Fundacja SPOT.                                !"# $%           & ' 

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The SPOT. Foundation deals with "education through arts" by organising and promoting workshops, courses, lectures, meetings, discussions, exhibitions and other cultural events. All events organised by the SPOT. Foundation combine various fields of arts and surprise by their unconventional presentation.

SPOT. is a modern place unique in respect of its offer and image, combining various experience and phenomena (art, design, literature, fashion, decoration, cuisine), established not only to sell attractive services and objects, but also to spend time creatively with friends and family (in particular with children). This is a place for people who seek new solutions where you can spend time in an interesting manner, participate in workshops, drink coffee, read, spend time among unique objects or 4'' !"# 5 !-' 4 before SPOT.



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 #   #    ! '()'*+,-/( re.product is a series of events organized by The SPOT. Foundation, curated and designed by KNOCKOUTDESIGN. It comprised series of workshops, lectures, exhibitions concerning the “re” aspect of the household goods. organizator

kurator projektant KNOCKOUTDESIGN

Dofinansowano ) $ Miasta Poznania

partnerzy //

patron wystawy //

organizator patronat medialny //

kurator projektant KNOCKOUTDESIGN


WYSTAWA re.produkt // re.product EXHIBITION // 17.09-25.10.09 // WARSZTATY re.produkt // re.product workshops // 19.09 // 26.09 // 03.10 // 10.10 // WYSTAWA POWARSZTATOWA re.produkt // re.product WORKSHOPS EXHIBITION // 13.10-25.10.09 // 12'34+  55 re.product workshops // 6  )! 55 22.10.09 // re.transmisja z wystawy re.produkt //@@@J$ LQ   VV YZ[\]Y^^_VVJ$ L

kurator projektant

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There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a very few... by creating whole new species of permanent garbage to clutter up the landscape, and by choosing materials and processes that pollute the air we breath, designers have become a dangerous breed... In this age of mass production when everything must be planned and designed, design has become the most powerful tool with which man shapes his tools and environments (and, by extension, society and himself). This demands high social and moral responsibility from the designer.

Victor Papanek, 1985

The objective of the re.product exhibition was to present examples of design solutions aiming at environmentally friendly products and sustainable processes. Each product’s life cycle is complex and interrelated with multiple associated processes that need to be considered while evaluating product’s sustainability. Therefore, it is tricky to clearly state if a certain product is truly environmentally friendly. Nevertheless, objects presented in the exhibition constitute interesting attempts to achieve fully sustainable products. While selecting products for the exhibition, we based our decisions rather on a few key phenomena present in contemporary design than on scientific research. 3R CONCEPT // the term comes from English words: reduce, reuse, recycle, defining three basic principles of the ecological aspects of sustainable development. This concept refers to a complete economic model, taking into account the production as well as the consumption stage. The objectives determined by the 3R CONCEPT should be fulfilled in diverse dimensions: governmental, educational, technological and financial. The particularly important one is the educational dimension as it aims at raising consumers’ awareness and thus sensitizing them to sustainable use of resources.

The selected objects were grouped into four complementary categories // re.duce // are products that limited use of energy and resources as well as focused on waste reduction during the production process. This category includes products that either integrate the newest technological achievements or are based on a simple design treatment that helps to radically reduce waste. re.use // is a group of products created by using objects that have lost their original function. The re.use strategy is very popular among the contemporary designers. It could be even considered the easiest tool for designers that value the 3R principles. re.cycle // presents objects produced with recycled materials. In many cases these are innovative materials such as biopolymers (substituting traditional plastic) created due to collaboration between scientists and designers. Here one can also find objects that incorporate into the natural cycle which means they are fully biodegradable. strategies // companies characterized by innovative and sustainable approach to production as well as remarkable internal policy.



REDUCE //     %  $  

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REDUCE POOR LAMP // projektant / designer // Bartosz Mucha, POOR // Kraków / Cracow // Polska / Poland // 2003 / 2004 // " ’$““( ““!""‰”•!““    ! ’–&““(  ““!""‰”•!““   

REDUCE RE-ARITA // projektanci / designers // Mario Minale & Kuniko Maeda // Minale-Maeda // Holandia / Netherlands // 2008 // zleconiodawca / commissioner // DROOG DESIGN // ‰…[•‰@#•  - '$'    ˜^™  

 %     VV‰…[•‰@#•    (  ' ' '      ˜^™ '  

REDUCE LEAF LAMP // projektant / designer // Yves Behar, fuseproject // USA // 2006 // zleconiodawca / commissioner // HERMAN MILLER // ”…•”•!    ”…QL$ ) %˜^™ 

  %) $ VV#'”…•”•!  4 ”…Q  '  ˜^™ 'œ 4( ('  '

REDUCE FLAMP // projektant / designer // Marti Guixe // // Hiszpania / Spain // 1998 // producent / manufacturer // H2O Gallery // ( ( % J     )   & &)  'L$ )    )  \^ VV ' '     @'   ((   '    \^  (

REDUCE WAFELEK DO LODÓW / ICE-CREAM CONE // miejsce pochodzenia / place of origin // USA lub Wielka Brytania, koniec XIX wieku / USA or Great Britain, end of the 19th century // (     $Š     ), [ cych odpadów. // Wafer is an edible packaging for ice cream. By eating one’s food packaging the waste can be reduced.

