D converter

Chip design for a time encoding A/D converter Dries Vercaemer Promotor: prof. dr. ir. Pieter Rombouts Begeleider: Amir Babaie Fishani Masterproef ing...
Author: Moses Cain
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Chip design for a time encoding A/D converter Dries Vercaemer

Promotor: prof. dr. ir. Pieter Rombouts Begeleider: Amir Babaie Fishani Masterproef ingediend tot het behalen van de academische graad van Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: elektrotechniek

Vakgroep Elektronica en Informatiesystemen Voorzitter: prof. dr. ir. Jan Van Campenhout Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur Academiejaar 2012-2013

Chip design for a time encoding A/D converter Dries Vercaemer

Promotor: prof. dr. ir. Pieter Rombouts Begeleider: Amir Babaie Fishani Masterproef ingediend tot het behalen van de academische graad van Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: elektrotechniek

Vakgroep Elektronica en Informatiesystemen Voorzitter: prof. dr. ir. Jan Van Campenhout Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur Academiejaar 2012-2013

Dankwoord Na vijf jaar studeren schrijf ik nu mijn masterproef als kroon op het werk. Het zou niet tot stand gekomen zijn zonder de hulp van een aantal personen. Vooreerst wil ik mijn promotor, Prof. Pieter Rombouts bedanken voor de tijd die hij genomen heeft om mij hierbij te begeleiden. Met aanstekelijk enthousiasme verschafte hij uitleg en hielp hij deze thesis tot een goed einde te brengen. Verder kan Amir Babaie Fishani ook niet ontbreken. In geval van problemen was zijn deur snel gevonden. Ik bedank ook Maarten De Bock voor het oplossen van een aantal praktische zaken. En ten slotte ook Johan Raman die een belangrijke intellectuele bijdrage heeft geleverd.

Toelating tot bruikleen De auteur geeft de toelating deze masterproef voor consultatie beschikbaar te stellen en delen van de masterproef te kopi¨eren voor persoonlijk gebruik. Elk ander gebruik valt onder de beperkingen van het auteursrecht, in het bijzonder met betrekking tot de verplichting de bron uitdrukkelijk te vermelden bij het aanhalen van resultaten uit deze masterproef. The author gives permission to make this master dissertation available for consultation and to copy parts of this master dissertation for personal use. In the case of any other use, the limitations of the copyright have to be respected, in particular with regard to the obligation to state expressly the source when quoting results from this master dissertation.

Dries Vercaemer, juni 2013

Chip design for a time encoding A/D converter Dries Vercaemer Promotor:prof. dr. ir. Pieter Rombouts Begeleider: Amir Babaie Fishani

Masterproef ingediend tot het behalen van de academische graad van Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: elektrotechniek

Vakgroep Elektronica en Informatiesystemen Voorzitter: prof. dr. ir. Jan Van Campenhout Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur Academiejaar 2012-2013

Trefwoorden: modulator

Self-oscillating, Time encoding, Analog digital converter, Sigma delta

Extended Abstract Inleiding In het verloop van deze thesis is een zelf-oscillerende Σ∆ modulator ontworpen, zowel op systeemniveau als circuit niveau. Het doel is een laag vermogen ADC met 20MHz bandbreedte en een SNDR hoger dan 70dB te ontwerpen. Het circuit is ge¨ımplementeerd in een 60nm technologie en de bemonsteringsfrequentie is 2GHz. Het vermogensverbruik van de op-amps in de lus filter is ongeveer 1,2mW. Het voordeel van de zelf-oscillatie is dat de lus slechts signalen aan moet kunnen met een frequentie maximaal gelijk aan de oscillatie-frequentie. Aangezien deze een derde is van de bemonsteringsfrequentie kan de bandbreedte van de op-amps in de lus gereduceerd worden wat vermogen bespaart. Verder is een nieuwe aanpak toegepast om de slewing-vereisten verder te versoepelen. Een laagdoorlaatfilter is in de lus geplaatst om de oscillatie te onderdrukken. Om de invloed van dit filter op het lusfilter te elimineren is er een compensatiefilter toegevoegd in parallel met de eerste integrator. Op circuit niveau is het lus filter ge¨ımplementeerd met feedforward op-amps wegens hun laag vermogengebruik. Deze thesis bouwt onder andere voort op de ontwerpen beschreven in [5] en [6].

PWM Het systeem gaat uit van een Σ∆ modulator, afgebeeld in Figuur 1. Het idee is om pulsbreedtemodulatie(PWM) te gebruiken voor de ADC aan de uitgang van de modulator. Deze modulatie techniek stelt de waarde van zijn ingangssignaal voor door de lengte van een puls. Figuur 2 toont dit concept. De ingang is gesuperponeerd met een oscillatie en dit signaal wordt aan een comparator aangelegd. Het resultaat is een blokgolf waarvan de breedte een maat is voor het ingangssignaal. PWM heeft het voordeel dat een 1 bits DAC kan gebruikt worden in het terugkoppelpad, hetgeen betekent dat deze perfect lineair is. Daarnaast speelt PWM perfect in op de eigenschappen van moderne halfgeleider technologie¨en namelijk een lage voedingsspanning en de capaciteit om nauwkeurig tijdsintervallen te meten dankzij de hoge mogelijke snelheden. Belangrijker nog is het feit dat het pulsbreedtegemodulleerd signaal slechts twee keer verandert per oscillatieperiode. Dit betekent dat de lus de bemonsteringsfrequentie niet hoeft aan te kunnen. Het hoeft ten snelste te werken aan de oscillatiefrequentie, fosc . Bovendien kan de bemonsteringsfre-






DAC Figuur 1: Diagram van een algemeen sigma delta modulator

Figuur 2: Werking van PWM

quentie verhoogd worden zonder de lus aan te hoeven passen, zolang de oscillatiefrequentie maar gelijk blijft. Hoewel PWM slechts 1 bit quantisatie gebruikt is het uitgangssignaal toch een verliesloze voorstelling van de ingang. Omdat de informatie is opgeslagen in de breedte van de puls is het de bemonstering die een fout introduceert, zelfs als de bemonsteringsfrequentie hoger is dan de nyquistfrequentie. Deze fout kan voorgesteld worden door witte quantisatieruis met volgende variantie: σ2 =

2fosc 3fs


De quantisatieruis neemt dus toe met de oscillatiefrequentie en neemt af als de bemonsteringsfrequentie verhoogt.

Zelf-oscillatie De oscillatie die nodig is voor PWM wordt gecre¨eerd door de lus zelf. De lus wordt onstabiel gemaakt door een vertraging toe te voegen in het terugkoppelpad. Figuur 3 toont het systeem. Indien de DAC een non return to zero puls heeft moet de oscillatiefrequentie aan volgende vergelijking voldoen: − ωdTs −

ωTs + α(H(s)) = π 2


De lusfilter van het ontworpen systeem zal een eerste orde integrator benaderen voor hoge fs frequenties. We kunnen vergelijking 2 als volgt oplossen in dat geval: fosc = 4(d+ 1 . ) 2

Vervolgens wordt de comparator gelineariseerd. Zijn ingang bestaat uit een snel oscillerende component, en een tragere component gerelateerd aan het ingangssignaal van




H(s) DAC 1 bit



Figuur 3: Diagram van een zelf-oscillerende sigma delta modulator

het systeem, U. Volgens [2] kan men de comparator voorstellen als een versterker op voorwaarde dat de trage component een kleinere amplitude heeft dan de snelle oscillerende 4 component. De resulterende versterker heeft een versterking Gosc = πA voor de snelle 2 component, en een versterking Gs = πA voor de tragere en kleinere component. Hierin is A de amplitude van de oscillatie aan de ingang van de comparator. Indien we de blokgolf aan de uitgang van de comparator benaderen door de eerste term uit zijn fourierreeks, dan vinden we dat A gelijk is aan π4 |H(jωosc )DAC(jωosc )| ≈ π4 |H(jωosc )|. Nadat we Vergelijking 2 oplossen naar fosc kunnen we dus de comparator lineariseren en een transferfunctie opstellen voor de quantisatieruis. Als we dit dan paren met Vergelijking 1 kunnen we de prestatie van de modulator schatten.

Systeemniveau Figuur 4 toont het diagram van het systeemniveau van de ontworpen modulator. Er zijn twee lussen zichtbaar. Een buitenlus die drie integratoren bevat, en een binnenlus die er slechts ´e´en bevat. De oscillatie is merendeels beperkt tot de binnenste lus. Ze wordt hard onderdrukt door de drie integratoren in de buitenlus. Hierdoor hoeft de tweede integrator de oscillatie niet te verwerken. De lokale terugkoppeling zorgt voor een nul in de ruistrans√ ferfunctie met hoekfrequentie gc1 c2 . Door g aan te passen kan deze nul dicht tegen de bandbreedte van de modulator geplaatst worden waar de quantisatieruis het hoogste is. Dit verhoogt de SNR van het systeem. Er is een inkoppelpad van de ingang naar de derde integrator. Dit maakt de signaaltransferfunctie vlakker en verlaagt de uitgangszwaai van de eerste integrator. De vertraging in de buitenlus verlaagt de benodigde insteltijd voor de eerste twee integratoren. Het systeem is in Simulink gesimuleerd en tevens is er een ruistransferfunctie afgeleid met het lineaire model. het resultaat is te zien op Figuur 5. De SNR is 75dB voor een -1.9dBFS ingangssignaal. Het lineaire model voorspelt een SNR van 76dB. Hoewel het niet nodig is voor de goede werking van de modulator dat de buitenste lus de oscillatie verwerkt heeft de eerste integrator dit groot en snel signaal wel aan zijn ingang. De integratoren zijn met op-amps ge¨ımplementeerd en hun uitgang kan voorgesteld worden als een spanningsgestuurde stroombron die een capaciteit oplaadt. De stroom die deze bron kan leveren is echter beperkt en door de wet van de condensator, is dus de afgeleide van de

g U

c1 s


fs c2 s

c3 s





1 bit

1 bit 1


z− 2

Figuur 4: Diagram van de derde orde SOSDM 0 −20 −40


−60 −80 −100 −120 −140 −160 −4









Figuur 5: Spectrum van de uitgang na simulatie van de modulator samen met de lineaire benadering

uitgangsspanning beperkt. Wanneer de op-amp deze maximale stroom levert wordt gezegd dat ze slewt. Dit slewen is een niet lineair effect dat distorsie introduceert en het moet voorkomen worden om de prestatie van het systeem te behouden. Dit kan gedaan worden door de maximale leverbare stroom van de op-amp te verhogen maar dit kost vermogen. In deze thesis is een nieuwe aanpak ge¨ımplementeerd om de oscillatie te onderdrukken in de buitenste lus om slewing te voorkomen. Er wordt een laagdoorlaatfilter in het terugkoppelpad geplaatst met een afsnijfrequentie die lager ligt dan fosc . Dit filter be¨ınvloedt echter de lusfilter en de stabiliteit van de lus wat het ontwerp bemoeilijkt. Dit kan voorkomen worden door een compensatiefilter, Hc , toe te voegen in parallel met de laagdoorlaatfilter en de eerste integrator. Indien c1 τ 1 moet Hc = 1+sτ . Gedurende simulatie de laagdoorlaatfilter volgende vorm heeft 1+sτ is het duidelijk geworden dat indien de afsnijfrequentie te dicht bij de doorlaatband van de modulator ligt, de uitgangszwaai van de eerste integrator verhoogt. Er zal dus een afweging moeten gemaakt worden tussen de maximaal toegelaten uitgangszwaai en de onderdrukking die het laagdoorlaatfilter biedt. In dit ontwerp is het oscillatiesignaal met een

factor hoger dan 6 onderdrukt.

