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CONTENTS Essays Contribution à la théorie du baiser Manifeste hédoniste Manifeste féministe Les Nouveaux Terroristes Le Choc des révolutions arabes Zones grises Eurasie, le nouveau grand jeu Musiciennes Tokyo Sisters Ce que soulève la jupe Les Lascars

Alexandre Lacroix Michel Onfray Laure Adler Mathieu Guidère Mathieu Guidère Gaïdz Minassian Gaïdz Minassian Hyacinthe Ravet Raphaëlle Choël & Julie Rovéro-Carrez Christine Bard Marc Hatzfeld

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Literature Les Heures silencieuses Mots de tête Tout un homme Dans un livre j’ai lu que…

Gaëlle Josse Dominique Resch Jean-Paul Wenzel Eugène

16 17 18 19

History Guide historique d’Auschwitz Triangle rose L’Invention de la culture hétérosexuelle

Jean-François Forges & Pierre-Jérôme Biscarat Régis Schlagdenhauffen Louis-Georges Tin

20 21 22

Atlas – Geography & History Atlas de l’Italie contemporaine Atlas de l’Allemagne Atlas de l’Océanie Atlas géopolitique du Royaume-Uni Atlas géopolitique d’Israël Atlas des Palestiniens Atlas de Paris Atlas de Mexico Atlas de Séoul

Aurélien Delpirou et Stéphane Mourlane Michel Deshaies Fabrice Argounes ; Sarah Mohamed-Gaillars & Luc Vacher Mark Bailoni & Delphine Papin Frédéric Encel Jean-Paul Chagnollaud & Sid-Amed Souiah Antoine Brès & Thierry Sanjuan Antonine Ribardière & Bernard Tallet Valérie Gelézeau

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Atlas des énergies mondiales Atlas mondial du nucléaire Alas des villes durables Atlas de l’agriculture Atlas mondial des cuisines et gastronomies Atlas mondial des vins Atlas du sport mondial

Bertrand Barré & Bernadette Mérenne-Schoumaker Bruno Tertrais Laure Flavigny Jean-Paul Charvet Gilles Fumet & Olivier Etcheverria Raphaël Schirmer & Hélène Vélasco-Graciet Pascal Gillon ; Loïc Ravenel & Frédéric Grosjean

32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Grand Atlas de l’histoire de France Atlas de la Révolution française Atlas du monde hellénistique

Jean Boutier ; Olivier Guyotjeannin & Gilles Pécout 39 Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire ; Silvia Marzagalli & Guillaume Balavoine 40 Laurianne Sève 41

Index – Authors & Titles




Alexandre Lacroix

Contribution à la théorie du baiser A Contribution to the Theory of the Kiss


All lovers exchange kisses on the mouth, and there are some kisses that mark you for life. But why? Alexandre Lacroix embarks on an investigation drawing on his own memories but also referring to the history of art and metaphysics, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood… “One December evening, my wife drew near me and made a reproach that she has directed at me countless times: ‘You never kiss me enough!’ She went on: ‘You’re so insipid. Why don’t you ever think of taking me into your arms just to kiss me?” As per my usual response to these words, I did nothing more than shrug my shoulders. But a little later in the evening, after she had gone to bed and I was whiling away hours on my computer, I typed out a series of reflections on the kiss that would become the first chapter of this book. Where did I stand with the kiss? What was it about this utterly simple gesture that caused me to see it as useless or difficult? The next day, while reading over what I had written, I felt that I had touched upon a deeper subject than may initially appear…” This investigation led the author to travel through his souvenirs, to ponder upon the role played by kisses throughout a lifetime, from adolescence to conjugal love, but also to explore a little-known aspect of the history of the West. At times, Lacroix shares his personal memories (a kiss between children, his first kiss as a high-school student on board a ferry heading to England…), at other times he examines the kiss in the light of the arts and history. The history of the kiss he presents is fascinating. Making his way through Antiquity, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the 20th century, he unveils to us different facets of the kiss through the prism of the arts: poetry, painting, literature, film (during the period when censorship was strident)… By focusing exclusively on the romantic kiss, Alexandre Lacroix offers us an intimate and lively essay that scorns the exhaustiveness and encyclopaedic detail of rival works. THE AUTHOR

Alexandre Lacroix is editor-in-chief of Philosophie Magazine, and teaches at Sciences Po. Paris. He has written numerous novels and essays, chiefly published by Flammarion. He is editing Autrement’s new series entitled: “Morales” whose first titles will be published in 2012. KEY SELLING POINTS • An

intimate and lively literary essay on the romantic kiss. work by Alexandre Lacroix stands out from others on the subject that take a more encyclopaedic approach. The aim here is not to notch up references but to discern the existential importance of this gesture. • This



Michel Onfray

Manifeste hédoniste A Hedonistic Manifesto


An opportunity to know more about friendship relations and the favourite of the most popular French intellectual. Le Point

Michel Onfray presents, in the first part of this work, a summary of his philosophy. He then opens the doors of his universe to numerous intellectuals and artists from different horizons, who dialogue with him, deliver their vision of hedonism in articles written by them, interviews, portfolios of illustrations or photographs, reports or joint interviews. Le Manifeste hédoniste allows us to discover the intellectual and artistic universe of one of the most popular philosophers today. “Hedonistic philosophy is a psychological, ethical, erotic, aesthetic, bioethical, political proposition... It proposes (and advocates), in the same way as Epicure and the epicureans, but also and above all Lucretius, a discourse on the nature of things, so that each one of us may find his or her own role in a nature, a world, a cosmos, with the prospect of a successful life – the successful life being defined as the one that we would like to relive if it were possible for us to live another one. With this in mind, let us determine here and now what we would like to see repeated in the hypothesis of an eternal return.” THE CONTRIBUTORS

Ingrid Astier, author; Jean-Paul Enthoven, writer and editor; Gérard Garouste, painter and sculptor; Alain Jugnon, philosopher; Juliette, author-composer-performer; Titouan Lamazou, artist and writer; Jean Lambert-Wild, director of the Comédie de Caen; Jean Lhéritier, president of Slow Food France; Jean-Luc Mélenchon, politician; Robert Misrahi, philosopher; Ernest Pignon-Ernest, artist; Bettina Rheims, photographer; Université Populaire de Caen. THE AUTHOR

Michel Onfray, philosopher, has always placed hedonism and atheism at the heart of his work. Founder of the Université Populaire de Caen (2002) then the Université Populaire du Goût in Argentan (2006), he is also known for his lectures on the counter-history of philosophy, regularly broadcast on France Culture radio station. MANIFESTO SERIES

Le Manifeste hédoniste by Michel Onfray inaugurates a new collection to which three to four titles will be added every year: the “Manifeste” collection. The underlying idea is for selected personalities to defend a value or personal commitment in a short text or a long interview, and then to gather written or illustrated contributions by authors, artists, cultural or on-the-ground figures whom they admire, who have inspired their work, and who, in their own paths, echo the idea being defended. A new collection that veers off the beaten track of traditional essays. 6


Laure Adler

Manifeste féministe A Feminist Manifesto MANIFESTO SERIES


A chosen personality stands up for a specified value, gathering the views of authors, artists, philosophers or movers and shakers who at some point have inspired his or her work and imagination while reflecting the idea being defended. In this second opus from the “Manifesto” series, Laure Adler chooses to speak about women and feminism through male eyes or deeds. How have men been involved in the cause of women from the early moments of feminism until today? To further her observations, Laure Adler summons intellectuals and artists from different domains, each with a word to say on the matter: Pap N’Diaye on the emancipation of black women, Stéphane Hessel on women in the French Resistance, François Ozon on women in the world of film, Lionel Jospin who introduced equal representation to the French National Assembly… THE CONTRIBUTORS

Christian Boltanski, plastic artist ; Edgar Morin, sociologist & philosopher ; Peter Sloterdijk, philosopher and essayist ; Jacques Rancière, philosopher ; François Ozon, filmmaker ; Pierre Michon, writer ; Stéphane Hessel, diplomat and political activist, former French Resistance fighter ; Philippe Katerine, author-composer-singer ; Lionel Jospin, politician ; René Frydman, obstetrician ; Amartya Sen, economist ; Christian Lacroix, haute couture designer ; Denis Roche, writer & photographer ; Pap N’Diaye, historian, specialist on black politics in France ; Alain Platel, director & choreographer ; Nikita from STRASS (a sex worker syndicate) ; Paul Rondin, director of the Théâtre de l’Odéon. THE AUTHOR

Laure Adler is a historian, journalist, author and producer. Since completing a thesis on nineteenth-century feminists, she has published numerous works – essays and biographies – on women. Already published: L’Année des adieux (Flammarion, 2011); Françoise (Grasset, 2011); L’Insoumise, Simone Weil (Actes Sud, 2008); Marguerite Duras (Gallimard, 1998); Sur les femmes: les femmes qui lisent sont dangereuses, co-written by S. Bollamnn (Flammarion, 2006); Les Femmes politiques (Le Seuil, 1994). KEY SELLING POINTS • Laure Adler tackles the theme of feminism in an original manner by inviting men only to discuss the topic. • Leading figures share their views on women, each from the perspective of his own domain.