REDUCE PITA // miejsce pochodzenia / place of origin // Bliski Wschód / Middle East // Liban, Palestyna, Jordania / Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan // !   ( "&   (    -( [( (( && 'Š     ),  $V!   '(& (   '4  (    '( ' ( [(  

REDUCE OPAKOWANIE ADIDAS / ADIDAS PACKAGING // Adidas // 2008 // !    &  %   &     '&$   Q  &     ), $ %'     ), '  $V•

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REUSE // %    $ (), $  %) &   ( VV   ' '' '  ( ' ( [ (  '    ( ( VV

REUSE TRANSGLASS // projektanci / designers // Trod Bontje & Emma Woffenden // Holandia / Holland // 2007 // producent / manufacturer // ARTENICA, USA // #   &     & ' ' '& #  [    & '      (  4   jars and glasses.

REUSE LAMPA TIFFANY / TIFFANY’S LAMP // projektant / designer // Gad Charny // Izrael / Israel // 2005 // // ”# (($ %  &  &   ( & )  V# ((€ [  '   &  4 elegant form of a lamp.

REUSE BOX SEAT // projektant / designer // Segev Moisa // Izrael / Israel // 2008 // [email protected] Š   %#4* ,   ' + $ %

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REUSE ABAŻUR GUMA BALONOWA / BUBBLE GUM LAMP SHADE // projektant / designer // Daria – - VV! V! VV\^^`VV & •&%Ÿ–         –&&Ÿ” '   (     (

REUSE BIN SEAT // projektanci / designers // Ami Drach & Dov Gancharov // Izrael / Israel // 2001 // –@„ …•#  (  &   ( )    $%    VV–@„ …•#[  '&&&   (  it to variety of seats adding a new function to an old object.

REUSE CABBAGE CHAIR // studio projektowe / design studio // NENDO // Japonia / Japan // 2008 // zleceniodawca / commissioner // Issey Miyake // ~&&~'    $  ' ) '   procesu produkcji plisowanej tkaniny i zwykle pozostaje niechcianym odpadem produkcyjnym. // Cabbage Chair uses pleated paper which is produced during the process of making pleated fabric.


RECYCLE // przetwarzanie surowców odzyskanych z odpadów w celu otrzymania nowych  $%  '

'% VV processing used materials into new materials and products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials //

RECYCLE POLAR / FLEECE // 1979        '&!…#V (  ' (&  (!…#& 

RECYCLE WASARA // projektant i producent / designer & manufacturer // Wasara // Japonia / Japan // 2008 //     '-'&&    $ VV      (  & '  (&&   

RECYCLE TORBA 60bag / 60bag //  V   VVƒ " - ‰   #' VV ! V! VV\^^`VVZ^& Z^& &   & %$      Z^           )  VVZ^ & &   &  &' '    5 Z^  

RECYCLE GUMDROP BIN // projektant / designer // Anna Bullus // Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom // 2006 // Ÿ [ % % [   )     ' '* –‰Ÿ!+         VŸ [  € (  & ( ' [ ( ' *–‰Ÿ!+

RECYCLE KUBKI PLA / PLA CUPS // poliaktyd (polikwas mlekowy) / polyactic acid (polyactide) // 1932 !”•  &      ' $'  '    $      ' - -V!”• &   &'    4 (&    '  '!      (  & ' 

RECYCLE NOBODY // projektanci / designers // Komplot // // Dania / Denamrk // producent / manufacturer // HAY // ƒ „&   ) (   &!…# !    % $ )&V„& '      ((   !…#& #'   '       

RECYCLE MYDŁO APOCALYPSE / APOCALYPSE SOAP // projektant i producent / designer & manufacturer // Apocalypse // Szwecja / Sweden // 2008 //   %  % ((  bliskowschodnich restauracjach w Malmo. // The Soap is made from recycled cooking oil from the numerous falafel stands around Malmo.

