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--------------------------- il I J M - 'J * la a ^ j ^ ^ " 1 ■■ ,' ---------- l ^ -------^ a l , ' : A “R ;egiorii e g io W N « w B p a p ir S r ...
Author: Cuthbert Harvey
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-------^ a l , ' : A “R ;egiorii e g io W N « w B p a p ir S r T liiK 10- .Bd


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Tho Eisenhower adminjstra dministratton-caught^more/^ellg - ^ d a y — j over tho Hells canyon m daniiMiie.dani'ii ■ n i =tnttyior4j|ftcreta ry^ cK B 3 ^ =KcKHy*®l!l6Uftced May..5 that goV: _ _1 | m | B . emment was withdrawing awing its opposition to an application I Idaho PoweFcompany—now ny—now before the federal power com- v i m isalon-'to build a dam on S Snake river a t Oxbow, in Idaho.. j . The Truman-administratloi iniatratlonhad^pUu:edr{te-oppo8itioh-b»-^ fore the FPC on the ground th^t Idaho-Power’s proposed-:-’! le grounds swles of dams would interuld inter-: ■ . * .* ♦ * fere with -conatruction of. s l)ii)-^^-r6d«r4iriBUiiipurpaM-^ urp sM T a a j M t c h ^ - R a p s "

id- I Jailed becauM Czechoslovak lead»W ^-a»-«pylnr-hf«-taalst- ^ 1 ® i d ^ -S■ -OenceT*coD on reporting accurately about I B 8 b^ &


ttlMcKay l | ^ H ezBrin®^

ill on the ■wall,” .the AP corres^ § portarsand-phototpraphera^fter ;er ^I ' w l s S ' i t 1™ rep o rto rtoin-fronticT under eBcort-of-ofe - I " ■ S i r f t o irc" curtoW IS- I fldalB from the U. S. embassy'in Prague. I

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^Iqb Irrlg a M Idaho l a h o Co C o u n tie s

:TWIN“F A £ b B riD AHioOP.- S H N ^ Y r M A y - 1 7 i - M 6 S - .- 3A

le- I 16 (A V -^hin and pale, Rc< iBreturncd;to^tho-lrea-world-4o- —I prison, where for two | im o'utarde new a.that " I dldTiot I

i ^ . Germ any,. May M ay

Pankfac ^ K ^ h o a l o v a k l a s. P a ^

:rrr~.— t t —r — ^ ^ rrrrn _L ....... _______________ ___ !


a t HeUs canyon. —Proponienta o t.tb a J e d e ra l-^ J e c I said McKay's decision m aant mi

ras ;■ K] their eoam u n lst regime, he was the] :av - I fA4 parilooed by President Antonin Zav

