JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 31 * DECEMBER 1993 * NUMBER 12 Richard C. Tilton, Editor in Chief (1994) North American Laboratory Group, Ltd...
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Richard C. Tilton, Editor in Chief (1994) North American Laboratory Group, Ltd. New Britain, Conn. Richard F. D'Amato, Editor (1997) The Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens, Inc. Jamaica, N. Y Patrick R. Murray, Editor (1994) Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, Mo.

Andrew B. Onderdonk, Editor (1998) Channing Laboratory Boston, Mass. Frank G. Rodgers, Editor (1996) University of New Hampshire Durham, N.H.

Ira F. Salkin, Editor (1995) N. Y State Department of Health Albany, N.Y Joseph L. Staneck, Editor (1994) University Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio Stephen A. Spector, Editor (1997) University of California, San Diego La Jolla, Calif.

EDITORIAL BOARD Donald G. Ahearn (1993) William L. Albritton (1993) Daniel Amsterdam (1994) Peter Appelbaum (1994) Michael Ascher (1995) Ellen Jo Baron (1994) Arthur L. Barry (1993) Vickie S. Baselski (1994) Barry J. Beaty (1993) M. J. Blaser (1993) Barbara A. Body (1995) Victor D. Bokkenhauser (1994) Carol A. Bolin (1993) William Bonnez (1994) Patrick J. Brennan (1993) Don J. Brenner (1995) Kenneth Bromberg (1994) George F. Brooks (1993) Arnold Brown (1993) Kay Buchanan (1993) Joseph M. Campos (1995) Roberta B. Carey (1994) Stephen J. Cavalieri (1995) Walter S. Ceglowski (1993) H. Fred Clark (1994) Richard B. Clark (1995) Dennis J. Cleri (1993) Richard W. Cone (1995) Chester R. Cooper (1994) Alan L. Coykendall (1995) Jack T. Crawford (1993) George Cukor (1993) Paola DeGirolami (1995) Dennis Dixon (1994) Sam T. Donta (1995) Edward J. Dubovi (1994) Stephen C. Edberg (1995) Paul H. Edelstein (1994) John A. Elliott (1994) Mario R. Escobar (1995) J. J. Farmer III (1995) Daniel P. Fedorko (1995) Paul M. Feorino (1993) Mary Jane Ferraro (1993)

Patricia Ferrieri (1995) Marianne Forsgren (1993) Rita M. Gander (1995) Lynn S. Garcia (1995) Claude F. Garon (1995) Michael A. Gerber (1993) Mary J. Gilchrist (1993) Monica Grandien (1993) Larry D. Gray (1993) Harry Greenberg (1993) Peter A. Gross (1995) Wendy M. Gross (1995) Joseph J. Guarneri (1993) Ian D. Gust (1994) Margaret R. Hammerschlag (1993) Maurice W. Harmon (1994) William J. Hausler (1995) George R. Healy (1995) Klaus Hedman (1995) Nancy K. Henry (1994) John E. Herrman (1995) Kenneth L. Herrmann (1994) Dwight C. Hirsh (1995) Rick Hodinka (1995) Barry Holmes (1994) Russell C. Johnson (1994) Wendy M. Johnson (1994) Ronald N. Jones (1993) James H. Jorgensen (1994) Daniel L. Kacian (1995) Naynesh Kamani (1993) Raymond L. Kaplan (1993) Neil E. Kay (1994) Mark G. Keen (1995) George E. Kenny (1994) Pamela C. Kibsey (1994) Mogens Kilian (1994) Wesley E. Kloos (1994) Peter J. Krause (1993) Geoffrey A. Land (1993) Alan Landay (1994) Brent A. Lasker (1995) Rance B. LeFebvre (1995) Paul F. Lehmann (1995)

Phyllis A. Leist (1993) Walter J. Loesche (1994) Louis A. Magnarelli (1995) James B. Mahony (1994) W. J. Martin (1995) Octavio V. Martinez (1995) Kenneth H. Mayer (1994) Leonard W. Mayer (1993) Dennis J. McCance (1994) Joseph E. McDade (1994) Patrick L. McDonough (1993) Geoffrey A. McKinley (1994) John C. McKitrick (1993) James C. McLaughlin (1993) Patricia Mickelsen (1995) J. Michael Miller (1995) Roger H. Miller (1994) Lillian V. H. Moore (1994) Josephine A. Morello (1993) Stephen A. Morse (1995) Brian R. Murphy (1994) Irving Nachamkin (1994) Cynthia Needham (1993) Marguerite A. Neill (1993) David E. Normansell (1994) Paul A. Offit (1995) Orjan Olsvik (1995) Joseph V. Osterman (1994) Timothy L. Overman (1994) Andrew Pachner (1993) Charlotte D. Parker (1995) A. William Pasculle (1995) John L. Penner (1993) David H. Persing (1995) Edward Pesanti (1994) Ellena M. Peterson (1995) Stephen R. Petteway, Jr. (1993) Marie T. Pezzlo (1995) Michael A. Pfaller (1993) M. John Pickett (1994) David H. Pincus (1995) Leon N. D. Potgieter (1994) Lucille E. Rasmussen (1994) Russell L. Regnery (1995)

Jack S. Remington (1995) Michael Rinaldi (1994) W. Gerard Robey (1994) Barbara Robinson-Dunn (1995) Richard F. Ross (1995) Steve Rowell (1995) Lorry G. Rubin (1993) Kathryn L. Ruoff (1993) Raymond W. Ryan (1994) Eugene W. Rypka (1995) R. Bradley Sack (1993) Daniel F. Sahm (1993) Paul C. Schreckenberger (1993) Tom G. Schwan (1994) Joseph D. Schwartzman (1994) Susan E. Sharp (1995) Emmett B. Shotts, Jr. (1995) Lynne Sigler (1994) Paul E. Steele (1994) Charles W. Stratton (1993) Nancy A. Strockbine (1994) Terrence L. Stull (1994) Richard Summerbell (1994) Ella M. Swierkosz (1993) Phillip Tarr (1994) Patricia E. Taylor (1994) Kenneth W. Theil (1994) Grace M. Thorne (1994) Lauri D. Thrupp (1995) Thomas J. Tinghitella (1994) Bent Faber Vestergaard (1993) Alexander von Graevenitz (1995) I. Kaye Wachsmuth (1993) Thomas J. Walsh (1994) Joseph L. Waner (1995) Lawrence G. Wayne (1995) Melvin P. Weinstein (1995) Robert W. Wilmott (1994) Kwei-Hay D. Wong (1995) G. N. Woode (1994) Charles H. Zierdt (1994) Steven Zuckerman (1994)

Barbara H. Iglewski, Chairman, Publications Board Linda M. Illig, Director, Journals Kathleen M. Whalen, Production Editor The Joumal of Clinical Microbiology, a publication of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171, is devoted to the dissemination of new knowledge concerning the applied microbiological aspects of human and animal infections and infestations, particularly regarding their etiologic agents, diagnosis, and epidemiology. Papers dealing with antibiotics and antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, with fundamental aspects of infection and immunity, and with food or dairy microbiology fall within the scope of other ASM publications. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Journals Division. The Journal is published monthly, one volume per year. The nonmember print subscription prices are $251 (U.S.) (Canadians add 7% GST) and $295 (other countries) per year; single copies are $40 (Canadians add 7% GST). The member print subscription prices are $46 (U.S.) (Canadians add 7% GST) and $77 (other countries); single copies are $10 (Canadians add 7% GST). For prices of CD-ROM versions, contact the Subscriptions Unit, ASM. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, defective copies, missing issues, and availability of back issues should be directed to the Subscriptions Unit, ASM; correspondence relating to reprint orders should be directed to the Reprint Order Unit, ASM; and correspondence relating to disposition of submitted manuscripts, proofs, and general editorial matters should be directed to the Journals Division, American Society for Microbiology, 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171. Phone: (202) 737-3600. Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20005, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Joumal of Clinical Microbiology, ASM, 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171. Made in the United States of America. Printed on acid-free paper. ISSN 0095-1137 CODEN: JCMIDW Copyright © 1993, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 27 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale.


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Author Index Abe, Chiyoji, 3270 ACTG PCR Virology Laboratories, 3123 ACTG PCR Working Group, 3123 Adriani, Daniela, 3142 Aguero-Rosenfeld, Maria E., 3090 Alfi, Dalia, 3179 Algra, Ale, 3174 Alonso, B., 3136 Anderson, John F., 3115 Arag6n, V., 3136 Arbeit, Robert D., 3227 Arness, Mark K., 3351 Baird, R. W., 3264 Barber, Thomas W., 3227 Beck, L.-A., 3216 Begum, Dilwara, 3153 Beiser, C. L., 3305 Benfield, David A., 3184 Biddle, James W., 3170 Biedenbach, Douglas J., 3255 Blasco, J. M., 3136 Boccanera, Maria, 3142 Boersma, Wim G., 3247 Bonder, E., 3296 BonDurant, R. H., 3289 Bottger, Erik C., 3083 Bremer, James W., 3123 Brenner, Don J., 3275 Brindle, Richard J., 3227 Brouqui, Philippe, 3284 Brown, Barbara A., 3231 Brown, Richard N., 3109 Brumback, Brenda G., 3260 Butler, W. Ray, 3231 Butzler, J.-P., 3317

Campbell, I., 3323 Campero, C. M., 3289 Carbonaro, Carol A., 3090 Carmel, Douglas K., 3147 Cartwright, Charles P., 3320 Cassone, Antonio, 3142 Castellino, Susan N., 3260 Chapelle, Sabine, 3340 Christopher-Hennings, Jane, 3184 Clover, James R., 3096 Collins, James E., 3184 Corbeil, L. B., 3289 Coughlan, K., 3264 Cox, G. M., 3305 Coyle, Marie B., 3223 Cummings, Lisa A., 3223 Cunningham, Anthony L., 3157 da Costa Mendes, V. M., 3333 Daugherty, Melinda, 3096 Dawson, David, 3227 de Beer, Mariet, 3333 De Bernardis, Flavia, 3142 Desai, Bindi, 3179 De Wachter, Rupert, 3340 Diaz, R., 3136 Diaz, Ram6n, 3200 Diaz-Aparicio, E., 3136 Doultree, J., 3264 Drew, James, 3123

Drew, Trevor, 3184 Drogendijk, Aat C., 3314 Dumler, J. Stephen, 3284 Dunnavant, Gregory R., 3351 Dwyer, Brian, 3264

Kazumi, Yuko, 3270 Kern, Peter, 3211 Kersters, K., 3317 Kessler, Harald H., 3325 Ketabchi, N., 3305 Kilburn, James O., 3231 Kirschner, Philip, 3083 Kleinhappl, Barbara, 3325 Kluytmans, J. A. J. W., 3204 Kraaijeveld, Kees, 3174 Kroppenstedt, Reiner M., 3083 Kruczak-Filipov, Patricia M., 3320

Eaton, Twilla, 3227 Eber, Ernst, 3325 Echeverria, Peter, 3351 Edelstein, Martha A. C., 3329 Edelstein, Paul H., 3329 Erwin, Meridith E., 3255 Eyers, Mark, 3340

Falkinham, J. O., III, 3227 Farthing, Patricia G., 3260 Field, Peter R., 3157 Fine, James S., 3223 Font, M., 3136 Fotos, Peter, 3190 Frasa, Helma, 3174 Freundt, Ingrid, 3314 Frosch, Matthias, 3211 Frosch, Petra, 3211 Fukasawa, Yutaka, 3270 Fukazawa, Yoshimura, 3344

Lahdevirta, Juhani, 3227 Lane, Robert S., 3109 Larsen, Ronald R., 3351 Larson, Ann M., 3223 Lauwers, S., 3317 LeFebvre, Rance B., 3109, 3115 Lin, Hsiang Ju, 3123 Lopez-Gofii, Ignacio, 3200 Lumio, Jukka, 3227

Mabuchi, Tadashi, 3344 Maes, R. K., 3129 Marin, C., 3136 Marshall, J., 3264 Marth, Egon, 3325 Martino, Pietro, 3142 Maslow, Joel N., 3227 Matheron, Sophie, 3310 Mbakop, A., 3331 McKenna, Donna F., 3090 McLaughlin, James C., 3170 McPhillips, Thomas, 3147 Miller, J. M., 3165 Miller, J. Michael, 3170 Miyagi, Chieko, 3270 Miyakawa, Yozo, 3344 Mohanty, Sashi B., 3147 Moreno, E., 3136 Moret, Helene, 3310 Moriy6n, I., 3136 Moriy6n, Ignacio, 3200 Mouton, J. W., 3204 Muchmore, E., 3296

Galama, J. M. D., 3240 Gamazo, Carlos, 3200 Gavin, Sue E., 3223 Giesendorf, B. A. J., 3317 Gilks, Charles F., 3227 Gill, Vee J., 3320 Girmenia, Corrado, 3142 Globan, M., 3264 Goessens, W. H. F., 3204 Goossens, H., 3317 Goossens, Herman, 3340 Goto, Susumu, 3270 Grimm, Linda M., 3179 Guichard, Maryline, 3310 Habbema, L., 3204 Helbig, Matthias, 3211 Hellstein, John, 3190 Hirano, Kazue, 3270 Ho, David W. T., 3157 Hoge, Charles W., 3351 Hollinger, F. Blaine, 3123 Hollis, Dannie G., 3275 Holloway, Yvette, 3247 Hughes, Jonathan H., 3255 Hughes, M. S., 3216 Huikeshoven, Frans J. M., 3314 Huraux, Jean-Marie, 3310

Ndam, E. C. N., 3331 Neill, S. D., 3216 Nelson, Eric A., 3184 Ng, Herman M. C., 3323 Ngu, J. L., 3331 Nicholson, Mabel A., 3348 Niesters, H. G. M., 3204 Nowakowski, John, 3090

Ikeda, J. S., 3289 Ingram, C. W., 3305 Ingrand, Didier, 3310 Irving, William L., 3157

O'Hara, C. M., 3165 Ongerth, Jerry E., 3179 Onyi, Grace, 3231 Otto, Patricia, 3123

Jackson, J. Brooks, 3123 Jackson, Lyle R., 3351 Jackson, Matthew P., 3153 Jeekel, Hans, 3314 Johnson, Russell C., 3115 Jones, Ronald N., 3255

Packham, Donald R., 3157 Pastey, Manoj K., 3147 Patton, Charlotte M., 3348 Pedersen, J., 3264 Peenze, Ina, 3333 Perez-Ortiz, S., 3136 Perfect, J. R., 3305 Pierard, D., 3317

Kaan, J. A., 3240 Karstens, Robert H., 3096 Katlama, Christine, 3310 i

Pierer, Karen, 3325 Poort, Y. A. G. M., 3240 Prince, D. L., 3296 Prince, H. N., 3296 Procee, John, 3174 Pschaid, Andrea, 3325 Pugh, J., 3296 Quenzer, Virginia K., 3170 Quint, W. G. V., 3204, 3317 Ranki, Annamari, 3227 Raoult, Didier, 3284 Reinthaler, Franz F., 3325 Rihs, John D., 3275 Rijsewijk, F. A. M., 3129 Rosa, Patricia A., 3096 Rost-Meyer, Gundi, 3083 Rozenberg-Arska, Maja, 3174 Ryan, Norbert J., 3264

Sahm, Daniel F., 3336 Salama, S. M., 3331 Samadpour, Mansour, 3179 Samal, Siba K., 3147 Sazdovitch, Veronique, 3310 Schmid, Jan, 3190 Schr6der, Karl-Heinz, 3083 Schrumpf, Merry E., 3096 Schulz, John E., 3336 Schwan, Tom G., 3096 Shiro-Koulla, S., 3331 Silcox, Vella A., 3231 Skuce, R. A., 3216 Snijder, Jan A. M., 3247 Soll, David R., 3190 Sowers, Evangeline G., 3153 Springer, Burkhard, 3083 Steele, A. D., 3333 Steigerwalt, Arnold G., 3275 Stock, Frida, 3320 Stolz, E., 3204 Strockbine, Nancy A., 3153 Struthers, Mary, 3096 Sutherland, G., 3264 Swanink, C. M. A., 3240 Tagni-Sartre, M., 3331 Takahashi, Mitsuyoshi, 3270 Tarr, Phillip I., 3179 Taylor, D. E., 3331 Tenover, F. C., 3165 Thraenhart, O., 3296 Toolenaar, Toon A. M., 3314 Torensma, Ruurd, 3174 Tsukamura, Michio, 3231 Van Belkum, A., 3317 Van Camp, Guy, 3340 Vandamme, P., 3317 Van Engelenburg, F. A. C., 3129 Van Oirschot, J. T., 3129 van Rijsoort-Vos, J. H., 3204 Vawter-Hugart, Holly, 3190 Veenstra, L., 3240 Verbruggen, Anjo, 3174 Verhoef, Jan, 3174 Vitas, Ana I., 3200 Vogel, Marius, 3314 von Reyn, C. Fordham, 3227




Wada, Masako, 3270 Waddell, Richard D., 3227 Wagenvoort, J. H. T., 3204 Wagenvoort, Johan H. T., 3314

Wallace, Richard J., Jr., 3231 Weaver, Robert E., 3275 Wefuan, J. N., 3331 Wensvoort, Gert, 3184 Wolinsky, Steve M., 3123

Wong, Jane, 3096 Wormser, Gary P., 3090 Wu, Whei-Kuo, 3223

Yoshimura, Tadashi, 3270 Yu, Victor L., 3275 Yu, Xuejie, 3284

Yao, Joseph D. C., 3323

Zingg, Barbara C., 3109, 3115

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The following served as invited special reviewers during 1993, and their help is greatly appreciated. Soman Abraham Stephen D. Allen Burt E. Anderson Larry Anderson Warren A. Andiman Ann Arvin Lawrence R. Ash Jaber Aslanzadeh Leona W. Ayers Steve Barenkamp Tim Barrett Robert Belshe Ernst L. Biberstein Jacques Bille Richard Blakemore Peter Bonventre Cheryl Bopp William Borkowsky Patrick Borlin Edward Bosler Erik C. Bottger Edward J. Bottone Daniel W. Bradley Mary E. Brandt James W. Bremer Frances Brenner Maria Brito William Britt Wendy C. Brown Yvonne J. Bryson George Buck Elizabeth Burgess Michael P. Busch Steven M. Callister Voon Chan Sunwen Chon Josephine Clark-Curtis Jill Clarridge Mitchell Cohen Rita Colwell James Connor Lynette B. Corbeil Marie Coyle Melanie Cushion Wayne Dankner Gail Demmler Stephen Dewhurst Bradley Doebbeling Gary V. Doern David B. Dorward Steven Douglas Michael Doyle

B. C. Easterday Dean D. Erdman Alejo Erice Richard Facklam Robert Fader Martin S. Favero Milan Fiala Anne Field Barry Fields Patricia Fields Richard Fister Glynn H. Frank Vicky Fraser Harvey Friedman Michael G. Gabridge Patricia Garrett Steve Geary Anne A. Gershon Aaron Eli Glatt John W. Gnann, Jr. Joanna Goldberg H. Goossens Eugene A. Gorsynski David Graham Paul A. Granato D. Jay Grimes M. Carolina S. Guimaraes David A. Haake Gerri Hall Chris Hamblin Scott M. Hammer Phillip A. Hanff Carl V. Hanson Tim Harrison Charles Hatheway V. S. Hinshaw James Hockin Paul Hoffman Charles H. Hoke Blaine Hollinger Dannie Hollis Edward Hoover Marshall S. Horwitz Tapani Hovi Karen Hsia Henry Hsu Anne Hull Paul Hurtubise Thomas Inzana J. M. Janda Matthew P. Jackson

Barbara J. B. Johnson James E. Johnson John Johnson Karl Johnson C. Colin Jorden Irving G. Kagan S. S. Kalter A. Z. Kapikian Mohamed Karmali Karen L. Kaul Sue Kehl Michael C. Kew Sandra Klespies William C. Koch Franklin P. Koontz Brent Korba Duncan Krause Thomas Krech Barry Kreiswirth Fred D. Lakeman Dennis M. Lambert Mary F. Lampe Robert Lanciotti Mark LaRocco Sandra A. Larsen Janet Lathey Chao-Hung Lee H. J. Linn David J. Looney Attila Lorincz N. J. MacLachlan Richard Madeley John Madigan Mark M. Manak Francine Marcino-Cabral Aaron Margolin Patricia L. Marion William J. Martin Suzanne Matsui William Mayberry Antone A. Medeiros Anfela Melton Monte B. McCaw Rod McFarlan Michael R. McGinnis Rima McLeod George Miller Philip Mortimer C. Wayne Moss Maurice A. Mufson Anthony Newsome

Thomas North Richard P. Novick John Ogle Steven M. Opal Lawrence C. Paoletti Jeffrey Parsonnet Bruce Paster P. S. Paul Charles S. Pavia Jay Pepose Clarence J. Peters Lance R. Peterson D. G. Pitcher Kenneth Platt Bernard T. Poiesz Roger J. Pomerantz Douglas Pratt John F. Prescott Martin A. Preston Alfred M. Prince J. Robert Putnak Didier Raoult Suraiya Rasheed Shmuel Razin Kurt Reed Larry G. Reimer Peter Reinhardt Douglas Richman Paul Robinson David Rollins Harley A. Rotbart Mitch Ryan Linda J. Saif Mansour Samadpour Michael Saubolle Mark Sawyer Frank A. Scannapieco Ronald F. Schell Neal Scheller Richard Schlegel Patrick M. Schlievert Clare Schmitt Edward M. Schneider David Schnurr Ted Schutzbank John Sever Keerti Shah Robert W. Shaw Ribhi M. Shawar Jerry Simecka Steven C. Specter David P. Speert

Carol A. Spiegel Paul E. Steele John A. Stewart Gregory Storch Jeffrey L. Stott Craig Strathdee Stephen E. Straus James H. Strauss E. Kanta Subbarao Bala Swaminathan Carol 0. Tacket David Taylor Diane Taylor Fred C. Tenover Michael R. Thompson Richard B. Thomson Tom Thomson Margaret Thouless David L. Tison Peter Turnbull Arthur Tzianabos Michael Vasil Govinda S. Visvesvera William Wachsman Robert Wadowsky Ken B. Waites Michael J. Wannamuehler Harold Watson Heather Watts Robert Weaver Michael J. Weber Lana Wechbach Richard B. Westcott Hannah M. Wexler Cosette Wheeler Terence R. Whitehead Robert J. Whitley Thomas Williams Bettina Wilske Marianna Wilson Washington Winn Dana Wolf Steven Wolinsky Gail L. Woods Belinda R. Yen-Lieberman Robert H. Yolken Stephen A. Young Ronald Zabransky John A. Zaia Robert Zsigray





NATIONAL CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1994 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES PROGRAM Up to ten associate positions will be awarded by the American Society for Microbiology for full-time research on infectious diseases which cause significant public health problems. Associates will perform research in residence at the National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID) which is headquartered at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA. In addition to Atlanta, NCID operates laboratories in Ft. Collins, CO, Anchorage, AK, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

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e 9Snfo 1991 (SLet inIstrutions on reverse)






Director, Journals

AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 31 Aarnaes, Sandra, 695, 1622 Abalos, Rodolfo M., 895 Abate, L., 160 Abbott, Sharon L., 155, 1206 Abd-Alla, Mohammed D., 2845 Abderrahman, Amel, 2446 Abe, Chiyoji, 3270 Aboudy, Yair, 1783 Abraham, Rebecca, 395 Acheson, David W. K., 1167 ACTG PCR Virology Laboratories, 3123 ACTG PCR Working Group, 3123 Actis, Luis A., 2812 Adams, Kenneth S., 2000 Addy, Cheryl, 808 Adriani, Daniela, 3142 Afshar, Ahmad, 1860 Agabian, Nina, 1472 Agboatwalla, M., 2427 Agterberg, Cleem, 2134 Aguero-Rosenfeld, Maria E., 3090 Aguirre, Maria, 1350 Ahearn, Donald G., 1683 Ahoyo, A., 2526 Aiuti, Ferdinando, 1354 Ajello, Libero, 2967 Akram, D. S., 2427 Alaluusua, Satu, 584 Albert, M. John, 1392, 1397, 2513 Alberti, Sebastian, 1379 Albritton, William, 659 Albritton, William L., 1715 Aldeen, William E., 144 Alden, Martha J., 2410 Alderton, M. R., 1326 Aldom, John E., 1946 Alejo, Maria, 924 Aleksic, S., 1911 Aleksic, Stojanka, 1200, 1672 Alemohammad, Mohammad M., 2174 Alfi, Dalia, 3179 Alfonzo, Edgar, 2439 Alfthan, G., 1382 Algra, Ale, 3174 Alim, A. R. M. Abdul, 2513 Allan, B., 2204 Allen, S. D., 751, 2375 Allen, Stephen D., 865 Allibert, Patrice, 1444 Alonso, B., 3136 Alos, Juan-Ignacio, 1704 Alstad, A. D., 3028

Altwegg, Martin, 410, 1127, 2201 Alugupalli, Srinivas, 1575 Amano, Ken-ichi, 722 Ambroise-Thomas, Pierre, 636 Amezcua, Maria Eugenia, 1329

Ammassari, Adriana, 2788 Amoako, Kingsley Kwaku, 2244

Anaissie, Elias, 1370 Andersen, Arthur A., 134 Andersen, Bj0rg Marit, 2456

Anderson, Burt, 138 Anderson, Eileen C., 2981 Anderson, John F., 2451, 2857, 3115 Anderson, Julia, 1472 Anderson, Larry J., 1224 Anderson, Roger L., 2599 Ando, Masayuki, 1949 Andrade, Heitor F., Jr., 1486 Andremont, A., 982 Andrew, Peter W., 2251 Anjak, Isam, 2745 Ann Imperatrice, Carol, 433 Ansari, M. Q., 1579 Ansaruzzaman, M., 1392 Antinori, Andrea, 2788 Antonaya, Jose, 1669 Antoniotti, C., 157 Anuntagool, Narisara, 1232 Appelbaum, Peter C., 460 Arag6n, V., 3136 Arakawa, Yasuyuki, 1173 Arbeit, Robert D., 2000, 3227 Arlet, Guillaume, 179 Armellini, D., 160 Armellini, Doretta, 727 Arness, Mark K., 3351 Arnold, C., 3007 Aron, Lieselotte, 975 Arron, G. I., 2218 Arthur, James D., 1315 Ashley, Rhoda, 1262 Ashton, Fraser E., 2506 Asikainen, Sirkka, 584 Aslund, Lena, 2715 Atmar, Robert L., 2544 Aucken, Hazel M., 702, 1286 Aufauvre-Brown, Agnes, 615 Aurengo, Andre, 2396 Avesani, V., 2526 Avila, Herbert A., 2421 Aymard, M., 2890 Ayoub, Elia M., 3058 Aziz, J., 160

Bannerman, Tammy L., 1318, 1322 Banser, Pamela A., 2263 Bantar, C. E., 1921 Baran, Daniel, 2320 Baranton, G., 2873 Barbaree, James M., 2584 Barbaree, J. M., 170 Barber, Thomas W., 3227 Barbet, A. F., 2729 Barbone, Fabio, 1586 Barbut, Frederic, 740, 963 Bardin, P. G., 111 Barger, Gwen E., 255 Barin, Francis, 1444, 1481, 1189 Barker, Robert H., Jr., 1811 Barlet, V., 1066 Baron, Ellen Jo, 1882 Barreau, C., 2085 Barrett, Leah J., 1971 Barrett, Mary S., 2531 Barry, A. L., 751, 1932, 2375 Barry, Arthur L., 1924, 2236 Bart-Delabesse, Emmanuelle, 2933 Barth, Kathleen A., 1013 Bartlett, Marilyn S., 754, 1659, 1899 Bartley, Suzette L., 413 Barton, Leslie L., 3058 Basagni, C., 160 Basille, Barbara A., 2114 Bass, C. A., 2648 Bassin, Shelley, 1339 Bastard, C., 1066 Bastida-Corcuera, Felix D., 706 Batts, Marian L., 2799 Bauer, Nancy L., 1659 Bautz, Ekkehard K. F., 1194 Bauwens, J. Eric, 3013, 3023 Bax, Rene, 1964, 798 Baxter-Lowe, Lee Ann, 1515 Bayeli, P. F., 160 Bayeli, Pietro F., 727 Bayola-Mueller, Lourdes, 1179 Beard, G. Alan, 2402 Beaty, Barry J., 2641 Beaulieu, Danielle, 736 Bebear, C., 824 Bebear, Christiane, 2238 Beck, L.-A., 3216 Beckley, Ann, 2021 Beckmann, G., 711 Beebe, James L., 2535 Begu6, Pierre, 2745 Begum, Dilwara, 3153 Beighton, David, 1648 Beiser, C. L., 3305 Belfaiza, J., 2873 Bellenger, E., 2873 Bemis, David A., 1838 Benarous, Richard, 1866 Bendinelli, Mauro, 494, 1626 Benedi, Vicente J., 1379 Benfield, D. A., 2291 Benfield, David A., 3184 Benitez, Odelia, 593 Bennett, Desiree, 2124

Bacq, Yannick, 1189 Baek, Byeong-Kirl, 2565 Bag, Prasanta K., 3068 Bagchi, Kunal, 1315 Bailey, Andrew S., 1562 Baillou, A., 2343 Baillou, Armelle, 1481 Bainbridge, Brian, 615 Baird, R. W., 3264 Baker, Ann-Marie, 1663 Baker, Carol J., 1430 Baker, Carolyn N., 2683 Baker, C. N., 2375 Balayeva, Natalia M., 2625 Baldinotti, Fulvia, 494, 1626 Bale, James F., Jr., 2433 Bale, Martha J., 2538 Bally, Frank, 175 Baltch, Aldona L., 2366 Balz, Marianne, 175 Banatvala, Jangu E., 31 Bandecchi, Patrizia, 494, 1626 Bandlow, G., 128 Banerjee, Shailen N., 2683 Bange, Franz-Christoph, 2882 Banks, Grier G., 1504 i

Benson, Robert F., 1940 Bentley, Robert W., 57 Benyagoub, H., 2529 Berche, Patrick, 1537 Berg, Douglas E., 463 Berger, Robert H., 2599 Bergeron, David L., 1122 Bergeron, Michel G., 736 Berninger, Mary Lou, 428 Berrouard, M., 2339 Besnier, Jean Marc, 1444 Betcher, Gaye, 808 Betsou, Fotini, 2745 Bettelheim, K. A., 760 Bettin, Kristine M., 1870 Beutin, Lothar, 2483 Beutz, Michelle, 1016 Bevirt, Terry S., 629 Bhan, Maharaj K., 386 Bhattacharya, S. K., 3068 Bhuiyan, Nurul A., 1397 Bianchini, H. M., 1921 Bianciardi, S., 160 Biddle, James W., 3170 Biedenbach, Douglas J., 2828, 3255 Bijlsma, Klaas, 1562 Billman, Glenn F., 315 Bimet, F., 2085 Bimet, Francois, 2720 Bingen, Edouard, 1055 Bingen, Edouard H., 179, 2589 Bingham, Patricia G., 1886 Binn, L. N., 1299 Binns, Matthew M., 265 Binsztein, Norma, 558 Birkenmeyer, Larry G., 729 Bishop, Ruth F., 377 Bissuel, F., 2066 Bizet, C., 2085 Bjerre, Bengt, 1975 Bjorling, Ewa, 588 Bjorsten, Sven, 368 Black, Carolyn M., 1940, 2661 Black, Gavin E., 887 Blackstad, Mark, 2327 Blair, Carol D., 2641 Blanc, Dominique S., 71 Blanchard, A., 1358 Blanco, Mario, 2439 Blanding, Jeanne, 695, 1622 Blasco, J. M., 3136 Blecker, U., 1770 Blog, F., 107 Blot, Philippe, 1055 Blotta, M. H. S. L., 671 Bloy, Harlan, 142 Boccanera, Maria, 3142 Bodmer, Thomas, 175 Boedeker, E. C., 851 Boersma, Wim G., 3247 Bohachick, Kathleen, 1531 Bohm, Hartmut, 1200 Bohne, Wolfgang, 1641 Boiron, Patrick, 2933 Boissinot, Christine, 1055 Bolin, Carole A., 578 Bolin, S. R., 566, 986 Bollet, Claude, 444 Bolstad, Anne Isine, 528




Bonder, E., 3296 Bondi, J. M., 2648 BonDurant, R. H., 3289 Bonis, Joelle, 1481 Bono, Fulvia, 2913 Bopp, Cheryl, 2474 Boquet, Patrice, 2720 Borchardt, Kenneth, 1016 Borczyk, Alexander A., 1946 Boreham, Robyn E., 436 Bories, P. N., 157 Borthagaray, Maria D., 819 Bosman, F., 9 Bottger, Erik C., 175, 646, 990, 2882, 3083 Bottoms, J. D., 2402 Bottone, Edward J., 480, 1908 Boucher, Charles A. B., 588 Boucot, Isabelle, 1667 Boudin, Christian, 636 Boudreau, M., 2192 Bougnoux, Marie-Elisabeth, 1644 Bourbeau, Paul P., 2070 Bourdon, S., 2339 Bourgeois, Francoise, 179 Bourneix, C., 982 Boutonnier, A., 1342 Boutonnier, Alain, 227 Bouvet, A., 1342 Boyle, J. F., 1280 Bragg, Sandra L., 2819 Brahimi, Naima, 1055, 2589 Brand, Denys, 1189, 1444 Brandt, Mary E., 2819 Branger, Catherine, 227 Brebant, Richard, 2758 Brecher, Stephen, 2000 Breiman, Robert F., 2584 Bremer, James W., 3123 Brenner, Don J., 692, 872, 2456, 3275 Bresson-Hadni, Solange, 373 Brian, Michael J., 2152 Briant, Victoria, 653 Brindle, Richard J., 3227 Brouqui, Philippe, 3284 Brown, Barbara A., 390, 2697, 3231 Brown, Darron R., 2667 Brown, D. W. G., 931, 3007 Brown, J. Edward, 2402 Brown, Mary B., 1454 Brown, Richard N., 3109 Bruce, C. B., 111 Bruckner, D. A., 3056 Bruckner, David A., 307 Brumback, Brenda G., 3260 Brummer-Korvenkontio, Markus, 677 Brun, Franziska, 1127 Brunengo, P., 1342 Brunson, Carol, 808 Brussow, Harald, 593 Bryan, Janine T., 2667 Bryan, John A., 1504 Bryan, Lawrence E., 1334 Buchholz, P., 2417 Bugnoli, M., 160 Bugnoli, Massimo, 727 Burian, Jan, 2263 Burkot, Thomas R., 272 Burnens, Andre P., 708, 1916

