The Right to Privacy in South Africa

Human Rights Committee, Privacy International Submission: 114th Session, June-July 2015 The Right to Privacy in South Africa Submitted by Privacy In...
Author: Lenard Booker
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Human Rights Committee, Privacy International Submission: 114th Session, June-July 2015

The Right to Privacy in South Africa

Submitted by Privacy International, the Association for Progressive Communications & the Right2Know Campaign

Suggest i onsf orr i ghtt opr i vacyr el at edquest i onst obei ncl udedi nt hel i stof i ssuesonSout hAf r i ca,HumanRi ght sCommi t t ee,114t hsessi on,J uneJ ul y2015 April 2015 Mai nconcer nsont her i ghtt opr i vacyandcommuni cat i onsur vei l l ancei nSout h Af r i ca Ar t i cl e17oft heI nt er nat i onal CovenantonCi vi l andPol i t i cal Ri ght spr ovi desf ort he r i ghtofever yper sont obepr ot ect edagai nstar bi t r ar yorunl awf ul i nt er f er encewi t hhi s pr i v acy ,f ami l y ,homeorcor r espondenceaswel l asagai nstunl awf ul at t acksonhi s honourorr eput at i on.Anyi nt er f er encewi t ht her i ghtt opr i vacycanonl ybej ust i fiedi fi t i si naccor dancewi t ht hel aw,hasal egi t i mat eobj ect i veandi sconduct edi nawayt hat i snecessar yandpr opor t i onat e.Sur v ei l l anceact i vi t i esmustonl ybeconduct edwhen t heyar et heonl ymeansofachi evi ngal egi t i mat eai m,orwhent her ear emul t i pl emeans, 1 t heyar et hel eastl i kel yt oi nf r i ngeuponhumanr i ght s. Pr i v acyI nt er nat i onal ,Ri ght 2Know,andt heAssoci at i onf orPr ogr essi veCommuni cat i ons haveongoi ngconcer nsont hepr act i cesofsur vei l l ancebySout hAf r i cani nt el l i gence 2 andl aw enf or cementagenci es.Nat i onal l egi sl at i ongover ni ngsur vei l l ancei s i nadequat e,l eavi ngsi gni ficantr egul at or ygapsandpr ovi di ngweaksaf eguar ds, ov er s i ghtandr emedi esagai nstunl awf ul i nt er f er encewi t ht her i ghtt opr i vacy ,i ncl udi ng masssur vei l l ance.Thegover nmenthasal sof ai l edt omeani ngf ul l yr egul at et hepr act i ce oft hes ur v ei l l ancei ndust r y ,havi ngi nst eadpr ovi dedpubl i cf undi ngt ocompani est hat expor tsur vei l l ancet echnol ogi est obeusedi nvi ol at i onoft her i ghtt opr i vacy . 1.

I nadequaci esofnat i onall egi sl at i onr egul at i ngdomest i csur vei l l ance

Br oadpower st oi nt er ceptper sonal communi cat i onsandcasesofabuse Sur vei l l anceofdomest i ccommuni cat i onsi sr egul at edbyt he2002Regul at i onof 1SeeHumanRi ght sCommi t t ee,Gener alCommentNo.16( 1988)ont her i ghtt or espectofpr i vacy ,f ami l y ,home andcor r espondence,andpr ot ect i onofhonourandr eput at i on( ar t .17) ;seeal sor epor tbyt heUN Hi gh Commi ssi onerf orHumanRi ght s,t her i ghtt opr i vacyi nt hedi gi t alage,A/ HRC/ 27/ 37,30J une2014.Seeal so I nt er nat i onal Pr i nci pl esont heAppl i cat i onofHumanRi ght st oCommuni cat i onsSur vei l l ance,avai l abl eat ht t ps: / / necessar yandpr opor t i onat e. or g 2Pr i vacyI nt er nat i onal i sahumanr i ght sor gani s at i ont hatwor kst oadvanceandpr omot et her i ghtt opr i vacyand fightsur vei l l ancear oundt hewor l d.TheRi ght 2Know Campai gni sabr oadbased,gr assr oot scampai gnf or medt o champi onanddef endi nf or mat i onr i ght sandpr omot et hef r eeflow ofi nf or mat i oni nSout hAf r i ca.TheAssoci at i on f orPr ogr essi veCommuni cat i ons( APC)i sani nt er nat i onalnet wor kandnonpr ofitor gani sat i onf oundedi n1990t hat want sever yonet ohaveaccesst oaf r eeandopeni nt er nett oi mpr ovel i vesandcr eat eamor ej ustwor l d.