Mathieu Guidère

Les Nouveaux Terroristes The New Terrorists


The mention of terrorism is usually associated with Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden. Terrorism is, however, changing, along with its actors. Bin Laden has become little more than an icon revered by some who go so far as tattooing his portrait on their arms. Al-Qaeda has become a source of inspiration for a radicalised new generation. Who are these new terrorists? How do they relate to Al-Qaeda? The fi rst characteristic of these terrorists is their solitary, isolated nature. It is on the Internet that they prepare, communicating virtually with Al-Qaeda. This method allows any sympathiser in the world to make a name for them self, and increase the impact of the organisation. And surprisingly, Al-Qaeda is attracting more and more women. Mathieu Guidère cites several examples, including the American ‘Jihad Jane’, who recruited future terrorists on the Net. A fascinating book, by a specialist of the Muslim world. THE AUTHOR

Mathieu Guidère is a professor at the University of Geneva in Switzerland and a former resident professor at the École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr (Saint-Cyr Special Military School in France). He has the highest postgraduate qualifi cation in Arabic, is a specialist on the Muslim world, and the author of several works on terrorism. He also works for the media as an expert consultant on geopolitics and public opinion in the Middle-East.



Mathieu Guidère

Le Choc des révolutions arabes The Shock of the Arab Revolutions


The Arab revolutions marking the start of the 21st century are historic in that they have overturned the regional and international geopolitical hand of cards. No one in the West anticipated such an upset, especially in so short a time, toppling regimes considered up to that point as stable and enduring – namely because of a complete lack of discernment concerning the reality on the other side of the Mediterranean. Our surprise is thus as great as our unfamiliarity with the Arab world, perceived and judged according to Western reading grids that mask the specificities and dynamics of the peoples and societies neighbouring them. Based on reviews of the domestic situation within each country, this book offers the originality of shedding light on the new Arab world being constructed before our eyes. The author, an intelligence analyst specialising in terrorism prevention, is well placed for explaining the real forces at work in these different countries – twenty-two in all – and offers the keys to a fascinating and relevant geopolitical forecast. THE AUTHOR

Mathieu Guidère is the author of several reference works on terrorism and radical groups in the world, including: Le Manuel de recrutement d’Al-Qaïda (Seuil, 2006), Al-Qaïda à la conquête du Maghreb, (Le Rocher, 2007), and Les Nouveaux terroristes (Autrement, 2010). KEY SELLING POINTS • 22 Arab countries are placed under the microscope by the author who

presents the forces within: the army, tribes and Islamists. An investigation into the heart of the Arab world that overturns the way in which the “current revolutions” may be deciphered. • A forecast based on the clash of perceptions: how do Arabs perceive Westerners, how do we perceive them, and above all, how does each of us perceive world events? •



Gaïdz Minassian

Zones grises Espaces dérégulés, zones de non-droit, quand les Etats perdent le contrôle Grey Zones Deregulated Zones, Lawless Zones, When States Lose Control


They are expanding all over the surface of the globe, they destabilise the State model, they rock those powers forced to negotiate with them, and they stir the drums of war. The name “grey zone” alludes to the fact that they straddle the borderline between the legal and the illegal, the tangible and the imaginary, immediacy and distance. These grey zones, blends of public spaces and neglected areas uncluttered by the slightest semblance of legal rules, are growing in number as societies contest State supremacy and latch onto State failures. They are springing up all over the planet, in rich countries and poor, within authoritarian or democratic societies, and even at the gates of Western capital cities. The outskirts of certain urban pockets in developed countries are gradually turning into zones now devoid of the vital structures of social and territorial cohesion, starting with local public services. Are grey zones harbingers of chaos? At times they may bear the seeds of war, but at others, they aspire to the virtues of legality and legitimacy. Are States responsible for their propagation? All these issues are tackled in this book divided into two parts: the first part focuses on theoretical aspects of the very notion of “grey zones”, their links to the international system, their sociogenesis and multiple facets; the second part, from a more practical perspective, presents concrete examples. THE AUTHOR

Gaïdz Minassian, holder of a doctorate in political science, is an associate researcher at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique and teaches at Sciences Po. A journalist for, he is also the author of Caucase du sud, la nouvelle guerre froide (Autrement, 2007) and the editor of Eurasie, au cœur de la stratégie mondiale (Autrement, 2011). KEY SELLING POINTS

An endeavour to define and clearly present a phenomenon with an impact on our liberty, our security and our future. • A new perspective on grey zones that goes against the grain of the dominant trend in favour of their systematic eradication without understanding their social reality. • A positive approach to a problem with encouraging prospects for the reintegration of these social spaces. • Explores concrete examples. •



Gaïdz Minassian

Eurasie, au cœur de la sécurité mondiale Eurasia, in the Heart of Mondial Security


A must-have to understand how this zone straddling Europe and Asia has become more than ever a crucial issue on global security. Libération

Eurasia designates the stretch of land extending from Europe to Central Asia. Why does this strategic space stand out in the way the world currently works? The Eurasian zone fuels competition between powers (United States, Russia, China, Turkey, EU) vying to control mineral wealth. But the Eurasian space is not just a territory where the rivalries of powers are played out. It is a sphere of markets in transition, societies in the process of democratisation or under the strict surveillance of regimes in place and finally, a socio-cultural arena featuring strong personalities, where the culture variable also explains the nature of conflicts. An emerging space, Eurasia remains ignored by the general public, or else the object of dualistic approaches where the energy prism seems to sum up everything – a reductive approach revealing a general lack of understanding of the world filing before our eyes. Energy supplies for Europe, peace and security between powers (United States, Russia, EU, China), regional rivalries (Iran, Turkey, Pakistan), an ongoing series of wars and conflicts... Security, liberty and peace are at stake in this part of the world at this very moment. This is precisely what this work demonstrates. THE AUTHOR

Gaïdz Minassian, the editor of the work, has a doctorate in political science, and is a research associate at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique and a lecturer at Sciences Po. A journalist for, he is the author of Caucase du sud, la nouvelle guerre froide (Autrement, 2007). With contributions from top specialists: Hamit Bozarslan, Vicken Cheterian, Patrice Claude, Jean-Marie Dauger, Laure Delcour, Arnaud Dubien, Vincent Duclert, Frédéric Encel, Isabelle Facon, Adrien Fauve, Gaël Gaballand, Régis Genté, Richard Giragossian, Frédérique Guérin, Annie Jafalian, Thierry Kellner, Marlène Laruelle, Juliette Le Doré, Anne-Marie Le Gloannec, Michel Marian, François Nicoullaud, Bernard Outtier, Sébastien Peyrouse, Edouard Pfimlin, Jean-Christophe Romer, Dorothée Schmid, Sophie Shihab, Clément Therme, Sophie Tournon, Charles Urjewicz, Laurent Vinatier. KEY SELLING POINTS • Contributions from top specialists (researchers from major French think

tanks on international relations), experts or foreign correspondents. The first comprehensive reference work on a little-known zone, a geopolitical pivot in the world of today and tomorrow. • A bibliography, chronology, key figures and maps make this work into a genuine tool. •



Hyacinthe Ravet

Musiciennes Enquête sur les femmes et la musique Female Musicians An Investigation into Women and Music


The facts speak for themselves. The centre stage may feature wildly acclaimed divas, adored female pop singers, or much-admired longhaired female pianists. But we never see symphony orchestras steered by the batons of female conductors. Females make up the bulk of students in music schools and conservatories, and there is no shortage of female amateur musicians and teachers. But music performance is one of those domains where the feminine touch is the rarest. How and since when have women become successful in music professions? And at the price of what difficulties in particular? What role have they carved out for themselves today in this performance art that some consider to be highly “masculine”? Sociologist and musician Hyacinthe Ravet points out the extent to which the definitions of “masculine” and “feminine” shape music career paths and contribute to an evolving distribution of male and female roles where high stakes nevertheless persist in terms of symbolism and power. Can women be recognised as creators on the same par as men? In this in-depth and exhilarating study, blending historical research, a presentation of the current situation backed up by figures and detailed interviews, the author reveals that music – omnipresent in our society – speaks loudly about our hopes and reservations regarding “equality” in all domains and at all levels. THE AUTHOR

Hyacinthe Ravet is a sociologist, musician, and lecturer at the University Sorbonne-Paris-IV. She is also the author of numerous articles combining analysis of the sociology of the arts, work and gender. KEY SELLING POINTS •A

lively investigation presented in an upbeat style. original subject. • Ongoing topicality of male-female equality. • An



Raphaëlle Choël & Julie Rovéro-Carrez

Tokyo Sisters Dans l’intimité des femmes japonaises Tokyo Sisters In the Intimacy of Japanese Women


The city of Tokyo is presented here in the form of intimate chronicles through more than 50 interviews with Japanese women. Shoes worn out from striding down city streets, the streets themselves, observations, whispered secrets, interviews, experiences, shared moments and notebook scribblings. 54 months in Tokyo, over 50 women interviewed: married and single, housewives and businesswomen, femmes fatales and submissive women; together they constitute a panel representing women aged 15 to 60. With these testimonies, Raphaëlle Choël and Julie Rovéro-Carrez seek to show the city of Tokyo through the eyes of its inhabitants. Beyond clichés and preconceptions, these encounters covering issues as varied as fashion, gastronomy, art, the sex industry, religion, the education of children, the body and leisure activities invite readers to penetrate the Japanese universe. An original angle that complements academic analyses. THE AUTHORS

Raphaëlle Choël is a graduate of ESSEC (Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales – Advanced School of Economic and Commercial Sciences) and the Political Science school in Paris. She works as a journalist for television and the press, and is currently based in London. Julie Rovéro-Carrez organises contemporary art events and works with the press.



