic suggestion shows indications on its use and where to place electrodes. Ú connection between elektra and k-sound for ultrasound-electrotherapy combined treatments. Connection between elektra and vacuumed for combined treatments with vacuum therapy. USB key to store many personalised treatments and patient wles. Upgradable software


ELECTROTHERAPY & LASER Multi-Stim 2 2 Channel Multi-Mode Neuro-Muscular Stimulator Offers a complete choice of current forms combined with preset programmes and simltaneous therapy Stimulation Current Modes U +uadra/Tetrapolar Interferential U Bipolar/Premodulated Interferential U Russian/otz U Trabert 2-5 U High Voltage Pulsed Galvanic U Faradic U TENS U TSE U Iontophoresis/Galvanic U Interrupted DC U Strength Duration Curve U Microcurrent U Aussie/Ward U Strength Duration Cove

LASER Advanced Laser A New Class 3B Laser - offering the latest technology in therapeutic lasers U The wrst laser system which allows the therapist to set energy levels (joules) and time from the laser probe. U Convenient +prox touch switch for effortess laser activation U Probe Mounted dosage buttons for adjusting tretment energy U Continuous energy dosage and modulated dosage frequencies from 10Hz to 5Hz Features U Mains/Battery operation U Pulsed and continous output U Automatic sweep frequency operation U Weighs only 1.8kgs U Conforms with medical device directive (CE)


LASER High Power Laser System Bipower LUX 6W Bipower LUX 12W The application welds where you can get great benewts by elivering Bipower LuÝ laser therapy are the following\

Sport Traumatology U Muscle strains and extensions U Articular distorsions U Epicondylitis U Tendinitis and enthesitis U Contusions, hematomas and bruises U Bursitis General medicine and dermatology U Decubitus ulcers, cheloids, torpid sores treated thanks to its well known biostimulating and anti-infective effects Arthro-rheumatic pathologies U Arthrosis U Sciatica U Scapular-humeral perarthritis U Arthropathies of hands and feet U Epicondylitis U Hip arthrosis in the early stage U Gonalgia with or without effusion U Myogenic stiff neck U Lumbago q Myositis, etc. Rehabilitative therapy U Articular motor rehabilitation after removing plaster casts or after orthopaedic surgical operations.

Bipower Lux is recommended for superwcial pathologies in general medicine and dermatology and for orthopaedic and sport medicine pathologies (contusions, bursitis, tendinitis, etc.). It has a high biostimulating effect because it covers the whole therapeutic window of high power therapeutic lasers (HPLS -->high power laser system) with a very high output power (up to 12W). The evolution of light The new range of high power lasers uses optical wbre to convey high laser powers (6W - 12W) directly to the skin without dispersions. Bipower Lux treats effectively inyammatory and degenerative pathologies of the orthopaedic neurologic, dermatologic welds and reduces the recovery time. Bipower Lux has become an essential treatment especially for the sport medicine, as it allows a fast recovery time and the healing of many sportsmen, for whom time is a key factor in their career. High energetic impact with dual wavelength Bipower Lux combines 2 wavelengths, 810+980 nm, and gets the best of their main therapeutic actions: 810nm wavelength has a high depth of penetration in the tissues and gives an excellent biostimulating effect. 980nm wavelength has a high level of absorption in the yuids and provides a high analgesic effect.


LASER Lasertherapy Crystal Yag emits with a wavelength of 1064nm, which falls in the laser ºtherapeutic window» that spans from 400 to 1600nm. The light beam delivered by Crystal Yag can be regulated up to a maximum power of 25W, which has a high value of tissue penetration. Its effects provide photo-chemical bio-stimulations on the cellular membrane and inside the mitochondrions, acting in depth in the tissues and inducing signiwcant effects of metabolic, analgesic, anti-oedema, antiphlogistic stimulation. Effects on Tissue SigniƂcant mitochondrial stimulation with the following increase U Activation of micro-circulation (photo-thermal effect: it activates the replacement modifying the intracapillary hydrostatic pressure). Activation of lymphatic peristalsis (photo-mechanical Effect: the deep lymphatic system is stimulated causing a rapid absorption of the inyammatory agents witheffective results also in the yuid accumulations). U Hyper-polarization of the nerve wbre membranes causing an analgesic effect (the perceptual threshold of the algotrope endings rises up and the release of endorphin increases signiwcantly

Features U Wide display: 8» colour touch-screenand updatable software. U Wide choice of therapeutic suggestions grouped according to anatomical areas, specialist branches U Patient wle for storing all patient’s data, treatments and short case history. U USB ey to store many personalised treatments and patient wles. U Help button. Each therapeutic suggestion shows indications on its use.