I nt er cept i onofCommuni cat i onsandPr ovi si onofCommuni cat i onsRel at edI nf or mat i on 3 Act( RI CA. )Themostr ecentr epor toft hePar l i ament ar yover si ghtcommi t t eenot eda si gni ficanti ncr ease( 170%)oft henumberofwar r ant sf ori nt er cept i onsbet ween2008 4 and2011,f ol l owedbyadr opf r om 2012t o2013.

RI CAr equi r est heper mi ssi onofaj udgef ort hei nt er cept i onofcommuni cat i ons,whi ch canbegr ant edi ft her ear e“r easonabl egr oundst obel i eve”t hataser i ouscr i mi nal of f encehasbeenori sbei ngorpr obabl ywi l l becommi t t ed( Sect i on16. ) Ther ei snopr ovi si ont or equi r et hatt hosesubj ect edt ocommuni cat i onsur vei l l ancear e not i fiedt hatt hei rcommuni cat i onshavebeeni nt er cept ed,notevenaf t ert hecompl et i on oft her el ev anti nvest i gat i on. T oguar ant eet hecapaci t yofr el evantst at eagenci est oconducti nt er cept i ons,RI CA r equi r est hatt el ecommuni cat i onser vi cepr ovi der spr ovi det el ecommuni cat i onser vi ces whi chhavet hecapabi l i t yofbei ngi nt er cept ed( i . e.bybui l di ngi nt hei rnet wor ksa back doorf orsur vei l l ance)( Sect i on30. ) TheSout hAf r i caper i odi cr epor tnot est hat“whi l et heAct[ RI CA]mayseem dr aconi an ont hef aceofi t ,oneoughtt obeari nmi ndt heel abor at emechani smst hatt heActput s i npl acet oensur et hati t spr ovi si onsar enotabused. ”5 I nf act ,t hel ow t hr eshol dt o t r i ggersur vei l l ance( “r easonabl egr ounds”)underRI CAandt heweaknessoft he ov er s i ghtmechani sm havel edt oabusesl eadi ngt ovi ol at i onsoft her i ghtt opr i vacy . Not abl y ,t woj our nal i st soft heSundayTi mes( t hebi ggestweekendnewspaperi nSout h Af r i ca)i nves t i gat i ngcasesofgover nmentcor r upt i onhadt hei rcommuni cat i ons i nt er cept edf r om 2010r epor t edl ywi t ht hevi ew t odi sr uptt hei ri nvest i gat i onsand uncovert hei rsour ces.Thepol i ceobt ai nedt hej udi ci al appr oval t oi nt er ceptt hemobi l e phonecommuni cat i onsoft hej our nal i st sbygi vi ngfict i onal namesandsuggest i ngsuch i nt er cept i onwasneededt oi nvest i gat eacr i mi nal syndi cat e.TheSundayTi mehast aken 6 t hecaset ocour tandt woof ficer shavebeenchar gedwi t hvi ol at i onsofRI CA. Ret ent i onofmet adat a RI CAal s or equi r escompani est ost or emet adat a( i nf or mat i onaboutacommuni cat i on, 7 butnott hecont entofsuchcommuni cat i on. )Unl i kef orcont entofcommuni cat i on,a war r antt ocol l ectmet adat ar equi r est heper mi ssi onofanyj udgeormagi st r at e. 3Avai l abl eat :ht t p: / / www. i nt er net . or g. z a/ r i cpci . ht ml #i nt er cept i onof communi cat i onunder i nt er cept i ondi r ect i on 4SeeRi ght 2Know,Secr etSt at eoft heNat i onsRepor t2014,avai l abl eat :ht t p: / / www. r 2k. or g. z a/ 2014/ 09/ 09/ r 2ks ecr ecyr epor t 2014/ 5Sout hAf r i cai ni t i al r epor t ,UN doc.CCPR/ C/ ZAF/ 1,28November2014,par agr aph184. 6Formor ei nf or mat i on,seeGl obal I nf or mat i onSoci et yWat ch2014,Communi cat i onssur vei l l ancei nt hedi gi t alage, pages224227. 7Thi si sdefinedi nRI CAasi ncl udi ng“swi t chi ng,di al l i ngorsi gnal l i ngi nf or mat i ont hati dent i fiest heor i gi n, dest i nat i on,t er mi nat i on,dur at i on,andequi pmentusedi nr espect ,ofeachi ndi r ectcommuni cat i ongener at edor r ecei vedbyacust omeroruserofanyequi pment ,f aci l i t yorser vi cepr ovi dedbysuchat el ecommuni cat i onser vi ce pr ovi derand,wher eappl i cabl e,t hel ocat i onoft heuserwi t hi nt het el ecommuni cat i onsyst em”.

