Mary Immaculate Parish Bulletin 10390 Remick Ave. Pacoima, CA 91331 Email: [email protected]

Office:(818) 899-0278 fax: (818) 890-9878

Office Hours / Horario de Oficina Parroquial: Monday-Friday / Lunes-Viernes—9:00AM - 12:30PM & 3:00PM - 8:00PM Saturday / Sábado & Sunday/Domingo—8:00 AM—4:00 PM

Parish Office Staff/ Personal de la Oficina Parroquial: Alondra Rubio, Rafael Gonzalez, y Crystal Muñ oz English Masses: Daily - 7:00AM Saturday - 7:00AM Sunday - 10:00 AM 4:00PM (Bilingual Life Teen Mass) Holy Hour - Ever y Thur sday fr om 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM and first Friday of the every month all day

Hora Santa - Todos los Diario - 6:30PM jueves de 7:00 PM a Sábado - 7:00PM 9:00 PM y Domingo - 6:00AM 8:00AM 12:00PM 2:00PM primer Viernes 4:00PM (Misa Bilingüe de Life Teen) del mes. Misas en Español:

6:00 PM 8:00 PM

Confessions/ Confesiones: Saturday/Sabado: 5:00 7:00PM

Charlas Pre bautismales: Martes de 6:00 a 9:00 PM

Clergy / Clero Rev. Walter Paredes, Administrator Rev. William Ruther, Associate

Dn. Jesús & Veronica López, Dn. Jose Cruz & Felicitas Ortiz, Deaconate Couples

Pagina 2

María Inmaculada

Palabras de Esperanza

Parish Directory / Directorio Parroquial Religious Education Program / Educación Religiosa (818) 899-2111 Raquel Arroyo, Religious Education Coordinator Roxana Contreras, Secretary Office Hours / Horario de Oficina From September – June / De Septiembre a Junio Monday—Wednesday, / Sep. A Junio Lunes — Miercoles, 4:00pm—8:00pm Thursday,Fri., & Sun. / Jueves, Viernes & Domingo Closed / Cerrado Saturday/Sabado 8:00 AM - 12:00 noon/mediodia Family Catechism / Catequesis Familiar Ricky & Johana Jones, Coordinators (818) 899-0278

R.I.C.A. / R.C.I.A. (818) 899-0278 Ext.1007 Carlos Ruiz, Director, (Spanish / Español) Cecilia Barragan, Director, (English / Ingles) Youth Ministry / Ministerio Juvenil Confirmation, EDGE, LifeTeen, & Quinceañeras (818) 897-6396 Javier & Carolina Hinojosa, Youth Ministers Lissette Villalobos, Secretary Office Hours / Horario de Oficina Monday — Thursday / Lunes — Jueves 4:00PM – 8:00PM Friday — Sunday / Viernes — Domingo Closed / Cerrado Marriage Coordinator Juan Garcia (818) 899-0278 Ext. 1006 Monday—Wednesday & Friday / Lunes—Miercoles y Viernes 3:00pm—6:00pm Saturday / Sabado: 9:00am – 12:00pm Weddings are scheduled six months in advance Las bodas se programan con seis meses de anticipación

Parish School / Escuela Parroquial (818) 834-8551 Mrs. Federina Gullano, Principal Mrs. Becky Cisneros, Vice Principal Mrs. Hortencia Vargas, Secretary Page 2

Mayo 22, 2016

Un saludo fraterno en el señor. Ya hemos terminado el tiempo Pascual. Hoy empezamos el llamado “Tiempo Ordinario” y lo empezamos con la fiesta de la “Santísima Trinidad”. Jesús nos a revelado que Dios no es solitario, si no amor, y familia. Por eso los cristianos, sabemos que Dios es Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Hermanos y hermanas, nuestro Dios es amor y nos invita a comunicar su amor como todos los domingos en el nombre de la Santísima Trinidad, empezamos nuestras asambleas cristianas: En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. El domingo, 29 de mayo, celebraremos la fiesta del Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo; en la misa de mediodía (12:00 PM) tendremos una procesión con el Santísimo Sacramento del Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo. Manifestemos la misericordia de Jesús en nuestras obras concretas… Dios los bendiga. Sus hermanos sacerdotes diocesanos, P. Walter Paredes, P. William Ruther y su visitante P. Enrique Hernández

Words of Hope Fraternal greetings in the Lord, We have already finished the Easter season. Today we begin the so-called “Ordinary Time” and we began with the feast of the "Holy Trinity”. Jesus revealed to us that God is not alone, but He is love, and family. Us as Christians, we know that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Brothers and sisters, our God is love, and every Sunday He invites us to share his love, in the name of the Holy Trinity. As we always begin our Christian assemblies: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. On Sunday, May 29, we will celebrate the feast of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ; during Mass at noon (12:00 PM) we will have a procession with the Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. Let the mercy of Christ manifest in our everyday lives… God bless you. You diocesan priest brothers, P. Walter Paredes, P. William Ruther and your visitor P. Enrique Hernández