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leased this momlngr. ^ •moe Helli Hells ." A . -.I abandoning plans., tor .m O canyon danx They ciUsd Hellj o atlf Mid h e .waa n o t "subjected I S f - slto s i Kin A s '^ G i y e a w a y * o r mishandled” by the I to terrorism i canyon m e la st great dam >tCzech commimlsta an d his treat* ■ m e west. TACOMA,'Wash, May' IS (I) — .1 ment In general waa good. He waa - | •. New Barbs ' DemocraUc NaUonal 0 b a l r m * n L • In the prison bospltal for a month I gnusoa, 'D., -m re -ttM ta d I f ported b e to "feeling greafnow .* p, patrolmen from aoboola aboat tbe-val b e ’Taney here Satarday In rtoogniUoa QiUoa , to a B orle and loach. (S taff phot« s / Glad (o B« O nt — m * irsst'w m }ow Jalt:a:W ]llon' ElsenhowTf administration. ; * * * * * * * ,* ■i ^ am glad to be o u t of prison," _ ^ ISemoerailc ---------------- A ndnkt-T*w lstonr'T3em ocraU o or_m oT e^la.p n d u ctlfln .jen rri9 M ^^-H / o»ti Oatls aald w ith a smile. “And 1 am \ | ATUltobsU' as a xesuU -«t8aer«tat7-ot.tb».l& -— ^ —- partr-chlfftan-BtapheiTArultotasU t h aun ttn ^ -a U -T rtp -h B lp e d 2 J^^^^ a t tarlor McKay's declsloa o a 't u r m ^ . 2 th L . iioIds It* annual ^stod&i * . “laycbology w aa used.!’ . , ln« K t n T t t t 'l I n l t i d 8 U i»! ^ ^Asked about hla treatm ent In gg to-the park fo r the-plcnle. ould^tbe holden meeting ia'A u g u its. Me. .01 deoUned to elaborate a o r vould^tbe B in S(pilpment displayed Included two ^ .(t -S A contingent of poUce vehicles, Ides, hea beaded by. PoUce O ^ f Howard. a rd . OU- UJI. command aay wh'emer• tba'^ra. tha'r® . Ita.lO,biggest steck M d sn i,'b a salC ^ prison and wtaeUier I t waa tbe aam^ qo« quarter ton Jeeps equipped 3^ now 'i ■ n . lette and s ta te PoUce, U eut,. Clark Clork^Htad, led tbe p a r ^ ' ’ . b e r au> au* nine 'are aastaxa mn^ cess was. dictated by higber > throughout h is oonflnement,:'Oatla ltl 'th elatest.ty p ea of radio equip^ vvlth The plcnlo lunch, prepared by Ja Jar-C j^ C -E ttu and a group of ..Camp w U - f t w .L o a 'A M g l i ^ u n p PPlre lre mority, ' ' : ‘ replied: “ R]e treatm en t varIM trom ment, mei a hydramaUc drive two and U. Oirls w ltb'M ra. M erritt BhotweU well M 1 supplies lum iabed Jshed by ' Top iMvel F a r l^ . :. . ' t h n COmpW. OubMBC.VaO uva .iB tliM t o time, b u t In general it waa ong. “ one-balf^toii_tnick4'onB-I05-mmi. . go6d»” ' . njet ar ------ ' — — • -^oweverrtbO-recess'-andi-iiudden m eter bovltzer, an ' si-mUlimeter .. Z>urlnf a o a t of U a ' ccnflnement, ^ ‘w incrtar, enlarged w orklse models ot ^ ■■'V[ : the, M -l rifle, carbtafl and JOrcall- Q T^iUffat^ S l i ^ : - on y j p ^ t o j E O r £ w rd f^ n e ? c ^ S w ftite id ilfle ." k i _ , h a a d llh * iw -- # x o li» n « a - « £ - > a r s u n s ,. .46-caUber automatlb pistol, le (CM tlAB^-n-Pw.l. O U aa o ---- --O vj H T kI ' ,.** r***P ' daya.-fyom leadsn In Bilts(l;^;sknd sda.^Bkad ■-----^ ^ i n i / A i M M n tij^ s U ite d ^ of_Uie j p * ‘ India and J)rott'tba. U.B.v«(ftta.Kle. [O O terar •patunent in lp :,tiav r^caused :-' tb Uiaaed -" a — - ■O l f f i „ oonnebled v l tb the d eath ot the ^ ^ E b u u ifidiMtcd to(tiy t h a t 'r i a r w t l i ^ t t t ^ i T i f e ^ u ^JUuslan Uader last March. .d ’w lh lh.. tl th e w o rld 's f I r t f ; i H p l a ’,fJee t a> cc e United States..to.-ask. f w .a truce , W A B ^ O T O N . J i ^ » , c o ^ p e tin fif i n 'a 'h o f r a c e too 'w ud tn m . tutrleUons > ^ K esmmunlst Ctecbdilo- . . .“Do ^ you a*r«o w ith the oftlclaj turrd r a t b s r ,. p a c e d . U .. S.. p ilo ts(. .S S aatu d a y , in a b Iazin tr:& U d fly -8 h 6 o t _____.1. ator D wbndjak.'lu Ida.,-today, asked ^ atUtude o t th e U nited SUtea gov- ^ imll or (he ImpTUonWOOW cost ■• '? ■ .J o v e r n o r t h w e s t K o re a w hlich ic h th oe f i f t h a i r f o r c e . ^ d c o s t t hn e Tba negotlaUoaa ,wiU resume on - em ^WfloreBpondenfWUlUm J™”m ent th a t you were - convicted Wednesday and any new aUlett tack B c o m m u n is ts '1,1 M IG s s h o) t d o w n a n d s ix d a m a g e d . '' " ' I. for. working, la ozachoslovakla Just /•;! BOV that O ttu mid atUl BtlU feaslbUltjr o f a .d a m a a .tha:sioun. (CraURit< M i.rac* IS. C4taaB I) ^ C a p t, M a n u e l F e im a n d e r, M ia m i,'F la ., h a trg e d h i s rr ee cc oo rr dd -- revealed m en doubUess would bew to me ono.major U .N. poaitloa portion tala.Sheep .ait^/On Baake t t r a r In ''•Approximately W sorority mem__ Jo s® m H^WuhlDston-b&Ueil_ the n - bera attanded-the two-day aU-Idaho “ a a h in g 1 4 th _ I f lG S a tui r d a y a f te r n o o n a f t e r C a p t. J o s e p h ^ I h i t j i o . K o n i r W . p r i S S ' ta Idah(kEa gbtl'^.««00,OM .astl. ^ ■ tip u ter'f rtlMU u vel> f ^ ‘ iia st'bbis is' ^ -— i f . T ^ c H 'T e m j m d ^ o iaI m aa rrst forced to return bome agalns^ la JU< M cC onnellT ^ p p l e T a l l e y , C a^lif.; state convenUon ot the Beta Sigma tet then w u •* T he M ouatalaB heapalta Is down­ F i r n d k ' D ^ ^ ' " ” P hi sorority here Saturday aad Sun- — o f 18 in ' a m o m iiig aw eep.,* • N ew H anO tfeM d. • • stream from m e b lg h ly o o a tn v e r« 1 t ^ ^ ' W hen their Sabres awooabed l a ^B U purk id tiirB lfn lflc i^ jj flashing Clark penonally flew f r ^ Tokyo * . I-, landing*, from Saturday's .flashing Sunday sessions will be concluded T tao MMia IO .^tb..tiu.4atast::aIU ed-o6ui£r-pn^ ''■ ^ r t b a i t ’s requA t' cim a. at., s ' _ do® ghta.,E en»deajraa_ona w ltb a banquet a t 3 pjn. a t the Turf ^ ^W tlKntsoTtt, enOilnfl.otf - - - . trom the earUer avay and McConnell two- from tha posal on'prisoner exchange'IfM a chJb---with—tho-R ev;-W .—:Ar-MacpppTyipiH«M>m« Mlcuil«b*-y«eht-WIUi*ms-------%f is klUa m a t vUl give UieI world’s -world’s In me week.- After consultations bearing oa th e a w n erW U Jor me ^ A rthur as speaker. Sunday acUvlUes ^ ■ ? u M by h5i presi aecre'^ m Srngmah Bhee, president of snny's olva fuacUoiis.. Such func> * • ' flrat triple Jet aca rating. with a breakfast a t 10 am. H a .a Eftgtrt7. u .belDff BC ig BOISB, J to y 18. liB -Ih e Idaho“ abegin y. m e BepubUo o t Korea and th e U.N. UoM conslst.malnly o f oonstmcUon . On the ground i t u r d a y , aUled t the P ark hotel. Awords for Uie soostnietiQ^ W A S ^aT O N .H ay :i8 (i» -^:m i^:< ::;C Ibout the news ot hlsh Jt highway .board todoy created, six *“ * led a aemUaUng statf/tbe.aUied-oounter I ' f l l troops and artlilaiy killed a d S best’Ohaptw scrapbooks will be preof flood. oon tro l,jm d .'^T ars aad frivars a M Id a h o ; and-W yom ing p 6 iW “ 0» controlled accesa hlghvay areas In cont wounded more th a n - 1.500 ooff 4,000 plan ttss unfoldBd. I t p i a t ^ 'p a r t . aenied a t the.breakfast meeUng. -cnglaeen. p«wi— r B L d A irtm e n t slAtemeoi the i ChUiceo attackera o a tb eI oentral strenuous Soum Korean oblM^ons n. ® h '■ 1WASHINOTON. May 16 W _-6ae._ dByVtb*’ feat trid m ake « jse S ,-dW o e s uItJ" te Kell; KeUy. outlined • the alms and purfea for reorganlmUon plan No. toprlKmed two yeen n leevi leave BbUe May 38 w ith State irseehoe- m e custody, ot a flve-naUoni X n eutral bUo aa t»W>«l 200;Chlne8olnahorseehoeThrW y y 1«w»«Mnrt Johnston asld as he mado pubUo ^ •r poses Joli commission for 60 days. I b e a If P ^ p K » o , , t e sra Hlghwaji‘Engineer .h Earle V. MUler PO»t ot the oonvenUon. vere d e e ^ b a d .a s tmnooessaiyvby' ' •. » “ * D « t« b iaa ;. :S e ^ n s recessed following a 11 letter to the B&enhower cabinet and'pIUinlnff S ig ln e e r K .’7 . U cSe ibinat ^“* ^ li^ S a d q u a r te r s tald U>e be Boiim Bourn sUU refusing repaMaUon mese Chltain Sheep Oivld D, Moffat, Jr.,-asslstantrto'' .■/. a pm outposts nese would jUso be eligible' for re- ,,i* >. iCoy tfl Initpact-Toads-in-northem jn , itmph>»nn n t ih a Legion hsU. ®*> I. -.1 .„ I..1,.1 u 1,'Lif . R r r ^ r fin , ^ _ n r e s l d ^ of •Utab-Pbwtf and^.■-';; ' BfiABuii U Bcneasiea to testtry Muslo-vas furnished by J. Hill. • ^ 3cJrm‘«y lease:------'-------- ^----------------------- — I- Idaho. .- — Mujl because I'lgbt'oompany,^.. .> .. . v -’''* . • —I. Mondojr belore tha senate govern- had lost in recent weeks. T h10 en. Nam Nam should ba highly d e s l r ^bla a -because Angrily Norm Korean Oen. e BOKs V approved wero award of ^A p j ^ c a t th e Idaho Power com’J T ^ 'v e r e a poww p l a n i i t ; t l » ; '' ‘ ment toperaUons committee. „swept wlUiin 10 yards of tb eI crest of H, head ot the communist s t truce I t would b e located l a . a position in ccont m tra c ta ' for projects on which -janj park a t Twin PalU a t 6 pjn. ^ E . j 2 i **•* MBilderftUon • pany i v aters of Deer Creek dam, on m e P m o k l m . ' .-; r . I t is considering President Elsen" proposal w here'it.'could'im pouad waters ot team, turned down m e proposal a third hlU. . . •. ;- bldi bids were opened tbe past month.cUmi thoie^m liiocUmaxed the Saturday session. A n j, hover’s, plan to'give Bensoa brood dMlared l»Ux m e.S naka river a ad its trlbutribu. ll iefendeta' Thursday as “absurd'* and declared A company of Oblneaa defenderae Areaa Listed ,skit u t and a square danco exhlblUon powera to roorgafllxe . m e depart- ^waa trapped In th e horseshoe >Uations. tary, m a .Salmon riv e r.. , . ihoa ^b«- It destroyed the basis of negotiations. -■ 171 ITie secUona designated as con' • tfw o ag group of children under the ment i~ ’ of- agriculture. ' indicated, in Idaho,' >80,000. a a d «380>MO f b r ' '- r r r “ --------S u c b ^ ' p ro je c t,. h e Indicated, ___ tween the three hUls, trol]ed*accesi‘ highways Include: , dlrecUon dlrec of Mrs. Lyle Fuller fea- “' Johaston J :Uon ‘hf 'hf a tbs O a t« n y j a d . W ansblp pow w ■'> - - would” Include cons&ucUoa tn d soma-oiher Demo­ -B -29-.:su p e rfo fta-ro are d . _;iato 13.7- miles o f U. 8 . highway 30 ture< the picnic program:-':— «> tured - craUo senatora already have tc*tl-Salm on-to :plants.oa..tbft-Weber, b a « ln :.^ j,a 6 tk .,J i sy V diVBrslon-dam-on-.-tho-Salmoa-to yau- ^northwest Korea Saturday alght from M ountain Home; a secUon ArrangemenU for the convenUon naka above In Utah. ° fied against th e plan which* be_ pour water into’ t ^ Baaka’ "«* and alommed a heavy bombing aton U. B. 20 n e tr. PocateUo ex-Z were directed'by th e Beta Blgma Phi .O n tbe Oateway and XrattOiltf: “ comes effecllvo unless 49 senatora or ..ts.ck ts a t a big ..communist.' aupply. f tending .easterly ’ from Bannock ;* olty oonncll of T w in Falls wlUi Mrs. 6 n C h * ^ T ^ ^ j e c t w m ild-not Dt Interfert powerplaata,-M offat su g g ested -ib a* :-^ ** 310 318 house'meait>en vote against it. center northwest of Blnaaju. S Smith and Mrs. Jerry Baumann as j, his letter to SecreUry Benson. lg Industzy “ In Industzy tbe m atter ot power g w e r a t l o a U ^ ^ . HANOI, Zndo-Obina,.May 18 (/P>— wim me nalmon fishing LtoBight aiyi jh B ild BrpYldft hyttCLfleo^j^ [■ of. Uia. PhUbin road xonnacUon ; •a ' '-R 5 ^ e p re se ^ U v e s' of Uie chaptci' ^ z a v l » tectlon th a n th a B ells c aa y o a ^ U ^ S ll^ C ra c k d o w i!? = ^ ;S secUon- near Amerloan' Palis on ' i* tgVionft «lm»- Owot*hak.'8old.:':'.:;:.,:;. . a iiiiU n a = H lth ^ la n a :-w w e z » « ^ ^ :2 a;i eo.eom " .. P.-~B.~ ao tiTim- m 8 ~ q > u iaiP ciwg® 5 P u lle r,-B lg m a - c b a p tc r^ a n d U ^ juw ea_bave _ Cborpm lHg nald. sufulLfmginwiro Jm d iie er' lines.::......................... - . ■~ I 0 1 ' ■ munlst-Icd—'V lstm lnb-forcaa-bave ^ ooudfyHiio appfoxlmalely five miles ™ ' ^ Balph-Haan, Omlcron chapter, jHe th en ssk ^B en a o n ’s p la a^ if o r z S e e a f p r E t t e s "- gox L T l ^ e « rT )* lt« lB r~ th a -y rtn c hcb-Viet-V ie t- in g -e tu d r-o f-te o -^ o u a ta ln -B h e e p n ^ ^J.---» toward American IW ls; a secUon d to . mlgbt^emt .around 1^,000. ■' conUnuaUon o f tbe naUonwido ays- . 5 U l l l l aamese post for hours,. , . . W>. 00 p. ., . '. J . - : A ir a e ^ t o n ^ on. U. e. 30 n e a r B upert extending A ir D e fe n s e C a t • CAB KILLS VTABN tem tem of local.farm er committees in , He said U tah Power a ^ Z d g lit/ >r wMt 3.4 miles ftom tho Cassia. WASHINOTON, 18 U T-Presl. k-Presl- Pl« planiUns and., administering the SALT LAKE CITY. May 18 WVhM offered a a ' agreement to -.tb * - ‘ LS Power county Une t o w d s Bupert;;; dent Elsenbower. was reported SaU le A 38-year-old U tah man was klUed Ian I H I P w o Blver W ater T Jiarirasso d a- - . 38 1- U. B. IDi from the ldaho-U U h Une u rd a y .to be in a mood to crack' 1 . ■ Johnston tlso asked how soU w n 'S-in an atito-pedestrian accident P o ' Ji ~ Uoa whereby th e compaay would , ve. “10 «aU ea north towards Malad-Clty:- in ai made K f > for k *en servatlon-paym ents-w ili-'be-m ade iJojm on;of(ieltl8>hO:may,..resUt a ;t Uce 1 -". " ' . . (Cni(UB>4 «a.rw»;-6SpU3>=:r:^.i: y and oa-.U. S. M from near Bassett ^ :Identified him a i QuenUn Dick itiona Pniposed five bUUoa doU ar.out la r, and a series of similar queaUona »- Clark of Uie Chesterfield community, sir ., ; **• force funds. . . - a s a lt ljakot«r_took _ retook F l a n t a .a n bow. r e ^ . '. ^ « a a l i h m u s H e b - t N -t » 6 points. Colorado coUegeJiad u „ Cabbage, eta. Glabe Seed-Peed. o4.t 2 would be hla la s t '‘wtn. lose » the low wood in « . » seconds. C Montana Stato college 39. Western , ™ HoweU'wss h l^-piM nt m ao-w lth ---------------— • _ ------------ -.-w ith j; . e-n etted .> .p o ln t.fo r-ru n n ln g _ * —•T h e - f a m lly -w iU - h o ld - h lia .to . ee ta t a ta t aiK-and.Cotorado.Mlncs 31. . II.-H 0* a« leg •®ain fen during the entira pro1 on the reu y team w hich.fin, th a t promise," sold Mrs.,Cream, ^ 3* Uhed grim and record-breaking w“ Uh second to Idaho SU ta. 7 ofter watching on TV h e r h u ^ grin S '1! -band:go-down-under-M Si fiaed t»Lca Prothe. Colorado SUto. la. ..-D 1 ick Bauer-of Idaho S ta ta .fln ardaiio'» jjae* n< l»h lahed second in th a .r a c e .lo r lad l-a tta c k ln'tho-f|rrt-Toand;ot.tI»C,- in .th -l o -sh o tp u tr» * l* y -- *X l«J«»^' llg ^ ; ........................... H 66'- to o e d - th e - s h o t 4 8 -4 e e t, 8 !i !* Tidual-points. tld He;.wo«u**'e dlscus.H title llghfat-'ChlcaBOr------. took Inches...................... -to o third in tha a h o ^ t and .tied .. - -Mr.-Cr«flni ta also iM h ie for seeond m -th « -h ig h jum p to to --' ■ ./ •iii ^ y . ? g £ £ ;.J. g'Jeraey Joe W alcojt m|plefc up 10 TMlntB. ---------------1 I Wm ^ )' _. "" " ' ! . ■ ' “7 1'"'”



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Q a t a '^ o b i n l o r T e s tim j ^ ^Rd lliiig O^HOT ^ S kills lo Vis if V ^ llllll^ -xartfew —-SUode»dii>-«U odaM -oa who-,«raTti^-wtthTthB- t» ag « «fiir"d M a* raerk iflB raw r» M * e raitt« ^ ^ a w g " a ~ c B if^flur- mile* last year. A p a rt oiff tho xvford xvford w u situations,:-ufety practieo n dtie-to'th*~TC m Bf-«Usarofi«a-.taa ('clU R ec(a-. «onajaja t th thee proposed ' eounU th a t h e h a d oonfessed a t hi Camp Ftre OtxlsI ccamp a a p tn tb e trial, whleh ended July 4.. 19&1. 19&1. sooth hiUs. LooUnc onI is Is J o to ^ Breckenrldce, director of )f the cnrr e m ra t