Burnie, James P., 1117 Burns, Eugene H., Jr., 1838 Bums, Jane C., 1034 Burns, Jane L., 788 Burns, John W., 165 Burrows, George E., 2303 Butcher, Reginald H., 2392 Butler, W. Ray, 1293, 3231 Butzen, Carla C., 729 Butzler, J.-P., 3317 Byrne, Sean K., 2594

Cabello, Felipe C., 975 Cabrera, Barbara J., 422 Calhoon, Barbara, 2535 Callis, Kristina P., 692 Callister, Steven M., 1896 Camargo, Z. P., 671 Camerini, Fulvio, 1345 Campbell, I., 3323 Campbell, James, 758 Campbell, Kathryn D., 2255 Campbell, Lee Ann, 2212 Campero, C. M., 3289 Camprubi, Silvia, 1379 Canigia, L. Fernandez, 1921 Carbonaro, Carol A., 3090 Carithers, Robert L., Jr., 289 Carl, Mitchell, 2167 Carlotti, Arnaud, 2933 Carmel, Douglas K., 3147 Carroll, K., 144 Carson, Loretta A., 2599 Carson, M., 3001 Cartwright, Charles P., 3320 Casadevall, Arturo, 2519 Casillas, Silvia M., 2901 Cassell, G. H., 1358 Cassiday, P. K., 170 Cassone, Antonio, 1354, 3142 Castellino, Susan N., 3260 Castells, Empar, 1504 Castro, Eduardo, 1329 Caugant, Dominique A., 215 Cavallaro, Joseph J., 413 Cave, Helene, 296, 1055 Cave, M. Donald, 406 Cazares, Jose Victor, 1329 Cellini, Luigina, 2105 Cello, Jeronimo, 911 Cellona, Roland V., 895 Cerino, Antonella, 2913 Chagla, Abdul H., 1946 Chakrabarti, B. K., 1579 Chambers, Henry F., 1435 Chan, Francis T. H., 1710 Chan, Lily, 260 Chan, S.-W., 1493 Chandler, Laura J., 2641 Chandrashekar, R., 1741 Chang, Shu-Fen, 1635 Chang, Woo-Hyun, 598, 1831, 2057 Chang, Yu-Sun, 53 Chao, Han-Pu, 2674 Chaowagul, W., 1592 Chapelle, Sabine, 3340 Chapuis, Emmanuelle, 1444 Chattopadhyay, D. J., 1579 Chea-Woo, Elsa, 2101 Chen, Chen-Wu, 1160 Chen, Manchuan, 2451 Chen, Mong-Liang, 53

Cheng, Edward H., 188 Cheng, Therese, 2402 Chermann, J. C., 1066 Chernesky, Max A., 1753, 2702 Chevrel-Dellagi, Denise, 2446 Chi, David S., 2157, 2802 Chieves, Lucious, 698 Childers, Patty L., 839 Chillon, Miguel, 924 Chin, Daniel P., 302 Chiodi, Francesca, 588 Chiodini, R., 1241 Chirnside, Ewan D., 265 Cho, Helen, 1439 Cho, Sang-Nae, 895 Choawagul, W., 238 Choi, Myung-Sik, 598, 2057 Chonmaitree, Tasnee, 395 Chouaid, Christos, 1943 Chow, Anthony W., 2594, 2654 Chow, Joseph W., 1609 Christensson, Bertil, 3036 Christopher-Hennings, Jane, 3184 Chu, Richard C., 2366 Chua, Robert, 1597 Chui, Linda, 659 Chui, Linda W.-L., 1715 Chumpitazi, Bernabe, 636 Cinco, Marina, 440 Claas, E. C. J., 2218 Clabots, Connie R., 1870 Claeys, Geert, 2061 Clark, Agnes M., 3013, 3023 Clark, H. Fred, 917 Clark, Kathleen A., 845 Clarke, I. L., 2895 Clarke, Lorraine M., 968 Clarridge, Jill E., 61 Clarridge, Jill E., III, 2049 Clayton, C. L., 1420 Cleary, Thomas G., 2152 Cleaton-Jones, Peter, 66 Clement, Francoise, 1048 Clements, Mary Lou, 836 Clover, James R., 3096 Cocito, Carlo, 947, 1601 Coene, Marc, 947, 1601 Cohen, B. J., 323 Cohen, Hartley, 2174 Cohen, Jonathan, 615 Cohen, Mitchell B., 351 Cohen, W. Houston, 1299 Coke, Audrey P., 1117 Cole, Donald D., 1946 Coleman, David, 2124 Coll, Pere, 924 Colley, Jane, 2927 Collins, Bobby R., 1454 Collins, Desmond M., 1143 Collins, James E., 3184 Collins, Matthew D., 57, 1350, 2255 Collinson, S. Karen, 2263 Coloe, Peter John, 1746 Coloe, P. J., 1326 Colzani, Daniela, 1586 Condorelli, Francesca, 717 Cone, Richard W., 1262, 1774 Connaughton, I. D., 1185 Connor, Edward, 681

Cookson, Barry, 653 Coombs, Robert W., 1980 Cooper, George L., 2366 Corbeau, Pierre, 1903 Corbeil, L. B., 3289 Corey, Lawrence, 289, 1262, 1774 Corney, Bruce G., 2927 Corthier, G., 2526 Corthier, Gerard, 740 Cotta, Michael A., 2387 Cotte, L., 2066 Couch, R. B., 2286 Coughlan, K., 3264 Coulson, Barbara S., 1 Courcol, R. J., 734 Courvalin, Patrice, 1704 Coutlee, Francois, 1040 Covino, Jean M., 968 Cowden, Sharon N., 2674 Cox, G. M., 3305 Cox, Mike, 279 Coyle, Marie B., 1788, 3060, 3223 Cramer, Harvey, 2667 Cravioto, Alejandro, 593 Crawford, Jack T., 406, 767, 1293 Crepin, O., 734 Crespo, Ilirie, 2439 Critchlow, Cathy W., 1003 Cros, Philippe, 1444 Crosa, Jorge H., 2812 Crosa, Lidia M., 2812 Crossen, Gretchen R., 839 Crumpacker, C., 2557 Cummings, Lisa A., 3223 Cunningham, Anthony L., 3157 Cunningham, Elizabeth B., 1013 Cunto, Walter, 2439 Currie, Brian P., 2519 Curry, Janis I., 2410 Cushion, Melanie T., 244, 1217 Cynamon, Michael H., 2332 Dac Cam, Phung, 454 da Costa Mendes, V. M., 3333 Dahlen, Patrik O., 1886 Daidone, Bennett J., 968 Dainelli, Benedetto, 2105 Dale, Jeremy W., 406 Daly, Jennifer S., 872 Daly, Judy A., 2996 Dance, David A. B., 1592 Daneshvar, M. I., 746, 872 Daneshvar, Maryam I., 689, 1007 Dankert, Jacob, 1952 D'Aquila, R., 2557 D'Aquila, Richard T., 2824 Darai, Gholamreza, 1194 Darfeuille-Michaud, Arlette, 2031 Das, Bimal K., 386 Das, Manjula, 165 Dashefsky, Barry, 78 da Silva, Alexandre Januario, 2315 Daugherty, Melinda, 3096 Davidson, Maureen K., 2751

VOL. 31, 1993

Davis, Jerry K., 2751 Davis, Thomas E., 865 Dawson, David, 3227 Dawson, D. J., 26 Dawson, Jacqueline E., 3058 Day, Rosmini, 2947 Deau, Marie-Christine, 2918 de Barbeyrac, Bertille, 2238 De Beenhouwer, Hans, 2061 de Beer, Mariet, 3333 De Bernardis, Flavia, 3142 de Briel, Dominique, 1667 de Champs, C., 123 DeCross, Arthur J., 1971 De Giovannini, Roberto, 440 Degrave, Wim, 2421 de Gregorio, L., 160 de Haas, Petra E. W., 1987 de Jonckheere, Johan F., 685 de Jong, Jan C., 1562 De Kesel, Myriam, 947 Dela Cruz, Eduardo C., 895 de la Maza, Luis M., 695, 1622 Delaney, Elizabeth, 208 dela Rosa, Corazon, 289 Delfraro, Adriana, 819 Delgado, Rafael, 1019 De Lisle, Geoffrey W., 1143 Dellagi, Koussay, 2446 Della-Latta, Phyllis, 2523 Delmee, M., 2526 Delmee, Michel, 740 De Luca, Andrea, 2788 de Mare, Saskia, 2547 De Meuter, F., 9 De Micco, Philippe, 444 de Moura, Hercules, 685, 2315 Denamur, Erick, 179, 296, 1055 Denbow, Lawrence, 1648 Denis, Francois, 1481 Dennis, David T., 2584 Denny, Thomas, 681 Denoyel, G. A., 2066 Denoyel, Gerard-Antoine, 2758 de Ory, Fernando, 1669 De Paiva, Eugenia, 2421 de Pauw, Ben E., 2502 Depitre, C., 2526 Depitre, Catherine, 740 Deplano, Ariane, 1964, 2320 Derelle, Jocelyne, 2589 Deresinski, Stanley C., 1794 de Ronde, Anthony, 2350 De Rouck, Ann, 2061 Derouin, Francis, 1866 Desai, Bindi, 3179 Desjardins, Patricia, 179, 1055 Desmarchelier, Patricia M., 1592 Desmarchelier, P. M., 533 Desmond, Edward, 3040 de Souza, Sandra Lavareda, 1866 Dessau, Ram Benny, 857 Desselberger, U., 1022 Devaux, Christian, 1903 De Wachter, Rupert, 3340 Dewhurst, S., 416 deWit, D., 2204

AUTHOR INDEX de Wit, Madeleine Y. L., 502, 2947 d'Halewyn, Marie-Alix, 102 Dhib-Jalbut, Suhayl, 118 Dias, Francisco, 2215 Diaz, R., 3136 Diaz, Ram6n, 3200 Diaz-Aparicio, E., 3136 Diaz-Mitoma, Francisco, 1336 Diena, Baruch B., 1597 Diena, Daniel, 1597 Di Fabio, Jose, 975 DiGiovanni, Barbara, 2786 Dijkshoorn, Lenie, 702 Dille, Bruce J., 729 Dillner, Joakim, 192 Dillner, Lena, 192 Dillon, Jo-Anne R., 1555, 2831, 3053 Dimech, W. J., 3001 Disney, Alex P. S., 2392 Dixon, D. M., 1804 Djeu, Julie Y., 1354 Djordjevic, Steven P., 2927 Doellgast, George J., 2402 Doi, Kuniko, 1949 Dominguez, E. A., 2286 Donabedian, Susan, 2021 Donohue-Rolfe, Arthur, 1167 Donovan, Richard M., 1656 Doran, James L., 2263 Dorigan, Francis, 552 Doring, Gerd, 227 Douglas, James T., 502 Douglas, John M., 2702 Doultree, J., 3264 Doveikis, Sandra A., 2824 Dow, B. C., 1493 Draper, Deborah, 1016 Drew, James, 3123 Drew, Trevor, 3184 Drobyski, William R., 1515 Drogendijk, Aat C., 3314 Dromer, Francoise, 359 Drouet, E., 2066 Drouet, Emmanuel, 2758 Drouin, Mary T., 249 Dubois, Daniel, 203 Dubois, D. R., 1299 Dubois, F., 2343 Dubois, Frederic, 1189 Dubovi, Edward J., 428, 1075 Ducatelle, Richard, 134 Ducos, Jacques, 1903 Duffey, Paul S., 1876 Dulac, Gilles C., 1860 Dumler, J. Stephen, 3284 Dunn, Stephen J., 165 Dunnavant, Gregory R., 3351 Dunne, W. Michael, Jr., 2541 Dupont, Bertrand, 359, 2933 Dupouy-Camet, Jean, 1866 Durbin, Annette, 2000 Durkin, Michelle M., 754, 1659 Dusch, Herbert, 410 Dutilh, Brigitte, 2238 Duvivier, Claudine, 1943 Dwyer, Brian, 329, 1385, 1615, 1663, 2074, 2769, 3264 Dwyer, Robert J., 1521 Dybvig, K., 1358 Dybvig, Kevin, 2751

Dzelalija, Boris, 2225 Dziegiel, Morten, 636 Easley, Kirk A., 2114 East, Alison K., 2255 Eaton, Twilla, 3227 Eber, Ernst, 3325 Eberhard, M. L., 1741 Eberle, Mary, 1515 Echevarria, Jose Manuel, 1669 Echeverria, P., 851 Echeverria, Peter, 1167, 1315, 3351 Eckels, K. H., 1299 Eckert, Johannes, 373 Edelstein, Martha A. C., 3329 Edelstein, Paul H., 3329 Edwards, Alise, 1777 Egberink, Herman F., 2350 Eger, A., 2509 Egerer, Rosalie M., 292 Eggert, Eric, 1980 Egnell, Per, 3036 Ehret, Josephine M., 2702 Eisenach, Kathleen D., 406 Elaichouni, Abdeslam, 2061 El-Hawey, Ahmed M., 2845 Elion, Jacques, 179, 296, 1055, 2589 Elliott, John A., 1030 Ellis, S., 3001 Ellis, William A., 578 Elvin, Kerstin, 221, 2222 El-Zaatari, Fouad A. K., 61, 783 Eng, Jan, 1413 Engleberg, N. Cary, 149 Engstrand, Lars, 783 Engstrom, Suzanne M., 2038 Ensign, Lisa G., 1370 Erasmuson, Sylvia K., 1143 Eremeeva, Marina E., 2625 Eriks, Inge S., 2091 Ertl, P. F., 724 Erwin, Meridith E., 2531, 2828, 3255 Escande, Andree, 1903 Escobar-Gutierrez, Alejandro, 1329 Esko, E., 1382 Esposito, E., 160 Espy, Mark J., 2361 Essig, A., 3050 Esteban, Emilio, 233 Esteban, Jaime, 2517 Estes, Mary K., 1630, 2185, 2866 Estes, M. K., 1022 Esumi, Mariko, 1173 Etienne, Jerome, 812 Evangelidis, H., 760 Evans Patterson, Jan, 249 Evermann, J. F., 1237 Ewanowich, Carol A., 1715 Eyers, Mark, 3340 Ezaki, Takayuki, 547 Ezzell, John, 758 Ezzell, J. W., Jr., 1936 Facklam, Richard R., 1030 Fahy, V. A., 1185 Fajardo, Tranquilino T., Jr., 895 Fakile, O., 2783


Falaschi, Arturo, 1345 Falkinham, J. O., III, 3227 Falkow, Stanley, 2709 Fan, Kaili, 2233 Fan, Mingyuan, 83 Farhat, Shaker E., 1597 Farthing, Patricia G., 3260 Faruque, Shah M., 2513 Fasola, Elizabeth, 2616 Fass, Robert J., 1426 Fatti, L. Paul, 66 Faucon, G., 2724 Faur, Y., 2777 Favre, Michel, 2918 Fenwick, Bradley W., 1155 Ferguson, David, 2851, 3031 Ferguson, Donald A., Jr., 2157, 2802 Fernandez, Maria Visitaci6n, 1669 Fernandez-Prada, Carmen, 2101 Fernandez-Quintanilla, Gabriela, 685 Ferraro, Mary Jane, 2824 Ferreira-Guerrero, Elizabeth, 685 Ferrieri, Patricia, 2616 Ferroni, Pierino, 1586 Field, Peter R., 3157 Fields, Barry S., 1940 Fields, Patricia I., 22 Fife, Kenneth H., 2667 Figura, N., 160 Figura, Natale, 727 Fikrig, Erol, 2451 Filice, Gregory A., 2327 Fine, James S., 3223 Finegold, Sydney M., 1001 Finken, Marion, 646 Finn, Donald J., 1788 Finn, Susan, 1597 Flageolle, Sylvia, 2535 Flavell, Richard A., 2451 Fleurette, Jean, 812 Flint, Kristine K., 865 Flint, Stephen, 2124 Flock, Jan-Ingmar, 3036 Flor, Sandra M., 422 Flores, Becky M., 1403 Flores, Jorge, 1735, 2195, 2439 Flores, Martha, 3040 Flores, Octavio, 1329 Fluit, Ad C., 2208 Foley, Thomas J., 2174 Folgueira, Lola, 1019 Follett, E. A. C., 1493 Font, M., 3136 Fontana, Carla, 2105 Forbes, Betty, 1652 Forbes, Betty A., 1688 Ford, Eleanor G., 2805 Forsgren, Marianne, 911 Forslund, Ola, 192, 1975 Forthal, Donald N., 695 Fortier, Anne H., 152 Fortner, G. W., 311 Foss, E., 2783 Fossati, Carlos A., 2141 Fothergill, Annette W., 1461 Fotos, Peter, 3190 Foung, Steven K. H., 260




Fournier, Jean-Michel, 227 Fournier, J.-M., 1342 Fowler, Sarah S., 2433 Fox, Alvin, 804, 808, 887 Fox, Karen, 804, 808, 887 Francioli, Patrick, 71 Frangois, Mariel, 1189 Frank, Uwe K., 97 Franzen, Christer, 2004 Frasa, Helma, 3174 Fraser, Victoria, 2697 Frazier, Ken S., 610 Frederiksen, Birgitte, 2570 Fredriksson, Agneta, 192 Freedman, Elizabeth Z., 2274 French, Janice, 1016 Freney, J., 2529 Frerichs, Wayne M., 698 Freundlich, Lawrence F., 2519 Freundt, Ingrid, 3314 Friedland, Ian R., 1619 Fries, Louis F., 836 Fritsche, Thomas R., 1122 Frosch, Matthias, 1088, 3211 Frosch, Petra, 3211 Frost, Eric H., 163 Fuchs, F., 2890 Fuchs, P. C., 751, 1932, 2375 Fuchs, Peter C., 1924, 2236 Fujii, Ritsushi, 1308 Fujimura, Takayuki, 2780 Fujioka, Toshio, 1173 Fukada, Kenji, 936 Fukasawa, Yutaka, 3270 Fukazawa, Yoshimura, 3344 Fukunaga, Masahito, 1388, 2044 Fukushi, Hideto, 722 Fukushima, Hiroshi, 1672 Fuller, Deanna, 865 Funke, Guido, 2201, 2907 Furuya, Yumiko, 1637 Fye, Biram, 2241 Gadea, Ignacio, 2517 Gagnon, Steve, 203 Gainnier, Marc, 444 Galama, J. M. D., 524, 3240 Galama, Jochem, 2547 Gamazo, Carlos, 3200 Gander, R. M., 419 Gannon, Victor P. J., 1268 Gantenberg, R., 2417 Garcia, Dorys, 1735 Garcia, Lynne S., 307 Garcia-Barreno, Blanca, 819 Garon, Claude F., 2577 Garrison, Carol Z., 808 Gary, G. William, 955 Gasc, A. M., 2724 Gasparini, Vinicio, 1586 Gathiram, Vindoh, 2845 Gaudin, Odette G., 812 Gautom, Romesh K., 1122 Gavin, Sue E., 3223 Gay, T. Elaine, 2683 Gaydos, Charlotte A., 1209 Gazuy, N., 123 Gebhart, C. J., 2611 Gegundez, M. Isabel, 2517 Geier, Dorothee, 2483 Geisbert, T. W., 1936

Geissler, Alain, 444 Geiter, Larry J., 767 Genco, Robert J., 2773 Genova, Scott L., 2702 Genta, Robert M., 783 George, Pauline, 1597 George, Robert C., 653 Georghiou, Paul R., 2544 Gerbal, R., 1342 Gerding, Dale N., 1870 Gerlich, Wolfram H., 1095 Gerna, Giuseppe, 1735 Gerner-Smidt, Peter, 702 Gersdorf, H., 941 Ghebremichael, Solomon, 2215 Ghilarducci, Rossella, 494 Ghori, Nafisa, 2709 Ghosh, A. N., 1579 Ghosh, Asit R., 2163 Giacca, Mauro, 1345 Gianarkis, D. G., 1280 Gibson, Joel, 1980 Gibson, John P., 292 Gicquel, Brigitte, 406, 2446 Giesendorf, B. A. J., 3317 Giesendorf, Belinda A. J., 1541 Gigi, J., 2529 Gil, Jose, 1379 Gilchrist, Mary J. R., 2178 Gilks, Charles F., 3227 Gill, James S., 318 Gill, Vee J., 3071, 3320 Gilligan, Peter H., 861, 2861 Gilot, Philippe, 947 Girardin, Helene, 1547 Girmenia, Corrado, 3142 Giuntoli, David, 1217 Glass, R. I., 2866 Glass, Roger I., 2738 Globan, M., 3264 Gobel, U. B., 941 Gobel, Ulf B., 340 Godfrey, A. J., 238 Godfrey-Faussett, Peter D., 776 Goebel, L. A., 238 Goessens, W. H. F., 994, 3204 Goessens, Wil H. F., 798, 904 Goldbaum, Fernando A., 2141 Goldman, Carol, 2794 Goldman, William E., 463 Goldwater, Paul N., 3063 Golsteyn Thomas, Elizabeth J., 1268 Gomez-Lus, Pilar, 1940 Gomyoda, Manabu, 1672 Gonzalez, Patricia C., 302 Good, Robert C., 767, 771 Goodley, J., 335 Goossens, H., 3317 Goossens, Herman, 3340 Gordillo, Manuel E., 1430, 1570 Gorziglia, M., 2291 Gorziglia, Mario, 622, 3075 Goto, Susumu, 3270 Goto, Toshio, 1173 Goto, Yoshitaka, 2244 Gott, Peter, 1194 Gottschalk, M., 2192

Gottstein, Bruno, 373 Gotuzzo, Eduardo, 2101 Goudeau, A., 2343 Goudeau, Alain, 1111, 1189 Goullet, Philippe, 227, 296 Gouvea, Vera, 917 Gowda, Krishne, 165 Gozlan, Joel, 1943 Graf, Barbara, 340 Graham, David Y., 783 Graham, Glenn C., 2927 Graham, S., 1493 Granath, Lars, 66 Granberg, Christer, 1450 Graser, Y., 2417 Grasselier, Henny, 1952 Grattard, Florence, 812 Gravitt, Patti E., 1003 Gray, J. J., 1022 Grayston, J. Thomas, 2212 Green, J., 3007 Green, Kim Y., 1815, 2185 Green, Michael, 78, 1609 Greenberg, Harry B., 165, 622, 955 Greene, Cornelia, 138 Greenwood, J. M., 311 Grenier, Daniel, 1913 Gretch, David R., 289 Griffin, Darrell E., 2799 Griffin, Diane E., 118 Griffiths, G., 1358 Grimm, Georg, 146 Grimm, Linda M., 3179 Grimont, Patrick, 444 Grimont, Patrick A. D., 1108 Grimprel, Emmanuel, 2745 Grimwood, Keith, 377 Groene, William S., 188 Groenen, Peter M. A., 1987 Groman, Neal B., 3060 Gronfors, Reijo, 1450 Gross, Uwe, 1641 Grosset, Jacques, 2396 Grossman, Elly S., 66 Groves, David J., 1275 Gruner, Eva, 1408 Guan, Ming Xu, 1710 Guardati, M. C., 1606 Guay, Jean-Martin, 203 Gueho, Eveline, 359, 1644 Guelon, D., 123 Guerois, Claude, 1189 Guerrant, Richard L., 1971, 2080 Guesdon, Jean-Luc, 1048 Guettari, N., 1066 Guglielmetti, Paolo, 727 Guichard, Maryline, 3310 Guido, Laarni S., 895 Guiso, Nicole, 2745 Gumerlock, Paul H., 507 Gumery, L. B., 3017 Gunasena, Sunethra, 2195 Gunn, Robert A., 2584 Gunzer, Florian, 1200, 2604 Guruswamy, Arthur P., 2178 Gustafson, G. A., 3028 Guthertz, Linda S., 1876 Guthrie, Robert, 78 Gutierrez, A. G., 2679 Gutierrez, Jose, 2550 Guzman, C. A., 1606

Ha, Tuanzhu, 2157 Haagsma, J., 2509 Haas, Rainer, 1856 Haas, Walter H., 1293 Habbema, L., 3204 Haberberger, Richard L., 1394 Hadley, W. Keith, 97, 302 Hadlock, Kenneth G., 260 Haertl, R., 128 Haesebrouck, Freddy, 134 Hajdu, Marie-Paule, 2952 Hale, D., 144 Hale, Yvonne M., 451 Hall, C. B., 416 Hall, Paul A., 2402 Hallander, Hans O., 50 Halle, E., 2417 Halonen, Pekka E., 1886 Haltiti, Raja, 2446 Hamano, Masako, 1308 Hamilton, A. J., 335 Hammer, S., 2557 Hampson, D. J., 16, 1185, 2895 Han, Jang H., 289 Hancock, Gary A., 490 Hanger, Leanna, 118 Hansen, Klaus, 2570 Hansen, W., 2529 Hansson, Bengt-Goran, 192, 1975 Hany, Adolf, 2201 Haque, Azizul, 1397 Hara, Kohei, 1009 Haraszthy, Violet I., 2773 Harbeck, Ronald J., 839 Hardy, D. J., 751, 2375 Harger, James, 78 Harrison, S., 2679 Hart, H., 323 Hartman, Sandra, 390 Harwood, Paul, 2124 Hatcher, Monty D., 1838 Hauser, B., 1770 Hauser, Daniel, 2720 Havlir, Diane, 1794 Hawkey, P. M., 749 Hawkins, Jennifer A., 351 Hayashi, Kazu, 1312 Hayashi, Nakanobu, 1173 Hayashi, Seizo, 722 Hayes, Curtis, 1394 Haylock, R. W., 1845 Hayran, Murat, 1435 Hays, M. P., 1237 He, Junkun, 2167 He, Qiushui, 642 He, Yulan, 1040 Hebrard, Christine, 1444 Heck, Jeffery E., 351 Hector, Janel S. R., 390 Hedman, Klaus, 677 Hedrum, Anders, 2715 Heermann, Klaus H., 1095 Heesemann, Jurgen, 1200, 1641, 2281 Heifets, Leonid B., 2332 Heinonen, Pentti K., 998 Heinz, Franz X., 146 Heiter, Barbara J., 2070 Hejblum, Gilles, 2396 Helbig, Matthias, 3211 Hellstein, John, 3190


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Hellyar, A. G., 3001 Heneine, Walid, 260, 3042 Henkel, W., 3050 Henkens, Marleen H. C., 1541 Henman, Martin, 2124 Hennessy, K. J., 1237 Hennessy, Kristina J., 1155 Henquell, C., 123 Henrard, Denis R., 1980 Hensel, Diane M., 2381 Herd, R. P., 2944 Herion, P., 9 Herman, Steven A., 3013 Hermans, Caroline J., 665 Hermans, Peter, 406 Hermans, Peter W. M., 1987 Hernandez, Francisco, 2967 Hernandez-Alles, Santiago, 1379 Heron, Leon G., 2392 Herrington, J. A., 1280 Herron, Bill, 808 Herter, M., 1911 Hesselink, Wim, 2350 Hetrick, Frank M., 1612 Hicks, Karen E. S., 1688 Hierholzer, John C., 1504, 1886 Higgins, R., 2192 Hill, B., 746 Hindler, J., 3056 Hines, Murray E., II, 610 Hinnebusch, J., 1511 Hiraga, Masaharu, 1173 Hirai, Katsuya, 722 Hiramatsu, Kazuhisa, 2565 Hirano, Kazue, 3270 Hird, David, 233 Hirokawa, M., 2974 Hirsch, Lisa, 1622 Hirsch, Martin S., 2824 Hitt, John A., 2327 Ho, David W. T., 3157 Ho, Mei-Shang, 1764 Hobson, Ann C., 1774 Hoffman, Susie R., 1971 Hoffner, Sven E., 2215 Hoge, Charles W., 1315, 3351 Hogh, Birthe, 636 Holden, David, 615 Holder, Anthony, 2715 Holgate, S. T., 111 Holland, Bart, 681 Holland, P. V., 606 Hollinger, F. Blaine, 3123 Hollis, Dannie G., 689, 872, 2456, 3275 Hollis, D. G., 746 Holloway, Yvette, 3247 Holman, Patricia J., 698 Holmes, B., 1007 Holodny, Mark, 2692 Homer, Karen A., 1648 Honda, Takeshi, 1312 Honma, Mari, 1799 Hoop, Richard K., 990 Hooper, Nancy M., 2332 Hop, W. C. J., 994 Hopewell, Philip C., 302 Hopfer, Roy L., 861 Hoppe, J. E., 1911 Hoque, A. T. M. Shamsul, 2163

Horigome, Kazuki, 3068 Horling, Jan, 2004 Horsburgh, C. Robert, 302 Horsburgh, C. Robert, Jr., 767 Hortal, Maria, 819 Horzinek, Marian C., 2350 Hoshino, Yasutaka, 917 Hoshino-Shimizu, Sumie, 1486 House, James A., 428, 1075 Housey, Gerard, 2523 Houze, Yolanda B., 692 Hovi, T., 2427 Hovi, Tapani, 1083 Htwe, Khin Khin, 722 Hua, Tong Hua, 47 Huang, Ching-Shan, 1764 Huang, Eng-Shang, 1635 Huang, Meei-Li W., 1262 Huang, Ming Bo, 2683 Huang, Wen-Loong, 1160 Huebner, Robin E., 767, 771 Huffnagle, K. E., 419 Hughes, Carrie A. Norton, 2038 Hughes, Jonathan H., 3255 Hughes, M. S., 3216 Huikeshoven, Frans J. M., 3314 Hull, Anne E., 1167 Hunt, J. C., 629 Hunt, John M., 845 Hunter, D. L., 831 Hunter, John S., 465 Hunter, Susan B., 1730 Huraux, Jean-Marie, 3310 Hussain, Z., 2497 Hussein, H. A., 2491 Hussein, Hussein A., 2010 Hyams, K. C., 851 landolo, John J., 1155 Ichihara, K., 2974 Ignatovich, Valentina F., 2625 Iie, Mihoko, 2780 Iinuma-Okada, Yumiko, 547 Ikeda, J. S., 3289 Ikeda, Tsurumi, 1726 Ingram, C. W., 3305 Ingrand, Didier, 3310 Innis, B. L., 1299 Innocenti, P., 1066 Iralu, Jonathan V., 1811 Irving, William L., 3157 Isegawa, Yuji, 354, 2195 Isenberg, Henry D., 475 Ishida, Chuzo, 936 Ishida, Takahide, 2780 Ishihara, Yuichi, 2938 Ishiko, Hiroaki, 446 Isomura, Shin, 2938 Iwasaki, Yuzo, 1799 Jablonska, Stefania, 2918 Jackson, B., 2557 Jackson, J. Brooks, 3123 Jackson, Kathy, 1385 Jackson, Kathy M., 1615 Jackson, Lyle R., 3351 Jackson, Matthew P., 3153 Jackson, Susan G., 972 Jackson, Terry F. H. G., 2845 Jacobi, H. D., 2417 Jacobson, Elliott R., 1454

Jacquier, Patrick, 373 Jaeger, Kristin L., 2080 Jahrling, P. B., 1936 Jallat, Christine, 2031 Janda, J. Michael, 155, 1206 Jang, Yvonne, 1876 Janssens, M., 2499 Jansze, Margriet, 2208 Jantzen, Erik, 1413 Janvier, B., 2343 Janvier, Blandine, 1481 Jarecki-Khan, Kerstin, 484 Jarlier, Vincent, 2396 Jarvis, William, 1695 Jarvis, William R., 2599 Jaschek, Graciela, 1209 Jasni, S., 1136 Jauris, Sigrid, 340 Jaworski, M. D., 831 Jean, Frederic, 1903 Jeansson, Stig, 911 Jeekel, Hans, 3314 Jensen, Harald B., 528 Jensen, J0rgen Skov, 1088 Jero, J., 1382 Jerris, Robert C., 552 Jhetam, Mahmood, 31 Jiang, Bingdong, 754 Jiang, X., 1022 Jiang, Xi, 1630, 2185, 2866 Jin, Yan, 83 Jobe, Dean A., 1896 Johnson, Alan P., 653 Johnson, Judith A., 732 Johnson, Russell C., 318, 2038, 3115 Johnson, Stuart, 1870 Johnson, Wendy M., 2506 Johnston, S. L., 111 Johnston, Sheryl L. G., 142 Joly, Bernard, 2031 Jonas, Vivian, 2410 Joncas, Jean H., 1521 Jones, Dana, 138 Jones, Garth W., 149 Jones, G. F., 2611 Jones, Ronald N., 2531, 2538, 2828, 3255 Jones, Ward, 1016 Jordan, A., 323 Jordan, J., 746 Jordens, J. Zoe, 2981 Jorgensen, James H., 2841 Jorgensen, J. H., 751, 2375 Jungkind, D. L., 2648 Kaan, J. A., 3240 Kaga, Eiji, 354, 2195 Kai, Akemi, 3034 Kajzer, Christophe, 963 Kaku, Mitsuo, 1009, 2228 Kaleida, Phillip H., 2674 Kallenius, Gunilla, 2215 Kallio-Kokko, Hannimari, 677 Kamisango, Keichii, 2410 Kang, Jae-Seung, 2057 Kang, S. Y., 2291 Kaper, James B., 732 Kapikian, Albert Z., 955, 1815, 2185, 2439 Kaplan, Jonathan E., 260 Kappe, Reinhard, 2489