Christine Bard

Ce que soulève la jupe Identités, transgressions, résistances The Issues Raised by Skirts Identities, Transgressions, Resistance


It’s short, concise and to the point. A small handbook about feminism as we like it. Grazia A standard reference tracing the history of women and examined by the feminist-looking historian Christine Bard. A work of great explanation. Libération


A brief history of the skirt since the 1960’s by a feminist historian. From the suit skirt to the punk skirt, from the miniskirt to the kilt, worn to seduce, to provoke, or to hide, Christine Bard ponders this controversial garment and the claim for a new kind of freedom for men. While the skirt was long endured and experienced as a way of enforcing femininity, it has been reclaimed, by women, but also by men, gay and straight. A new feminine banner for some, an instrument of liberation for others. Is the skirt necessarily a sign of submission to the male order? To resist stigmatisation and sexism, why do certain girls go for the skirt, while others opt for trousers and other still the veil. And what of the skirt for men, as proposed by Jean-Paul Gautier, for example? Straight-forward provocation, or a desire for equal opportunities? Clearly, the skirt and other sartorial questions are at the heart of the gender identity debate for a new generation: the children and grandchildren of 68, straight, gay, bi, transvestites and transsexuals. Complex contemporary changes are analysed in a witty, sharp and precise way. A lively, politically engaged text written in the first person by a well-established historian. THE AUTHOR

Christine Bard is a French historian. A university professor, she is also the scientific coordinator of Musea, a website, or ‘virtual museum’ of the history of women and gender, edited by the University of Angers.


Marc Hatzfeld

Les Lascars Une jeunesse en colère Rascals The Youth in Anger


Juvenile transgression is not a new phenomenon. On the contrary, it has been fundamental since the dawn of time: Eve and Adam’s fault, or Romeo’s murderous passion, are some of the admirable acts which led to emancipation. The usual speech concerning the ‘rising of violence and antisocial behaviour amongst young people’ thus appears as a big misunderstanding. It is bound to remain a vain dialogue, the outcome of which is determined by fear, by a justifi ed worry for the future, and by a doubt concerning the legitimacy of the law… This book brings a philosophical and political signifi cance to the stagnant debate about the way to deal with juvenile delinquency. Its crafted style invites us to listen to the young rebels and fi nally convinces us to do so. This original book helps to change mentalities. It is written in a captivating style. THE AUTHOR

Marc Hatzfeld is a sociologist and ethnologist. For a long time he has accurately observed suburbs in France, but also in Japan, India, the Ivory Coast… For all these subjects and for others, he enhances the fertility of margins.



Gaëlle Josse

Les Heures silencieuses The Hours of Silence


Extremely subtle, Les Heures silencieuses are truly entrancing. Madame Figaro Under a thin coat of simplicity, this life crumbles and moves us deeply. A unique novel, subtle and delicate. L’Est républicain A nice smell of extreme freshness and odd serenity. Le Matricule des anges

Delft, 1667. Behind the apparent calm of a Dutch interior scene, the intimate vacillations of Magdalena van Beyeren. Magdalena is the wife of Pieter van Beyeren, an administrator in the Dutch East Indies Company. Born into a family of wealthy ship owners, Magdalena is rigorous, a stickler for order and thrift, mistress of herself and her hearth. She could have succeeded her father if only trade were not reserved to men, and the place of women in the home. It is to an interior space that she seems to withdraw. An interior where she was portrayed from behind, at her harpsichord, near a window casting light on a succession of rooms exuding calm, on a painting of almost unreal charm produced by an artist of the time, Emanuel de Witt. This decor holds secrets that are delivered in Magdalena’s diary. Her disappointment in not being able to succeed her father who had no male heir. Her meeting with Pieter. All the intimate cracks in her existence. One memory oppresses her, fills her nights with anguish: the murder that she witnessed as a child. And other misfortunes surrounding her. Her sister Judith, who mopes at not being able to bear a child. Her daughters Catherina and Elisabeth, for whom Magdalena is mulling over delicate unions to be arranged. Finally, her own fate as a wife when Pieter brutally decides to renounce all fleshly relations with her so as not to risk losing her in childbirth. Intermingling with these personal anxieties is a narrative on the efforts of a family of ship owners to preserve their wellbeing. “Order, moderation and work are ramparts against the predicaments of existence. This is what we learn from childhood onwards. It is vain to believe this. Every day that passes reminds me, as if I needed reminding, that the management of a life is nothing like that of a stock of spices or porcelain. What we endeavour to construct around us resembles the dikes that men build to prevent the sea from submerging us. They are fragile edifices played with by the elements. They always need to be strengthened or rebuilt. Less resistant than these is the heart of man, I fear.” THE AUTHOR

Gaëlle Josse was born in 1960. Following studies in law, journalism, psychology, and a few years spent in New Caledonia, she now works as a writer for a magazine in Paris and lives in the Paris region. She has published poems in numerous journals and is the author of several poetry collections. ( Les Heures silencieuses is her first novel. KEY SELLING POINTS • This superb portrayal of the Dutch Golden Age is nevertheless not a his-


torical novel but rather a diary, the self-portrait of a woman. • Balanced, precise, luminous, elegant writing: a text whose form is a perfect match for the content. • A true writer’s talent emerges in this faultless gem of a text.


Dominique Resch

Mots de tête Marseille Schooldays


A hymn to teaching in those so-called areas with a high level of social problems. Le Figaro littéraire

The everyday adventures in a high-school in the north of Marseille. Dominique Resch follows the life of a teacher, himself, sometimes saying “I”, sometimes “he”, depending on whether he writes from his own perspective or that of his pupils, Tonio, Nadir, Jérémy and others… The tone is lively, exuberant, and full of humour. The result: moving, sparkling, jubilant! Throughout the text, Dominique Resch presents moments of grace, little nuggets from his life as a teacher. He shares with readers the excitement of the clashes between football teams OM and PSG that pace the class’s life, the awakening of his taste buds thanks to Hafoussouate’s samosas, the misguided school inspector thrown out of the establishment by a colleague, the rehearsals of Cyrano de Bergerac repeatedly interrupted by Tonio, a bicycle race during an excursion to Aix which ends with the teenagers hurtling onto a film set while Charlotte Gainsbourg is in front of the camera… While his pupils make fun of the French language, Dominique Resch has fun with it, hilariously taking words apart. THE AUTHOR

Dominique Resch is a teacher of French, history, geography and civics in a vocational high-school in the north of Marseille. Already published: Les Poules (Transbordeurs, 2006; Anota, 2009); Pédiluve et bénitier (Transbordeurs, 2007; Anota, 2009); Le Pouce d’un autre (Anota, 2009). KEY SELLING POINTS • The previous works by Dominique Resch have been hailed by the press, namely by Olivia de Lamberterie in Elle. • Finally, a book from a teacher who, despite tensions and daily turbulence, loves his students and profession. His hope is truly heart-warming! • Quirky in tone. • A savvy combination of humour and tenderness.