Thei nt er cept i on,col l ect i onanduseofmet adat ai nt er f er ewi t ht her i ghtt opr i vacy ,asi t hasbeenr ecogni z edbyhumanr i ght sexper t s,i ncl udi ngt heUN Speci al Rappor t euron f r eedom ofexpr essi on,t heUN Speci al Rappor t euroncount er t er r or i sm andhuman 8 r i ght sandt heHi ghCommi ssi onerf orHumanRi ght s. TheCour tofJ ust i ceoft he Eur opeanUni onnot edt hatmet adat amayal l ow “ver ypr eci seconcl usi onst obedr awn concer ni ngt hepr i vat el i vesoft heper sonswhosedat ahasbeenr et ai ned”and concl udedt hatt her et ent i onofmet adat ar el at i ngt oaper son’ spr i vat el i f eand 9 communi cat i onsi s,i ni t sel f ,ani nt er f er encewi t ht her i ghtt opr i vacy .

Weakover si ghtandi nsuf fici entt r anspar ency APar l i ament ar ycommi t t eet oover si ghtt hewor kofi nt el l i genceser vi cesi nSout hAf r i ca i smandat edt or el easepubl i cr epor tont heappl i cat i onofRI CA.However ,t hedat a r el easeddonotpr ovi denumberofi ndi vi dual swhosecommuni cat i onsar esubj ectt o i nt er cept i on( onl yt henumberofwar r ant s,t hatcoul di ncl udeanynumberofi ndi vi dual s. ) Ther epor tdoesnotgoi nt oanydet ai l sont her easonst hesei nt er cept i onsar ecar r i ed outnoront heout comeandef f ect i v enesst heymayhavei npr event i ngori nvest i gat i ng cr i mes.Fur t her ,t her eappear st obenocent r al i sedover si ghtorr equi r ementofpubl i c di s cl os ur esofst at i st i csonmet adat a' scol l ect i onanduse. Thel ackoft r anspar encyonRI CA' si mpl ement at i onhasbeenagr owi ngconcer n. Not abl y ,Sect i on42ofRI CApr ohi bi t st hedi scl osur eofanyi nf or mat i onont hedemands ofi nt er cept i on.Asar esul t ,t el ecommuni cat i onscompani esar ebar r edf r om publ i shi ng i nf or mat i on,i ncl udi ngaggr egat eds t at i st i cs,bot hofi nt er cept i onofcommuni cat i ons 10 andofmet adat a.