Karch, Helge, 1200, 2281, 2604 Karron, Ruth A., 836 Karstens, Robert H., 3096 Kasbohrer, A., 711 Kaselis, Michael, 1217 Kasper, Dennis L., 1850 Kasten, Rick, 233 Katayama, Shigeji, 2565 Katayama, Takashi, 1637 Katila, Marja-Leena, 1376 Katlama, Christine, 3310 Kato, Haru, 413 Kato, Naoki, 413 Kato, Nobuko, 1160 Katz, J., 986 Katz, J. B., 566, 3028 Katzenstein, David, 2692 Katzenstein, David A., 2960 Kaufmann, Mary E., 702 Kaufmann, M. E., 3017 Kawahara, Makoto, 89 Kawamura, Akiyoshi, Jr., 1637 Kay, Christina M., 2263 Kay, William W., 2263 Kazumi, Yuko, 3270 Kehm, Gene, 1290 Kelble, Kathleen M., 1290 Keller, Claudia, 1095 Kelling, C. L., 1237 Kellogg, James A., 1646 Kelly, P. J., 2729 Kelly, William F., 2861 Kemper, Carol A., 1794 Kenny, Kevin, 706 Kern, Peter, 3211 Kerr, K. G., 749 Kersters, K., 3317 Kersulyte, Dangeruta, 463 Kertesz, Daniel A., 2594 Kessler, Harald H., 3325 Kessous-Elbaz, Allegria, 1040 Ketabchi, N., 3305 Keusch, Gerald T., 1167 Khabbaz, Rima F., 260 Kibriya, A. K. M. G., 1392 Kiekenbeck, Monika, 2882 Kilburn, James O., 3231 Kilger, Gerda, 1108 Killgore, George E., 413 Kim, Ik-sang, 598, 2057 Kim, Joo-Deuk, 895 Kimman, Tjeerd G., 2309 Kinde, Hailu, 233 King, D., 1804 King, Robin K., 1268 Kiredjian, M., 2085 Kiredjian, Martine, 2720 Kirkley, Barbara A., 2114 Kirschner, Philip, 2882, 3083 Kissing, J., 524 Kiviat, Nancy B., 1003 Klare, I., 2417 Klatser, Paul R., 502, 665, 2947 Kleanthous, H., 1420 Kleeman, Karl T., 1318, 1322 Klein, Paul A., 1454 Kleinhappl, Barbara, 3325 Klevjer-Anderson, Paula, 249 Klingebiel, T., 1911 Kloos, Wesley E., 1318, 1322




Kluytmans, J. A. J. W., 3204 Knapp, Joan S., 2535 Knott, Caroline A., 2410 Knowles, Michael R., 861 Knutton, Stuart, 386 Kobayashi, Chieko, 2780 Kobe, Margaret, 1426 Kocagoz, Sesin, 1435 Kocagoz, Tanil, 1435 Kocka, Frank E., 552 Koeken, Ankie, 1541 Koella, Jacob C., 3044 Koepnick, Frances E., 793 Koeuth, Thearith, 1927 Koga, Hironobu, 1009, 2228 Kohno, Shigeru, 1009, 2228 Kongmuang, Urirat, 2118 Kooistra-Smid, A. M. D., 1918 Koontz, Frank, 865 Koopman, M. B. H., 711 Koopmans, Marion, 2738 Kopecka, H., 2890 Kopecko, Dennis J., 2101 Korgenski, E. Kent, 2996 Kotiw, M., 3001 Koubaji, Hichem, 2446 Kraaijeveld, Kees, 3174 Kreiswirth, B. N., 2777 Krekeler, G., 941 Krisher, Karen K., 793 Krishnan, Chandrasekar, 47 Kroppenstedt, Reiner M., 3083 Krous, Henry F., 315 Kruczak-Filipov, Patricia M., 3320 Kudoh, Yasuo, 3034 Kuhls, Thomas L., 569 Kuitert, Eric, 2547 Kujari, Harry, 1450 Kum, Winnie W. S., 2654 Kumar, Ramesh, 386 Kundi, Michael, 146 Kunin, Calvin M., 47 Kunz, Christian, 146 Kunze, Z. M., 1241 Kuo, Cho-Chou, 2212 Kuramoto, I. K., 606 Kureishi, Amar, 1334 Kuritza, Alex, 1609 Kurozano, Hisao, 3068 Kurtz, John B., 955 Kusters, J. G., 711 Kuypers, Angelina F. A., 2208 Kuypers, Jane M., 1003 Kuzuya, Mitsutaka, 1308 Kvale, Paul, 1656 Lacey, R. W., 749 Lacroix, Martial, 1521 Lahdevirta, Juhani, 3227 Laifer, Stephen, 78 Lakshmi, V., 1368 Lallement, Jean-Christophe, 1903 Lambden, P. R., 111 Lambert, J. R., 2621 Lambert, Thierry, 1704 Lambert-Zechovsky, Nicole, 296, 1055

Lambert-Zechovsky, Nicole Y., 179, 2589 Lammler, Christoph, 762 Lampert, Fritz, 1095 Lan, Jar, 1060 Lanciers, S., 1770 Landgraf, I. M., 743 Landini, M. P., 724 Landry, Marie L., 2851, 3031 Lane, Robert S., 3109 Lankford, Roger, 2410 Lannigan, Robert, 2497 Lapierre, Stephen, 1759 Lares-Villa, Fernando, 685 Lariviere, S., 364 LaRocco, Mark, 1370 Larralde, Gisela, 622 Larsen, Gitte Y., 788 Larsen, Ronald R., 3351 Larsen, Sandra A., 102 Larson, Ann M., 3223 Larson, Christopher J., 2467 Larsson, L., 26 Larsson, Lennart, 1575 Laszlo, Adalbert, 2332 LaTemple, Denise, 2786 Latge, Jean-Paul, 1547 Lathey, J., 2557 Laupland, Kevin B., 2654 Lauwers, S., 3317 Lawson, G. H. K., 1136 Lazzarotto, T., 724 Leaves, Nicholas I., 2981 Lebech, Anne-Mette, 2570 Leblanc, L., 364 Lee, Chao-Hung, 754, 1659 Lee, Chi-Lien, 1764 Lee, J. I., 16 Lee, Mi-Kyeong, 895 Lee, Tzielan C., 2764 LeFebvre, Rance B., 2146, 3109, 3115 Lefevre, J. C., 2724 Legarza, G., 2783 Lehmann, Paul F., 1683 Lehtonen, Olli-Pekka, 1450 Leigh, James A., 57 Leino, Rauli, 1450 Leinonen, M., 1382 Leitch, Cindy D., 552 Lejeune, V., 2499 Leland, Diane S., 1013 Leluan, G., 157 Lenz, Wolfgang, 2281 Leonard, Rebecca B., 1788 Le6n-Barua, Radl, 2101 Leoni, Juliana, 2141 Leparc, I., 2890 Lepine, Debbie G., 2298 Leskys, A., 2783 Leszcynski, Joan C., 2702 Letchworth, Geoffrey J., 2016 Letouzey, M.-N., 2529 Levesque, Roger C., 203 Levett, P. N., 1845 Levine, M. M., 851 Levine, Myron M., 351 Levison, Matthew, 2786 Levy, Jay A., 283 Lew, A. E., 533 Lew, Judy F., 2185 Lewis, D., 3007 Lewis, Joel S., 451

Lewis, J. S., 2783 Lhopital, Sylvie, 1537 Li, Baoguang, 917, 3075 Li, Chuanfu, 2157, 2802 Li, Nancy C., 97 Libeau, Genevieve, 1075 Libonati, Joseph P., 2332 Liegner, Kenneth B., 1961 Liew, Choong-Chin, 2634 Lim, Sylvia D., 1876 Lima, Aldo A. M., 2080 Lin, Feng-Ying C., 955 Lin, G., 2611 Lin, Hsiang Ju, 3123 Lin, Kuei-Hsiang, 1160 Lin, S. K., 2621 Lindberg, Alf A., 454, 2118 Linder, Ewert, 221, 2222 Lindholm-Levy, Pamela J., 2332 Lindquist, Thomas D., 1122 Lipka, James J., 260 Little, P. B., 512 Liu, Peter, 2634 Liu, Qinghuai, 83 Liu, Shih-Tung, 53 Liu, Tang-Hui, 754 Livdahl, Carol, 2616 Livnat, D., 2557 Livrelli, Valerie, 2031 Lo, Pauline, 2794 Loeffelholz, Michael J., 3013 Lofdahl, Sven, 221 Loirat, Chantal, 296 Long, Gary W., 152 Lopez, Norma, 968 Lopez-Gofii, Ignacio, 3200 Loring, Susan, 2000 Loudon, Karen W., 1117 Louie, Arnold, 2366 Low, D. E., 2777 Low, Donald E., 736, 2794 Lowe, John, 758 Lowe, K., 2783 Lu, Jang-Jih, 754 Lucchelli, A., 2491 Lucchelli, Alejandro, 2010 Lucchini, Gladys Martinetti, 1127, 2907 Luft, Benjamin, 272 Luinstra, Kathy E., 1753 Luk, John M. C., 2118 Lumio, Jukka, 3227 Lundeberg, Joakim, 2715 Lundkvist, Ake, 368 Luneberg, Edeltraud, 1088 Lupiani, Blanca, 1612 Lupski, James R., 1927 Luthy-Hottenstein, Jacqueline, 1127 Lymbery, A. J., 16, 1185 Maass, M., 3050 Mabuchi, Tadashi, 3344 Macarthy, P. O., 1299 Mackenzie, Andrew M. R., 1275, 1710 Mackey, T., 2499 Mackie, R. A., 1136 Mackow, Erich R., 622 MacLaren, David M., 1060 Maclean, Ian, 659 MacPherson, D. W., 198

Madar, Dean A., 2807 Madayag, Robert M., 1908 Maddison, Shirley, 2315 Madjid, Baedah, 2947 Madore, H. Paul, 1630 Maeda, Yoshiaki, 936 Maes, R. F., 979 Maes, R. K., 3129 Maesaki, Shigefumi, 1009 Magnarelli, Louis A., 2451, 2857 Maguire, James H., 1811 Mahan, S. M., 2729 Maher, William E., 1426 Mahony, James B., 1753 Majewski, David, 1515 Makela, M. J., 1382 Makino, Sou-ichi, 547 Malekniazi, Ali, 1788 Mallet, Francois, 1444 Maloney, Susan, 2697 Mamish, D., 606 Mamolen, Margaret, 2584 Mandrand, Bernard, 1444 Manet, Evelyne, 2758 Maneval, D. R., 851 Manning, Paul A., 3063 Manos, M. Michele, 1003 Mansikka, Antti, 1450 Manzor, Odette, 1656 Mao, Si H., 2584 Marchand, J., 1066 Marchesi, Francine, 175 Marchiani, Marcello, 2907 Marcon, D., 3001 Marconi, Richard T., 2577 Mardin, Lena, 50 Margall, Nuria, 924 Mariani-Kurkdjian, Patricia, 179, 296 Marin, C., 3136 Markowitz, Norman P., 1656 Marly, Jose, 1537 Maroto, Carmen, 2550 Marre, R., 3050 Marsden, H., 1493 Marshall, Barry J., 1971 Marshall, J., 3264 Marshall, Kathy J., 1246 Marth, Egon, 1213, 3325 Marti, Hanspeter, 3044 Martin, Carlos, 406 Martin, Christian, 1111 Martin, Estrella, 2550 Martin, G. R., 734 Martin, William T., 1940 Martineau, G.-P., 364 Martinez-Beltran, Jesus, 1379 Martino, Pietro, 3142 Martino, Tamara A., 2634 Marusyk, Raymond, 659 Marusyk, Raymond G., 1715 Maruyama, Tsutomu, 547 Marzec, Antonia, 2392 Mascolo, Giovanni, 1586 Maslo, Caroline, 1866 Maslow, Joel N., 2000, 3227 Mason, Edward O., Jr., 1246 Masurel, N., 2218 Matar, Ghassan M., 1730 Matheron, Sophie, 3310 Mathie, Pamela A., 1870 Mathieu, D., 1342

VOL. 31, 1993 Matias-Guiu, Xavier, 924 Matlow, Anne, 736 Matsen, J., 144 Matsuba, Takashi, 2565 Matsuda, N., 2974 Matsuda, Yukihisa, 354, 3046 Matsukura, Susumu, 1726 Matsumoto, Koji, 936 Matsumoto, Tokiko K., 1486 Matsumoto, Yasukazu, 1312 Matsushita, Kihachiro, 936 Matsushita, Shigeru, 3034 Matteucci, Donatella, 494, 1626 Matthews, Ruth C., 1117 Mattia, Anthony R., 720, 2816 Mattila, Anu, 998 Matushek, Scott, 552 Maul, Diana M., 839 Mayberry, William R., 2802 Mayer, Leonard W., 2661 Mayo, Kim, 118 Mazie, J.-C., 1342 Mazurek, Gerald H., 390, 2697 Mazzetti, Paola, 494 Mazzulli, Tony, 2824 Mbakop, A., 3331 Mbithi, John N., 2988 McAdam, Ruth, 406 McCallum, Richard W., 1971 McCarthy, Carol A., 1034 McCarthy, Jo Ann C., 2689 McClenny, Nancy B., 1677 McCombs, Jerome, 395 McCormack, William M., 968 McCracken, George H., Jr., 1619 McCullough, Kenneth C., 2241 McDonald, Jane C., 2809 McDonough, Michael M., 1886 McDougall, Rodney J., 436 McEwen, Cynthia T., 1504 McFadden, J. J., 1241 McFadden, Johnjoe, 502 McFarland, Henry, 118 McGeer, Alison, 2794 McGinnis, M. R., 1804 McGough, Deanna A., 1461 McGowan, John E., Jr., 1777 McGowan, Karin L., 185 McGregor, James, 1016 McIntyre, K., 416 McIver, C. J., 2790 McKee, Marian L., 2799 McKenna, Donna F., 3090 McKinney, M. W., 1845 McLaren, A. J., 16 McLaughlin, James C., 2807,

3170 McLaughlin, J. C., 751 McLean, Robert G., 318, 2038 McLean, Trevor, 2371 McLeod, Rima, 2952 McMillon, Lewis T., 2861 McNerney, Ruth, 776 McOmish, F., 323, 1493 McOrist, S., 1136 McPhillips, Thomas, 3147 McQueen, R., 198 McSherry, George, 681

AUTHOR INDEX Meadows, L., 746 Mebus, Charles A., 428, 1075 Meguid, Michael M., 1652 Meguid, Robert A., 1652 Mehaffey, William F., 1980 Meier, Albrecht, 646, 2882 Meijer, Chris J. L. M., 1060 Meis, Jacques F., 2502 Meis, Jacques F. M. G., 904 Meissner, A., 941 Melamede, Robert, 1303 Melcher, Gregory P., 1461 Melchers, Willem, 2547 Melchers, Willem J. G., 2502 Melchers, W. J. G., 524 Melton, Angela R., 2799 Melton, Margaret E., 451 Mencarini, Paola, 2788 Mendelson, Ella, 1783 Mendoza, Leonel, 2967 Merchant, Ayub A., 188 Mercier, Josee, 203 Merigan, Thomas C., 2692, 2960 Mertsola, Jussi, 642 Merz, W. G., 1804 Mestroni, Luisa, 1345 Metchock, Beverly, 1777 Meyer, Sally A., 1683 Meyer, Wieland, 2274 Meyohas, Marie-Caroline, 1943 Michaud, Josee, 1913 Michelsen, Phyllis, 2366 Mickelsen, Patricia A., 1677 Micucci, M., 1921 Midthun, Karen, 955 Miettinen, Ari, 998 Mifune, Kumato, 1173 Milk, Rose, 1336 Miller, Helen, 1336 Miller, J. M., 3165 Miller, J. Michael, 490, 1179, 3170 Millner, Michael M., 146 Mills, K. W., 311 Milon, Alain, 296 Minck, Raymond, 1667 Mirrett, Stanley, 865, 2110 Misonne, Marie-Christine, 947 Missett, Patricia, 1275 Misumi, Jun-Ichi, 1173 Mitchell, Charles D., 2327 Mitchell, David B., 1148 Mitchell, P. Shawn, 1777 Mitchell, Thomas G., 2274 Mitra, A. K., 1392 Mittal, K. R., 364, 2339 Miyagi, Chieko, 3270 Miyagi, Kazufumi, 1312 Miyakawa, Yozo, 3344 Miyake, Takashi, 722 Miyamoto, Kenji, 1388, 2044 Miyamura, Kikuko, 1160 Miyasaki, Shelley H., 1472 Miyazaki, Yoshitsugu, 2228 Mizobe, Takanori, 1949 Mohan, V. S., 1368 Mohanty, Sashi B., 3147 Mollby, Roland, 3036 Moller, Lieke V. M., 1952 Moncada, Jeanne, 2702 Mondelli, Mario U., 2913

Monroe, Stephan S., 2738, 2866 Montgomery, John M., 578 Montoya, Jose G., 2692 Mooi, Frits R., 2134 Moon, Hee Bom, 1439 Moore, Douglas F., 2410 Moore, Richard A., 1334 Moore, T. Christine, 2794 Morel, Carlos M., 2421 Morello, Josephine A., 552 Morency, Marie-Josee, 203 Moreno, E., 3136 Moret, Helene, 3310 Morgan, D. D., 1420 Morgan, Marion J., 255 Morgan-Capner, P., 1022 Mori, Tadashige, 1308 Morishita, Taiyo, 2780 Morita, Chiharu, 722 Moriyama, Mitsuhiko, 1173 Moriy6n, I., 3136 Moriy6n, Ignacio, 3200 Morovic, Miro, 2225 Morris, Arthur, 1385 Morris, Arthur J., 1027, 2110, 2233, 2533 Morris, J. Glenn, Jr., 732 Morrison, Donald, 653 Morrow, Brian, 1472, 1547 Mortensen, Joel E., 185 Mosca, Adriana, 1001 Moser, K. M., 3028 Moss, C. W., 746 Moss, C. Wayne, 689, 872, 1007 Mouchet, Chantal, 1189 Mouton, J. W., 3204 Moyes, Alex, 1996 Muchmore, E., 3296 Muir, Peter, 31 Mukwedeya, D., 2729 Mulcahy, Fiona, 2124 Muller, Heinz K., 1148 Mulligan, Maury E., 1870 Mumford, Jennifer A., 265 Mungklavirat, Chavalit, 1373 Munro, Cindy K., 2263 Murayama, Harunobu, 1799 Murph, Jody R., 2433 Murphy, Brian R., 836 Murphy, David, 390 Murphy, George L., 2303 Murray, Barbara E., 1430, 1570, 2152 Murray, Jeffrey C., 2541 Murray, P. R., 2375 Murtaugh, M. P., 2611 Muscaritoli, Maurizio, 1652 Musher, Daniel M., 1246 Musser, James M., 1111 Mutsaers, J. A. E. M., 107 Mwaniki, C. G., 2895 Myers, L. E., 512 Myers, Thomas W., 882 Myint, S., 540

Na, Doe Sun, 1439 Nachamkin, Irving, 433, 1531 Nacy, Carol A., 152 Nagabayashi, Toshihiko, 1308 Nagai, Ryozo, 446 Nair, G. Balakrish, 3068


Nakagiri, I., 2974 Nakagomi, Osamu, 165, 354, 1135, 1783, 2195, 3046 Nakagomi, Toyoko, 354, 1783, 2195 Nakahara, Ken-ichi, 446 Nakamura, Paulo M., 1486 Nakao, Minoru, 1388, 2044 Narayanan, R. B., 152 Nassos, Patricia S., 302 Nasu, Masaru, 1173 Nataraj, Arun, 61 Nativio, Donna G., 2674 Nato, F., 1342 Navarro, Jean, 2589 Navarro, Lorenzo, 2010 Ndam, E. C. N., 3331 Ndumbe, Peter, 1095 Neill, S. D., 3216 Neitzel, David F., 318 Nelson, Eric A., 3184 Neogi, Sheila, 31 Nesbit, Catherine A., 1882 Neuwald, P., 2679 Newman, Robert D., 2080 Ng, Herman M. C., 3323 Ng, Heung-Tat, 1635 Ng, Lai-King, 1555, 3053 Ng, Valerie L., 97 Ngu, J. L., 3331 Nguyen, Anne-Marie H., 783 Nguyen, V. K., 979 Nichol, Stuart T., 2016 Nicholson, Felicity, 31 Nicholson, Mabel A., 900, 1525, 3348 Nicolet, Jacques, 708, 1916 Niesters, H. G. M., 3204 Niesters, Hubert G. M., 904, 1541 Niethammer, D., 1911 Nii, Shiro, 1308 Niklasson, Bo, 368, 2004 Nimri, Laila F., 2706 Nims, Linda J., 2807 Nishimura, Stephen L., 97 Nishio, Takashi, 2780 Nishizono, Akira, 1173 Nolte, Frederick S., 552, 1777 Norberg, Renee, 2215 Norcott, J. P., 931, 3007 Norcross, Neil L., 706 Noriega, Antonio R., 1019 Norman, John M., 1838 Norrby, Erling, 588 Norris, Cleste, 1461 Notowicz, A., 107 Novak, S. M., 3056 Nowakowski, John, 3090 Nowowiejski, David J., 1788, 3060 Nunes, Virginia, 924 Nurmi, Heimo, 1450 Nyathi, C. B., 2729 Nye, Pamela M., 776

Oberhelman, Richard A., 2101 Oberst, R. D., 1237 O'Brien, Alison D., 2799 O'Brien, J., 2679 O'Brien, Jessica, 422 O'Connor, Steven P., 872, 1940, 2456




O'Donnell, Roselyn, 2599 O'Donoghue, Peter J., 436 Ogra, Pearay L., 395 Ogunrinade, A. F., 1741 O'Hara, Caroline M., 1179 O'Hara, C. M., 3165 Ohara, Yoshiro, 1799 Ohkubo, Akiyuki, 446 Ohmoto, K., 2974 Okuzumi, Katsuko, 446 Okwumabua, Ogi, 1777 Oleske, James, 681 Olin, Patrick, 50 Olivier, Clement, 1040 Olivieri, R., 160 Olivo, Paul D., 2796 Olkkonen, Lea, 1376 Olsen, Margaret A., 422, 1892 Olson, James, 138 Olsson, Barbro, 1575 Olsson, Mats, 221 Olsvik, 0rjan, 22, 2474 Onderdonk, Andrew B., 1850 O'Neil, Marsha E., 2433 Ong, Wen-Rou, 53 Ongerth, Jerry E., 3179 Onoe, Sadao, 2565 Onoue, Kaoru, 1949 Onuma, Misao, 2565 Onyi, Grace, 3231 Oprandy, John J., 152, 1394 Orlicek, Shari L., 569 O'Rourke, Susan R., 2796 Orth, Gerard, 2918 Ortona, Elena, 2788 Ortona, Luigi, 2788 O'Shaughnessy, Michael V., 2298 Ossent, Pete, 990 Osterhaus, Albert, 1626 Osterhaus, Albert D. M. E., 1562 Ostroff, Stephen M., 1525 Otto, Patricia, 3123 Ozanne, Gerard, 102 Ozawa, Toshisuke, 1726 Ozkara, Seref, 1435

Paauw, Douglas S., 692 Paavonen, Jorma, 998 Pachner, Andrew R., 208 Packham, Donald R., 3157 Pacquette, Michelle, 2988 Padilla-Noriega, Luis, 622 Paepe, Noella, 2061 Paetznick, Victor, 1370 Pai, Chik Hyun, 1439 Painter, B. G., 1280 Pal, Amit, 3068 Pal, S. C., 1579 Pal, Tibor, 454 Palenque, Elia, 1019 Pallares, Fabiola, 1329 Palma, Carla, 1354 Palmer, Guy H., 2091 Palumbo, Paul, 681 Pan, Li-Zhen, 283 Panjurai, Yaowalak, 1373 Pansaerts, Resi, 1820 Pantosti, Annalisa, 1850 Paranchych, Margaret G., 1715 Pardon, Pierre, 1537

Park, Kyung-Hee, 1831 Park, Mee Yeon, 1439 Parker, Ruth, 1016 Parkinson, Alan J., 2661 Parmentier, F., 1066 Parr, Thomas R., Jr., 736 Partini, Nedo, 727 Parwani, Anil V., 2010 Parwani, A. V., 2491 Pasarell, L., 1804 Pasquier-Picard, Nicole, 1111 Pasten, Sergio, 1329 Paster, Bruce, 659 Pastey, Manoj K., 3147 Paston, Michael J., 1652 Patel, Chandu B., 629 Patel, M., 2777 Patel, Nikhil R., 2802 Paton, Adrienne W., 3063 Paton, James C., 3063 Patou, G., 540 Patrick, Christian C., 426 Pattemore, P. K., 111 Patterson, Elisa, 1016 Patterson, Jan Evans, 736 Pattison, J., 540 Patton, Charlotte M., 900, 1525, 1531, 3348 Paugam, Andre, 1866 Paul, Sindy, 1695 Paulsrud, John R., 1899 Pax, Kris A., 165 Pazzaglia, Gary, 1394 Pearce, J. L., 760 Pearson, Michele L., 2599 Pearson, Nicole, 2332 Pedersen, J., 3264 Pedneault, Louise, 1521 Peenze, Ina, 3333 Peerbooms, Paul, 798 Peeters, Marcel, 2134 Pegues, David A., 2599 Peiffer, Susan, 279 Pelz, K., 941 Penn, Linda Z., 2634 Peppler, Mark S., 1715 Peralta, Jose Mauro, 2315 Pereira, Jose Borges, 2421 Perez, Anthony A., II, 480, 1908 Perez, Jose Antonio, 2550 Perez-Ortiz, S., 3136 Perez-Schael, Irene, 2439 Perfect, J. R., 3305 Perng, Guey-Chuen, 2146 Pernin, Pierre, 2758 Persing, David H., 646, 2356, 2361 Persson, Elisabeth, 192 Persson, Kenneth, 2238 Peter, T., 2729 Peterkin, Pearl I., 2263 Peterson, Ellena M., 695, 1622 Peterson, Lance R., 1870 Petit, Jean-Claude, 740, 963, 1943 Petric, Martin, 2738 Petterson, Bertil, 22 Pettit, Kathleen, 1663 Peyron, Francois, 636 Pfaller, M. A., 1932 Pfaller, Michael A., 1924, 2236, 2689

Pfeiffer, Norman C., 2371 Pfyffer, Gaby E., 1408, 2907 Phanuphak, Praphan, 1373 Philippon, Alain, 179 Phillips, Jack, 1980 Phillips, R. M., 311 Phutiprawan, Tipwan, 1373 Piatti, G., 1606 Piazza, Valter, 2913 Picard, Bertrand, 296 Picard, Odile, 1943 Pickering, Larry K., 2152 Pickett, Denise A., 2381 Picot, Stephane, 636 Pieciak, Walter S., 1811 Piedrola, Gonzalo, 2550 Pierard, D., 3317 Pierer, Karen, 3325 Pierson, Carl L., 39 Piesman, Joseph, 272 Pillay, D., 540 Pilot-Matias, Tami J., 629 Pinner, Robert W., 2819 Piot, Peter, 1820 Pirisi, Mario, 1586 Pistello, Mauro, 494 Pitsakis, Peter, 2786 Pitt, T. L., 3017 Pitt, Tyrone L., 702, 1286, 1592 Pittman, Annie L., 2439 Piuvezam, Marcia Regina, 2315 Plackett, Mark, 1663 Planas, Nadine, 963 Plikaytis, Bonnie, 1777 Plikaytis, Bonnie B., 2049 Poisson, F., 2343 Pokriefka, Richard A., 1656 Poli, Alessandro, 494 Pollack, R. J., 1251 Pons, J.-L., 157 Poor, Sharon L., 2689 Poort, Y. A. G. M., 3240 Popoff, Michel R., 2720 Popovic, Tanja, 22, 2474 Popow-Kraupp, Therese, 146 Portaels, F., 26 Portaels, Francoise, 2061 Porter, Kevin R., 152 Porter, R. Craig, 2794 Postic, D., 2873 Potocka, Anne-Christine, 1644 Poupart, Pascale, 1601 Poutrel, Bernard, 467 Powell, Harley R., 2392 Powning, D., 2783 Pozzetto, Bruno, 812 Prabhakar, Bellur, 395 Prat, Jaime, 924 Prats, Guillem, 924 Pratt, Steven D., 629 Preac-Mursic, Vera, 340 Pregliasco, Fabrizio, 1586 Presber, W., 2417 Preus, Hans R., 2773 Prevost, G., 982 Prince, D. L., 3296 Prince, H. N., 3296 Pritchard, Robert C., 2392 Probert, William S., 2146 Procee, John, 3174 Procunier, J. D., 512

Pruitt, W. Ruth, 1683 Pruzzo, C., 1606 Pschaid, Andrea, 3325 Puchhammer-Stockl, Elisabeth, 146 Puckey, L., 1420 Pugh, J., 3296 Pulido, Rosa Maria, 1329 Punnonen, Reijo, 998 Puolakkainen, Mirja, 2212 Qadri, Firdausi, 1397 Quality Control Study Group, 2538 Queener, Sherry F., 1659, 1899 Quennec, Patrick, 2809 Quentin, Roland, 1111 Quenzer, Virginia K., 3170 Quilez, Manuel, 924 Quinn, Thomas C., 1209, 1980 Quint, W. G. V., 3204, 3317 Quint, Wim, 2198 Quint, Wim G. V., 798, 904, 1541, 1964, 2502 Quinti, Isabella, 1354 Qureshi, M. Nasar, 1908 Rabella, Nuria, 924 Raboud, Janet M., 2298 Radulovic, Suzana, 2225 Rahman, Maksudar, 2831 Rahman, M. Monjur, 2513 Raiha, Ismo, 1450 Ramamurthy, T., 3068 Ramirez, Christina, 917 Ramirez, Raymund, 2952 Rani, T. Sudha, 1368 Ranki, Annamari, 3227 Rao, C. Durga, 165 Rao, R. R., 1368 Raoult, Didier, 83, 2625, 3284 Rappuoli, R., 160 Rashad, Abdel L., 2689 Rashed, Michael, 1268 Rasmuson, Gun, 50 Rasmussen, Stuart K., 2807 Rasool, Nassar B. G., 1815 Rathore, Mobeen H., 3058 Rau, Michael P., 2535 Ravdin, Jonathan I., 1403, 2845 Rebatta, Gladys, 2523 Reboli, Annette C., 518 Rechi-Iruretagoyena, Antonio, 685 Reddy, P. Gopal, 3042 Reed, Barbara, 39 Reed, Sharon L., 1403 Reeves, Peter R., 2118 Regnery, Russell L., 3058 Reichelderfer, P., 2557 Reina, Jordi, 1379 Reinap, Barbara G., 1850 Reingold, Arthur, 302 Reinthaler, Franz F., 1213, 3325 Reiser, Raoul F., 706 Reizenstein, Elisabet, 50 Reller, L. Barth, 865, 1027, 1385, 2110, 2233, 2533 Remington, Jack S., 2952 Remington, Michael, 1774 Rendo, A., 1280


VOL. 31, 1993 Renemar, Berit, 50 Repp, Reinald, 1095 Resnick, Robert M., 882 Reyes, Gregory R., 260, 2167 Reynes, Jacques, 1903 Reynolds, Janet, 865 Rhiel, Sabine, 1095 Rhoden, Dwane L., 490 Ricalton, Nancy, 208 Rich, Chantal, 2031 Richardson, Harold, 1275 Richardson, Simone C., 377 Ridge, Sally E., 400, 1256 Ridpath, J. F., 566, 986 Ries, Allen A., 1525 Rigouts, L., 26 Rihs, John D., 3275 Rijsewijk, F. A. M., 3129 Rikihisa, Yasuko, 89 Rinaldi, Michael G., 1461 Ritz, William J., 2366 Rizvi, Nilofar, 1663 Robert-Hebmann, Veronique, 1903 Roberts, Beverly D., 260 Roberts, Glenn D., 845 Roberts, Ian S., 2251 Robertson, I. D., 2895 Robertson, J. A., 824 Robillard, Louise, 1521 Robinson, Amy, 2381 Robinson, John M., 629 Robinson, Lisa C., 2303 Rodriguez, Luis L., 2016 Rodriguez, Obdulia, 1329 Rodriguez, Patricia, 2238 Roe, Martha H., 1290 Rogers, James E., 149 Roggen, Erwin L., 1820 Roh, Bong H., 2402 Roingeard, P., 2343 Roivainen, M., 2427 Roivainen, Merja, 1083 Rojas, Ana Maria, 2439 Roman, Michael G., 2402 Ronin, Olivier, 359 Roosendaal, Robert, 1060 Rosa, Kristel, 593 Rosa, Patricia A., 3096 Rosa, Sergio Dalla, 1946 Rose, K. A., 1493 Rosen, B. I., 2491

