Out-of-body experiences, dreams, and REM sleep

[Levitan, L., LaBerge, S., DeGracia, D.J. & Zimbardo, P.G. (1999). "Out-of-body experiences," dreams, and REM sleep. Sleep and Hypnosis, 1(3), 186-196...
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[Levitan, L., LaBerge, S., DeGracia, D.J. & Zimbardo, P.G. (1999). "Out-of-body experiences," dreams, and REM sleep. Sleep and Hypnosis, 1(3), 186-196.]

“Out -of-body experiences,” dreams, and REM sleep Lynne Levitan*, Stephen LaBerge†, Donald J. DeGracia § and Philip G. Zim bardo† * University of California, Davis, School of Medicine † Department of Psychology, Stanford University § Department of Emergency Medicine, Wayne State University

Abstract An out-of-body experience (OBE) is characterized by the sensation of leaving the physical body and functioning independently of it. Such sensations also occur during some lucid dreams. Some authors aver that OBEs and lucid dreams are completely different phenomena. The present investigation tested an explanatory model of OBEs as a form of dreaming similar in nature to lucid dreaming. Study 1 consisted of scored content analysis on 107 lucid dream (LD) reports verified by eye movement signals during REM sleep. Ten LD reports (9.3%) from 5 of the 14 subjects qualified as OBEs. LDs initiated from brief REM awakenings were significantly more likely (4.4 times, p