Healthy Eating Guidelines ALL BLOOD TYPES Healthy Eating Guidelines for All Blood Types Losing weight, achieving your optimal health and enjoying a healthy and happy lifestyle means taking care of the most important person in the world… You! Let’s face it, we all live busy lives and are flat out trying to get through our day to day jobs and social engagements let alone follow a detailed meal plan and exercise program. For this reason I have put together the pie graph below to give you a visual of what your plate should look like at each meal. Size wise, NOT always weight wise, the bulk of your plate should be vegetable based, with a slightly smaller portion of protein and the smallest portion of fat. This is NOT a scale of calories, grams of protein, or carbohydrate and fat, it’s simply shows how much from each group you should use in volume. I have 4 simple rules that will help you stay on track and have you seeing results in no time at all!

1. Don’t cheat during the week! Sounds simple enough, but this rule could seriously save you 1000s of wasted calories each month. Never keep junk food or cheat meals in the house, as I can guarantee that every day will become a cheat day if you do. Fill your fridge with only the essential foods that you need for your meal plans. This way when little things do pop up, like a lunch meeting, or an unexpected midweek dinner out, it’s not going to put you back to your starting point. I follow the 80:20 rule…80% of the week is strict and 20% is for variances. 2. Prep for success! You wouldn’t expect to be successful at a job interview without a little preparation beforehand would you? I know we all want the quick fixes, but unfortunately there are none. Meal preparation is crucial for getting the results you want, but little things like making some extra food at every meal and dividing it up in single serve containers for your “healthy” lunch tomorrow is a very easy way to save time. Take an hour out of your day twice a week to cook up a few chicken thighs, chicken breasts, and some baked white and sweet potato. All these will keep in the fridge for a few days. 3. Eat more, weigh less! Just like we change your training up all the time for maximum muscle response, I like to do just the same for your metabolism. Our bodies adapt to everything very quickly, and too much of a “good” thing can sometimes be not so good. By consuming a variety of foods from each of the colour groups on a regular basis, we not only ensure that we are getting a great balance of all the nutritional value in the foods we eat, we also avoid giving ourselves a “sluggish” metabolism, and avoid becoming “addicted” to the same foods. 4. Listen to your body, not your friends! The most important tip I can give you is to listen to your body and find out what works best for you. Just because your friend had great results from something they read in a magazine, doesn’t mean it will work for you. Everyone responds differently to food and exercise. The trick is to listen to yours, and find out what works best for you. Not all foods were meant for everyone, so if you find something makes you feel bad, bloats you, or gives you a headache; delete it from your diet. You know your body better than anyone, so only you can make these decisions.

The Blood Type Diet® Why Blood Type Matters If you are searching for a nutritional edge to enhance energy and vitality, then the blood type diet can open up a whole new world of health solutions. Your blood type is the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of health. It can determine your susceptibility to illness, what foods you should eat, how you should exercise, and the efficiency with which you burn calories. Many popular foods boasted as “super foods” can benefit the health of one person, yet leave another person feeling rundown and sick. Not to mention that popular weight loss products have ingredients that may actually cause inflammation and make you gain weight rather than lose it. Knowing your blood type gives you an extra nutritional edge and makes all the difference in your health and well-being. The blood type diet developed by Dr Peter J. D’Adamo breaks food into categories best for your health and fitness based on your blood type.

Healthy Eating Guidelines ALL BLOOD TYPES 

Beneficial: Foods that feed your cells and act and as a catalysts for the processes of health.

Neutral: Foods that cause no damage and act indifferent to your blood type.

Avoid: These foods create a harmful Lectin reaction in your body.

How Foods React With Your Blood Type Your blood type is just a small piece of sugar that’s stuck on the outside of your red blood cells. Each one of your cells contains millions of different sugars, including the blood type sugars. These sugars are manufactured by the cell and controlled by your DNA. Your blood type or “sugar” is not only found in your blood cells, but all over your body and found in bodily fluids like sweat and saliva. Since foods also contain a blood type or “sugar” and your blood type sugars are secreted all over your digestive system, your body initiates the same kind of immune response when you eat the wrong foods that the blood system would do during a bad blood transfusion. This action is called agglutination or “gluing together” of the blood cells that need to be removed and destroyed by your body. Given that the wrong blood transfusion would turn your body into a mass of clots and potentially kill you, it’s easy to see how the wrong foods for your blood type can also affect your health.

