French 1 - Semester 1 Semester Review Your semester exam is based on Chapters 1-4 of Allez-viens! Be sure to check the “Que sais-je?” and the Vocabulaire summary at the end of each chapter. These will help you to re-familiarize yourself with the structures and vocabulary presented in each chapter. Content of Scantron Portion: Chapitre Preliminaire, pp.1-11 1. List 3 countries where French is spoken in each of these continents: Europe: Africa: North and South America: Asia and the Pacific:

2. Give an example of a French “cognate.” Chapter 1, pp.12-45 Write your responses in French. 1. Say hello and good-bye 2 ways. 2. Respond to “Ça va?” 3. Ask someone’s name and tell what your name is. 4. Tell how old you are. 5. Write one sentence telling something you like or don’t like and one sentence telling something you like to do. 2

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of each –er verb. 1. J’ __________la salade. (aimer) 2 Tu __________de la musique. (écouter) 3. Elle __________bien. (danser) 4. Nous __________la télé. (regarder) 5. Vous __________le livre. (étudier) 6. Ils ___________faire du vélo. (adorer)

7. Make the following sentences negative. 1. Marc aime étudier. 2.

Marie aime la plage.

Culture: Explain some of the differences between the way French and American people greet each other. (p.21)

True or False, if False, correct the statement.

1. It is common to use “tu” with your teachers and adults. 2.

Use “vous” when speaking to more than one person.

3. The abbreviation for monsieur is mlle. 4. It is customary for girls to kiss both girls and boys on the cheek when they meet or say goodbye.

Chapter 2, pp.46-73 1. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verb avoir. 1. J’_________six ans. 4. Nous ________ chorale. 2. Tu ________quoi le matin? 5. Vous _________physique. 3. Il______chimie. 6. Elles _________espagnol.

2. In French, list your three favorite courses and your three worst courses.

3. What time is 3h30 PM on the 24 hour clock? 4. Ask your friend what time he has biology. Tell him what time you have history.

5. Ask your friend how he likes biology. Write his answer.

8. List the days of the week in order.

Culture 1. What is the Baccalauréat? (p53)

2. Explain the French grading scale. (p 61)

True or False, if False, correct the statement. 1. The national exam of France is called the bac (le bac). 2. Students enter “college” at age 18 or 19. 3. The last year of high school is called “terminale”. 4. The French grading system is based on a scale of 1-100. 5. A grade of 10 is considered a passing grade. 6. French high school students follow a different schedule every day. 7. Students in France have school on Saturdays.

Chapter 3, pp.74-101

1. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans le sac à dos ? List school supplies. Include un, une or des. 1.












2. Write un, une, des or de as needed. 1. Paul a ____crayon. 4. Marie n’a pas ____règle. 2. Jean a ____calculatrice 5. Nous avons ________gommes. 3. Il me faut _____livre. 6. Je regrette. Je n’ai pas _____stylo.

3. Choose three items from the sac à dos list above. Say that you would like to buy one item.

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of each color. des baskets _________ (blanc) une calculatrice_______ (gris) une trousse ________(vert) des cahiers ________(orange) un short_________(noir)

5.Write a sentence that says you need need two items( clothing, or supplies). Then ask you friend what he needs.

Culture Explain one difference between shopping in France and shopping in the U.S. (p80).

True or False, if False, correct the statement. The monetary unit of France is the French Franc.

Chapter 4, pp.102-135 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of faire and du, de la, de l’, or de. 1. Je ____ _____roller en ligne.

4. Nous ________ _____ equitation.

2. Tu ne _____pas ___patin à glace.

5. Vous _______ _______ natation.

3. Elle ____ ____ natation.

6. Ils ne _______pas _____ photo.

2. Marc lives in Paris. In what season does he do the following sports? Use all four seasons. 1._______________ Marc fait de la voile. 2._______________ il fait du ski. 3. _______________il fait du vélo. 4. _______________il fait du jogging. 3. Write 2 sentences telling what hobbies Marc does. (use faire de + activity)

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct for of jouer and au, à la, à l’, or aux. 1. Je ne _________pas _____cartes. 4. Nous________ ____ golf. 2. Tu ________ ____ base-ball. 5. Vous ________ ____hockey. 3. Elle _______ ____ foot. 6. Ils _________ ____ des jeux video. 5 .Write a sentence that suggests that you and your friend do a certain activity. Use on. Write your friend’s response. Use one of the expressions on p.122.

6. Now ask you friend another question about what he likes to do. Use est-ce que

7. List the 12 months of the year.

8. Write 2 sentences that say how often you do something.

9. Re-write the following sentence using ne---jamais, Je fais souvent du ski.

Culture What is the MJC? (p.121)

True or False, if False, correct the statement. In Francophone countries, the temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

Decide if the answer is logical or illogical. Ça va? Il me faut une règle. Quelle heure est-il ? Il est quatorze heures quinze. Quel temps fait-il ? Il fait chaud. Combien coûte un soda ? 50 euros.

Choose the correct form of the verb. Richard _________________ la télé. a. regardons

b. regardes

c. regarde

d. regardent

b. font

c. faites

d. fait

b. a

c. avez

d. ai

c. faites

d. fait

c. chantent

d. chantez

c. avez

d. a

Nous _______________ du vélo. a. faisons J’ ________ 17 ans. a. as

Vous ___________ de la photo. a. faisons

b. font

Rachel et Pauline __________ bien. a. chante

b. chantes

On _________ anglais le matin. a. as

b. ont