Circuitniveau Het integreren en someren wordt ge¨ımplementeerd met op-amps. Figuur 7 toont een integrator met als ingang de som van twee signalen waarvan een door een laagdoorlaatfilter gaat. In het totale circuit van de modulator zijn er drie op-amps en zij zijn de meest cruciale componenten. De eerste op-amp in het bijzonder omdat die het leeuwendeel van het vermogensverbruik voor zijn rekening neemt. De op-amps zijn ge¨ımplementeerd in een feed forward architectuur met drie trappen. Het kleinsignaal circuit is afgebeeld op Figuur 8. Volgende transferfunctie is gewenst:   1 + sτ2 2 1 (3) A(s) = − sτ1 sτ2 Vanwege stabiliteit moet τ1 kleiner zijn dan τ2 . Het versterkingsbandbreedteprod1 uct(GBWP) is gegeven door 2πτ en wordt bepaald door de derde feedforward trap. Deze 1 trap verbruikt het meeste vermogen van de op-amp. De drie trappen van de eerste op-amp staan afgebeeld op Figuren 5.3, 5.5, en 5.6 van de thesis. De tweede en derde op-amp zijn heel gelijkaardig aan de eerste. Het hoogste niveau van het circuit is afgebeeld op Figuur 4.3 van de thesis. De comparator met bemonstering is gerealiseerd door een voorversterker gevolgd door een flip flop. De vertraging van een halve klok periode is ge¨ımplementeerd met een flip flop die gestuurd wordt door een inverse klok. Alleen de invertoren komen niet op het systeemdiagram voor. Ze opereren als buffers tussen het analoog en het digitaal deel van het circuit. Ze hebben een hoge ingangsimpedantie en worden belast door de lage impedantie van het analoge circuit. Door de lage resistieve belasting van de invertoren verbruiken zij heel wat vermogen. Een ruwe schatting voor hun verbruik is 0,5mW. De drie op-amps daarentegen verbruiken zo’n 1,2mW samen waarvan de eerste op-amp 0,9mW voor zijn rekening neemt. Het verbruik in de flip-flops en de voorversterker is verwaarloosbaar.

g U



1 1+sτ DAC 1 bit

c1 s


c1τ 1+sτ


y c2 s



c3 s


DAC 1 bit



z− 2 Figuur 6: Diagram van de zelf-oscillerende sigma delta modulator met oscillatie onderdrukking

X1+ X1-





C V-



R1 R2 +





Y+ Y-

R2 C

Figuur 7: Integratie van de som van twee signalen van welke ´e´en laagdoorlaatgefilterd is. gmFF2Vin


V1 gm1Vin



V2 gm2V1



Vuit gm3V2



Figuur 8: Het kleinsignaalcircuit van een drie-traps feedforward op-amp.

Besluit In het verloop van deze thesis is een laag vermogen ADC ontworpen met een bemonsteringsfrequentie van 2GHz. Er werd gestart vanuit een Σ ∆ modulator. Door PWM te gebruiken en de lus te laten oscilleren aan 666,7MHz werd het vermogensverbruik gereduceerd. Deze werd verder teruggedrongen door een laagdoorlaatfilter toe te voegen. Een compensatiefilter elimineerde de invloed van dit laagdoorlaatfilter op het lusfilter. Het ontwerp is ge¨ımplementeerd op circuitniveau met feedforward op-amps in een 60nm technologie. De bandbreedte is 20MHz en de maximale SNR 74dB. De op-amps verbruiken ongeveer 1,2mW

Extended Abstract Introduction In this thesis, a self-oscillating Σ∆ modulator is designed on system and circuit level. The aim is to design a low power ADC with 20 MHz bandwidth and an SNDR higher than 70dB. The sample frequency is 2GHz and the circuit is implemented in a 60nm technology. The power consumption of the op-amps in the loop filter is only 1.2mW. The advantage of the self-oscillation is that the highest frequency of the signals in the loop is the oscillation frequency. As the loop oscillates at a third of the sample frequency, this means the bandwidth of the op-amps in the loop is reduced, saving power. A novel approach is applied to further reduce slewing requirements. A low pass filter is introduced in the loop to suppress the oscilation, and a compensation filter is added, bypassing the first integrator, to eliminate the influence of the low pass filter on the loop filter. On circuit level the loop filter is implemented with feed forward op-amps as they have a low power consumption. This thesis started from the designs described in [5] and [6].

PWM The system starts from a sigma delta modulator, depicted on Figure 1. The idea is to use pulse width modulation in the ADC at the output of the sigma delta modulator. Pulse width modulation represents the value of its input voltage into a length of a pulse. Figure 2 shows the operation. The input is summed with an oscillating signal and applied at a comparator. The output is a square wave which width is proportional to the value of the input. PWM has the advantage that a one bit DAC can be used in the feedback path, which means it is perfectly linear. Also PWM makes perfect use of the characteristics of modern semi-conductor technologies: low voltage headroom and accurate measuring of






DAC Figure 1: Diagram of a general sigma delta modulator

Figure 2: Operation of PWM

time intervals due to high speeds. But more importantly, the PWM signal changes only twice every oscillation period. This means the loop does not have to handle the sample frequency but only the oscillation frequency, fosc . Furthermore, the sample frequency can be increased without affecting the loop as long as the oscillation frequency remains the same. Although PWM uses one bit quantization, the output is a lossless representation of its input. Because the information is stored in the width of a pulse, it is the sampling that will introduce an error, even if the sample frequency is higher than the Nyquist frequency. This error can be represented by white quantization noise with a variance of: σ2 =

2fosc 3fs


This means the quantization noise decreases with increasing sample frequency and decreasing fosc .

Self-Oscillation The oscillation needed to perform PWM is generated by the loop itself. A delay is added, making the loop unstable. Figure 3 shows the system. If a non return to zero pulse is assumed for the DAC, the oscillation frequency has to satisfy: − ωdTs −

ωTs + α(H(s)) = π 2


The loop filter for the designed system will approximate a first order integrator for high fs frequencies. If that is the case, Equation 2 can be solved and the result is: fosc = 4(d+ 1 . ) 2




H(s) DAC 1 bit



Figure 3: Diagram of the self-oscillating sigma delta modulator

Next the comparator is linearized. Its input consists of a oscillation component and a slower component related to the system input U. From [2] it is learned that if this slow component is smaller than the fast input component, the comparator can be linearized as 2 4 for the fast oscillating component, and a gain Gs = πA for the slower a gain Gosc = πA signal component. A is the amplitude of the oscillation at the input of the comparator. If the square wave oscillating output of the comparator is approximated by the first term of its Fourier series, A is found to be π4 |H(jωosc )DAC(jωosc )| ≈ π4 |H(jωosc )|. After solving Eq. 2 for the oscillation frequency, a transfer function can be derived for the quantization noise by using the equivalent comparator gain Gs . After coupling this with Eq. 1 an estimate can be made of the systems performance.

System level Figure 4 shows the system level diagram of the designed modulator. There are two loops visible. An outer loop containing three integrators and an inner loop with only one. The oscillation is chiefly contained in the inner loop. It is very weak in the outer loop because of the suppression with a third order integrator. This way, the second integrator does not need to process the fast oscillation. The local feedback path introduces a zero in the √ noise transfer function of the system at the angular frequency gc1 c2 . By changing the feedback gain g, this zero can be placed close to the bandwidth, where the output noise is highest. This effectively increases the SNR. A feed forward path is also introduced from the input to the third integrator. This flattens the signal transfer function and reduces the output swing of the first integrator. The delay in the outer loop reduces the settle time requirements of the first two integrators. The system is simulated in simulink and the noise transfer function is calculated using the linear model of the system. Figure 5 shows the result. The SNR is 75dB for a -1.9dBFS input signal, while the linear model predicts a SNR of 76dB. This is a good fit. Although the outer loop does not need to process the oscillation for the good operation of the modulator, the first op-amp still receives this large and fast signal at its input. The

g U

c1 s

Σ DAC 1 bit 1

z− 2

fs c2 s


c3 s

DAC 1 bit


Figure 4: Diagram of a third order SOSDM


0 −20 −40


−60 −80 −100 −120 −140 −160 −4









Figure 5: Spectrum of the output of the simulated system and the linear approximation

integrator is implemented with an op-amp. The output of this op-amp can be represented as a voltage controlled current source loaded by a capacitor. The maximum current this source can deliver is limited. As a result the maximum rate of change of the output voltage is limited. When the op-amp delivers this maximum current, the op-amp is said to be slewing. This is a non-linear effect that introduces distortion and it should be prevented to safeguard the performance of the modulator. Slewing is avoided by increasing the current the op-amp can deliver but this also increases the power consumption. In this thesis a novel approach was tested to suppress the oscillation in the outer loop and hence reduce the slewing specifications for the first op-amp. A low pass filter is introduced with a cut off frequency lower than fosc . This filter does however influence the loop filter and the stability of the loop. This makes the design process more complex. However by introducing a compensation filter, Hc , that bypasses the first integrator, the effect of the low pass filter on the system can be eliminated. 1 , Hc is found Figure 6 shows the system diagram. For a first order low pass filter 1+sτ c1 τ to be 1+sτ . It has been observed that placing the cut off frequency too close to the pass band of the modulator increases the output swing of the first integrator. This means a trade off will have to be made between suppression and output swing. In this design the oscillation amplitude was suppressed by a factor 6.

Circuit level The integrating and summing is implemented using op-amps. Figure 7 shows an integrator that acts on the sum of two signals, one of which is low pass filtered. There are three op-amps in the modulator circuit and they are the most crucial components. Especially the first op-amp as it determines most of the power consumption. All op-amps have been implemented using a feed forward architecture with three stages. The small signal circuit

g U



1 1+sτ DAC

c1 s



y c2



c3 s



DAC 1 bit

c1τ 1+sτ


1 bit 1

z− 2 Figure 6: Diagram of a third order SOSDM with oscillation suppression

is depicted in Figure 8. Following transfer function is wanted:   1 1 + sτ2 2 A(s) = − sτ1 sτ2


1 For stability τ1 should be smaller than τ2 . The GBWP equals 2πτ and is determined by 1 the third feed forward stage. This stage consumes most of the power of the first op-amp. The three stages of the first op-amp are represented in Figures 5.3, 5.5, and 5.6 of the thesis. The second and third op-amps are very similar to the first. X1+ X1-





C V-



R1 R2 +





Y+ Y-

R2 C

Figure 7: Integration of the sum of two signals, one of which is low pass filtered



V1 gm1Vin



V2 gm2V1



Vuit gm3V2



Figure 8: Small signal circuit of a three stage feed forward op-amp

The top level circuit is depicted in Figure 4.3 of the thesis. The sampled comparator is

implemented with a preamp followed by a flip flop. The half clock cycle delay is realized with a flip flop clocked at the inverse clock. Only one set of components has not been discussed: the inverters. They act as buffers between the analog and digital parts of the circuit. They offer a high input impedance and are loaded by the low impedance of the analog part of the circuit. They also are responsible for a large part of the power consumption because of their low resistive loading. A raw estimate of their consumption is 0.5mW. An estimated consumption of the three op-amps together is 1.2mW, of which 0.9mW is consumed in the first op-amp. The consumption in the preamp and flip-flops is negligible.

Conclusion In this thesis a low power ADC was designed with a sample frequency of 2GHz. The starting point was a Σ ∆ modulator. By using PWM and making the loop oscillate at 666,7MHz, the power consumption was reduced.It was further reduced by introducing a low pass filter. A compensation filter eliminated the influence of the low pas filter on the loop filter. The design was implemented on the circuit level using feed forward op-amps in a 60nm technology. The bandwidth of the system was 20MHz and the maximum SNR was 74dB. The op-amps consumed approximately 1.2mW.

Contents Glossary 1 Introduction


2 Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator 2.1 The ADC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Sigma Delta Modulator . . . . . . . . . 2.3 PWM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator

. . . .

3 3 3 6 8

. . . . .

13 13 16 17 18 20

circuit Top level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dimensioning the Passive components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preamp, Flip Flops and Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

23 23 26 27

3 System design 3.1 A third order SOSDM . . . . . . . 3.2 Results of the linear approximation 3.3 Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Slewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The 4.1 4.2 4.3

5 Op-Amp Design 5.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 GBWP . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 DC Gain . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 Slewing . . . . . . . . . 5.1.4 Other Specifications . . 5.2 General Feed Forward Op-Amp 5.3 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 CMFB . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Outputswing . . . . . .

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Contents 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 5.3.10

Cascode . . . Biassing . . . Other Stages Noise . . . . Op-Amp1 . . Op-Amp2 . . Op-Amp3 . . Results . . .

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39 39 41 43 44 46 48 50

6 Conclusion




Glossary ADC analog to digital converter. CMFB common mode feedback. DAC digital to analog converter. dbFS value relative to full scale in decibel. FF op-amp feedforward op-amp. GBWP gain bandwidth product. IirT invariant impulse response transformation. NRZ non return to zero (pulse). NTF noise transfer function. op-amp operational amplifier. OSR oversampling ratio. Preamp preamplifier. PWM pulse width modulation. SDM sigma delta modulator. SNDR signal to noise and distortion ratio. SNR signal to noise ratio. SOSDM self-oscillating sigma delta modulator.


