Alabama Osteoporosis Task Force Annual Report 2008

Alabama Department of Public Health December 2008

ALABAMA OSTEOPOROSIS TASK FORCE REPORT 2008 Table of Contents State Health Officer’s Message………………………………………………. 3 State Task Force Activities……………………………………………….. 4 Task Force Membership…………………………………………… 9


Message from the State Health Officer Osteoporosis, a term meaning porous bone, is a condition in which bones become fragile and break easily with little stress. The resulting fractures, especially those of the spine and hip, can be disabling or result in premature mortality. The National Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that osteoporosis affects 10 million Americans and another 34 million Americans have low bone mass putting them at risk for osteoporosis. Scientific knowledge about osteoporosis has improved the understanding of the genetics of the disease, medical conditions associated with it, and improved ways to detect and manage it. The best way to prevent osteoporosis is by developing and maintaining good bone health. The U.S. Surgeon General’s Report uses a pyramid approach for osteoporosis prevention and treatment. At the base of the pyramid is good nutrition with adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin, physical activity with weight bearing, strength, and balance exercises, and fall prevention. The second level of the pyramid is the assessment and treatment of diseases that produce osteoporosis or aggravate it. The third level of the pyramid is treatment with medications. This report of the State Osteoporosis Task Force describes accomplishments completed in 2008 to promote osteoporosis-related awareness in the areas of public education, professional education, and screening and access. Planned educational activities for 2009 are also presented. I encourage you to learn more about osteoporosis and steps you can take to prevent or manage it successfully. Sincerely,

Donald E. Williamson, M.D. State Health Officer


GOALS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR YEAR 2008 Public Education Work Group: Goal: Who: Status:

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Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) will add osteoporosis and physical activity to its Web page and will make it downloadable for use as program handouts. Nutrition and Physical Activity Division (NPA), ADPH Osteoporosis and physical activity downloadable handouts were added to the NPA Web page. “Be Bone Healthy” is a page on the NPA Web page, This page provides information to describe osteoporosis, risk factors, prevention and treatment strategies, and links to other resource pages. NPA shared osteoporosis education materials from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors Osteoporosis Council about how to work with young people to promote good bone health with the ADPH Women, Infants, and Children’s Nutrition Education Branch. NPA worked with Scale Back Alabama, a statewide campaign designed to encourage Alabamians to get healthier by losing weight through sensible eating and exercising with 8 weeks of lessons. It was a joint project of the Alabama Hospital Association and ADPH, with underwriting from Barber Dairies, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama, and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries. Use of skim milk as part of the overall meal pattern was included in the lessons. In 2008, over 41,516 persons from 60 of 67 counties participated, with a total weight loss of 207,871 pounds. Provide osteoporosis and treatment materials through the Office of Women’s Health and link the Office of Women’s Health Web site to the Auburn University osteoporosis Web site. Jessica Hardy, Office of Women’s Health, ADPH, and Dr. Kimberly Braxton-Lloyd, Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy The osteoporosis Web site is under construction. Provide osteoporosis education sheets with frozen meals delivered by the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) and through services delivered by the ADPH Bureau of Home and Community Services. ADSS, NPA, Bureau of Home and Community Services No sheets were provided this year through ADSS or Bureau of Home and Community Services. Work with ADSS to provide osteoporosis education programs through its “Senior RX” Wellness Program. NPA, ADPH



NPA provided a series of twelve lesson plans, used statewide, to the ADSS for its monthly “Senior RX” outreach classes. Several classes incorporated use of dairy products as part of a balanced meal pattern and encouraged physical activity for bone health. In June, the lesson focused on osteoporosis. The “Senior RX” had an average attendance of approximately1,800 seniors per month participating in the modules.