“ “Ih a v e ^ tllln g to w w ^ ffie c o rftf ipoadent repUed. *^111 you withdraw yot{( eonfes' ■ ■ f ■ ^ o n when you got home?" H jB I "Td betUnr waSt untU X s e t homt^ B fa . ■ Relating the atory of how he ^ • -arrested. Oatls said: »u se som< some' (»«'“ P»s» Ob») change between hinuelf m ttg-. ^ ■ 1 - *7 h a d been worried because Mlf. a•nrf mLM Bationaii)' Twny's-i;i38:oo0'shares‘'or'cttifiifl; ir'cttifiltrotr nuson'conceiSng Kells canyon. H H ' i --------c r » a y 'e h 3 ^ ( ^ “ rotMh'BfttronaW lla .canyon. a d noticed H H — — K 6rL B fltU ng.arr^dvIJi*dnoU ce< sto(A and 380 of the la i.ooQjrefc W jw fifc ri _ v8enator MagnusonI had him-: hira-in'Bd 'b07 y what jBHafll ,sur ca r w u belng.foUowed whai « a shares. comer . . . und Senator Welker' orW elker'w as t h et O C «uct ch T he WashUvgton senator t e protcaUng forceluUy .th at 'he" f f i H L : ------ K ta ob'vtousljr.a.cai 0 ! th it aaid th drove to ijor against aga ^■ D I' police on April 33, X9B1. 2Z drove U Elsenhower administrationn can *'‘'go neither for it (the dom) m) b^or >d the tho car whl< ram which it,., • L ■ H ' l h ? U. S. embassy, stopped cai ahead on the great program w. ^ pro Transcript Altered ■ K sn d thought' It over, l decided X 1 has brought production an d prosperity to toe we a f or "it^cftojcalp cao-flca —»'You-8hould-Bee-how-h6-ftlt4 il o B B — S ^ S , ^ S m T i ® p i ™ -trth m irem , r » . .* U B U it lsdoIhgnow -andstvlng giving our tjj'e transcript of th !a T t 3debate ♦h. ntm ent to ■ H bassy aod m sde a n appointment U scalps to WaU Street. the Congresthtf "We weat*t»er« are a pretty haii ■ -see th em Monday. J u s t u IX Xk it t tht lix police* four yea Associated Press oUlce, six police, people . . . por th e next four years Tj,g DemocraUc leader did arr X suppose well have to take . men walked, up and said I1 was-, ar? I*” I t .»•» Boy how the transcript was i)]^ i l -

f f a

jt-will-fae-seen'on'the---------Suits4^h(3^w HI-be

' irtesf-women-'this-spring----- ^ ^—-smartesf-wo itvles. ... in o host oof brillionti new styles.

ounpalgo to raise f ni nn ^ ttoo boUd bal th e eamp. Tbo. chock w m p rw to a t tb e b l|b aebool gynmaslan gymnaslam Friday sig h t when 97 Bloo B l ^ were iraduated IntoI Camp Flro Fii r^ek. (Staff pboto-en«ravla«)


Nurses Urged ;ed ttoo E is e n h o w ee rr’s ’s A d m in is (tra r a ti tio n B la s te d[ k Ahead ?l^W o rk:^e; •=^5:4: A new w fc f o r H e lls G a n y to n D a m D e (4qinn d1s9 ic C 1U 11 BOISE, May W -.tB -NnnnneetIf l-N s -c a n Q om pUsh^m ore_____ —Welkar-was-«iuoted-a*-sayUig* ead. BerLOweiu r “£ rT SB“&5Eli!SSS.o; a t a XJncoln day dinner. ZJitoi -------“ two-day insUtuto : iit« o f th a lda* Bald*he* did not make th e 'prop there, but durin* an.interview. interview, “Is,-the selling of T TVA vA to 'bb e a trial balloon?" MltcheU asked, leU asked. "And If Mr. WeUcer. ;r. succeedi succeed in jetU ng ..that-snld then, n -ddoes-he o e s-h e -ln Ig the gbv« govern* *“ 4 to advocato-selllng. 5 in the n o r n»entiSow w dam s.hereinthenoi

^ League for N unlng today, ng today. is an in stm tra cto c to rr aa tt the i^ B ^ ^ H R H ^ ^ University of Washington. a ngton. H arriet Qmltb, another University Wiasherslty o o ft W m U SK B B E ^m ington Instructor, disqissed tqissed ada adapu. Uon -of wori»plflimlnrTneai8ai D in n ea i« is~ io — ; H 5 a a 6 H e 9 u ^ H «ppnlfln nnmlwy ^**— ^ ~ t h - --------------------------Tea growing In Brazil de ‘ozU h> m ^ e r » J o b a n a e n . ily-oompany that-has designed a building ^ i i i .th t ha.t ■ an d - will II adequaU adequately meet the wind and snow loads ding th a t encountered countered In our Intcnriountaln areat ' ........... wjtlt fowB ni&Ienl^ ■ low loads :. . T o w n B r o w n .

^ T A B U S H C O tM ^T A B U

s ^ W

/cliker; Inc^^


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PHONE 288S 2885

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. . T I M B i S ^ l ^ E W ii S rtWTN tW I


eater GroUji . T '

r a ^ iz a tio n

o £ T h e a tc


S u i tt s

F A ttg rtP A H O0

Jero m e

iber .y n ____ . .



' WijisTWp ' EDEW, M ay IB—Wini»m nllf-imi

G lta m b e r

i y o r w u i i if ~ C e le b ra fe s - U E vJ Ve reini t r T i l e d m X ^ b » uU 1r tI JEROME. May 15—Jerome rth.m ^ Cham rii™ ■ “ T tU R IB 7nB M T »= ^0W nT erH*K »rrr j*r-oZ-Om unerot:»otwerred_aim e forces day a t thetr meeting Wed ■ xeU^-jtprewntod , h y .^ lfflw n and ne»a«rBoonrM *JrVU>i«n-BrRos; Nielson, attotneys. -has filed~ a suit regional lAstruotor of the flisf ti for divorce hert pom Lillian Smith armored cavalry, discussed J rt« « i.r e> ph . Albion o n O ot IB,' 1933.. and nd have gram. five ChUdren, four of them minora. m inors jam ei Keel, secretary, reporte y. reported l h e p la ln tlfl asks for 'custody istody o fr the fiiinor children; There is no community property. 6he also asks . j ” -Jht_m ipport. nialntenancft luia. - educaUon of-the minor-ohUdren^ot - the ra t«-of-tto a-month-untU-Boch reaches legal age. ........... ...........

_ 1 _

........ : W ; : - y

:- - ; r

yi C - / fU n b i

7 M nlor-ar-VftntrTilBhTSaidqT-E: “ “ Mr* *nd “ « • W. H. BUesn M m . t u b M » id - ih a - n a . . ______ ' _________ HI iurc il^.jQ (»eaiU y& :£O U D dl.cQ tion as a guest of tho Idaho eoop. aho 000 ^ . ^ y • # 1 i »U»e councU. , : ' „He-won the trip by m aUng 1 Wghest sccre in » farm er ooopei2 atod “a t 't E e _____ _________ . ________ V” Jerome high oohoc^'on Aj*U 4*11 38. ^ — • Perhaps you u do not re realise the vita! th a t t h je i r - \ T ^ ': >vlaions :for a ln cw , ever-ready-tothat the fond for provisions sr-ready-to-serve men play in your Ufe, V '■ 1 triplets, ^^drOT^^ oif^ Mr. Mid ________ Indeed to the^Ufe the life of this entire community. Tour- ■' ' rmif-frleu ii -. yuuf CPUMCT, jluigTie J u i'. . _ , *_ U l Steadily, advisor. VThen ne him, hd 1s available night ' lien you you need —— or day. Tireless, Ireless, rare rarely considering his own weH-_‘ ' -' ••‘T rANT AD6. belM and happiness, he U constantly on guard to R E A D ^T C ^-N E W a. WANT AI ' ■ protect youI and your your famUy from Ulne«s.'He ftvee - „ bountlfuUy of hU tli time without remuneratloa to . ■ '; alts^ and ^ t s . He is our great healer,, : -


'- U o X J u v j


Lowe and T. H. Ohurch. has~flled‘ suit for divorce from Roy Pierce. They were married Dec. 29,-1853, a t Twin FaUs and have no chUdren. The plaintiff chargea pbysieal i(nd mental cruelty and non*support and asks for $169 court costa and WO •


Direct yactory Represenidttvea

m il tt I —

- B m v i n tr r o ii 'T S c t ^ t i3y=^ yo oirr'~

11 I jB U tl IIH

Interior Decorating ServlM Free Estim ates L et-as-subm ltT tam ples-thatixwwinlD -


- month-allmoiv. • , ---------->:-------RAOBBHAN-VlSrTORS-:----HAOERMAN, May 16-M r. and M nuJack Oreen and daughter. Salt ^ tM |m d



• ‘ r ' ? :


hormonlBe with your present color

-fctjeiQea,— --------------—. . . . ..—

■'' ■

Lorson Home Furn. I. Co. tw jinA w iTfujT w>> - pnf>|jw



e S aa lliit i i t e


m K -io t- I:-.-'..........




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n !

^ Oreen Monday^eVetmftf.


. '■■■'


': : : v :f

ScJiooVs' Out! Ou Vacation m 'Time Is Here! j n .- 'n i ^ «« »nrfc-i«it «n imnlsUloB-pIaii-fer-w-locahUttltrtfattter’ the f l n t mectlnK ot t h e rrooD T h itn dar nli Uh. Un. M s ^ o f 2 r « B H I f m iS « ia 'B 5 b m " l

r^ E ili

^ ' the rally are^James Suthaland. land. d la -i AApplications Fil(!d Boise; RusseU Ralston, - Luther ther unes W&yne Smith. James l^ d l s t T k t ^ y o u th ^ jwIder. dCT. £i Cassia Estates |Troyef and S . P o w e rr e_ot

W h e r e v^ e r

^ O U

g 0 .v ,; r

E ^ p f G a s h '- ^ B U ;

' ■

--------- ^-----:------ :-------- ----------

ITi- -B T m un frM ay ~ 1 9 --A -p eU « o n -lor

R o j e c t e S o u g f i t >.i


estatfi. of OeciSQ R . Oon«letan haa has ^been fUed by Nielson and Nielson, ^ attorneys Xor M rs. E dith B. Oon«!egle* ^ wife of the doceased. In probate too. court. 21 ■ ■ Pfopeity in c lo d e s -a o o -te rc s -c t ' e sta te .a n d p m o n o l propeitjr real plintx. -. , ' ' «w orth 959,000. H e in to th e esUta lUta ■cosEtBlcf ulced t l » t the fJ* are M r i Coogleton, Eunice H. H. ^IntloB K wlUi action of the « « Congleton, PoeateJIo, a n d -Mrs. Mrs. dal«l .the mone^.-Ja •la Rachel L. F o rth , B u tb o n t,. C out, am ,

„.,. 18 iM-Powcr J r K ir fU l» li.ld * h o » iid .W i r^ K ^ . U i t fcmte approprltt' ^ ifi deny tha tteU-. H ^ .fiu d i-fa i-& .JU ifflB e r. ■ P b tu m U s lo a -Unes and



Hl^"' "' ^ B n U o tfa t, Jr, aulstantt to

'^ fe l^ o H 3 > Ile 1 io ^ 0 1 s o b a v e fll^ mu'' » peUtlon o f le tte rs of odmlnlstzawer: Uon In the e sta te oC Benjamin ^ f c l dat cf ■the U t ^ a w ^TObtaiar- judd.— irasr ^ ^ ^ ^ £ p i ^ , ‘dekhb(d thfM' h as been ap p n ise d a^ p.290. ^ E a bureau r ^ u u t i as nn* tm* Oakley Ol


