GLOSSARY FOR MARTIAL 7-12 7 (=10.4) qui quae quod relat. lego, legere, legi, lectus Oedipus -podis and -i, m. < king of Thebes, son of Laius and Jocasta, fated to kill his father and marry his mother >. caligo, caligare, caligavi, caligatus Thyestes, Thyestei Colchidus, -a, -um Scylla, Scyllae f. quis quid, pron/adj.: interrog. < who? what? which? >. nisi conj. monstrum, monstri, n. lego, legere, legi, lectus quis quid, pron/adj.: interrog. < who? what? which? >. tu, (tui, tibi, te, te) pron. of the 2nd person; rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus Hylus, Hyli, m. quis quid, pron/adj.: interrog. < who? what? which? >. Parthenopaeus, -i, m. Attis quis quid, pron/adj.: interrog. < who? what? which? >. tu, (tui, tibi, te, te) pron. of the 2nd person; dormiøtor , oøris, m., < a sleeper >. prosum prodesse profui, < to be useful, do good, benefit (with dat.) >. Endymion m. exuo, exuere, exui, exutus puer, pueri, m. from boyhood)> pinna, pinnae, f. . labor, labi, lapsus sum (dep) aut conj. qui quae quad relat. odi odisse; fut. partic. osurus, < to hate, detest, dislike >. amatrix, amatricis (gen.) Hermaphroditus, Hermaphroditi, m. aqua, aquae, f. quis quid, pron/adj.: interrog. < who? what? which? >. tu, (tui, tibi, te, te) pron. of the 2nd person; < you > vanus, vana, vanum < empty, false > iuvat, iuvare, iuvit, iutum, < to help, assist > miser, misera, -um, < poor, miserable > ludibrium, ludibri, n. < laughingstock, mockery >. charta, chartae ,f, < paper > hic haec hoc, < this, this one; this present > lego legere legi lectum, < to survey, scan, read, peruse >. qui quae quod relat. < who, which, what, that >. possum, posse, potui, < to be able > dico dicere dixi dictum, < to indicate; to appoint >; most commonly, < to say, speak, tell, mention >. vita, vitae, f. < life > meus, mea, meum < mine > sum, esse, fui, < to be, to exist, be there; be so >. non,< not > hic < here; in this place, in this matter; hereupon >; centaurus, centauri, m. < centaur > non,< not >

Gorgona, -ae, f. < Gorgon >. Harpyiae ,-arum, f. pl. < the Harpies, mythical monsters >. -que enclitic < and >. invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus, < to discover > homo, hominis, m. < man > pagina, paginae, f. < page > noster -tra -trum, < our, ours; of us, to us, for us >; m sapio, sapere, sapivi < to taste >; with acc. < to taste or smell of >. sed -but volo velle volui < to be willing, to wish, want; to will, ordain; to suppose, maintain that >. Mamurra,-ae, m. < Mamurra > tuus, tua, tuum < your > cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus, to learn mos, moris, m. < custom > nec and neque, < not; and not, nor >; rarely < not even >. tu,(tui, tibi, te, te) pron. of the 2nd person; < you >. scio, scire, scivi, scitus < to understand, know > lego, legere, legi, lectus < to read > Aetia – < Aetia , Origins> Callimachus, -i. < Callimachus >

8 (=10.5) quisquis, quidquid. stola,-ae, f. -ve, conj enclit, purpura,-ae, f. contemptor,-oris, m. qui, quae, quod, rel pron. colo,-ere, colui, cultus, debeo, -ere, -ui, -itus, laedo,-ere, laesi, laesus, impius,-a, -um adj. versus,-us, m. erro,-are,-avi,-atus, per, prep with acc. urbs, urbis, f. pons, pontis, m. exul or exsul,-ulis, m & f. et, conj. clivus or clivos,-I, m. inter, prep with acc. -que, conj enclit, raucus,-a,-um, ultimus,-a,-um, rogator,-oris, m. oro,-are,-avi,-atus, caninus,-a,-um, panis, panis, m, improbus,-a,-um, bucca,-ae, f. ille, illa, illud, demon pro. December,-bris,-bre, longus,-a,-um, et, conj. madens,-entis, adj. bruma,-ae,f, . claudo (cludo), claudere, clausi, clausum (clusum), < to close, shut up, make inaccessible >. -que enclitic: < and >. fornix , icis, m. < an arch or vault >. tristis, -e < sad, sorrowful >. frigus -oris, n. < cold, coolness; the cold of winter; a cold place; the cold of death or fright >. extendo -tendere -tendi -tensum< to stretch out, spread out, expand, extend >. voco, -are < to call, summon >. beo -are, < to bless, enrich, make happy >. clamito, -are < to cry aloud, bawl >. -que enclitic: < and >. felix -icis, < fruitful, fertile; of good omen, favorable, bringing good luck; fortunate, lucky, successful >. Orcinianus, -a, -um < Orcinian, of Orcus? >. qui quae quod relat. < who, which, what, that >. fero ferre tuli latum < to bear, bring, carry, support >. in, prep. with abl., < in, on, among >. sponda -ae, f. < a bedstead, bed, sofa, bier >. at < but, yet, moreover >; sometimes introducing an imaginary objection,< but, you may say >. cum conj., < when; whenever; since; although >. superus, -a, -um, Superl. supremus -a -um, < highest, uppermost >; in time, < last, final >. filum, fili, n. < a thread, string >. venio venire veni ventum < to come >.

