Modern Cadastre Cadastre and and Land Land Administration Administration Modern

Session 10.

Land Administration in developed countries / Example Switzerland Dr. Daniel Steudler Swiss Federal Directorate for Cadastral Surveying

(Henssen, 1995)

Modern Cadastre and Land Administration, Tehran, 21-26 July 2007

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Deeds registration system • A deed registration means that the deed itself, being a document which describes an isolated transaction, is registered. This deed is evidence that a particular transaction took place, but it is in principle not in itself the proof of the legal ownership right. • Deed registration is usually applied in countries which are mainly based on Roman law (in Europe: France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands) and in countries that were influenced by the former ones in earlier times (South America, parts of North-America, some African and Asian countries). (Henssen, 1995)

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Title registration system • A title registration system means that not the deed, describing the transfer of rights is registered but the legal consequence of that transaction, i.e. the right itself (=title). • There are different categories of title registration systems, which not have the same principles, but which differ mainly in procedures: – English group (England, Ireland, some provinces in Canada, Nigeria) – German/Swiss group (Germany, Austria, Alsace-Lorraine, Switzerland, Egypt, Turkey, Sweden, Denmark) – Torrens group (Australia, New Zealand, some provinces of Canada, some parts of USA, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria) (Henssen, 1995)

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Three basic principles of Torrens system • Mirror principle: which means that the register is supposed to reflect the correct legal situation. • Curtain principle: which means that no further (historical) investigation beyond the register is necessary except overriding interests. • Insurance or guarantee principle: which means that the state guarantees that what is registered is true for third parties in good faith and that a bona fide rightful claimant who is contradicted by the register is reimbursed from an insurance fund of the state.

(Henssen, 1995)

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Land Registration Systems around the World

Deeds System (French): A register of owners; the transaction is recorded – not the title. Title System (German, English, Torrens): A register of properties; the title is recorded and guaranteed. Modern Cadastre and Land Administration, Tehran, 21-26 July 2007

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6 (Enemark, 2005)

Cadastral Surveying System in Switzerland Structure, Organization

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SWITZERLAND 7.5 million people 41'290 km2 4.0 million parcels

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Switzerland: Federated Country with 26 Cantons …

Cantons maintain political and administrative bodies on their own

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… and some 2900 Municipalities

Cantons are further divided into municipalities

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Swiss civil code (in force since 1912) Art. 942 1

All rights on real estates have to be registered in the land registry.


The land registry consists of the main book with its associated maps, the auxiliary registers (in particular the list of property owners), the deeds (records and evidences), the description of properties, and the day book.

Art. 950 1

Registration and description of the properties in the land register have to be done on the basis of a map, which as a rule, has to be the result of an official cadastral survey.


The Federal Council decides on which principles these maps have to be based upon.

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Basic Principles • No ownership without registration • No registration without surveying • No surveying without boundary definition  Title registration system  Title guaranteed by the government

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Swiss Cadastral System Cadastral Surveying

Land Register •main book (1 page per parcel •auxiliary registers (list of property owners) •deeds (records and evidences) •description of properties •day book

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Organizations involved in Cadastral System Land Registration

Cadastral Surveying Government Dept. for Defence, Civil Protection and Sports

Federal Level Commission for Licensing of Cadastral Land Surveyors

Cantonal Level

Municipal Level

Federal Parliament

7 Federal Departments

Department of Justice- and Police

Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) COSIG Directorate of Cad. Surveying

21 Cantonal Surveying Offices

~15 City & Municipal Surveying Offices

Federal Office for Justice Office for Land Registry and Real Estate Law

26 Cantonal Governments

26 Cantonal Parliaments

~270 Private Licensed Land Surveying Offices

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~350 Cantonal and Regional Land Registry Offices

Private Notary Offices


Organisation of Cadastral Surveying Level




Federal Directorate of Cadastral Surveying

Supervision Strategic management ~15 employees


Operational management Verification Quality control

Canton Cantonal Surveying Offices

~300 employees



Private Land Surveying Offices City Surveying Offices


~3000 employees

Modern Cadastre and Land Administration, Tehran, 21-26 July 2007

Office heads at all levels: have to hold the federal license Cadastral concept / Cadastrefor 2014cadastral land surveyor 15

Basic Principles of Cadastral Surveying • Partnership Confederation - Canton (- Communities) • Public Private Partnership (PPP) • Decentralized structure • Free market, tendering • Costs are borne mainly by Confederation

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Conceptual Elements of Cadastral Surveying - Clear definition of the product (not the method) - Freedom of methods and systems (as basis for tendering)

- Standardized way of description and transfer of data (INTERLIS)



- Independent information layers (link between layers only through geographic location)

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Cadastral Surveying System in Switzerland Geodetic foundation

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Swiss projection system (Merkator)

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New reference system (CH03  LV95)

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Control point network Old hierarchy of control points

0 km

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20 km

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40 km

60 km

80 km 100 km


Control point network New hierarchy of control points

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Control point network Old hierarchy