The list of the main pathologies that can be treated includes U Srthrosis and degenerative processes of cartilage U Bursitis, synovitis, capsulitis, epicondylitis, shoulder impingement syndrome U Tendinitis and tenosynovitis U Oedema and trauma haematomas U Post-traumatic or overload pathologies U Abductor syndromes, sprains, enthesitis, patellar chondropathy and sport traumatology. More speciwcally, it is possible to treat

Guaranteed Results U Reduction of pain, in some cases with the wrst treatment U Deep action on tissues U High biostimulating effect U A winning combination that makes patients fully satiswed with the treatment.

Degenerative Pathologies U Osteoarthrosis U Degenerative chondropathies

Therapeutic Indications U The protocols developed for high-power Nd:Yag laser therapy induce a rapid resolution of the most common pathologies in the following welds: orthopaedics, physiatry, dermatology, rheumatology and sport medicine

Acute Pathologies U Tendinopathy (tendinitis, peritendinitis, tenosynovitis, insertional and calciwc tendinitis, tendinosis, partiallesions) U Distortion traumas and post-traumatic oedemas U Muscle lesions U Synovitis and bursitis U Back pain and lumbago U Fibromyalgic syndrome U Osteochondritis dissecans and osteochondral lesions


SHOCKWAVE Portable Shockwave Shock Med Compact is designed to give to the professional a radial shockwave device, ideal for use in ambulatory or home activities and sports. The compact desktop case holds the built-in compressor having up to 4 bars of power, at the same time quiet and efwcient, with a maximum weight of about 6 kg, excellent for portable use. Indications Shockwave therapy is the best treatment for the chronic insertional tendinopathies, characterized by poor vascularisation of the osteotendinous junction, when the physiotherapeutic treatment (inwltrations and laser therapy) has proved ineffective. These are the main pathologies treated with shockwaves U Elbow – epicondylitis, epitrocleitis U Shoulder – insertional tendinopathies, impingement U Knee – patellar and “goose’s foot” tendinopathies U Pubis – adductor tendinopathies (pubalgy) U Ankle – achilles tendinopathy Calcaneal apophysis Main application Ƃelds U Orthopaedics U Rehabilitation U Sport Medicine U Aesthetic Medicine

Features Wide display: 6” colour touch-screen Procedure function: A practical and handy application manual of the shockwave therapy, based on four fundamental steps U Localise the painful area by touch; U Select the therapy parameters (manually or using preset programs); U Apply gel; U Start the shockwave therapy.

More than 40 therapeutic suggestions grouped according to anatomical areas, specialist branches _ Patient Ƃle for storing all patient’s data, treatments and short case history Help button: Each therapeutic suggestion shows indications on its use. One-Touch mode: by pressing just once the activation button the procedure will start and continue until the end of the therapy, or until the operator will press again the button to pause the execution of the treatment. Soft Rebound System: rebounding to the therapist’s arms was reduced by 95% thanks to the new applicator developed by EME, which has an internal spring system to dampen the rebound effect. Smart Card to store many personalized treatments and patient wles


SHOCKWAVE Shockwave Shockwaves are acoustic waves that deliver high energy. They pass through the skin surface and spread in a radial way through the body in the painful area. Shock Med delivers radial (ballistic) shockwaves. The shockwave is generated in a special gun-shaped applicator: a steel bullet is shot against a metallic lid inside the barrel of the applicator by means of compressed air (pressure up to5 bar).This process generates a shockwave that spread sin a radial way through the skin and the wrst tissue layer under it or in a focused way (depending on the transmitter used). The body responds by increasing metabolic activity in the area being treated and this helps to reduce the inyammation caused by the pain-killing action of released local endorphin. This system stimulates and accelerates the healing process. The penetration depth varies from 4 to 7 cm.