3. Masssur vei l l ancebySout hAf r i cani nt el l i genceagenci esandsur vei l l ance ofpol i t i calandsoci alact i vi st s Despi t et heai m ofRI CAt or egul at et hei nt er cept i onofcommuni cat i ons,t her ehave beencons i s t entr epor t sofst at esur vei l l ancebei ngcar r i edoutout si det heRI CAl egal f r amewor k,i nmanner st hatvi ol at et her i ghtt opr i vacy .Thi si spar t i cul ar l ysowi t h r egar dst ot heNat i onal Communi cat i onsCent r e( NCC) ,t hegover nment ’ snat i onal f aci l i t yf ori nt er cept i ngandcol l ect i ngel ect r oni csi gnal sonbehal fofi nt el l i genceand s ecur i t yser vi cesi nSout hAf r i ca.I ti ncl udest hecol l ect i onandanal ysi soff or ei gn s i gnal s( communi cat i ont hatemanat esf r om out si det hebor der sofSout hAf r i caor 8Seer epor toft heUN Speci alr appor t euront hepr omot i onandpr ot ect i onoft hef r eedom ofopi ni onand expr essi on,UN doc.A/ HRC/ 23/ 40,17Apr i l 2014;r epor toft heUN Speci alRappor t euront hepr omot i onand pr ot ect i onofhumanr i ght sandf undament al f r eedomswhi l ecount er i ngt er r or i sm,UN doc.A/ 69/ 397,23Sept ember 2014,andr epor toft heUN Hi ghCommi ssi onerf orHumanRi ght s,Ri ghtt oPr i vacyi nt heDi gi t alAge,UN doc. A/ HRC/ 27/ 37,30J une2014. 9SeeCour tofJ us t i ceoft heEur opeanUni on,J udgmenti nJ oi nedCasesC293/ 12andC594/ 12,Di gi t alRi ght s I r el andandSei t l i ngerandOt her s,J udgmentof8Apr i l2014. 10SeeVodaf one,Law Enf or cementDi scl osur eRepor t ,2014andFebr uar y2015updat e,avai l abl eat : ht t p: / / www. vodaf one. com/ cont ent / dam/ sust ai nabi l i t y/ 2014/ pdf / oper at i ngr esponsi bl y/ l aw_ enf or cement _ di s cl osur e_ r epor t _2015_updat e. pdf

pas s est hr oughorendsi nSout hAf r i ca. ) Thecapaci t yoft heNCC t oconductunr egul at edmasssur vei l l ancewashi ghl i ght edby t heMai l &Guar di ani n2013.Ther epor tnot edhow t heagencyi sabl et oconductmass moni t or i ngoft el ecommuni cat i ons,i ncl udi ngconver sat i ons,emai l s,t extmessagesand 11 dat a,wi t houtj udi ci al aut hor i sat i onsorot hersaf eguar ds. AMi ni st er i al Revi ew Commi ssi ononI nt el l i gencei nSout hAf r i ca( knownas' Mat t hews Commi ssi on' )setupt or evi ew i nt el l i gencegat her i ngi nSout hAf r i caf oundt hatt he NCC car r i esoutsur vei l l ance( i ncl udi ngmassi nt er cept i onofcommuni cat i ons)t hati s unl awf ul andunconst i t ut i onal ,becausei tf ai l st ocompl ywi t ht her equi r ement sofRI CA. TheMat t hewsCommi ssi onr epor t ,r el easedi n2008,madeaser i esof r ecommendat i onst oaddr esst hel ackofcont r ol andr egul at i onsoft heSout hAf r i can i nt el l i genceagenci es.Theser ecommendat i onshave,byandl ar ge,notyetbeenact ed 12 uponbyt hegover nment . Sout hAf r i caadopt edt heGener al I nt el l i genceLawsAmendmentActi n2013.TheAct s peci fical l yexcl udesf r om t hemandat eoft hei nt el l i genceagenci essur vei l l anceof “l awf ul pol i t i cal act i vi t y ,advocacy ,pr ot estanddi ssent . ”Despi t eoft hi sposi t i ve dev el opment ,pol i ceandi nt el l i genceagenci escont i nuet oconductsur vei l l anceof t hosel egi t i mat el yexer ci si ngt hei rr i ghtt of r eedom ofexpr essi on,associ at i onand 13 peacef ul assembl y . Concer nsaboutt heact i vi t i esoft heSout hAf r i cani nt el l i genceagenci eshaver ecent l y beens ur f acedwhenAl J az eer aNewsr epor t edi nFebr uar y2015ont hel eaked‘ Spy 14 Cabl e’document s. Onedocument ,f orexampl e,r eveal edasecr etagr eement bet weenZi mbabwe' sCent r al i nt el l i genceAgencyandSout hAf r i ca' sSt at eSecur i t y Agencyt oexchangei nt el l i genceandi nf or mat i onabout“r ogueNGOs”and“i dent i f y 15 andpr ofil esubver si vemedi a”. Fur t her ,t he2013Actmi ssedt heoppor t uni t yt ocl oseasi gni ficantl egi sl at i vegap,by f ai l i ngt or egul at et hei nt er cept i onoff or ei gnsi gnal i nt el l i gence.Ther egul at i onof i nt er cept i onoff or ei gnsi gnal i nt el l i gencei si nst eadexpect edt obeconsi der edi nt he cont extoft heongoi ngr evi ew oft heSout hAf r i cani nt el l i genceser vi ces.