Rosen, Blair I., 2010 Rosen, Henry, 692 Rosenblatt, Jon E., 1468 Ross, Bruce C., 329, 1615, 2074, 2769 Rost-Meyer, Gundi, 3083 Rostovtseva, Sophia, 887 Rothbarth, P. H., 2218 Rotman, Mitch, 39 Rouillon, N., 2085 Rourke, William J., Jr., 2689 Roussel-Delvallez, M., 734 Rowe, Bernard, 1700 Roy, M. K., 1579 Roy, Paul H., 736 Rozenberg-Arska, Maja, 3174 Rubin, Lorry G., 475 Rubin, Robert H., 2824 Rubinstien, Eytan M., 249 Rudich, Hagit, 1783 Rudney, Joel D., 2467

Rudolph, Karen M., 2661 Rueda, Luis-Alfredo, 2918 Rugdech, Pacharin, 1232 Ruiten-Stuiver, M., 2218 Ruiz, Paloma, 2517 Ruiz, Rosa, 2101 Ruiz-Matus, Cuauhtemoc, 685 Russell, Jennifer Q., 3060 Russi, Jose C., 819 Ruuskanen, Olli, 642 Ryan, J. Alan, 2506 Ryan, Norbert J., 3264 Ryan-Poirier, Kathleen, 426 Rymark, Per, 1975 Rys, Paul N., 2356 Rysa, T., 2427

Saarela, Maria, 584 Saboor, S., 1241 Saceanu, Cornelia A., 2371 Sachedeva, Meena, 1435 Sack, David A., 2163 Sack, R. Bradley, 1392, 2101, 2513 Sagot, N., 1342 Sahli, Roland, 71 Sahm, Daniel F., 1609, 3336 Saif, Linda, 917 Saif, Linda J., 2010 Saif, L. J., 2291, 2491 Saimot, Adrien G., 1866 Saini, Savita, 386 Saint-Antoine, Pierre, 1040 Saint Girons, I., 2873 Sainty, Jean-Marie, 444 Sakae, Kenji, 2938 Sako, Kazuya, 1799 Salama, S. M., 3331 Salazar-Lindo, Eduardo, 2101 Salfinger, Max, 990, 1385 Saliki, Jeremiah T., 428, 1075 Salinas-Carmona, Mario C., 2901 Salmon, Sarah A., 1362 Salord, Jean-Michel, 1943 Salzman, Mark B., 475 Samadpour, Mansour, 3179 Samal, Siba K., 1612, 3147 Sambol, Anthony R., 422, 1892 Samuels, D. Scott, 2577 Samuelson, Agneta, 911 Samuelsson, Astrid, 588 Sanden, G. N., 170 Sanders, Cynthia A., 302 Sanderson, G., 111 Sandven, Per, 215 Sanekata, Takeshi, 3046 San Joaquin, Venusto H., 2381 Sansonetti, Philippe J., 296 Santos, Norma, 917 Sapp, Walter J., 3042 Saravolatz, Louis D., 1656 Sarkar, B. L., 1579 Sarl6s, Geza, 2263 Sasakawa, Chihiro, 547 Sasaki, Yukako, 2780 Sato, Mitsuo, 3046 Sattar, Syed A., 2988 Sattler, Jutta, 1213 Satyanarayana, G., 1368 Saulnier, C., 1342

Saulnier, P., 982 Sauvaigo, S., 1066 Sayer, James B., 1003 Sazama, K., 606 Sazdovitch, Veronique, 3310 Schaad, Urs B., 1916 Schaberg, Dennis R., 1870 Schachter, Julius, 2702 Schaefer, Stephan, 1095 Schaeffer, Warren I., 1303 Schaffier-Dullnig, Karin, 1213 Schauer, David B., 2709 Schechter, Martin T., 2298 Schell, Ronald F., 1896 Schellekens, Joop, 2134 Schembri, M. A., 2621 Scheutz, Flemming, 2483 Schirm, J., 1918 Schlichting, Christiane, 227 Schmid, Jan, 39, 1472, 3190 Schmidt, Herbert, 1200, 2281 Schmitt, Clare K., 2799 Schnabel, K., 416 Schoeb, Trenton R., 2751 Schoenknecht, Fritz D., 692 Schonian, G., 2417 Schoolnik, Gary K., 1677 Schroder, F. P., 1103 Schroder, Karl-Heinz, 3083 Schrumpf, Merry E., 3096 Schulz, John E., 3336 Schulze-Berge, Arnim, 2489 Schumacher, Isabella M., 1454 Schwab, Elisabeth, 340 Schwabe, Lynne D., 552 Schwam, Valerie, 2320 Schwan, Tom G., 1511, 1831, 2577, 3096 Schwartzman, William A., 1882 Schwarzkopf, Andreas, 2281 Scriver, Shelley, 2794 Scriver, Shelly, 736 Sears, Cynthia L., 2080 Sears, Johnna, 1735 See, Raymond H., 2654 Seechurn, P., 1241 Seesod, Naowarat, 2715 Segondy, Michel, 1903 Seigneurin, J. M., 1066 Seiple, John W., 1646 Sekizaki, Tsutomu, 1726 Sellors, John W., 1753 Semu, S., 2729 Sen, Dipak, 2163 Seong, Seung-yong, 598, 2057 Serichantalergs, Oralak, 1315 Serre, Arlette, 1903 Sethabutr, Orntipa, 1315 Severini, Giovanni Maria, 1345 Sewell, David L., 2689 Sexton, M. M., 238 Seyedirashti, Seyedreza, 1122 Shakarchi, Nazar H., 1860 Shanley, Diarmuid, 2124 Shapiro, Daniel S., 2861 Shariff, Malini, 386 Sharma, Savitri, 1368 Shaw, Charles H., 2178 Shaw, Margaret M., 1659 Shaw, Robert D., 188


Shawar, Ribhi, 1370 Shawar, Ribhi M., 61, 2049 Shelton, Sharon, 1619 Shen, Chen-Yang, 1635 Sherlock, Chris, 2298 Sherman, K. E., 2679 Sheu, Min-Muh, 1160 Shif, Ilan, 1783 Shih, Chien-Ming, 2878 Shikata, Toshio, 1173 Shimizu, Hiroko, 1034 Shimizu, Robyn Y., 307 Shinjo, Toshiharu, 2244 Shinnick, Thomas, 1777 Shinnick, Thomas M., 406, 2049 Shiraki, Hiroshi, 936 Shiro-Koulla, S., 3331 Shlaes, David M., 1609 Shor, Allan, 2212 Shu, Chih-Hung, 53 Shuck, Kathleen M., 422 Shulman, Lester, 1783 Shum, Archie, 307 Sicard, A. M., 2724 Siddiqi, Salman H., 2332 Siddique, A. K., 2513 Sides, Sandra J., 2178 Sidoti, Josette, 593 Siebelink, Kees, 1626 Sieckmann, Donna G., 1394 Siegrist, Hans H., 71 Sierra, Luz Stella, 720, 2816 Sierra, Marcelino F., 968 Sievers, Aina, 1385 Silberstein, Ilana, 1783 Silcox, Vella A., 3231 Silini, Enrico, 2913 Silva, Joseph, Jr., 507 Silva, S. V. P. S., 512 Silverman, N. S., 2648 Simmonds, P., 323, 1493 Simonet, Michel, 1667 Simor, A. E., 2777 Simor, Andrew E., 1597, 2794 Simpson, Larry, 2421 Sinclair, Robert, 265 Singh, Kavindra V., 1430, 1570 Singh, Samir P., 1677 Siracusano, Alessandra, 2788 Sirisinha, Stitaya, 1232 Sirivichayakul, Sunee, 1373 Sirot, D., 123 Sirot, J., 123 Sjogren, M. H., 1299 Skuce, R. A., 3216 Skulnick, Martin, 1597, 2794 Skurnik, Mikael, 642 Slack, Mary P. E., 2981 Slater, Leonard N., 1730, 2381 Slizewicz, B., 1342 Sloan, Lynne M., 1468 Small, Peter M., 406, 1677 Smaron, Mary F., 1034 Smayevsky, J., 1921 Smith, Benjamin R., 2824 Smith, Blair, 1597 Smith, Cheryl A., 249 Smith, D. L., 3017 Smith, E. G., 3017 Smith, Henry R., 1700




Smith, James W., 754, 1659, 1899 Smith, Raymond P., 2366 Smith, S., 111 Smith, S. C., 1326 Smith, Stuart Craig, 1746 Smith, Thomas F., 2361 Smola, Jiri, 762 Snead, Sally J., 2805 Snijder, J. A. M., 1918 Snijder, Jan A. M., 3247 Snipes, Kurt, 233 Snitbhan, R., 1299 Sobel, Jack D., 2021 Sohnaka, Masako, 1388, 2044 Soini, Hanna, 642 Solcia, Enrico, 2913 Sole, Michael J., 2634 Soll, David R., 39, 1472, 1547, 3190 Sonesson, Anders, 1413 Song, Jae-Hoon, 1439 Sorensen, Scott W., 2327 S0rensen, Uffe B. Skov, 2097 Soriano, Francisco, 2517 Sotiropoulos, Chris, 1746 Soto, Mark A., 2519 Soufleri, Joanna, 1241 Soumakis, S. A., 1280 Soutschek, Erwin, 340 Sowers, E., 760 Sowers, Evangeline G., 3153 Spach, David H., 692 Spangler, Sheila K., 460 Sparagano, Olivier, 2758 Spielman, A., 1251 Spielman, Andrew, 2878 Spika, John S., 2584 Spiropoulou, Christina F., 2016 Spitalny, Kenneth, 1695 Spreadbury, Claire, 615 Sprenger, M. J. W., 2218 Springer, Burkhard, 2882, 3083 Springthorpe, V. Susan, 2988 Srikantha, Thyagarajan, 1472, 1547 Sritharan, Venkataraman K., 1811 Stabel, Erik C., 2796 Stableforth, D. E., 3017 Staeuber, Norbert, 2241 Stahlberg, Marja-Riitta, 1450 Stalhandske, Per, 911 Stamm, Walter E., 3013, 3023 Staneck, Joseph L., 351, 1179 Stanley, John, 1916 Steed, Lisa L., 2996 Steele, A. D., 3333 Steele, A. Duncan, 2195 Steele, Andrew Duncan, 1735 Steenberg, Peter, 857 Stegeman, Henk, 1541 Steigerwalt, Arnold G., 872, 2456, 3275 Steinhoff, Mark C., 836 Steinruck, Hartmut, 2483 Stemke, G. W., 824 Stenstrom, Thor-Axel, 1826 Stenvik, M., 2427 Stenzel, Deborah J., 436 Stephens, Diana M., 1143

Stephens, Richard, 681 Steyn, L., 2204 Stiller, David, 2091 Stine, L. C., 1237 Stine, Sarah E., 2866 Stock, Frida, 3320 Stockman, Leslie, 845 Stoker, Neil G., 776 Stolz, E., 3204 Stone, Kenneth M., 2584 Storch, Gregory A., 2796 Stranton, Nicolas, 1622 Strathdee, Craig A., 2506 Stringer, James R., 244, 1217 Stringer, Saundra L., 1217 Strockbine, N. A., 760 Strockbine, Nancy A., 3153 Stroll, Erica S., 1646 Strong, Catherine A., 1001 Struelens, Marc, 2198 Struelens, Marc J., 1964, 2320 Struthers, Mary, 3096 Stull, Terrence L., 788 Subramanian, Kothandaraman, 1612 Sugai, Karlyn, 97 Sugimoto, Chihiro, 2565 Sullender, Wayne M., 1224 Sullivan, Derek, 2124 Summerbell, Richard C., 572 Summers, P. L., 1299 Sun, Lirong, 1224 Sundaram, C., 1368 Sundvall, J., 1382 Suputtamongkol, Y., 1592 Sutherland, G., 3264 Suto, Chiharu, 89 Sutra, Laurent, 467 Suzuki, Yoshiyuki, 3046 Svennerholm, Ann-Mari, 558 Svennerholm, Bo, 911 Svenson, Stefan B., 2215 Swaminathan, Bala, 1730 Swanink, C. M. A., 3240 Swenson, Jana, 1695 Swenson, Paul D., 1774 Szewzyk, Regine, 1826 Szewzyk, Ulrich, 1826

Tabaqchali, S., 1420 Taber, L. H., 2286 Tagni-Sartre, M., 3331 Tajima, Kazuhiko, 3046 Takahashi, Mitsuyoshi, 3270 Takahashi, Yukie, 1388 Takai, Shinji, 1726, 2780 Takarada, Yutaka, 1312 Takeda, Naokazu, 1160 Takeda, Tae, 3068 Takeda, Yoshifumi, 3068 Takei, Tsutomu, 584 Takewaki, Syun-ichi, 446 Tam, Albert W., 2167 Tamada, Yukihiro, 1726 Tamburrini, Enrica, 2788 Tamura, K., 851 Tan, Chery Ann, 1764 Tan, Lily B., 2960 Tanaka, Hiromitsu, 1009 Tanaka, Masayuki, 2565 Tandy, Mark W., 436 Tang, Yajarayma J., 507 Tangen, Torill, 1413

Taniguchi, Koki, 622 Tanner, David C., 1027 Tanprasert, Srivilai, 1373 Tapsall, J. W., 2790 Tardy, Frederique, 812 Tarr, Phillip I., 3179 Tauxe, Robert V., 1525 Taylor, D. E., 3331 Taylor, D. N., 851 Teague, Jeri, 839 Tebele, N., 2729 Teisala, Klaus, 998 Telenti, Amalio, 175 Telford, S. R., III, 1251 Tenover, F. C., 751, 2375, 3165 Tenover, Fred C., 767, 1695, 2683 Teoule, R., 1066 Terao, Hideo, 1173 Thaithong, Sodsri, 2715 Thanomchat, Sineenart, 1373 The, T. Hauw, 2824 Theisen, Michael, 2570 Thibert, Louise, 1759 Thiemann, Otavio, 2421 Thierry, Dominique, 1048 Thijs, J. C., 1918 Thomas, Andrea, 1700 Thomas, Eapen, 2157, 2802 Thraenhart, O., 3296 Thulliez, Philippe, 2952 Thurberg, B. E., 1280 Thurmond, Cathy, 1777 Tichet, Jean, 1189 Tilles, Jeremiah G., 695 Tillman, Jill, 2541 Tilton, Richard C., 1179 Todd, Ewen C. D., 2263 Todd, James K., 1290 Todd, Jean, 2805 Tokars, Jerome, 1695 Tokars, Jerome I., 771 Tolmasky, Marcelo E., 2812 Tomas, Juan M., 1379 Tompkins, Lucy S., 1677 T0njum, Tone, 1856 Toolenaar, Toon A. M., 3314 Torensma, Ruurd, 2208, 3174 Torian, Bruce E., 1403 Torres, Alfonso, 428 Tosolini, Frederick A., 2392 Tourte-Schaefer, Claudine, 1866 Townsend, Irene, 2152 Tozzini, Franco, 494, 1626 Tratschin, Jon-Duri, 1148 Treanor, John J., 1630 Trepo, C., 2066 Triscott, Mark X., 2402 Trott, D. J., 2895 Tsubaki, Shiro, 1726, 2780 Tsuboi, Yoshimasa, 89 Tsubokura, Misao, 1672 Tsukamura, Michio, 3231 Tsunemitsu, Hiroshi, 1308 Turner, James, 804 Turner, James C., 808 Tyan, Yeu-San, 53 Tyler, Shaun D., 2506 Tyrrell, D. A. J., 111 Tzianabos, Arthur O., 1850 Tzipori, Saul R., 484

Ubico, Sonya R., 2038 Ueda, Shigeharu, 354, 2195 Ueno, Kazue, 413 Uesaka, Yoshihiko, 3068 Uhlen, Mathias, 22, 2715 Umezawa, Eufrosina S., 1486 Uneklabh, Chintra, 1373 Unicomb, Leanne E., 484 Urdea, M., 2679 Uribe, Felipe, 593 Ursing, Jan, 702 Utagawa, Etsuko, 2938 Utter, Goran, 588 Vaheri, Antti, 677 Van, Rory, 2152 van Alphen, Loek, 1952 Van Arsdale White, Laura, 47 van Beers, Stella, 2947 Van Belkum, A., 3317 van Belkum, Alex, 798, 1541, 1964, 2198, 2502 Van Camp, Guy, 3340 Vandamme, P., 3317 van den Brule, Adriaan J. C., 1060, 2547 Vandenplas, Y., 1770 van der Avoort, Harrie G. A. M., 1562 van der Giessen, J. W. B., 2509 van der Logt, J. T. M., 524 van der Plas, Jan, 1541 van der Vliet, Gabrielle M. E., 665 van der Zee, Anneke, 2134 van der Zeijst, B. A. M., 711, 2509 van Deventer, A. J. M., 994 van Doornum, Gerard J. J., 1060 Van Dyck, Eddy, 1820 Vaneechoutte, Mario, 2061 van Embden, Jan D. A., 406, 1987 Van Engelenburg, F. A. C., 3129 Van Gelder, P., 9 Van Heuverswyn, H., 9 van Heuverswyn, Hugo, 1601 Van Horn, Kenneth G., 458 van Kuppeveld, F. J. M., 524 van Leeuwen, Nan, 798 van Milaan, A. J., 2218 Van Oirschot, J. T., 3129 van Rijsoort-Vos, J. H., 3204 Vanrompay, Daisy, 134 van Soolingen, Dick, 1987 van Vliet, Arno L. W., 2350 van Vliet, H. J. A., 994 van Voorst Vader, P. C., 1103 van Zwet, A. A., 1918 Vapalahti, Olli, 677 Vawter-Hugart, Holly, 3190 Vazquez, Jose A., 2021 Veenstra, L., 3240 Vekris, A., 824 Velazquez, Blanca, 819 Vendrell, Jean-Pierre, 1903 Vene, Sirkka, 2004 Venkatesan, Malabi M., 2101 Verbruggen, Anjo, 3174 Verde, Philip T. Lo, 395


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Verdiani, Silvana, 727 Verdier, Mireille, 1481 Verhage, Elizabeth A. E., 2208 Verhoef, Jan, 2208, 3174 Vernon, Debra A., 1003 Veron, Michel, 1667 Versalovic, James, 1927 Verschoor, Ernst J., 2350 Verschraegen, Gerda, 2061 Verweij-Uijterwaal, Marja W., 1562 Viboud, Gloria Ines, 558 Vicari, Giuseppe, 2788 Vickers, Richard M., 2764 Vidailhet, Michel, 2589 Vieira, M. F. P., 743 Vilgalys, Rytas, 2274 Viljanen, Matti K., 642, 1376 Vincent, V6ronique, 1048 Virolainen, A., 1382 Visconti, Elena, 2788 Visvesvara, Govinda S., 685 Vitas, Ana I., 3200 Vizard, Andrew L., 1256 Vlaspolder, F., 107 Vo, Phouc T., 165 Vogel, Marius, 3314 Vogel, Ulrich, 2882 Vogels, W. H. M., 1103 Vogt, Richard L., 2584 Voller, Alister, 776 von Graevenitz, Alexander, 1408, 2907 von Reyn, C. Fordham, 3227 Vonsover, Ami, 1783 Voogd, L., 994 Voyer, Helene, 1040 Vuust, Jens, 2570

Wachsmuth, I. Kaye, 22, 1525 Wachsmuth, Kaye, 2474 Wada, Masako, 3270 Waddell, Richard D., 3227 Wagener, Marilyn M., 2764 Wagenvoort, J. H. T., 3204 Wagenvoort, Johan H. T., 3314 Wagner, G. Gale, 698 Wahlberg, Johan, 22 Wait, Kimberley J., 2861 Walboomers, Jan, 2547 Walboomers, Jan M. M., 1060 Wald, Ellen R., 78 Walden, T. Paul, 2861 Waldron, Mary Ann, 720, 2816 Walker, David H., 2225 Wall, Sue, 1241

Wallace, Richard J., Jr., 390, 2697, 3231 Wallach, Jorge C., 2141 Walpita, Pramila, 315 Walsh, Gerald P., 895 Walton, Dale T., 155 Walz, Stephen, 758 Wang, Heng-Lin, 1160 Wang, Jinghong, 754 Wang, San-Pin, 2212 Wang, Zhifu, 681 Ward, A. C. S., 831 Ward, G. E., 2611 Ward, Richard L., 165 Warren, Nancy G., 2805 Warren, Robert, 1663 Washington, John A., 2114 Wassink, L. A., 2729 Watanabe, Kunitomo, 413 Watanabe, Yukari, 1726 Watson, David, 1246 Watson, H. L., 1358 Watts, Doug M., 1394 Watts, Jeffrey L., 1362 Wauters, G., 2499, 2529 Weaver, Robert E., 872, 2456, 3275 Weber, Michele, 2589 Weckbach, Lana S., 351, 1179 Wefuan, J. N., 3331 Weil, G. J., 1741 Weinmayr, Bettina, 1213 Weiss, Judy B., 507 Weiss, Kimberly, 2225 Weitzman, Irene, 2523 Welch, David F., 569, 692, 1730, 2178, 2381 Welsh, Laura E., 1209 Welsh, Oliverio, 2901 Wensvoort, Gert, 3184 Wermenbol, Anton G., 1562 Werner, Albrecht, 283 Werner-Eckert, Robin, 622 Wesley, I. V., 831 Westerman, R. B., 311 Weyant, Robbin S., 872, 2456 Whiley, Robert A., 1648 Whisenant, J., 144 White, Nicholas J., 1592 White, N. J., 238 White, Theodore C., 1472 Whitehead, Terence R., 2387 Whittier, Susan, 861, 2861 Whittington, Richard, 2927 Whyburn, Donny R., 793 Wibawan, I. Wayan Teguh, 762

Wiedbrauk, Danny L., 292, 1339

Wilber, J., 2679

Willemse, H. F. M., 524 Willey, B. M., 2777 Williams, G., 2777 Williams, Janis M., 552 Willis, Dean E., 451 Wilske, Bettina, 340 Wilson, Jeffery J., 289 Wilson, Mark A., 255 Wilson, Michael L., 865, 2110 Wilson, R. A., 851 Wilson, Stuart M., 776 Winters, Mark A., 2960 Wirth, Dyann F., 1811 Wirtz, Robert A., 272 Wirz, Barbara, 1148 Witte, Wolfgang, 227 Witte, Zita, 1370 Wolf, M. K., 851 Wolfe, Julia M., 2410 Wolfhagen, Maurice J. H. M., 2208 Wolfs, Tom F. W., 588 Wolinsky, Steve M., 3123 Wolz, Christiane, 227 Wong, Jane, 3096 Wong, Sallene, 1334 Woo, Sang-gyu, 598, 2057 Wood, David J., 1562 Wood, Donald E., 1275 Wood, Robin, 2692 Woode, Gerald N., 354 Woodford, Neil, 653 Woodley, Charles L., 1293 Woods, Charles R., 1927 Woods, D. E., 238 Woods, Gail L., 2786 Woods, Jon P., 463 Woodward, J. M., 1185 Wootton, M., 2204 Wormser, Gary P., 3090 Worthington, Michael G., 872 Wrede, Annette, 2882 Wright, Teresa, 1622 Wu, Cheng-Wen, 1635 Wu, Lung-Chi, 1683 Wu, Shuenn-Jue, 1394 Wu, Victor H., 118 Wu, Whei-Kuo, 3223 Wuhib, Tadesse, 2080 Wust, Jurg, 1127

Xiao, Lihua, 2944 Xu, Guomin, 83

Yajko, David M., 97, 302 Yamada, Hiroshi, 1009 Yamada, Masao, 1308 Yamada, Sumio, 3034 Yamaguchi, Tsuyoshi, 722 Yamamoto, Koichiro, 1312


Yamamoto, Seigo, 89, 1637 Yamanaka, Morimasa, 2565 Yamasaki, Hisato, 1949 Yamasaki, Shinji, 3068 Yamashita, Teruo, 2938 Yamazaki, Shudo, 1160 Yancey, Robert J., Jr., 1362 Yaihez, A., 1358 Yang, Chwei-Shium, 1764 Yang, Czau-Siung, 1160 Yang, Miao, 2074, 2769 Yang, Si, 1194 Yang, Zhong-Jin, 1652 Yao, Joseph D. C., 3323 Yap, P. L., 323, 1493 Yarbough, Patrice O., 2167 Yates, Gary F., 1143 Yazzie, Cheryl R., 2807 Yen, Ming-Shyen, 1635 Yeung, Kwok-Him, 2831, 3053 Yew Wong, Sin, 2952 Yi, Augusto, 2101 Yilmaz, Engin, 1435 Yoh, Myonsun, 1312 Yonemichi, Hiromi, 2565 Yoon, Kyeong-Han, 895 Yoshida, Tetsuya, 722 Yoshida, Yoshiya, 1637 Yoshikawa, Masanosuke, 547 Yoshimura, Tadashi, 3270 Young, Hugh, 1996 Young, Karen K. Y., 882 Yourno, Joseph, 1364 Yu, Victor L., 2764, 3275 Yu, Xuejie, 83, 3284 Yuen, Lilly K. W., 1615

Zabransky, Ronald J., 1179 Zambon, Joseph J., 2773 Zanchi, Alessandra, 727 Zaninetti, Mariella, 1586 Zapardiel, Javier, 2517 Zeldis, J. B., 606 Zervos, Marcus J., 1609, 2021 Zhang, H. Y., 606 Zhang, Jianxiong, 244, 1217 Zhang, Yansheng, 390, 2697 Zheng, Shilun, 354 Ziegler, Thedi, 717 Zierdt, Charles H., 3071 Zierdt, Willadene S., 3071 Zimmermann, Sonja, 2483 Zingg, Barbara C., 3109, 3115 Zinsstag, Jakob, 2241 Z6ller, Lothar G., 1194 Zrein, Maan, 1521 Zuerner, Richard L., 578 Zumstein, Gitta, 340

SUBJECT INDEX VOLUME 31 A549 cells contamination bovine rhinotracheitis virus, letter to the editor, 472 Acanthamoeba spp. corneal and environmental specimens endosymbionts, occurrence of, 1122 endosymbionts corneal and environmental specimens, 1122 P. aeruginosa inhibition corneal ulcers, selective exclusion in, 1908 Achromobacter spp. groups B and E fatty acid compositions, 1007 Acid-fast bacilli cytocentrifugation of sputum smears detection, evaluation of, 2371 Acinetobacter baumannii DNA fingerprinting epidemiological study of an outbreak, 2417 polymerase chain reaction, 2417 growth of clinical isolates effect of iron-limiting conditions, 2812 polymerase chain reaction epidemiological study of an outbreak, 2417 Acinetobacter spp. antibiogram comparisons strain identification of isolates from hospital outbreaks, 702 biotyping strain identification of isolates from hospital outbreaks, 702 cell envelope protein electrophoresis strain identification of isolates from hospital outbreaks, 702 ribotyping strain identification of isolates from hospital outbreaks, 702 Acridine orange staining false-positive blood cultures subculture, use instead of, 465 Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans polymerase chain reaction differentiation of strains, 2773 leukotoxin gene-specific hybridization, 1856 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae counterimmunoelectrophoresis serotyping, 2339 type-specific antigens, detection in lungs of pigs, 2339 polymerase chain reaction serotype identification, 1155 RapID NH system isolates from cattle and pigs with respiratory disease, 1362 serotyping counterimmunoelectrophoresis, 2339 Actinomyces pyogenes A. pyogenes-like strains designation, letter to the editor, 3355 gram-positive organisms resembling mixed wound infections, isolation from, 1127 Acute otitis media coryneform bacteria infected children, middle ear fluids

from, 1667 Adenitis cervical S. epidermidis, 426 Adenovirus polymerase chain reaction liquid-phase hybridization quantitated by time-resolved fluorometry, 1886 Adenoviruses antibodies, monoclonal epidemiology of 40 and 41 infections, 1562 enteric infection infants with diarrhea in Bangladesh, 484 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay epidemiology of 40 and 41 infections, 1562 stool specimens, detection in, 1562 shell vial cultures, 422 Aerococcus urinae polymerase chain reaction specific identification, 1350 African horse sickness virus antibodies seroepidemiological analysis, 2241 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay seroepidemiological analysis, 2241 Agglutination tests autologous erythrocyte human immunodeficiency virus, 1373 Agrobacterium radiobacter bacteremia immunocompromised child with, isolation from, 2541 mucoid phenotype

bacteremia, immunocompromised child with, isolation from, 2541 AIDS patients C. difficile antimicrobial susceptibilities, comparison with that of strains from HIVnegative patients, 740 cytotoxin production, comparison with that of strains from HIV-negative patients, 740 enterotoxin production, comparison with that of strains from HIVnegative patients, 740 serogrouping, comparison with that of strains from HIV-negative patients, 740 JC virus detection in cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue by polymerase chain reaction, 3310 microsporidian parasite incidental finding of, 436 polymorphonuclear leukocytes anticandidal activity, preservation of, 1354

interleukin-13 and -6 production, preservation of, 1354


S. aureus methicillin resistant, 3056 Alkaline glutaraldehyde reused bactericidal activities, 2988 mycobacterial activities, 2988


virucidal activities, 2988 Alloiococcus otitis revised nomenclature letter to the editor, 472 Amebiasis E. histolytica galactose-inhibitable adherence protein, 2845 Amplified rDNA restriction analysis Mycobacterium spp. species-specific identification, 2061 Anaplasma marginale persistent rickettsemia tick infection and transmission, impact on, 2091 Antibiograms Acinetobacter spp. strain identification of isolates from hospital outbreaks, 702 Antibodies African horse sickness virus seroepidemiological analysis, 2241 B. burgdorferi flagellin protein, 629 humoral immune response, 629 white-tailed deer, 318 C. albicans marker of candidemia, 2550 C. bumetii Japan, prevalence in, 722 C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide, 359 serotyping, 359 C. pneumoniae adults with coronary arterial fatty streaks and fibrolipid plaques, 2212 Candida spp. cytoplasmic antigens depleted of mannan residues, 994 cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase, 724 E. chaffeensis Kawasaki disease, patients with, 3058 E. coli enterotoxigenic, putative colonization factors, 558 K88 pili, determinant, 311 E. histolytica 29-kDa peripheral membrane protein, 1403 enterovirus

poliovirus capsid protein VP1, wide cross-reaction with most enteroviruses, 1083 equine herpesvirus types 1 and 4 protein from an immunodominant region of glycoprotein B, 265 feline immunodeficiency virus infected cats, 1626 hepatitis C virus core protein, correlation with clinical features, 1173 type 1, 2, and 3 infections, differentiation of, 1493 human immunodeficiency virus immunoglobulin A, 681 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 p240ag linear B-cell epitopes, humoral immune response, 1903 reverse transcriptase, 588

VOL. 31, 1993

L. monocytogenes listeriolysin 0, kinetics of production in infected sheep, 1537 monoclonal adenoviruses 40 and 41, 1562 C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide, 359 detection of E. chaffeensis in human tissue, 3284 E. coli K88 pili, H determinant, 311 E. coli putative colonization factors, 558 N. fowleri, 2758 P. carinii, staining patterns, 2222 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, differentiation of U.S. and European isolates, 3184 R equi virulence-associated antigens, 2780 rotavirus, serologic analysis, 622 rotavirus VP4, 1 S. hyodysenteriae, identification of novel group, 1326 nasopharyngeal specimens quantitation in, method to assess dilution of secretions, 1382 Norwalk virus England, prevalence in, 1022 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 1022 Norwalk virus capsid antigen adults infected with Norwalk, Snow Mountain, or Hawaii virus, 1630 P. carinii commercial, staining patterns of, 2222 P. falciparum immunoprotection of people from a hyperendemic area, 636 papillomavirus cervical secretions from condyloma patients, 192

poliovirus capsid protein VP1, wide cross-reaction with most enteroviruses, 1083 poliomyelitis, use for diagnosis, 2427 R. equi monoclonal specific to virulence-associated antigens, 2780 respiratory syncytial virus immunoglobulin E specific, 819 nasopharyngeal secretions of infected children, 819



eastern coast of Adriatic sea, 2225 spotted fever group, 2225

Rochalimaea spp. Kawasaki disease, patients with, 3058 rotavirus one year postinfection, 188 serological analysis, 622 VP4, 1 S. typhi immunoreactivity, 975 0:9,12 polysaccharide-protein conjugates, 975 T. cruzi amastigote antigen different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, 1486 T. cutaneum serotype specific, analysis of, 1949 T. gondii 27-kDa antigen, 1641 mouse-virulent and -avirulent strains,


differentiation of, 1641 Antibody absorption tests M. leprae serodiagnosis, comparative evaluation, 1329 Antigens B. burgdorfeni characterization of, 2146 computerized analysis of phenotypic characteristics, 440 flagellin protein, 629 humoral immune response, 629 Lyme disease and syphilis, use to differentiate, 629 Brucella spp. 18-kDa protein, marker of active infection, 2141 C. albicans marker of candidemia, 2550 C. coli heat labile, serotyping, commercial antisera for, 900 C. jejuni heat labile, serotyping, commercial antisera for, 900 C. neofornans 115 kDa, purification and recognition by immune sera, 335 Candida spp. cytoplasmic, depleted of mannan residues, use to diagnose candidiasis, 994 E. coli enterotoxigenic, characterization of, 851 E. histolytica 29-kDa peripheral membrane protein, 1403 serologic reactivity, 1403 Echinococcus spp. serological differentiation between cystic and alveolar echinococcosis, 3211 enterovirus group common, 911 G. lamblia, detection of, 2807 hepatitis C virus serotype specific, 1493 type 1, 2, and 3 infections, differentiation of, 1493 hepatitis delta virus immune response in humans, 2343 hepatitis E virus putative structural proteins, use for diagnosis, 2167 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase, 588 M. paratuberculosis 34-kDa protein, serological analysis of Johne's disease, 947 Norwalk virus recombinant and native, comparison of reactivities, 2185 serum antibody response in adults infected with Norwalk, Snow Mountain, or Hawaii virus, 1630 0. volvulus enzyme immunoassays, preliminary evaluation, 1741 P. brasiliensis cell-free antigens immunological response, relationship to clinical forms of disease, 671 P. pseudomallei


diagnosis of melioidosis, 1232 Puumala virus recombinant nucleocapsid protein, 677 structural proteins, immunoglobulin G subclass responses, 368 R. tsutsugamushi 56-kilodalton protein, cloning, sequencing, and expression, 598 respiratory syncytial virus nasopharyngeal secretions of infected children, 819 S. dysenteriae lipopolysaccharide and invasion plasmid-coded antigens, 454 Swedish and Vietnamese dysenteric patients, 454 S. flexneri lipopolysaccharide and invasion plasmid-coded antigens, 454 Swedish and Vietnamese dysenteric patients, 454 surface conservation in T. foetus, 3289 T. cruzi amastigote different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, 1486 T. foetus conservation, protective surface, 3289 T. gondii 54-kDa rhoptry antigen, recombinant, 9 mouse-virulent and -avirulent strains, differentiation of, 1641 API 20E Enterobacteriaceae comparative evaluation, 3165 API Coryne system Listeria spp. identification of, 749 Apophysomyces elegans necrotizing fasciitis case report, 1368 Aquareovirus nucleic acid hybridization cloned cDNA probe, 1612 detection in fish tissues, 1612 Arcanobacterium haemolyticum morphology effect of media, atmosphere, and incubation time, 3223 Arcobacter butzleri polymerase chain reaction discrimination of epidemic and sporadic isolates, 3317