R l c n »300/)00 . aaked tm',*. H i u t It the Deer Oieek dam BAOEIUCAN. M ay 10—T h e Snake lake ■ ^ rlre r-p ro ja c t-ln -U taah; b; 1 ■ ler the PaUsades-Idaho'Rl aho' River RepubUcan club will meet in aho the B ^ u a lo io n Une In Idaho thi Oivlc elub room In th e Masonlo u d temple a t 3 p. m .T h u rs d a y , ^K uoo for the Qatewa^ and tet Thto wm be th e ^ meeting be^ H d ' penr slanta on the ' foi fore the sum m er-noess, B rs. Jay ^ ■ tM b pnjeci Is Utah. ------r—r.___ . Fa f t a n e r . p resldw t^announces. She ^ will give a rv p o it :0 f. th e n eetlns •lie attended In ■B o iM ,' ■ C e s ls S l a t e d ; H l f t Kir I s - B l r Jerome ' ^ K b i S take'prC'ladoatlan ^ ■ .'C n lsa tlo n s a t BolAkT^ youth Adrian Van ]HAOEEUC&K. ^ ramr, s^'oM red by-Uie.Reorsanlted Ited dnlt board. repcMfc ™ ^ LDS ZiOQ league. wDl be held a t ■ t t a i fin. be D e v ^ ' TJ. By> £t*'* E agennon chxirch M ay 33 ■mi

THE- NEW-------- -- ------


S - ^w eaW


llilllll III III ii iiiiiiiiiiii ddla istric t TlUs''lDcIudes Boise. Nampa; ipa; ^■W . Hiimxk, FIo7d BttneU He “ II New Plymo'uth, CasUeford. Twin H ta il)« rid a .C o w s e r.B a n . Falls,^ FDcatello,- a n d various localH * TclBBlter. jtl, ,__ Itlea^la"-'Utah. _ _ -- 1 ----------------- Food, 3 and lodging wUl bo iuppUed ^ p g j C W B W A K T D6. by by th e Hagerman league^ m e ^ rg e

i i i H........................

i' • ■



' t' TP •

y m s -m g M



1::____ --- CMiml California stylln s a li ^ t K .r - the; f ib rle ^ e so m a n y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S H onfto ihl th is season ast: >, women '^.wCIconfto denim. .Choos« . *. ,,a' chaziKe fromI dents lue, ' - -f r ^ i m l ia n d / b lu e , white whl o f lemon with : —e a d i g a rm to t w ith w wlhit* Honblei'"' ' -needle.sU tcblfis-for-d) iroagh ; slzM from.'lO throogh

sm art, colorful ^ 2-pIacer$l —

■■ • -

ECEIVED! : 2 ! - 3 K 5 I iiiiW


-------------------------- ^----------

K - - Oub t()f Meet— -

S xLeagiie?to;Me^: S.



■ •••.-.

^ 1


1 I-

:L 0T H CAPS l.*49 M a tc h b f SAILCLOTH :L0TH Shorts 2.98 ’^Matching SAILCLOTH

' -------i —


iy P ^ l/U R L lIZ E Rl- ffoF o r T o B T C h ild N6«ir [WM Mjjm o Hg^ph > p p l e r ; I M ; | A t a r . . > ^ : ___

» v1f-


' .



, ..

Countless houT8*of f 'rram" o m cal fu n — a d d e d t ^ u t y


% & h P D K ^ r t r o D «Degre.r-fiu f c n a v -tie a —f l l l o f - t h e s e

gooqA ear

Ywt'pUn wSgn g rtaM a rb e^-w in f i I>tlTe «iaic» to n u A 'f^lf. Tli«a 1« C^ayear’* flexUiIo pipe te »eh . G ^ r e v adlmtebU n>l)l>«r « iri» Uer bM ^ Auetn&le. AU yoa need {( a luaifo aad adbedTe. Ne ipedil . .to e liw q a lw d -n o ib m a ite c f tno treacHee te dig. ITifia t«i* iTrtem abore 0 «fnd. SUt freond 0 to t inde* deep with spade, tls i qrXea ^n n fa h e a r

---------------PIQUE'TRIMI— RIMI—


98c« _


advantage8_a)m s_eomlbin«.w iU i t h o c o n f J d c n c * .^ ^ ':.

“ dpiiW yourchildacquip a c q u ire s a t th e k e y b o a rd .p r.*

-.Wuditzar-rplftno-Ui makr t n -a b fio lu te -m u < ^ -fo r . n a k 6 -it-a your home/•



m t n j t * - ^ o i h io jid ^ tt^ M -I

" I 'o i r i l i t , M o y


P H .I II S .-

y » lh . m nony ny uhti .........


r e n t

ro R A s i o


r ^SJS^IO s i l 00 A MONTH

a s POST OPPICB E ‘• ~—


• -


___ Krengel’s “

H a ra ^ a ire :


F riiU n U ntil sI F" P . m. M. for Y o n r''c« V e» le» » -^





T TWIN F A L L S "-—



uiC 98e

- .


if iq

..Woven plaids o r sotl . 1 1toto6)6) (Sizes from 7. to 14) ■ ^ taU enS'l - (Sizes frox. color denims —. tatters oior twi twills Several stylesto chooe« choo( print o r solid color . to —sum m er shorts trts trii trlm= from'"In-^ ~ OTTONSr^ “ d u i r o y ^ - W i d e - d i S e e - ^ f ^ a T iy -a n d j NO-IRON-COTTpNS: —med-rwHh*^iq.TiX"5 3h n s" i -- “ wTd-----c o lo r r to T n H tc h B l^ o f h e p T t ind froi front. Pastels -“ P lS ai . style'd'w ith band P e n n e y l . .. Siies-7-io — P tttte m ra t-a Penney Ioo ^ - B p o r ts w e y . ; Elastlc_tack.-Si2M :7' t* - ^ == ~ piiCi! ; , T— — = ^'4r“ B anft^'ed*'?=