Main application Ƃelds U Orthopaedics U Rehabilitation U Sport Medicine U Aesthetic Medicine

SHOCK MED SW1352 Device for radial shockwaves, power up to 5 bar, adjustable frequency 1-21 Hz Indications Shockwave therapy is the best treatment for chronic insertional tendinopathies, characterised by poor vascularisation of the osteotendinous junction, when the physiotherapeutic treatment (inwltrations and laser therapy) has proved ineffective. These are the main pathologies treated with shockwaves: U Elbow – epicondylitis, epitrocleitis U Shoulder - insertional tendinopathies, impingement U nee – patellar and “goose’s foot” tendinopathies U Pubis – adductor tendinopathies (pubalgy) U Ankle – achilles tendinopathy, calcaneal apophysis

Features Wide display: 8” colour touch-screen Procedure function: A practical and handy application manual of the shockwave therapy, based on four fundamental steps: U Localise the painful area by touch; U Select the therapy parameters (manually or using preset programs); U Apply gel; U Start the shockwave therapy. More than 40 therapeutic suggestions grouped according to anatomical areas, specialist branches Patient Ƃle for storing all patient’s data, treatments and short case history Help button: Each therapeutic suggestionshows indications on its use. One-Touch mode: by pressing just once the activation button the procedure will start and continue until the end of the therapy, or until the operator will press again the button to pause the execution of the treatment. Soft Rebound System: rebounding to the therapist’s arms was reduced by 95% thanks to the new applicator developed by EME, which has an internal spring system to dampen the rebound effect. USB Key to store many personalised treatments and patient wles.



WinStim - Advance Combo ELECTROT ELECTROTHERAPY + ULTRASOUND COMBINATION THERAPY COMBINAT WINSTIM is i a clinical combination therapy with easy us user interface and versatility to treat different body b areas simultaneously. This aesthetically designed clinical model has a unique ultr ultrasound head with inbuilt power control an and user preset electrotherapy programs. The state of the art WINSTIM is light weight, small in size, and battery powered.






U Four Pole U Manual Vector Scan U Two Pole (Premodulated)

U Continuous U Cycle Timed U Rectangular Pulsed U Triangular Pulsed U Surged U Asymm. Bi phasic Square

U Continuous U Cycle Timed

U Continuous U Medium Freq. Interrupted






U Asymm. Biphasic Square U Symmetric al Biphasic Square U Alternating Rectangular U Monophasic Rectangular

U 1 and 3 MHz U Head Contact Control U Pulsed Repetition Freq. U Electronic Signature U Symmeterical Square Pulse



High Volt

U Rectangular U Triangular

U Pulse Current U Twin Pulses


COMBINATION THERAPY Multi-Stim 2 Combo Two Channel Electrotherapy, Dual 1 & 3MHz Ultrasound & Laser

Stimulation Current Modes U +uadra/Tetrapolar U Bipolar/Premodulated Interferential U Russian/otz U Trabert 2-5 U High Voltage Galvanic U Faradic U TENS and TSE U Iontophoresis/Galvanic U Interrupted DC U Microcurrent U Aussie/Ward U Strength Duration Curve Ultrasonic Diathermy U Dual Frequency 1+3MHz U 2.4 W/cm2 (12 Watts Total) U 10,20,50 and 100% Duty Cycle

Therapeutic Laser U 100Mw laser diode probe (optional) U Variable pulse frequency from 10Hz to 5Hz U 50% and 100% Duty Cycle

Multi-Stim 2 Vac Combined Two-Channel Multi Modality Stimulator and Vacuum Unit Stimulation Current Modes U +uadra/Tetrapolar Interferential U Bipolar/Premodulated Interferential tial U Russian/otz U Trabert 2-5 U High Voltage Pulsed Galvanic U Faradic U Tens U TSE U Iontophoresis/Galvanic U Interrupted DC U Strength Duration Curve U Microcurrent U Aussie/Ward


COMBINATION THERAPY Accusonic Stim Combined Ultrasound, Interferential Muscle Stimulation and Optional Laser

Stimulation Current Modes U Bipolar/Premodulated Interferential U TENS Ultrasonic Diathermy U Frequency 1 MHz U 2.4 W/cm2 (12 Watts Total) U 10,20,50 and 100% Duty Cycle Therapeutic Laser U 100Mw laser diode probe U Variable pulse frequency from 10Hz to 5Hz U 50% and 100% Duty Cycle