RECYCLE CAPER CHAIR // projektant / designer // Jeff Weber / Weber + Associates // producent / manufacturer // Herman Miller // ƒ ~    Y^^™' $ \Y™ $  V~'   4 '   Y^^™( &   \Y™(    

RECYCLE AERON CHAIR // projektanci / designers // Don Chadwick & Bill Stumpf // 1994 // producent / manufacturer // Herman Miller // •  &  %   Y^^™   ˜^™&   $  V#'• 4 (( '         Y^^™&    ˜^™    


PROFIL FIRMY // produkcja toreb i akcesoriów IDEA FIRMY // Do tworzenia niepowtarzalnych i akcesoriów Freitag  %    #     ‚&         %$%  %  ' %     Š‰¢„"•"„•!"”@#£ƒ•VV        Y^^™  $   ' $ ~   Š' 

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COMPANY'S PROFILE // bags and accesories production COMPANY’S CONCEPT Freitag uses to create unforgettable bags from used materials and found on the road outside your front door: old truck tarpaulins tanned by exhaust fumes, cycle inner tubes and used seat belts, as well as the new resource of used airbags. SUSTAINABLE POLICY // All products of Freitag brand are in 100% produced from recycled materials, and whole production process take place in one factory in Zurich, Switzerland, from where the ready bags are distributed to retailers around the world. Fact, that production takes place in one location decreases the carbon footprint. Recycling and quality are the most important values in Freitag, production system has almost 0% material waste and the smallest production waste is being storaged in factory, waiting for their way to be used in new generations of products.

FREITAG // FROM TRUCK TO BAG // Switzerland //


PROFIL FIRMY // produkcja mebli biurowych IDEA FIRMY // §     &  $    & ''    () † %     '(    $%  ~"!•„£¨ !‰"@”…VV(( (    COMPANY'S CONCEPT // §  4  4 4(       (   &' (( 4 ((( 4  •  ('      '(   & 



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ELKLE // materiał w pełni biodegradowalny //


MATERIAL'S CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES // New material, patented under the brand ELKLE, enables elimination or partial replacement of plastics basing on polypropylene or polyethylene, which are not biodegradable. ELKLE material is an ecological product aimed at the printing industry as a media of all types of printed information (posters, banners, and advertisements). New material under the brand EKLKLE contains modern, ecological art fires, free of environmentally harmful substances. It can be used in various facilities demanding high workplace safety norms. Wide range of ELKLE's grammage from 135-250g/m2 allows choosing the suitable thickness depending on printing industry's needs and purpose of printed surface. All the prints on the RE.PRODUCT exhibition are made on ELKLE material.

ELKLE // is a fully biodegradable material //



55 ;   # 7% #  !  <   # = ;   < >  7     8  #  = -7           = // How one can create an interesting object using the least of material? How to make a functional product in the shortest period of time? How many tools one can need to its execution? 55 '()'*+,-/(          #•  [†(   ‚ † Q ƒ& "&    [Qƒ„"~ƒ"©#Q… @Ÿ„      ' !  ƒ„"~ƒ"©#Q… @Ÿ„&  '    –  #•  «†(   ! 

 55 '()'*+,-/( is a Warsaw- Tel Aviv-Yafo based, design studio executed by four designers: Magda Juszczak, Qƒ&"&  [Q ƒ„"~ƒ"©#Q… @Ÿ„€  (  ( 4 ‚ 

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warsztaty reduce / reduce workshop // 10.10.09 //  V VVQƒ& †  "&VVƒ„"~ƒ"©#Q… @Ÿ„

warsztaty warsztaty reduce / reduce workshop // 10.10.09 //  V VVQƒ& †  "&VVƒ„"~ƒ"©#Q… @Ÿ„

warsztaty REUSE

?arówka LED i pozornie niepo  &  #  ) #&  9 

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warsztaty reuse / reuse workshop // 26.09.09 //  V VVƒ  - •  –VV WZOROWO

warsztaty REUSE warsztaty reuse / reuse workshop // 26.09.09 //  V VVƒ  - •  –VV WZOROWO

warsztaty RECYCLE

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warsztaty recycle / recycle workshop // 19.09.09 //  VVV– 'VV!""‰

warsztaty RECYCLE warsztaty recycle / recycle workshop // 19.09.09 //  VVV– 'VV!""‰

strategie warsztaty

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warsztaty relabel / relabel workshop // 03.10.09 //  V VV‰"   [ Qƒ„"~ƒ"©#Q… @Ÿ„

strategie warsztaty warsztaty relabel / relabel workshop // 03.10.09 //  V VV‰"   [ Qƒ„"~ƒ"©#Q… @Ÿ„



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wykład / lecture // 22.10.09 // ~"Q© Q… @Ÿ„VV

wykład wykład / lecture // 22.10.09 // ~"Q© Q… @Ÿ„VV

Fundacja SPOT. wraz z kuratorem KNOCKOUTDESIGN przygotowali w ramach @@@    Q J    }     € '}    €%&&,   $   '   *[ [  [+%     ( '  ' '    !"#  -  '

The SPOT. Foundation with the curator KNOCKOUTDESIGN organized specially for The 3rd International Design Festival in Lodz exhibition ‘re.transmission of the re.product exhibition’. On the ‘re.transmission from the re.product exhibition’ visitors could become acquainted with the products based on the 3R concept, which means re-use, re-duce and re-cycle, and furthermore with the multimedia presentation showing all of products showed on exhibition at SPOT. and relation from the accompanying events.

Fundacja SPOT. wraz z kuratorem KNOCKOUTDESIGN przygotowali w ramach @@@    Q J    }     € '}    €%&&,   $   '   %      ( ' '  '    !"#          - '