. .

~~~ — J u s t o n e f r o m P etnh- _ , ... K ey’s C a rn iv al:. S e le c - “H o ft!— W h ite - g r o u n f — ^ - r - p r i i r t - a k } r i - i n - « e u l p - ------tu r c d -lo o k c o tto n w i t h d a rk -b ro a d c lo th b lo u s e .










*26p -» 2 5 0




------ ~ . M is6 dur.* called the agency's aottoo."* a a*mr* e •^ had b m Uviag too high i -* m H io a Oreea waa re J ^ ^ ■ i : ' mioDr other eatUemen. btTe' bbe«n e s t ij, log (he w inter ■">< h ad trouble b lo V tplae* Plae Pine u pastor of the F irst Chorcb •'We had planned to replace haullns their- critters arousd od In acarrying th e excess w eight 2 ^ V^al. ttiA bbuildu ^ B re~ fir« « stM ’n ? a ^ Ineas. retlrinc editor. a n d - S a n l Ori«. a d flso r................................ t o r th i h ee oo rr. N eviy d e c t ^ offleer* .tor J S iL S r ganltatlon are Neola S B nokbaok, editor; Ja n e t Peck, asilst*bt editor: titer:'~Gtair F rtd Tanaka,, sports -*dlterr-Otalr g « M sto n ;-a rt f i lter; : i S o M^ :S8 ttn^^ ltd r a i l lr la Baker, adv^or. H*ports w Q I'be Carinea Qar* m endla, Gloria Din. Che«e-Jans«y, Stanlay Hughes, Rosaaen , Bangh, Joanae Baer. BtUh meas.; UoUl* Peck. Iren e Tanaka, K l e a n o t goow H «.and: Q ^ -B raa ddea.-------= en .------ -

QtT»meBi tor--tto

N bm ^' ^ ^ ^ ^ v * “r « ' BaUey, preildeat; Mra. M a x D nSe. T lc*-preildttt:-M lS r> 3«> -B eg««, meitUxr. u d U n. B a r d d Vogt, BCi*. EnM»»-«-"«*. »*yw iru a rt ainaan.-aDd o * lb » < ^ ^ l t « e - < ^^^ rlnripal, r* . ^ report* o t th* r t edmth* aart od^

Ucaw permlta-from- thfr-bureau of-land hw:daughter.-.Mr8^01ffTe Adami.

-------- -







1 1 .9 5


Allied Vai a ----------

iwAhnLTO MOVEi.«»ii woNr-^

1 5 b - iF - - Y b u ; .W A N T _


; -,_-_.:_aRiAsiNe_ _______

-O R -ST O R E---------------..;^.,,.^



. ■j’ M AuMa S; A A ^, d a t b w r r a ! ^



M o m 3750.

iR M S io n * 3 7 S Q r

'. - ■ LARRY'S UTO CO ' N o rtfi A J^m i . . . t o - v a l f c - . . . ___________________ T he five m ea got the herd of SOO I cows a n d calves aad fire bulls juut mov* * , w nh i . , i la g early M oaday. momlng—T v e ath a r was mild, the lU ea sick clear “ -■mnd thB~CttttiB friiky. NiTeritKVlBr — b m herded before the. animals ' v ere a Uttle unruly but they-soon wses wtUed down to the routlae ot walk-



A Hentjr of o Dm I .


“ ^ lv e a " ia to V ^ O T ’i a * i it '^ U d a iprlngs n ear N^t-Soo-Pah. . . . t On th« . ( r o a aiT H it h a a - reached i ^ d l e r er^ek and becaui* therOiVU s o oorral the m ea had to . tid e n ig h t herd, a Job ao n e -b u t &rwla h a d doa« before. But the ,;& Ight, vhU« lo n g ..w u.unev«atfuL ^ M o d e m 'se le a w . herded-the-«atU e -\« n tha-thlrd alght. J u it before bed* (llag'dQ vn to r th e alght the. m ea xlggtd \ t p . a a electrlo fence th a t k ept th e eatUe eontlnid a s etsUy «s a oorral ot rails aad po iti aad


------------ :----- ---------------------------








I^ c «

-^.SSSoglW*M k Pwk r k » m tm

wera tb e Rev. and Mrs. Maekey M*ekey J. Brown,—A lao-ait*odlng-w ere th ee ---------- 6 : 0 0 x t t --------------------- ww* A r m * ___________ - - ■ • ■ . . and M » W.^ T . Arm*

breathe, i t wa* only recently .cently his his * w pali-any H’’sur« doctor discovered th a t twu ''vatyei ortage gntr was performed succeaafuUy illy re- were dsmsged. apparently by '^an MINE est. cently when Jam es Kopp, HANKAN- early Illness of rheum atlo fever. !d the aE N -underw ent aa .-o p « ra tlo n -to Ion—to Follo«lnf-*'serleo-cf-ex«m •mlnatloas lnatloai W* eleetrffy faeadl* m a c h la w _3SC£ft. 1‘opoi'' “^ m r g td h f u t valvoe. ' ' - /A . A . A. i m a n The operation was performed a tth e be perfonned w ith success. didn’t Dnlverilty -ot-OalifomlA -hospltaJ,omJtaJ,- —AJtixOTgh J:Jf h e a rt w ajI known koown to Smrlna M oehfh* S h o p ' [rind" Son Francisco, Calif. Mrs. CiMtt Clara Ibe weak Kopp played football otball and (Aenns trom Sean) ^ e u > Kopp, hU mother, received word I -ord of basketball aU through high Igh school. school, - - f i i r r ........... T t t i i i i i h e rd - the suocesa of th* operaUoa1 only 4 A few years later he v aIS s stricken *-------------------------------------------------It E r- sfter all danger ha d passed. ^ . with a heart attack a aid d bad to . , Jd to Kopp underwent hae operation i iratlon spw d several w e ^ In bed. ' h a d 5“ ^ _ e « ? P ]l« tl« » -J» t„ .la _ a nn4l.. he _Hft-vas.gM , Auat*d tto ia -the-H -th e -B aa---------------------------aa------------- 1 . J ------days > have another operaUoa lm . isen high, schoot in 1»93 aand la im* ad cUu* Hiue te. to mediately. I t was a touch and n d go tth a t tW i has resided either Ither m m aa rr WmKC^nmimmmsmtsrm r was Propoiltion fo r a tim e 'b u t.. eight 1Kanaen or TWIN P A Il.a. -A --year B. -A y e a r --------- h S ^ B S n 6 B 9 ^ H & 3 v ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ _ transfuiloi)! an d drugs to keep ip h lm jj«orfollow lneJiIa.lather*.daathrh* ..d a a th rh * ------r - - - i a 3 H ^ f l E 9 K a ^ ^ aooUtiOQ and. b 7 > t t p 7 ro « d .-lfi di crW i sa d his faaUly'm oved to0 Avaael, Avaail, . M mile* from Twin faU a to sum* ^ Calif., wbere b e thought the he cUmaU cUmat* n e r raoge Ju it be 7ood M aglo'B ot Xopp's h e a rt h a d ' become to *n< would i 10 en* be more suitable for bis ■ prlnp-tn Herada.-A< a crow tllei. ^ It VM difficult for him ilm to th ^ t h . - i t U' only a litUe -more thaa 40 ® iVIBr ’ ■ ~ —7 — miles. Inialsn f . • Tha HMntt fhlnW flying th e catUe lo Nevada but lait ivalk* faU they decided to do the aext best ^ iUa'*»

.0. t . triM xuBD


nrA'to'goen I— ■e-ot tbe-axt - ■ M ! I I I M 9 M i n ! l ! i l 9 ! • pctMdthat ■ Q U U I U 9 3 a |f l ||^ ^

»- HCall Ut FIRSfT)!

I ^e

■. -■ . £rtl?vS

dlatrf^ PTA' «:MB.ta.Mr. aad S ta. Jaek Bev Baailde^ Callt, tomicr B»san x«t tqUgm'PTA ^ t * •• HqUqm-pTA


- 7 "

W :T


£ JT n « w l i r t r ^ o r - M B m o r r d l T-y J aour-old-thw ^ — “ -----nmer-driving *gh«id

• •■ -o n d A H O I t 7 R E’ FTj

A .H '

trade in .your-old

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Er n s I H G c o V

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nt to Nerth JflibtipE@5oiiy Eii

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^ 8« .--m fb n ^ * b id tb e en < garrUuied' - i - for. nine years a n d revisited ^ by ‘I 4 B n a d in ^ P e iiM iM S h e n y n In y g ^ - ^ .w a a .r g ia m e d

^ Oakley

>€t elraroti^rnrat*«a?*m&^d5

t ~ iO p e n i n g D a f e S s t ”

^ -AppMcatiqns Fite® ?

[Q O I s whfinVBnglUftr•H e® ^ ^ I n - G a s s i a S c h o o l s ' be-al » l. ' .■ : k of new buUdlng pem lts Its have havo BTOUnr. May 18-TBnUUve,dat« Bince ’th a t time, few think hin». ,been.m ed.*t.tho_cl«5Lhall,:«p«tfl. , Coeur TiMwnt «l«n be Coe .rep«tfl. for-the-atartltrr-of-th»-Burler _ _ _ _was _ iW intM * SDO^. May 18 -P ran k Oreen Jo h n Lelser, c l t y i c l ^ '. I, I Ing Ins of the laks azxl those who have ^ schooh In thw foil has been for fcno» — —nay-Nlebenr-186S-AJturas-drtve; •spent-^ny time in ,U>e-areft-ltnow^ chalrman-of th e Eden Eden-vU-vU- — j ’: ^ by 7 m28- , Aug. 3 1 ,. Bumai Wrlgl#. CaMla Cassia ibutes plans corutructlonrof. a 79>w the largft body of w ater contributes pl schools. lage board a t a meeting of th e board l£ S superlnttodent ,of ‘ schools, • ■ 1 * ^ • ' '' i muiA to tbe leereatlon o t the area. loot Io brick veneer residence wlUi a twu ee tingw M ■■■ stlmated “ “>®«“ced Prtday. .. Wednesday night. T h e meeting ice the M■, ■ • —,-., Water "Bpcrta »r« especially cm em-. tached garage costing an estimated he«um “ » i? : 10 Third - - He also announced .th at th e sumW. N. Skinner. 3mer-lmprovpnent program wiU wiUInInwest, plans a 13- byr 13-foot the city has a n Independencea dav day avenue ^ :ted treastng arid Btone-was. reelected treas- -------idcostls and „ for bedroom a’d a l U ^ Bitlmated cost Is - : 3


S l i c e s B e g fiT E ^ ~ E y ^ ning a t 8 p.m/'Doors Open a t 7;30 p.m. SUBJECTS ’C-J; > !. i]

■“' >-r ■

’• '

SUNDAY, 8 P.M. sn _.rT he .M eeting , t o „ t h e _ ^

" .•i v.-'i ,■''.:r; ;;u

_____ MQNDAY,18_P.M,__ .•■!'•■■>'.•' '••:-

~ ^ ' .-:. .

«W «Wby I BeUeve Eerry Charch Meinber, I 'n c l a d l a g —tlie . P r e a c h e r s . In Twla FaUa ShoaU Spend a Day aad Night

t r i s d in g f o r a b e t t e r o nn ee- ^b byy a l l i n e a n i r - i M j t h e M _ to d a y B e c a u se W « 'r a . '


j d t . O S Hl H G SCKATDRAI OUR ENT MTIRESTdCI a 4-Dofl 4-Do6r *50 CodHlac 62

^ - « a -8 e rrlc e -^ e # d a y -N lg h t> ^ y ■ ■ T


WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M. •The M eanest Maa la Twia Fails."


THURSDAY, 8 P.M. V V 'v'..

♦■CanJJod B le» Am erieaf




ST \W. E:HARDY“-_- _

e v a n g e l is t

i ^ i n t a n d - H c a H h e&n W i ^ ^^ o T ^ w W t H o 5 i i K a i r fTt ^h e X f f i r a B d r w H S l a r — ? ,m a : t h t ; t o l d r > i i J J m b r o i ; T O W: H-«mflitlonflt «m

■— "

recent m issionary trip h e m ade on a reeei Lond o t th e close o f ens,G raeee qnd the: Holy^ Lo'

•»!?“ "*): w ill s W pr pictures ic i


' __


. r.



$ 5»9955 :

. . ^ 4 8 O ldi ^ d r . Sedan_„. Sedan_„-„,^,


M.reurj:eiufcCiiupi:h ^ riil