Mary Immaculate

May 22, 2016

Pagina 3

Mayo 22, 2016

Maria Inmaculada

May 22, 2016 The Most Holy Trinity 22 de Mayo del 2016 La Santísima Trinidad

Journey of Faith

Viaje de Fe

We are on a long and eventful journey. Today’s readings for Trinity Sunday succinctly cover the depth and breadth of our human travels. The very beginnings of our journey are revealed in the reading from Proverbs. God’s plan filled with divine wisdom was born before the earth was made. In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of his own personal journey. He has come from the Father and will return to the Father. Only then will the Advocate—the Spirit of Truth—take us onward. This does not diminish the fact that the journey will be hard. The very setting of the Gospel is the night before Jesus died. As Saint Paul writes to the Romans, “[W]e even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope” (Romans 5:3-4). Ultimately, our human journey is modeled by the Holy Trinity—a family of love among Father, Son, and Spirit that we are all called to emulate.

Estamos en un viaje largo y lleno de acontecimientos. Las lecturas de hoy para el Domingo de la Santísima Trinidad cubren sucintamente la profundidad y la amplitud de nuestros viajes humanos. Los comienzos de nuestro viaje se revelan en la lectura de Proverbios. El plan de Dios lleno de sabiduría divina nació antes de que la tierra existiera. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús habla de su propio viaje personal. Él ha venido del Padre y volverá al Padre. Sólo en ese momento el Paráclito –el Espíritu de la Verdad– nos llevará hacia adelante. Esto no disminuye la dificultad del viaje. El contexto mismo del Evangelio es la noche antes de la muerte de Jesús. Como san Pablo les escribe a los romanos, “Nos gloriamos hasta de los sufrimientos, pues sabemos que el sufrimiento engendra la paciencia, la paciencia engendra la virtud sólida, la virtud sólida engendra la esperanza” (Romanos 5:3 -4). En última instancia, nuestro viaje humano está modelado por la Santísima Trinidad –una familia de amor entre el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu que todos somos llamados a emular.


READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

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1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Mk 10:17-27 1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31 1 Pt 1:18-25; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Mk 10:32-45 1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12; Ps 100:2-5; Mk 10:46-52 1 Pt 4:7-13; Ps 96:10-13; Mk 11:11-26 Jude 17, 20b-25; Ps 63:2-6; Mk 11:27-33 Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17

Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo:

Mary Immaculate

1 Pe 1:3-9; Sal 111 (110):1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Mc 10:17-27 1 Pe 1:10-16; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Mc 10:28-31 1 Pe 1:18-25; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; Mc 10:32-45 1 Pe 2:2-5, 9-12; Sal 100 (99):2-5; Mc 10:46-52 1 Pe 4:7-13; Sal 96 (95):10-13; Mc 11:11-26 Jds 17, 20b-25; Sal 63 (62):2-6; Mc 11:27-33 Gn 14:18-20; Sal 110 (109):1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lc 9:11b-17

May 22, 2016

Pagina 4

Maria Inmaculada

Parish Finances

Mayo 22, 2016

Finanzas de la Parroquia

Regular CollecƟon on May 15th, 2016 was $11,137.00 Second CollecƟon was $3,083.00 CollecƟon Boxes was $3,483.00

Avisos Parroquiales: Mes de mayo – Mes dedicado a María, nues- The Legion of Mary Invites you to become active members and to grow tra Madre.

in holiness and devotion to the Blessed Mother in order to offer our faith to others. We have weekly meeting for about 1.5 hours. For English we meet Thursdays at 6:30 PM in the rectory. For Spanish they meet Thursdays at 5:00 PM in the rectory. May - The month dedicated to Mary, our Questions: English Dan (818) 453-3481/Spanish Maria (818) 493-0390. Mother Todos los días tenemos el rezo del Santo Rosario a partir de las 5:00 PM en el templo parroquial. Responsables: el grupo Guardianes del Santísimo de María Inmaculada. Colocación de rosas a los pies de María, en el altar preparado para ella…

Every day we pray the rosary beginning at 5:00 PM in the church. Responsible: the group of the Guardians of the Blessed Sacrament of Mary Immaculate. Placing of roses at the feet of Mary, will be available at the altar prepared for her in the church…

Exposición del Santísimo Todos los jueves, tenemos la oportunidad de permanecer junto a Jesús Sacramentado por espacio de dos horas de 7:00 a 9:00 PM. Dirigido por un grupo o ministerio parroquial. Está usted invitados. ¡Te esperamos!!!

