Spring Park United Church A Congregation of the United Church of Canada www.springparkunitedchurch.ca

December 13, 2015 Advent 3


Our faith is in our living We are a church committed to serving God and people in the world, we will seek to understand God’s Word and to love and to live according to God’s will 1

Guest Book. If you are visiting, please sign the guest book in the entry. We invite you to introduce yourself to our minister. A Nursery for the use of parents with young children is available through the door at the front of the sanctuary on your right & down the stairs). Sunday School Classes - Welcome students of all ages.

December 13, 2015 Advent 3 – Joy Where indicated by (*) Please stand, as you are able. You are invited to join in responses and prayers in bold print.

Prelude *Entry of the Choir & Minister Welcome & Life and Work of the Church * Call To Worship Leader: Advent is a time to prepare. People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God. Leader: During Advent we prepare our eyes to see the light of Christ. People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God. Leader: During Advent we prepare our hearts to receive the Word of Christ. People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God. Leader: During Advent we prepare to share the joy of Christ. 2

People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God. Leader: During Advent we prepare to embrace the promise of Christ People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God. 1 *Advent Candle-Lighting The Higashiguchi Family Reader One: On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, we hear John the baptizer announcing the coming of the one who will baptize us, not just with water but with the Holy Spirit and fire. Reader Two: John calls each of us to prepare, urging us to let go of the things within us that keep us from practicing justice and peace. Reader One: In Advent 1, we lit the first candle to remind ourselves of the journey to Christmas that we undertake together. Last week, we lit the second candle to remind us of God’s fire that moulds us into the prophets God has called us to be. Reader Two: This week, we light the third candle, which reminds us that God has ignited the fire of the kingdom life within us, and has promised to change us from the inside out. Reader one: This fire refines us, discarding those parts of us that are no longer useful, and creating room for God to do something new within us. 2 3


Hope is a Star

(verse 3)

VU 7

Joy is a song that welcomes the dawn, telling the world that the Saviour is born. When God is a child there's joy in our song. The last shall be first and the weak shall be strong, and none shall be afraid. Prayer of Approach God in heaven, as we continue our Advent journey, help us to be people who wait for you, watch for you and through your Spirit be prepared for you. Continue to shine your light in our lives as we look to all you have done, all you are doing, and all you will do. Amen.3 Hymn vs.1&2

It Came Upon The MIdnight Clear

A Word For all Ages


White Gifts

Children come forward for story, collect white gifts, then go to Sunday School classes.

Blessing of the gifts We ask for your blessing on these gifts that they may be symbols of your love to those who are in need. We ask for your blessing on these gifts that they may be signs to us of the love that you make possible in and through us. May strangers be family United through your love Amen Hymn vs.3 &4

It Came Upon The MIdnight Clear



Prayer For Illumination Alenna Mark God, you call us to prepare the way in the world for your love, for your hope, for your peace, for your joy. May your Word prepare our hearts for actiona ns service. Amen. Susan Lukey, High River UC, High Rive, AB. Scripture Isaiah 12: 2-6 Alenna Mark "Proclaim God's deeds to the nations." Gospel Reading Luke 3: 7-18 Rev. Bill MacLeod “John warns the crowds, 'You brood of vipers'.” Anthem Sermon

God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen “Where the Joy is”

*Hymn vss.1-5

Rev. Bill MacLeod

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Minute for Mission Offering

VU 1

Joyce MacLeod

Go, Tell It on the Mountain


*Offertory Hymn vs.4 In the Bleak Midwinter VU55 What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; if I were a wise man, I would do my part; yet what I can I give him - give my heart. *Offertory Prayer Gracious God, you have loved us and blessed us beyond our comprehension. This offering is a humble portion which we desire to give back to you. We pray that you will use these gifts to bless others, that they may know your love as we do. Amen.4


The Blessing Of The Prayer Shawls May God’s grace be upon these shawls Warming, comforting, enfolding and embracing. May this mantle be a safe haven... A sacred place of security and well-being... Sustaining and embracing in good times as well as difficult ones. May the recipients of these shawls be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with peace, and wrapped in love. Congregation response: With this shawl, we the congregation of Spring Park send the message of our prayers of love and support to Fay Campbell, Freda Ford, Elsie Huestis, Barbara Lowther, Doug MacLean & Julie Dykerman. Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer


Joy to The World


*Commissioning Leader: We have heard the good news of God’s realm where all have enough, no one lives in fear, and peace and justice guide each heart. Let us go now to be people of good news. People: We are on the way! Thanks be to God.5 Benediction Leader: Rejoice in our God always! People: Again we say: rejoice! Leader: And the peace of God, which goes beyond all our understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. All: Amen.


*Choral Benediction

Go Now In Peace

Go now in peace. Never be afraid. God will go with you each hour of every day. Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true. Know He will guide you in all you do. Go now in love, and show you believe. Reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there watching from above. Go now in peace, in faith, and in love. Amen, amen, amen. Postlude: Worship Notes: 1,5 Seasons Of The Spirit, Congregational Life Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, 2009-2010, page 48. 2,4 Seasons of the Spirit™ Seasons Fusion Advent • Christmas • Epiphany 2015–2016, p. 76,77

Coffee and Fellowship: Everyone is invited to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee together following the service. It’s a casual time to exchange stories of the week, catch up with friends and to greet visitors to our midst. Come and enjoy. Our Hosts today will be John & Barb Scales, David & Doris Scales.

In Worship This Week: Minister of Word & Sacrament:…………….Rev. Bill MacLeod Minister Emeritus & Pastoral Care……....Rev. Anthony Ware Family Ministry…………………………............Nathan Zwicker Choir Director: ……………………………….....Susan Duncan Sound: …………………………………………Belinda Johnson Ushers: David & Nora Jenkins & Wayne & Marion Cutcliffe Greeters: Stephen Peacock, David & Nora Jenkins. Tellers: (counters) David Jenkins & Wayne Cutcliffe. 7

to Andrew, June, Aitaro and Rinko Higashiguchi for sharing in our time of worship during this Advent Season.

Fay Campbell Freda Ford Elsie Huestis Barbara Lowther Doug MacLean Julie Dykerman

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Joan Ivany Marion Cutcliffe Jennie constable Lois Norton Jennie Constable Lois Norton

Next Sunday, December 20th 10:30 a.m. Spring Park United Church Choir, directed by Susan Duncan Narration by Rev. Bill MacLeod & Doug Bridges.

Were You There on That Christmas Night? A Christmas Musical by Lloyd Larson


2015 Year-end Stewardship

Spring Park finances are positive overall. However, annual congregational givings are projected to fall short of budget, by around $10,000. Remember the many winter storm Sundays last winter? Together we can balance. You can help, by topping-up your annual givings. Either next Sunday, or at the Church office. 2015 Tax receipts will be sent out at the end of January.

Thank you, and Merry Christmas, Official Board


December 20th, Next Sunday The list of Dedications and Donors will be in the bulletin.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS AT SPRING PARK UNITED Christmas Lights… illuminate our church entrance and brighten the memory of loved ones passed and present. The illumination features blue lights symbolizing the spirit and memories of the special people we remember and cherish…forever in our hearts. Christmas Lights are now lighting up our shrub beds to remember and honour special people in our life. Your Donation supports the efforts of the church to regularly maintain the shrub beds and designated plantings. All donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt. Special envelopes are in the Narthex until December 31, 2015 and can be put on the offering plate.