The Effect of Lectins within Your Body The most important part of the blood type diet has to do with the Lectins that cause your red blood cells to stick together. Lectins are not made inside of us, they are found in several varieties of foods that we eat. Put simply, Lectins are natural insecticides or small proteins made by nature with the purpose to find their way into seeds to serve as an immune system for the developing plant. Studies have been conducted for years that demonstrate the effect of Lectins is to sick things together. Healthy red blood cells move around the body free from sticking together. When red blood cells do stick together, the results can be dangerous. If you red blood cells are sticking together, you are clogging up your body’s internal structure, making it harder to do its job.

Agglutination = Inflammation Any disease that ends in “itis” simply means inflammation of that body part. For example Colitis is inflammation of the colon. Inflammation is a sign that the body has too many white blood cells, another major effect from blood cell agglutination. Blood not only carries oxygen around every part of the body, it also removes toxins for their disposal which means that blood cell agglutination will slow down the body’s natural repair and detoxification process. This can be dangerous as the body can begin to attack itself and its own organs.


Wheat, Corn, Kidney Beans, Navy Beans, Lentils, Peanuts, Potatoes


Kidney Beans, Lima Beans, Potatoes, Cabbage, Eggplant, Bananas, Tomatoes


Chicken, Corn, Buckwheat, Lentils, Peanuts, Sesame Seeds, Tomatoes


Chicken, Certain whitefish, Corn, Buckwheat, Lima Beans, Kidney Beans, Sesame Seeds

Reference: The Blood Type Diet®: A Visual Introduction by Eric Morrison, MLfHI

Healthy Eating Guidelines ALL BLOOD TYPES YOUR 3-STEP ATTACK TO GET YOUR HEALTH BACK! Step 1 - DETOX Step one goes for seven days which is the “detox phase” designed to wean you off all the bad stuff and get you transitioning over to eating all the good foods that are right for your body. This phase may be tough and your energy levels and your mood may be like a roller coaster, however it is essential to go through this “tough” phase to remove all the toxins from your body. This is where you need to start eliminating all the “avoid foods” from your diet, especially the “red flag foods” and eliminate foods that are processed, full of preservatives, and are pulling your energy levels down and making you sick! Understanding what food does to your body will be the difference between a “crash diet” and a lifestyle change. Writing the shopping list and meal plans for you is only doing half the job. You need to understand why some foods are good, and why others are bad. Choose good quality foods from a selection of fresh organic, free-range, and grass-feed products wherever possible to give your body a nutritional edge. Counting calories and stressing out over grams of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is a thing of the past! Our food planning system is designed to teach you portion control and understanding the percentage of protein, carbohydrates and fats that are required for your blood type. Fresh vegetable juices are also an important part of the detox phase. During the seven day detox phase you should consume two juices a day in the place of your snacks. This will help eliminate excess inflammation from your body, and help cleanse the digestive system to reduce cravings and improve intestinal health.

Step 2 - REBUILD Step two consists of 14 day period, designed to get your body back into an alkaline environment and improve your knowledge of how foods influence your body’s performance. In this phase you need to keep drinking lots of water and limit your consumption of alcohol. This “rebuild phase” will continue to flush toxins out of your body, cleansing the digestive system and repairing your intestinal health. This is where you will really feel the difference as your body starts to regain its natural balance. You must limit your sugar and wheat consumption as much as possible! I can’t stress enough the importance of your intestinal and digestive health, and I believe it may be one of the most over looked areas of weight loss and health in the current knowledge of obesity. It’s a fact that the nutrition from our foods is absorbed through the small intestines, and if the balance of good and bad bacteria here is not good, then you won’t be getting the most from the foods you eat. It’s also a fact that bad bacteria feeds on sugar and wheat, so if you are over consuming these products, you are putting your digestive health out of balance, which causes a range of issues including bloating/gas, inflammation, weight gain and lethargy. Eliminating processed foods, taking a good pro-biotic, and enjoying a clean healthy diet will all help to promote an alkaline environment and a good balance. Sprouted foods are also a great way to promote digestive health, and are very well absorbed by our digestive system. Maintaining an alkaline balance in your diet is an important aspect of maintaining intestinal health. Keep in mind that a foods acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. Lemons are very acidic; however the end product they produce after digestion and assimilation is very alkaline, so Lemons are alkaline-forming in the body. On the other hand, Meat will test alkaline before digestion; however it leaves a very acidic residue in the body, making most animal products like Meat, acid-forming in the body.