Chapter 1

Introduction Digital electronics have become an important part of our lives. Costs decreased and speed rose due to Moore’s law, which enabled electronics to penetrate deeper into our world. There are dozens of chips in modern factories and cars. Digital consumer products are omnipresent. However, though it would be very convenient, the physical world stubbornly refuses to go digital. High clock speeds and fast memories are useless without data. This is where analog digital converters come in to play. They are the bridge between our digital world and the analog reality. Manny micro controllers work in real time and if their digital speed increases, the ADC’s must follow. On top of this, more and more systems become wireless and have to rely on battery power. This creates a market for high bandwidth low power ADC’s. The aim of this thesis is to design a self-oscillating sigma delta modulator with low power consumption and a bandwidth of 20MHz. It will have a sample frequency of 2GHz and offer a SNR higher than 70dB. The design will first take place on the system level. The operation of the SOSDM will be explained, starting from the conventional sigma delta modulator. A linear model will be proposed to predict the performance of the system. Afterwards the coefficients of the system will be optimized for a high SNR. Still on the system level, a novel technique will be used to further decrease the power consumption of the system. After the system level design is complete, the design will shift to the circuit level. The modulator will be implemented in a 65nm technology. Feed forward op-amps will be used due to their power friendliness. I used [5] and [6] as a starting point for this thesis.


Chapter 1. Introduction


Chapter 2

Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator 2.1


Signals in the analog world are continuous, both in time and value. To store them without precision loss would require an infinite memory. The analog digital converter approximates its analog input so that it can be stored in a digital memory with finite dimensions. The ADC performs two operations. First it samples its input. Every sample period, it stores the value of the input signal at that time. Nyquist proved that if the sample frequency is higher than twice the maximum frequency of the input(the Nyquist frequency), this sampling does not lead to precision loss. The second operation is quantization. Every value of the sampled input is rounded to a quantization level. This operation does lead to information loss. It is the quantization that limits the resolution of the ADC. The error introduced by the quantization is often represented as white noise, called the quantization noise. There are several types of ADC’s. Flash converters are very fast but require a large chip area. Successive approximation leads to high precision ADC’s with limited chip area but it is rather slow. The design of this thesis is based on the sigma-delta modulator. The SDM is able to offer high precision in reasonable time but it does require high sample frequencies.


Sigma Delta Modulator

The basic schematic of a sigma delta modulator is depicted in figure 2.1. It is a feedback loop. It uses a simple, low accuracy ADC and uses feedback to reduce its error. The sampling frequency by which the loop operates is much higher than the Nyquist frequency. This is called oversampling and is crucial to the operation of the sigma delta modulator. 3

Chapter 2. Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator


fs The oversampling ratio or OSR is given by 2BB . The effect of the loop filter is that it pushes the quantization noise, produced by the simple ADC, away from the baseband to higher frequencies. If the output of the loop is low pass filtered, a lot of the quantization noise will be filtered out, leading to much higher accuracy than the simple ADC could deliver.






DAC Figure 2.1: A sigma-delta modulator with a loop filter in continuous time

The accuracy of most ADC’s is limited to the accuracy of the components. Components with high precision values are difficult to produce so performance is often limited. Some integrating ADC can obtain high accuracy with low precision components but they achieve this at the cost of low conversion rates. This shows the strength of the SDM. It can obtain high precision in a limited time with a low influence of the accuracy of the components on the performance. The trade off is the oversampling which necessitates a fast circuit. The operation is illustrated for a modulator with a first order loop filter and a one bit ADC. The ADC consists of a sampler and a one bit quantizer which is basically a comparator. The comparator projects its input to +1 or -1 and hence produces an error. It is well established [4] that this error, under certain conditions, closely resembles white noise. So the ADC can be approximated as an amplifier followed by a sampler with a white noise source at its output. Figure 2.2 shows this system.



a sTs

fs G




DAC Figure 2.2: SDM with first order loop filter and one bit DAC.

If the sampling is neglected, the transfer function from the noise to the output is The bode plot is shown on figure 2.3. It is clear that the noise transfer function, NTF, pushes the noise away from baseband. The loop filter ’shapes’ the noise. If the OSR sTs sTs +aG .

Chapter 2. Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator


is increased by decreasing the bandwidth or increasing the sample frequency (and the integrator constant) less quantization noise would fall in the bandwidth and our performance would increase. The signal transfer function is:


aG sTs aG + sT s


which, for low frequencies approximates as 1. Bode Diagram 0 −5

Magnitude (dB)

−10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 −45 −50 −2 10









Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 2.3: NTF of first order SDM

Another way of explaining the SDM operation and the noise shaping is in the time domain. Assume a zero input and a small charge on the integrator. The output of the comparator would be one volt. This leads to a an negative input of the integrator and at the next clock cycle the output of the integrator will have decreased. After a few clock cycles it will be negative. The comparator switches to -1 and every few clock cycles the output switches between +1 and -1. We assumed the output is low pass filtered or averaged. In this case the average output will be zero which is a better representation of the input than the simple 1 bit ADC could offer. This also works for a non zero input. If the input is positive the output will be +1 for more clock cycles because the error signal will have a positive offset. The averaged output will get a decent approximation of the input. If the sample frequency is increased, there will be more values to average over and the result will be more accurate. This simple system can now be used to illustrate the problem of overloading, which will limit the input range of the design. Assume an input U, higher than the output of the comparator. The input of the integrator, the error signal, is U-1 which is always positive. This means the integrated signal will increase without end. This desensitizes the system to its input and will lead to non-linearities as the limit of the systems components is reached.

Chapter 2. Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator


It is called overloading the quantizer. For big signals the white noise approximation of the quantization is no longer valid and the circuit becomes unstable. This instability is sometimes hard to predict for higher order systems, which can become unstable even at zero input. This SDM has a continuous time loop filter, H(s). A discrete loop filter is also possible by sampling before the loop filter. The advantage of a continuous loop filter is that the opamps can have a lower settling time, because no stable value has to be reached before the next clock cycle as opposed to a switched C realization. Another advantage specifically for the Self-Oscillating SDM is the scalability of the sampling frequency as will be illustrated later.



To improve the accuracy of the ADC, The OSR can be increased. However, if a high bandwidth is required, this leads to a high sampling frequency. Although the scaling of the semi conductor technology allows for high frequencies, high enough OSR’s can often not be achieved due to power limitations. Another way to increase the accuracy is to use a multi bit quantizer. However this has some drawbacks. Firstly, a multi bit ADC and DAC contain some non-linearities. The non-linearities of the ADC are not a limiting factor since they are suppressed, like the quantization noise, by the loop filter. The non linearities of the DAC in the feedback path are a bigger problem. They directly influence the performance of the SDM. This problem does not pose itself for a one bit DAC. A one bit DAC is always linear since two points define a straight line. Another problem of the multi bit quantizer is the low supply voltage of new high speed technologies. The newest semiconductor technologies barely achieve a supply of one volt. A classical ADC, like the flash ADC, produces its bit by comparing its input with multiple voltage levels. Because of the falling supply voltage these levels become very close to each other which decreases precision. A solution to these two problems is to use a PWM-quantizer. Instead of comparing the input voltage to different voltage levels, a rapid oscillating signal is added to the input and the result is compared to zero. This is illustrated in Figure 2.4. PWM produces a square wave output signal. The width of each pulse is a measure of the input signal. The quantization happens in time, not in the voltage of the signal. Also the output is a one bit signal so the feedback DAC is inherently linear. Pulse width modulation is adapted to new, fast speed technologies. It is able to work with low supply voltages and makes use of the abilities to measure time with high accuracy. However the main reason to use PWM is that it leads to lower power consumption. The square wave output signal only changes twice every oscillation period. This means the fastest signal the loop of the SDM has to handle changes at this oscillation frequency, not the sample

Chapter 2. Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator


Figure 2.4: Pulsewidth modulation

frequency. This leads to bandwidth reduction for the op-amps in the loop, and hence power saving. The signal at the output of the PWM-Quantizer is an exact representation of the input signal. Unlike conventional quantizers, the error is not introduced by the quantizer. Because the signal level is represented by the length of a pulse, the quantization error is caused by sampling. If sampling doesn’t happen at the moments that the output square wave makes a transition, an error is made in determining the pulse length and thus an error in determining the signal level. The loop filter shapes the error signal at its input.

+1 -1 +1 -1 +2


Figure 2.5: Output of the comparator before and after sampling together with error signals

This signal is the difference between the continuous input and the zero order hold version of the output. Therefore a good representation of the error made by quantizing is the

Chapter 2. Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator


difference between the comparator output before sampling and the shifted zero order hold version of the sampled comparator output. We have to shift the second signal because the zero order hold pulse introduces a half clock cycle delay. This error pulse, E1 , will have a maximum length of Ts and a height of +/-2 and appears twice every oscillation period. A sampled error signal, E2 , is now constructed by demanding that its zero order hold version has the same area as the error signal E1 . E2 ranges from −8fosc /fs to 8fosc /fs and represents the quantization noise. The variance of a stochastic variable, uniformly ∆ . If the quantization noise is assumed to be uniformly distributed over [−∆, ∆], is 12 distributed, its variance is: 2 fosc (2.2) ∆/12 = 3 fs Figure 2.5 shows the output signal before and after sampling together with the error signals.


Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator

To implement a PWM ADC, an oscillation is needed. An easy way to implement this oscillating signal is by adding some delay in the loop. Figure 2.6 shows the SOSDM. By




H(s) DAC 1 bit



Figure 2.6: Diagram of SOSD-modulator

adding this delay, the loop becomes unstable thus an oscillation is created. The output comparator changes at the oscillation frequency. This means the fastest frequency the loop has to handle is the oscillation frequency not the sample frequency. This reduces the power consumption, as the bandwidth of the components in the loop can be reduced. Earlier it was mentioned that an advantage of a continuous loop filter is scalability. Equation 2.2 shows that the noise decreases with increasing sample frequency. However the loop filter does not operate at the sample frequency. The sample frequency can be increased without affecting the loop filter, as long as the delay is also increased to offer the same oscillation. This eases the way to newer technologies. Old designs can easily be translated to newer technologies, allowing the sample frequency to be increased. This means a better noise performance without the need to completely redesign the loop filter. The loop will start to oscillate at the frequency at which the total phase shift of the

Chapter 2. Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator


loop becomes 180◦ . So the phase shift of the loop and the delay determine the frequency of oscillation. As illustration the frequency of oscillation for a first order loop filter is calculated. sTs If the DAC has a non return to zero pulse it’s transfer function is 1−e sTs . If the effect of sampling is ignored, the total phase shift of the loop is: − 90◦ − ωdTs − ωTs /2. This equals 180◦ for ωTS =

π 2(d+1/2)



fosc =

1 fs 4(d + 1/2)


For example a delay of one gives an fosc of f6s . This simple result is still relevant for the design of the higher order system. Although this will be a third order system, the loop filter will predominantly behave as a first order filter for high frequencies so Equation 2.4 will hold approximately. In the previous analyses the effect of sampling was ignored. This assumption has little influence on the result, as will be illustrated later, apart from the fact that the period of oscillation has to be an integer multiple of the sample period. For higher order loop filters, the frequency at which the phase shift of the loop becomes 180◦ is not necessarily an integer division of the sample frequency. So how is the exact oscillation frequency to be determined? As Figure 2.7 shows, the sampler will add extra delay and thus an extra amount of phase, ∆φ. This means that the oscillation frequency will be the frequency at which the phase of the loop becomes 180◦ − ∆φ. However ∆φ is unknown. Only an interval can be determined. The delay added by the sampler, ∆T , ranges from 0 to Ts . This means ∆φ lies in [0, ωosc Ts ]. If ωosc = 2 ∗ pi ∗ fs /6 for example, than ∆φ = π/3 which is quite a large phase shift. Often multiple oscillation frequencies will be possible. If this is the case, it is best to choose the highest possible oscillation frequency. This choice is supported by simulation. Multiple possible oscillations will be closer examined later in this thesis. To optimize the loop filter and the delay, it is necessary to be able to predict the SNR of the system. An estimation of the SNR can be obtained through linearisation of the system. There are two non-linear elements in the modulator: the comparator and the sampling. The latter will be ignored for now. The input of the comparator consists of ΔT


Figure 2.7: Delay caused by sampling

Chapter 2. Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator


an oscillation component and a much slower signal related to the input of the system U. Luckily a comparator with two sinusoids as input has been linearized in literature[2]. The comparator can be considered as an amplifier with two different gains provided one input has a much lower frequency than the other. The gain of the fast input can be approximated 4 as Gc = πA , with A the Amplitude of this signal, and the slow signal gain is: Gs =

2 πA


Now the amplitude of the oscillating signal can easily be calculated. The output of the comparator is a square wave with an amplitude of one which can be approximated by the first term of its Fourier series π4 sin(ωosc t). This means the amplitude of the oscillation at the input of the comparator is π4 |H(ωosc j)| and Gc = |H(ω1osc j)| . If z is approximated as esTs , the NTF of the system becomes: NTF =