'5 2 S tu d e b a k e r •immA Land '5 1 0 l()i'8 8 'H o Ul di daoyyCCp p( e r '----------- •------ C n ilte r . ........... s t y l e l i n E* e' ge and aft ^ . hydramaUo SEDAN. Low mileage l^ d lo , heater, hydramat ta-.ntdlo,---------- — ---------------------------^-------— ^— ;^ M B -C h iry f!e r'C o u p « ‘ one-owner. .car„_H tts_j*dlo, i;DEtUXEL4;bOORs 3 0 R = = E S s K ? t« ;£ i£ r ! ; veT 'M e------- MO H!1>firn CffnT ^t^ r Vf ^A - B»riin. he« t ^ -jMfffeet tlraa. ! this car-



V g e T 'T lk iT n e w r O n r o w n e r.

*51 C h e y T ^ i^ l» « tlin «

« ' aBEDAI ro m .— DeTlVXE 4 -DOOB ■ ' 0 0 ---------- Puah-button radio,. big heaU heat • er, seat covers, excellent lellent tire tires. ■ T h h car la above average IIn ince but low' IoiAls and p c rfto a n c e but lo-



-------:------------ ^

-■• and ^ h e a t e r . - | f r - ^ ' ' ^ - * " . L o o k a tltl_ 's o - O M i - M 'i M r rr tSf irfi do ni r--------;--------- ■7 - :: r «oup. .tn . Radio, heater, hydramatlo FoM V-B C lubk" C « “ P« drive, very low mUeage and ils Is Is the the A one-owner'ear In very good only one-owner. Tills wUl have have condition. New pain t job and last one Uke this we wUl

' fl

f 9 S "

[95 z r s S '$ 9>fS 95 $ 1 33 »9 55 :: - “ $ 1 4 9 5



J ^ . :;4

4-DOOB SEDAN. This one U i » h » T . i y .>5'^ f O S — -spoUes»-lnslde-Attd-outr-Basout^ H a s ------ w6T itT a-«eoc~C om paie-thl»— ' W ^ . . .the .exdustve, “S.tep.-Down",,

R o d id ;~ fre a te r, P dw ir^lltftfT

4-Bpeed transmission. B s a tv ; extra sharp, lo b k i aod .d r im like a new one.aud'.-jrioed -below tedayH. inartcatr price! -

1 ^



i M

USEDC D jiA R rl^ ^ ^ *_

'4 7 l^ aih 4-LET ' A



SEDAN. Radio, heater, h’ hydramatic drive. A h beauUti cuatom green finish. Very lo mileage. Equipped with aU ne • premium white sldewoQ tire Here la the car'you've bee d r e ^ $ 2 99 99 55 J


R L Y jm # ™ ^ J 2 0 p KIMBERLY I............ I 'TiMai i i M

s . TTW T IM E S-N E WvS. O IN-TOTT.t!-TT)ATTft-. ' '



K b g re ^ e ^ it! ks-SOly-Erpm J^Khei; = ,E^^;;^^Itli00k8-S '• '¥ ¥ **'

'1 '


y w ra e ip



imf - - ............. ^ ^ Item ' O m «B B l | ^ EABMtkn 87>tem n ttio th e 1 ' Ob* m n lo c -U a t moaUi^&en T a il Ji ^ ^ ■ ; £ : f a a ' cnoon w u beamlsff loIa th e phone -W J i P f i i J x ^ ^ K ^ ^ ’T i n m i n 'm i e e u te d r^*mHTa ev e-------M w ^ \ ~V U i r r # ■' aItt tb t bee __ « g ^ l ■. W tut'« tba m a tte r wilb U t T hera f f i

% .



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'y J^ I « ^

I T fj

im . th e moon through a acreen?"’ The iWKff ■ B [ -rmiO T p rn g en s^M rw ritfO T lo aid H f ~ ----- — -------- M K T Y /V Im ^ Q I ’ .through a acreen.** ■ ■ l l . : . - X w raeited tb a t wh1l«-I-wailed. nited. - • ilS lW : ahe Ihould 90 outaldo and rlew view . -J C P ^ \~*P>y ^^^^^K^^XAzna~**wlilioui iiiteifeieDce>'^iiie ^ ^ H - ^ l n a l rep>M w u that'ererytblnK b ut th e round moon h a^ dieappeared I^ H R g ^ V '.whAi th e obaerratloQ ww nudee out W KB -'ot deora. ■■B A very brisbt street Usbt ■w will iH X wt U . ; \ - M f ----------------H B r'.tlve thia '-croai ot llghl"- effect land^ ■ 1 - viewed through « acreen or a bahdjte re h le t^ -a o U tlo n -o f-th a -o b je c t — lewed — -II ■— :. through whleh th e light la viewed H B V'wiu cauae the e ren .to 'ro tate. 7%la . l' after a bomb ladened a lr J ^^a aee B W ~ rTaffett la a .caae of'dUfracUon. a A —i caught fire and e n lo d e d on ■ B K . phenomenon weU eicplalned In tbe * * iL S h arrltt daylight th e ■ B B .atu d ; o f optica. k1» BU RLS7. May l» - O a p t Sharrltt huv been repaired a n d ' th e tleld ': :< ' Balobow « t Nifbl? M * J 0 ; Reed, Burley,;* recenUy waa UUon M -Beale; opm tionali th e o|t4tion .' 1116 foUowing.niabt.theJjlg m fon .-HAGERMAN, ._ i thfon M ay- le — .AVt-an t-a n aw » a rd ed -the.bronae'S tar ftt-Beai» '^ « i a l a cauaed ooooem. K t e In1 the Ute aw ras aw ard' awardawarda assembly tbU week aitt the Air « force base, OaUf. He waa "- eveulBff ■ n u ^ T o k iS 'a to ia uiei'r t thfr : rlff'K orea a rea - ------ ------------------: lanted' ed‘ h o hls hlgBrgehool-lS-gins-ware preiapted • the-m *dal-tor-servlo*'ln'K m engl. - s ^ e p b o n e . *K It a r e r poasible to o aee iwlt M th le tte n to r bu ketball by thetr' thelr' ua oomfaiandlng officer o tC:an ae '' 1 ...Zm rainbow -at night?'* Be was aure m jcoach. Jack M artia. a er aviation battalion. •Jto h id aeen one only a b o f ^ before j nylQ^ the Sldnav , eltaUon acoompansloS tr«asnrer.

I to u

M O p T M I I O N s i . !•? ■

B IB L E ' s t o r IiEe sS -- ^ h a n d i c r a f t " SONGS — F ILJH M ST S T R I P S - G AM ES

Im fo u L ^ a tt^ s

--------------------------------------------------. . Free bus tnnsportatloi], rta tlo n , M o d u l e s a s.fo llo w s "• -BUB ONE ■ ■ BUS TIVO lAbOf Cmma OW1b« . _ ---------- ■ BttS Baat n ra:P D tnta ....M ^.Il40..W M hliigioB-Sebool......... Kb _ ti48 Addlaoo ATa,-*-BarTiaoB ~

r p m s - T O - A x i:---------------------'---------------^----- FRBE-pms



a w ard s,


H K — ^^tBAD:*miBg-T

[ '

.Q u o oiV V eets ts a r e ' f r a m e d w i t h« S t r t n .•Steal S t n l naitabU n fram ing m?mberra fo i t r ce c lt b and .ria id ity . an d ______ Forr it , ^ l e _ « tt« c b m « n t_ o f _ M te r io r ——:— Interior. in te r io r •o lla te ra l m aterislt. ‘

-i -

» % w a b l e . 'i f l y r a p n c r . . . •. i ____-

>m Irooi w e a th e r and rodent, t ioration. T h e Stran>S(eelI

on^eltew bere.

a today fo r details an d prices.:.

f o r e youTsfefitJ»Ei;";ArNW ^NEWFRAM

B e fo rG -ij


__________ ^

; i ( ^ o o L sSALES i CO. !

T v

,« N«ifliwM} 1 > . P«dfl< n . P«dl

la . '* • Noftfiwn *7"J



aa ftB a jh a n .y o a .d riw ^ b a o a u » -y o o -{ -;r^ T. fi-S I knowTyour engine eng is dependable and kept' Wsm L-^FiltCT.:'^Befoi'u»arou'fltart^ '^mA ' '& B thiByenr'aVact jrieor'a vacationVsoo your FVom Dealer 1 to g Qt ty o u rca your carr i s p erf(^ shape and tolin. in. . J . ~ \ n ra eta lla ew FFram n u o n FQter Cartridge. Insist a nnew 1 aist | / *f ‘^7 ^ / W C s S g P H g.^i on Fram Fram ra m..F ra m g etao ilcIe an e r...cIe anusit' ^ itJo M u m w aS w ay zM M S v . , fisflter, Iceepaiit r, keepa t clean'longor than any other "•mB — — popular la r make 1filter; And only-Frnm i'l uR-------UR-----conditionally itionally gguaxantood. . ■ • IvA UoifarM, $l£n'ereoU Watim . . i F a A Provldenc* 16, R. I. ‘ ‘ fe l ra A MtCOHFOKATlON, .C W O K

___ !__ j, m «P-»r0 *>T10 H,.^*,n„-U,«W i*'^’i iiflflj|^A wu b lx « - Uielr clottwa a n d getUns’ ■ drtnldz« -v a te r- «a t r e a 't t e came

TlWES-TbIedL for eaiy appllc ppU- Oolor “Soper ‘White.’* ItTa ready*t»* r-t«>^■,^iSuMftrl9-Mnfin> ee rord acation by am ateur, painters.— - I t uuac^ in-wblte. or 3}-faeantlttal-CaUCaU^ H i n ^ t t a l i u n e e ire d wonl {661 ie * T e n w b m ia T tuQ ta'or~rtd g tr» !TKoJ fitomla-BOlor«rTtirftirtha:lnlunaa-R S f f r S i i^iiaf« r « (terr V the^ineulta-are p ^ e u lo n a l e mair litt tlt l o n . '^ 0 .0 . Andoson'B K«cl*Oal> ^V^jiv'~iud~ I Egg Pllar ly O th e rs ants, a nd Many
w in F a li« e. T



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C ar

’-- *-7'^ 1 ■


Ited'o*matle,ddTe. 13.000 mllei. Badliv heater. 7ord'o>mi

7 =

Baby. Breath_---------• . Salvia-. • V ei Verbenios •


N ylon*■■tow lor.' V ^ / ^ < ' q a c Nylon ■ l e i l i i r p i ^ ONLT— ; . 'w A p y p . ; ; - O cneAnr

HD Su Sunliner V - 8 1952 FORD

P I sAA N T S ^



____ _ * Badto. h e a tg , hydramat hydramatle. A beauty----------S i 6^9 S __ L..5pacial •

■ffe have a very lovely easonal K e d ^ g plants, yely si d e c tio n o f popular seasoi ■o^ouBBizes^,-,. vari a r e : „ . -------- ^ -------------------------- i Tarieties,-kinds,-indo^ed-are:.^ E tc .



oriersnA-M-Bootr-ifrCtiMteJf^Ji m fselrtiijWliif^roMiIiliHo^^ 3 m mn-Bfc--. In-V alae W n -B e i-- '. - r

IVERY CAH SOLD d u rlB l I h b « v m i ^ g s | PIVEN wllh EVERY C

--------1950 OLDS DS 8888 DeLuxe 4-Door

Weei eeping £ti^, Clump, W afrthorn^ountaih itaih .A sh, W h ite Cut-Leaf W ■Birch, Red Leaf Maplt any, many others* Maple, N o rw a y Maple, an di m m ai


T w i n J o ilfl i*s :i — '— r 4 ^ —

B fe


ing TREES •Fruif^Flowerihi |~Shade-Fi

■ H u y of lhe Newer Varie Varlellea ta onr ■*®r(mtnt.-L?r0 MleSi M le S lo ir' -

EyerytWn* to S P O R T IN G II ’' Choio* ch(WMi/rQm'f8moaa.nam..E^ _ ' ' mnd sticcessftin G O O D S S T O J Rt.E__ E _ _ -____ _J>fJ8 oifcReel£L-».yp^

,1.W -'M ^ C U IW . :.-V j^ g riir r p C lu b iC o u p k i— : ^ S H

iz ^ O lM z

■ “ ’•“ « • Singles .. R Ron u ffles;.-


- 2 G I iR R i S H

ic ee.. ... color and Variety md G Growing: W eh a v e a p ric J^ h a n d -P o tte d and «g-Boses..All priced as B o r alL Drive out aand ndssee these-hariiy-growmgr-Bi B ow SI or lower tlian n. — Bush Boses . . . lan a: any catalog competition. .Varieti^. ■Floritimdas. Hybrid-T rid*T P a te n t^ Roses. AU the Standard S



W ill A ls o I n c l u d e :

area^rrr^AU priced ao*-----a n d -1k in d r s d a p te d to -th is -a re a Hffitlme:aU sizes and ie-indnde:----- ^ -.,___ _ _ _ 2 5 1 M aBin i n iA v ft. S o Mth P N l E E l ^ - i n - t h e lov spneading-tH r ead! U P R IG H T cafolia, P f itz e r c o m ^ c ta , Sabina. Sabi Tameriscafoli h. Sp S piny Greek, VIrg irgin ii ia. We also have: B^IIIFER S: Irish, ™ray a c a n th i. B lue Spi^uce, N orw ay Spruce and m any ... ■ O n a Grape, Pyracanf B e rk m a n r ^ o H e ir— — ~ t h e « —A R B O B V IT A E lr~ S r-B B l l ^ n —indi!dlng~thi lacta and Oriental------:d, P y; ratn id al, Hovia, C am pacta H(GIobe)rWoodward, Ol ... 1

