GENERAL CATALOGUE S C I E N C E & N A T U R E Disclaimer. All material published on this catalogue is exclusive property of Pharmalife Research. ...
Author: Lisa Potter
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Disclaimer. All material published on this catalogue is exclusive property of Pharmalife Research. No content (including written texts, images, pictures, etc.) may be fully or partially reproduced without written authorization from Pharmalife Research. All the information inside this catalogue is addressed to the medical faculty and to professional health care providers (in relation to the Italian Legislative Decree n° 111/1992, Section 6, Paragraph 2). All of the contents given here may not be used for the public diffusion.



05 11 23 27 32 35 39 47 65 68 71 80 92 96

99 102 104 106 108 112 122 125 128 144 149 154

Introduction Babies and Children 0-12 Years Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Menopause Feminine Hygiene Psoriasis Hair Care - Hair Loss Treatment Well-Being Hair and Skin Circulatory System Officinalia Ointments Aspersina Cosmetics Herbal Spa Cosmetics Hemorrhoids Vascular Wellness


Hand Hygiene and Lip Care Sight and Microcirculation Cough Remedies - Throat Wellbeing Sun Exposure Musculoskeletal System Body Weight Control Anti-Cellulite Male/Female Vigour Mono-Concentrates Active Juices 100% Effervescent/Instant Drinks Medical Devices

Pharmalife Research: our history.

Pharmalife Research is the commercial and conceptual evolution of the “ISTITUTO DI RICERCA IN FITOTERAPIA”, an Institute of Phytotherapic Research founded in 1997 to get to know, to study deeply and to make research on herbs and their derivates. Since then, Our main goal has always been the search for new treatments based on Nature, by using precise scientific methods, in order to confirm and to support traditional, empirical activities on a scientific base. Since its origins, Pharmalife Research has based its philosophy on the concept of modern phytotherapy, which is nowadays widely accepted by the scientific community. Deriving from traditional medicine, phytotherapy has now gained the status of scientific field, thanks to the quantity and quality of available studies in this matter. In recent years, new pharmaceutical and extractive technologies were applied in producing herbal extracts. In Our preparations we focus on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the herb and on the conservation and extraction methods made on herbs after the harvesting. There are many factors that however may change according to genetic variability, methods of cultivation, harvesting time, climate etc. The cutting-edge technology used by Pharmalife Research allows the extraction of the “core” of the active ingredients coming from the herbs. This is the socalled phytocomplex, which must be purified from hazardous or useless compounds - sometimes to be found in the herb itself - according to Our qualitative standards. Using this method, the phytocomplex is soon ready to be absorbed, metabolized and used. The vegetal extracts obtained with this procedure, before being used and after the purification, are carefully named by Our internal Research&Development Department, and stan5

dardized according to the correspondent pharmacological active ingredients. This is Our way to give stability through time and it allows to maintain bioavailability for Our products. Thanks to its precise technical-scientific approach, in the last few years Pharmalife Research has been able to establish a new professional attitude in phytotherapy, to imprint a new way of “treating” Nature, and new ideas that made Our Company become one of the leaders of the sector, thanks to the absolute quality of its products. Pharmalife Research has nowadays gained the complete acknowledgement by reliable opinion leaders, thanks to the characteristics of its products, who combine natural ingredients with scientifical approach, absolutely necessary to state the uniqueness of the products themselves.

Our mission is to fulfill Our customers by satisfying a need that remained unsolved for too many years: the search for natural products for the prevention, the care and the beauty of the body. We treat products with safe and natural origin, free from those collateral effects that are typical of other synthetic products.