Jean-Paul Wenzel

Tout un homme A Complete Man


The departure from one’s country, the crossing, the arrival in France, Lorraine, the cold, the mines, the first descent to the bottom of the pit, the fear, the solidarity, the parties, the quarrels, the accidents, the noise, the dust, the children, the women, the strikes... His name is Ahmed. At the age of sixteen, he left the Kabylie of his birth and set off for France. The year was 1963. This was the start of an epic adventure leading him from Algiers to Marseille, from Marseille to Paris, from Paris to Lorraine, where he would meet the sparkling gaze of Leïla, daughter of Mohamed, a pit worker arriving in Lorraine in 1947 who would find Ahmed a job at the mine. Their names are Saïd and Omar, two inseparable friends from Assoul, a village at the south of Morocco. The year was 1973. They were almost 19 years old. One day, a rumour spread throughout the surrounding villages: “44 francs a day, free housing, France is hiring workers!”. A few thousand young people gathered in Ouarzazate where they waited for one of the colonial old hands recruited by the Houillères Coalmines to reach them and, with a nod of head, place a green stamp on their chest or arm, a crucial door-opener for accessing this “Eldorado”. Ahmed, Mohamed, Leila, Saïd, Omar and others, are fictional characters invented by J.-P. Wenzel to serve his narrative. The tumultuous, comical or tragic episodes in their lives are enriched by encounters made by the author in Lorraine and interviews he conducted with North African miners and their families. THE AUTHOR

Actor (he has notably worked with Peter Brook), author and stage director, Jean-Paul Wenzel regularly intervenes as a stage director in acting schools, chiefly the Conservatoire National d’Art Dramatique de Paris, the École Supérieure d’Art Dramatique du TNS, the École du Théâtre du Nord in Lille, the Conservatoire de Genève, the École de la Comédie de St-Etienne, and the École du TNB in Rennes (where he was a pedagogical director between1995 and 2000). KEY SELLING POINTS • The writing of J.-P. Wenzel is enhanced by the considerable energy and evocative power of the words of these men and women. • A stage version of these stories is currently touring Lorraine. It has met with success, and a national production is envisaged in 2011. • A text of great humanity, strength and sensitivity.




Dans un livre, j’ai lu que… I Read in a Book That…


To be devoured with a greedy curiosity. The author examines a wide range of fields. 24 Heures

“Here are hundreds of stories about books gleaned from books. We learn of an itinerant library where books are arranged in alphabetical order on four hundred camels, the delicately over-dimensioned ego of Victor Hugo who chose as his motto “EGO HUGO”, newspapers printed on rubber, the only text written on Jesus during his lifetime, the environmental catastrophe triggered by a philanthropic society that decided to introduce to the United States all the birds mentioned by Shakespeare, as well as the common link between Stephan Zweig, James Joyce, Thomas Mann, Bertolt Brecht and… Lenin. Need it be pointed out that all these are true stories? A voyage full of humour and erudition to the land of words”. A collection of literary miscellanea to browse through: anecdotes on wordplays, surrealistic rapprochements, inverted aphorisms, insightful and uncanny observations, like a pile of pebbles in surprising shapes garnered from the path of books... Surprises on every page! THE AUTHOR

The author is “Eugène”. Swiss writer Eugène Meiltz signs this book by his first name alone. Under his full name, he has chiefly published Pamukalie, pays fabuleux – the first guide on a non-existent country –, (Autrement, 2003) and Voyage en Abécédie, (Autrement Jeunesse, 2001). KEY SELLING POINTS •A

patiently assembled collection of tiny reading pleasures to share. • A book for all book lovers, about the pleasure of words, reading, literature… • A competition open to the public has been launched, with a media partner: participants are invited to send their own anecdotes following the same style; entries chosen by Eugène will make up a “tome 2”, to be published in 2012, and signed by the names of participants.



Pierre-Jérôme Biscarat, Jean-François Forges Photos: Léa Eouzan | Cartography: Madeleine Benoît-Guyod

Guide historique d’Auschwitz Historical Guide to Auschwitz


A new and clever way to hand down the memory of this horrendous place. Le Point

The concentration camps of Auschwitz, Birkenau, Monowitz and their kommandos, along with the Birkenau extermination centre, are wellknown historical elements branded on the collective memory. While some of these places are nonetheless disappearing with the passing of time and the development of Poland’s society and economy, others are being restored and marked with monuments and museums. Every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors go to Auschwitz. By exploring the location and buildings, suggesting itineraries and, in the last part, evoking the traces of the Jewish community of Krakow, this book intends to afford a better understanding of Auschwitz and the images we see of it. Indeed, only a rigorously factual history can ensure the preservation of its memory and accompany the irreplaceable humanity of survivors’ stories. 15 maps were drawn and 50 photos taken especially for this book, which also includes 20 archival documents and a dozen extracts of personal accounts. THE AUTHORS

Pierre-Jérôme Biscarat is a member of the pedagogical service of the Maison d’Izieu (Izieu House) and of the scientifi c council of the Mémorial de Caen (Caen Memorial). Jean-François Forges teaches history. A member of the Pedagogy and Training commission of the Mémorial de la Shoah (Shoah Memorial), he makes frequent interventions on the problem of transmitting the memory and the history of the concentration camp regime. With a preface by Simone Veil and a foreword by Piotr Cywinski, director of the Musée d’État d’Auschwitz.



Régis Schlagdenhauffen Preface by Annette Wieviorka

Triangle rose La persécution nazie des homosexuels et sa mémoire Pink Triangle The Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals and Its Memory


For the first time, an uncompromising overall view of the deportations of homosexuals with scientific precise data. Têtu

Since the 1970s, the deportation of the homosexuals has become a subject of commemoration and assertion of its identity for the homosexual community. In New York, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam and other places, the pink triangle is brandished during demonstrations to commemorate the martyrs of the group, in remembrance of what happened, or to defend homosexual rights. The want of recognition was often taken the wrong way by the authorities and some of the former deported people such as Jews or political men… This work relates the history of the homosexual deportation and of its commemoration. In Berlin, Paris and Amsterdam, Régis Schlagdenhauffen has worked on deportation archives, attended commemorations, investigated on monuments construction, financing and conception; he has met former and actual political actors and associative activists. THE AUTHOR

Régis Schlagdenhauffen has a doctorate in sociology, and he is professor of sociology at the University de Strasbourg. He wrote a thesis on commemoration of homosexual victims of Nazism in the Western Europe.



Louis-Georges Tin

L’invention de la culture hétérosexuelle The Invention of the Heterosexual Culture


A springboard to outshine conventional views. Le Monde des livres


From the very first representations in the songs of the troubadours, from the resistance of the men of the church, through the hierarchy of sacred love and profane love, to medical treatises on ‘love sickness’, the values of the Middle Ages were marked by ‘homosociality’. It seems to have been with courtly love that the first signs of heterosexual love appeared in Europe, when the loving relationship between man and woman was established as an ideal to be reached. From then on, classic tragedy and, over the centuries, novels, popular theatre, cinema and advertising, have promoted heterosexual love. Religion, medicine and philosophy have also shifted to adopt the heterosexual model as the dominant one. The author retraces this long evolution, inviting us to rediscover culture, focusing on the way it has presented loving relationships between men and women. THE AUTHOR

Louis-Georges Tin was the editorial director of the Homophobia Dictionary published in 2003 by PUF. Since 2004 he has been the IDAHO Committee president. He is also the director of the Gay and Lesbian Archives at the Paris Town Hall and he directs the series “Sexes en tous genres” published by Autrement.

Atlas – Geography & History

Aurélien Delpirou & Stéphane Mourlane Cartography: Aurélie Boissière | Preface by Marc Lazar

Atlas de l’Italie contemporaine En quête d’unité An Atlas of Contemporary Italy In Quest of Unity


A precious atlas with a great number of diagrams and maps. La Croix

Understanding a country that is both close yet little known, one that generates potent images and countless clichés… and perhaps an attraction/repulsion dialectic as well… The main theme of this work is Italy in its plurality. From the buon paesaggio to the mafia, from film to architecture, from cuisine to soccer, from Rome to Venice, from Sicily to Tuscany… Italy fascinates and intrigues. But what often dominates minds is its past, its cultural heritage and the clichés surrounding it. This work thus endeavours to break free from traditional representations of Italy to offer insight into one of the founding countries of the Treaty of Rome, whose role in Europe nevertheless remains paradoxical. To develop the complexity of this country, a long-term historical and geographical approach is privileged, assembling different points of view and varying temporal and spatial scales. The major axes of this atlas are Italy’s: belated and incomplete unification (the tormented formation of a Nation and its civic culture; a State caught between marginalisation and consolidation; a contested but lively and evolving democracy); brutal and unfinished modernisation (the shift to a developed yet unbalanced industrial society followed by a post-industrial phase of stagnation); demographic and socio-economic mutations translated by profound territorial restructuration; frequently copied model, chiefly in terms of local development, and its simultaneous status as one of the “poor pupils” of the EU due to the sluggishness of its demography and economy; unresolved problems: the persistence of a structural cleavage between the North and South; the weight of organised crime; the fragile legitimacy of the State. THE AUTHORS

Aurélien Delpirou holds the agrégation qualification in geography and is a lecturer at the Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris (Université Paris-Est Créteil). A former scholarship holder of the École Française de Rome, he is notably the author of a thesis on sustainable urban development policies in Rome. Stéphane Mourlane holds the agrégation qualification and a doctorate in history. He is a lecturer at the Université de Provence and a researcher in the UMR Telemme at the Maison Méditérannéenne des Sciences de l’Homme (Aix-en-Provence). Stéphane Mourlane has co-edited Le Football dans nos sociétés (Autrement, 2006) and is co-author of Europe. Mémoires profondes (Autrement, 2008) and Nice cosmopolite (Autrement, 2010). KEY SELLING POINTS