11Mai l &Guar di an,Spywar s:Sout hAf r i cai snoti nnocent ,21J une2013, ht t p: / / mg. co. z a/ ar t i cl e/ 2013062100spywar ssout haf r i cai snot i nnocentAndal so,Secr etst at e:How t he gover nmentspi esonyou,avai l abl eat :ht t p: / / mg. co. z a/ ar t i cl e/ 20111014secr et st at e/ 12Avai l abl eat :ht t p: / / www. ssr onl i ne. or g/ document _r esul t . cf m?i d=3852. 13SeeRi ght 2Know," Bi gBr ot herExposed:How Sout hAf r i ca’ si nt el l i gencest r uct ur esmoni t orandhar assour movement s,uni onsandact i v i s t s" ,t obepubl i s hedi n2015. 14Seeht t p: / / www. al j az eer a. com/ i nvest i gat i ons/ spycabl es. ht ml 15Seeht t p: / / www. document cl oud. or g/ document s/ 1672718sout haf r i caz i mbabwej oi nt act i onpl an20112012. ht ml


Suppor tofsur vei l l ancet echnol ogi es:t hecaseofVASTech

16 Onatl eas tt wooccasi ons( 2008and2010) ,t heSout hAf r i cangover nmentdi r ect l y pr ov i dedpubl i cf undi ngt oasur vei l l ancet echnol ogycompany ,VAST ech,whi chi nt he mi d/ l at e' 00ssuppl i edmasssur vei l l ancet echnol ogi est ot heLi byangover nmentof 17 Col onel Gadhafi. I n2005,accor di ngt oar epor tl eakedi nFebr uar y2015,anI r ani an del egat i onr epor t edl ymetwi t ht heSout hAf r i cangover nmentandcompani essuchas 18 VAST echi nabi dt oobt ai nsur vei l l ancet echnol ogy .

OneofVAST echsur vei l l ancepr oduct s,Zebr a,wasr epor t edl ypr ovi dedt ot heLi by an gov er nmenti n2011.Zebr aal l owedt hesecur i t yser vi cest ocapt ur e“30t o40mi l l i on mi nut esofmobi l eandl andl i neconv er sat i onsamont handar chi vedt hem f oryear s”. Zebr aal s omeanti tcoul dhel pt hosesecur i t yser vi cesi dent i f yr el at i onshi psbet ween 19 i ndi vi dual sbasedonanal ysi soft hei rcal l i ngpat t er ns. I ti sadver t i sedasamoni t or i ng s yst em “whi chconnect st ot el ecomsnet wor ksandi nt er cept svoi ce,f ax,andSMS communi cat i ons”andhast he“powerandcapaci t yt or ecor dever yt hi ng,cont ent 20 i ncl uded”.

Res pondi ngt oaPr i vacyI nt er nat i onal l et t er ,t heSout hAf r i caDepar t mentofTr adeand I ndust r ynot edon18December2013t hatVAST echpr ovi dedal l t her equi r ed i nf or mat i oni nadvanceoft hef undi ngbei ngmadeavai l abl eandhadt hegover nment k nownt hatt het echnol ogyi nvol vedwasadver t i sedasbei ngcapabl eofmass 21 s ur vei l l ance,t heout comeoft hef undi ngwoul d“cer t ai nl y”havebeendi f f er ent . Fur t her ,aspokesper sonoft heDepar t mentofTr adeandI ndust r yconfir medt hatt he gov er nmentappr ovedt hef undi ngofZebr aand“knew t hati twoul dbef ormass s ur vei l l ance”.However ,t heDepar t mentnot edt hatwhent heappr oval t ookpl ace,i tdi d notknow i twoul dbe“usedf ornef ar i ouspur poses”andt heywer e“l edt obel i eve” Zebr awasonl ymeantf or“moni t or i ngbor der sandst adi ums,amongot hert hi ngs”. However ,accor di ngt ot heMai l &Guar di an,t heSout hAf r i cangover nmentcont i nuest o 22 f undVAST ech,suppor t i nganew sof t war e,cal l ed“Next ”.