hora, horae, f. < hour >. Dies, diei, m/f. < day > -que enclitic: < and >. tardus, -a, -um < slow, not swift, sluggish >. sentio sentire sensi sensum, . canis, canis, c. < dog >. lis litis, f. < a legal controversy, action, suit >; in gen., < contention, strife, quarrel >. abigo -ere -egi –actum. < to drive away >. moveo, -ere, movi, motum < to move, stir, set in motion >. noxius, -a, -um < hurtful, harmful, injurious>. avis -is, f. < a bird >; often < a bird of omen >, and in gen., < an omen >. pannus, panni, m. < a piece of cloth, garment of cloth >. nec and neque,; rarely. finio finire finivi or finii finitum,. mors mortis, f. . simplex simplicis: adj. . poena –ae, f. < punishment, penalty, suffering, pain>. sed . modo, adv. < only, merely, but, just, lately; soon, directly > seuerus –a –um, adj. < grave, serious, severe, harsh, rough>. seco secare secui sectum, Aeacus –i, m. . lorum –i, n. . nunc. inquietus –a -um, adj. ; adv. < without intermission>. mons montis, m. . Sisyphus –i, m. . premo premere pressi pressum,. nunc. inter: prep. with acc. . unda –ae, f. . garrulus –a –um, adj. . senex senis, adj. . siccus –a –um, adj. . delasso delassare delassavi delassatum,< to weary, tire out>. omnis, -e ; in sing.. fabula –ae, f. . poeta –ae, f. . et : as adv.,; as conj.,; in narrative,. cum: conj.,. fateor fateri fassus,. Furia –ae, f. . iubeo iebere iussi iussum,. verum –i, n. . prodo prodere prodidi proditum, . clamo clamare clamavi clamatum, . conscientia –ae, f. . scribo scribere scripsi scriptum, .

9a (=2.91) res, rei f. (a thing, object, matter, affair, circumstance, business matter) certus, -a, -um (that which is fixed, regular, definite, specified, certain) salus, -utis f. (soundness, health, good health, vigor) terra, -ae f.(the earth) gloria, -ae f. (glory, fame, renown, praise, honor) Caesar, -aris m. (a Roman family name of the gens Iulia); esp. of C. Iulius Caesar and later of all emperors. sospes, sospitis (saved, safe, sound, unhurt, unharmed, uninjured) qui quae quod relat. < who, which, what, that >. magnus, -a, -um (great, large) credo -dere -didi -ditum, < to believe, think, be of the opinion >. sum, esse, fui, (to be, to exist, be there; be so) deus, -i m. (god) si (if, if only, whether, supposing that) festino, festinare (to hasten, make haste, hurry, be quick) totiens (so often, so many times) tu, (tui, tibi, te, te) ~ pronoun of the 2nd person; (you) lego legere legi lectum, < to survey, scan, read, peruse >. libellus, -i m. (a little book, a notebook, diary; a memorial, petition, programme, placard; letter) detineo, detinere, detinui (to hold off, keep back, detain, check) oculus, oculi n. (eye) carmen, -inis n. (a poem, poetry, verse) noster, -tra, -trum adj. (our, our own); pron. (ours) tuus (thy, thine, your, yours) qui, quae, quod (who, which, what, that) fortuna, -ae f.(chance, luck, fate, fortune; good luck prosperity; opportunity, fortune) veto, vetare, vetui (forbid, prohibit, reject, be an obstacle to, prevent) fio, fieri, factus sum, used as pass. of facio (to be made, come into existence) permitto, permittere, permisi (to let pass, let go, let loose) video, videre (to see, discern, perceive) nascor, nasci, natus sum (to be born, begin life, to be produced, proceed, be begotten) genitor, -oris m. (father, creator, sorce, cause) credo, credere, credidi (to give as a loan, lend, make a loan; entrust; to believe; to think) ut, with subjunctive in indirect command, (that, to) sum, esse, fui, (to be, to exist, be there; be so) tres, tria (three) hic haec hoc, < this, this one; this present >. si, < if, supposing that >. displiceo -ere, -ui, -itum < to displease >. sum, esse, fui, < to be, to exist, be there; be so >. solacium -i, n. < consolation, comfort, relief >. Nos, (nostri/nostrum, nobis, nos, nobis) . hic haec hoc, < this, this one; this present >. sum, esse, fui, < to be, to exist, be there; be so >. Nos, (nostri/nostrum, nobis, nos, nobis) . praemium -i, n. < that which is taken first, the pick; a gift, award, reward, recompense >; poet. < notable exploit >. si, < if, supposing that >. placeo -ere -ui -itum, < to please, be agreeable to >.