A long-term historical and geographical approach, assembling different points of view and varying temporal and spatial scales. • In March, the 150th anniversary of Italian unity (the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy) will be celebrated. •


Atlas – Geography & History

Michel Deshaies Cartography: Mélanie Marie

Atlas de l’Allemagne Les contrastes d’une puissance en mutation The Atlas of Germany The Contrasts of an Evolving Power


As a federal state whose unity was recently re-established, Germany is an intriguing country, based on a long history of territorial fragmentation. Should this difference be pegged as the source of the difficulty the French perceive in comprehending Germany whose economic performance they gaze upon enviously while looking down upon their neighbour with clear-cut condescension? As Europe’s leading economic power, Germany has, since 1990, acquired a central position and growing influence on the international scene, on the basis of its technological assets and its scientific know-how. While the “made in Germany” label retains its prestige and generates record exports, Germany is nevertheless confronted with sizeable challenges. Setting out to be exemplary in environmental matters, the country must come to grips with an energy transition and multiple environmental problems. Afflicted for over thirty years by falling birth rates, the German population is undergoing a striking demographic decline matched with an acceleration of ageing. In a country where prosperity is founded on the dynamism of key economic sectors, more and more wealth is poorly distributed and a growing share of the population is affected by unemployment and poverty. In spite of financial transfers carried out since reunification to heal the East-West fracture, the chasm still subsists. A significant divide also exists in western Germany, between northern regions dominated by old traditional industrial basins, now stagnant or declining, and the more dynamic Länder (states) in the south. Yet the strongest inequalities are those separating metropolises from rural regions, a phenomenon increasingly reproduced in other large cities. More than ever, Germany thus stands out as a country with multiple features where a regained political unity comes headlong against increasingly widening social divisions. THE AUTHOR

Michel Deshaies is a professor of geography at the Université de Nancy. His research focuses on energy-environment relations, mining exploration and industrial landscapes, as well as recent evolutions in the geography of Germany and Central Europe. KEY SELLING POINTS •A


rich synthesis. • Numerous variations in scale providing an inside view of Germany, whether in relation to its Länder or cities. • An insight into issues with bearing on the future of Germany and Europe.

Atlas – Geography & History

Fabrice Argounes, Sarah Mohamed-Gaillard & Luc Vacher Cartography: Cécile Marin

Atlas de l’Océanie Continent d’îles, laboratoire du futur An Atlas of Oceania A Continent of Islands, an Outlook of the Future


From microstates capitalising on their isolation, from a vast and discontinuous space making up a political and cultural ensemble... to the antipodes of idyllic lagoons. Oceania is the “other end of the Earth” par excellence, a space that conjures up all kinds of images: antipodean maritime territories, an “elsewhere” that has long fed the imaginations of Westerners (deserted islands, Polynesian women, scientific expeditions and refuges for mutineers), a black hole (military bases and nuclear tests)... This book starts off with a “down under” map reversing north and south, east and west... An undertaking requiring a pooling of knowledge in geography, history, political science, as well as cartography, allowing for changes of scale, measurements, quantifications, and comparisons to produce an entirely new image. Here, sundry microstates are dominated by Australia and New Zealand, the region’s guarantors of sound governance. For Oceania has been the target of all types of lusts and conquests on the part of Westerners, today superseded by Asian powers, in military strategic domains as well as in demand for natural resources. Contingent on the maritime, remote and insular nature of this territory featuring an astonishing interplay of scales are its logic, challenges and strategies... THE AUTHORS

Fabrice Argounes is a politologist and researcher, a member of the SPIRITCNRS research laboratory and a lecturer in the history of institutions and political science at the Université Paris 13–Nord. He specialises in the foreign policy of Australia and New Zealand within the Asia-Pacific region. Sarah Mohamed-Gaillard is a historian and lecturer at INALCO. Her research focuses on the history of the relations of France with its Oceanic territories and the regional and international issues of the South Pacific. Luc Vacher is a geographer and lecturer at the Université de La Rochelle. He researches the development of tourism in peripheral spaces, particularly the north of Australia. He is in charge of the cartography laboratory (CTIG) of the Université de La Rochelle. KEY SELLING POINTS • No equivalent (the only academic reference work dates back to over 20 years ago). • A legendary yet little-understood reality. • Original angle and data: maps, history, terrain.


Atlas – Geography & History

Mark Bailoni & Delphine Papin Cartography: Eugénie Dumas

Atlas géopolitique du Royaume-Uni Les nouveaux défis d’une vieille puissance The Geopolitical Atlas of the United Kingdom The New Challenges of an Old Leading Power


On the eve of the 2012 Olympic Games, the United Kingdom has to face up to several challenges. Its military involvement on several fronts, standing by the United States, has weakened its image of an incontrovertible power on the international scene. A major financial centre, the UK will have to innovate in order to remain a global economic power. The UK is a multinational state, the stability of which rests on relations between the different national components. This atlas presents a panorama of geopolitical issues in this country. THE AUTHORS

Mark Bailoni, graduated at the French Institute of Geopolitics with a doctorate. He is a specialist in questions of internal geopolitics and the United Kingdom. He is a university lecturer at Nancy University and a researcher at CERPA. Delphine Papin, graduated at the French Institute of Geopolitics with a doctorate. He is a specialist in multicultural questions at United Kingdom; she teaches Geography at Sciences Po. in Paris.


Atlas – Geography & History

Frédéric Encel Cartography : Alexandre Nicolas

Atlas géopolitique d’Israël Aspects d’une démocratie en guerre The Geopolitical Atlas of Israel Aspects of a Democracy in War


The author studies all aspects of a “democracy in war” providing a flood of very nice maps from the past, present and the likely future matched with comments full of information, figures and precise details. Marianne

Although small in terms of its size and population, Israel is one of the most researched states in the world. In spite of this, there was no updated geopolitical atlas of Israel until today. The Hebrew state is mentioned in several atlases, but solely within the context of the IsraeliPalestinian confl ict, or that of biblical history, and in both cases, no longer accurate anymore. Even the atlases by Martin Gilbert available in English were made over ten years ago. The complexity of the IsraeliArab situation combined to the ongoing changes occurring both in the Israeli society and army and the Palestinian territories required a contemporary geopolitical atlas. Frederic Encel offers a fresh and in-depth perspective on Israel and its relationships with the rest of the world. THE AUTHOR

Frédéric Encel is a Doctor in geopolitics, a research director at the French Institute of Geopolitics, a Professor in international relations at ESG and a lecturer at the Institute of Political Studies at Rennes. His publications include: Géopolitique du sionisme (Armand Colin, 2006) and L’Art de la guerre par l’exemple (Flammarion, 2000) rights sold to Italy, Spain and Romania.


Atlas – Geography & History

Jean-Paul Chagnollaud & Sid-Ahmed Souiah Cartography: Madeleine Benoît-Guyot

Atlas des Palestiniens Un peuple en quête d’un Etat An Atlas of the Palestinians A People Seeking a State


None of the details of the conflict has been neglected. Le Monde diplomatique

The history and daily, geographical and political reality of a people in quest of a State. This atlas recounts the history of a people who, since the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate in 1922, have sought to become masters of their destiny by demanding a State on their own territory: Palestine. Decades later, this objective has not been attained and even seems more inaccessible than ever. Since 1948, over one half of all Palestinians have lived outside their country, many in precarious refugee camp conditions, whilst the other half have been subject to occupation, colonisation and, since 2006 in Gaza, an embargo. Today, all prospects of peace seem remote, with the balance of power working against Palestinians despite international support in their favour. Through a process of systematic colonisation and the construction of a wall stretching as far as the heart of the West Bank, Israeli strategy aims to fragment and erode a space on which it is increasing difficult to establish a viable Palestinian State disposing of true territorial continuity. This situation aggravates the exclusion of an entire people group which, in spite of international law recognising the legitimacy of its aspiration to become a State alongside Israel, is thus forced to live in dramatic conditions. THE AUTHORS

Jean-Paul Chagnollaud is a political science professor at the Université de Cergy-Pontoise and editor of the international journal Confluences Méditerranée. Sid-Ahmed Souiah is a geography professor at the Université de Cergy-Pontoise. He is a researcher in the MRTE laboratory (CergyPontoise) and the Groupe de Recherche sur le Maghreb et le Moyen-Orient (GREMAMO, SEDET, Paris 7-Denis Diderot). With the collaboration of Pierre Blanc, a geopolitics researcher and lecturer at the CIHEAM who carries out missions in Palestinian territories. Already published: J.-P. Chagnollaud and Sid-Ahmed Souiah have already collaborated on two works: Les Frontières au Moyen-Orient (L’Harmattan, 2004) and with P. Blanc, Palestine, la dépossession d’un territoire (L’Harmattan, 2008). Jean-Paul Chagnollaud is also the author of Quelques idées simples sur l’Orient compliqué (Ellipses, 2008). KEY SELLING POINTS • The only work to take as its main theme the history and current situation

of the Palestinian people, and not just the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. people and a topic unceasingly in the spotlight of current events.