Bibliographic studies and research are developed directly in Our Company by a team of professionals (chemists, pharmacists and doctors), while supplementary chemical and pharmaceutical studies are carried on in cooperation with the most renowned Italian institutions in the field of Phytotherapy. Recently some of Pharmalife Research studies were published on science magazines such as PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY, LIFE SCIENCES, JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY etc. The Medline Index indicates these core magazines as “highly influential” for the scientific community. These are the publications in recent years: Firenzuoli F, Gori L, Crupi A, Neri D. “Flavonoidi: rischi o opportunità terapeutiche?“ Recenti Progressi in Medicina, 2004; 94 (7-8): 345-351 Catania MA, Firenzuoli F, Crupi A, Mannucci C, Caputi AP, Calapai G. “Hypericum perforatum attenuates nicotine withdrawal signs in mice” Psychopharmacology. 2003; 169: 186-189 Catania MA, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Parisi A, Sturiale A, Squadrito F, Caputi AP, Calapai G. ”Oral administration of a soy extract improves endothelial dysfunction in ovariectomized rats” Planta Med 2002; 68: 1142-1144 Tedici M, Scuotto S, Giraldi M, Corsi G, Magni C, Crupi A, Gori L, Firenzuoli F. “Special extract of Hypericum perforatum (Ph50) as complementary treatment in psychological therapy of tabagism dishabituation: preliminary data”. Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 108-110 Firenzuoli F, Gori L, Corti G, Batista M, Calapai G. Comparison of a “St John’s wort special herbal extract (Ph50) vs a standard extract for the treatment of depressive syndromes: a randomised controlled trial”- Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 117-120 Marzocco M, Firenzuoli F, Villari D, Li Marzi V, Della Melina A, Cecconi F, Gori L, Nicita G. “Aloe vera gel in the complementary treatment bladder carcinoma: preliminary data”. Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 90-92 Morini S, Bartoli P, Crupi A, Gori L, Firenzuoli F. ”Individuazione delle migliori condizioni 6

estrattive liquido-liquido del gel (2-etilexil)ftalato da gel di Aloe vera“ Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 93-94 Rizzo A, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Maiorca A, Catania AM, Parisi A, Sturiale A, Calapai G. ”Systemic inflammation induced by Zymosan is reduced by aloe vera”. Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 122 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Inferrera G, Squadrito F, Parisi A, De Sarro G, Caputi A. “Serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine involvement in the antidepressant action of Hypericum perforatum”. Pharmacopsychiatry 2001; 34: 45-49 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Inferrera G, Ciliberto G, Parisi A, De Sarro G, Caputi AP. ”Interleukin-6 involvement in antidepressant action of Hypericum perforatum” Pharmacopsychiatry. 2001; 34(Suppl 1): s8-s10 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Marciano MC, Squadrito F, Inferrera G, Parisi A, Rizzo A, Crisafulli C, Fiore A, Caputi AP. ”Neuroprotective effects of Ginkgo biloba extract in brain ischemia are mediated by inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis” Life Science 2000; 67: 2673-2683 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Costantino G, Inferrera G, Campo GM, Caputi AP. ”Effects of Hypericum perforatum on levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine, noradrenaline and dopamine in the cortex, diencephalon and brainstem of the rat”. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1999; 51: 723728 Cilia A, Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F. “A preliminary study of the clinical efficacy of Allerdin AS, two herbal products, on seasonal allergic rhinitis and asthma”. International Symposium on Evidence-Based Phytotherapy. October 10, 1999. S. Miniato (Pisa) – Italy, page 11 Corti G, Gori L, Firenzuoli F, Turini M. “Valutazione strumentale dell’efficacia di un preparato fitoterapico sulla iperreattività bronchiale in bambini affetti da asma lieve persistente” International Symposium on Evidence-Based Phytotherapy. October 10, 1999. S. Miniato (Pisa) – Italy, page 13 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Inferrera G,

Parisi A, Campo GM, Caputi AP. “Serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine mediation of antidepressant effects of Hypericum extracts”. International Symposium on Evidence-Based Phytotherapy. October 10, 1999. S. Miniato (Pisa) – Italy, page 14 Firenzuoli F, Gori L, Maione P, Batisti M, Corti G, Calapai G. “Potenziale nuovo trattamento fitoterapico per l’artrite reumatoide”. International Symposium on Evidence-Based Phytotherapy. October 10, 1999. S. Miniato (Pisa) – Italy, page 16

ferent concentrations of flavonoids”. J Phytotherapy. 1998; 3: 5-11 Firenzuoli F. ”Esperienza clinica con uno speciale estratto standardizzato di Hypericum perforatum (Neovita) nelle sindromi depressive”. J Phytotherapy. 1998; 3: 16-17 Firenzuoli F, Fraschini F. “Farmacotossicologia e farmacodinamica di Immunox, un estratto titolato di Uncaria tormentosa” . J Phytotherapy. 1997; 1: 1-15 Studies that are about to be published:

Gori L, Firenzuoli F. “CLA nel recupero della forza muscolare del paziente affetto da patologia osteoarticolare benigna del rachide lombosacrale sottoposto a manipolazioni vertebrali: studio randomizzato e controllato”. International Symposium on Evidence-Based Phytotherapy. October 10, 1999. S. Miniato (Pisa) – Italy, page 17 Gori L, Firenzuoli F. ”Phytotherapy in benign osteoarticular vertebral disease: a randomised clinical study in patients treated with chiropractic vertebral manipulations”. G Ital Riflessot Agopunt. 1998; 10(2): 81-85 (with English translation) Corti G. “Prevenzione delle infezioni respiratorie ricorrenti (IRR) in bambini di età prescolare con un fitoterapico immunomodulante (Immuno Plus) vs un lisato batterico orale” Tesi finale Scuola di Formazione in Fitoterapia, Azienda USL 11, Empoli (FI) – Italy Firenzuoli F. “Impiego clinico di uno speciale estratto di Uncaria tomentosa Willd. DC (Immuno Plus”)”. J Phytotherapy. 1998; 4: 3-5 Firenzuoli F. “Utilizzo in dermatologia di un particolare estratto di Uncaria tormentosa (Immuno Plus)”. J Phytotherapy. 1998; 4: 6 Firenzuoli F. ”Malattie autoimmuni ed urogenitali trattate con Immuno Plus”. J Phytotherapy. 1998; 4: 7 Firenzuoli F. “Studio clinico randomizzato con un estratto di Uncaria tomentosa vs Croton le cleri”. J Phytotherapy. 1998; 4: 8-9 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Campo GM, Costantino G, De Sarro G. “Antidepressant activity of extracts of Hypericum containing dif-

Firenzuoli F. Treatment of panic attacks with a special extract of Hypericum perforatum L. (Ph50, Neovita).Corti G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F. Phytotherapy of sleep disorders in children. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy; Corti G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F. Phytotherapy in irritable children. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy. Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Catania MA, Squadrito F, Caputi AP. Isoflavoni della soia e disfunzione endoteliale in ratte ovariectomizzate. Departement of Pharmacology, University of Messina, Italy; Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy Firenzuoli F. A special Hypericum perforatum herbal extract (Ph50, Neovita) for treatment of panic disorder. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy Firenzuoli F. The safety and cholesterol-lowering effectiveness of an Artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus L.) with high concentration of flavonoids and caffeoylquinic acids (Biosterol). Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy Firenzuoli F. Controlled clinical study on the biological activity of a phytotherapeutic preparation (Rinfoltil) in subjects affected by androgenetic alopecia. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy In vitro evaluation of the inhibiting effect of 7