Healthy Eating Guidelines ALL BLOOD TYPES Step 3 - MAINTAIN Step three is where you to start follow the complete 7 day meal planner but allow yourself to enjoy the things you like without going overboard and losing your healthy lifestyle. As you start to find the balance in your diet and lifestyle, take notice of how certain foods make you feel – what makes you feel energized and what makes you feel sluggish – and build a lifestyle based on clean foods that make you feel your best every day of the week. Use the meal planner as a guideline for food quantity and the ratio of proteins (P) carbohydrates (C) and fats (F) to prepare your meals. The objective of my meal planners is to teach you how to make a sustainable lifestyle change. That means you need to learn how to think for yourself sometimes. Remember that life is meant to be enjoyed, and you need to find a happy balance of clean eating with the satisfaction of eating foods you like. If you notice yourself starting to get too relaxed with your diet, or you feel like you need to “detox” then simply return to step one and repeat the process.

EATING GUIDELINES Portion Control It’s easy to plan a healthy nutritious meal by using the required amount of food from each group in our colour coded food chart. Simply mix and match your food choices to ensure all vitamins and nutrients are consumed and prepare a completely balanced diet that gives your body the energy it requires to achieve your goals. Energy requirements will vary depending on your activity levels, body type and goals, so you can easily adjust the serving sizes accordingly. Learning to follow these guidelines is as simple as learning to make a new recipe for the first time. Once you have weighed things out a few times by following the guidelines below, you can easily eyeball the measurements out for each meal after that.

Supplements Supplements can be a great way to improve an already good diet; however they cannot take the place of real food. There are a lot of products on the market that promote weight loss, muscle gain or improving energy levels, but you need to be careful that the ingredients aren’t actually doing you more harm than good. Most products are full of artificial ingredients, thickeners, flavours and colours that are not only dangerous, but can become rather addictive. You can’t beat a wellbalanced clean diet and lifestyle, but if you do choose to use a supplement, you need to understand what you are taking and why you are taking it. When choosing your supplements, take these points into consideration. Point 1: Always take a liquid or powder form of supplementation. Avoid tablets or compacted powders as are full of packers and other artificial ingredients that your liver needs to process. Point 2: Go Raw where possible and use blended fruits or cocoa powder to flavour your protein shakes and smoothies. If your protein shake or supplement takes like its artificially flavoured, that’s because it is! Point 3: Check the ingredient label. If your list of ingredients has food codes, then you can bet there are artificial additives in there. These can cause your body more harm than good over time. Point 4: Ask yourself this question…Do I really need a supplement, or am I just looking for a quick fix? When it comes to supplementation, you need to be thinking more for the long term not the short. Herbal based supplements and Naturopathic formulas can be a great way to help achieve long term goals. Chemical based stimulants designed purely for weight loss can potentially do more harm than good.

Healthy Eating Guidelines ALL BLOOD TYPES COLOUR CODED FOOD GROUPS Proteins Meat, Poultry, Seafood & Eggs 

Aim for a minimum of 3 servings a day and choose from Organic grass-fed meats, free-range hormone-free poultry, fresh seafood, free-range organic eggs and organic additive-free protein supplements whenever possible.

Consume a mixture of both lean and fatty cuts of meat, poultry and fish. Consuming a variety of all foods from this group can provide a good source of Niacin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium and Protein.

If you would like to decrease your red meat and poultry intake, you can increase your seafood, eggs or supplement with pea and rice protein.

In addition, you can consume a larger amount of primary carbohydrates that are slightly higher in protein such as spinach, rocket, kale, broccoli, peas, and mushrooms. Nuts and seeds such as almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Tertiary carbohydrate sources such as lentils and broad beans.

Primary Carbohydrates Garden Vegetables & Leafy Greens 

Aim for a minimum of 3-4 servings a day to provide a good source of dietary fibre. You can almost eat as much as you want from this food group, as its high in fibre, high in nutritional value, and will leave you feeling full and satisfied.

The bulk of your carbohydrate intake should consist of fresh organic garden vegetables and leafy greens whenever possible. Limit the amount of vegetables you consume from the far right dark green column in the evening or near your bed time, as this is when your energy requirements are lower and any unused carbohydrate can be stored as body fat.

Consuming a variety of all foods from this group can provide a good source of Niacin, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Copper, Dietary Fibre, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Potassium Zinc and Manganese.

Secondary Carbohydrates Berries & Fruits  Consume maximum 1-2 pieces a day. Reduce when energy requirements are lower. 

Fresh and frozen fruits are healthy snacks that complement our primary food groups. They provide extra energy where needed and make the perfect pre-workout snack.