Atlas – Geography & History

Antoine Brès & Thierry Sanjuan Cartography: Madeleine Benoît-Guyod | Photos: Cyrus Cornut

Atlas de Paris The Atlas of Paris


Is Paris, the world’s leading tourist destination, a museum city today? A factory responsible for producing a “sustainable” capital that must continue to sustain its presence... Paris is characterised by its longevity. Like London, and even more so than Moscow or Berlin, it is a city that has managed to endure, to extend, to adapt to the growing diversity of its activities and populations, to impose a metropolitan emphasis without suffering any historical rupture. This constant renewal of itself is not only due to its role as political capital granted to it early on and never truly contested, but also due to its population’s capacity to meet challenges, whether internal, raised by its riverside location and extremely high-density urbanisation, or external, as the city is a major intersection for Western Europe. Its future – if it is to be spared a “Viennese fate” – relies on the reaffirmation of sustainable town planning that no longer reasons in terms of a centre enclosed by a peripheral ring road, but in terms of the whole of the Île-de-France region, also known as the Paris Basin. Current debates on the Greater Paris region, while bringing back on the agenda old ambitions and issues, are even more lively today, given that the way in which France’s only genuine megalopolis development in globalisation networks will be decisive for French society. THE AUTHORS

Antoine Brès is an architect-town planner, holder of a PhD from the University Paris-I, an associate professor in city development and planning studies at Magistère (advanced graduate) level, and co-manager of the town planning agency Brès-Mariolle. Thierry Sanjuan is a geographer, a professor at Université Paris-I, and manager of UMR PRODIG. A specialist in urban geography, he is in charge of the Atlas/Mégapoles collection at Autrement. He is editor of Les Grands hôtels en Asie for Publications de la Sorbonne, and is also the author of Atlas de Shanghai and Atlas de la Chine. Both have been running, in collaboration with Tongji University (Shanghai) since 2006, a research programme on “The street in China: evolutions in street-side residency”. KEY SELLING POINTS •A

concrete and scholarly look at the making of a city. • More than a tourist guide to the French capital, this book offers an understanding of the city.


Atlas – Geography & History

Antonine Ribardière & Bernard Tallet Cartography: A. Le Fur | Photos: J. Sessini

Atlas de Mexico The Atlas of Mexico City


Overpopulated, polluted, violent… a symbol of urban explosion, situated at over 2,000 metres altitude, this “monsteropolis” needs to find a means to keep its organisation and leadership in control. In Mexico City, temporary housing zones exist alongside enclosed patrolled districts. The wealth of businessman Carlos Slim recently exceeded that of Bill Gates despite his country’s alarming results on poverty indexes. Following the ruptures of the 1980s underscored by the 1985 earthquake, Mexico City has seemingly left behind its status as the largest Third World city to hitch up to that of an international metropolis. The winning of this rank supposes a reconfiguration of urban landscapes and economic activities. But increasingly often, the future is envisioned in terms of Greater Mexico City: Mexico City itself and the cities surrounding it over a span of 100 to 150 kilometres (Puebla-Tlaxcala, Cuernavaca, Toluca,…): does this change in scale translate the fantasy of “megalopolisation”, following the example of the megalopolises in northeast United States? Or does it derive from a desire to meet the contradictions of the urban expansion of the Valley of Mexico? From the scale of a world city, to Greater Mexico or its historic centre, the authors point towards updates in developments (water, transport) and the interplay of dependencies, underlining the uncertain future of a historical icon. THE AUTHORS

Bernard Tallet, a geography professor at the Université Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne, researches development issues in Africa and Mexico in the PRODIG research laboratory. He has lived in Mexico City (2002-2006) in the context of a research programme in Mexico. Antonine Ribardière, a geography lecturer at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, researches socio-spatial inequalities in the urban milieu in the PRODIG research laboratory. Jérôme Sessini, a reporter for Gamma and then L’Œil Public, covers international news and focuses on violence in post-civil war Central American countries. His work on the southern border of Mexico, “Mexique, fin du rêve américain”, was nominated in 2006 for the magazine category of the Visa d’Or Prize. Already published: Shanghai, New York, Moscow. To be published: Seoul, Paris, London, Istanbul… KEY SELLING POINTS • A fascinating supplement to tourist guides for a coveted destination. • Unique and updated data (maps of districts, streets, etc.). • A case study for all those interested in the phenomenon of megalopolises.


Atlas – Geography & History

Valérie Gelézeau Photojournalist: Cathy Rémy | Cartography: Claire Levasseur

Atlas de Séoul The Atlas of Seoul


This geostrategic analysis of Seoul presents the city as an avant-garde megalopolis model. On its way to becoming a pivot of emerging Asia, the mega-city of Seoul bears the traits of budding powers: innovation as well as demographic, economic and cultural explosions (in comparison with “older” cities in the region such as Shanghai, Hong Kong or Tokyo). As the capital of a divided country and at the head of an urban area holding over 20 million inhabitants, Seoul occupies a strategic geopolitical role: it is an outpost of the West in the face of China, North Korea and Russia, substituting a crisis-stricken Japan. It is also a cultural centre whose influence dominates and ripples throughout the East, for the Korean wave known as hallyu washes over films, TV, music, pop culture… The book features a wide range of landscapes in maps and photos: the “megaplexes”, large residential ensembles for over 3,000 households; the central business districts and cutting-edge industry; large international hotels (a major cultural phenomenon in Asia); markets, department stores and shopping malls; foreign communities (French, Chinese, American); the innovative developments along the Han River; tourism with sea and ski resorts and golf courses; poverty and the homeless. THE AUTHOR

Valérie Gelézeau is a lecturer at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and director of the Centre for Korean Studies. She has already published Séoul, ville géante, cités radieuses (2003, Prix Francis Garnier de la Société de Géographie), a work that inspired a related book on the development of megaplexes throughout South Korea (La République des appartements, 2007). In 2005, the CNRS awarded her a bronze medal for her research. Since 2006, she has been researching the border between the two Koreas and also North Korea. KEY SELLING POINTS • An

author recognised as an expert on Korea. International current affairs: border conflicts with North Korea, relations with China and Japan today. • A textbook case as far as emerging powers go. • A stunning photo report that is both original and comprehensive. •


Atlas – Geography & History

Bertrand Barré & Bernadette Mérenne-Schoumaker Cartography: Anne Bailly

Atlas des énergies mondiales Un développement équitable et propre est-il possible ? An Atlas of Global Energy Is Ethical and Clean Development Possible?


An analysis of current production and future consumption of fossil, nuclear and renewable energy for a better future for us all. No human activity can be undertaken without a minimum of energy. Differences in access to energy account for the enormous and intolerable disparities between regions on our planet. While developed countries can limit their energy consumption without affecting the quality of life of their citizens, for the majority of humans, the needs for development, and thus, for energy, remain immense. Energy – whether talking about coal, gas, petrol, nuclear, hydraulic or renewable forms – cannot be generated without pollution, so the way we produce and use energy weighs more and more heavily upon our environment – all the more so as the world’s population continues to grow. The degradation of the environment threatens to backfire against humans, with the most impoverished in the frontline. It is time to act. This atlas helps readers to understand different energy issues at the heart of the dilemma underlying the 21st century: how can the development of our societies be reconciled with environmental restrictions? THE AUTHORS

Bertrand Barré has devoted over forty years to working in numerous countries in the energy sector and geopolitical research. Though a nuclear energy specialist, his expertise far exceeds this niche. Retired from the CEA, a scientific adviser of AREVA, and an emeritus professor of the Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires, he continues to be a member of a number of learned societies and international scientific committees. Bernadette Mérenne-Schoumaker has always divided her time between fundamental and applied research and the teaching of economic geography, the didactics of geography, and more recently, university pedagogy. A specialist in the localisation of economic activities and territorial development, she has published over 310 books and articles. She is currently a guest professor at the Université de Liège and an adviser for various Belgian and international groups. KEY SELLING POINTS • Spotlight on debated issues: biofuels, the future of nuclear energy, electric


cars, clean coal, the real potential of renewable energy. • A complete overhaul, developing the topics that concern citizens: energy and transport, energy and urban planning, energy and consumption. • Zoom on inequalities between countries in energy access and the major issue of sustainable development, a current affairs topic studied from lower secondary school onwards.