Vectorsurge 5 Two Channel Electrotherapy System including 2 + 4 Pole Interferential and Muscle Stimulation Channels U Two channels for either standard interferential, or dual-site bipolar treatments Multi-Wave Interferential, Premodulated, TENs & Russian Stimulation Multiple Frequencies U Offer interferential Therapy at 4000Hz plus a 10,000Hz frequency not found on other leading brands, to maximise comfort during interferential treatments, and a 2500Hz frequency for producing maximum contraction Supplied with the following accessories U 2 x Rubber Electrodes - 8cm x 6cm (Two Pairs) U 4 x Electrode Sponges U 2 x Elastic Wraps - 7.5cm x 120cm U 2 x Elastic Wraps - 7.5cm x 60cm U 2 x Patient Leads U 1 x Mains Lead U 1 x Metron Self Adheive Electrodes


COMBINATION THERAPY Vectorsonic Combined 2/4 Pole Interferential, 1 & 3 MHz Ultrasound Supplied with the following accessories U Multi-frequency head (large) 5cm, 1 & 3MHz U 1 x 250ml Bottle Ultrasound Gel U 2 x Patient Leads U 4 x Rubber Electrodes - 8cm x 6cm U 4 x Envelope Electrode Sponges U 1 x Elastic Wrap - 7.5cm x 60cm U 1 x Elastic Wrap - 7.5cm x 120cm U 1 x Mains Lead U 1 x Metron Self Adhesive Electrodes Optional Accesories U Trolley (various models available) U Ultrasound Head - Small 3 MHz

Vectorpulse Combined 2/4 Pole Interferential Vacuum Unit Supplied with the following accessories U 4 x Electrode Sponges U 2 x Patient Leads U 2 x Elastic Wraps - 7.5cm x 120cm U 1 x Elastic Wrap - 7.5cm x 60cm U 1 x Mains Lead U 4 x Vacuum Cup - 6.5cm U 4 x Vacuum Sponges - 6.5cm U 2 x Vacuum Leads - 4cm Socket (White) U 2 x Vacuum Leads - 4cm Socket (Blue) U 2 x Rubber Electrodes - 8cm x 6cm (Two Pairs) U 1 x Metron Self Adhesive Electrodes Optional Accesories U Trolley (various models available) U Vacuum Cup 95mm Large U Vacuum Sponge 95mm


COMBINATION THERAPY Electrotherapy and Ultrasounds For a winner combination

New winning design _ color display with touch&scroll function _ possible connection to vacuumed (vu1392) for combined usage _ 26 waveforms (low and medium frequency) _ self-calibrating probes with working frequencies. Internal storage system _ waterproof multifrequencies probes 1/3 mhz, suitable for submerged treatments _ i/t curve, comparing values at the beginning and at the end of the therapy _ multilanguage software _ more than 100 therapeutic suggestions (electrotherapy / ultrasound / combined protocols) Combined Device for Electrotherapy, with 2 Channels Electrotherapy and 1 Channel 1/3 Mhz Ultrasound. Ultrasound therapy ltrasounds are used primarily to reduce the pain, and the main treatments are sciatica, neuritis, periarthritis. The thermal effect produced by ultrasound increases the temperature in deep tissues, and together with the mechanical effect the treatment results in a micro massage at the level of cellular structures. Combimed 2200 is equipped with multifrequence probes (1/3 mhz) that can be set by the perator in order to establish the depth of penetration required by the treatment (with the frequency of 1 mhz can be up to 3 cm in depth, while with 3 mhz youcan get up to 1 cm). Lectrotherapy He electrotherapy is used in order to stimulate denervated muscle, to reduce the hypotrophy due to nonuse of the normal muscle, maintain the muscular trophism in denervated or partially innervated muscle, to strengthen the innervated muscle. The main effects of an electric current applied to a body tissue are represented by the thermal, trophic, analgesic and chemical effects. Combimed has 26 low and medium frequency waveforms, which can be used on a channel,or on two channels in a synchronous or independent way. Ombined treatment He pre-set protocols of combimed 2200 allow to realize a fast and easy combined treatment, which sums the analgesic and hyperemic effect of electrical stimulus with the mechanical and thermal ultrasound effect.


THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND BLD JUS-2 / JUS-1 1 & 3 MHz THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND BLD US-2 / US-1 provide the most effective Continuous and Pulsed treatments in pain relief and muscle rehabilitation. It is a micro computer controlled desktop device which delivers continuous & pulsed Ultrasound Therapy 1 & 3 MHz (US-2) / 1MHz (US-1) through a unique ultrasound applicator for professional use.



SPECIAL FEATURES U MB Panel with Digital Display U Multiple Selections of Parameters U Microprocessor controlled Digital Unit U Intensity control / Display inbuilt in U Ultrasound applicator U Digital Display of selections U 1 Year Standard Warranty


Part No.

500012-006 500012-002 4280901223 43811U001 43811U000 4280845128

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION U Mode: Pulsed and Continuous U Frequency: 1 MHz (US-1) 1 MHz & 3 MHz (US-2) U % Duty Cycle: 10,20 & 50% U Maximum Intensity: 3 watt/cm2 U Treatment Time: 1-60 Minutes U Power: 110-220 V AC U Electrical Type: TYPE B U Shipping Weight: U Shipping Dimensions.


Conductive Gel (250 mg) 4 cm2 Ultrasound Applicator AC Cord Instruction Manual US-1 Instruction Manual US-2 Carry Bag (Optional)

Available Models: Ultrasound JUS-1 / Ultrasound JUS-2 / Ultrasound JUS-2 Audio


THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND Accusonic 1 MHz Ultrasound The Metron Accusonic therapeutic ultrasound offers 1MHz ultrasound through a detachable applicator. Microprocessor technology has been used to make the Accusonic compact and easy to use. This technology has allowed a number of useful features to be presented in the Accusonic. Features U If during the treatment, insufwcient contact occurs, then the treatment timer will stop, and the ultrasound output is reduced. Once sufwcient contact is detected, then treatment will continue. U The internal service software runs the calibration procedures, minimising the technician’s involvement. U Communicates with the transducer to correctly monitor and control frequency and contact sensing Supplied with the following accessories U 1 x Ultrasound Head Large - 5cm2 - 1MHz U 1 x 250ml Ultrasound Gel U 1 x Mains Lead U 1 x Instruction Manual

Accusonic Advantage 1 & 3MHz Ultrasound U Stores 10 treatment protocols can for quick and easy patient treatment. U A large 40 Character Backlit LCD displays treatment time, power and protocol names. An LED bar graph is used to display the amount of ultrasound transmission occurring, and to monitor staff’s techniques and to correctly deliver the prescribed amount of ultrasound U Internal service software runs the calibration procedures, minimising the technician’s involvement U Communicates with each transducer to correctly control frequency and contact sensing



Accusonic Plus 1 & 3 MHz Ultrasound The Metron Accusonic Plus therapeutic Ultrasound offers 1 and 3 MHz from the one detachable applicator.

Features U Up to 10 treatment programmes can be stored d U LED bar graph to display ultrasound transmission on U The internal service calibration U Contact sensor Technical SpeciƂcations U Ultrasound Output: 1.1MHz +/- 10% & 3.3 MHz +/- 10% U Effective Radiating Area: Nominally 0.8 cm2 +/- 20% (1 cm head) Nominally 5.0 cm2 +/- 20% (2.5 cm head) U Beam Non-Uniformity Ratio: Nominally 5: 1+/- 20%

Accusonic LIPUS Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Ultrasound Output Frequency Output Intensity Applicator Surface Area Effective Radiating Area Beam Nonuniformity Ratio Pulsed Modulation Pulse Frequency : Pulse Period : Pulse Width : Pulse Duty Cycle :

: 1.1 MHz +/- 10% : 100 mW/cm2 +/- 20% : 9cm2 +/- 4% : Nominally 5cm2 +/- 20% : Nominally 5:1 +/- 20%

100 Hz +/- 3% 10 milliseconds +/- 3% 2.0 milliseconds +/- 3% 1.4 (20%) +/- 3%

Supplied with the following accessories U 1 x Ultrasound Transducer Large - 1MHz 5cm2 U 1 x 01-08 250ml Ultrasound Gel U 1 x Elastic Wrap - 7.5/3” x 120cm/47” U 1 x Elastic Warp - 7.5/3” x 60cm/23.6” U 1 x Instruction Manual U 1 x Mains Cable



Ultrasound Therapy 1, 2 & 3 MHz KS 1305

Features Wide display: 8” colour touch-screen device for ultrasound therapy With 3 frequencies: 1-2-3 mhz two completely independent outputs that deliver 2 different treatments simultaneously more than 100 therapeutic suggestions grouped according to anatomical areas, specialist branches and frequencies. Patient file for storing all patient’s data, treatments and short case history help button. Each therapeutic suggestion shows indications on its use and where to place the probe on the area under treatment connection between k-sound and elektra for ultrasound electrotherapy combined treatment USB key to store many personalised treatments and patient files upgradable software The main application Ƃelds are the following U U U U U U

Orthopedics Dermathology Sport medicine Aesthetic medicine Periatricular pathologies Inyammatory pathologies of joints and tendons


SHORTWAVE DIATHERMY Short Wave Diathermy SSD-500 SOLID STATE DIATHERMY This new elegant high power SSD-500 with solid state generator present Shortwave Diathermy in its most advanced conwguration to date. The unique induction weld circuitry provides a short-wave frequency of 27.12 MHz that penetrates deep into muscle tissues with negligible heating in the fatty layer or bone. The solid state generator ensures a uniform frequency during treatment and longer life for the device. Plus you can work with much lesser interference to the other devices. Both the devices come in strong and sturdy yet sleek and attractive trolley models that can be moved easily room one room to another. The soft touch membrane panel and intensity control dial make the operation extremely user friendly! High performance, multijointed arms lock in place for ease of use and safety. Ideal for professionals or trained personnel in physiotherapy, rehabilitation or any type of Hospital setup.


Radio Frequency

SPECIAL FEATURES U Solid State Shortwave Diathermy U Seven Segment Digital Display U Manual Tuning U High-performance multi-jointed arms U Easy-to-use controls and readouts U Safety circuitry U 1 Year Standard Warranty


Part No.

42601SPU8 42601LS0105 4280901224 42400DISC1


Pad Electrode SWD Cable AC Cord Disc Electrode with Arm

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION U Waveform: Symm. Biphasic Square Wave U Output Modes: Continuous & Pulsed U Frequency: 27.12 MHZ U Pulse Rate: 100, 150, 200, 225 Hz U Pulse Width: 1-4 miliseconds U Wavelength: 11 Meters U Max. Output Power: Pulsed mode- 500 Watt Continuous mode- 250 Watt U Treatment Time: 30 Min U Operating Voltage: 220V AC / 50 Hz U Classiwcation Class 1 Type BF (EN60601-1) U Shipping Weight: U Shipping Dimensions:


ENDODIATHERMY Endodiathermy HR TeK is an innovative therapeutic device for endothermal energetic transmission with capacitive/resistive modes. It stimulates from the inside the biological structures (tendons, muscles, joints) and natural reparative and anti-inyammatory processes of the human body. By the interaction between electro-magnetic energy and tissue, diathermy causes the temperature inside the tissues to increase in a controlled uniform way. HR TeK stimulates the increase of haematic yux in a direct way, thanks to the increase of temperature, and, indirectly, thanks to the request for oxygen by tissues treated; the increase of blood induces an increase in immune defences and stimulates tissue regeneration. The main application Ƃelds are the following U Dermatologic pathologies U Traumatology U Sport medicine U Aesthetic medicine U Skeletal muscle pain U Inyammatory pathologies of joints and tendons U Periarticular pathologies (bursitis, calciwcations, etc..) HR TeK, let the warmth heal you Wide display: 8” colour touch-screen Output power up to 300W Exclusive applicator for resistive and capacitive treatments with integrated power regulating button (available only for the model HR TeK) . Patient wle for storing all patient’s data,treatments and short case history. Help button. Each therapeutic suggestion shows indications on its use More than 40 therapeutic suggestions groupedaccording to anatomical areas, specialist branches. USB Key to store many personalised treatments and patient wles. Meter of the real treatment time by the newtactdetection system. Impedance meter displaying real time values How it Works HR TeK is composed of a generator that conveys alternate current and an application circuit, consisting in two electrodes. The electrodes are applied to the patient’s body,which becomes a part of the electric circuit. There are different types of electrodes: _ resistive type electrodes: the treatment is delivered through a resistive (non isolated) electrode that moves the charges and concentrates them in the deeper areas with a greater resistance (bone matrix and deep muscles) capacitive type electrodes: the capacitive contact transfer is executed through an