New hierarchy

Triangulation points




1. order

ca. 50

30-50 km


2. order

ca. 150

10-20 km


3. order

ca. 4'500

5-15 km


4. order

ca. 67'000

2-4 Pts/km2

Cad. Surveying

Traverse points (Polygonpunkte, Points polygones)

ca. 5 million

50-100 m

Cad. Surveying




ca. 200



Lagefixpunkte 1 (LFP1) Lagefixpunkte 2 (LFP2)

~ 1.5 Pts/km2


Lagefixpunkte 3 (LFP3)

2-150 Pts/km2

Licensed surveyor

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Cadastral Surveying System in Switzerland Data Model

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Standardized Data Modelling TRANSFER Data_Catalogue; MODEL Basic_Data_Set DOMAIN LKoord = COORD2 480000.000 70000.000 840000.000 300000.000; HKoord = COORD3 480000.000 70000.000 0.000 840000.000 300000.000 5000.000; Height = DIM1 0.000 5000.000; Precision = [0 .. 300]; Reliability = (yes, no); LetterOrientation = GRADS 0.0 400.0; Status = (planned, valid);

Name OPTIONAL Table with table name

Control points Land cover

NumPos Identifier

Origin ->


OPTIONAL attribute name Attribute that is unique within the table of one topic (exceptionally together with another attribute) Attribute that relates with another table (relational attribute)

Identifier Description Perimeter Validity Date1 Date2 Date3


LimitPoint 1

mc OSKey -> Identifier Geometry PositionPrecision PositionReliability PointSymbol Origin SymbolOrientation


Single objects Heights



Pipelines >5bar


OSKey -> Number Geometry Origin

OSKey -> Number Validity Origin Class


PROJOwnershipPosition Object -> NumberPosition NumberOrientation NumberHorizontalAlignment NumberVerticalAlignment

TOPIC Land_Cover = ......... END Land_Cover;



Local names

TOPIC Control_Points = ......... END Control_Points;


Parcel m


DistinctRight c

Object -> Geometry Surface


c Object -> Geometry Surface

OwnershipPosition m

Object -> NumberPosition NumberOrientation NumberHorizontalAlignment NumberVerticalAlignment

Administrative subdivisions

Information Layers

Data Model per layer

(Possibility to realise the layers separately)


Modern Cadastre and Land Administration, Tehran, 21-26 July 2007

TOPIC Ownership = DOMAIN Monumentation = (border_stone, plastic_peg, cross, not_monumented); OwnershipType = (parcel, distinct_right, construction_right, water_source_ right); TABLE LimitPoint = OSKey: OPTIONAL -> OwnershipMaintenance; Identifier: OPTIONAL TEXT*12; Geometry: LKoord; PositionPrecision: Precision; PositionReliability: Reliability; Origin: OPTIONAL TEXT*30; SymbolOrientation: OPTIONAL LetterOrientation; !! Default: 0.0 IDENT Geometry; END LimitPoint; END Ownership. END Basic_Data_Set.

Data Description Language XML / INTERLIS (system independent)

Cadastral concept / Cadastre 2014


Possible Structure for LIS Legal topic spatial data

textual data

Stakeholders (data owners)

Water protection

Local government

Noise protection

Local government

Environmental protection

Environmental department

Land use planning

Planning department

Indigenous land rights

Tribe, clan

Collective land rights


Land ownership, cadastre

National government State government Local government

Two preconditions:

common geodetic reference framework common data modelling concept

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Drilling the Topics from Different Stakeholders Property parcel #: 1234 Building #: A445 Building permit: lease

Easement: parcel 1235

Land-use zone: residential 2-floors

Property parcel #: 1234 Building #: A445 Building permit: lease Easement: parcel 1235 Land-use zone: residential 2-floors

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Reasons for data modelling • high value of data vs. short life span of HW/SW • data need to be transferred from older to newer systems • devolution and networking (flexible and easy data sharing without information loss) • product definition for introduction of tendering process (method and system independent)  model-based approach • separation of data model and description language (data models always evolve, concept can be used for any other data model) • quality checking and assurance • long-time archiving

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INTERLIS • object-oriented (can also deal with non-geographic data) • effortless transfer of data without loss of semantic, topologic and geometric information MODEL DM01AVCH24D • complementary to UML MODEL TOPIC Liegenschaften = (automatic generation of ...... transfer file) TABLE Grundstueck = Gueltigkeit: (rechtskraeftig, streitig); • clear distinction between real Art: Grundstuecksart; ...... TOPIC TOPIC world object and its graphical END Grundstueck; representation TABLE Liegenschaft = Liegenschaft_von: -> Grundstueck ..... • structured language END Liegenschaft; (TABLE) CLASS CLASS • easily readable by humans END Liegenschaften. END DM01AVCH24D.

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Case Study DM.01 1994: introduction of data model "AV93" Shortcomings in AV93 data model: • one data model with cantonal options (for political reasons)  heterogeneous development  too many cantonal options  no easy solution to consolidate data on federal level 2004: revised data model "DM.01" Main changes are: • one clearly defined federal data model • hierarchy of data models (Cantons can add options to federal model, but have to provide data in federal model) • checking of data becomes much easier  introduction of check service on Internet • technical possibility of incremental updating (requires OID and INTERLIS2) Modern Cadastre and Land Administration, Tehran, 21-26 July 2007

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Federal Model as Core for Other Models

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