iB T& m >IN (5


Plshln'-C utflt at-th»-8am e-Tlm — «me-Tlmet

^ -------- C o m p l e t e 4 3 u t i i i ' ^

ad d > A Fite!______ ButW e^-eJjeyer-H e'v

set fii f ir e to th e prices o f itemIS s th aa t we’re overstodted HpireTer we have set t r a are «ej|ling migh> • ■^..•M eanwhile m any a ^ o f th e se high q u ality iitems I GHT H trfu ta t'o n r uBusl s l lov low p r ic e s . . . AND B IG ffi N O y i s TH E N G- a-T IM E -=^ T a k T a a r o n itage ta g c of this backward K ^ P U N T IN G YOU o u r ifin e la rg e offerin g o f EVERYTHING EYl H qitin; season and onr lRDEN, LANDSCAPLA H ffiD F O R Y O UWS L i W N , F LO W ER GARDB BLE ■ « eO a-yE G E T AAB L G A RD EN ;-------------------

.-- .

" .......______ • ~ - 'ire“ niueri ro'fluJee rl^ht itp to Hw rtponjwy ■ ——gyj -dayofthei lay of the aeason.. ;W lth erery p u r-’ chase of aa' Used Oar, base of Self Motor win i Its you yoi any f U l ^ t a ^ you m ay rin lire ^ • AX.

., ■ -


.^dlo^y .Heatw,.-orerdrire - WWt* ^ ^dewan-Tires .-.38^00 {Actual Mile#.'- '

^ g g ^ i i T 's r o g g - '' t

\ .I Z I p i


T_ ’T199 M S t U ® A j ^ 1 : 2-Door Custom VI g n

MJHc^eonesl nest Cars IriMdgic |htH ere!=-^


...:lUdlo>.HeatK i> i m f i» ..S H e ^ S j f l l# .0 0 0 ./.A e ta a l.-,M n s £ C l-^ Q K 2

_______________ __ __


E L iliU

>Ro g |l

f ^ r h « r “ '^“ * ® - “

^ ^ ■ * ^ -1

B viivuma

JM U *

Urt" “ •


KalUi-Wtnton, v bo^realgnad.— -

n l- e O e a , of-a'pnm ptac plaa t-te U •• mne mUe rear vltb th e office ot prlca U rtc«:^M teU admlaai fra b t t e bdov JCantnc on tbe Saake river, an a k ex lw . | istratlon in Bolsa. water icitf -------- -- --------:------— --------------


only*oi«’al§f^^i i


M n O l^ lU i 1^" •: i •»< r-

at dbcctor vaek aa part o f ;m tavaatlgaUaa tnaatlgaUaa bare, returned last montii' after

fflrtr^R angeland Tour JUr. 2


fr s

amed“ “■ " ■ IB





'■ '> - - •■ •

•' :,

■" " J ' ^ ^B«ler tf e p la a arav n Bp t g W .| .Vlalta to three Magic V allei towns A r» e jyoD r o n ddreaming re . o f a home o ff yyour o u t -. planned by the Twtn Pans so- O . Bloaiy f a i u u iHtolt i it dlnctDrj —RsieB8t~ettlcB,| --------- -- - 6 w n*?W c la l. sectirity qfnce,_juw jnlln*_to o f tbe~~ j.^ yhy-ggol o l.m a k e thia the year-that — ir-thai— v a te r - m o ld be pa a p ed f r a b tte ! Young, manager. am comes glofSoiuIy true?- If [f you ^ Y o u n g v U lb eav aU ah lelto d ay at Boiae vaDer. v b e e tb e v t l c r I c i t f ! ^ Barley employment offlc* Irom la too blgb. a ad o e d Ie r tirlcattnB. '® * “ T® *1*0'**y* plan * *o f r d n 'a a o a jn .' n n a e s . d u v m tin m . i n °. t ^t e .fra e^l n' hoB 'ownetthip. th a t «nv up-and. .......... f o r..K oB ^ ^biw imtUjuoTLat tbe Bupert c o o tb o a n .' r tr e r wtwW reBnqdsb aoese o f tb a ^ n d i xtprs-l v a te r beU a t Andenon daai. : e o nS ^n g c ocoaple a p l can eaaiiy swing,, w with ith -Wia_bc.,a«UaWc_*t.tliei v b k b woold BO to t t e J W I e _ tO i______________ am a H J LrTttwn A » m - p|i .e y m M i t « w f I Jerom e employment offlca from rnmm aKJ - t brnaUrtlai' l a w gata BO h l ^ e r than rent. T t a tn iaa L S ? ‘ a S ^ g n e n U n o h iS *nMirsday. I -T h e boraealaaiil t t vonld «pca tliiu T llttttttm tiiia a i

^ H p ~ ^ Basis of Award _ _ I t was, for this n u te m e n t. th a t _


to g -ar 0 Into Deer

gjtti»llfla-jrila_»rpoD d_


am convinced th a t the majority ot the people In the BeUs canyon inyon aarea rta want the dam." Budge lauded the Presldtnt’ssupp6rt of ]etUng loca]-';f)lnlan~setUe ■loa IK U , the Issue. "■‘'PiiBirc v'enus private po*«nsn*t ” **I T tthink ^ ir the Issue,” Budge declared.' n r^ President B s e n h o ^ hasI aa pretty good Idea, when he says le t ttaalotba loc a r people decide. They ahooldnt hava anything forced en them. I b e • ; decision should-be-msde ln-Idaho. -aot-*tn-Washington.'^-.— ^— i---------• .Budge pointed out,.bowever, th a t U M.illl___ nid to Hells canyon - ts resUy a dead .gi^rui SsDD P lan s' fo r a_to u r_ o f rangeland ' Kennan W etter decUnid Henry pigeon. This congress w ould-nerer |H f ~ Uay~S9~tn the Malad hV projeet aay anytWng a t aU and Sea.-Henry tlrrlng appropriate the funds for a big dam ^j^>n I>worBhak v a a te d against stirring ■H i ^ e a r MaUd by Intereated ranchers .A n d .f a m e n of .thU area. a r tI .a«nn-. up .“ P POWUeal h e a t when th e m atter there and we might as veU get on ■amis- with something constnicttva.":. Twla 1>^before the federal p ^ e r commlS’ nounced by oiareoce Hedrlek. Twin 'D v o r s h a k backed Budge's slon. . raU s eou eonservtu e n ls t_______ L. i!® ent of 'Ithoughts in .looking; for faasUOe —Mr*.-pf8»t.-lsiwUng"proponent ....... l h e project eonlalna about 30.000 J federal dam. lasurt^a vehement lement ioitaa not Involved in disputes. *•■” 0 the •cres of rangeland rMoeded to aUtement. ^ . “Nez Perce and Mountain S h e ^ 4 J® ■ adapted grasseejmder a rang*I im lm -• ijon't know who discussed, *•! ed. the 'damsltes and the Sloan, plan for -■urovw ient program since U36. He eawon.li«U8..wlth. the-PresJPreal- 1Irzlgatlng'the Mountain Bome deaHeUs •'P e rso n s intareslrt In m aW ng'ttia dei i_coa.f. . ^ i,a n d . d talnlo«_ihe.B oteej«U ts. J dent,1_«he.J*ld.-l*But_ir-.ftm_coa... — I m in m n n B f l f if t K e W T w i n«jU a i«a Tlncad >ii th a t U they are tho u m e o' u e r plenty of posalbUlUea lo r fedhospital buUdtBC a t 6 ajn . wVy a t private pri es 're> 're- •eral projects,’* he coounented.' power 'representatives *nd proceed to Btone. eight mUea ip( T Me'T h a i HeUs canyon Issue is nov Presl- before ■\ho“ f ^ ^ " p O T e r cotnmlstour^w tn b e ^ du of th e *ion and I don't think we can profit a -. story. . Iby mlxlnff In pollUcs.'* ' P v a e a s v b o wish additional1 lIn ■( nouM “I .fonnatlo n regarding the tourahouM * discussed th e dam v ith many n-th o P>opl»-toaa%-th»-«nd- r a . ' h are heard by mftU from many, ~^~~i................ na ttany.m ore. O w BO per centi have SHOSHONE, May 1 8 -M - Members embers expretsed themselves as fav Tortng o iW of e th e Sewing Susies 4-B chib have R«al Estate Transfera» ^ Hells canyon d m . They know w the ireceived project materials and have IftlniaaU oa Pnmlshed by urt urgency of supptylnc more low cost tbeen InJormed of requlrementa smenta of w cost Twin Pans n U e a a d en‘ energy In the N orthwest They iy are ttho organization, T n a t Oeaspaay vel m ^ lts T he next elub meeting5„wl!Lbe. will tw i 1 ^weU aware of the many ben^lts - — I -that-wUl sccruo-toTdtthorins’northM rth- ~ Ti ilfty a ra i the home of‘MrsT Irs. Myron ve st and tho nation as a whole. J . MAT il )oIe. I Johnson, club leader.

la a d w re d rin u ^ v ^ be^dono doaa vltl)< vlUj la tbe next .30 daya.-J3ba jnbjec ^ jabjeet

itte e e t^ naoDom iced alao I t plaaa to atact BOPSBT. May 18-Oeorge Bed 3®or»o Rodi t a v 'e a m c m .^ O n ia t.a a ^ ._ a t.ita a B M a \ ot^nttalpovB w r t attomey,. has H « B a x ie x t^ e * i» p o te o tia lp o v Iu a bee been p w to -Ic- ^ plaDt slta. T b a p la n t voold trtll-! trtllMlaldoka eounty dvU d< «»yciyu.def. ome deeert tm a -d r o p o f acm e 900 M a t I lehse d(fector,'lbyaf 'OJlorer l( w Acock Acoc t t e aeran* anrKHPced this veek. He replact Ha repUces ■ a tc rta U e t t e dI*^>"S*~«D^ ^ m a*


H ® |" I t was unable lo agree onn tha the “ ?*" H W I . other suit, asking damages for de> ' Tarnation on the basis of.the broad* t a t h ^ b r o a d c u t P e w j wl laej adli U ti^ IT w h o had been an attorney fn r-th e ‘Po lish-gpbaiiy-herer~ar*' ' zsnged to get communist Polish ofM .

_ L _ :Z _ E O IT -

A s k a i o n j


WASHINOTON, t a y 10 nn—A ' fid e n l coart Jury PrtiUy anlerefl rd e i^ Drew Peanon, columoltt and radio ^ ^ ■ . r :'«aeuaenUtor, to p t y 't s o m dam ^ ^ ■ - v -ACM- to fonner AuU tant Atty.Attgr.o c a . Nonnan & UtteU.---------------- --^ - D c u K m u u u "U ia u r ~ iI «WiI rTff a -~ T T T T T ^ ^ ^ ^ B I ^ ^ ^ S v a s the largest Id a Ubet acUon . 'h e r e In th* past W Tsara. Pearaon. arson. r Ubel ' ...vbe s a r i ho lo it'a prior aetlott In his Ufe, anaeuneed luaced appeal. ...' I punltlre damages. m ents •: Llttell sued Pearson for statem In a newspaper column of AprU 'aeled three'B Htlsb J«t planes a t ona XO, 104P. and a broadcast of May .lay 3, A U. 8. a ir toree B-29 refaeled Ui ■na time ta th b lS S l demBstnUian « f th a M l - ' aeeetey znatU a e v .. Twtl Odco.'whkk ca a W IMO. - tlple refaeUng proeeM whleht haa bbeen « kept voder a blanket ofI secrecy d fBselage o< th e B >29 to tbs a a r a « f B rittab the *eoalrelJed lodirtdoally o r la.«onoert. concert, extead Irom-wlng tlpe and , In his column Pearson saidd the >ed ih tslplc < t*db« «t^s*M B t.'nya ttw v>*». tlUih ecaeero wWcU dtr^toped th a trtj log a» ii«ts. PU tht BetaeUng, L td , ib a B BtU IttsUea department v a s casting itreL. (AP vircpboto) use o fr ••w w U lro d a e e b y h aU lh eaoinmlyr B ib eroof planes ceedwl f w air patrol.. .^.‘'qulzalcal eye” a t IJtU U because reports~:he-w as acfln; as propa* jto p a- *" '— ■ fan d lst fo r the Dutch government nment i - p • ' ' "T • 9 C -

s=Statem enfeO ver= ' « |- i r a v a _ P ro je c tJS eetsjy tsJ arled R eactio ^ U Un n

------ —

M o u n t a ii nn H o m e . A r e a k * rrOo ij ee Cc lt PlAt-menrotr, Qa b u m a said.