Incorporate information about bone health and the importance of consuming calcium rich foods, like milk, and physical activity into the Healthy Weight Initiative after school program newsletter released every four months by NPA in ADPH. NPA, ADPH NPA included a bone health article for children in the Healthy Weight Initiative newsletter. The newsletter was posted on the Healthy Initiative Web page on NPA’s Web site. In addition, NPA helped promote “Kidfit” a program designed to help elementary school children become healthier by making better decisions about fitness and nutrition. A 30-minute DVD program was distributed to all schoolchildren, grades K-6. Each DVD came packaged with a brochure with information for children and their parents. Lessons included using milk in the overall balanced meal pattern. A skim milk carton was used as a cartoon picture in the video and printed materials. Sponsored by Alabama Power Company and the Alabama Power Foundation, over 360,000 DVDs were distributed. The program was also aired on broadcast stations in the major state markets.

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Professional Education Work Group: Goal: Who: Status: Goal: Who: Status: Goal:

Identify sources of grant funds to accomplish goals and objectives of Professional Education Work Group. Members of the Professional Education Work Group Dr. Kimberly Braxton-Lloyd obtained support to establish the Web site at Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy. Provide a Web site at Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy to include a training module on osteoporosis with continuing education credits for health care professionals. Dr. Kimberly Braxton-Lloyd and Bryan Walker The Web site is under construction and will be completed this year. Develop and distribute an educational CD-ROM to all Office of Women’s Health steering committee members to distribute to health systems throughout the state.


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Jessica Hardy, ADPH, Dr. Kimberly Braxton-Lloyd, Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy No educational materials were distributed to steering committee members this year. Send out educational materials, including articles for professional newsletters, about osteoporosis. ADPH staff The Center for Metabolic Bone Disease at UAB sent out educational updates on osteoporosis-related bone research to its faculty and to ADPH staff interested in osteoporosis. Help plan and conduct an osteoporosis education program for a national Extension meeting in 2009 in Birmingham by identifying Alabama osteoporosis activities to present at the national conference at a planning meeting in 2008. Deborah Mathews, Alabama Cooperative Extension System The planning meeting was conducted. Provide health care professionals with speakers and training about osteoporosis. Members of the Professional Education Work Group The Center for Metabolic Bone Disease at UAB conducted 27 programs on osteoporosis-related topics for approximately 1,250 attendees. Present an osteoporosis workshop for Alabama Nurses. Dr. Braxton-Lloyd Workshop presented at the first annual Office of Women’s Health Nursing Update to approximately 100 nurses on November 22, 2008.

Access and Screening Work Group: Goal: Who: Status:

Provide osteoporosis screening to public education employees. ADPH Worksite Wellness Branch Approximately 20,000 public education employees were screened. Jack London, a private osteoporosis consultant, reported he conducted 42 community and industrial screenings for osteoporosis for hospitals and businesses.


Utilize the ADPH Web site to provide osteoporosis information, such as osteoporosis services, the annual report, and education information. ADPH




The 2007 Osteoporosis Annual Report was placed on the ADPH Web site.


Continue to schedule and provide osteoporosis screenings, when possible, to community screenings targeting minority populations. ADPH Office of Minority Health The ADPH Office of Minority Health conducted osteoporosis screenings for approximately 217 persons and presented osteoporosis education information to 50 persons. Screenings were conducted at Brazos Abiertos (Open Arms) in Tuscaloosa, Latino Health Fair at Cathedral of the Cross in Birmingham, and Latino Health Fair at Frazer United Methodist Church in Montgomery. Osteoporosis information in Spanish was sent to Forest Hill Church of God in Mobile for a health fair, to the Governor’s Conference on Obesity in Tuscaloosa, and at a Latino presentation in Tuscaloosa.

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Continue to schedule and provide osteoporosis screenings, when possible, to community screenings targeting minority populations. ADPH Office of Minority Health and Office of Women’s Health Partnered to screen 30 women during an awareness event in Montgomery on October 11, 2008.

Goals for Year 2009 Public Education Work Group: Goal: Who:

Offer food pantry participants information on calcium and milk. ADPH Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit (NPA)


Conduct education classes on milk and calcium with students and their parents at Montgomery schools. NPA, ADPH

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Provide osteoporosis education sheets with frozen meals delivered by the ADSS and through services delivered by the ADPH Bureau of Home and Community Services. ADSS, NPA, Bureau of Home and Community Services

Professional Education Work Group: Goal:

Conduct an osteoporosis education program for a national Extension System meeting in Birmingham in 2009. The program,


Who: Goal: Who: Goal: Who:

“Tone Your Bones,” will be held September 16, 2009, at the Sheraton Civic Center. Deborah Mathews, Alabama Cooperative Extension System Promote and maintain the osteoporosis education Web site for health professionals at the Harrison School of Pharmacy at Auburn University. Dr. Kimberly Braxton-Lloyd, members of the Professional Education Work Group Develop and distribute an educational CD-ROM to all ADPH Office of Women’s Health steering committee members to distribute to health systems throughout the state. Jessica Hardy, ADPH, Dr. Kimberly Braxton-Lloyd, Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy

Access and Screening Work Group: Goal: Who:

Provide osteoporosis screening for public education employees. Wellness Division, ADPH


Utilize the ADPH Web site to provide osteoporosis information, including osteoporosis services, educational materials, and the annual report. ADPH staff

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ADPH Women, Infants, and Children’s (WIC) Program will conduct a “Moove to Lowfat Dairy” program initiative in all clinics statewide, with the new food packages for WIC recipients allowing only 2%, 1%, and fat free milk for women and children 2 and older. WIC staff, ADPH ADPH Minority Health Division will conduct community screenings at health fairs for minority groups. ADPH Minority Health staff Continue to schedule and provide osteoporosis screenings, when possible, to community screenings targeting minority populations. ADPH Minority Health staff


2008 Task Force Members Jim Bailey Barbara Baites Maria Berado Rosemary Blackmon Scott H. Boswell Kimberly Braxton-Lloyd Twanna Brown Beverly Burks Johnny Collins Shelia Davis John Dorsey Adahli Estrada Miriam Gaines Trish Harbin Jessica Hardy Heidi Hataway Jack Hataway Gloria Howard Linda Jennings Linda Knol Grace Lloyd Jack London Jennifer McClintock Jay McDonald Ramzi Malek Gail Mask Eleanor Mathews Holly Midgley Belinda Miller Jeanenne Morrow Mary Martin Nordness Mary Ann Ostrye Michael Parker Molly Pettyjohn Robin Rawls Melanie Rightmyer Anita Sanford Cindy Scott Habiba N. Shaw Julia Sosa Barbara Struempler Catherine Tanner Charlie Thomas Deborah Thomasson

Barber Dairies, Inc. Alabama Quality Assurance Foundation Private Physician Alabama Hospital Association Private Physician Auburn University Alabama Department of Public Health Blue Cross/Blue Shield Barber Dairies, Inc. Merck & Company Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals Private Physician Alabama Department of Public Health Alabama Department of Human Resources Alabama Department of Public Health Alabama Department of Public Health Alabama Department of Public Health Education, Minority Women’s Group Alabama Department of Public Health University of Alabama Alabama Radio Network Private Osteoporosis Consultant Alabama Department of Senior Services University of Alabama at Birmingham Private Physician Alabama Department of Public Health Alabama Cooperative Extension System Alabama Academy of Family Physicians Southeast Alabama Medical Center Foundation for Women’s Health Southeast Dairy Association Alabama Department of Senior Services University of Alabama Alabama Department of Public Health Alabama Medicaid Agency Alabama Department of Public Health Private Citizen LWT Communication LLC Private Consultant Alabama Department of Public Health Alabama Cooperative Extension System Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals Alabama Department of Public Health Alabama Department of Public Health


Lori Turner Bryan Walker Cathy Whelton Howard Williamson

University of Alabama Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals Providence Hospital Private Physician