Aspergillus finigatus DNA fingerprinting

polymerase chain reaction, 615, 1117 probes, development of, 1547 random amplified polymorphic DNA, 1117 DNA probes development of, 1547 DNA fingerprinting, 1117 interrepeat, typing by, 2502 typing of, 2502 random amplified polymorphic DNA DNA fingerprinting, 1117 Aspergillus spp.

latex agglutination test


new cause for false positives, 2489 Pastorex Aspergillus false positives, new cause for, 2489




polymerase chain reaction interrepeat, typing by, 2502 typing of, 2502 susceptibility testing rapid and highly reproducible method, 1009 Astrovirus gastroenteritis characterization and seroepidemiology, 955 type 5 gastroenteritis associated, characterization and seroepidemiology, 955 Autologous erythrocyte agglutination test human immunodeficiency virus two-minute detection, 1373 Azithromycin susceptibility testing Oxyrase method, C02-free incubation for anaerobic testing, 460 Babesia caballi carrier horses culture confirmation of, 698 culture carrier status, confirmation of, 698 Babesiosis Quantitative Buffy Coat system detection of parasitemia in patients, 2816 Bacillus anthracis carbohydrate profiles gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, 887 gas chromatography-mass spectrometry carbohydrate profiles, 887 polymerase chain reaction cap region, 547 Bacillus cereus carbohydrate profiles gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, 887 culture enterotoxin-producing isolates, rapid screening of, 972 enterotoxin producing rapid screening test, 972 gas chromatography-mass spectrometry carbohydrate profiles, 887 Bacillus subtilis enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay serodiagnosis, comparative evaluation, 3036 BACTEC blood culture bottles BACTEC PLUS 26 and NR6A comparative evaluation, 2794 comparative evaluation BACTEC PLUS 26 and NR6A, 2794 culture using 20-ml supplemented peptone broth tube, 793 fungemia detection, 865 culture supplemented peptone broth tube, comparative evaluation, 793 fluorescent-sensor technology multicenter evaluation, 552 fungemia detection comparative evaluation, 865 Bactec High-Blood-Volume Fungal Medium Isolator comparison misleading, letter to the editor, 3079

BACTEC NR730 B. melitensis factors affecting detection, 3200 BACTEC systems comparative evaluation mycobacteria, recovery of, 2689 Bacteremia A. radiobacter immunocompromised child, 2541 mucoid phenotype, 2541 M. avium polymerase chain reaction, diagnosis by, 1811 R. aquatilis catheter related, pediatric bone marrow transplant recipient, 1911 R. henselae species-specific identification, 2381 Bacteroides forsythus DNA probes subgingival plaque of advanced periodontitis patients, 941 Bacteroides fragilis capsular polysaccharides multiple, expression of, 1850 Bead enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays V. cholerae 01, 3068 Becton Dickinson Cobas Micro ID-E/NF Enterobactenaceae comparative evaluation, 3165

Benomyl test fungal susceptibilities fundamental diagnostic method, 572


P. shigelloides

expression of, 1206 Biolog Micrococcus spp. evaluation for identification, 3170 S. mucilaginosus evaluation for identification, 3170

Biotyping Acinetobacter spp. strain identification of isolates from hospital outbreaks, 702 Lior Campylobacter spp., 3348 Blastocystis hominis gastroenteritis pathogenicity in children in Northern Jordan, 2706 Blastomyces dermatitidis DNA probe acridinium ester labeled, 845 culture identification, 845 Blood bags S.


growth and survival in under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, 1826 Blood culture systems anaerobic selective use, rationale for, 2110 antibiotic removal resins, effectiveness of, 734 BACTEC 9240 multicenter evaluation, 552 BACTEC high-blood-volume fungal medium

fungemia detection, 865 BACTEC NR6A, 2794 BACTEC PLUS 26, 2794 fungemia detection, 865

bloodstream infections Isolator, 2114 Septi-Chek Release, 2114 fluorescent-sensor technology multicenter evaluation, 552 fungemia detection BACTEC high-blood-volume fungal medium, 865 BACTEC Plus 26, 865 Isolator system, 865 Isolator bloodstream infections, comparative evaluation, 2114 Isolator system fungemia detection, 865 Pedi-BacT culture, comparative evaluation, 793 Septi-Chek bloodstream infections, comparative evaluation, 2114 Bloodstream infections Isolator blood culture system comparative evaluation, 2114 Septi-Chek blood culture system comparative evaluation, 2114 Bluetongue virus polymerase chain reaction-enzymelinked oligonucleotide sorbent assay detection of serogroup, 3028 Border disease virus polymerase chain reaction hog cholera and bovine viral diarrhea viruses, differentiation from, 566 Bordetella bronchiseptica fimbriae host specificity, role in, 1838 isolation methods comparative evaluation, 364 media isolation, comparative evaluation, 364 Bordetella parapertussis polymerase chain reaction B. pertussis, discrimination from, 2134 Bordetella pertussis culture comparative evaluation, 2745 nasopharyngeal aspirates versus swabs, 50 fluorescent-antibody diagnosis false-positive results, 1715 immunodot assays rapid identification, 170 polymerase chain reaction B. parapertussis, discrimination from, 2134 comparative evaluation, 642, 2745 Western immunoblotting comparative evaluation, 2745 Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies antigenic flagellar epitope, 2451 white-tailed deer sera, 318 antigenic and protein analysis computerized analysis of phenotypic characteristics, 440 antigens characterization of, 2146 birds maintenance and dissemination hosts, 2038 culture media standardization of, 1251 enzyme immunoassay

VOL. 31, 1993

diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis, 2451 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antigen capture, OspA, 272 I. dammini, larval and nymphal, detection in, 272 filtration recovery from contaminated cultures, 1896 flagellin protein humoral immune response, 629 humoral response, letter to the editor, 2553 Lyme disease and syphilis, use to differentiate, 629 genetic analysis isolates from wood rats and kangaroo rats in California, diversity among, 3109 guest commentary persistence of infection after treatment, 1961 seronegative disease, possibility of, 1961 L pacificus ticks throughout California, analysis of spirochetes isolated from, 3096 Korean isolates identification and characterization, 1831 Lyme disease accelerated transmission of spirochetes by partially fed vector ticks, 2878 spirochetes, distribution and molecular analysis of, 3096 media culture, standardization of, 1251

ospC gene polymorphism, implications for taxonomy, 2570 OspC protein immunoreactivity, implications for taxonomy and use as a diagnostic antigen, 2570 polymerase chain reaction culture and serology, comparative evaluation, 208 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis comparative analysis of genetic variability among isolates from Europe and the United States, 3115 DNA fingerprinting, 2873 restriction enzyme analysis comparative analysis of genetic variability among isolates from Europe and the United States, 3115 restriction fragment length polymorphism comparative analysis of genetic variability among isolates from Europe and the United States, 3115 sensu lato DNA fingerprinting by pulsed-field gel

electrophoresis, 2873 serotyping reactivity with monoclonal antibodies and OspA sequence analysis, 340 Western immunoblotting diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis, 2451 white-tailed deer antibodies in sera, 318

SUBJECT INDEX Borrelia spp. I. persulcatus antigenic and genetic characterization of strains from, 1388 Lyme disease patients from Japan genetic divergence, 2044 protein related to OspC of Lyme disease spirochetes, identification of, 2577 Bovine herpesvirus polymerase chain reaction detection of type 1 in bovine semen, 3129 Bovine leukemia virus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay serum and milk, detection in, 979 Bovine respiratory syncytial virus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay confirmation of antibodies, 3147 virus neutralization assay, comparative evaluation, 3147 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, 1237 Bovine viral diarrhea virus DNA probes and primers 5' noncoding region, 986 polymerase chain reaction hog cholera and border disease viruses, differentiation from, 566 Brevibactenium spp. biochemical and chemotaxonomic characterization clinical specimens, 1408 Broth macrodilution methods M. avium MIC determination, 2332 Brucella melitensis BAC-TEC NR730 factors affecting detection, 3200 Brucella spp. antigens 18-kDa protein, marker of active infection, 2141 polysaccharides serological diagnosis of brucellosis in cattle, sheep, and goats, 3136 Brucellosis Brucella cytoplasmic protein marker of active infection, 2141

Campylobacter coli antigens heat labile, serotyping, commercial antisera for, 900 DNA probe

species specific, development of, 1541 serotyping heat-labile antigens, commercial antisera for, 900

Campylobacter fetus susceptibility testing prosthetic hip joint infection, 3323 Campylobacter jejuni antigens heat labile, serotyping, commercial antisera for, 900 diarrhea U.S. troops deployed to Thailand, 3351 DNA probe species specific, development of, 1541 flagellin gene typing restriction fragment length polymor-


phism analysis, 1531 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis flagellin gene typing, 1531 serotyping heat-labile antigens, commercial antisera for, 900 Campylobacter lari DNA probe species specific, development of, 1541 Campylobacter mucosalis clinical isolates letter to the editor, 2835 enteritis children, 727 Campylobacter spp. arylsulfatase activity supplementary diagnostic test, 708 biotyping Lior, 3348 culture, stool rejection criteria, 2233 diarrhea Western immunoblot, detection of immunoglobulin A in urine of children, 1394 polymerase chain reaction discrimination among thermophilic species by amplification of 23S rRNA gene fragments, 3340 pyrazinamidase activity supplementary diagnostic test, 708 serotypes somatic 0 and heat-labile, sporadic infections in the U.S., 1525 supplementary diagnostic tests evaluation of, 708 susceptibility testing polymixin B, supplementary diagnostic test, 708 Western immunoblot immunoglobulin A, detection in urine of children with diarrhea, 1394 Campylobacter-like organisms arylsulfatase activity supplementary diagnostic test, 708 H. fennelliae, 1916 pyrazinamidase activity supplementary diagnostic test, 708 supplementary diagnostic tests evaluation of, 708 susceptibility testing polymixin B, supplementary diagnostic test, 708 Candida albicans antibodies marker of candidemia, 2550 antigens marker of candidemia, 2550 DNA fingerprinting genetic similarity and phenotypic diversity of commensal and pathogenic strains, 3190 similarity of strains from vaginitis patients, 39 DNA probe Ca3, characterization and partial nucleotide sequence, 1472

genotyping patients with AIDS developing resistance to fluconazole, 2933 multilocus enzyme electrophoresis epidemiological analysis, 215




polymerase chain reaction detection in human blood, 3344 serodiagnostic methods comparative evaluation, 2550 Southern blot hybridization genetic similarity and phenotypic diversity of commensal and pathogenic strains, 3190 vaginitis genetic similarity of strains, 39 Candida haemulonii isoenzyme and protein profiles two distinct groups, demonstration of, 1683 Candida spp. antibodies cytoplasmic antigens depleted of mannan residues, 994 antigens cytoplasmic, depleted of mannan residues, use to diagnose candidiasis, 994 DNA fingerprinting human immunodeficiency virus-positive and AIDS patients, 2124 dot immunobinding assay antigen detection, 518 detection of circulating mannoprotein in neutropenic patients, 3142 non-C. albicans oligonucleotide fingerprinting, 2124 typing systems, 2021 polymerase chain reaction, 904 polymorphonuclear leukocytes anticandidal activity, AIDS patients, preservation in, 1354 interleukin-lp and -6 production, AIDS patients, preservation in, 1354 pulsed-field gradient gel electrophoresis typing, comparative evaluation, 2021 restriction enzyme analysis typing, comparative evaluation, 2021 Candida utilis fungemia nonneutropenic patient, 1644 Candidiasis counterimmunoelectrophoresis cytoplasmic antigens depleted of mannan residues, 994 dot immunobinding assay diagnosis of, 518 Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus polymerase chain reaction detection in goats, 3042 Carbohydrate profiles B. anthracis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, 887 B. cereus gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, 887 Catheter-related sepsis hub, disinfection of comparative evaluation, 475 rats

dynamics of, 1652 Catheters disinfectants comparative evaluation, 475 CDC group NO-1 characterization of, 746 dog and cat bites, association with, 746

Cell envelope protein electrophoresis Acinetobacter spp. strain identification of isolates from hospital outbreaks, 702 Cell lines measles virus B95-8 cells, isolation with, 695 Chancroid polymerase chain reaction diagnosis of, 659 Chlamydia pneumoniae antibodies adults with coronary arterial fatty streaks and fibrolipid plaques, 2212 serum-free cultivation improved isolation, 3050 Chlamydia psittaci serotyping European isolates from poultry and birds, 134 Chlamydia spp. culture HEp-2 cells, letter to the editor, 470 Chlamydia trachomatis cell culture comparative evaluation, 1103

Chlamydiazyme confirmation of antigen below detection threshold, 1646 detection in urine specimens from men, 2702 Clearview Chlamydia assay cervical specimens in a low-prevalence population, detection in, 1622

comparative evaluation, 1622 Clearview Chlamydia test detection in urogenital specimens, 3204 culture cervical specimens in a low-prevalence population, detection in, 1622

comparative evaluation, 1622 detection in urogenital specimens, 3204 DNA probes Gen-Probe PACE 2, comparative evaluation, 968 endocervical infections polymerase chain reaction assay, 3023 enzyme immunoassay Abbott Chlamydiazyme, 1663 comparative evaluation, 1663 immunoglobulin G and A antibodies, 998 pelvic inflammatory disease diagnosis, 998

Pharmacia Chlamydia EIA, 1663 Syva MicroTrak, comparative evaluation, 968 IPAzyme Chlamydia immunoglobulin G and A antibodies, 998 pelvic inflammatory disease diagnosis, 998 ligase chain reaction comparative evaluation, 729 Magic Lite Chlamydia test detection in urogenital specimens, 3204 nucleic acid hybridization assay

comparative evaluation, 1663 Gen-Probe Pace 2, 1663 PACE 2 DNA probe cervical specimens in a low-prevalence population, detection in, 1622 comparative evaluation, 1622 polyethylene glycol, medium containing improved isolation, 292 polymerase chain reaction comparative evaluation, 1103 detection in endocervical specimens, 2648 detection, erratum, 3081 detection in urogenital specimens, 3204 direct detection and genotyping, 1060 plasmid versus chromosome based, 1753 urine, direct detection in, 1209 polymerase chain reaction assay endocervical infections, 3023 urethritis in men, 3013 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis direct detection and genotyping, 1060 typing molecular, evaluation of, 2238 urethritis polymerase chain reaction assay, 3013 Chlamydiazyme C. trachomatis detection in urine specimens from men, 2702 positive results repeated testing and blocking antibody assay, value of, 1892 Cholelithiasis E. tarda sucrose positive, biogroup 1 mimicking, 155 Cholera V. cholerae toxin subunit B polymerase chain reaction, 22 Cilia-associated respiratory bacilli cultivation in artificial medium, 2751 determination of 16S rRNA gene sequence, 2751 Citrobacter freundii E. coli 0157 antigen-carrying isolate, 760 Clearview Chlamydia assay C. trachomatis cervical specimens in a low-prevalence population, detection in, 1622 comparative evaluation, 1622 Clearview Chlamydia test C. trachomatis detection in urogenital specimens, 3204 Clostridium argentinense esterase profiles differentiation of strains, 157 electrophoretic polymorphisms, 157 Clostridium botulinum deletion enrichment group I-specific DNA sequence, isolation of, 1845 DNA probes neurotoxin gene, 2255 DNA sequence group I specific, isolation of, 1845 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

VOL. 31, 1993

neurotoxins A, B, and E, 2402 signal amplification via enzyme-linked coagulation assay, 2402 group I specific DNA sequence, isolation of, 1845 polymerase chain reaction neurotoxin types B, E, and F, identification of, 2255 Clostrdium difficile antimicrobial susceptibilities AIDS and human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients, 740 cytotoxicity assay, 963 cytotoxin production AIDS and human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients, 740 enterotoxin production AIDS and human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients, 740 enzyme immunoassay Cytoclone A + B EIA, 963 Premier C. difficile Toxin A, 963 Vidas C. difficile Toxin A, 963 enzyme immunoassays comparative evaluation, 2861 enzyme-linked immunoassay serogrouping, 2526 polymerase chain reaction toxigenic strains, detection in stool specimens, 507 RapID-ANA II identification system aerobic versus anaerobic incubation, 279 restriction endonuclease analysis typing system, comparative evaluation, 1870 serogrouping AIDS and human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients, 740 enzyme-linked immunoassay, 2526 toxigenic polymerase chain reaction, detection in stool specimens, 507 toxigenic culture, 963 toxin A detection mammalian epithelial cell line kit, 315 typing comparison of methods, 2208 immunoblotting, 2208 restriction endonuclease analysis, 1870 restriction enzyme analysis, 2208 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 2208 sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 2208 Western immunoblotting typing with 10 different antisera, 413 Coccidioides immitis DNA probe acridinium ester labeled, 845 culture identification, 845 Complement fixation tests M. pneumoniae comparative evaluation, 1013

Condyloma papillomavirus antibody levels in cervical secretions, 192

Contour-clamped homogeneous electric field electrophoresis E. faecium, vancomycin resistant spread between 3 hospitals in 2 states,

SUBJECT INDEX 1609 Comeal ulcers Acanthamoeba spp. P. aeruginosa, inhibition by, 1908 P. aeruginosa Acanthamoeba spp., inhibition of, 1908 Corynebacterium diphtheniae ADP-ribosylation activity assay correlation with polymerase chain reaction, 2720 intermedius mistyped strains indicated by review of reference strains, 3060 polymerase chain reaction correlation with ADP-ribosylation activity assay, 2720 diagnosis of potentially toxigenic strains, 2720 Corynebactenum jeikeium presumptive identification, 3320 Corynebacterium spp. CDC group 1 and group 1-like isolates from clinical specimens DNA-DNA hybridization, 2907 DNA-DNA hybridization CDC group 1 and group 1-like isolates from clinical specimens, 2907 mycolic acid free coryneform bacteria misclassification of, 2085

Corynebactenum striatum reference strains, commercially available multiple taxa, evidence of, 1788 Corynebacterium xerosis reference strains, commercially available multiple taxa, evidence of, 1788 Coryneform bacteria mycolic acid free chemotaxonomic studies, comparative, 2085 Counterimmunoelectrophoresis A. pleuropneumoniae serotyping, 2339 type-specific antigens, detection in lungs of pigs, 2339 Candida spp. cytoplasmic antigens depleted of mannan residues, 994 serotyping A. pleuropneumoniae, 2339 Cowdia ruminantium heartwater immunoblot assay, 2729 immunoblot assay detection of false positives in sera, 2729 Coxiella bumetii antibodies Japan, prevalence in, 722 Coxsackievirus variant of strain A24 molecular epidemiology, 1160 Coxsackievirus Bi enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, and IgA, detection of, 3240 Crohne's disease spheroplast-like agents polymerase chain reaction, 1241 Cryptococcus neoformans DNA probe Accuprobe, 419 acridinium ester labeled, 845


culture identification, 845 enzyme immunoassay polysaccharide antigen, 97 serum and cerebrospinal fluid, 97 exoantigen, 115 kDa purification and recognition by immune sera, 335 karyotyping use as an epidemiological tool, 3305 latex agglutination test false-negative diagnoses of meningitis, 2519

meningitis latex agglutination test, false-negative results, 2519 multilocus enzyme electrophoresis subtyping of isolates, 2819 polymerase chain reaction probes for DNA fingerprinting, 2274 strain differentiation, 2274 serotyping capsular polysaccharide-specific monoclonal antibody, 359 susceptibility testing broth microdilution versus semisolid agar dilution, 1370 media, 1370 Cryptosporidiosis auramine-rhodamine staining multiattribute evaluation, 198 Giemsa stain multiattribute evaluation, 198 immunofluorescence, indirect multiattribute evaluation, 198 sugar flotation multiattribute evaluation, 198 Sheather's, 198 Ziehl-Neelsen staining multiattribute evaluation, 198 Cryptosporidium parvum enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antigen capture, 2080 oocysts, detection of, 2080 Cryptospoiidium spp. auramine-rhodamine staining multiattribute evaluation, 198 direct immunofluorescence assay quantitation in fecal samples, 2944 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay stool specimens, detection in, 1468 Giemsa stain multiattribute evaluation, 198 immunofluorescence, indirect multiattribute evaluation, 198 sugar flotation multiattribute evaluation, 198 Sheather's, 198 Ziehl-Neelsen staining multiattribute evaluation, 198 Culture B. burgdorferi filtration, use to recover organisms from contaminated cultures, 1896 media, standardization of, 1251 B. caballi carrier status, confirmation of, 698 B. cereus enterotoxin producing, rapid screening of, 972 B. pertussis

comparative evaluation, 2745 nasopharyngeal aspirates versus swabs, 50




blood antibiotic removal, resins, effectiveness of, 734 C. trachomatis cervical specimens in a low-prevalence population, detection in, 1622 comparative evaluation, 1103, 1622 detection in urogenital specimens, 3204 Chlamydia spp. HEp-2 cells, letter to the editor, 470 comparative evaluation mycobacteria, recovery of, 2689 conventional versus centrifugation cytomegalovirus, 2851 enteric pathogens rejection criteria, 2233 H. pylori antral biopsy samples, detection in, 1918 polymerase chain reaction, comparative evaluation, 1918

lysis-centrifugation M. avium bacteremia quantification, reproducibility of, 1794 M. paratuberculosis detection in bovine fecal samples, 400 Roche MB Check, 400 M. tuberculosis cytopathic effect similar to that of virus culture, 2517 McCoy cell tissue culture B. cereus, enterotoxin producing, rapid screening of, 972 Mycobacterium spp. decontamination of respiratory secretions, 861 improved recovery, 861 microcolony method, utilization of, 2178 smears, nonvalue for predicting culture results, 1385 NCI-H292 human lung mucoepidermoid cells respiratory viruses, sensitivity for, 1504 P. carinii HEL-229 cells sheeted on microcarrier beads in spinner flasks, 1659 respiratory viruses NCI-H292 human lung mucoepidermoid cells, 1504 stool rejection criteria for enteric pathogens, 2233 T. vaginalis InPouch TV system, 1016 pregnant women, detection in, 1016 toxigenic C. difficile-associated diarrhea, 963 V. cholerae 01, 3068 virus M. tuberculosis cytopathic effect, similarity of, 2517 Cutaneous warts meat handlers

papillomavirus, 2547

papillomavirus meat handlers, 2547

Cutoff values enzyme immunoassays determination of optimal values, 1256 Cystic fibrosis patients P. aeruginosa, strains from diversity and variability, genome macrorestriction analysis of, 2320 Cytocentrifugation sputum smears acid-fast bacilli, detection of, 2371 Cytomegalovirus antigenemia assay correlations in transplant recipients and patients with AIDS, 2824 specimens for, letter to the editor, 1400 comparative evaluation centrifugation culture, 2851 conventional culture, 2851 cytomegalovirus antigenemia assay, 2851 DNA polymerase humoral immune response, 724 excretion in pregnant and nonpregnant women polymerase chain reaction, 1635 polymerase chain reaction excretion in pregnant and nonpregnant women, 1635 gastrointestinal biopsies, diagnostic value, 2066 late-mRNA detection in peripheral blood, 1943 reverse transcription, 1943 reverse transcription-polymerase chain

reaction late-mRNA detection in peripheral blood, 1943 Cytomegalovirus antigenemia assays cytomegalovirus comparative evaluation, 2851 Cytotoxicity assays C. difficile diarrhea, 963 Deletion enrichment DNA sequences C. botulinum group I specific, isolation of, 1845 Dengue virus reversible target capture hybridization dengue-2 viral RNA, detection of, 2641 Dental caries Streptococcus spp. mutans group, association with, 66 Diarrhea adenovirus infants in rural Bangladesh, 484 C. difficile associated Cytoclone A + B EIA, 963 cytotoxicity assay, 963 Premier C. difficile Toxin A, 963 toxigenic culture, 963 Vidas C. difficile Toxin A, 963 C. jejuni U.S. troops deployed to Thailand, 3351 E. coli diffusely adhering strains, high prevalence and heterogeneity of, 2031 U.S. troops deployed to Thailand,

3351 E. coli, enteroaggregative colonization in travelers with and without diarrhea, 351

hospitals cost-effective approach to evaluation, letter to the editor, 1675

S. dysenteriae serotypes 11, 12, and 13, 1392 Salmonella spp. U.S. troops deployed to Thailand, 3351 V. cholerae non-01, heat-stable toxin producing, 1315 Dientamoeba fragilis fluorescent-antibody assay, indirect trophozoites, detection in fecal specimens, 1710 Direct DNA cycle sequencing Mycobacterium spp. identification of mycobacteria from animals, 3216 Disinfectants catheter hubs comparative evaluation, 475 D-125 human hepatitis B virus, 3296 Matar human hepatitis B virus, 3296 Public Places human hepatitis B virus, 3296 DNA fingerprinting A. baumannii epidemiological study of an outbreak, 2417 polymerase chain reaction, 2417 A. butzleri polymerase chain reaction, 3317 A. fumigatus polymerase chain reaction, 1117 probes, development of, 1547 random amplified polymorphic DNA, 1117 B. burgdorferi pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, 2873 C. albicans genetic similarity and phenotypic diversity of commensal and pathogenic strains, 3190 vaginitis patients, similarity of strains from, 39 Candida spp. human immunodeficiency virus-positive and AIDS patients, 2124 non-C. albicans, 2124 H. capsulatum fast method for epidemiological and clinical studies, 463 H. pylon polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 1420 "H. somnus" random-amplified polymorphic DNA assay, 512 L. pneumophila polymerase chain reaction based, 2198 typing, 2198 Leptospira spp. random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting, 2927 M. bovis


VOL. 31, 1993

characterization of BCG vaccines, letter to the editor, 2834 restriction fragment analysis, 1143 M. tuberculosis multidrug resistant, 1293 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 2446 standardized methodology, recommendations for, 406 strain identification, 406 usefulness in combating tuberculosis, letter to the editor, 1959 P. carinii Rp-a, a novel repetitive element, 244 P. mirabilis differentiation of strains from a pediatric hospital, 1055 P. multocida avian isolates, identification of, comparative evaluation, 255 polymerase chain reaction A. butzleri, 3317 A. fumigatus, 1117 repetitive element sequence based, 1927 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis B. burgdorferi, 2873 S. pneumoniae, 2724 random amplified polymorphic DNA A. fumigatus, 1117 random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting Leptospira spp., 2927 random-amplified polymorphic DNA assay "H. somnus," 512 restriction fragment analysis M. bovis, 1143 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis M. tuberculosis, 2446 S. pneumoniae pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, 2724 S. schleiferi unrelated strains, characterization of, 812 DNA probes A. fumigatus development of, 1547 acridinium ester labeled B. dermatitidis, 845 C. immitis, 845 C. neoformans, 845 H. capsulatum, 845 B. dennatitidis acridinium ester-labeled probes, 845 B. forsythus subgingival plaque of advanced periodontitis patients, 941 bovine viral diarrhea virus 5' noncoding region, 986 C. albicans Ca3, characterization and partial nucleotide sequence, 1472 C. botulinum neurotoxin gene, 2255 C. coli species specific, development of, 1541 C. immitis acridinium ester-labeled probes, 845 C. jejuni species specific, development of, 1541 C. lan

species specific, development of, 1541 C. neoformans Accuprobe, 419 acridinium ester-labeled probes, 845 C. trachomatis Gen-Probe PACE 2, comparative evaluation, 968 E. coli identification of shiga-like toxin-producing strain, 3153 E. coli serogroup 0157 VT2 and VT2 variant genes, 1700 Enterococcus spp. nosocomial outbreak, 653 rRNA and vanA genes, 653 vancomycin resistant, 653 F. nucleatum nonradioactive, 528 polymerase chain reaction amplified, 528 Gen-Probe comparative evaluation, 107 N. gonorrhoeae, 107, 2783 H. capsulatum Accuprobe, 419 acridinium ester-labeled probes, 845 H. pylori typing, 2157 Johne's disease diagnosis of, 1601 M. avium specific, isolation of, 1048 M. avium complex differentiation of M. avium and M. intracellulare, 1376 isolation from water in the United States, Finland, Zaire, and Kenya, 3227 M. catarrhalis epidemiological typing, 736 M. kansasii identification, including genetic subgroup, 2769 M. paratuberculosis detection of, 1601 M. terrae complex M. tuberculosis complex probes, reactivity with, 2805 M. tuberculosis complex probes reactivity of M. terrae complex, 2805 mutans streptococci genetic diversity, 584 N. gonorrhoeae Accuprobe, comparative evaluation, 1996 comparative evaluation, 107 Gen-Probe, 107 Gen-Probe PACE 2, 451 pharyngeal and rectal specimens, 2783 PACE 2 DNA probe C. trachomatis, 968, 1622 comparative evaluation, 968 rotavirus G and P type specific, 2010 group A, bovine, 2010 serotype Gl, G2, G3, and Gll specific, 2491 VP4 gene, hyperdivergent region, 1735 S. bovis development using a cloned amylase gene, 2387 S. hyodysenteriae specific, characterization of, 1746


S. paraubers S. uberis, differentiation from, 57 S. pyogenes pediatric patient specimens, rapid detection, 2996 S. uberis S. parauberis, differentiation from, 57 Shigella spp. ipaH, alkaline phosphatase labelled, 2101 Streptococcus spp. Gen-Probe Group A Streptococcus Direct Test, 2070 group A, 2070 V. cholerae 01 cholera toxin gene, 1312 DNA ribotyping Legionella pneumophila, 2584 Dot filter hybridization papillomavirus anal, diagnosis of, 1003 comparative evaluation, 1003 Dot immunobinding assays Candida spp. antigen detection, 518 detection of circulating mannoprotein, 3142 candidiasis invasive, 518 measles virus antibody detection, 717 mumps virus antibody detection, 717 rubella virus antibody detection, 717 E test comparative evaluation agar dilution, 3255 Enterococcus spp.

ampicillin resistance, 3336 high-level aminoglycoside resistance, 3336 vancomycin resistance, 3336 N. meningitidis epidemiology, 3255 susceptibility testing, 3255 S. aureus methicillin resistant, 3056 Echinococcosis enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Em2Plus antigen, 373 Echinococcus multilocularis enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Em2Plus antigen, 373 Echinococcus spp. antigens serological differentiation between cystic and alveolar echinococcosis, 3211 Edwardsiella tarda cholelithiasis isolation from patient with, 155 sucrose positive, biogroup 1 mimicking, 155 sucrose positive biogroup 1 mimicking, 155 cholelithiasis, isolation from patient with, 155 Ehrlichia canis canine ehrlichiosis serologic evidence in northeastern



United States, 2857 Ehrlichia chaffeensis antibodies Kawasaki disease, patients with, 3058 monoclonal antibody detection in human tissue, 3284 Ehrlichia nsticii equine ehrlichiosis serologic evidence in northeastern United States, 2857 Ehrlichia spp. wild mouse isolate characterization of, 89 Ehrlichiosis E. canis serologic evidence in northeastern United States, 2857 E. risticii serologic evidence in northeastern United States, 2857 2-Eicosanol gas chromatography-mass spectrometry mycobacterial pulmonary infections, patients with, detection in, 1575 mycobacterial pulmonary infections chemical marker for diagnosis of, 1575 Encephalitis herpes simplex virus polymerase chain reaction diagnosis, 146 Encephalitozoon cuniculi indirect fluorescent-antibody assays detection of Microspora spores in clinical samples, 3071 Encephalitozoon hellem indirect fluorescent-antibody assays detection of Microspora spores in clinical samples, 3071 Encephalitozoon spp. trichrome-blue stain urine, stool, and nasopharyngeal specimens, 3264 Endocarditis R. elizabethae sp. nov. case report, 872 R. quintana human immunodeficiency virus-infected patient, 692 Endotracheal suction aspirates rejection criteria, 1027 Entamoeba histolytica amebiasis, 2845 antigens 29-kDa peripheral membrane protein, 1403 serologic reactivity, 1403 galactose-inhibitable adherence protein detection in sera and feces, 2845 differentiation of pathogenic from nonpathogenic infections, 2845 Enteritis C. mucosalis children, 727 ileal symbiont intracellularis polymerase chain reaction, 2611 Enterobacter aerogenes imipenem resistant nosocomial infections, 123 nosocomial infections clinical and bacteriological study, 123 imipenem resistant, 123

