Svstem of Checks and Balances

Short Answer Questions- Part I Answer alt of the questions to the following six documents' You wili be using these docurnents and also your knowledge ...
Author: Ashlie Evans
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Short Answer Questions- Part I Answer alt of the questions to the following six documents' You wili be using these docurnents and also your knowledge of Social Studies to write an essay after ansWering all of the docuattents. Document {:

Svstem of Checks and Balances Executive Branch

Checks on the Leqislative Branch

Checks on ttie Judicial Branch


-can propose laws -can veto laws -makes appointments -can call specialsessions of Congress -negotialesf oreigntreaties

-appoints federaljudges -can grant pardonsto federal offenders

Leoislative Branch

Checks on the Executlve Branch

Checks on the Judicial Branch

out laws)

(Congress makes laws) !

-can ovenide Presidenfslveto +onfirms ex#utive appointments -ratifiestreaties _ -can declare war -appropriatesmoney +an impeach and remove President

+reates lowerlederalcourts -can impeach and remove judges -can propose amendmentsto ovemtle judicial decisions -approves appointrnentsof federal judges

Judicial Branch

Ghecks on the Executive Branch

Checks gn Leqislative Branch

(Supreme Court

-can declare executiveactions

-can declare acts of Congress





Source:TheAmerican Nation.PrentbaHatl,p.20, 2OOO

{. lYhat is the title of this chart?

2, Give one way that the Fresident checks (lirnits) the power of the tegislative and iudicial branch of government.


NationalGovernmentPowers -regulateinterstateand foreigntrade '-set silandardweightsand measures -createand rnaintainarmedforces -make copyrightand patentlaws -establish po$.al,:ffiees -createfederalcourts -coin money declare war -admit new states

States" Powers -create corporationlaws -regulatetrade withinstate -establishand maintainschools 'establishlocalgovemments -make laws aboutmarniageand divorce -conductelections -providefor publicsafety

Shared Powers -providefor publlcwelfiare -administercriminaljustice -charterbanks -raise taxes prenticeHali,p.800,2000. . Soutee:TheAmerican Nation-

{ - State one power delegated only to the national goventnnent'

2. State one power that is shared by the national and the state governments.

3. lYhat are powers shared by the national and state govern[rents ealled?

Document 3:

A tetterfro.n ThomasJefferson of the governmentlnto "l li[