Atlas – Geography & History

Bruno Tertrais Cartography: Alexandre Nicolas

Atlas mondial du nucléaire Civil et militaire A World Atlas of Nuclear Technology Civilian and Military


Nuclear technology is making a big comeback. The preoccupations relating to energy supplies and global warming have awakened an interest in nuclear-powered electricity. In the United States, Europe, China and India, programmes have been relaunched. At the same time, on the military front, nuclear deterrence strategy is still at the core of the security policies of major powers including France. Atlas mondial du nucléaire is unique in its genre. Its objective is to allow a wide public to familiarise itself with all issues relating to every aspect of nuclear technology: civilian applications (including electricity production and medicine) as well as military usages (naval propulsion, weapons). Taking neither an indulgent nor a melodramatic stance, Bruno Tertrais provides measured answers to essential questions in a domain still overly dominated by secrecy and a lack of transparency. Who does what in the nuclear field in France? Is a Chernobyl-type accident possible in Europe? Do we take risks by exporting nuclear reactors to Middle Eastern countries? Weighing up the costs, risks and advantages of this technology and its use, the atlas indicates why it is possible to erect solid technical and legal barriers between civilian and military nuclear applications. THE AUTHOR

Bruno Tertrais is a political scientist and senior research fellow at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS). In 2007-2008, he was a committee member of both the French Whitepaper on Defence and National Security and the French Whitepaper on Foreign and European Policy. He has previously been a special assistant to the director of strategic affairs at the French Ministry of Defence (1993-2001), a visiting research fellow at the RAND Corporation (1995-1996), and the director of the Civilian Affairs Committee of the NATO Assembly (19901993). Bruno Tertrais is the author of L’Arme nucléaire (PUF, “Que Sais-Je?” collection, 2008), Le Marché noir de la bombe (Buchet-Chastel, 2009), Atlas militaire et stratégique (Autrement, 2008), and Dictionnaire des enjeux internationaux (Autrement, 2006). KEY SELLING POINTS • The first atlas to examine nuclear technology and its diverse facets: technological developments, civilian usages and military applications. • A specialist author who has already published prolifically on the issue. • A focus on news-making hotspots: Pakistan, Iran and North Korea.


Atlas – Geography & History

Yvette Veyret & Renaud Le Goix Cartography: Aurélie Boissière

Atlas des villes durables L’Europe est-elle un modèle? The Atlas of Sustainable Cities Is Europe a Model?


Setting a city on the track of sustainable development is first and foremost a European project, thanks to the Aalborg Charter signed in 1994. This Charter demonstrates the attention paid by the European Union, various NGOs and urban players, to the issue of cities, homes to over 75% of the European population. But is Europe a model to be followed? The start of the atlas recalls various utopias and urban experiences (garden cities, new cities) visible on the European continent. Despite this past, some cities still stand a long way off from sustainable development. The way towards sustainability can be broken down into sectors: waste processing, nature in the city, risk management, new forms of mobility, new housing, the introduction of ecodistricts. But is the alignment of these different sectorial approaches enough for making a sustainable city? What are the contradictions within these models, in terms of inequalities, centralities and equity? THE EDITORS

Yvette Veyret, a geographer, teaches at the University of Nanterre-Paris-X. She has already co-edited Atlas des développements durables (2008), and written Développements durables, tous les enjeux en 12 leçons, both published by Autrement. Renaud Le Goix, a geographer and lecturer at the University Paris-IPanthéon-Sorbonne, is the author of books including Villes et mondialisation (Ellipses, 2005). THE AUTHORS

All geographers, they are specialists of each of the cities or town-planning sectors in question. Some of the authors have already contributed to Atlas des développements durables: Jeanne-Marie Amat-Roze, Jean-Paul Amat, Olivier Amat, Paul Arnould, Michel Deshaies, Fabrizio Maccaglia, Martine Tabeaud… KEY SELLING POINTS • A topical subject, given that initiatives such as soft mobility and green

zones have been introduced in numerous municipalities. • Many studies from European countries, with comparisons of objectives and on-the-ground initiatives. • Focus on the “drawbacks” of certain projects reputed to be clean and ecological, such as the London BedZED; the contradiction between sustainable city discourse and obvious inequalities surrounding ecodistricts and town-centre renovation. 34

Atlas – Geography & History

Jean-Paul Charvet Cartography: Claire Levasseur

Atlas de l’agriculture Comment pourra-t-on nourrir le monde en 2050 ? The Atlas of agriculture How Can We Feed the World in 2050?


A series of very good diagrams with an especially pleasant variety of views. The good balance between descriptions and issues along with the sake of a clear presentation are highlighted by the good quality of maps design. Alternatives économiques

In 2008, hunger riots spotlighted how globalised and fragile food and agriculture have become. Agriculture round the world spans very different sizes of farms, from a vast number of subsistence micro-plots to the giant enterprises of agricultural capitalism. Between 1960 and 2000, the number of people the planet had to feed increased by 3 billion. From 2000 to 2050, the number of mouths to be fed is due to increase by 3 billion again, while 1 billion people currently suffer from chronic undernourishment. Can we produce more while protecting the environment? This question is covered in detail by Jean-Paul Charvet, who also explains what solutions start to be implemented. Specific cases have been selected from the world’s ‘heavyweights’: China, India, the United States, Brazil and the European Union. THE AUTHOR

Jean-Paul Charvet, national correspondent for the Académie d’Agriculture de France (French Agriculture Academy) is Emeritus Professor of Agricultural and Rural Geography at Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense University, where he is also a member of the Laboratoire Géographie Comparée des Nords et des Suds (North-South Comparative Geography Laboratory).


Atlas – Geography & History

Gilles Fumey & Olivier Etcheverria Map-making: Madeleine Benoit-Guyod Preface: Jean-Robert Pitte | Postface: Michel Bras

Atlas mondial des cuisines et gastronomies The World Atlas of Cooking and Gastronomy Gourmand World Cookbook Award of Stockholm


Fully made of appealing notes, you can nicely leaf through the atlas at random. Le Nouvel Observateur

A real gourmet geography of the world! As well as 100 maps and brand new infographics, The World Atlas of Cooking and Gastronomy examines ingredients and eating customs, decoding the dreaded globalisation of gastronomy. The globalisation of the world in terms of food is analysed in detail. This new edition comes with a supplement dedicated to major cuisines of the world, from Asian to American, to the culinary delights of the Mediterranean. This is a concrete approach to geography, a precious tool for food-lovers and students! THE AUTHORS

Gilles Fumey is a researcher in the cultural geography of food at the Sorbonne University. Olivier Etcheverria is a university lecturer in food geography at the University of Angers. Nicolas Baumert, Doctor of geography, is a specialist in Japanese sake. Maria Emanovskaya is a PhD student in geography at the Sorbonne University and a specialist in food science in Russia. Jean-Robert Pitte, the preface writer is the President of the Society of Geography. Michel Bras is a chef at two gastronomic restaurants, one at Laguiole in the South of France and the other on the Island of Hokkaido in Japan. In the press: ‘A fascinating little book.’ Sciences Humaines ‘A delicious book full of maps, an inexhaustible mine of information.’ Le Nouvel Observateur


Atlas – Geography & History

Raphaël Schirmer & Hélène Vélasco-Graciet Cartography: Aurélie Boissière

Atlas mondial des vins La fin d’un ordre consacré ? World Atlas of Wine The End of an Established World?


It’s documented, entertaining and gripping: the epicurean side of wine is the core of this ambitious work of hardly 80 pages. Libération This small book allows making up your mind. La Tribune

Planet Wine is today going through profound upheavals that are drawing a new geopolitical map for vines and wine. While the European hegemony in the sector seemed incontrovertible for centuries, it is now being questioned by the introduction, or re-introduction of vineyards considered until recently as inferior, or marginal, in California, Chile, or Australia. What new world order is going to come out of these changes? Numerous maps, created for this book, outline this complex geography, featuring OIV (International Wine and Vine Organisation) member countries, Wine Spectator ranking, imports from Madeira to New York, a map of places where Michel Rolland makes wine. In various places, changes to the sector have also been made by consumers, who mark their commitment to environmental protection and health, by opting for organic wine; and to beauty, by going to spas and using cosmetics made by Caudalie, a French brand that exploits grape products for their cosmetic properties. Meanwhile, those in search of exotica go on tours of wine country in Chile and Brazil, for example. This new geo-political system appears to be subject to unpredictable economic, social, cultural and climate change, which globalisation is notably causing at ever-increasing speed. THE AUTHORS

Raphaël Schirmer and Hélène Vélasco-Graciet are professors at the Université de Bordeaux III.


Atlas – Geography & History

Pascal Gillon, Loïc Ravenel & Frédéric Grosjean Cartography: Donatien Cassan

Atlas du sport mondial Business et spectacle : l’idéal sportif en jeu Atlas of world sport Business and Show: the Sporting Ideal in Question


The Atlas of World Sport is not an encyclopaedia of sport. It is not structured discipline by discipline. One of a kind, it offers an original perspective on sport, placing it in the context of globalisation. International decision-making bodies lay down rules and regulate competitions so that the whole planet can take part on an equal footing. This globalisation, effective in mega-events (such as the Olympic Games and football World Cup), is based on a British model, which has been exported thanks to the rapid development of communication tools and to changing economic systems. Is sport thus leading the way by thinking and playing global? How do power and domination operate in the sports world? Is there an international division of labour in sport? This atlas presents a geography of some of the major sports, of which football ultimately appears to be the only really ‘globalised’ one. THE AUTHORS

Pascal Gillonis a senior lecturer in Geography. His main focus is international sport and, more specifi cally, the Olympic Games, from a geopolitical angle. Loïc Ravenel is a senior lecturer in Geography. For 15 years his work has been focused on the geography of sports. In 2006 he founded The Professional Players Observatory. Frédéric Grosjean is also a senior lecturer in Geography. He is the founder of Territoires 2100 (Territories 2100), a town and country planning consultancy.


Atlas – Geography & History

Jean Boutier, Olivier Guyotjeannin & Gilles Pécout Cartography: Guillaume Balavoine

Grand Atlas de l’histoire de France The Great Atlas of French History


Traditionally, the history of France has largely been presented in the form of a narrative on the conquest of seemingly predetermined borders and a succession of events whose single goal was apparently to constitute the Republican nation we know today. Far from these familiar and reassuring images, this new atlas is a “retrospective geography of France”, from the “accidental” creation of West Francia in 843, right up until the contemporary period when France became part of twenty-first century Europe. This history of France in map form helps the reader immediately to grasp the links that gradually formed or were imposed to create a kingdom, then a country, or an empire at certain periods, while also depicting the dreams and setbacks of a territory under construction. To further underline the vibrancy of this history, the authors have also compiled a booklet presenting one emblematic monument from every period and the way in which each still has an impact on the French territory: Mont SaintMichel, the Château de Versailles, and the Côte d’Azur. Borders have not always existed as we know them today. For this reason, this work starts off with an analysis of the territory’s representation, from the medieval period to the republican period when Tour de la France par deux enfants, an influential geography school text book, confirmed to the French the centralised and unified nature of their country. THE AUTHORS

Jean Boutier, editor of the work and author of the section on modern developments, is a director of studies in modern history at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. He is head of the SHADYC research unit combining the disciplines of sociology, anthropology and history at the Centre de la Vieille-Charité in Marseille. Olivier Guyotjeannin, a former member of the Ecole Française de Rome, is a professor in medieval diplomacy and archive science at the Ecole Nationale des Chartes. Gilles Pécout, a former member of the Ecole Française de Rome, is a contemporary history professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. KEY SELLING POINTS •A

unique approach. reference book written by internationally renowned historians. • An ideal and intelligent gift for all the family. •A


Atlas – Geography & History

Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire & Silvia Marzagalli Cartography: Guillaume Balavoine

Atlas de la Révolution française Circulations des hommes et des idées (1770-1803) Atlas of the French Revolution The Circulation of Men and Ideas (1770-1803)


This atlas, dedicated to the French Revolution, describes in over a hundred maps the upheaval that occurred between 1789 and 1799. The Revolution did not simply start in the spring of 1789, but was anchored in a process of great scope. This work places events in perspective by situating them in an era, and in a space that reached as far as Europe’s frontiers and even transatlantic horizons. The crisis of the Ancien Regime was provoked by the contradictions of a monarchy aware of the urgent need for reform, but up against the privileged classes’ reluctance to relinquish their rights and privileges. The revolutionary project of rebuilding the nation and its institutions was confronted by territorial issues. The French Revolution is inextricably linked to the history of Europe and colonialism, which is itself turbulent. A detailed chronology, a bibliography, a glossary, and an index complete this Atlas of the French Revolution, making it a valuable work tool and original reference book. THE AUTHORS

Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire, is a Professor of Modern History at the Nice Sophia-Antipolis University, and a member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Silvia Marzagalli is a Professor of Modern History at the Nice Sophia-Antipolis University.


Atlas – Geography & History

Laurianne Sève Cartography: Madeleine Benoît-Guyod

Atlas du monde hellénistique (336-31 av. J.-C.) Pouvoir et territoires après Alexandre An Atlas of the Hellenistic World (336-31 B.C.) Power and Territories Following Alexander


Following the rupture of Alexander the Great’s empire, new political protagonists emerged: the Hellenistic kings who had to control vast territories inhabited by a substantial proportion of difficult-to-administer individuals not originating from Greek culture. The most widespread political form at the time became the city. How did these kings proceed to take over the control and exploitation of these territories? The answer lies in their capacity for innovation and their introduction of new political structures. As each of the kings was confronted by different physical and human realities, this atlas is arranged according to geographical zones highlighting their ability to adapt by using diverse tools to dominate. The kings were nevertheless confronted by a disintegration process, boosted by the Roman conquest. So while they instigated the creation of a new type of power, they would fail to maintain long-lasting control. This atlas does not focus exclusively on the eastern Mediterranean, but takes into account the whole of the Mediterranean world. The integration of western zones allows this atlas to show that not all regions of the Hellenistic world were under the heels of the kings. Such political evolutions modified the territorial and political structure of the Greek world. These other political communities, chiefly cities, adapted and found the means to resist the power of the kings. THE AUTHOR

Laurianne Sève, a professor of Greek history at the Université de Lille 3, specialises in the Hellenistic Near East (Iran and Central Asia) and the Seleucid Empire. Already published: Les Figurines de Suse. De l’époque néo-élamite à l’époque sassanide. Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités Orientales, RMN, 2002. “Quoi de neuf sur le royaume séleucide”, in L’Orient méditerranéen de la mort d’Alexandre aux campagnes de Pompée. Cités et royaumes à l’époque hellénistique, P.U.R, 2003. KEY SELLING POINTS • A meditation on the notions of territory, state, and so forth. • The Hellenistic epoch was a key stage in the development of states in the

modern sense of the term. • An examination of the expansion of Hellenism, in contact with numerous

populations from non-Greek cultures, both inside and outside the “frontiers” of the Hellenistic world. • University reference work.




Adler, Laure 7 Argounes, Fabrice ; Mohamed-Gaillars, Sarah 25 & Vacher, Luc Bailoni, Mark & Papin, Delphine 26 Bard, Christine 14 Barré, Bertrand & Mérenne-Schoumaker, 32 Bernadette Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves ; Marzagalli, Silvia 40 & Balavoine, Guillaume Boutier, Jean ; Guyotjeannin, Olivier & Pécout, 39 Gilles Brès, Antoine & Sanjuan, Thierry Chagnollaud, Jean-Paul & Souiah, Sid-Amed 28 Charvet, Jean-Paul 35 Choël, Raphaëlle & Rovéro-Carrez, Julie 13 Delpirou, Aurélien et Mourlane, Stéphane 23 Deshaies, Michel 24 Encel, Frédéric 27 Eugène 19 Flavigny, Laure 34 Forges, Jean-François & Biscarat, Pierre-Jérôme 20 Fumet, Gilles & Etcheverria, Olivier 36 Gelézeau, Valérie 31 Gillon, Pascal ; Ravenel, Loïc & Grosjean, Frédéric 38 Guidère, Mathieu 8, 9 Hatzfeld, Marc 15 Josse, Gaëlle 16 Lacroix, Alexandre 5 Minassian, Gaïdz 10, 11 Onfray, Michel 6 Ravet, Hyacinthe 12 Resch, Dominique 17 Ribardière, Antonine & Tallet, Bernard 30 Schirmer, Raphaël & Vélasco-Graciet, Hélène 37 Schlagdenhauffen, Régis 21 Sève, Laurianne 41 Tertrais, Bruno 33 Tin, Louis-Georges 22 Wenzel, Jean-Paul 18

Alas des villes durables Atlas de la Révolution française Atlas de l’agriculture Atlas de l’Allemagne Atlas de l’Italie contemporaine Atlas de l’Océanie Atlas de Mexico Atlas de Paris Atlas de Séoul Atlas des énergies mondiales Atlas des Palestiniens Atlas du monde hellénistique Atlas du sport mondial Atlas géopolitique d’Israël Atlas géopolitique du Royaume-Uni Atlas mondial des cuisines et gastronomies Atlas mondial des vins Atlas mondial du nucléaire Ce que soulève la jupe Contribution à la théorie du baiser Dans un livre j’ai lu que… Eurasie, le nouveau grand jeu Grand Atlas de l’histoire de France Guide historique d’Auschwitz Le Choc des révolutions arabes Les Heures silencieuses Les Lascars Les Nouveaux Terroristes L’Invention de la culture hétérosexuelle Manifeste féministe Manifeste hédoniste Mots de tête Musiciennes Tokyo Sisters Tout un homme Triangle rose Zones grises

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