J. CLIN. MICROBIOL. Enterobacter cloacae agar slant blood culturing system pseudobacteremias, 2599 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis epidemiological fingerprinting, 128 restriction endonuclease analysis epidemiological fingerprinting, 128 small fragment, 128 Enterobacter taylorae nosocomial infections report of 4 cases, 249 restriction endonuclease analysis, 249 Enterobacteniaceae API 20E comparative evaluation, 3165 Becton Dickinson Cobas Micro ID-E/NF comparative evaluation, 3165 MicroScan Walk/Away Rapid ID comparative evaluation, 3165 L-pyrrolidonyl-13-naphthylamide hydrolysis test Vibrionaceae, differentiation from, 1946 Vibnonaceae, differentiation from L-pyrrolidonyl-,-naphthylamide hydrolysis test, 1946 Vitek GNI comparative evaluation, 3165 Enterococcus faecalis aminoglycoside resistance, moderately high synergy characterization, 1921 DNA probe nosocomial outbreak isolates, 653 rRNA and vanA genes, 653 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis subspecies differentiation, comparative evaluation, 1570 ribotyping subspecies differentiation, comparative evaluation, 1570 time-kill studies synergy characterization, 1921 vancomycin resistant DNA probe, 653 Enterococcus faecium DNA probe nosocomial outbreak isolates, 653 rRNA and vanA genes, 653 vancomycin resistant contour-clamped homogeneous electric field electrophoresis and plasmid analysis, 1609 DNA probe, 653 spread between 3 hospitals in 2 states, 1609 Enterococcus spp. aminoglycoside resistant detection by MicroScan rapid panels, 2786 ampicillin resistance E test, 3336 antimicrobial agent resistance detection by clinical laboratories, erratum, 3081 antimicrobial resistance ability of clinical laboratories to detect, 1695 DNA probe nosocomial outbreak isolates, 653 rRNA and vanA genes, 653 E test ampicillin resistance, 3336

high-level aminoglycoside resistance, 3336

vancomycin resistance, 3336 high-level aminoglycoside resistance E test, 3336

vancomycin resistance E test, 3336

vancomycin resistant DNA probe, 653 nosocomial outbreak, epidemiologic analysis and genotypic characterization, 1280

Enterococcus spp. vancomycin resistant identification and characterization, 2777 Vitek version 7.1, evaluation of, 2777 Enterocytozoon bieneusi trichrome-blue stain urine, stool, and nasopharyngeal specimens, 3264 Enterotoxins S. aureus bovine mammary isolates, production by, 706 Enteroviruses antibodies poliovirus capsid protein VP1, wide cross-reaction with most enteroviruses, 1083

antigens group common, 911

polymerase chain reaction high-sensitivity detection in biological samples, 1345 nested, 1345 quantitation of RNA, 2634 reverse transcription-polymerase chain

reaction magnetic bead extraction, 31 poliovirus and nonpoliovirus enteroviruses, differentiation of, 395 EnviroAmp Legionella Kit Legionella spp. rapid detection in bronchoalveolar fluids, 3325 Enzyme immunoassay Puumala virus recombinant nucleocapsid antigen, 677 Enzyme immunoassays Abbott Chlamydiazyme C. trachomatis detection, 1663 comparative evaluation, 1663 anti-hepatitis C virus antibody comparative evaluation, 2974 Bartels C. difficile-associated diseases, 2861 B. burgdorferi diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis, 2451 biotin enhanced respiratory syncytial virus, 1336 Testpack RSV, 1336 C. difficile-associated diarrhea Cytoclone A + B EIA, 963 Premier C. diffiile Toxin A, 963 Vidas C. difficile Toxin A, 963 C. neoformans polysaccharide antigen, 97 serum and cerebrospinal fluid, 97 C. trachomatis Abbott Chlamydiazyme, 1663 Chlamydiazyme for detection in urine specimens from men, 2702

VOL. 31, 1993

immunoglobulin G and A antibodies, 998 pelvic inflammatory disease diagnosis, 998 Pharmacia Chlamydia EIA, 1663 Syva MicroTrak, comparative evaluation, 968 Chlamydiazyme repeated testing and blocking antibody assay, value of, 1892 comparative evaluation anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, 2974 cutoff values, optimal determination of, 1256 Cytoclone A + B EIA C. difficile-associated diarrhea, 963 Epstein-Barr virus immunoglobulin M antibodies, 1339 H. pylon immunoglobulin G and A antibodies, 1450 immunoglobulin G antibodies, detection in urine, 2174 Pyloriset EIA-G and EIA-A, 1450 hepatitis C virus blood samples, detection in, 606 comparative evaluation, 606 reactive sera, 163 HerpChek herpes simplex virus, detection in genital lesions, 1774 herpes simplex virus genital lesions, detection in, 1774 HerpChek, 1774 human immunodeficiency virus dissociation of immune complexes, increased detection after, 1656 immunoglobulin A antibodies, 681 human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) HTLV-I and -II discrimination, 1481 influenza A virus rapid detection, 142 rapid diagnosis, comparative evaluation, 2286 Johne's absorbed EIA optimal cutoff value, determination of, 1256 0. volvulus antigens, recombinant, preliminary evaluation, 1741 Pharmacia Chlamydia EIA C. trachomatis detection, 1663 comparative evaluation, 1663 Premier C. difficile-associated diseases, 2861 Premier C. difficile Toxin A C. difficile-associated diarrhea, 963 Pyloriset EIA-G and EIA-A H. pylon immunoglobulin G and A antibodies, 1450 respiratory syncytial virus rapid diagnosis, comparative evaluation, 2286 Testpack RSV, 1336 rotavirus VP4 typing, 1 rubella virus immunoglobulin G antibodies after rubella vaccination, 1521 whole-virus versus peptide-based assays, 1521 Syva MicroTrak


C. trachomatis, comparative evaluation, 968 Testpack RSV respiratory syncytial virus, 1336 Tox-A-Test C. difficile-associated diseases, 2861 VIDAS C. difficile-associated diseases, 2861 Vidas C. difficile Toxin A C. difficile-associated diarrhea, 963 human immunodeficiency virus polymerase chain reaction-amplified DNA, detection of, 1040 Enzyme-linked immunoassays C. difficile serogrouping, 2526 coxsackievirus Bi immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, and IgA, detection of, 3240 enteroviruses broad specificity for, 3240 H. pylon whole-cell antigen extracts for detection, 3331 torovirus reactivity of torovirus-like particles in fecal specimens from humans with diarrhea, 2738 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays adenoviruses 40 and 41 epidemiology of 40 and 41 infections, 1562 stool specimens, detection in, 1562 African horse sickness virus seroepidemiological analysis, 2241 antigen capture B. buigdorfen, detection in larval and nymphal I. dammini, 272 C. parvum oocysts, detection of, 2080 anti-hepatitis C virus antibody comparative evaluation, 2974 B. burgdorfen antibody levels in white-tailed deer, 318 I. dammini, larval and nymphal, detection in, 272 B. subtilis alpha-toxin from S. aureus, 3036 serodiagnosis, comparative evaluation, 3036 bovine leukemia virus serum and milk, detection in, 979 bovine respiratory syncytial virus confirmation of antibodies, 3147 C. botulinum neurotoxins A, B, and E, 2402 signal amplification via enzyme-linked coagulation assay, 2402 C. parvum oocysts, detection of, 2080 Chlamydiazyme confirmation of antigen below detection threshold, 1646 comparative evaluation anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, 2974

Cryptosponidium spp.

stool specimens, detection in, 1468 E. coli enterotoxigenic, in pigs, 311 K88 pilus z determinant, antibodies to, 311 E. multiloculanis

Em2P"us antigen, 373

small round virus Aichi strain, prevalence of, 2938 equine herpesvirus types 1 and 4 antibody levels, monitoring of, 265 feline immunodeficiency virus gag and env expressed in S. frugiperda, 2350 G. lamblia antigen, detection of, 2807 H. pylon diagnosis of infection in adults, 1770 letter to the editor, 173 Malakit Helicobacter pylori, 1770 hantaviruses hemorrhagic fever, diagnosis of, 1194 hepatitis C virus synthetic peptides as antigens, 936 human immunodeficiency virus plasma viremia in patients at all clinical stages, 283 K pneumoniae lipopolysaccharide, typing and quantitation, 1379 Lyme disease patients with erythema migrans, testing of sera from, 3090 M. agassizii antibodies in desert tortoises, 1454 M. leprae serodiagnosis, comparative evaluation, 1329 Malakit Helicobacter pylori H. pylon infection, diagnosis of, 1770 >L-capture hantavirus recombinant nucleocapsid protein, 1194 hemorrhagic fever, diagnosis of, 1194 N. brasiliensis mycetoma infections, clinical correlation with, 2901 serological diagnosis, 2901 peste-des-petits-ruminants virus caprine and ovine sera, detection and titration in, 1075 pneumonia demonstration of circulating pneumococcal immunoglobulin G immune complexes in patients, 3247 Puumala virus immunoglobulin G subclass responses, 368 Rickettsia spp. immunoglobulin G, 138 spotted fever group, 138 rinderpest virus gamma irradiation, effect on antigen reactivity, 428 S. aureus alpha-toxin, supernatant containing, 3036 serotyping, type 5 and 8 capsular polysaccharides, 467 S. mansoni 15-kDa tegumental antigen, 2315 serodiagnosis, 2315 stool specimens evaluation of reliability of pooling, 2807 T. gondii immunoglobulin E antibodies, 2952 vesicular stomatitis virus bovine, ovine, porcine, and equine, 1860



detection of, 1860 virus neutralization assay comparative evaluation, 3147 Enzyme-linked oligosorbent assay human immunodeficiency virus type 1 polymerase chain reaction amplified, detection of, 1444 Epidermodysplasia verricuformis human papillomavirus type 5 genetic heterogeneity and phylogeny of variants, 2918 Epstein-Barr virus enzyme immunoassay immunoglobulin M antibodies, 1339 head and neck tumors polymerase chain reaction, 53 indirect immunofluorescence avidity assay diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis, 1669 polymerase chain reaction head and neck tumors, 53 Equine herpesvirus antibodies protein from an immunodominant region of glycoprotein B, 265 Errata C. trachomatis detection by polymerase chain reaction, 3081 Enterococcus spp. ability of clinical laboratories to detect antimicrobial agent-resistant strains, 3081 polymerase chain reaction detection of C. trachomatis, 3081 Mycobacterium spp. amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis, 3355

Erythromycin susceptibility testing Oxyrase method, C02-free incubation for anaerobic testing, 460 Eschenchia coli antibodies K88 pili, a determinant, 311 monoclonal, 311 putative colonization factors, 558 auxotrophic for cysteine growth requirements other than cysteine, 2790 bacteremia 0-acetylated Kl strains appear to be more virulent than non-0-acetylated Kl strains, 3174 C. freundii carrying 0157 antigen, 760 colonization factor antigens characterization of, isolates from U.S. troops in the Middle East, 851 media for detection of, 2163 diarrhea diffusely adhering strains, high prevalence and heterogeneity of, 2031 U.S. troops deployed to Thailand, 3351 DNA probes VT2 and VT2 variant genes, 1700 E. coli Kl nosocomial transmission, tracking of, 1704 eae gene detection and characterization, 1268


enteroaggregative clump formation on surface of liquid culture, rapid identification test, 1397 travelers with and without diarrhea, colonization by, 351 enteropathogenic fluorescence actin staining test, 386 enterotoxigenic antibodies, monoclonal, against putative colonization factors, 558 colonization factor antigens, media for detection of, 2163 colonization factor antigens, toxins, and serotypes, characterization of, 851 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay K88 pilus a determinant, antibodies to, 311 hemolytic-uremic syndrome clone 0103:H2, potential agent of, 296 0157:H7, pathogen responsible for outbreak in Washington, 2799 hemorrhagic colitis 0157:H7, pathogen responsible for outbreak in Washington, 2799 media colonization factor antigens, detection of, 2163 nosocomial transmission polymerase chain reaction, use to trace, 1704 ribotyping, use to trace, 1704 0121 :NM shigellosis-like illness in humans, 3034 0157:H7 restriction fragment length polymorphism, 3179 polymerase chain reaction eae gene, 1268 identification of shiga-like toxin-producing strain, 3153 nosocomial transmission, tracking of, 1704 Shiga-like toxin genes in primary fecal cultures, 3063 restriction fragment length polymorphism application to a multistate foodborne outbreak and day-care center cluster, 3179 0157:H7, 3179 ribotyping nosocomial transmission, tracking of, 1704 serogroups 09, 020, and 0101 clonal analysis, isolates from pigs with diarrhea, 1185 multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, 1185 serotypes characterization of, isolates from U.S. troops in the Middle East, 851 Shiga-like toxin genes polymerase chain reaction, 3063 Shiga-like toxin producing eae gene, detection and characterization, 1268 mitomycin-enhanced immunoblot colony assay, 1167 Shiga-like toxin producing, sorbitol fermenting, clonal structure and pathogenicity, 1200

SLT-II seroepidemiology, 2604 temperature-sensitive auxotrophs virulence, relationship to, 47 toxins characterization of, isolates from U.S. troops in the Middle East, 851 Vero cytotoxin producing DNA probes, differentiation of VT2and VT2 variant-producing strains, 1700 verotoxin producing prevalence and some properties of, 2483 serotyping, 2483

Escherichia fergusonii pancreatic carcinoma and cholangiosepsis patient with, isolation from, 2201 Esterase profiles C. argentinense differentiation of strains, 157 electrophoretic polymorphisms, 157 Etest N. gonorrhoeae

susceptibility testing, 3053 susceptibility testing N. gonorrhoeae, 3053 Eubacterium lentum UV red fluorescence, 1001 Fatty acids Achromobacter spp. groups B and E, 1007 CDC group NO-1 characterization of, 746 Gilardi rod group 1 bacteria, 689 Legionella spp. diagnostic usefulness, assessment by principal component analysis, 1413 M. haemophilum Australian isolates, 26 P. carindi total cellular composition, 1899 Feline immunodeficiency virus antibodies, neutralizing infected cats, 1626 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay gag and env expressed in S. frugiperda, 2350 gag and env precursor proteins S. frugiperda, expression in, and use in immunodiagnosis, 2350 polymerase chain reaction saliva, plasma, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, 494 Field-inversion gel electrophoresis Enterococcus spp., vancomycin resistant nosocomial outbreak, 1280 Filtration B. burgdorferi recovery from contaminated cultures, 1896 "Flexneri rappini" 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis isolation from and characterization with laboratory mice, 2709 Fluorescence actin staining test E. coli enteropathogenic, 386

VOL. 31, 1993

Fluorescence assays respiratory syncytial virus VIDAS RSV, 1336 VIDAS RSV respiratory syncytial virus, 1336 Fluorescence microscopy UV ParaLens light microscope adapter alternative for P. carinii detection, 720 Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test FTA-ABS double staining test comparative evaluation, 102 syphilis neonatal congenital, diagnosis of, 102 Fluorescent-antibody tests D. fragilis trophozoites, detection in fecal specimens, 1710 direct N. gonorrhoeae, false negatives, 2535 false-positive results pertussis diagnosis, 1715 indirect D. fragilis trophozoites, detection in fecal specimens, 1710 N. gonorrhoeae Syva, false negatives, 2535 pertussis false-positive results, 1715 rinderpest virus gamma irradiation, effect on antigen reactivity, 428 Folliculitis P. aeruginosa loofah sponge, 480 Pseudomonas spp. sponges promoted as beauty aids, letter to the editor, 2838 Francisella tularensis immunoelectron microscopy identification of, 1936 polymerase chain reaction blood, detection in, 152 Fungemia BACTEC high-blood-volume fungal medium detection, 865 BACTEC Plus 26 detection, 865 C. utilis nonneutropenic patient, 1644 Isolator blood culture system detection, 865 Fungi benomyl test fundamental diagnostic method, 572 Fusarium napifonne hyalohyphomycosis, disseminated, 1461 Fusobacterium necrophorum enzymes, extracellular subsp. necrophorum and fundulifonne, comparison of, 2244 subsp. necrophorum and funduliforme extracellular enzymes, comparison of, 2244 Fusobacterium nucleatum DNA probes nonradioactive, 528 polymerase chain reaction amplified, 528

SUBJECT INDEX Gas chromatography B. anthracis carbohydrate profiles, 887 mass spectrometry, 887 B. cereus carbohydrate profiles, 887 mass spectrometry, 887 mass spectrometry B. anthracis carbohydrate profiles, 887 B. cereus carbohydrate profiles, 887 Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 2-eicosanol patients with pulmonary mycobacterial infections, detection in, 1575 Gastroenteritis astrovirus characterization and seroepidemiology, 955 type 5, 955 B. hominis pathogenicity in children in Northern Jordan, 2706 Norwalk virus detection of antibody to antigen in patient specimens, 2866 Gelatin particle agglutination tests M. leprae serodiagnosis, comparative evaluation, 1329 Gen-Probe N. gonorrhoeae pharyngeal and rectal specimens, 2783 Gen-Probe Amplified Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Direct Test M. tuberculosis detection in clinical specimens, 3270 Giardia lamblia enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antigen, detection of, 2807 stool specimens evaluation of reliability of pooling, 2807 Giardia spp. direct immunofluorescence assay quantitation in fecal samples, 2944 Gilardi rod group 1 bacteria biochemical characteristics, 689 fatty acid composition, 689

Gram-negative organisms CDC group NO-1 characterization of, 746 lipopolysaccharide profile typing comparative typing, 1286 Sensititre AP80 panel identification, 1179 Gram-positive organisms A. pyogenes-like mixed wound infections, isolation from, 1127 acute otitis media patients coryneform bacteria, 1667 Guest commentaries Lyme disease persistence of infection after treatment, 1961

seronegative disease, possibility of, 1961 Guest commentary tuberculosis resurgence of, preparedness of laboratories, 767


Haemophilus ducreyi antigen detection specific rabbit polyclonal serum, 1820 polymerase chain reaction diagnosis of, 659 Haemophilus influenzae biotypes meningitis patients from Sao Paulo, Brazil, 743 media N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, improvement of recovery, 1952 noncapsulate characterization by polymerase chain reaction-based methods, 2987 prevalence of pathogens in nasopharynx of breast-fed versus formula-fed infants, 2674 serotypes meningitis patients from Saio Paulo, Brazil, 743 susceptibility testing interpretive criteria and quality control limits, 751, 2375 piperacillin-tazobactam, 751 sparfloxacin and levofloxacin, 2375 Haemophilus somnus random-amplified polymorphic DNA assay genomic fingerprinting, 512 RapID NH system isolates from cattle and pigs with respiratory disease, 1362 Haemophilus spp. urogenital and neonatal infections cryptic genospecies, genetic characterization of, 1111 Hantaviruses enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay hemorrhagic fever, diagnosis of, 1194 IL-capture, 1194 nucleocapsid protein, recombinant, 1194 Heartwater C. ruminantium immunoblot assay, 2729 immunoblot assay C. ruminantium, 2729 Helicobacter cinaedi meningitis neonate, 569 septicemia neonate, 569 Helicobacter fennelliae organism resembling boy with gastroenteritis and dogs, isolation from, 1916

Helicobacterpylori antibody testing GAP-IgG, 2621 HELICO-G, 2621 HELp TEST, 2621 Pyloriset, 2621 ROCHE, 2621 blood-containing medium isolation of saliva, 2802 culture antral biopsy samples, detection in, 1918

polymerase chain reaction, comparative evaluation, 1918 DNA fingerprinting polymerase chain reaction and restric-




tion fragment length polymorphism analysis, 1420 DNA probe typing, 2157 enzyme immunoassay immunoglobulin G antibodies, detection in urine, 2174 Pyloriset EIA-G and EIA-A, 1450 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay diagnosis of infection in adults, 1770 letter to the editor, 173 Malakit Helicobacter pylori, 1770 whole-cell antigen extracts for detection, 3331 GAP-IgG immunoglobulin G antibodies, detection of, 2621 HELICO-G immunoglobulin G antibodies, detection of, 2621 HELpTEST immunoglobulin G antibodies, detection of, 2621 media cyclodextrin containing, 160 polymerase chain reaction antral biopsy samples, detection in, 1918 culture, comparative evaluation, 1918 dental plaque, detection in, 783 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 1420 reverse transcription, 783 Pyloriset immunoglobulin G antibodies, detection of, 2621 Pyloriset EIA-G and EIA-A immunoglobulin G and A antibodies, detection of, 1450 restriction digest analyses amplified ureC genes, use to categorize isolates, 1334 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis polymerase chain reaction, 1420 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction dental plaque, detection in, 783 ROCHE immunoglobulin G antibodies, detection of, 2621 susceptibility testing disk, broth, and agar dilution methods, comparative evaluation, 1971 metronidazole, 1971 Hemagglutination tests passive tsutsugamushi disease, rapid diagnosis, 2057 R. tsutsugamushi recombinant 56-kDa polypeptide, 2057 Hemodialysis patients hepatitis C virus markers of infection, 1764 Hemolytic-uremic syndrome E. coli clone 0103:H2, potential agent of, 296 0157:H7, pathogen responsible for outbreak in Washington, 2799 Hemorrhagic colitis E. coli 0157:H7, pathogen responsible for outbreak in Washington, 2799

Hemorrhagic fever enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ,u-capture, 1194 Hepatitis A virus solid-phase antibody capture hemadsorption assay immunoglobulin M antibodies, detection of, 1299 Hepatitis B virus polymerase chain reaction transmission of endemic virus, detection of, 1095 Hepatitis C virus antigens, serotype specific type 1, 2, and 3 infections, differentiation of, 1493 blood samples enzyme immunoassay, comparative evaluation, 606 immunoblot assay, comparative evaluation, 606 reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, comparative evaluation, 606 branched DNA signal amplification RNA in patients with human immunodeficiency virus, 2679 core protein antibody titers in serum, correlation with clinical features, 1173 four epitopes, identification of, 1586 enzyme immunoassay blood samples, detection in, 606 comparative evaluation, 606 reactive sera, 163 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay synthetic peptides as antigens, 936 epitope mapping NS-4 region, 1493 hemodialysis patients markers of infection, 1764 immunoblot assay blood samples, detection in, 606 comparative evaluation, 606 polymerase chain reaction one stage versus nested set, 289 reverse transcription, 882 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, 882 blood samples, detection in, 606 comparative evaluation, 606 infections in hemodialysis patients, virological features of, 2913 viremia, prevalence in antibody-positive subjects, 1189 viremia antibody-positive subjects, prevalence and significance of, 1189 Hepatitis delta virus hepatitis delta antigen synthetic peptides, human immune response, 2343 Hepatitis E virus antigens putative structural proteins, use for diagnosis, 2167 Western immunoblot putative structural proteins, use for diagnosis, 2167 Herpes B virus

radioimmunoassay competitive, 931

Herpes simplex virus direct-indirect immunofluorescence assays detection and differentiation, 3260 enzyme immunoassay genital lesions, detection in, 1774 HerpChek, 1774

HerpChek genital lesions, detection in, 1774 histochemical ,B-galactosidase assay and cytopathic effects assay comparative evaluation, 2796 polymerase chain reaction encephalitis, diagnosis of, 146 Herpes simplex virus type 2, 3157 Western immunoblotting, 3157 detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies for diagnosis, 3157

High-performance liquid chromatography curvilinear gradient Mycobacterium spp., identification of, 1876

Mycobacterium spp. identification of, 1876 species-specific identification, routine application for, 1759 Histoplasma capsulatum DNA probe

Accuprobe, 419 acridinium ester labeled, 845 culture identification, 845 polymerase chain reaction arbitrary primer, 463 fast method for epidemiological and clinical studies, 463 random amplified polymorphic DNA

analysis fast method for epidemiological and clinical studies, 463 Hog cholera virus polymerase chain reaction bovine viral diarrhea and border disease viruses, differentiation from, 566 detection, 1148 differentiation from other pestiviruses, 1148 Human cytomegalovirus polymerase chain reaction analysis of infections, 2433 Human hepatitis B virus disinfection D-125, 3296 Matar, 3296 Public Places, 3296 Human herpesvirus 6 bone marrow transplant recipients prevalence of, polymerase chain reaction, 1515 peripheral blood mononuclear cells and saliva quantitation in, 1262 variant B infections in U.S. infants, frequency of, 416 Human immunodeficiency virus

antigenemia dissociation of imnmune complexes, increased detection after, 1656

VOL. 31, 1993

autologous erythrocyte agglutination test two-minute detection, 1373 enzyme immunoassay dissociation of immune complexes, increased detection after, 1656 immunoglobulin A antibodies, 681 enzyme-linked immunoassay detection of polymerase chain reaction-amplified DNA, 1040 minireview, 2557 plasma viremia, detection of patients at all clinical stages, 283 polymerase chain reaction blood spot residues, detection in, 1364 enzyme-linked immunoassay detection of amplified DNA, 1040 use of virologic assays for detection, recommendations of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Virology Committee, 2557 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 antigenic sites reverse transcriptase, 588 biological variation reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, 2960 enzyme-linked oligosorbent assay detection of polymerase chain reaction-amplified virus, 1444 humoral immune response p249ag linear B-cell epitopes, 1903 p24$ag linear B-cell epitopes humoral immune response, 1903 plasma titer storage time and temperature, effect on, 1980 polymerase chain reaction establishment of a quality assurance program, 3123 nested, 1066 quantification of proviral DNA, 2692 whole-blood lysates, detection in, 1066 polymerase chain reaction amplified enzyme-linked oligosorbent assay, detection by, 1444 reverse transcriptase

highly antigenic sites, 588 reverse transcriptase polymerase chain

reaction quality control, 2960 RNA in plasma of seropositive individuals, 2960 whole-blood impregnated filter papers letter to the editor, 765 stability of, 765 Human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals endocarditis R. quintana, 692 R. quintana endocarditis, 692 Human papillomavirus hybrid capture method analysis of types in exophytic condylomata acuminata, 2667 Southern blot hybridization analysis of types in exophytic condylomata acuminata, 2667 Human papillomavirus type 5 epidermodysplasia verricuformis genetic heterogeneity and phylogeny of variants, 2918

SUBJECT INDEX Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I polymerase chain reaction fixation and target length, effects on sensitivity, 1799 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) enzyme immunoassay HTLV-I and -II discrimination, 1481 Western immunoblotting HTLV-11, differentiation from, 260 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) Western immunoblotting HTLV-I, differentiation from, 260

Hyalohyphomycosis disseminated F. napiforme, 1461 Hyaluronidase activity P. gingivalis absence of, evidence for, 1913 Hybrid capture methods Human papillomavirus analysis of types in exophytic condylomata acuminata, 2667 Ileal symbiont intracellularis polymerase chain reaction enhanced detection, 2611 Immunoblot assays C. ruminantium detection of false positives in sera, 2729 hepatitis C virus blood samples, detection in, 606 comparative evaluation, 606 Lyme disease patients with erythema migrans, testing of sera from, 3090 Immunoblot colony assays E. coli mitomycin enhanced, 1167 Shiga-like toxin producing, 1167 mitomycin enhanced Shiga-like toxin-producing E. coli, 1167 Immunoblotting C. difficile typing, comparative evaluation, 2208 Immunochromatographic assays Epstein-Barr virus comparative evaluation, 1597 heterophile antibodies, 1597 mononucleosis, infectious diagnosis, 1597 Immunodot assays B. pertussis rapid identification, 170 Immunoelectron microscopy F. tularensis identification of, 1936 Immunoenzymatic assays S. aureus comparative evaluation, 1606 human and animal isolates, 1606 Immunofluorescence assays direct Cryptosporidium spp., 2944 Giardia spp., 2944 herpes simplex virus, detection and differentiation, 3260 influenza A virus, rapid diagnosis, 2286


respiratory syncytial virus, rapid diagnosis, 2286 varicella-zoster virus, detection and differentiation, 3260 indirect Cryptosporidium spp., 198 Epstein-Barr virus, low-avidity immunoglobulin G studies, 1669 herpes simplex virus, detection and differentiation, 3260 influenza A virus, rapid diagnosis, 2286 multiattribute evaluation, 198 respiratory syncytial virus, rapid diagnosis, 2286 varicella-zoster virus, detection and differentiation, 3260 indirect, respiratory virus panel screening of respiratory specimens in nonpeak respiratory syncytial virus season, 2809 low-avidity immunoglobulin G studies Epstein-Barr virus detection, 1669 Rickettsia spp. spotted fever group, 83 syphilis neonatal congenital, diagnosis of, 102 Immunomagnetic separation P. falciparum polymerase chain reaction, in combination with, 2715 Immunosorbent agglutination assays T. gondii immunoglobulin E antibodies, 2952 Index system microbiology laboratory results computerized, 1290 Indirect fluorescent-antibody assays E. cuniculi detection of Microspora spores in clincial samples, 3071 E. hellem detection of Microspora spores in clinical samples, 3071 Influenza A virus enzyme immunoassay rapid diagnosis, comparative evaluation, 2286 enzyme immunoassays rapid detection, 142

heterosubtypic immunity attenuated vaccines, effect on infection with, 836 immunofluorescence assay direct, comparative evaluation, 2286 indirect, comparative evaluation, 2286 shell vial cultures, 422 Influenza B virus shell vial cultures, 422 Influenza viruses reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction respiratory samples, 2218 IPAzyme Chlamydia C. trachomatis immunoglobulin G and A antibodies, 998

pelvic inflammatory disease diagnosis, 998 Isolator Bactec High-Blood-Volume Fungal Medium



SUBJECT INDEX comparison misleading, letter to the editor, 3079

JC virus polymerase chain reaction detection in cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue of AIDS patients, 3310 Johne's disease RNA probe diagnosis of, 1601

Karyotyping C. neoformans use as an epidemiological tool, 3305 Kawasaki disease E. chaffeensis antibodies in infected patients, 3058 Rochalimaea spp. antibodies in infected patients, 3058 Klebsiella pneumoniae P-lactamase producing molecular epidemiology, 179 nosocomial transmission, 179 plasmid profile analysis and ribotyping, 179 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay lipopolysaccharide, typing and quantitation, 1379 Kiebsiella spp. auxotrophic for cysteine growth requirements other than cysteine, 2790 indole production species differentiation, 2000 Latex agglutination tests Aspergillus spp. Pastorex Aspergillus, new cause for false positives, 2489 Bactigen group B vaginal streptococci, intrapartum detection, 78 comparative evaluation enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 3031 cryptococcal meningitis false-negative results, 2519 Directigen group B vaginal streptococci, intrapartum detection, 78 Epstein-Barr virus comparative evaluation, 1597 heterophile antibodies, 1597 mononucleosis, infectious diagnosis, 1597 Pastorex Aspergillus false-positive results, new cause for, 2489 rotavirus human group C, 1308 S. aureus oxacillin susceptible and resistant, 1342 Streptococcus spp. group B, vaginal, intrapartum detection, 78 varicella-zoster virus, 3031 Legionella pneumophila DNA fingerprinting polymerase chain reaction based, 2198 typing, 2198

DNA ribotyping outbreak due to identical strains at two tourist lodges, 2584 isolation and cultivation from tap water procedures, comparative study of, 1213 polymerase chain reaction arbitrarily primed, 1940 DNA fingerprinting, 2198 subtyping, comparative evaluation, 1940 serogroup 1 polymerase chain reaction subtyping, 1940 Legionella spp. culture media BCYE, 2764 comparative evaluation of growth, 2764 EnviroAmp Legionella Kit rapid detection in bronchoalveolar fluids, 3325 fatty acid profiles diagnostic usefulness, assessment by principal component analysis, 1413 media, semisolid growth and phenotypic characterization, 149 washed agar, made with, 149 Legionnaires' disease DNA ribotyping, 2584 outbreak due to identical strains at two tourist lodges, 2584 Leptospira borgpetersenii restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis differentiation of isolates from different geographic locations, 578 serovar hardjo, type hardjo-bovis restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 578 Leptospira spp. DNA fingerprinting isolates from Australian cattle, 2927 Letters to the editor A549 cells contamination by bovine rhinotracheitis virus, 472 A. otitis revised nomenclature, 472 A. pyogenes designation of A. pyogenes-like strains, 3355 A. pyogenes-like bacteria coryneform group E, consistency with, 3353 B. burgdorferi flagellin protein, humoral response, 2553 Bactec High-Blood-Volume Fungal Medium

comparison with Isolator misleading, 3079 C. mucosalis clinical isolates, 2835

Chlamydia spp. culture, origin of HEp-2 cells, 470 culture

chlamydiae, origin of HEp-2 cells, 470 cytomegalovirus antigenemia assay, specimens for, 1400

diarrheal illness in hospitals cost-effective approach to evaluation of, 1675 DNA fingerprinting characterization of M. bovis BCG vaccines, 2834 endotracheal aspirates rejection criteria, 2555 H. pylori enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 173 human immunodeficiency virus whole blood-impregnated filter papers, stability of, 765 Isolator comparison with Bactec High-BloodVolume Fungal Medium misleading, 3079 M. paratuberculosis strain 18, 1956 M. tuberculosis DNA fingerprinting, usefulness in combating tuberculosis, 1959 media nocardiae, isolation from mixed cultures, 2554 Mycobacterium bovis characterization of BCG vaccines by DNA fingerprinting, 2834 N. asteroides buffered charcoal-yeast extract agar, isolation on, 1400 Nocardia spp. charcoal-yeast extract medium, isolation from mixed cultures, 2554 nucleic acid sequence citations need for more-specific guidelines, 471 Pneumococcus spp. cefuroxime screening test, 3078 polymerase chain reaction varicella-zoster virus, 470 Pseudomonas spp. folliculitis from sponges promoted as beauty aids, 2838 Streptococcus spp., group A M types, identification of, 1955 tuberculosis serologic diagnosis by assays of lipoarabinomannan antigen or antibody or lysozyme level, 2836 varicella-zoster virus polymerase chain reaction, 470 Leuconostoc spp. whole-cell protein patterns identification by, 1030 Leukoencephalopathy progressive multifocal JC virus, detection in cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue of AIDS patients, 3310 Levofloxacin susceptibility testing disk potency and tentative interpretive criteria, 1924 Ligase chain reaction C. trachomatis comparative evaluation, 729 Listeria monocytogenes antibodies listeriolysin 0, kinetics of production in infected sheep, 1537 Listeria spp. API Coryne system identification by, 749


VOL. 31, 1993

Listeriosis listeriolysin 0 antibodies against, kinetics of production in infected sheep, 1537 Loofah sponge P. aeruginosa folliculitis, case report, 480 Lyme borreliosis polymerase chain reaction diagnosis, comparison with culture and serology, 208 Lyme disease B. burgdorferi accelerated transmission of spirochetes by partially fed vector ticks, 2878 spirochetes, distribution and molecular analysis of, 3096 birds maintenance and dissemination hosts, 2038 Borrelia isolates from Lyme disease patients in Japan genetic divergence, 2044 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays patients with erythema migrans, testing of sera from, 3090 guest commentary persistence of infection after treatment, 1961 seronegative disease, possibility of, 1961 I. pacificus ticks throughout California, analysis of spirochetes isolated from, 3096 immunoblot assays patients with erythema migrans, testing of sera from, 3090 Korea B. burgdorferi isolates from, identification and characterization, 1831 Lysis-centrifugation cultures M. avium bacteremia quantification, reproducibility of, 1794

Magic Lite Chlamydia test C. trachomatis detection in urogenital specimens, 3204 Matrix solid-phase dispersion Mycobacterium spp. differentiation by chemotype profiles, 610 thin-layer chromatography Mycobacterium spp., differentiation of, 610 Measles virus cell lines isolation, comparative evaluation, 695 dot immunobinding assay antibody detection, 717 immunity, cellular vaccine failure, patients with, 118 polymerase chain reaction, 1034 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, 1034 shell vial assay B95-8 cells, 695 Media, 3223 B. bronchiseptica isolation, comparative evaluation, 364

B. burgdorferi culture medium, standardization of, 1251 BACTEC M. tuberculosis cord formation, use as presumptive identification, 2533 BCYE Legionella spp., 2764 buffered charcoal yeast extract comparative evaluation of three buffers, 3329 buffered charcoal-yeast extract N. asteroides, letter to the editor, 1400 C. trachomatis polyethylene glycol, improved isolation with, 292 Columbia agar A. haemolyticum, 3223 E. coli, enterotoxigenic colonization factor antigen, detection of, 2163 H. influenzae N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, improvement of recovery, 1952 H. pylon cyclodextrin containing, 160 heart infusion agar A. haemolyticum, 3223 Hektoen Enteric agar comparative evaluation, 410 non-typhi salmonellae, 410 Legionella spp. growth, comparative evaluation, 2764 Legionella spp. buffered yeast extract medium made with washed agar, charcoal free, 149 M. tuberculosis cord formation, use as presumptive identification, 2533 Nocardia spp. isolation from mixed cultures, letter to the editor, 2554 P. multocida isolation, comparative evaluation, 364 R. henselae blood free, optimal growth and growth curve determination, 1882 Rambach agar comparative evaluation, 410 non-typhi salmonellae, 410 salmonellae Hektoen Enteric agar, 410 non-typhi, 410 Rambach agar, 410 SM-ID medium, 410 serum free C. pneumoniae, 3050 SM-ID medium comparative evaluation, 410 non-typhi salmonellae, 410

susceptibility testing C. neoformans, 1370 S. pneumoniae, 1246 Trypticase soy agar A. haemolyticum, 3223 Melioidosis antigens P. pseudomallei specific, use for diagnosis, 1232


Meningitis cryptococcal latex agglutination test, false-negative results, 2519 H. cinaedi neonate, 569 H. influenzae biotypes and serotypes of isolates from Sao Paulo, Brazil, 743 latex agglutination test false-negative results, 2519 Meningoencephalitis Naegleria spp. five cases, study of isolates from, 685 Micrococcus spp. Biolog evaluation for identification, 3170 reference identification numerical approach, 490 Microring YT yeasts, clinical identification of, 185 MicroScan panels Enterococcus spp. detection, 2786 MicroScan Walk/Away Rapid ID Enterobacteriaceae comparative evaluation, 3165 Microsporidia trichrome-blue stain urine, stool, and nasopharyngeal specimens, 3264 Microsporidian parasites AIDS patient incidental finding of, 436 Microtiter plate hybridization assays M. leprae detection of amplified DNA, 665 Middlebrook agar N. farcinica opacification as an aid in identification, 3040 Minireviews human immunodeficiency virus use of virologic assays for detection, recommendations of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Virology Committee, 2557

susceptibility testing selection criteria, 2841 Moraxella catarrhalis DNA probes epidemiological typing, 736 prevalence of pathogens in nasopharynx of breast-fed versus formula-fed infants, 2674 Morganella moiganji

susceptibility testing cephalosporins, 2828 disc diffusion method, 2828 Mucor ramosissimus thigh lesion, 2523 Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis C. albicans epidemiological analysis, 215 C. neoformans subtyping of isolates, 2819 E. coli serogroups 09, 020, and 0101, clonal analysis, 1185 N. gonorrhoeae PCU- isolates, differentiation of, 1555




S. hyodysenteriae intestinal parasites, human, distinction of, 16 Mumps virus dot immunobinding assay antibody detection, 717 Mycobacteria M. chelonae-like organisms broth microdilution method, 3231 clinical significance, biochemical features, and susceptibility patterns, 3231 Mycobacteriosis M. genavense pet birds, 990 Mycobacterium abscessus pulsed-field gel electrophoresis large restriction fragment pattern analysis, 2697

Mycobacterium avium amplification of 16S rRNA sequences rapid detection and identification, 2509 bacteremia polymerase chain reaction, diagnosis by, 1811 broth macrodilution method MIC determination, 2332 DNA probes specific, isolation of, 1048 lysis-centrifugation cultures bacteremia quantification, reproducibility of, 1794 polymerase chain reaction bacteremia, diagnosis of, 1811 susceptibility testing broth macrodilution method, 2332 MIC determination, 2332 Mycobacterium avium complex decontamination methods comparative evaluation, 302 recovery from stools, 302 DNA probes differentiation of M. avium and M. intracellulare, 1376 isolation from water in the United States, Finland, Zaire, and Kenya, 3227 Mycobacterium avium-M. intracellulare complex restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis potential epidemiologic tool, 390 Mycobacterium bovis DNA fingerprinting characterization of BCG vaccines, letter to the editor, 2834 restriction fragment analysis, 1143 restriction fragment analysis DNA fingerprinting, 1143 Mycobactenium chelonae pulsed-field gel electrophoresis large restriction fragment pattern analysis, 2697 Mycobacterium genavense mycobacteriosis pet birds, 990 Mycobactenum haemophilum biochemical properties Australian isolates, 26 fatty acid composition Australian isolates, 26

Mycobacterium interyiectum 16S rDNA sequencing isolation from a patient with chronic lymphadenitis, 3083 lymphadenitis 16S rDNA sequencing, 3083 Mycobacterium kansasii DNA probe Accu-probe, 2769 identification, including genetic subgroup, 2769 pMK1-9, 2769 insertion sequence-like element, repetitive subspecies specific, 2074 Mycobacterium leprae antibody absorption test serodiagnosis, comparative evaluation, 1329 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay serodiagnosis, comparative evaluation, 1329 gelatin particle agglutination test serodiagnosis, comparative evaluation, 1329 microtiter plate hybridization assay detection of amplified DNA, 665 polymerase chain reaction biopsy specimens from leprosy patients, 895 nasal carriage in populations in which leprosy is endemic, 2947 nasal swab specimens, 502 Mycobacterium paratuberculosis 34-kDa protein Johne's disease, serological analysis of, 947 antigens 34-kDa protein, 947 polymerase chain reaction Crohn's disease, tissues of patients with, 1241 RNA probe detection of, 1601 Roche MB Check detection in bovine fecal samples, 400 strain 18 letter to the editor, 1956 Mycobacterium spp. amplified rDNA restriction analysis species-specific identification, 2061 amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis identification, erratum, 3355 BACTEC construction of and use for assay of antimycobacterial agents, 2251 culture decontamination of respiratory secretions, 861 improved recovery, 861 microcolony method, utilization of, 2178 direct DNA cycle sequencing identification of mycobacteria from animals, 3216 direct sequence determination identification in the clinical laboratory, 2882 2-eicosanol marker for diagnosis of pulmonary infections, 1575 high-performance liquid chromatography

curvilinear gradient, 1876

species-specific identification, routine application for, 1759 M. interiectum isolation from a patient with chronic lymphadenitis, 3083 matrix solid-phase dispersion-thin-layer

chromatography differentiation by chemotype profiles, 610 oligonucleotide probes species specific, 446 polymerase chain reaction dnaJ, 446 polymerase chain reaction-restriction enzyme analysis identification to the species level, rapid, 175 restriction enzyme analysis identification of mycobacteria from animals, 3216 Septi-Chek AFB, 2689 smears nonvalue for predicting culture results, 1385 stool specimens smears, nonvalue for predicting culture results, 1385 Mycobacterium terrae complex DNA probes M. tuberculosis complex probes, reactivity with, 2805 Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture cytopathic effect similar to that of virus culture, 2517 cytocentrifugation of sputum smears detection, evaluation of, 2371 cytopathic effect virus culture, similarity to, 2517 DNA fingerprinting multidrug resistant, 1293 polymerase chain reaction, 1293 standardized methodology, recommendations for, 406 strain identification, 406 strains in Tunisia, 2446 usefulness in combating tuberculosis, letter to the editor, 1959

Gen-Probe Amplified Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Direct Test detection in clinical specimens, 3270 multidrug resistant DNA fingerprinting, 1293 public health laboratories, current practices regarding, 771 polymerase chain reaction clinical samples, detection in, 2228 detection in clinical specimens, 3270 DNA fingerprinting, 1293 internal control DNA, simple method for production of, 2204 large-scale use for detection in a routine laboratory, 2049 lysis method versus sonication, 1019 nested, 2228 nonisotopic hybridization, 61 respiratory specimens, direct detection in, 1688 simplified procedure, 776 sputum, detection in, 1777 sputum samples, detection in, 1435


VOL. 31, 1993

typing, rapid and simple method for, 329 public health laboratories current practices regarding, 771 repetitive DNA elements strain differentiation and epidemiology, 1987 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis cross-contamination, confirmation of, 1677 resurgence of guest commentary, 767 preparedness of laboratories, 767 rRNA target amplification assay sputum sediments, detection and identification from, 2410 Southern blot hybridization Vietnamese patients, strains from, characterization of, 1615 Mycobactenum tuberculosis complex biochemical heterogeneity Guinea-Bissau, isolates from, 2215 cord formation BACTFEC media, use as presumptive identification, 2533 media BACTEC, cord formation in as presumptive identification, 2533 Mycolic acids coryneform bacteria Corynebactenium spp., misclassification as, 2085 Mycoplasma agassizii antibodies desert tortoises, 1454 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 1454 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antibodies in desert tortoises, 1454 Mycoplasma hominis 16S rRNA gene intraspecies variation, 1358 polymerase chain reaction detection, 1358 Mycoplasma pneumoniae complement fixation test comparative evaluation, 1013 passive agglutination test comparative evaluation, 1013 polymerase chain reaction nonradioactive hybridization in microtiter plates, 1088

Mycoplasma pulmonis polymerase chain reaction throat and urogenital specimens from experimentally infected rats, 524 Mycoplasma spp. fluorometric quantitation of broth-cultured organisms, 1303 Myocarditis

picornavirus murine model, 2890 polymerase chain reaction, 2890 polymerase chain reaction murine model, 2890 picornavirus, 2890

Naegleria fowleni monoclonal antibodies production and characterization to distinguish strains, 2758

Naegleria spp. meningoencephalitis five cases, study of isolates from, 685 Nasopharyngeal specimens antibody quantitation dilution of secretions, method to assess, 1382 Necrotizing fasciitis A. elegans case report, 1368 Neisseria gonorrhoeae direct fluorescent-antibody test Syva, false negatives in a sexually transmitted disease clinic, 2535 DNA probe comparative evaluation, 107 Gen-Probe, 107 Gen-Probe PACE 2 assay, 451 DNA probes Accuprobe, comparative evaluation, 1996 pharyngeal and rectal specimens, 2783 Etest susceptibility testing, 3053 Gen-Probe PACE 2 assay evaluation of three public health laboratories, 451 multilocus enzyme electrophoresis PCU- isolates, differentiation of, 1555 proline, citrulline, and uracil, isolates requiring for growth multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, 1555 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 1555 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis PCU- isolates, differentiation of, 1555 susceptibility testing ceftizoxime, 2531 Etest, 3053 interpretive criteria, 2531 interpretive criteria and quality control limits, 2375 sparfloxacin and levofloxacin, 2375 typing schemes comparative evaluation by Simpson's index of diversity, 2831

Neisseria meningitidis E test

epidemiology, 3255 susceptibility testing, 3255 group C meningococcal disease pulsed-field gel electrophoresis fingerprinting, 2506 polymerase chain reaction characterization, 2594 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis group C meningococcal disease, 2506 restriction endonuclease digestion porA gene, 2594 Neisseria weaveri sp. nov. DNA-DNA relatedness biochemical and growth characteristics, 2456 Nocardia asteroides buffered charcoal-yeast extract agar letter to the editor, 1400 Nocardia brasiliensis enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay mycetoma infections, clinical correlation with, 2901 serological diagnosis, 2901


Nocardia farcinica Middlebrook agar opacification as an aid in identification, 3040 Nocardia spp. charcoal-yeast extract medium isolation from mixed cultures, letter to the editor, 2554 Norwalk virus antibodies England, prevalence in, 1022 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 1022 antibody responses adults infected with Norwalk, Snow Mountain, or Hawaii virus, 1630 capsid antigen recombinant and native, comparison of reactivities, 2185 gastroenteritis detection of antibody to antigen in patient specimens, 2866 Norwalk-like viruses genomic diversity polymerase chain reaction, 3007 polymerase chain reaction demonstration of genomic diversity, 3007 Nosocomial infections

diarrhea cost-effective approach to evaluation, letter to the editor, 1675 E. aerogenes clinical and bacteriological study, 123 imipenem resistant, 123 E. coli Kl polymerase chain reaction, use to trace, 1704 ribotyping, use to trace, 1704 E. faecium, vancomycin resistant spread between 3 hospitals in 2 states, 1609 E. taylorae report of 4 cases, 249 Nosocomial outbreaks Acinetobacter spp. typing methods, correlation of, 702 Enterococcus spp., vancomycin resistant epidemiologic analysis and genotypic characterization, 1280 field-inversion gel electrophoresis, 1280 K pneumoniae, ,-lactamase producing molecular epidemiology, 179 ribotyping and plasmid profile analysis, 179 Nucleic acid hybridization aquareovirus cloned cDNA probe, 1612 detection in fish tissues, 1612 Ockelbo virus polymerase chain reaction skin biopsies, detection in, 2004

Oligonucleotide probes

Mycobacterium spp. species specific, 446 Onchocerca volvulus antigens, recombinant enzyme immunoassays, 1741 enzyme immunoassay




antigens, recombinant, preliminary evaluation, 1741 Optical immunoassays Streptococcus spp. group A, 839 Ova stool examinations rate of false-negative results, 3044 Oxyrase susceptibility testing anaerobic, C02-free incubation atmosphere, 460 PACE 2 DNA probe C. trachomatis cervical specimens in a low-prevalence population, detection in, 1622 comparative evaluation, 1622 N. gonorrhoeae evaluation of three public health laboratories, 451 Paecilomyces variotti peritonitis patients on peritoneal dialysis, 2392 Papillomavirus antibodies cervical secretions from condyloma patients, 192 cutaneous warts meat handlers, 2547 DNA urine versus urethra and cervix samples, presence in, 1975 dot filter hybridization

diagnosis, comparative evaluation, 1003 head and neck tumors polymerase chain reaction, 53 meat handlers cutaneous warts, 2547 polymerase chain reaction diagnosis, comparative evaluation, 1003 epithelial lesions of lower genital tract, 924 head and neck tumors, 53 in situ hybridization, 924 Southern transfer hybridization diagnosis, comparative evaluation, 1003 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis cell-free antigens immunological response, relationship to clinical forms of disease, 671 Parainfluenza virus shell vial cultures, 422 Parasitemia polymerase chain reaction diagnosis of, 2327

T. gondii polymerase chain reaction, diagnosis of, 2327 Parasites Formalin-preserved fecal specimens pooled versus individual samples, 144 stool examinations rate of false-negative results, 3044 Parasitological specimens polyvinyl alcohol preservative zinc sulfate-versus mercuric chloridebased compounds, 307

Particle agglutination assays anti-hepatitis C virus antibody comparative evaluation, 2974 comparative evaluation anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, 2974 Parvovirus polymerase chain reaction donated blood, detection in, 323 nested, 540 Passive agglutination tests M. pneumoniae comparative evaluation, 1013 Seradyn Color Vue, 1013 Seradyn Color Vue comparative evaluation, 1013 M. pneumoniae, 1013 Passive hemagglutination assays anti-hepatitis C virus antibody comparative evaluation, 2974 comparative evaluation anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, 2974 Pasteurella haemolytica bighorn sheep, transmission in DNA analysis, 831 RapID NH system isolates from cattle and pigs with respiratory disease, 1362 restriction endonuclease analysis and ribotyping differentiation of serotype Al isolates, 2303 restriction enzyme analysis transmission in bighorn sheep, 831 ribotyping transmission in bighorn sheep, 831 Pasteurella multocida DNA fingerprinting avian isolates, identification of, comparative evaluation, 255 isolation methods comparative evaluation, 364 media isolation, comparative evaluation, 364 RapID NH system isolates from cattle and pigs with respiratory disease, 1362 serotyping avian isolates, identification of, comparative evaluation, 255 Patients with AIDS C. albicans genotyping, 2933 resistance to fluconazole, 2933 cytomegalovirus antigenemia assay, 2824

genotyping C. albicans, 2933 Peritonitis P. variotti patients on peritoneal dialysis, 2392 Phialemonium sp. case report, 1804 Pertussis fluorescent-antibody diagnosis false-positive results, 1715 polymerase chain reaction diagnosis of, comparative evaluation, 642 Peste-des-petits-ruminants virus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay caprine and ovine sera, detection and titration in, 1075

Phage typing V. cholerae 01, biotype El Tor, 1579 Pharyngitis beta-hemolytic group C streptococci role in, 804, 808 streptococcal, group A Gen-Probe Group A Streptococcus Direct Test, 2070 Phialemonium spp. phaeohyphomycotic cyst and peritonitis case reports, 1804 taxonomy, reevaluation of, 1804 Picornavirus myocarditis murine model, 2890 polymerase chain reaction, 2890 polymerase chain reaction myocarditis in a murine model, 2890 subjects with and without respiratory symptoms, 111 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction enteroviruses or rhinoviruses, classification as, 2544 Plague polymerase chain reaction detection of Y pestis in fleas, 1511 plague surveillance, 1511 Plasmid profiles B. burgdorferi isolates from wood rats and kangaroo rats in California, diversity among, 3109 K pneumoniae, P-lactamase producing molecular epidemiology, 179 nosocomial transmission, 179 ribotyping, 179 P. pickettii single-source outbreak, typing of strains from, 3001 S. schleiferi unrelated strains, characterization of, 812 Plasmodium falciparum antibodies immunoprotection of people from a hyperendemic area, 636 immunomagnetic separation polymerase chain reaction, in combination with, 2715 Plesiomonas shigelloides hemolytic activity expression of, 1206 Pneumococcus spp. cefuroxime screening test, letter to the editor, 3078 Pneumocystis carinii antibodies, monoclonal commercial, staining patterns of, 2222 culture HEL-229 cells sheeted on microcarrier beads in spinner flasks, 1659 fatty acids total cellular composition, 1899 genetic variants, coinfection with laboratory rats, 1217 human infections nucleotide sequence variation, 754 molecular characterization Rp-a, a novel repetitive element, 244 nucleotide sequence variation


VOL. 31, 1993

strains infecting humans, 754 polymerase chain reaction bronchoalveolar lavage samples, detection in, 221 detection, 2788 UV ParaLens light microscope adapter direct immunofluorescent antibodystained pulmonary specimens, 720 Pneumonia enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays demonstration of circulating pneumococcal immunoglobulin G immune complexes in patients, 3247 S. pneumoniae polymerase chain reaction, detection by, 2661 S. proteamaculans subsp. quinovora fatal case, 444 Poliomyelitis antibodies immunoglobulin M, use for diagnosis, 2427 intrathecal immune response diagnosis, use in, 2427 Poliovirus reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction nonpoliovirus enteroviruses, differentiation from, 395 cytomegalovirus late mRNA, detection in peripheral blood, 1943 Polymerase chain reaction A. actinomycetemcomitans differentiation of strains, 2773 leukotoxin gene-specific hybridization, 1856 A. baumannii epidemiological study of an outbreak, 2417 A. butzleri discrimination of epidemic and sporadic isolates, 3317 A. fumigatus, 615 DNA fingerprinting, 1117 typing of, 2502 A. pleuropneumoniae serotype identification, 1155 A. urinae specific identification, 1350 adenovirus liquid-phase hybridization quantitated by time-resolved fluorometry, 1886 ADP-ribosylation activity assay correlation with, 2720 arbitrarily primed L. pneumophila serogroup 1, subtyping, 1940 Aspergillus spp. typing of, 2502 B. anthracis cap region, 547 B. burgdorferi culture and serology, comparative evaluation, 208 B. parapertussis B. pertussis, discrimination from, 2134 B. pertussis B. parapertussis, discrimination from, 2134 comparative evaluation, 642, 2745

border disease virus hog cholera and bovine viral diarrhea viruses, differentiation from, 566 bovine herpesvirus type 1 detection in bovine serum, 3129 bovine viral diarrhea virus hog cholera and border disease viruses, differentiation from, 566 C. albicans detection in human blood, 3344 C. botulinum neurotoxin types B, E, and F, identification of, 2255 C. difficile toxigenic, detection in stool specimens, 507 C. diphtheriae diagnosis of potentially toxigenic strains, 2720 C. neoformans probes for DNA fingerprinting, 2274 strain differentiation, 2274 C. trachomatis comparative evaluation, 1103 detection in endocervical specimens, 2648 detection, erratum, 3081 detection in urogenital specimens, 3204 direct detection and genotyping, 1060 plasmid versus chromosome based, 1753 urine, direct detection in, 1209 Campylobacter spp. discrimination among thermophilic species by amplification of 23S rRNA gene fragments, 3340 Candida spp., 904 caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus detection in goats, 3042 chancroid diagnosis of, 659 contaminating DNA 8-methoxypsoralen, elimination with, 646 cytomegalovirus excretion in pregnant and nonpregnant women, 1635

gastrointestinal biopsies, diagnostic value, 2066 DNA fingerprinting, 1927 E. coli eae gene, detection and characterization, 1268 identification of shiga-like toxin-producing strain, 3153 Shiga-like toxin genes in primary fecal cultures, 3063 Shiga-like toxin producing, 1268 E. coli Kl nosocomial transmission, tracking of, 1704

encephalitis herpes simplex virus, diagnosis, 146 enterovirus quantitation of RNA, 2634 enteroviruses

biological samples, high-sensitivity detection in, 1345 Epstein-Barr virus head and neck tumors, 53 F. nucleatum nonradioactive probe, 528


F. tularensis blood, detection in, 152 feline immunodeficiency virus saliva, plasma, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, 494 H. capsulatum arbitrary primer, 463 fast method for epidemiological and clinical studies, 463 H. ducreyi chancroid, diagnosis of, 659 H. pylon antral biopsy samples, detection in, 1918 culture, comparative evaluation, 1918 DNA fingerprinting, 1420 reverse transcription, 783 hepatitis B virus transmission of endemic virus, detection of, 1095 hepatitis C virus comparative evaluation with branched DNA signal amplification technique, 2679 one stage versus nested set, 289 viremia, prevalence in antibody-positive subjects, 1189 herpes simplex virus encephalitis, diagnosis, 146 hog cholera virus bovine viral diarrhea and border disease viruses, differentiation from, 566 detection, 1148 differentiation from other pestiviruses, 1148 human cytomegalovirus analysis of infections, 2433 human herpesvirus 6 quantitation in saliva and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, 1262 human herpesvirus 6 variant A and B infections bone marrow transplant recipients, prevalence of, 1515 human immunodeficiency virus blood spot residues, detection in, 1364 human immunodeficiency virus type 1, 3123 enzyme-linked immunoassay detection of amplified DNA, 1040 establishment of a quality assurance program, 3123 whole-blood lysates, 1066 human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I fixation and target length, effects on sensitivity, 1799 ileal symbiont intracellularis enhanced detection, 2611 interrepeat A. fumigatus, typing of, 2502 Aspergillus spp., typing of, 2502 Japanese bovine rotavirus relative frequencies of G and P serotypes, 3046 JC virus detection in cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue of AIDS patients, 3310 L. pneumophila DNA fingerprinting, 2198 serogroup 1, subtyping, 1940



liquid-phase hybridization quantitated by time-resolved fluorometry adenovirus, detection of, 1886 M. avium bacteremia, diagnosis of, 1811 M. hominis detection, 1358 M. leprae biopsy specimens from leprosy patients, 895 nasal carriage in populations in which leprosy is endemic, 2947 nasal swab specimens, 502 M. paratuberculosis Crohn's disease, tissues of patients with, 1241 M. pneumoniae nonradioactive hybridization in microtiter plates, 1088 M. pulmonis throat and urogenital specimens from experimentally infected rats, 524 M. tuberculosis clinical samples, detection in, 2228 detection in clinical specimens, 3270 internal control DNA, simple method for production of, 2204 large-scale use for detection in a routine laboratory, 2049 lysis method versus sonication, 1019 nonisotopic hybridization, 61 repetitive DNA elements, comparison of, 1987 respiratory specimens, direct detection in, 1688 simplified procedure, 776 sputum, detection in, 1777 sputum samples, 1435 typing, rapid and simple method for, 329 M. tuberculosis complex DNA fingerprinting, 1293 measles virus, 1034 Mycobacterium spp. dnaJ, 446 identification to the species level, rapid, 175 restriction enzyme analysis, 175

myocarditis murine model, 2890 picornavirus, 2890 N. meningitidis characterization, 2594 nested enteroviruses, high-sensitivity detection, 1345 M. tuberculosis, detection in clinical samples, 2228 Y pestis, 758 nonradioactive hybridization M. pneumoniae detection, 1088 Norwalk-like viruses demonstration of genomic diversity, 3007 Ockelbo virus skin biopsies, detection in, 2004 P. carinji bronchoalveolar lavage samples, detection in, 221 detection, 2788 P. cepacia differentiation of crossed from independent strains, 2589

J. CLIN. MICROBIOL. P. falciparum immunomagnetic separation, in combination with, 2715 P. mirabilis differentiation of strains from a pediatric hospital, 1055

papillomavirus anal, diagnosis of, 1003 comparative evaluation, 1003 epithelial lesions of lower genital tract, 924 head and neck tumors, 53 urine versus urethra and cervix samples, presence of DNA in, 1975 parasitemia diagnosis in AIDS patients, 2327 parvovirus donated blood, detection in, 323 strain B19, 540 peripheral blood mononuclear cells quantification of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 proviral DNA, 2692 pertussis diagnosis of, comparative evaluation, 642 picornavirus enteroviruses or rhinoviruses, classification as, 2544 murine model, 2890 myocarditis, 2890 subjects with and without respiratory symptoms, 111 poliovirus nonpoliovirus enteroviruses, differentiation from, 395 product inactivation protocols amplicon length and sequence composition, dependence on, 2361 evaluation of three, 2356 preventing false positives, 2356 R. tsutsugamushi nested, 1637 serotype-specific amplification, 1637 repetitive element sequence based DNA fingerprinting, 1927 respiratory syncytial virus genetic variability, analysis of, 1224 restriction enzyme analysis Mycobacterium spp., identification to the species level, 175 reverse transcription bovine respiratory syncytial virus, 1237 cytomegalovirus late mRNA, detection in peripheral blood, 1943 enterovirus, 31 H. pyloni, 783 hepatitis C virus, 882, 1189 influenza virus, 2218 magnetic bead extraction, 31 picornaviruses, classification as enteroviruses or rhinoviruses, 2544 poliovirus, differentiation from nonpoliovirus enteroviruses, 395 rotavirus VP4 gene, hyperdivergent region, 1735 S. aureus delineation of methicillin-resistant strains, comparative evaluation, 1964 methicillin resistant, strain discrimination, comparative evaluation, 798

S. pneumoniae diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia, 2661 S. typhi typhoid fever patients, blood of, detection in, 1439 salmonellae abequose and paratose synthase genes, 2118 serogroup identification, 2118 small round virus Aichi strain, prevalence of, 2938 spheroplast-like agents Crohn's disease, tissues of patients with, 1241 T. cruzi blood specimens, comparative evaluation, 2421 kinetoplast minicircle DNA, 2421 T. gondii blood of AIDS patients, detection in, 2327 parasitemia, diagnosis of, 2327 ribosomal DNA sequence, 203 venous blood from AIDS patients, detection in, 1866 T. sergenti cattle, detection of infection in, 2565 tuberculosis simplified procedure for diagnosis, 776 U. urealyticum biovars, distinction of two, 824 V. cholerae 01, 3068 V. cholerae 01 cholera toxin subunit B, three types, 22 varicella-zoster virus letter to the editor, 470 vesicular stomatitis virus clinical samples, 2016 New Jersey serotype, 2016 Y pestis fleas, detection in, use for plague surveillance, 1511 rapid and specific identification, 758 Polymerase chain reaction assays C. trachomatis endocervical infections, 3023 Roche Molecular Systems, 3023 urethritis in men, 3013 Roche Molecular Systems C. trachomatis, 3023 Polyvinyl alcohol preservative parasite detection zinc sulfate-versus mercuric chloridebased compounds, 307 Porcine proliferative enteropathy intracellular bacteria cultivation and maintenance in vitro, 1136 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus monoclonal antibodies differentiation of U.S. and European isolates, 3184 Porphyromonas gingivalis hyaluronidase activity absence of, evidence for, 1913 Proteus mirabilis DNA fingerprinting isolates from a pediatric hospital, 1055

VOL. 31, 1993 polymerase chain reaction differentiation of strains, 1055 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Acanthamoeba spp., inhibition of corneal ulcers, selective exclusion in, 1908 cystic fibrosis patients, strains from diversity and variability, genome macrorestriction analysis of, 2320 folliculitis loofah sponge, 480 imipenem susceptibilities zinc, influence on, 2366 restriction endonuclease analysis epidemiologic typing, 1426 ribotyping discriminatory power and use as an epidemiological tool, 71 susceptibility testing broth microdilution, 458 Pseudomonas cepacia cystic fibrosis patients, 2589 phenotypic variability cystic fibrosis patient, isolates from, 788 polymerase chain reaction differentiation of crossed from independent infections, 2589 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis person-to-person transmission in an adult cystic fibrosis unit, 3017 ribotyping person-to-person transmission in an adult cystic fibrosis unit, 3017 Pseudomonas pickettii antimicrobial susceptibility testing, 3001 oxidation-fermentation testing, 3001 plasmid profiles, 3001 restriction fragment polymorphism, 3001 single-source outbreak typing of strains, 3001 Pseudomonas pseudomallei antigens diagnosis of melioidosis, 1232 restriction fragment length polymor-

phism analysis recurrent melioidosis, isolates from patients with, 1592 rRNA genes, 533

ribotype analysis epidemiological studies, 238 Pseudomonas spp. folliculitis sponges promoted as beauty aids, letter to the editor, 2838 Pseudorabies virus immunoglobulin M response diagnostic use in pigs, 2309 pigs, characterization of, 2309 Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis B. burgdorferi comparative analysis of genetic variability among isolates from Europe and the United States DNA fingerprinting, 2873 DNA fingerprinting B. burgdorferi, 2873 S. pneumoniae, 2724 E. cloacae epidemiological fingerprinting, 128 E. coli Shiga-like toxin producing, sorbitol fermenting, 1200

SUBJECT INDEX E. faecalis subspecies differentiation, comparative evaluation, 1570 M. abscessus large restriction fragment pattern analysis, 2697 M. chelonae large restriction fragment pattern analysis, 2697 N. meningitidis group C meningococcal disease, isolates associated with, 2506 P. cepacia person-to-person transmission in an adult cystic fibrosis unit, 3017 S. aureus delineation of methicillin-resistant strains, comparative evaluation, 1964 resolution of clonal relationships, 227 zymotyping, capsular typing, and phage typing, comparative evaluation, 227 S. pneumoniae DNA fingerprinting, 2724 S. sonnei diarrhea outbreak, evaluation of, 2152 Streptococcus spp., group B typing, comparative evaluation, 1430 Pulsed-field gradient gel electrophoresis Candida spp. non-C. albicans, typing of, 2021 typing, comparative evaluation, 2021 Puumala virus antigens recombinant nucleocapsid protein, 677 structural proteins, immunoglobulin G subclass responses, 368 enzyme immunoassay recombinant nucleocapsid antigen, 677 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay immunoglobulin G subclass responses, 368 Pyloriset EIA-A H. pylon immunoglobulin A antibodies, 1450 Pyloriset EIA-G H. pylori immunoglobulin G antibodies, 1450 L-Pyrrolidonyl-p-naphthylamide hydrolysis test

Enterobacteriaceae Vibrionaceae, differentiation from, 1946 Vibrionaceae Enterobacteriaceae, differentiation from, 1946 Pythium insidiosum scanning electron microscopy life cycle, studied by inoculation of equine skin and plant leaves, 2967

Quantitative Buffy Coat system babesiosis detection of parasitemia in patients, 2816 R. cervicalis new species

bacteremia and other human infections, 3275


R. fauriae new species bacteremia and other human infections, 3275 R. gilardii new species bacteremia and other human infections, 3275 Radioimmunoassays competitive herpes B virus, 931 SA8 virus, 931 herpes B virus antibody detection, 931 SA8 virus antibody detection, 931 Radioimmunoprecipitation rotavirus immune responses, homotypic and heterotypic, 377 Rahnella aquatilis bacteremia catheter related, pediatric bone marrow transplant recipient, 1911 Ramoplanin susceptibility testing zone size criteria, 1932 Random amplified polymorphic DNA A. fumigatus DNA fingerprinting, 1117 Random amplified polymorphic DNA assays H. capsulatum fast method for epidemiological and clinical studies, 463 "H. somnus" genomic fingerprinting, 512 S. aureus, methicillin resistant typing of, less discriminant than pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, 982 RapID NH system A. pleuropneumoniae cattle and pigs with respiratory disease, isolates from, 1362 H. somnus cattle and pigs with respiratory disease, isolates from, 1362 P. haemowytica cattle and pigs with respiratory disease, isolates from, 1362 P. multocida cattle and pigs with respiratory disease, isolates from, 1362 Rapid sucrose-urea test presumptive identification, 3320 RapID-ANA II identification system C. difficile aerobic versus anaerobic incubation, 279 Respiratory infections

antibody quantitation dilution of secretions, method to assess, 1382

Respiratory syncytial virus antibodies immunoglobulin E specific, 819 nasopharyngeal secretions of infected children, 819 antigens nasopharyngeal secretions of infected children, 819 enzyme immunoassay




biotin enhanced, 1336 rapid diagnosis, comparative evaluation, 2286 Testpack RSV, 1336 fluorescence assay VIDAS RSV, 1336 genetic variability polymerase chain reaction, analysis by, 1224 immunofluorescence assay direct, comparative evaluation, 2286 indirect, comparative evaluation, 2286 indirect immunofluorescence respiratory virus panel screening in nonpeak season, 2809 polymerase chain reaction genetic variability, analysis of, 1224 shell vial cultures, 422 Respiratory viruses NCI-H292 human lung mucoepidermoid cells sensitivity for culture, 1504 shell vial cultures, 422 Restriction digest analyses H. pylori categorization by, 1334 ureC gene, 1334 Restriction endonuclease analysis B. burgdorferi isolates from wood rats and kangaroo rats in California, diversity among, 3109 C. difficile typing system, comparative evaluation, 1870 E. cloacae epidemiological fingerprinting, 128 E. taylorae pathogenic strains, 249 P. aeruginosa epidemiologic typing, 1426 P. haemolytica differentiation of serotype Al isolates, 2303

ribotyping P. haemolytica serotype Al, differentiation of, 2303 rotavirus vp7 genes of human and animal isolates, 917 S. schleifen unrelated strains, characterization of, 812 small fragment E. cloacae, epidemiological fingerprinting, 128 Streptococcus spp. group B, 2616 Y. enterocolitica serotype 0:5,27 strains, differentiation of, 1672 Restriction endonuclease digestion N. meningitidis porA gene, 2594 Restriction endonuclease profiles Haemophilus spp. urogenital and neonatal infections, 1111 Restriction enzyme analysis B. burgdorferi comparative analysis of genetic variability among isolates from Europe and the United States, 3115

C. difficile typing, comparative evaluation, 2208 Candida spp. non-C. albicans, typing of, 2021 typing, comparative evaluation, 2021 Mycobacterium spp. identification of mycobacteria from animals, 3216 identification to the species level, 175 polymerase chain reaction, 175 P. haemolytica transmission in bighorn sheep, 831 polymerase chain reaction Mycobactenum spp., identification to the species level, 175 Restriction fragment analysis M. bovis DNA fingerprinting, 1143 Restriction fragment length polymorphism B. burgdorferi comparative analysis of genetic variability among isolates from Europe and the United States, 3115 isolates from wood rats and kangaroo rats in California, diversity among, 3109 E. coli application to a multistate foodborne outbreak and day-care center cluster, 3179 0157:H7, 3179 P. pickettii single-source outbreak, typing of strains from, 3001 Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis C. difficile typing, comparative evaluation, 2208 C. jejuni flagellin gene typing, 1531 C. trachomatis direct detection and genotyping, 1060 H. pylon DNA fingerprinting, 1420 L. borgpetersenii serovar hardjo, type hardjo-bovis differentiation of isolates from different geographic locations, 578 M. avium-M. intracellulare complex potential epidemiologic tool, 390 M. tuberculosis cross-contamination, confirmation of, 1677 DNA fingerprinting, 2446 epidemiological studies of, 2446 N. gonorrhoeae PCU- isolates, differentiation of, 1555 P. pseudomallei epidemiological studies, 238 recurrent melioidosis, isolates from patients with, 1592 rRNA genes, 533 polymerase chain reaction based Rochalimaea spp., subtyping of, 1730 Rickettsia spp. spotted fever group, 83 Rochalimaea spp. subtyping, 1730 rotavirus feline- and canine-like, from humans, 1783

Streptococcus spp. viridans group, species-specific identification, 2467 Reverse passive hemagglutination rotavirus human group C, 1308 Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction

cytomegalovirus late-mRNA detection in peripheral blood, 1943 enterovirus magnetic bead extraction, 31 H. pylori dental plaque, detection in, 783 hepatitis C virus, 882 blood samples, detection in, 606 comparative evaluation, 606 hemodialysis patients, 2913 viremia, prevalence in antibody-positive subjects, 1189 influenza virus respiratory samples, 2218 magnetic bead extraction enterovirus, 31 measles virus, 1034

picornavirus enteroviruses or rhinoviruses, classification as, 2544

poliovirus nonpoliovirus enteroviruses, differentiation from, 395 respiratory syncytial virus bovine, 1237 Reversible target capture hybridization dengue viruses dengue-2 viral RNA, detection of, 2641 Rhodococcus equi antibodies, monoclonal specific to virulence associated antigens, 2780 virulence plasmids characterization of, 1726 Ribotype analysis P. pseudomallei epidemiological studies, 238 Ribotyping Acinetobacter spp. strain identification of isolates from hospital outbreaks, 702 E. faecalis subspecies differentiation, comparative evaluation, 1570 K pneumoniae, ,3-lactamase producing molecular epidemiology, 179 nosocomial transmission, 179 plasmid profile analysis, 179 P. aeruginosa discriminatory power and use as an epidemiological tool, 71 P. cepacia person-to-person transmission in an adult cystic fibrosis unit, 3017 P. haemolytica differentiation of serotype Al isolates, 2303 transmission in bighorn sheep, 831 restriction endonuclease analysis P. haemolytica serotype Al, differentiation of, 2303 salmonellae serotype characterization, 233

VOL. 31, 1993 V. cholerae 01 epidemiologic investigations, 2474 Rickettsemia A. marginale persistent infection, impact on tick infection and transmission, 2091 Rickettsia spp. antibodies eastern coast of Adriatic sea, 2225 spotted fever group, 2225 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis spotted fever group strains, 2625 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis spotted fever group strains, 83, 2625 spotted fever group antibodies, prevalence along eastern coast of Adriatic sea, 2225 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 138 genotypic and antigenic identification, 83 proteinic and genomic identification of isolates from the former USSR, 2625 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, 2625 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 83, 2625 sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 2625 Western immunoblotting, 83 Western immunoblotting spotted fever group strains, 83 Rickettsia tsutsugamushi antigens 56-kilodalton protein, cloning, sequencing, and expression, 598 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays 56-kilodalton protein, 598 hemagglutination test, indirect rapid diagnosis, 2057 recombinant 56-kDa polypeptide, 2057 polymerase chain reaction nested, 1637 serotype-specific amplification, 1637 Rinderpest virus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay gamma irradiation, effect on antigen reactivity, 428 fluorescent-antibody tests, indirect gamma irradiation, effect on antigen reactivity, 428 gamma irradiation antigen reactivity, effect on, 428 virus neutralization assay gamma irradiation, effect on antigen reactivity, 428 Rochalimaea elizabethae sp. nov. endocarditis case report, 872 Rochalimaea henselae bacteremia species-specific identification, 2381 media blood free, optimal growth and growth curve determination, 1882 R. quintana distinction from, isolate from a child with bacteremia, 2381 Rochalimaea quintana endocarditis human immunodeficiency virus-infected patient, 692

SUBJECT INDEX Rochalimaea spp. antibodies Kawasaki disease, patients with, 3058 R. henselae child with bacteremia, isolate from, species-specific identification, 2381 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis polymerase chain reaction based, 1730 subtyping, 1730 subtyping restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 1730 Roche MB Check M. tuberculosis detection in bovine fecal samples, 400 Roseomonas spp. new genus

bacteremia and other human infections, 3275 R. cervicalis bacteremia and other human infections, 3275 R. faunae bacteremia and other human infections, 3275 R. gilardii bacteremia and other human infections, 3275 Rotavirus antibody response one year postinfection, 188 bovine group A diarrhea in South African calves, 3333 molecular epidemiology and subgroup analysis, 3333 breast milk inhibitory activity of, 593 breast-fed children infections in first year of life, 593 cross-neutralization strains with distinct G serotypes, mediated by a shared P serotype, 354 DNA probes G and P type specific, 2010 group A, bovine, characterization of, 2010 serotype Gl, G2, G3, and Gil specific, 2491 feline- and canine-like humans, isolation from, 1783 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 1783 group A, bovine characterization of, 2010 human serotypes PlA and P2, serologic analysis, 622 VP4 gene alleles, distribution of, 1735 VP4 typing, 1 human group C latex agglutination, 1308 reverse passive hemagglutination, 1308 immune responses homotypic and heterotypic, 377

radioimmunoprecipitation, 377 Japanese bovine polymerase chain reaction, 3046 latex agglutination human group C, 1308


polymerase chain reaction relative frequencies of G and P serotypes, 3046 porcine VP4 serotype, 3075 VP7 neutralizing epitopes, characterization of, 2291 radioimmunoprecipitation immune responses, homotypic and heterotypic, 377 restriction endonuclease analysis vp7 genes of human and animal isolates, 917 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis feline- and canine-like, identification of, 1783 reverse passive hemagglutination human group C, 1308 serotype 10 human, 165 serotypic and genotypic characterization, 165 serotype analysis Malaysian isolates, 1815 serotypes PlA and P2 serologic analysis, 622 typing enzyme immunoassay, 1 VP4, 1 vaccine immunogenicity, 2439 reactogenicity, 2439 VP4 gene alleles distribution of, 1735 isolates from Japanese children with diarrhea, frequency in, 2195 VP7 neutralizing epitopes, characterization of, 2291 rRNA target amplification assays Gen-Probe M. tuberculosis, detection in sputum sediments, 2410 M. tuberculosis sputum sediments, detection and identification from, 2410 Rubella virus dot immunobinding assay antibody detection, 717 enzyme immunoassays immunoglobulin G antibodies after rubella vaccination, 1521 whole-virus versus peptide-based assays, 1521 SA8 virus

radioimmunoassay competitive, 931 Salmonella spp. diarrhea U.S. troops deployed to Thailand, 3351

Salmonella typhi 0:9,12 polysaccharide-protein conjugates immunoreactivity, 975 polymerase chain reaction typhoid fever patients, blood of, detection in, 1439 Salmonella typhimurium chlorate resistance after exposure to Dakin's solution




hydrogen sulfide production, gas production, and nitrate reduction, concomitant loss of, 2497 Salmonellae culture, stool rejection criteria, 2233 DNA-based diagnosis agfA, tests targeting, 2263 Hektoen Enteric agar comparative evaluation, 410 non-typhi salmonellae, 410 non-typhi Rambach agar, SM-ID medium, and Hektoen Enteric agar, comparative evaluation, 410 phase 1 flagellar antigen types differentiation of, restriction of amplified fliC gene, 1108 polymerase chain reaction abequose and paratose synthase genes, 2118 serogroup identification, 2118 Rambach agar comparative evaluation, 410 non-typhi salmonellae, 410 ribotyping serotype characterization, 233 SM-ID medium comparative evaluation, 410 non-typhi salmonellae, 410 Vitek EPS enteric pathogen screen card evaluation of, 433 Scanning electron microscopy P. insidiosum life cycle, 2967 Schistosoma mansoni enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 15-kDa tegumental antigen, 2315 serodiagnosis, 2315 Schistosomiasis enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay serodiagnosis, 2315 Sensititre AP80 panel gram-negative organisms identification, 1179

Septata spp. trichrome-blue stain urine, stool, and nasopharyngeal specimens, 3264 Septicemia H. cinaedi neonate, 569

Septi-Che AFB comparative evaluation mycobacteria, recovery of, 2689 Seroepidemiology E. coli SLT-II, A and B subunits, expression of, 2604 Seroprevalence studies pooling and alternative algorithms, combining of, 2298 Serotyping A. pleuropneumoniae counterimmunoelectrophoresis, 2339 B. burgdorferi reactivity with monoclonal antibodies and OspA sequence analysis, 340 C. coli heat labile antigens, commercial antisera for, 900

C. jejuni heat labile antigens, commercial antisera for, 900 C. neoformans capsular polysaccharide-specific monoclonal antibody, 359 C. psittaci European isolates from poultry and birds, 134 Campylobacter spp. common somatic 0 and heat-labile serotypes, 1525

counterimmunoelectrophoresis A. pleuropneumoniae, 2339 E. coli verotoxin producing, 2483 P. multocida avian isolates, identification of, comparative evaluation, 255 S. aureus rabbits, poultry, pigs, and horses, isolates from, 467 type 5 and 8 capsular polysaccharides, 467 S. suis Australian isolates from pigs, 2895 polyvalent coagglutination reagents, use of, 2192

Serpulina hyodysenteriae antibodies, monoclonal identification of novel group, 1326 lipopolysaccharide specific, 1326 DNA probes specific, characterization of, 1746 multilocus enzyme electrophoresis intestinal parasites, human, distinction of, 16 Serratia marcescens blood bags growth and survival in under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, 1826 Serratia proteamaculans pneumonia fatal, 444 subsp. quinovora pneumonia, fatal, 444 Shell vial assays measles virus B95-8 cells, 695 Shell vial cultures respiratory viruses, 422 Shiga-like toxin E. coli mitomycin-enhanced immunoblot colony assay, detection of, 1167 Shiga-like toxin II E. coli A and B subunits, expression of, 2604 seroepidemiology, 2604 Shigella dysenteriae antigens immune response in Swedish and Vietnamese dysenteric patients, 454 diarrhea serotypes 11, 12, and 13, 1392 immune response lipopolysaccharide and invasion plasmid-coded antigens, 454 Swedish and Vietnamese dysenteric patients, 454

serotypes 11, 12, and 13 diarrhea, isolation from patients with, 1392 Shigella flexneri antigens immune response in Swedish and Vietnamese dysenteric patients, 454 immune response lipopolysaccharide and invasion plasmid-coded antigens, 454 Swedish and Vietnamese dysenteric patients, 454 Shigella sonnei diarrhea day-care center, outbreak in, 2152 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis day-care center outbreak, epidemiology of, 2152 Shigella spp. culture, stool rejection criteria, 2233 DNA probes ipaH, alkaline phosphatase labelled, 2101 Vitek EPS enteric pathogen screen card evaluation of, 433 Sigmoid neovaginas bacterial flora studies with patients with congenital vaginal aplasia or male transsexualism, 3314 Small round viruses enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Aichi strain, prevalence of, 2938 polymerase chain reaction Aichi strain, prevalence of, 2938 Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis C. difficile typing, comparative evaluation, 2208 Rickettsia spp. spotted fever group, 83 Solid-phase antibody capture hemadsorption assays hepatitis A virus immunoglobulin M antibodies, detection of, 1299 Southern blot hybridization C. albicans genetic similarity and phenotypic diversity of commensal and pathogenic strains, 3190 Human papillomavirus analysis of types in exophytic condylomata acuminata, 2667 M. tuberculosis Vietnamese patients, strains from, characterization of, 1615 Southern transfer hybridization papillomavirus anal, diagnosis of, 1003 comparative evaluation, 1003

Sparfloxacin susceptibility testing disk diffusion, tentative interpretive criteria, 2236 Spectrophotometric assays streptococci, viridans chondroitin sulfate depolymerase and hyaluronidase activities, 1648

VOL. 31, 1993

Spirochetes Borrelia spp. protein related to OspC, identification of, 2577 genetic similarity human, swine, dog, mouse, rat, and chicken isolates, 711 Staining auramine rhodamine Cryptosporidium spp., 198 multiattribute evaluation, 198 Cryptosporidium spp. auramine rhodamine, 198 Giemsa, 198 multiattribute evaluation, 198 Ziehl-Neelsen, 198 Giemsa Cryptosporidium spp., 198 multiattribute evaluation, 198 microsporidia trichrome blue, 3264 trichrome blue microsporidia, 3264 Ziehl-Neelsen Cryptosporidium spp., 198 multiattribute evaluation, 198 Staphylococcus aureus Alamar, 3056 alpha-toxin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 3036 capsular polysaccharides type 5 and 8 in rabbits, poultry, pigs, and horses, 467 E Test, 3056 enterotoxins bovine mammary isolates, production by, 706 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay alpha-toxin, 3036 serotyping, type 5 and 8 capsular polysaccharides, 467 immunoenzymatic assay comparative evaluation, 1606 human and animal isolates, 1606 latex agglutination test oxacillin susceptible and resistant, 1342 methicillin resistant accuracy of reporting, 9-year study, 1275 Alamar, 3056 clonal delineation, comparison of methods, 1964 discrimination of strains, 798 E Test, 3056 polymerase chain reaction for strain discrimination, comparative evaluation, 798 oxacillin resistant, clumping factor negative phenotypical and genotypical characterization, 2281 oxacillin susceptible and resistant latex agglutination test, 1342 polymerase chain reaction delineation of methicillin-resistant strains, comparative evaluation, 1964

pulsed-field gel electrophoresis delineation of methicillin-resistant

strains, comparative evaluation, 1964

SUBJECT INDEX resolution of clonal relationships, 227 zymotyping, capsular typing, and phage typing, comparative evaluation, 227 random amplified polymorphic DNA assay typing, less discriminant than pulsedfield gel electrophoresis, 982 serotyping rabbits, poultry, pigs, and horses, isolates from, 467 type 5 and 8 capsular polysaccharides, 467 subsp. aureus aberrant strains, identification of, 2105 toxic shock syndrome toxin bovine mammary isolates, production by, 706 toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 purification and biologic activities, 2654 Staphylococcus epidermidis cervical adenitis case report, 426

Staphylococcus schleiferi DNA fingerprinting unrelated strains, characterization of, 812 plasmid profiles unrelated strains, characterization of, 812 restriction endonuclease analysis unrelated strains, characterization of, 812 Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negative species identification, 1322 Vitek Gram-Positive Identification card for species identification, 1322 reference identification numerical approach, 490 species distribution community hospital, 1318 implications for selection of identification procedures, 1318 susceptibility testing oxacillin, requirement for sodium chloride, 2683 Vitek Gram-Positive Identification card species identification of coagulasenegative strains, 1322 Stomatococcus mucilaginosus Biolog evaluation for identification, 3170 reference identification numerical approach, 490 Streptococcus anginosus biochemical characteristics and incidence pharyngitis patients and healthy controls, 804 Streptococcus bovis DNA probe development using a cloned amylase gene, 2387 Streptococcus equisimilis biochemical characteristics and incidence pharyngitis patients and healthy controls, 804


Streptococcus parauberis DNA probes S. uberis, differentiation from, 57 S. uberis, differentiation from oligonucleotide probes, 57 Streptococcus pneumoniae penicillin resistance susceptibility testing, 1246 polymerase chain reaction diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia, 2661 prevalence of pathogens in nasopharynx of breast-fed versus formula-fed infants, 2674 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis DNA fingerprinting, 2724 susceptibility testing cephalosporin-resistant isolates, screening for, 1619 Kirby-Bauer disk susceptibility test, 1619 media, 1246 penicillin, 1246 standardized inoculum, 1246 typing pooled antisera, chessboard system, 2097 Streptococcus pyogenes DNA probe pediatric patient specimens, rapid detection, 2996 prevalence of pathogens in nasopharynx of breast-fed versus formula-fed infants, 2674 Streptococcus spp. beta-hemolytic group C pharyngitis, role in, 804, 808 dental caries mutans group, association with, 66 DNA probes Gen-Probe Group A Streptococcus Direct Test, 2070 group A, 2070 group A Gen-Probe Group A Streptococcus Direct Test, 2070 M types, identification of, letter to the editor, 1955 optical immunoassay for detection, 839 group B epidemiologic and strain characterization, 2616 latex agglutination assay, 78 pigs and nutrias, properties and type antigen patterns, 762

pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing, comparative evaluation, 1430 restriction endonuclease analysis, 2616 typing, 1430 vaginal, intrapartum detection, 78 latex agglutination assay comparative evaluation, 78 group B, intrapartum detection, 78 mutans group

dental caries, association with, 66 genotypic heterogeneity, 584 rRNA gene probe, 584 optical immunoassay group A, detection of, 839 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing, comparative evaluation, 1430




restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis species-specific identification, 2467 spectrophotometric assay chondroitin sulfate depolymerase and hyaluronidase activities, 1648 viridans group chondroitin sulfate depolymerase and hyaluronidase activities, 1648 species-specific identification, 2467 Streptococcus suis serotyping Australian isolates from pigs, 2895 polyvalent coagglutination reagents, use of, 2192 Streptococcus uberis DNA probes S. parauberis, differentiation from, 57 S. parauberis, differentiation from oligonucleotide probes, 57 Sugar flotation tests Cryptosporidium spp. modified method, 198 multiattribute evaluation, 198 Sheather's, 198 Summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis T. cutaneum antibodies serotype specific, analysis of, 1949 Susceptibility testing anaerobic Oxyrase method, C02-free incubation atmosphere, 460 Aspergillus spp. rapid and highly reproducible method, 1009 azithromycin Oxyrase method, C02-free incubation for anaerobic testing, 460 broth microdilution method M. chelonae-like organisms, 3231 C. fetus prosthetic hip joint infection, 3323 C. neoformans broth microdilution versus semisolid agar dilution, 1370 media, 1370 Campylobacter spp. polymixin B, supplementary diagnostic test, 708 Campylobacter-like organisms polymixin B, supplementary diagnostic test, 708 cefdinir quality control guidelines, 2538

cefepime quality control guidelines, 2538 cefetamet quality control guidelines, 2538 cefmetazole quality control guidelines, 2538 cefpodoxime quality control guidelines, 2538 cefprozil quality control guidelines, 2538 clinafloxacin quality control guidelines, 2538 disc diffusion method cephalosporins, 2828 M. morganii, 2828 disk diffusion radial profile analysis algorithm, automated interpretation of results, 2396

E test N. meningitidis, 3255 Enterococcus spp. ability of clinical laboratories to detect resistance, 1695 erythromycin Oxyrase method, C02-free incubation for anaerobic testing, 460 Etest N. gonorrhoeae, 3053 H. influenzae interpretive criteria and quality control limits, 751, 2375 piperacillin-tazobactam, 751 sparfloxacin and levofloxacin, 2375 H. pylon disk, broth, and agar dilution methods, comparative evaluation, 1971 metronidazole, 1971 levofloxacin disk potency and tentative interpretive criteria, 1924 M. avium broth macrodilution method, 2332 MIC determination, 2332 M. morganii cephalosporins, 2828 minireview selection criteria, 2841 N. gonorrhoeae ceftizoxime, 2531 Etest, 3053 interpretive criteria, 2531 interpretive criteria and quality control limits, 2375 sparfloxacin and levofloxacin, 2375 N. meningitidis E test, 3255 Oxacillin Staphylococcus spp., 2683 Oxyrase method C02-free incubation atmosphere, 460 P. aeruginosa broth microdilution, 458 cystic fibrosis patient isolates, 458 imipenem, influence of zinc on susceptibilities, 2366 P. pickettii single-source outbreak, typing of strains from, 3001 radial profile analysis algorithm disk diffusion, automated interpretation of results, 2396 ramoplanin zone size criteria, 1932 S. pneumoniae cephalosporin-resistant isolates, screening for, 1619 Kirby-Bauer disk susceptibility test, 1619 media, 1246 penicillin, 1246 standardized inoculum, 1246 selection criteria minireview, 2841

sparfloxacin disk diffusion, tentative interpretive criteria, 2236 Staphylococcus spp. oxacillin, requirement for sodium chloride, 2683

Syphilis fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test, 102 double staining, 102

Theileria sergenti polymerase chain reaction cattle, detection of infection in, 2565 Thin-layer chromatography matrix solid-phase dispersion differentiation by chemotype profiles, 610

Mycobacterium spp. differentiation by chemotype profiles, 610 Time series analysis surveillance system, computerized epidemiologic surveillance and quality control, 857 Torovirus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reactivity of torovirus-like particles in fecal specimens from humans with diarrhea, 2738 Toxic shock syndrome toxin S. aureus bovine mammary isolates, production by, 706 Toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 S. aureus purification and biologic activities, 2654 Toxins cholera DNA probe, 1312 E. coli enterotoxigenic, characterization of, 851 zonula occludens toxin cholera enterotoxin, occurrence of zot only in the presence of ctx, 732 Toxoplasma gondii antibody to 27-kDa antigen mouse-virulent and -avirulent strains, differentiation of, 1641 antigens 54-kDa rhoptry antigen, recombinant, 9 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay immunoglobulin E antibodies, 2952 immunosorbent agglutination assay immunoglobulin E antibodies, 2952 parasitemia polymerase chain reaction, diagnosis of, 2327 polymerase chain reaction blood of AIDS patients, detection in, 2327 comultiplex, 203 parasitemia, diagnosis of, 2327 ribosomal DNA sequence, 203 venous blood from AIDS patients, detection in, 1866 Toxoplasmosis

serodiagnosis 54-kDa rhoptry antigen, recombinant, 9 Trichomonas foetus antigen conservation, protective surface, 3289 Tnchomonas vaginalis culture InPouch TV system, 1016


VOL. 31, 1993 pregnant women, detection in, 1016 Tnchosporon cutaneum antibodies serotype specific, analysis of, 1949 Trypanosoma cruzi amastigote antigen indirect immunofluorescence test, presence of antibodies in different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, 1486 polymerase chain reaction blood specimens, comparative evaluation, 2421 kinetoplast minicircle DNA, 2421 Tsutsugamushi disease passive hemagglutination assay rapid diagnosis, 2057 recombinant 56-kDa polypeptide, 2057 Tuberculosis polymerase chain reaction simplified procedure, 776 public health laboratories current practices regarding, 771 resurgence of guest commentary, 767 preparedness of laboratories, 767

Ureaplasma urealyticum polymerase chain reaction biovars, distinction of two, 824 UV ParaLens light microscope adapter P. carinii detection fluorescence microscopy, alternative to, 720 Vaccines quadrivalent rotavirus immunogenicity, 2439 reactogenicity, 2439 Vaginitis C. albicans DNA fingerprinting, 39 genetic similarity of strains, 36 Vancomycin-resistant lactic bacteria species identification isolates from humans, 2499 Varicella-zoster virus direct-indirect immunofluorescence assays detection and differentiation, 3260 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay comparative evaluation, 3031 latex agglutination test comparative evaluation, 3031 polymerase chain reaction letter to the editor, 470 Verotoxins E. coli prevalence and some properties of, 2483 Vesicular stomatitis virus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detection of, 1860

New Jersey serotype polymerase chain reaction, 2016 polymerase chain reaction clinical samples, 2016 New Jersey serotype, 2016 Vibno cholerae cholera toxin subunit B, 22 culture, 3068 diarrhea epidemic non-01, heat-stable toxin producing, 1315 DNA probes cholera toxin gene, 1312 non-01, heat-stable toxin producing diarrhea epidemic, 1315 01 bead enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 3068 polymerase chain reaction, 3068 01, biotype El Tor phage typing scheme, 1579 01 strains from Bangladesh clonal relationships among, 2513 phage typing scheme for 01, biotype El Tor strains, 1579 polymerase chain reaction cholera toxin subunit B, three types, 22 serogroup 01 classical, 2474 El Tor, 2474 zonula occludens toxin cholera enterotoxin, occurrence of zot only in the presence of ctx, 732 Vibrio metschnikovii human infections, severe, 2529


Enterobacteriaceae, differentiation from L-pyrrolidonyl-3-naphthylamide hydrolysis test, 1946

L-pyrrolidonyl-p-naphthylamide hydroly-

sis test Enterobacteriaceae, differentiation from, 1946 Virus neutralization assays rinderpest virus gamma irradiation, effect on antigen reactivity, 428 Vitek EPS enteric pathogen screen card salmonellae detection of, 433 Shigella spp. detection of, 433 Yersinia spp. detection of, 433 Vitek GNI Enterobacteriaceae comparative evaluation, 3165 Vitek Gram Positive Identification card enterococci, identification and characterization, 2777


Vitek Gram Positive Susceptibility card enterococci, identification and characterization, 2777 Vitek Gram-Positive Identification card staphylococci, coagulase negative species identification, 1322 Western immunoblotting B. burgdorferi antibody levels in white-tailed deer, 318 diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis, 2451 B. pertussis comparative evaluation, 2745

C. difficile typing with 10 different antisera, 413 Campylobacter spp. immunoglobulin A, detection in urine of children with diarrhea, 1394 hepatitis E virus putative structural proteins, use for diagnosis, 2167 herpes simplex virus type 2 detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies for diagnosis, 3157 human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I

(HTLV-I) HTLV-II, differentiation from, 260 human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) HTLV-I, differentiation from, 260 P. brasiliensis cell-free antigens, 671

Rickettsia spp.

spotted fever group, 83 Whole-cell protein patterns Leuconostoc spp. identification by, 1030 Yeasts

Microring YT identification of clinical isolates, 185 Yersinia enterocolitica

polysaccharides serological diagnosis of brucellosis in cattle, sheep, and goats, 3136 restriction endonuclease analysis serotype 0:5,27 strains, differentiation of, 1672 serotype 0:5,27 strains restriction endonuclease analysis, differentiation of, 1672 Yersinia pestis polymerase chain reaction fleas, detection in, use for plague surveillance, 1511 nested, 758 Yersinia spp. Vitek EPS enteric pathogen screen card evaluation of, 433 Zonula occludens toxin cholera enterotoxin occurrence of zot only in the presence of ctx, 732

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Any matriculated student majoring in microbiology or a related field who has NOT earned a doctoral degree is eligible for election as a Student Member. Student Members have all the privileges of membership except the right to vote and hold office in the Society. Student Members receive ASM Newe monthly and are entitled to subscribe to the Society's scientilic journals at member rates. Memberships are initiated and renewed in January each year. Unles there are directions tothe contrary, membership nominations received prior to September 1 are credited to the current year. Nominations received after September 1 will become effective

the following January. miss

















______MEMBER #l l SIGNATURE OF ASM MEMBER If your departmental chairman is a member of the ASM, a nominating signature is not required. If you are not associated with an ASM nominating member, you can still send in this member application form and we will contact you. Be sure to include your dues. _____________

Member How did you first learn about the ASM? (Check one): Information El A colleague C] An ASM journal OI Presenting a paper at an ASM meeting O A professor


O An advertisement in ASM journal

O An ASM Branch

Lii Direct mail inquiry

Please check: O Enclosed is my dues payment (U.S. Dollars only) ................................................... $15 I Please send me the following ASM journal(s) at Member Price(s): Canada ~Print Canada Only

Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy ....................................$52 Applied & Environmental Microbiology ....................................; $53 Molecular & Cellular Biology ...................................$86 Clinical Microbiology Reviews ...................................$21 Infection & Immunity ................................... $55 Int'l Journal of Systematic Bact .................................... $37 Journal of Bacteriology ...................................$85 Journal of Clinical Microbiology ....................................$52 Journal of Virology ....................................$87 Microbiological Reviews ................................... $27 Clinical & Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology ................................... $43 ASM News ................................... $0


Total Journal Fees $ *7% GST has been included in the subscription price Add your $15 Membership Dues Total $



A membership card, division registration form, and the journal(s) of your choice will be sent within 90 days upon completion of processing. ASM dues are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. ASM designates $12 of your dues for ASM News. Rates are for 1994 only. Applicants must remit in U.S. Dollars by check or draft payable to ASM through a U.S. bank located within the Continental U.S. Applicants from Canada may use check made out in U.S. Dollars and drawn on a Canadian bank or applicants may choose to pay with VISA, MasterCard, Eurocard, or American Express. If that is your preterence, please fill in the box below. I






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