Cuidado de las plantas de San Judas Tadeo

Gracias a Jose Hernandez Gardening, por el adorno de flores vivas que le coloca a San Judas cada 3 meses… Dios te siga bendiciendo.

Plant Care for Saint Jude Thaddeus Thanks to Jose Hernandez Gardening, for the adornment of fresh flowers that are put for St. Jude every 3 months ... God continue to bless you.

Pintado de las Rejas Fronteras del Templo Hombres de buena voluntad, miembros del Grupo de Oración, los Caballeros de Colon, y los Guardianes del Santísimo de María Inmaculada, se dispusieron a pintar las rejas del frontis del templo en color blanco, gracias por su ayuda…

Rol de responsables de la preparación de la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento del Al- The railings in front of the church were paintar: ted Jueves, 26 de mayo - Encuentro Matrimonial Jueves, 2 de junio - RICA

Men of good will, from our Prayer Group, the Knights of Columbus, and the Guardians of the Blessed Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sacrament of Mary Immaculate, painted the railings Every Thursday we have the opportunity to be of the front of the temple in white, thanks for your with the Blessed Sacrament for two hours from help… 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Led by a group or parish minis- Grupo de Justicia Social try. You are invited. We will wait for you!!! Les invita: a los cuidadanos que no se han registrado Groups responsible for the preparation of para votar, a que lo hagan ahora y a los que no se han hecho cuidadanos les pedimos que se acerquen adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: a la mesa de trabajo del Grupo de Justicia Social paThursday, May 26 - Marriage Encounter ra mayor informacion . La mesa esta instalada todos Thursday, June 2 - RICA los domingos afuera del templo. Page 4

Mary Immaculate

May 22, 2016

Pagina 5

Maria Inmaculada

Mayo 22, 2016

Mary Immaculate School Corner

Happy School Occasions to Share:

Friday, May 6 at 10:30 AM - We had our May Crowning Mass of our Blessed Mother Mary with the special participation of our parish Legion of Mary group. The Grade 8 Class did a special presentation on the 7 Virtues of Mary. Everyone offered flowers to our Blessed Mother. Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 8:00 AM - First Communion Mass. All of the mothers, grandmothers and godmothers were also blessed and given a rose for Mother’s Day. Congratulations! Thank you Fr. William Ruther! All of our grade 8 students who applied to Catholic High Schools have been accepted after passing the high School Entrance Tests. Many are offered Scholarship Grants! Congratulations! Spring Fiesta Proceeds $ 40, 840.00 A huge" Thank you!" for all of your help and contributions. The proceeds will be used for maintaining our facilities, programs, services and technology upgrades. Funds will also be set aside for partial financial assistance to those who meet the guidelines. Currently, we are accepting applicants for Fall 2016 for Pre- K through Grade 8. Please come to the school office to apply or to take a tour of the facilities and meet our school staff and students We are here Monday to Friday @ 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. For assistance or appointment, please call: 818 834 - 8551.

Category Admin. Apprecia on Entertainment Food Permits Maintenance Raffle Rides Security Sponsors

Item Administra on Expense Subtotal Apprecia on Subtotal Weekend Entertainment Subtotal Food Expenses Subtotal Permits Subtotal Maintenance Subtotal Raffle Subtotals Ride Se lement Subtotal Security Subtotal Booth Sponsors/Dona ons Subtotal

8,000.00 33,487.14 1,767.38 3,562.00 12,522.50 20,865.00 2,000.00 7,132.00

Summary Receipts Expenses Profit

89,336.02 48,495.56 40,840

Did you know?

Archdiocese provides resources for parishioners to learn more The Archdiocese of Los Angeles recently published an up-


Expenses 26.02 314.90 8,000.00 16,992.61 1,767.38 4,461.40 14,173.25 2,760.00

¿Sabía usted? La Arquidiócesis provee recursos para que los feligreses aprendan más La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles recientemente publicó una ver-

dated version of the annual brochure called Working To- sión actualizada del folleto anual llamado, Trabajando Juntos gether to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse. This brochure pro- para Prevenir el Abuso Sexual Infantil. Este folleto ofrece a los vides parishioners with a list of policies and procedures feligreses una lista de políticas y procedimientos sobre el abuso

regarding sexual abuse and education in the Catholic sexual y educación en la Iglesia Católica, así como programas Church, as well as local programs and resources that work locales y recursos que funcionan para protegerse del abuso. Para to protect abuse. For a copy of the 2016 brochure, check obtener una copia del folleto del 2016, busque en el vestíbulo de your parish vestibule, email [email protected] or su parroquia, o escriba a [email protected] o llame call (213) 637-7227.

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al (213) 637-7227.

Mary Immaculate

May 22, 2016