Thegover nment ' sr epl ysuggest st hatanyduedi l i gencepr ocessbei ngcar r i edouti n ei t hert hedi r ectf undi ngoft hedevel opmentoft het echnol ogy ,ort heexpor tpr ocess 16Seeht t p: / / www. spi i . co. z a/ cont ent / Annual %20Repor t s/ SPI I _Annual _Repor t _2008. pdfand ht t p: / / www. spi i . co. z a/ cont ent / Annual %20Repor t s/ SPI I _Annual _Repor t _2010. pdf 17Mai l &Guar di an,Mi l l i onswer ehandedt oanSAcompanyt hatsuppl i edmasssur vei l l ancet echnol ogyt oLi bya, avai l abl eat :ht t p: / / mg. co. z a/ ar t i cl e/ 20131122dt i f undedgaddafispywar e 18Seeht t ps: / / s3. amaz onaws. com/ s3. document cl oud. or g/ document s/ 1672715/ sout haf r i caoper at i onal t ar get anal ysi sof i r an. pdf 19Wal l St r eetJ our nal ,Fi r msAi dedLi byanSpi esFi r stLookI nsi deSecur i t yUni tShowsHow Ci t i z ensWer eTr acked, avai l abl eat :ht t p: / / onl i ne. wsj . com/ news/ ar t i cl es / SB10001424053111904199404576538721260166388 20Seeat :ht t p: / / wi ki l eaks. or g/ spyfil es/ fil es/ 0/ 182_VASTECH201110BROCHURES. pdf 21Let t erbyDrRobDavi es,MP ,Mi ni st erofTr adeandI ndust r y ,18December2013. 22Mai l &Guar di an,DTI‘ f undedGaddafispywar e’ ,22November2013,avai l abl eat :ht t p: / / mg. co. z a/ ar t i cl e/ 20131122dt i f undedgaddafispywar e

di dnoti ncl udeanymeani ngf ul assessmentoft hesur vei l l ancet echnol ogy' sef f ect son humanr i ght s,i ncl udi ngt her i ghtt opr i vacy . 5.