Saw palmetto lipidic sterolic extract on 5-alphareductase activity in human dermal fibroblasts. Carried out by Biopredic for Pharmalife Research srl, Lecco, Italy Firenzuoli F. Evaluation on the activity of Assorbipure and chitosan. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy Firenzuoli F. Tris Kalory as a weight reducer in patients with moderate obesity. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy Firenzuoli F. Use of a dietetic food supplement on vegetable base (Tris Diet) for the reduction of body weight and of adiposus-fibrosclerotic paniculus-pathy. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy Firenzuoli F. Clinical trial: Fanghi di Kitosnelle, Formula Seno. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy Firenzuoli F. Clinical trial: Fanghi di Kitosnelle, Formula Smagliature. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy Firenzuoli F. Clinical trial: Fanghi di Kitosnelle, Trattamento Urto Effetto Fresco. Phytotherapy Service, S. Giuseppe Hospital, Empoli (FI), Italy Marzatico F. Valutazione dell’attività cosmetica “anticellulite” su un prodotto cosmetico, mediante test clinico ed uso di telecamera a luce polarizzata (Evaluation of the “anti-cellulite” power of a cosmetic product through a clinical test and use of a polarised light telecamera). Department of Physio-pharmacological Sciences, University of Pavia, Italy; BioBasic Europe, Milano, Italy


Pharmalife Research, a window on the world.

Thanks to its dynamism, to its entrepreneurial spirit and to the quality of its products, Pharmalife Research is present all over the world, in the following countries: AFRICA Algeria Mayotte Marocco Reunion Island Tunisia

EUROPA Albania Belgium Bosnia Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic France Hungary Italy Kosovo Macedonia Montenegro Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine United Kingdom

ASIA Azerbaijan Bahrain Iran Israel Kazakhstan Kurdistan-Iraq Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria Turkey United Arab Emirates


AMERICA French West Indies French Guiana St Barthelemy St Martin

OCEANIA New Caledonia Tahiti


Nature is children’s best friend.

A line of tasty, pleasant and safe products for your baby’s health.




USE: from 6 months to 12 years

FLUID CONCENTRATE Food supplement with Pollen and plant extracts.

STIMULATES THE APPETITE NATURALLY INGREDIENTS: demineralised water, fructose, concentrated apple juice, Pollen hydroglyceric extract, Wheat Germ (Triticum aestivum) hydroglyceric extract. Great yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea) hydroglyceric extract, Centaury (Centaurium minus) hydroglyceric extract, Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) dry extract, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidifier: citric acid. APPETITO is a preparation obtained from plant extracts, subjected to rigorous quality controls; it is indicated for appetite stimulation and to improve and aid a balanced intake of energy and toning nutritional foods.

RECOMMENDED DOSE: 2-3 tablespoons should be taken per day, preferably before meals. Product notified to the Italian Ministry of Public Health

NUTRITIONAL VALUES (Average) Per 100 ml per 3 tablespoons (45 ml) Energy Kcal 172.18 77.48 kJ 731.74 329.28 Proteins g 1 0.45 Carbohydrates g 42 18.9 Fats g 0.02 0.009 Pollen hydrogl. extr. g 2 0.9 Wheat germ h.e. g 2 0.9 G. Y. Gentian h.e. g 1.5 0.67 Centaury h.e. g 1.5 0.67 Fenugreek dry extr. g 0.5 0.22

Package 200 ml


Ferro C

USE: from 6 months to 12 years

FLUID CONCENTRATE Food iron supplement with zinc, copper, vitamin C, vitamin B12 and plant extracts.

IRON AND VITAMINS FOR A NATURAL GROWTH • MAXIMUM GASTRIC TOLERABILITY INGREDIENTS: demineralised water, fructose, concentrated apple juice, Chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita) dry extract, iron gluconate, zinc gluconate, Acerola (Malpighia glabra) dry extract, vitamin C, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidifier: citric acid, copper gluconate, vitamin B12.

RECOMMENDED DOSE: 2 tablespoons should be taken per day. FERRO C can be taken as it is or diluted in water or another beverage (milk, chamomile, tea, juice, etc.).


NUTRITIONAL VALUES (Average) per 100 ml per 1 tablespoons RDA* (30 ml) Energy kcal 162 48.6 kJ 687 206 Proteins g 0,3 0.09 Carbohydrates g 40 12 Fats g

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