9b (=12.92) natus, -i ,m. : a son ego (mei, mihi, me, me): I, me ius iuris, n. < right, law; a court of justice; jurisdiction; right as conferred by law >. tres, tria : three rogo, -are, -avi, -atum : to ask Musa -ae, f. < a muse; a goddess of music, literature and the arts >. pretium, -ii, n. : money, wealth, reward do, dari, dedi, datum : to give meus, a, um : my solus, a, um: alone, only, single qui, quae, quod : who, which, that possum, posse, potui : to be able valeo, -ere, -ui, -itum : to be strong, fare well uxor, -oris, f. : wife non : not debeo, -ere, -ui, -itum : to owe dominus, -i, m.: master, possessor, ruler pereo, -ire, -ii, -itum : to vanish, pass away, perish munus, -eris, n, : a duty, service, gift

10 (=4.30) Baianus, -a, -um Baian, relating to Baiae a holiday resort on the coast of Campania procul far, in the distance, at a distance, away a, ab prep. with abl. from, away from, after lacus, lacus , m. a hollow, lake, pool moneo,-ere, -ui, -itum towarn, remind, put in mind of, bring to one’s recollection piscator, -oris, m. a fisherman, fisher fugio fugere fugi fugitum, < to flee >. ne < not, that not, lest >;. noceo , -ere, -cui, -cutum to do harm, inflict injury, do hurt to recedo , -ere, -cessi, -cessum to go back, fall back, give ground retreat, retire; to disappear >. sacer -cra -crum, < sacred, holy, consecrated >; piscis, is , m. a fish hic, haec, hoc this, this one, this present nato -are, < to swim, float; to stream, flow; to swim with, be full of (with abl.) >; unda -ae, f. < water, fluid >, esp. < a wave >; qui, quae, quod relat. < who, which, what, that >.? nosco noscere novi notum, < to become acquainted with, get to know >; hence, in perfect tenses, < to be acquainted with, know >.. norunt = noverunt dominus -i, m. < master of a house, lord, master >. manus, -us f. hand lambo ,-ere, bi, bitum to lick, lap; to touch ille, illa, illud that; he, she, it qui, quae, quod relat. < who, which, what, that >. nihil nothing sum, esse, fui, < to be, to exist, be there; be so >. in prep. with abl., < in, on, among > orbis, is,m. a ring, round surface, disk; world magnus, a, um great, large quid what? how? to what extent? quod, conj.: < the fact that, the point that; as to the fact that, whereas; because, on the ground that; why >. nomen, nominis, n. name habeo -ere -ui -itum, to have, hold, keep, possess et; as adv., < also, even >; as conj., < and; and indeed >; in narrative, < and then >. ad prep. with acc. of rest, < at or near >.,to, towards magister , tri, m. a master, chief, head vox vocis, f. < voice, cry, call; accent, language; sound, tone; a saying, utterance >. quisque quaeque quidque (adj. quodque), < each, every, everyone, everything >. sui, sibi, se, se himself, herself, itself venio venire veni ventum, < to come >; in course of time, < to happen, come, arrive; to grow, arise >. citatus -a -um, < quick, speedy > hic, haec, hoc this, this one, this present quondam At a certain time, at one time, once Libys, Libyos Libyan impius, a, um irreverent, ungodly, undutiful profundus -a -um, < deep, profound; boundless >. N. as subst. profundum -i, < depth, abyss >; poet. < the sea > dum, adv. of time, praeda, ae, f., calamus -i, m, tremo -ere -ui, < to tremble, quake >; with acc. < to tremble at >. duco, -ere, uxi, uctus, rapto -are, -avi, -atus, lumen, -inis, n, repente adv. caecus, -a, -um, capio capere cepi captum < to take, seize, capture>.