Fai l ur et of ul l yi mpl ementl egi sl at i onondat apr ot ect i on

I n2013Sout hAf r i capassedadat apr ot ect i onl aw,t hePr ot ect i onofPer sonal I nf or mat i onAct . TheActdoesnotappl yt ot hepr ocessi ngofper sonal i nf or mat i oncar r i edoutf or pur pos esofnat i onal secur i t y( i ncl udi ngi dent i ficat i onoft er r or i stact i vi t i es)and pr ev ent i onori nvest i gat i onofcr i mes“t ot heext entt hatadequat esaf eguar dshave beenes t abl i shedi nl egi sl at i onf ort hepr ot ect i onofsuchper sonal i nf or mat i on”( Sect i on 6. ) However ,t hePr esi denthasyett osetacommencementdat ef ort hef ul l enact mentof t hi sl egi sl at i on.Asar esul t ,t hepot ent i al oft hi sl aw t opr ot ectt her i ghtt opr i vacy r emai nsunt est edandnot abl yt heaut hor i t yenvi sagedt omoni t ort hepr ot ect i on af f or dedt oper sonal dat ai syett obeconst i t ut ed. Thi si sofpar t i cul arconcer ni nl i ghtoft her equi r ementunderRI CAf ormandat or ySI M car dr egi st r at i on,andt hei nt r oduct i oni nr ecentyear sofgover nmentbackedschemes t ocol l ectper sonal dat aofi ndi vi dual s,suchasusi ngofbi omet r i csf orpasspor t sand bank i ng. Mandat or ySI Mr egi st r at i on,i nef f ect ,er adi cat est heabi l i t yofmobi l ephoneuser st o communi cat eanonymousl yandf aci l i t i esmasssur vei l l ance,maki ngt r acki ngand moni t or i ngofal l user seasi erf orl aw enf or cementandsecur i t yagenci es.Thepot ent i al f ormi suseofsuchi nf or mat i oni senor mous.SI Mr egi st r at i oncanal sohave di s cr i mi nat or yef f ect s–t hepoor esti ndi vi dual s( manyofwhom al r eadyfindt hemsel ves di s adv ant agedbyorexcl udedf r om t hespr eadofmobi l et echnol ogy)ar eof t enunabl e t obuyorr egi st erSI M car dsbecaus et heydonothavei dent i ficat i ondocument sor 23 pr oofofr es i dence. Thej ust i ficat i onscommonl ygi venf orSI Mr egi st r at i on–t hati twi l l assi sti nr educi ngt heabuseoft el ecommuni cat i onsser vi cesf ort hepur poseofcr i mi nal andf r audul entact i vi t y–ar eunf ounded.SI Mr egi st r at i onhasnotbeenef f ect i vei n cur bi ngcr i me,andi nst eadhasf uel edt hegr owt hofi dent i t yr el at edcr i meandbl ack 24 mar ket st oser vi cet hosewi shi ngt or emai nanonymous.

23SeeFr eedom House,Fr eedom ont heNet ,2014,page703. 24SeeRepor toft heSpeci alRappor t euront hepr omot i onandpr ot ect i onoft her i ghtt of r eedom ofopi ni onand expr essi on,UN doc.A/ HRC/ 23/ 40,17Apr i l 2013.


Pr oposedquest i onsf ort hel i stofi ssues

Bas edont heseobser vat i ons,Pr i vacyI nt er nat i onal Pr i vacyI nt er nat i onal ,Ri ght 2Know, andt heAssoci at i onf orPr ogr essi veCommuni cat i onspr oposet hef ol l owi ngquest i ons f ort heLi stofI ssues: Ar t i cl e17: •

Whatmeasur esi sSout hAf r i cat aki ngt oensur et hati t sst at esecur i t yand i nt el l i genceagenci esr espectt her i ghtt opr i vacy?

I npar t i cul ar ,how doesSout hAf r i caensur et hatal l i nt er cept i onact i vi t i esar eonl y car r i edoutont hebasi sofj udi ci al aut hor i sat i onandcommuni cat i ons i nt er cept i onr egi mecompl i eswi t ht hepr i nci pl esofl egal i t y ,pr opor t i onal i t yand necessi t yr egar dl essoft henat i onal i t yorl ocat i onofi ndi vi dual swhose communi cat i onsar ei nt er cept ed?

Whatmeasur esi sSout hAf r i capl anni ngt ost r engt henef f ect i veover si ghtover t hesur vei l l ancepr act i cesofi t sst at esecur i t yandi nt el l i genceagenci es?

How doesSout hAf r i car egul at et heexpor tofsur vei l l ancet echnol ogi esby pr i v at ecompani esbasedi nt hecount r yandhow suchexpor tr egul at i ont akes i nt oconsi der at i ont hepot ent i al r i skst hatsucht echnol ogi esposet ot her i ghtt o pr i v acywhensol dt of or ei gngover nment sorot hert hi r dpar t i es?

Wheni sSout hAf r i cagoi ngt of ul l yoper at i onal i set hepr ovi si onsoft hePr ot ect i on ofPer sonal I nf or mat i onAct2013?

Ar t i cl es19,21and22 •

Whatmeasur esi sSout hAf r i cat aki ngt oaddr esst her epor t sofunl awf ul sur vei l l anceofj our nal i st s,pol i t i cal act i vi st sandhumanr i ght sdef ender st o ensur et hatt hei rr i ghtt of r eedom ofexpr essi on,peacef ul assembl yand associ at i onar er espect edandpr ot ect ed?