Consuming a variety of foods from this group can provide a source of Potassium, Antioxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Folate.

Tertiary Carbohydrates Grains, Cereals, Pasta, Lentils & Bread 

Aim to keep consumption of these foods to 3-4 servings a week. This food group should be used as an occasional food source that compliments the primary and secondary carbohydrate sources, so it shouldn’t dominate your daily calorie intake.

This is especially important if your goal is to lose weight. These foods can promote water retention; inflammation and a toxic build up within the body.

This can result in bloating, a poor complexion, and low energy levels.

Healthy Eating Guidelines ALL BLOOD TYPES Healthy Fats Nuts, Seeds, Animal Fat & Oils  Aim for a minimum of 3-4 servings a day. For sustained energy throughout the day and healthy skin, you should consume a generous amount of good fats from nuts, seeds, plants and animal products. 

The important rule to remember is that you need to consume a low intake of complex carbohydrates (grains) as carbohydrate and fat are BOTH an energy source.

Consuming a variety of all foods from this group can provide a source of Manganese, Magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Folate and Calcium.

Dairy Products Cheese, Milk & Yogurt  Consume dairy as an occasional food source, especially if your goal is to lose weight. Be aware of ‘low fat’ products that are high in sugars and additives. 

Dairy products can promote weight gain; lactose intolerance, inflammation and a toxic build up within the body resulting in a poor complexion and low energy levels.

You can get all your calcium requirements from consuming a good balance and quantity form the Protein, Primary Carbohydrate, Good Fats and Secondary Carbohydrate sources.

Fluids Water & Herbal Teas  Aim to consume a minimum of 3 litres every day as hydration is essential for your body and your brain to function at its peak on a daily basis. 

Choose drinks that are low in sugars and high in antioxidants, as this will boost your immune system as well as your energy levels and help flush the body of excess fluid.

Mineral water with natural flavouring is a great “fizzy” drink alternative.

Food Alkaline Chart Meats Lowest Acid  Venison, Cold Water Fish Acid  Turkey, Chicken, Lamb Most Acid  Beef, Pork, Shellfish

Vegetables Most Alkaline  Asparagus, Onions, Vegetable Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Garlic Alkaline  Squash, Green Beans, Beets, Celery, Lettuce, Zucchini, Sweet Potato, Carob Lowset Alkaline  Carrots, Tomatoes, Fresh Corn, Tofu, Mushrooms, Cabbage, Peas, Potato Skins, Olives, Soybeans Lowest Acid  Spinach, Kidney Beans, String Beans Acid  Potatoes, Pinto Beans, Navy Beans, Lima Beans Most Acid  Chocolate, Peanuts

Healthy Eating Guidelines ALL BLOOD TYPES Fruits Most Alkaline  Lemons, Watermelon, Limes, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Papayas Alkaline  Dates, Figs, Melons, Grapes, Kiwi, Apples, Blueberries, Pears, Raisins Lowest Alkaline  Oranges, Bananas, Cherries, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados Lowest Acid  Plums, Processed Fruit Juices Acid  Sour Cherries, Rhubarb Most Acid  Blackberries, Cranberries, Prunes

Grains & Cereals Lowest Alkaline  Amaranth, Millet, Wild Rice, Quinoa Lowest Acid  Sprouted Wheat, Spelt, Brown Rice Acid  White Rice, Corn, Buckwheat, Oats, Rye Most Acid  Wheat, White Flour, Pastries, Pasta

Fats, Nuts & Seeds Most Alkaline  Olive Oil Alkaline  Almonds, Flax Seed Oil Lowest Alkaline  Chestnuts, Canola Oil Lowest Acid  Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds Acid  Pecans, Cashews Most Acid  Peanuts, Walnuts Lowest Acid  Corn Oil

Eggs & Dairy Lowest Alkaline  Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Goat Milk, Cheese, Whey Lowest Acid  Eggs, Butter, Yogurt, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese Acid  Raw Milk Most Acid  Cheese, Homogenized Milk, Ice Cream

Healthy Eating Guidelines ALL BLOOD TYPES Beverages & Sweeteners Most Alkaline  Herbal Teas, Lemon Water, Stevia Alkaline  Green Tea, Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup Lowest Alkaline  Ginger Tea, Raw Honey, Raw Sugar Lowest Acid  Tea, Processed Honey, Molasses Acid  Coffee, White Sugar, Brown Sugar Most Acid  Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks, Nutra Sweet, Equal, Aspartame