electrode, shielded with a ceramized isolating material, that moves the charges (ions) in the subcutaneous tissues. The electrodes come in differentsizes for different body areas. Operating Mode And BeneƂts capacitivE: the effect is concentrated in the area under the mobile electrode. It acts on soft tissues,rich in water, such as muscles, the lymphatic system etc., HR TeK, when used in capacitive mode, gives excellentresults in: U The treatment of fracture after-effects U Articular and peri-articular pathologies U Drainage of post-traumatic oedemas ResistivE: it is effective with all tissues with a higher resistance and a low water content.The biological effect is obtained in the tissues with a higher resistance interposed between the mobile electrode and the return plate, that is bones, joins,tendons, ligaments and cartilages. HR TeK, when used in resistive mode, gives excellent results in: U Generic Traumatology U Sport Traumatology U Arthritis U Arthrosis U Tendinitis U Capsulitis and Bursitis U Calcaneal Spur Syndrome


BIO FEED BACK Clinical EMG Dual Channel Electromyograph

Supplied with the following accessories U 1 x Electrode Cable (Blue) U 1 x Electrode Cable (White) U 1 x Reference Cable (not shown) U 1 x Mains Lead U 1 x Metron Self - Adhesive Electrodes U 1 x Instruction Manual Features U On/Off power button: Soft touch power On and Off control U Dual Bargraphs: Bright 35 Segment LED bargraphs for displaying EMG voltage in ¼Analog’ format, visible several metres away from unit U Threshold Dials: Rotary dials for quick and intuitive adjustment of threshould lavels U Training Bargraphs: A 35 Segment LED bargraph, show Work/Rest cycle, and can be used as a ¼follow me’ training aid U Select button: Selects therapy parameters for data entry U Set-Adjust Dial: Data entry encoder rotate clockwise for increase, or conversely for decreasing data U Set-up Indicators: The six Set-up indicators are arranged in order for getting started quickly


RESPIRATORY THERAPY G5 - Propower Massager The G5 is the professional grade brand used by professional athletes, physical therapists, massage therapists, respiratory therapy and is also found in the clinical evironment. Technical SpeciƂcations U Motor - 1/40horsepower U Output Speed - 20-50 cycles per second U Power Source - 110v or 220v (ask for pricing U Speed Control - Solid State Electronic U Current Leakage - Under 75 Micro Amps U Power Code - 10’ Standard 3-Prong Plug U Housing Material - ABS Cycolac U Conwgurations - Hand-held U Unit Dimensions - 3” Hx12” W x 3” D U Unit Weight - 3 Lbs.

G5 GK-3 The G5 GK-3 is a quiet & powerful Massage Machine designed for rugged use in the ofwce, clinic, school, gym, training room or home. Each GK-3 has a 47 3/4" long, light-weight, smooth drive cable attached to a durable applicator head, to provide greater versatility and ease of use. The GK-3 incorporates a dialcontrolled, variable-speed output, with speeds from 20 - 60 cycles per second. Unit Advantages U Economical U Stand Mount or Portable Conwgurations U Basic Control Panel with CPS Indicator (Low, Medium, High) U Comes complete with choice of applicator package



THE ACCURACY OF A DIGITAL TENS, WITH THE SIMPLICITY OF USE OF AN ANALOGUE Digital Settings: Target tens offers a wide range of settings with simple, intuitive controls. Digital settings are accurate and repeatable Large Lcd Display: The large, clear lcd display makes its easier for the visually impaired to set and operate Two Burst and Twomodulationmodes: Offer a large choice of sensations for long term users Treatment Timer: Automatically switches the unit off after the set time. Power Saving : Unit switches off if left at zero strength for more than 5 minutes SpeciƂcations Channel Output Pulsewidth Pulse Rate Waveform Modes

: : : : : :

Dual Maximum 130 Ma (Peak Value) across 500 OHM Load From 50ms To 250ms Adjustable From 1hz To 150hz Adjustable Symmetrical Bi-phasic Rectangular, or Mono-phasic Rectangular 5 Modes are Available