1 1 + Gs H(s)DAC(s)e−sdTs


By combining this with the Expression for the variance of the quantization noise (Eq 2.2), the SNR can be predicted. Figure 2.8 shows the linearized system. Note that it was assumed that the oscillation was a sine while in reality it is more like a triangle wave. The harmonics of the oscillation were neglected. Of course this linearizion is an estimation of the behavior of the system. Up until now the effect of sampling was neglected. To include this effect, a transfer function is needed in the Z domain. Such a loop gain exists as can be seen by cutting the loop before the DAC, where the signal is digital, and calculating the loop gain around this cut. To calculate the transfer function of a mixed discrete continuous system, the Invariant impulse response Transform[1] can be used. First the loop gain in the S domain is calculated by neglecting the sampling. Afterwards this transfer function is transformed to the Z domain: LGeq (z) = IirT {LG(s)}. This transformation takes following steps. First the impulse response of the S domain loop gain is calculated using the inverse Laplace transform. Then this impulse response is



H(s) 1−esTs sTs




Figure 2.8: Diagram of linearized first order SOSD-modulator


Chapter 2. Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator


sampled. Eventually the z transform of this discreet impulse response is produced. This will be illustrated for a first order loop filter: H(s) = sc and a half clock cycle delay: d = 12 . −sTs Assume the DAC has a NRZ pulse: DAC(s) = 1−es . It can easily be seen that full clock cycle delays are transformed by the IirT into z −1 . They will be neglected for now and added later. The loop gain in the S domain equals LG0 (s) = Gs

c − sTs e 2 s2


Where the extra s in the denominator is all that remains of the DAC for now. Next, the inverse Laplace transform is calculated and the result sampled. h(t) = L−1 {LG(s)} Ts Ts = Gs c(t − )u(t − ) 2 2 h(n) = Gs cTs (n − 1/2)u(n − 1)

(2.8) (2.9) (2.10)

Note that a half clock cycle delay in a unit step, u(t − T2s ), gives rise to a full clock cycle delay in the sampled step. Finally the Z transform is calculated and the delays are added: LGeq (z) = Z{h(n)}(1 − z −1 )   1 z −1 z −2 + (1 − z −1 ) = Gs cTs (1 − z −1 )2 2 1 − z −1

(2.11) (2.12)

Figure 2.9 shows the magnitude and the phase for the S and Z domain loop gain. As you can see, the error made by neglecting the sampling is only relevant for frequencies close to the sample frequency. In Equation 2.5 it was assumed that the output of the comparator is plus or minus 2D . As A, the one. If this output level is called D, Equation 2.5 changes to Gs = πA oscillation amplitude, is proportional to D, the operation of the system does not depend 100



−100 −120

Phase in degrees

Magnitude in dB

0 −50 −100 −150 −200 −250

−160 −180 −200 −220 −240

−300 −350 −5 10


−260 −4











−280 −5 10










Figure 2.9: Plot of magnitude and phase of LG in Z domain(blue) and in the S domain(red)



Chapter 2. Self-Oscillating Sigma Delta Modulator


on D. However simulation shows, that halving D doubles the SNR. The more exact formula given by [2] is:   2D −1 B (2.13) Gs = sin πB A This equation holds for a comparator with two inputs with amplitudes A and B, with A  larger than B, and if signal B is much slower than signal A. In equation 2.5 sin−1 B A was approximated as B A , but in the actual system, A is not necessarily much larger than B. In this case, Gs and thus the noise suppression does depend on D. A smaller D also causes the system to become unstable at smaller inputs since overloading happens if the input is larger than D. Considering this, D is chosen as large as allowed, which is about half the supply voltage of the 65nm technology that will be used or about 0.5V.

Chapter 3

System design 3.1

A third order SOSDM

Figure 3.1 shows the system diagram of a third order modulator. As you can see the loop

g U


c1 s

fs c2 s


c3 s




1 bit

1 bit 1


z− 2

Figure 3.1: Diagram of the third order SOSD-modulator

filter has been realized using two feedback paths. This forms two loops: The inner loop containing the integrator c3 /s, and the outer loop containing all three integrators. Because of the triple integration, the oscillation will be very weak in the outer loop provided the integration coefficients are smaller than the oscillation frequency. This means the first order inner loop chiefly determines the oscillation frequency and amplitude and Equation 2.4 still holds approximately. The reason for this lay-out is the power consumption of the circuit. The integrators are realized using op-amps. By containing the oscillation to the inner loop, the bandwidth of the first two op-amps can be reduced which leads to lower power consumption. There is also a half clock cycle delay in the outer loop. This lowers the settling time requirements of the two first op-amps without affecting the loop filter and oscillation to a great extent. To linearize this system the comparator is replaced by a gain G and the sampling is 13

Chapter 3. System design


neglected. z is again approximated by esTs and a non return to zero pulse is assumed for the DAC’s. This leads to the following loop gain: GC3 c1 (c2 + s)e−sTs /2 + (s2 + c1 c2 g)e−dsTs 1 − e−sT s (3.1) s s2 + c1 c2 g s √ This illustrates that the local feedback with gain g causes a pole at ωz = c1 c2 g. Because of the noise shaping (see Figure 2.3), the quantization noise is highest at high frequencies. By placing the pole in the LG close to the bandwidth, the total amount of quantization noise in the signal band is strongly reduced. The trade-off is a lower noise suppression at low frequencies. Because of the pole, the low frequent noise is only suppressed with one integrator, which is still enough. LG =

The feed forward from the input U to the second adder leads to a STF closer to one and hence reduces the output swing of the first integrator. Figure 5.32 shows this output with and without the feed forward path. It is clear to see that the first op-amp has to be able to produce a very rapidly changing output. This means there could be slewing which will be discussed later. Output OA1

Output OA1





















0.5 t





1 −6

x 10







0.5 t





1 −6

x 10

Figure 3.2: Output of first integrator with(left) and without(right) FF

To determine the error made by neglecting the sampling, the invariant impulse response transformation is used to determine the loop gain in the Z domain. The magnitude and phase of the loop gain in the S and Z domain are depicted in Figure 3.3. As you can see, the mistake made by neglecting the sampling is very small and only significant for high frequencies. However it is best to use the Z domain expression to determine the oscillation frequency since a small error in the phase can lead to a different frequency. Now that the system is linearized, it is possible to predict a SNR which will be verified using a simulink simulation. However one problem still needs to be solved. As can be seen on Figure 3.3, there are three different frequencies at which the loop gain becomes 180◦ . Figure 3.4 depicts a part of the Nyquist plot. Because the magnitude of the loop gain varies if the oscillation frequency changes, the Nyquist curve can be stretched, depending

Chapter 3. System design



−50 −100

Phase in degrees

Magnitude in dB







−200 −250



−100 −5 10












−400 −5 10












Figure 3.3: Bode plots of the loop gain in the Z domain (blue) and S domain(red)

Figure 3.4: Unscaled sketch of a part of the Nyquist plot

on the gain of the comparator.There are three possible oscillation frequencies. If the system oscillates at one of these frequencies, that crossing point will shift to the -1 point, depicted by the red dot, to make the loop gain equal to minus one. Not all three points represent stable oscillations. Assume that the gain of the comparator is such that the -1 point is at the left of point 2, as it is depicted now. In that case the minus one point lies at the right of the curve, which means there is a pole in the right half of the complex plane. This is an unstable system that oscillates with rising amplitude. As the amplitude rises, the gain of the comparator decreases together with the magnitude of the loop gain, so the Nyquist plot shrinks and point two moves away from the minus one point. Now assume that point two lies at the left of the red dot. Now the system is stable because minus one is at the left of the Nyquist curve. The oscillation-amplitude decreases and the comparator gain increases which makes the Nyquist plot expand. Again point two moves away from the red dot. Using a similar analysis, it can be concluded that the other two points move towards minus one if they are disturbed. So point one and three represent stable oscillations. It is clear however that point three oscillates at a smaller amplitude than point one as it needs more gain. So if the system starts from a

Chapter 3. System design


zero condition, an oscillation will start up with a rising amplitude until the amplitude is high enough to support oscillation three. As this is a stable oscillation, the amplitude will not rise further and point one will never be reached.


Results of the linear approximation

Figure 3.5 shows the simulated spectrum together with the predicted NTF in black. the red line depicts the NTF of a corrected linear model where the fosc and the oscillation amplitude are determined after simulation. both lines lie close to the simulated spectrum. The SNR of the linear model is about 1dB higher than the actual SNR and after correction with the actual fosc and amplitude the SNR is 0.4dB lower. The model predicts a Gs of 9 and a fosc of fs /5 while the simulation shows a Gs of 13 and a fosc of fs /3. The low Gs is a result of the wrong prediction of fosc . The simulated system without an input shows a fosc of fs /4 which is closer to the result of the linear model. fosc is clearly influenced by the input signal which was not predicted. But although the model has it shortcomings, it still predicts the SNR fairly well. 0 −20 −40


−60 −80 −100 −120 −140 −160 −4









Figure 3.5: Simulated spectrum together with linear model(red) and adjusted linear model(black)

If the comparator is overloaded √with a high input signal the system starts to oscillate c1 c2 g fs at a much lower frequency ( 128 = 2π ). This corresponds to point one on Figure 3.4. The maximum input signal lies around 80% of the comparator output level. This can easily be explained by examining the Nyquist curve. If the amplitude of oscillation is too big, the minus point will be at the left of the unstable point two. As was already discussed the amplitude will build up until it reaches point one. point three and two are very close to each other, which means a big input signal can easily push the system over the edge, even if the amplitude of oscillation of the first point is very high. If the integrating coefficients c1 and c2 are increased, points two and three will come closer to each other and the system will more easily jump past point two.

Chapter 3. System design




At first it was tried to optimize the system using the linear model as it should be accurate enough to at least form a starting point for further optimizations. There are five parameters that can be considered for optimization. The integrating coefficients: c1 , c2 and c3 , the delay d and the feedback gain g. For ease of implementation, the delay is lower bounded to half a clock cycle. A higher delay means a lower fosc and thus less quantization noise. However it also leads to a higher amplitude of oscillation which lowers the comparator gain and thus noise suppression. Simulation showed that small delay gives better performance, so d was chosen to be 1/2. The coefficient c3 does not have much influence. It only scales the input of the comparator but it does not change the zero crossings, which is the only thing that matters for the comparator. So c3 does not have to be included in the optimization. It does however have an influence on circuit level. A large c3 leads to a high output swing and bandwidth of the third op-amp. If c3 is too small, errors could arise because of a non-perfect comparator. Therefore a value of c3 is chosen through simulation, that offers a reasonable output swing. The feedback gain g determines, together with c1 and c2 , the position of the zero in the NTF. Although an unstable system oscillates at the frequency of the pole in the loop gain determined by g, g does not influence the stability of the system. Figure 3.6 shows the Nyquist plot for a system with g = 0. This system does not have a pole but it still has a point of unstable oscillation and if the gain of the comparator is too small, the system will still become unstable, with or without the pole. Furthermore it was assumed that the optimal values of c1 and c2 do not depend on g. This greatly simplifies the optimization and seems a valid assumption.

Figure 3.6: Nyquist plot of the loop gain with g equal to 0

In the end only c1 and c2 needed to be optimized and afterwards g was chosen to place the pole at an optimal position. As stated before the linear approximation of the system performs reasonably well. However when the coefficients were optimized, the resulting system was unstable, even without an input. Here as before unstable means it started

Chapter 3. System design


to oscillate at a much lower frequency than expected. As stated before, increasing the coefficients moves points two and three on the Nyquist plot (3.4) closer to each other. Because of nonlinear effects, the amplitude of oscillation is able to become bigger than the amplitude of the highest frequency oscillation and the unstable point two pushes it towards the low frequency oscillation. To save the linear model for optimization purposes it could be demanded that point two and three remain at a certain distance of each other. However because of limited time this possibility has not been fully explored and a brute force approach was used to optimize the design. c1 , c2 and c3 where chosen to be 2π0.015fs , 2π0.045fs and 2π0.0225fs respectively. For this values, the SNR is about 75dB for a -8dB input at 10MHz. If full scale is defined as D, although we can only go up to 0.8D, this is a -2dBFS input.



An op-amp forming an integrator can be represented as a voltage controlled current source loaded by a capacitor C. This means the rate of change of the output voltage is equal to the delivered current divided by the capacitance. A rapidly changing output voltage can only be delivered by a large current. However the op-amp is not able to produce an infinite amount of current and the maximum current it is able to deliver is directly related to the amount of power it consumes. This means the rate of change of the output is limited, and when the output is changing at this maximum rate, the op-amp is slewing. Slewing is a non-linear effect which introduces distortion in the SDM and degrades performance. The feedback signal at the input of the first op-amp is the pulse width modulated version of the input U. This means it contains two components: the slowly varying input signal and the oscillation. The oscillation signal is the source of the slewing, but as this is a non-linear effect, superposition no longer holds and the integrator is also non linear for the slowly varying component. If the current runs out, it runs out for all inputs. But even when the current remains under its maximum level, performance is still degraded. Figure 3.7 illustrates this. The output current of the op-amp is only a linear magnification of the input voltage as long as it remains small. The higher the current, the more non-linear the integrator becomes and the more the performance is degraded. This could be called soft slewing. This problem mainly presents itself at the first op-amp because the input of the second integrator is already softened by the first integrator and the third op-amp is loaded with a smaller capacitance. Non-linearities are also less suppressed by the loop filter if they are introduced close to the input. So the problem is caused by the oscillating component of the feedback signal at the first op-amp. It is not necessary for the outer loop to process this oscillation. It would be better if the first op-amp processes only the slow signal U because of slewing and bandwidth limitations.

Chapter 3. System design


Figure 3.7: Slewing

To reduce the oscillation, a low pass filter was introduced in the outer feedback path. However this filter changes the loop gain leading to a more complicated design. It changes the loop filter into a fourth order instead of a third order filter. This is compensated by adding a second filter that bypasses the first integrator as can be seen on Figure 3.8.

g U



1 1+sτ DAC

c1 s



c1τ 1+sτ

y c2 s



c3 s


DAC 1 bit


1 bit 1

z− 2 Figure 3.8: diagram of the third order SOSD-modulator with Low-Pass filter and compensation 1 If a first order low pass filter is used, 1+sτ , the compensation filter, Hc , can be calculated by demanding that the transfer function of the path between x and y remains unchanged. The system with the filters satisfies:

c1 1 c2 ( x + g y) − xHc s 1 + sτ s c1 1 + H y c = − s 1+sτ c2 c2 x 1 + g s2 y=−

In the system without filters Hc and τ are zero which means that Hc is subject to:

(3.2) (3.3)

Chapter 3. System design


Hc +

c1 1 c1 = s 1 + sτ s


so Hc =

1 c1 (1 − ) s 1 + sτ c1 τ = 1 + sτ

(3.5) (3.6)

If the compensation filter is dimensioned right, the oscillation is suppressed without changing the operation of the system. There is however a trade off. If τ becomes too large, the low pass filter affects the input component of the PWM signal. Normally the error signal at the input of the first integrator does not contain a large contribution of U. However if the feedback signal is low pass filtered, the phase of the input component of the feedback signal changes a little, and the input is not completely eliminated. The first op-amp receives a larger input and its output swing increases. Because this SOSDM will be implemented in a 65nM technology with a supply of only 1.2V, this could become a problem. Therefore a trade off will have to be made. The cut off frequency was chosen to be five times larger than the bandwidth as simulation showed this offered a reasonable output swing.



A major factor in determining the power consumption of the system is the maximum allowed noise level. The circuit will consist of several resistors and transistors that will create thermal and other noise. To determine the noise contribution to the output, several noise sources are added to the model(Figure 3.9). One at each integrator input, one in the local feedback loop before g and one before the Low pass filter. This is an accurate representation as most resistors are connected to the input of the op-amps forming the integrators and the noise of the op-amp themselves can be referenced to their inputs. Since the SNR is around 75dB with a -8dB input, the amount of quantization noise is around -83dB. This means that to not degrade the performance, the noise contribution should be lower than this level. Therefore it will be demanded that the noise contribution in the pass band is lower than -90dB. It is assumed that all three noise-sources deliver white noise, so shot noise and 1/f noise will be neglected. The noise source at the first integrator, N1 , can be added to the input signal. This means that the NTF1 is equal to the STF if there is no feed forward path from the input to the third integrator. It was already determined that this STF approximates one, so the noise of N1 is not suppressed. This means that the noise contribution of this source has to be lower than -90dB. If Ng is substituted by a noise source after the gain g, this noise contribution can also be added to the input. The transfer function NTFg is approximately

Chapter 3. System design




g U


1 1+sτ

c1 s






fs c2 s


c3 s


c1τ 1+sτ


DAC 1 bit


z− 2

NLP Figure 3.9: Model with noise sources

equal to g which leads to around 20dB suppression. This means the contribution of Ng has to be smaller than -70dB. The source before the low pass filter can be replaced by three sources. One at the input of the system, one at the input of the second integrator and one at the input of the third integrator. Since the low pass filter offers almost no attenuation in the pass band, the first restriction on NLP is that it has to be lower than -90dB. With this restriction, the attribution of NLP two the input of the second and third integrator is negligible. The transfer function from N2 to V is given by: N2 1 Gs c3 c2 s − gc1 c2 = V 1 + LG s s2 + gc1 c2


where LG is the loop gain. Figure 3.10a shows the transfer function from N2 to the output. This NTF2 suppresses the noise with 20dB, this means the noise power in the pass band of the source N2 should be smaller than -70dB. To easily calculate the contribution of N3 to the output, this source is substituted by a source after the comparator. To deliver the 3 c3 . As this new source is in same contribution, this source has to be of the form: Gs ∗N s 1 so exact the same position as the quantization noise source its NTF is the same: 1+LG N T F3 is: N3 1 Gs c3 = (3.8) V 1 + LG s N T F3 is depicted at Figure 3.10b. NTF3 suppresses the noise with 40dB, the result is that the noise delivered by N3 should be smaller than -50 dB. During simulation it became clear that too much noise could make the loop unstable. However this was only a problem at

Chapter 3. System design





20 10

10 0 −10



5 0 −5

−20 −30 −40


−50 −15 −60 −20 −25

−70 −4



















(a) Transfer function from N2 to V

(b) Transfer function from N3 to V

unreasonable high noise levels. To conclude this section, Table 3.1 shows the parameters of the designed system. Table 3.1: Parameters of the optimized system


system value

circuit value











2 GHz 667MHz


fs 3 fs 100 fs 20 1 2





fs fosc fb fLP

20MHz 100MHz 0.25ns

Chapter 4

The circuit 4.1

Top level

As mentioned before, the integrators are implemented using op-amps. Figure 4.1 shows the realization of an integrator and the low pass filter. Because of negative feedback, the op-amp will act as a nullator and offer a virtual ground at its input for differential signals. This means x1 and x2 do not influence each other. If the gain is not high enough to offer a perfect ground, which it never is, the inputs will interact with each other and there will be some distortion. The output of this simple circuit is: y=−

x2 v − R1 Cs R2 Cs


Because a non-inverting integrator is needed, the wires will be crossed at the output. The Voltage v is given by v = x1

X1+ X1-


R1 R1 +RLP





R1 1 + s2CLP RLP R1 +R LP

C V-


R1 R2






Y+ Y-

R2 C

Figure 4.1: Circuit of integral of a sum of two signals, one of which is low pass filtered.


Chapter 4. The circuit


To find the response of this filter to differential signals, the capacitor had to be split up into two capacitors in series. That is why the capacitance is double in Equation 4.2. With this basic integrator and summing circuit, the total circuit can now be built. However an adjustment has to be made. In the diagram of Figure 3.7, the output of Hc is added to the output of the first integrator. This is not possible as the used integrator circuit is only able to add signals at its input, not at the output. Also, in order to simplify the system, the low pass filter and Hc will be merged since they are very similar. Figure 4.2 shows the final diagram of the system. Figure 4.3 shows the circuit. The three integrators

g U


1 1+sτ

c1 s


fs c2 s


c3 s


c1 τ DAC 1 bit


z− 2

Figure 4.2: Diagram of the SOSDM as it will be implemented

and the comparator are clearly visible. The comparator is followed by a flip flop to realize the sampling. The half clock cycle delay is implemented with a flip flop clocked at the inverse clock. This second flip flop also inverts the signal. There are inverters between the flip flops and the resistors. They serve a double purpose. Firstly they drive the resistor with a voltage Vref . Vref is the equivalent of D, the output voltage of the comparator on the system level. This voltage does not necessarily correspond to the digital voltage supplied by the flip flops. Secondly they act as buffers between the analog and the digital parts of the circuit. If the flip flops are too heavily loaded, their output voltage lowers and they become slow. The buffer offers a lower capacitance and a high resistance. If the capacitive impedance difference between the analog and digital part is too big, it is possible that multiple inverters are necessary to minimize the delay. Because the two feedback paths have a different loading, they have different buffers.







































R13_a R23_b


R13_b RFB_b Vref-





RinFF_a Vref-





















Figure 4.3: The top level of the circuit.
















D Dn

out+ out-









Chapter 4. The circuit 25




Chapter 4. The circuit



Dimensioning the Passive components

The next step is to dimension the resistors and capacitors. To start all equations that have to be satisfied are given. Rpar is the equivalent parallel resistance of RLP 1 , RLP 2 and RLP 3 . Lets first look at the circuit around the first op-amp: 1 = g ∗ c1 Rg ∗ CF B1 1 = c1 Rin CF B1 RLP Rpar 2CLP =τ RLP Rpar

(4.3) (4.4) (4.5)

Here τ is the time constant of the low pass filter Rpar 1 = c1 RLP + Rpar CF B1 RLP 1


The equations for the circuit around the second op-amp are: 1 = c2 R12 CF B2 Rpar 1 = c1 τ c2 RLP + Rpar CF B2 RLP 2

(4.7) (4.8)

In Equation 4.8 c1 τ is the gain of Hc . And the the third op-amp: 1 = c3 R23 CF B3 1 = c3 RinF F CF B3 1 = c3 R13 CF B3 Rpar 1 = c1 τ c3 RLP + Rpar CF B3 RLP 3 1 = c3 RF B CF B3

(4.9) (4.10) (4.11) (4.12) (4.13)

Before these equations are solved, lets first discuss the influence of the values on the performance of the circuit. The first constraint is the noise generated by the resistors. This sets a maximum value on each resistance. Lowering the resistance however will increase the capacitance of the feedback capacitors. This increases the output capacitance of the op-amps which is bad for bandwidth and slewing and thus for power consumption. Another incentive for increasing the resistor values is the resistive loading of the op-amps. The lower this is, the more current the op-amp has to deliver to obtain a certain output voltage. If the maximum deliverable current is too small, the output voltage will saturate and this will degrade performance. To prevent this the current and the power consumption will have to be increased. Apart from noise, the only drawback to large resistors is that

Chapter 4. The circuit


they require a large surface on the chip. A 100kΩ resistor is more than 45µm long, and this will be taken as a maximum. So the resistors will be made as large as is allowed for noise performance while keeping them smaller than 100kΩ. This is of course an arbitrary choice and increasing this maximum resistance will decrease the power consumption as it leads to lower capacitive loading and smaller resistive dissipation. The size of the capacitors is also quite large and this should also be considered when choosing the resistor values. √ Resistors generate white noise with a root mean square voltage of 4 ∗ k ∗ T ∗ R √VHz . J Here k is the Boltzmann constant, k = 1.38∗10−23 K , and T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin, which will be assumed to be 300K. Only the noise in the pass band is considered. 2 If the mean square of the noise voltage has to be smaller than a value Vmax in dB, then the resistor will have to satisfy: 2 ax Vm

10 10 = Rmax R< 4 ∗ k ∗ R ∗ fB


here fB is the bandwidth of the modulator. RLP 1 and Rin both correspond to N1 on Figure 3.9 so their contribution has to be smaller than -90dB which leads to a Rmax of 3kΩ. RLP corresponds to NLP , which means it also has the same Rmax . Equations 4.4 and 4.5 show that Rg = Rgin . However its noise contribution is also scaled with g so Rg R

has a Rmax of in,max , which means that the noise requirement for Rg is satisfied, if it is g satisfied for Rin . R12 corresponds to N2 and its Rmax equals 302kΩ This is limited to 100kΩ. RLP 2 also corresponds to N2 so its Rm ax is also 100kΩ. In fact, every resistor that is not yet discussed is bounded by 100kΩ as they are allowed to be noisier than N2 . As there are 11 equations and 15 unknowns, 4 values have to be assigned to solve the equations. Table 4.1 shows all the resistors and capacitors together with their values and the maximum values for the resistors. Rin , R12 , R23 and CLP were assigned before solving the equations. Due to a miscalculation the maximal value of R12 was mistakenly defined as 31kΩ during the design of the modulator. This error was corrected too late to redesign. This led to a slightly increased Power consumption as the minimal noise and load capacitance of the second op-amp were too big. More importantly the load resistor of the first op-amp could have been larger. The result will be a somewhat larger power consumption of the system.


Preamp, Flip Flops and Buffers

The system has been simulated using a verilog model for the comparator as it has not been designed. The comparator is not a critical component for the operation and its design is rather simple. A possible implementation of the comparator could be a preamplifier followed by a flip flop. This flip flop is also used to implement the half clock cycle delay.

Chapter 4. The circuit


Table 4.1: Values of the resistors and capacitors in the system.
























RinF F























A design was handed to me for the preamplifier and the flip flop. They will be discussed for completeness and to estimate a total power consumption of the modulator. Figure 4.4 shows the preamplifier. It is a standard differential pair loaded by diodes. The power consumption will mainly be determined by its GBWP. A good GBWP would be ten times the oscillation frequency. This comparator is loaded by the flip flops. This digital component has a very small input capacitance in the order of a fF. Since the preamp is loaded with a high impedance and the input signal is already integrated, the power consumption will mainly be determined by the GBWP and not by slewing or the voltage and gm is the across the output resistance. The current is determined by I = gm gIm D gm product of the GBWP and the load capacitance, CL . With ID = 15 and CL = 1f F , ID becomes 2.8µA and the dissipated power 3.4µW . As will become evident later, this is negligible compared to the power dissipated in the op-amps. The flip-flops are depicted in Figure 4.5. It is very important for this component to have identical rise and fall times. Simulation shows that if the rise and fall time differ too much, this has a dramatic impact on the SNR. A difference of only two pico seconds reduced the SNR with 7dB. Figure 4.6 shows an equivalent schematic. The first two vertical inverters(4) have to force the rise and fall times to be equal. The two transistors force one input low if the other is high. This increases the fall time. The first two horizontal inverters(1) only react while the clock is high. The second pair(2) only reacts while the clock is low. This means this flip flop is triggered on the falling slope of the clock. The last two inverters(3) preserve the output voltage when the clock is high. They are the memory of the system. If the clock is low, they offer a high impedance, and the second pair of inverters can easily change the internal state. The second pair of vertical inverters(5) act as a buffer, offering a clean digital output.

Chapter 4. The circuit

29 vdd









vdd in+



out+ M3





Figure 4.4: A possible circuit for the preamp

The flip flop circuit has no static dissipation. If the input and clock do not change, the power consumption will be next to nothing. The only dissipation results from loading and unloading the capacitors. The amount of energy stored on a capacitor is equal to CV 2 2 . During unloading of the capacitor, this energy is dissipated in resistive elements. If the voltage on a capacitor is switched from V to 0 with a frequency of f , the dissipated 2 power is CV2 f . There are several capacitors in the flip flops. Most are very small. The biggest capacitors are the gate capacitors and they have a value of around 0.5 fF. The voltage on these capacitors changes twice per oscillation period. If the input of the flip flops rises , half the capacitors will load from 0 to V volts, and the other half will unload. There are about 22 transistors whose gate capacitor is loaded once per oscillation period. There are also 16 transistors that are driven by the clock. This means the dissipation 2 2 can be estimated by 22 CV2 fosc + 16 CV2 fs = 17µW . Most of this power comes from the faster switching, clock driven transistors. There are two flip flops but even 34µW is small compared to the power dissipation of the op-amps.

Most of the power consumption of the system will be in the op-amps. The flip flops and preamp account for a small part of the power budget. The power consumption of the buffers however could be quite large. Their output can be considered the superposition of a differential and common mode part. The common mode voltage is constant and the same at every node. This means no common mode current flows in the circuit. The dissipation of the differential part is determined by the load resistance. Most resistors are quite large and most differential signals rather small. However this is not true in the first part. Due to noise limitations the resistors are small there. The series resistance of RLP and RLP1 is approximately 3kΩ. They are by far the smallest resistors. The input of the first op-amp offers a virtual ground for differential signals. The buffers switch between

Chapter 4. The circuit


+0.6 and -0.6V. For DC this gives rise to a current of 0.2 mA. This current is delivered half the time by the first op-amp and half the time by the buffer. This gives rise to a total power consumption of 0.48mW because there are two buffers. This consumption is quite a large part of the total power budget. The other resistors are at least ten times higher than these resistors so the other buffers have no significant contribution. We only included static consumption in this analysis. The extra consumption caused by the loading of the 2 capacitors is given by CV2 fosc , Where C is the load capacitance and V the difference in voltage before and after loading. C is approximately CLP =1.3pF. Using Equation 4.2 we find that V is 0.06. So the dynamic dissipation is 2 µW which is small enough to be ignored. This also means that the low pass filter did not introduce a significant amount of extra dynamic dissipation because of higher capacitive loading of the buffers. vdd




vdd vdd




clk M20





gnd! vdd


vdd M43








M44 M23


vdd vdd


D M45 M40


gnd! gnd!

gnd! vdd



M58 M50




vdd clk+











gnd! gnd! M33



vdd vdd




M46 M51
















clk+ gnd!


M47 M38


vdd vdd


Dn M48 M28


gnd! gnd!


M49 M36


clk+ gnd!





gnd! gnd!


Figure 4.5: A flip flop circuit













Figure 4.6: The equivalent diagram of the flip flop circuit


Chapter 5

Op-Amp Design The most crucial parts of the Sigma Delta Self Oscillating modulator are the op-amps. They implement the integration and summation of the signals. If the integration coefficients are changed, the operation of the system will change and the loop could even become unstable. They are also the components that consume the lion’s share of the power. Most components are standard building blocks that only require a rescaling for this circuit. The op-amps however were completely designed for this modulator.



The op-amps have to comply with several specifications which will be discussed here.



When the transfer function of the integrator circuit was calculated, it was assumed that the op-amps had an infinite speed. It was taken for granted that the differential input signal of the op-amp was forced to zero by the negative feedback, even for unlimited frequencies. A more exact expression is found by assuming that the op-amp acts as an integrator with 1 . Figure 5.1 again gain A = τa1s . This means it has a gain bandwidth product of 2πτ a shows the simple integrator circuit but with only one input. The following is derived: Y = −A 1 sRC =Y +X 1 + sRC 1 + RSC

(5.1) (5.2)

With τi = RC this becomes Y −A = X 1 + (A + 1)sτi Which for this op-amp reduces to Y −1 1 = i τa X s(τi + τa ) 1 + s ττi +τ a 31



Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


X+ X-






Y+ Y-

Figure 5.1: The integrator

This means that instead of an integrator coefficient equal to τ1i , the coefficient becomes 1 (τi +τa ) . This effectively lowers the coefficients which in turn degrades the performance of the system. To prevent this, τa is made ten times smaller than τi . This is a specification on the Gain Bandwidth Product of the op-Amp. Even with this specification, the integrator coefficient will still be changed slightly. This could be compensated for by changing the feedback around the op-amp so τi changes to τi0 . If τi0 equals τi −τa , the unity gain frequency of the integrator will be exactly correct. The GBWP of the op-amp could even be lowered to save power. However it is to be taken into account that changing the feedback also changes the loading of the op-amp which influences its GBWP. Furthermore τa is less precise than τi so this compensation technique will not be relied on too hard. Not only will the integrator have a lower unity gain frequency, for higher frequencies it behaves as a second order integrator. If τa is much smaller than τi , this happens at the GBWP of the op-amp. This should not be a problem for the first and second op-amp. For those high frequencies the signals are already very small and the extra phase shift has not a great influence. However this could be a problem for the third op-amp as the phase shift of the third integrator is a determining factor for the oscillation frequency. During the design of the third op-amp measures should be taken to prevent the phase of the third integrator from drifting too far from π2 .


DC Gain

It was assumed that the op-amps behaved as integrators, which is a good assumption for high frequencies. However it requires an infinite gain at DC which is clearly not realistic. In reality the op-amp will behave more like a low pass filter with a finite DC gain ADC . To determine the effect of a finite gain A is replaced by ADC in Equation 5.3. Y −ADC ≈ X 1 + ADC τi s


Here ADC was assumed to be bigger than one. It is clear that the integrator is in fact a low pass filter. There will be a finite suppression of the low frequent noise instead of an

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


infinite one. This is not a major problem as long as ADC is large enough. The effect will be a lower bound on the transfer function of the quantization noise. The zero placed near the bandwidth will no longer be a perfect zero. To determine the needed ADC the system is integrated with low pass filters instead of integrators. If all op-amps have an ADC equal to 200, the resulting SNR is degraded by less than 1dB. There is another effect of finite ADC (and GBWP). If the ADC is too small, there will be distortion as multiple inputs of an integrator start to interact. Therefore it is better to realize a higher ADC. With this in mind the number of stages of the op-amps where chosen to be three. This offers more than enough gain at almost no extra cost.



DC-gain and GBWP are both linear specifications in that they both specify the linear operation of the op-amp. To prevent the op-amp from operating as a non-linear component a minimum current Imin will have to be delivered to prevent slewing. An approximate result will now be derived for this Imin . Assume a sine input with frequency fin and amplitude Ain . The amplitude at the output of an integrator sc , will be: c Aout = Ain (5.6) 2πfin so   dV (5.7) Imin = CL dt max = CL 2πAout fin


= CL Ain c


The result is that the current needed to prevent slewing does not depend on the rate of change of the input. Although a faster changing signal will need more current to load the capacitor to a certain voltage, this voltage will be lower because of harder suppression by the integrator. Of course it was assumed that the circuit still operates as an integrator at high frequencies, which would assume an infinite GBWP. However Equation 5.4 shows that if the input is too fast for the integrator circuit, it will act as a double integrator which would even lower the needed current further. It can be concluded that Equation 5.9 is a good upper boundary on the amount of current needed to prevent slewing.


Other Specifications

Another non-linear specification is the deliverable DC-current. Apart from CL , the op-amp is also loaded by a resistor. This means the op-amp has to deliver a current to generate a DD where VDD is the supply voltage voltage. This leads to the following demand IDC > V2R L which is 1.2V Linked to the output swing is the common mode voltage. This voltage is taken to be 600mV both for the output as the input common mode voltage for all three op-amps and

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


the comparator input. This voltage is half the supply. For simplicity the input and output common mode voltage were chosen the same. A lower input common mode voltage and a higher output common mode voltage would have been better for output swing but it would make the circuit more complicated. Not only the resistors generate noise, also the transistors. Although every transistor is noisy, most of the noise is determined by the first stage. This noise is amplified by all following stages. This noise will be represented as a voltage source at the input of the op-amps. If only white noise is included, the mean square voltage of this source is: 2 4kT α 3 gm


α is the equivalent amount of noisy transistors in the first stage. For this design this will be smaller than four for all op-amps. α will be determined more accurately during the design of the first op-amp. It will be demanded that this noise is less than the noise generated by the resistor at the input of the op-amp. A last important specification is of course stability. A phase margin of 60◦ will be demanded for each op-amp, which is a much used number. The first and second op-amp have been designed and simulated. The design of the third op-amp is very similar to the design of the other two op-amps but has not been implemented.


General Feed Forward Op-Amp Design Flow

This design flow is largely based on an internal paper by Professor Rombouts. Because the purpose of this thesis is to design a low power ADC, the Feed Forward architecture is a good choice. To stabilize, it puts parasitics at frequencies lower than the dominant pole instead of higher. As faster circuits use more power, this is a low power solution. The slow impulse response of the FF op-amp is not a problem for this modulator. The behavior in the frequency domain is what determines the performance of our modulator. As stated before a three stage op-amp will be used because of DC gain considerations. A general design flow will now be outlined for such op-amps. The goal is to determine the transistor dimensions and the current source of the differential pairs. There are five differential pairs to dimension: three stages and two feed forward stages. Figure 5.2 shows the small signal circuit of the op-amp. The R’s and C’s are the total output resistances and capacitances of the stages. This means the DC gain is given by −gm1 R1 gm2 R2 gm3 R3 − gmF F 2 R2 gm3 R3 − gmF F 3 R3 . However the DC gain will not be used as a specification anymore because it already determined the amount of stages. Therefore from now on it will be assumed that the output resistances is infinite. To further simplify the design, the two zeros are placed at the the same frequency. This means the following

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design




V1 gm1Vin



V2 gm2V1



Vuit gm3V2



Figure 5.2: The small signal circuit of a three stage FF op-amp

transfer function is targeted: 1 H=− sτ1

1 + sτ2 sτ2

2 (5.11)

Clearly the op-amp behaves as a third order integrator at low frequencies, but as a first order integrator near the unity gain frequency. The phase margin of this system rises if 1 . To this switch over point between third and first order lies further from the GBWP, 2πτ 1 ◦ have a phase margin of 60 , τ2 should at least be 4 times higher than τ1 . It will not be made smaller either to offer enough gain. First the equations linking the time constants to the circuit are written down :   1 1 + sτ2 2 −H = (5.12) sτ1 sτ2 2 1 1 + 2 + 3 2 = (5.13) sτ1 s τ1 τ2 s τ1 τ2 And from Figure 5.2: gmF F 3 gmF F 2 gm3 gm1 gm2 gm3 = + 2 + 3 (5.14) sC3 s C2 C3 s C1 C2 C3 So: gmF F 3 1 = (5.15) sC3 sτ1 gmF F 2 gm3 2 = 2 (5.16) 2 s C2 C3 s τ1 τ2 gm1 gm2 gm3 1 = 2 (5.17) 3 s C1 C2 C3 s τ1 (τ2 )2 The first and second stage can’t be dimensioned yet because C1 and C2 depend on the dimensions of the third stage. That is why the design starts at the last stage and works its way back. step1: gmF F 3 There are several restrictions on gmF F 3 . Firstly the GBWP specification, which together with Equation 5.15 gives: gmF F 3 > GBW P (5.18) 2πC3 Note that C3 is not known exactly as it also contains some drain gate and drain source capacitance from the transistors that still need to be dimensioned. But these capacitances

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


are lower than CL , the load capacitance of the op-amp. So CL is a good estimate for C3 . If capacitive sensing is used for the common mode feedback, than this contribution to C3 should not be forgotten. To prevent slewing, the third stage has to be able to deliver a certain current Imin . This gives us a second restriction: gmF F 3 gm ID

> Imin


is a design choice. A high gIm offers low power in exchange for large The value of gIm D D gm dimensions. A good value of ID depends on the technology that is used. Linearity of . Note that different stages can the transistor should also be considered while choosing gIm D gm have a different ID . Now gmF F 3 is determined by the most demanding restriction. step2: gm3 gm3 is chosen as follows: gmF F 3 (5.20) gm3 = SF3 Here SF3 is an arbitrary scale factor. It is better for power consumption to make SF3 big. However gm3 must not become too small as not to violate the following specification: gm3 gm ID

> Imin =



It must not be forgotten that R3 does not only include the external load resistance, but also the resistors used for the common mode feedback. Note that it was assumed that the third feed forward stage does not contribute to the DC current. Because of stability the none-feed forward stages are made slower than the feed forward stages. However at low frequency they have a much higher gain than the feed forward stages. This means that because of feedback, the input voltage of the op-amp will be very low at DC and almost no current will be delivered by the feed forward stages. That is why the third stage has to deliver all the DC current. gm3 is determined by the most stringent constraint and SF3 is updated. It is possible that gm3 becomes bigger than gmF F 3 . This is not desired. If this is the case, gmF F 3 will be increased to the value of gm3 . Now the input capacitance of the third stage is calculated. This approximates C2 . step3: gmF F 2 Equation 5.16 is rewritten using Equation 5.15 and Equation 5.20: gmF F 2 =

2SF3 C2 τ2


gmF F 2 SF2


step4: gm2 As before gm2 is a scaled version of gmF F 2 : gm2 =

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


If the common mode feedback resistors are not negligible, enough current will have to be delivered to produce a high enough output voltage. But in this design the common mode feedback of the second stage is not implemented with resistors as this would eat away the gain and ask a lot of space. Now the input capacitance of the second stage can be determined. This will be the major part of C1 . step5: gm1 Equation 5.17 is rewritten : C1 SF2 (5.24) gm1 = τ2 step6: Noise Use Equation 5.10 to check if gm1 is big enough for noise constraints. If gm1 is too small, add an explicit capacitor C1e at the output of the first stage. Set gm1 to its minimal value and size C1e as follows: gm1 τ2 C1e = − C10 (5.25) SF2 Where C1 = C10 + C1e step 7: gm2 and gmF F 2 If gm1 is very different from gm2 , an explicit capacitor can be added to C2 . Recalculate gm2 , gmF F 2 and C1e . During several steps approximations were made. This means this is an iterative procedure. All three output capacitors contain parasitics that are not known up front. If C3 contains a large parasitic contribution, the GBWP and the phase margin will be reduced. An underestimation of C1 and C2 increases stability at the cost of some gain. Even if the estimate of the output capacitances is correct, the phase margin will still be higher than 60◦ . It was assumed that the phase of the op-amp was −270◦ for low frequencies but this phase is in fact higher because the output resistors were neglected. If the resulting phase margin is much more than desired, it can be traded for a higher gain. Slewing was only discussed at the output of the op-amp. But if the output stage is very large, C2 is very big and there could be slewing at the second stage. Therefore it should be checked through simulation that at no point during operation, the current delivered by any stage approaches its maximum value too close.



All three op-amps will have a very similar architecture: A three stage feed forward opamp. There will be differences concerning the common mode feedback of the last stage and whether or not there is cascode in the first stage. The architecture will be discussed while going over the first op-amp. It was already decided to use three stages, however to boost the gain, the first stage will be implemented with a telescopic cascode. Figure 5.3 shows a cadence plot of the first stage

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


together with the bias circuits and the common mode feedback. Names of components of the circuit will be written in italics. The core of this stage is the differential pair: T1n a, T1n b with cascode transistors: TCn a, TCn b. This is loaded with a current source: T1p a, T1p b which is also cascoded: Tcp a, Tcp b.



T1CM is a triode transistor. Its gate voltage is the output voltage. It implements the common mode feedback. The gate voltage of T1p is given by VDD − RT 1CM ID1 where ID1 is the current flowing through T1CM. If the output common mode voltage rises, the resistance of T1CM becomes bigger and the gate voltage of T1p in turn falls. This lowers ID1 and since TCp is a current buffer, this also lowers the output current which in turn lowers the output common mode voltage. The bias circuit generates Vbias such that T1p injects a current equal to half the current of Istaart1 if the output common mode voltage is equal to the voltage generated by refintern. A big advantage to this kind of common mode voltage feedback is that it doesn’t load the output of this stage with a low resistance or a high capacitance. It only loads the output with the gate capacitance of T1CM. This capacitive loading is not an issue as a big capacitor already has been placed to preserve the stability. Resistive loading of this stage however would lower the gain. The high output impedance created by the cascode would be in parallel with the much lower resistance of the common mode feedback. This common mode feedback resistance can’t be made very large because its dimensions would be unreasonably high. The disadvantage of this implementation is that it is only accurate for a low output swing. Since this is only the first stage, the output swing at this point is rather small. For a reference voltage of 600mV, the output common mode becomes 643mV. As expected this is not very accurate but it will do.



The output swing of this stage is given by: VCM,in − VGS,T 1n + VDsat,T 1n + VDsat,T Cn < Vout < VDD − VDsat,T 1p − VDsat,T Cp (5.26) This means a lower VCM,in offers a higher output swing. For minimal VCM,in this becomes: VDsat,T staart1uit + VDsat,T 1n + VDsat,T Cn < Vout < VDD − VDsat,T 1p − VDsat,T Cp


The voltage over T1CM was neglected. Since this transistor is in triode its VDS is rather small. After the first stage is dimensioned the maximum output range can be put in numbers: 0.2690 < Vout < 0.9540. This has a midpoint of 0.6115 and a total swing 0.6850. However with an input common mode of 600mV this becomes: 0.3972 < Vout < 0.9540. The middle point is now 0.6756 and the swing 0.5568. However simulation showed that

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


the needed output swing for this stage is not even 50mV so there is more than enough swing and the input common mode voltage is not critical.



Figure 5.4 shows the small signal equivalent for differential signals of the first stage. For simplicity it is assumed that the n and corresponding p transistors have the same small signal parameters. Lets first calculate the output impedance of the upper cascode: 0 Rout =



= (1 + gmc R1 )Rc + R1


≈ gmc R1 Rc


This impedance is in parallel with the output impedance of the lower cascode. The cascode transistor acts as a current buffer which means Iout approximates gm1 Vin . This makes for 0 /2 = g a DC gain of gm1 Rout m1 Rout . There are two poles: a dominant pole caused by the load capacitance of the stage, and a pole caused by the capacitance on point X. The 1 because the cascode transistor offers a low input resistance at X is approximately gmc resistance due to its operation as a current buffer. With these poles the total transfer function becomes: Y gm1 Rout = (5.31) X X (1 + sC1 Rout )(1 + s gCmc ) The effect of C1 was included in the previous stability analyses, however CX was not brought into account. This pole has to be at a higher frequency than the GBWP of the op-amp to ensure stability. This should not be a problem because CX is much smaller than CL but if it is a problem it can be solved by increasing gmc .



Figure 5.3 shows four bias circuits. The biasing of the tail transistor is rather straightforward. It is more difficult to produce the biasing voltages of the cascode transistors. VCBiasn has to be large enough to prevent the two lower transistors from going into triode mode. It has to be equal to 2VDsat + VGS + margin. From this bias circuit it is derived that VCBiasn = VDS,T CBiasnstaart + VDS,T CnBias triode + VGS,T CBiasnin . To ensure that this is large enough, TCnBias triode is a downsized version of TCn. The smaller it is made, the larger the voltage across it will be and the higher the margin will be. The channel width of TCnBias triode is made five times smaller than the width of TCn. The other bias circuits are similar. To reduce the power dissipated in the bias circuits, the injected current and the width of the transistors are also scaled. Preferably the amount of fingers is reduced so the width per finger remains the same. It is important that the bias circuit of TCn is scaled. Not only because of power consumption, but because it is

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


out1+ Cint1_b





T1CM_sc Vref




refintern TCpBias_triode






T1p_sc VDD!







TCp_scsc VDD!













VCBiasn ICM1

ICM1_sc gnd!

























TCBiasnstaart gnd!

Figure 5.3: The first stage of the first op-amp

R1 Z









Figure 5.4: The small signal circuit of the first stage of the first op-amp

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


directly connected to the first stage and can introduce an error in the biasing current of this stage.


Other Stages

The other stages and the feed forward stages are standard differential amplifiers without cascode and are depicted in Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6. The second stage uses the same kind of common mode feedback as the first stage. The output common mode voltage is 746.8mV. This is a large error because the reference was also 600mV. It needs an output swing around 120mV. This stage doesn’t use cascode so the output range is: VCM,in − VGS,T 2n + VDsat,T 2n < Vout < VDD − VDsat,T 2p


0.3430 < Vout < 1.04


The swing is 0.697 and the midpoint 0.6915. Clearly the output swing is high enough. The feed forward stage does not restrict the output swing as it has a lower input VCM,in . Only the third stage uses common mode feedback with capacitive and resistive sensing. The reason is that the output is already loaded with a large capacitor and a low resistor. The extra loading from the common mode feedback doesn’t make a large difference here. Furthermore, the output swing at this point is higher so the conventional common mode feedback is more accurate here. The circuit is depicted at Figure 5.7. The gain is gmn /gmp which is close to one. The total gain of the common mode feedback is: gmn gmT 3p R3 (5.34) gmp Because the third stage needs a large bandwidth, it has large transistors.This means the common mode feedback has a large load capacitance and so stability could become a problem. The time constant of the output pole is CL,CM /gmp where CL,CM is mainly the gate source capacitance of T3p. For the common mode feedback loop to be stable it is needed that: CL,CM C3 (5.35) < gmp gmT 3p with C3 the outpout capacitance of the third stage. This kind of common mode feedback has clearly a high gain as the output common mode voltage is 602.3mV. This is a deviation of only 2.3mV. The current source of the CMFB is a scaled version of the current flowing through T3p. The pmos transistors of the CMFB are also scaled versions of this transistor. Connecting them like diodes ensures that they are in saturation which is where T3p needs to be. The same form of biasing is used for all the non-cascode transistors. The third stage needs an output swing of 286mV. The expression of the output range is the same as Equation 5.32. In numbers this is: 0.419 < Vout < 1.042


Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design

Figure 5.5: The second stage of the first op-amp

Figure 5.6: The third stage of the first op-amp


Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design

43 VDD! Tp_a


CMFB in+

R0 C0 Tn_a


CMref R1 I0 C1



Figure 5.7: The common mode feedback circuit of the last stage of the first op-amp

which offers a swing of 623mV and the center point is 730.5mV. The output feed forward stage also does not restrict the swing because of its lower VCM,in . There is enough swing for this stage but the output voltage comes close to its minimal value during simulation (466mV). So in further design it should be considered to lower the reference voltage of the second stage so its output common mode is lower.



The equivalent noise source at the input of the op-amp needs to be determined. As previously mentioned, only the noise of the first stage is significant. The mean square of this voltage is given by Equation 5.10 so α, the equivalent amount of noisy transistors, has to be found. It is clear that the transistors of the differential pair contribute directly to the noise. The noise current of T1p, InT 1p , is buffered by the cascode transistor TCp. This means it contributes directly to the output voltage as Vout,nT 1p = InT 1p ∗ Rout . If this is divided by the gain the equivalent input noise is derived: Vin,nT 1P = =

Vout,nT 1p gm1 Rout

InT 1p gm1

(5.37) (5.38)

The mean square of InT 1p is 23 4kT gmT 1p . This leads to a total contribution from T1p and T1n to α as: gmT 1p α = 2 ∗ (1 + ) (5.39) gmT 1n However the cascode transistors are noisy too. Figure 5.8 shows the small signal equivalent of the first stage. The loading of the cascoded differential pair is represented 0 . The noise of the biasing and common mode feedback circuits is not as a resistance=Rout

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


included. Their noise will only contribute to the common mode voltages of the circuit which is not a problem for performance. There is one noise-current source representing the noise produce by TCn. The analysis for TCp is similar. The input voltage is put to zero as it is not relevant for this analysis. The contribution of In to I1 needs to be found 1 . From this circuit the following equations . The input voltage corresponding to I1 is gIm1 are derived: X = I1 R1


I1 = In − gmC X +



0 Y = −I1 Rout


I1 RC = 0 In RC + gmC R1 RC + Rout + R1


After solving this becomes:

0 Because Rout and gmC R1 RC are very large, the noise contribution of the cascode transistors is negligible and Equation 5.39 holds. During the design α will still be assumed to be four as a worst case scenario.

Y R'out -gmcX




I1 R1

Figure 5.8: The small signal equivalent of the first stage of the first op-amp with added noise source



The specifications of the first op-amp are summarized in table 5.1. CL and RL already include the loading by the common mode feedback. To calculate Imin,slewing , Ain needs to be known. The oscillation is suppressed by the low pass filter with a cut off frequency at fs fs 20 = 100MHz. So a sine input with frequency 3 = 667M Hz and an amplitude of 0.6V, is suppressed to an amplitude of 90mV. This leads to a minimal needed current of 32µA. Without the low pass filter, Imin would be 215µA. The maximum deliverable current of the

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


designed op-amp delivers 422µA. This means that in this design slewing was not the main factor determining the power consumption. The low pass filter just increased linearity due to soft slewing. Now that all the specifications are lined up the first op-amp can finally be dimensioned. During the dimensioning the previously outlined steps were followed, but because this is an iterative procedure, only the results will be given. Note that whenever a certain current is given, this is the current flowing through one transistor. If the power consumption needs to be calculated, these currents will have to be doubled. The current flowing through the third feed forward stage is 211µA. This is much larger than Imin,slewing so the power consumption of this stage is determined by the GBWP. In fact the power consumption is really determined by noise specifications. Due to noise, Rin needed to be small which in turn made CL large. there is a clear trade off here between performance and power consumption. If more noise is allowed, the power consumption of 17 was used, and it will be used as a default without always will be lowered. A gIm D mentioning it. The length of the transistor is 180nm. This length was chosen larger than the minimum allowed length of 60nm because it offers a larger gain. The third stage has a current of 101µA. This is determined by the resistive loading of the stage. This is also one of the largest power consumers of the circuit. The gIm forT3p D is 10. This reduces the dimensions of this big transistor. The trade off is a smaller CMFB gain. This also improves the stability of the common mode feedback as it reduces the capacitive loading and shifts the dominant pole to lower frequencies. IDF F 2 is 6µA. There is an explicit capacitor of 22.5fF at the output of this stage. This is the value of the differential capacitor. It is implemented with two capacitors in parallel with each a fourth of this value. The reason for this capacitor is the high gm of the first stage. The channel length of TFF2 is 240nm. This increases gain while this transistor remains rather small. The second stage has the same current as the second feed forward stage, SF2 = 1, because this stage uses very little power and to keep it from getting much smaller than the first stage. Even with this explicit capacitor and SF2 = 1 the ratio of gm1 over gm2 is of T2p is 10 to reduce its still 8. The length of the p and n transistors is 360nm. The gIm D surface-size. Table 5.1: Specifications of the first op-amp


300MHz 60◦









Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


The first stage has a current of 52µA. This is determined by noise requirements. It was demanded that the equivalent input noise voltage was less than the noise voltage created by the input resistor. α was assumed to be four. For T1p gIm also was 10. This means the D actual α is 3.2. So we have some margin on our noise. Because of the noise requirement an explicit capacitor of 1.88 pF had to be placed to keep the op-amp stable. This means the first stage is as heavily loaded as the third one. The lengths of T1n and T1p were also as T1n. 240nm. The cascode transistors were dimensioned with the same length and gIm D Simulation of the op-amp showed a GBWP of 288 MHz and a DC gain of 83dB. The phase margin was 67◦ and the unity gain frequency of the integrator was 30.27MHz. This could be compensated for by increasing CF B1 a little. Figure 5.9 shows the bode plot of the op-amp and Figure 5.10 shows the bode plot of the integrator formed with this op-amp. Table 5.2 shows the channel widths and lengths of the transistors of the first op-amp together with the dimensions of the CMFB resistor. The biasing transistors were not included since they are just scaled versions of the transistors they are biasing. Also the tail transistors were not included. They have the same length and the double width of the TXn transistors. The power consumption of this op-amp is 0.9mW. This does not include the consumption of the biasing circuits and the common mode feedback circuit.



The architecture of the second op-amp is the same as the first one with one difference. Because the output resistance of the second op-amp is higher than the first one, the same kind of CMFB will be used as in the first and second stage of the first op-amp. If resistive sensing of the common mode voltage would be used here, the gain would be halved. Table 5.3 shows the specifications on the second op-amp. This op-amp needs a higher GBWP than the first one, but its load capacitance is much smaller. Figure 4.2 shows that the second op-amp has two inputs. One input is low pass filtered and integrated, the other is only integrated. The amplitude of this second input signal is: Ain = 0.6 ∗

c1 = 27mV 2πfosc


From Equation 5.9, with c= 0.0452πfs , Imin is 0.87µA. This means slewing will not be a problem. The design of this op-amp will not be discussed with as much detail as the the design of the first op-amp. Table 5.4 shows the needed and available output swing for every stage. It is clear that this is never a problem. Table 5.5 shows the dimensions of the transistors. Figure 5.11 shows the bode plot of the op-amp and Figure 5.12 shows the bode plot of the second integrator. The GBWP of the second op-amp is 854MHz, the DC gain 80dB, the unity gain frequency of the integrator is 90.68MHz and the phase margin 73◦ . The total of 15 was used. Because this op-amps power consumption is 0.1mW. For this design, a gIm D power consumption is almost a tenth of the previous one, a lower gIm was used because D

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design



V (deg)




0.0 100 75.0

V (dB)

50.0 25.0 0.0

-25.0 -50.0 -1












10 10 freq (H z)











Figure 5.9: The bode plot of the first op-amp

100 75.0


50.0 25.0 0.0 -25.0 -50.0 -75.0 200.0

Phase (deg)


100.0 50.0 0.0

-50.0 -100.0 0












10 10 freq (H z)









Figure 5.10: The bode plot of the integrator formed by the first op-amp



Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


Table 5.2: The channel widths and lengths of the transistors of the first op-amp








































and power consumption was less critical. However, one could just as easily increase gIm D trade larger dimensions for lower power. The reason why the second op-amp uses less power is mainly its low load capacitance and high load resistance. IDF F 3 = 22.4µA is determined by bandwidth requirements. ID3 = 12.1µA is determined by resistive loading. There is no explicit capacitor at the second stage. To comply with noise requirements and keep the system stable, there is an explicit capacitor of 51 fF at the output of the first stage. The first stage dissipates approximately 11.3% of the total power of this op-amp. However, as was already mentioned, the noise requirements for the second op-amp could be relaxed.



The specifications of the third op-amp are similar to those of the previous two op-amps with one exception. The phase shift of the third integrator determines the oscillation frequency. On Figure 5.12 it is clear that for this op-amp the phase is much lower than Table 5.3: Specifications of the second op-amp


900MHz 60◦









Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


Table 5.4: The needed and available output swing of the stages of the second op-amp


Vout,CM (V )





needed swing(V)






















Table 5.5: The channel widths and lengths of the transistors of the second op-amp






































V (deg)


100.0 M 28 7:854.424M H z,73.4045d


0.0 100

V (dB)



25.0 M 26:854.4241M H z,0.0dB 0.0

-25.0 -1












10 10 freq (H z)





Figure 5.11: The bode plot of the second op-amp







Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design






25.0 0.0

-25.0 -50.0 200.0

Phase (deg)


100.0 50.0 0.0

-50.0 -100.0 0











10 freq (H z)











Figure 5.12: The bode plot of the integrator formed by the second op-amp

90◦ at the oscillation frequency. It was already determined that for frequencies higher than the GBWP, the integrator is actually a second order integrator(Equation 5.4). This means the bandwidth might need to be increased to even higher frequencies. A GBWP of ten times the oscillation frequency is probably needed to guarantee that the oscillation frequency doesn’t change. An estimate of the power consumption can be made for a GBWP of 6GHz. The op-amp is loaded by the comparator which has a very high input impedance. It can be assumed that SF3 is high and ID3 can be neglected. The noise requirements for this op-amp are less stringent than they were for op-amp2 which means that ID1 can also be neglected. This means only IDF F 3 has to be taken in account. For is 17, this means CL of 35.4fF and a bandwidth of 6GHz, gmF F 3 has to be 1.3mΩ−1 . If gIm D IDF F 3 is 78.4µA. Equation 5.9 is used and the result is that Imin,slewing equals 6µA. This means the power consumption is determined by the GBWP requirement and is 0.19 mW. For this op-amp, it is probably best not to use cascode, as it introduces a parasitic pole at a high frequency. It was already concluded that a low gain at this point does not make much difference.



Table 5.6 shows the power consumption of the three op-amps together with the total consumption. This consumption could be reduced to 1mW if R 12 is increased to 100kΩ. It is clear that most of the power is dissipated in the first op-amp due to GBWP specifications.

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


If the system is simulated with ideal components the SNDR is 76.5 for a 10MHz input signal with an amplitude of 0.4V. An ideal buffer was used with an output voltage between 0 and 1.2v. If the first and second op-amp are replaced with the designed op-amps the SNDR is 74dB. This loss in performance could be due to increased delay or the small error on the integrator coefficients caused by the finite GBWP. The cascode is not really necessary. Even 60dB DC gain would probably be enough. For A 1MHz input the SNDR is 71dB. Now several harmonics lie in the pass band. The even harmonics are negligible, the third harmonic is 77dB lower than the fundamental signal. The seventh harmonic is 80dB lower than the fundamental. The other harmonics are at least 10dB lower. Figure 5.13 shows the output spectrum for this input. Table 5.6: The power consumption of the three op-amps



op-amp 1


op-amp 2


op-amp 3








−150 −5 10











f*Ts Figure 5.13: The outputspectrum for a 1MHz input with 0.4V amplitude

Chapter 5. Op-Amp Design


Chapter 6

Conclusion In this thesis I designed a low power ADC with a bandwidth of 20 MHz and a sample frequency of 2 GHz. The design is similar to a third order sigma delta modulator, however it was modified to implement pulse width modulation. This was achieved by making the sigma delta loop oscillate at 666MHz and using a 1 bit quantizer. The result is that the loop filter does not have to operate at the sample frequency. The fastest signal it has to process is the oscillation. This reduces the power consumption of the system. The power consumption can be reduced even further by adding a low pass filter in the loop. This effectively reduces the slew rate requirements of the first op-amp. By adding a compensation filter bypassing the first integrator, the influence of this low pass filter on the loop filter was eliminated. This new technique reduces power consumption without introducing the need to redesign the loop filter on the system level. While implementing this loop filter it has been found that the cut off frequency of this low pass filter should not be too close to the bandwidth. If the cut off frequency is too low, the output swing of the first integrator is increased. One should make a careful trade off between output swing and oscillation suppression. The system was designed first on the system level, and later implemented on the circuit level. To optimize the performance, I derived a linear model of the modulator. This model proved to be accurate enough if the integrator coefficients did not become to large. If the coefficients do become too large, the system starts to oscillate at a very low frequency, which is not adequately predicted by the linear model. It is possible that the linear model can be used for optimization purposes by demanding that the difference in magnitude of the loop filter at the two highest frequencies were the loop filter becomes 180◦ , remains large enough. This corresponds to demanding that point two and three on the Nyquist plot(Fig 3.4) remain at a certain distance from each other. However for this design, the integrator coefficients were determined using a brute force approach. On the circuit level, the integrators of the loop filter were implemented using feed forward op-amps with three stages. The first and second op-amp were designed. The 53

Chapter 6. Conclusion


most critical element of the system is the first op-amp as it consumes most of the power. The third op-amp is very similar to the other two and its power consumption can be estimated by extrapolation. The total estimated power consumption of the three op-amps is 1.2 mW. This power consumption is mainly caused by the gain bandwidth specifications, not by the slewing. An existing design was reused for the comparator and the flip flops. During simulation it became clear that the flip flops were the limiting factor on the performance and that they should be rescaled to offer more equal rise and fall times. A simulation of the system with ideal flip flops showed a SNR of 74dB.

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