non, adv, possum, potui, posse, irreg., video -ere, vidi, visus, piscis, is, m. et, conj., nunc adv., sacrilegus, -a, -um adj., perosus, -a, -um hamus, -i, m. Baianus, -a, -um Baian, sedeo –ere, sedi, sessum, ad prep. with acc. lacus, -us, m, rogator -oris, m. < one who asks; beggar >. at, conj, tu (tui, tibi, te, te) dum adv. of time, possum, potui, posse, irreg., innocens, -entis, adj., recedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessus, iacto, -are, -avi, -atus, simplex, -icis, adj, cibus, -i, m, in, prep. with acc., unda, -ae, f, et, conj., piscis, is, m. veneror, -ari, -atus, delicatus , a, um, adj,

11 (=9.18) sum, esse, fui meus, -a, -um sum, esse, fui -que precor, -atus, -ari longus, -a, -um tu, (tui, tibi, te,te) praesideo, -ere, -sedi Caesar, -aris, m. rus, ruris, n. minimus, -a, -um parvus, -a, -um sum, esse, fui et in prep. with abl., urbs, urbis, f. Lar, Laris, m., usually plur. Lares, < Roman deities, esp. household deities >; meton., < hearth, dwelling, home >. sed de valles (vallis) -is, f. brevis, -e qui, quae, quod do, dare, dedi, datum < to give >. sitio, ivi, ii hortus, -i, m. curvus, -a, -um laboro -are: intransit. < to work, toil, strive; to be troubled or anxious, to care; to suffer, be distressed or afflicted > antlia, -ae, f. aollo, sustuli, sublatum aqua, -ae siccus, -a, -um < dry, thirsty >. domus, -us, f. queror, queri, questus nullus se ros roris, m. < dew, moisture >. foveo, -ere, fovi, fotus, cum conj., < when; whenever; since; although >. ego,(mei, mihi, me, me) < I, me >. vicinus, -a, -um < neighboring, near> Marcia . fons, fontis sono, -are,-ui, -itum qui quae quod relat. < who, which, what, that >. do dare dedi datum. < to offer, give, grant, bestow, lend; to hand over, commit, devote > noster, -stra, -strum Augustus, -i, m. Penates, -ium, unda, -ae, f. Castalia, -ae, f. hic, haec, hoc ego,(mei, mihi, me, me) aut Iuppiter, Iovis, m. < Jupiter, Jove> imber, -bris, m. sum, esse, fui

12 (=12.15) quisquis, quidquid. Parrhasius, -a, um .Parrhasian-relating to a region of Arcadia niteo, nitere, nitui. to shine, glitter, look bright aula, aulae, f hall, inner court; church; palace/castle; dono, donare, donavi, donatus to present, grant; forgive; give (gifts), bestow sum, esse, fui, futurus to be, exist oculus, oculi, m eye dea, deae f, or deus, dei m god, goddess, divine presence/being -que and noster, nostra, nostrum our miror, mirari, miratus sum to wonder, be amazed at Scythicus, -a, -um Scythian vireo, virere, virui, -, to become/turn green, be lively, be vigorous aurum, auri, n gold, money, riches flamma, flammae, f flames, blaze, ardor, fire of love Iuppiter, Iovis, m. Jupiter et and stupeo, stupere, stupui, -, to be astounded superbus, superba, superbum arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud rex, regis, m king deliciae -arum, f. pl. < allurements, charms, delights, fancies >. gravis –e heavy, weighty -que and luxus -us, m. < luxury, excess, extravagance >. hic, haec, hoc this, that, that one sum, esse, fui, futurus to be, exist poculum, poculi, n drinking cup, drink qui quae quod relat. decet, decere, decuit, - it is fitting/suitable/proper; it ought; be gracious, be kind tono -are -ui -itum, < to thunder >. Tonans, an epithet of Jupiter’theThunderer’ hic, haec, hoc this, that, that one sum, esse, fui, futurus to be, exist qui quae quod relat. Phrygius, -a, -um Trojan decet, decere, decuit, - it is fitting/suitable/proper; it ought; be gracious, be kind minister, ministri, m attendant, servant, waiter omnis, omnis, omne all, every, all people cum prep. with abl, < with, together with; at the same time as >. Iuppiter, Iovis, m. Jupiter,Jove nunc now sum, esse, fui, futurus to be, exist beo, beare, beavi, beatus bless, make happy, delight partic.: beatus, beata, beatum blessed, happy, blissful at but, on the contrary, while, whereas nuper recently, not long ago pudetpudeo, pudere, pudui, puditus to be ashamed, make ashamed ah or a, interj. < ah! oh! >.r pudeo, pudere, pudui, puditus to be ashamed, make ashamed fateor, fateri, fassus sum to admit, confess, disclose, acknowledge, praise omnis, omnis, omne all, every, all people cum prep. with abl, < with, together with; at the same time as >. Iuppiter, Iovis, m. Jupiter,Jove pauper, pauperis poor, meager; of small means sum, esse, fui, futurus to be, exist