C l a rim im ~ “

n T ^ g i J i L R = l I > i4aH—q — =^



- PHone3750 50 ;

313 Main' -^TcnueWcst? Hondymon . ^ AH-Staal Sftdiea Wo9M

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c e i _______L

I lI N n l c m ^




--------I -—



W oiilA BrinjBT — Booyle B elieves vaL B

R ro lTinIS I:- 'I! is

5n5»n.-llier«-vonld-be-thB -freat- - — ' — S T O if lo tr f tO Tl«l la the aa-

loa'* history. You never love any&*”S * lb e w much a s v h e n -y o u are ^rrt^d TOO *re KOlQS to lOM It. At llrrt wrwyboily would almply be ^K l 0 D i ^B Q lb U U , _ jjQ t tiM u niy 1WlUi tha m ls litm .

TBUit tM cra*y,“ people renld W r-" W l» fa-ttw m a l« v lth

■hat 'th e y ;'or r ror aa: mighty cause. In wartime a --------------- good {ooa chaplain Is often a s much a neroT tim iy^irontitoniengiiB oyrD r peace he ill v n d r g v o t: jn u it sh o v a finer, quieter brftTOT' wltb no medals to win and only the crying- >«ngt« in h t i - n m . --------jp lrlfC c h e e r h im on. His mere aet o f dedleaUon places him"" apart," and zsakes some­ times lonely. B u t like any other human being he Is subject to dlseouragement and -frustration. The time other men save for their fam tfr«ite-debB t«-be.' U F ^ e he' must~ilways p u t a t ihe tuotdl la tlie Oott- ^disposal p o ^ ] of his edngregatlon. i' E v ^ m inister v a n ts to build one sviry nUKfint -leg of a n onew e v ct church lo his lifetime. But aa lor, told a m eet- usually this is neither van ity 'n o r oKrir* Ibat-WeJker tte -u rf to spend-m oner.-U h e hav’ the-urge t tnnKTlpt of an ex- to build bullc! a b ln e r church, he know* r n a httuell and Sen. h e .h a si succeeded—he, h a s brought people to th e practice of their PWB.-D.. Wash., on more pi -tf-tM-mnti-avBrnlal- f ilO a lthl-- tth a n r v n rB -th w --» iiw i-> n r >.rr— Bttm........... -_________first first ca came.___________________ _____ _ Itiiaiitea hsd him la a Ttils Ttits is U s opportunity fs r adI Kuia debate;* b e vancemenl—his vaacem only real one. Far . Welte TU protesting: thU is Is his ultim ate censolaUon. the proof tlth at be h as a o t failed In hU kit hi nts neither fo r Pr®of dedloatlon-^e h a s led m any to tbe ut It (Ui» dam) . . . d •Und M , hlsk M so fMt



' ' $360

$ 395 ■

v r\^ "

H eater - Oveidrive aal MDca - O na Owner - Badlo0 - Beai >l i m Actual



fe -^^-We-Heyburn' '“S*-' ^;H..a,Rup.n, Si»S

$ 5' 595





■ $W

~ —


Twe-Ttee:-Paint Paint - Badlo - Beater - Overdrive


• •

Special Low Prieh— C m

$11! $1195

HydranaUc Bi k; - Badto - Beater' • Sew F?alnl ain t



$10' $1095

--’.Lota -eg Ti t i ai —— 1K.MK - Wrmtrr —

T l l Ju l l r

s r s i K TULIP Tl W*® »Dd gpcech on Bpecli


$1395 Super 4-Door >or $13! W ^ UBUICK IC tet__ . „ ..............:.... 1951 FORI $16* $1695 FORD Convertible>V-8 •

. .

rtbto t e LDa lle u eav f


Rldse. ^ iiu lo th e r .a u b je c u


_________ ^___________

Nev TWo-Ttane ■TtaDe F P»a in t J o b - O radrtve '

7-B D-37-B

js B ^ 8 |

j“ Ior Hcj’bum hlnh ^ ttJected at a Monday. The succeed Howard



D-40it OA

$1695 $1®

st u d e b a k e r Comm. :1-7^195UTUI mm.i2»Daior i.f— - p—te, - var


. 'a B

: $510

1949 NAS «r____ __________ $.10' ►lASH Super ^D oor $1095

>3 ®

S *itaflUttUon. "Ssijsi_?

■ $1285

n e v F a ls t • K e v T ep R evM olarr - Jte

Tha QuMn of all

$171 $1795






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$1055 ■

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$ 740

$1395 $13!

tedto - Beater B ea te r - S eat O o fsa


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$1095 $10!

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BoardHas ~ Mned Parley


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_______ ____ Ba«Q - Beater H eater - Item THica - One Owner mer • L Tjiidt'1



iirrh'oVfrna-- TrtTOTJ etJAlteifid^lK


1949 FORI FORD Custom Tudor \ dor V-8

Hester • am aam n iad te r " .






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^ ^ PreseiitlCbficett ?S a l e o f C _ -

w m iiT ^

td -

concert o t tb e Dselo acbeol band ^ -. B b M i s r o o r r .i m r i 8 - T b « u u k ^ I n T .F .litiie l5 . and gb-ls- cboma'. w u preatatetf B lo o d m o b ile- H tnc 8 bort)w m oOe W ednttdky h a d « •= L :, •■ i ttm:-taciea= «B i m M r of ^ O T a B d ;» ito t» k o t“ = S■O * 'It' g ' “ W-'Wi M.400.'* vUlt [ ' Vem Bafner, Inatnetor, directed ^out tha eounOr M-wair as atv e tj .' ^ H V K V ^ k 10 ^ I ,.‘ i ° 'l “" ■>»• 'n™ u,Y' amtal . ttop p r t o w u 1800 paid t>j: Bob mada . “the band and c h o n s and OeNeal qIm 5 Sf." 5 l * “ " “" t r t « « eourt■ i? : Pl*ciaotiaza.pnparty«lll batold baaold tj^r. a n s f e v m ^ t a a cow eo a - houM Rtehlna w u aoeoapaalrt t v tbo at 5 ^ a pubUo aala to ba;beld at houM Tbursday cvenlaa. a t tba >ifned.bv lU y A. 8p*it7 a n d MDS. Cla . eba cborua. Claude Bowmih t^^ 4ik1_ , ^ ^eaat door of tba Twin M la eaqaty C tjdw U l UfOf w u tbe otttstandlDC cemn; Ten num boa-W m pnWbtaAI by o o n j U ^ u l i u S t a l M poiU rt. ^ cou ewtboose a t » M t Jana T1*. iU D a ^ b a ^ 'o t:t& e - :tiv r:3 n m r tit« ta i _ jv ia . tbe chorus and atves t v .the band. w . ^ W. Hawkins, c b a l f f i 0( tteI eeunGoimf ; tnvi. , ^SS. u d e d a clar i n e t ^ , by Betty tetty ty ,commlaltapta. reported Ptlday, ^ ^ E i | S ! S - « f . t M ~u A n «--tb8-annnaI-bm ol lneaa-fneetlaf naUpi —w naUpn of blood win beardm nrinEsr- -BtmonsoB‘and~Vlrglals~Oray'.~~‘— -®“ 7TW"i«bptrty:iia*'6ka-aeeuim^ Bciimn- ^ MiocortlTnr t t o «*to na«.om cera-»ttB -. i_o . ^ i lat*(1 hv ;th« m ttnH r O a m m h tw n - _ j “°e - —» r ^ " T o jO M nt-or-tanr-M jr^S B gnm eai — p o r tr O o o d ln g r 'p m id e a tr K. R .; of of tbthe need*lor blood f o r ^ ^ ^ I'' vine Dewey made the presanUtloa. ^by old aga- pepaleaera tmdar tha to c e ie y . m i t l a n d . vlea p m ld M t.: tlebu t l ^ U n for polio, the quoU b u I After ^ Uie concert band a ad chorus on» m ittl aUta oU Aga pesslen law. n d B e lra l^ tM ,Je ro m e .a e c n ta ry - been: were honored a t th a aebool om ^ i n c r e a w d f r o m ^ to a w p f i t t ., members »eii bool oeuntr Prosecator Max o . Uoyd ...-M L Twta auidB t ^ u u r a r . I b e ' 4 lrte to n chosen lo - M rs.:Hunter noted that-a UtUe over. lunch room by tb e band n e tb e rs. uU tba asalgnmeeU to tha ooun- . Mr*. s. ty- said ^ -. --------------------• -■ eiu d e d 'c tu » l« "o :'m itrB u W .* e T iti-• cCM m ppint'or bioodff riw ded'topfof “ ' ' ty stood, a llb o a itrtb n B w -w H T C -' S ..S ,- -pw fldent! K eltb JtclB on,>vlTo vide .one ahot' o( the serum. G. paalad la U37. Ha liplatned at id tb tbat S S - r S l « : ..H e A « r t Hahn, J l ^ . . _—Mrs. M n Hunter. utsca-aU-pio«pwtlT« -O l -------aayJimdK4rem:«ala'at-tba-VBDperty nptrty — ^ ■ < ^ S « ^ in B c l L Tirlaabove tb 4 paM to ttM pnsS oan : j,°???Jg.»jig.«ion9r-fiart«-»ith_Bie.___ ^ ■ e ^ l S l i i J U L f f i r io o b .]


I Scouts Given— S : ~^agle'A w ard £

ru is a sume = most coaTtnlent for donatton*. Ai^ntT a t th a BpUcepal This will eliminate much ef tba ualft.b o h o < 'o r■ htces hiceuary walUns.-6 h’e ^ a l i c F ^ —R tjp n tT rB ftjr-'i» .- » ^ - b a d g « s joS ‘^Jf^^^-l^>U-w"at^Ted ptaUb ^=B attonalU e«ler.rW .-_-J.;-H »tdy.-r thatrj ^■ nuB @ U /--= = = ^ Vu-n that:*U:ltaBp-ap>61nlmantt7ariarljr-f 'were S s s s a ^ ' i s s s a m u tl^ to flra BmuU ti a t HolUftar. B em r CutieMo, He streased keep- %■ s po poasible. Thos^ bavins cards willI a court nsi" coo^* SSprinfflold. 8P a r t , ------------------ : baseball: Jimmy Maxwell aad Mor-;■,. " ^B ^U usb. ' 5!2£‘ WANT . V BEAD TIMES-NEW S W ANT IA D S Kioto = SSSSSSS5SSBSSSS5S > maa-Prlnoerfootballmanasers:-&u- (».u ^ ■ ^ tbt-procMiUmtl tfaoifvT aiiif ^ ■ t t l a d e r dlncUon of >Bd n : gene Vader and Len CUfford, baa- Jo8tfttoer]dttelftoadfMT tw t~»upgrtt»-' ~ M tu itojr le - P ta n e n w ^t. n u « i faaDc°dt«^^^^w^; tendent. said the truck w u pur» n u meet. ' I chased laat week after he and Mayk f f * " *‘ '^ ' ?Mvi " j r ia.u>u.H] «*BD«n kBd n u « t' ^ a . [ ^ Caod aakria


1 r . ^ ff-r, Ir R

C M sa MaadaakaB. 2 M i h B ta


r ? .£ fo totaaat wrila Coa ■S bata2 Ta%

ts A it

- - .< 4 = ! ^ '

u o o a tn La LCa ir ' S m vmS S . - *a«M aad AO atHBiaa paU. M ate aalp.

E t L E S i r *“ ^ e* S^ t S U N fU ltW O Mi tD m A yT Or ^

________ sltk S

^r o

I r u y g H B > A FP A O TTM MIM P TS I

BttafcrH na----» ® « i8 iu in o ii ‘“ “ ' “ ■K>P»»nJi

Ulk. ‘ a( Ui tl».W .

w ere by tb a cou rt E ls a tto mneya e fi wen 2a^«E ~ I^odX ord aod Blandford. anVa w ai ** ^ *aa and a m o a .' Co.ty-« GAttPBM wltb or wtihoct hai^ baiaraaat apt aat apart, j :. deBEOO« au>Ura ha»a B e sure you distribute tbe clSf-'ai;*.*"*' •«»• bat bat batl batt. I ______ ■ ataat. STO Hnrtb n m . -.'.»artb-ri PoloU;.------- ------------- -------------^ ---- ^t'E K IEN O & U MrrhTa aUllon alUiuU (lor alun.l.nt. 3 LAM B m m a .' Prt«ata baU. ojHt'. ” m it-F lvarrslnU ■ I Z irt-rivaT T ala .' ' t r a a ^ S blatU rM-UtaaMcBoak. . - - - BOP < »B B - - • > f a a m ^ > ’n*«a K«ct>. P h o a ,_______________- - - • • ,

T S T K i . '" i

I— a t aal, , 1^ , 00. » Uoa la U boa«, beee. Iaaa -r«rU M bait aalaetka , n tA K K PEUnM AN

1 ^ . lii Say. Idaba


- '" E E g

• . . . .



fbma « 4 ______


t-Tp^fart 5

L u m b e r C om pany Pbotie 513

- -

■•cAur.. 5AKFILANaS: