2016 ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST Senderismo en las Montañas Rocosas del Gran Cañón de Colorado FIXED DEPARTURE: FT-ROC Duración: 14 noches, 15 días Ciudad...
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Senderismo en las Montañas Rocosas del Gran Cañón de Colorado FIXED DEPARTURE: FT-ROC Duración: 14 noches, 15 días Ciudad de inicio: Jackson, Wyoming Destino: Vegas, Nevada Tamaño del grupo: 4-14 persona Tipo de viaje: Trekking (hotels, tres noches en camping) Precio: $2410 net, $3085 rack Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Alemán, Francés, Italiano, Portugués

Booking & Availability: To check current available dates and booking, go to Signup is required.

Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 303-697-6688

Rocky Mountains and Grand Canyon Trekking tour - FT-ROC Map

Highlights: Yellowstone • Grand Teton • Grand Canyon Aspen • Steamboat Springs • Ouray Mesa Verde • Monument Valley • Havasupai

Las Montañas Rocosas son un destino de trekking bien conocido. Se encuentra paisajes excepcional ademas una gran cantidad de animales. En este viaje, le demostraremos parques famosos, tales como Yellowstone, Gran Teton, y el Gran Cañón de Colorado; así mismo recorremos un magnífico viaje en las áreas menos conocidas en las Montañas Rocosas. Usted explorará senderos conocidos únicamente por los nativos de las áreas cerca de Aspen, Steamboat Springs y Ouray. Al mismo tiempo descubrirá joyas ocultas en el corazón de las Montañas Rocosas de Colorado. En el Parque Nacional Grand Teton iremos de excursión atravesando lagos y debajo de picos impressionates de mas de 4000 metros. En el Parque Nacional de Yellowstone caminaremos a través del área geotérmica más grande del mundo. Este parque tambien es famoso por su inmensa diversidad de su fauna. Luego exploraremos las ruinas antiguas del parque nacional de Mesa Verde, este ha sido declarado patrimonio mundial de la humanidad por la institución UNESCO. Este sitio es famoso por sus viviendas construidas por indígenas en los acantilados hace más de 1000 años. Vamos a ver las alcobas suspendidas sobre barrancos escarpados. Después nos dirigiremos al Monument Valley, donde pasaremos una noche debajo de las estrellas con la tribu de los Navajo. Posteriormente, concluiremos esta aventura caminando en parque nacional del Gran Cañón. Finalmente descendemos en el Cañón de Havasupai; este es un cañón lateral, habitado por una tribu de aborígenes americanos, donde pasaremos dos noches acampando en un oasis ubicado en el Gran Cañón de Colorado. Inclusiones: Media Pension 11 noches de alojamiento en hoteles, tres noches de campamento 13 almuerzos (A) tipo picnic (self-made) 14 desayunos (D) 3 cenas campestres • Este viaje es un tour de trekking (días enteros o medios pasando caminando) • Experimentaremos una mezcla de visitas a los parques nacionales (PN) más famosos del mundo y destinos ocultos en: Yellowstone, Gran Teton, Mesa Verde, Gran Cañón de Colorado, también iremos de excursión alrededor de Aspen & Steamboat, Colorado, y luego descenderemos en el Cañón de Havasupai, este es un cañón lateral del Gran Cañón. • Grupo pequeño viajara con un máximo de 14 personas Certain walks are self-guided due to the permit regulations of the national parks (Grand Teton and Grand Canyon West Rim) as well as on national forest land such as Fish Creek in Steamboat Springs or Maroon Bells due to wilderness regulations. The tour director will facilitate the walks.



Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

Día 1. Llegad a Jackson Transporte al hotel en el centro de la ciudad por cuenta propia. Quality Inn 49er Motel o similar 3*, 1x

Día 2. Gran Teton PN, D, A Reunión de introducción a las 8 AM. Deje sus mochilas en el cuarto y reúnase con su grupo después del desayuno en el lobby del hotel. Disfrute del pueblo vaquero de Jackson debajo del dramático Gran Teton, en una serie de montañas escarpadas sobrepuestas sobre placas tectónicas. Nos dirigiremos en una caminata por las faldas del Gran Teton así mismo pasaremos por String y Lago Leigh. Las vistas panorámicas abundan. Nos detenemos para admirar la fauna y las majestuosas vistas de las Tower Junction, ubicadas en el Parque Nacional de Yellowstone, uno de los lugares más remotos y alejados de las multitudes. Es importante el conocimiento del área para la observación excepcional de la fauna (los lobos y osos). Super 8 Cooke City o similar 3*, 3x

Grand Teton PN

Tiempo de manejo: 166 millas / 265 km o 3-4 horas Caminata: 4-5 horas, 7 millas / 12 km, +/-200m Día 3. Yellowstone PN, D, A Yellowstone es el parque nacional más antiguo del mundo. Protege el área geotérmica más impresionante del planeta. Posee una de las colecciones más densas de fauna silvestre: el gran Búfalo Americano, lobos, alces y, por supuesto, el gran oso americano. Iremos de excursión a la cima del monte Washburn, donde contemplaremos a las cabras de montaña, y después iremos de excursión a lo largo del Gran Cañón de Yellowstone para disfrutar de las vistas panorámicas más espectaculares.

Yellowstone’s Grand Canyon Tiempo de manejo: 40-60 millas / 100 km o 2 horas Caminata: 5-6 horas, 6-9 millas / 10-15 km, +/-500m

Yellowstone’s Buffalo Americano

Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

Día 4. Yellowstone PN, D, A Exploraremos el geiser conocido como Old Faithful, donde caminaremos a través de piscinas geotérmicas de múltiples colores y observaremos en el valle las manadas del gran búfalo americano. Por supuesto habrá tiempo para observar el famoso geiser Old Faithful entrar en erupción. Para ello exploraremos las áreas alrededor de Grand Prismatic Spring, Geiser Norris Basin, y Mammoth Hot Springs. Por la tarde iremos a buscar lobos en el valle de Lamar.

Yellowstone’s Grand Prismatic Springs Tiempo de manejo: 240 millas / 350 km o 5 horas Caminata: 5-6 horas, 7-9 millas / 12-15 km, +/-100m

Rocosas en Colorado. Después de un día de largo de camino, descansaremos en un motel acogedor en el histórico Steamboat - una pequeña villa de gran renombre para los amantes del esquí. Llega la hora de descansar en las aguas termales (pequeño honorario). Quality Inn o similar 3*, 1x Tiempo de manejo: 500 millas / 800 km o 8 horas

Yellowstone’s aguas thermales Día 5. A través de los desiertos altos de Colorado, D, A En el rocío de las montañas nos conduciremos al sur, en el corazón de las Rocky Mountains de Colorado. Cruzaremos la vasta extensión del “Gran Desierto Americano” que desafió a muchos emigrantes que venían al oeste. Pasamos la ruta vieja de Oregón la cual fue recorrida por los immigrantes de 1850 hacia el famoso oeste, a través de la inmensa pradera seca, antes de entrar a las colinas verdes de las montañas

Colorado Montañas Rocosas y sus vaqueros Día 6. Montañas Rocosas de Colorado hacia Aspen, D, A Por la mañana iremos de excursión a lo largo de una famoso sendero; el salto de las viejas cataratas de Fish Creek Falls. Luego continuaremos hacia el sur hasta llegar a Aspen para iniciar la siguiente etapa de su aventura. Stonebridge Snowmass o similar 3*, 3x Tiempo de manejo: 160 millas / 250 km o 3.5 horas Fish Creek Falls (autoguiado): 3-5 horas, 8 millas / 13 km, +/-600m


Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

Día 7. Aspen, D, A Aspen es uno de los pueblos más pintorescos en EE.UU. Este pueblo comenzó como Gold Rush Town. Hoy habitan algunas de las familias más ricas del país aqui. Los senderos aldrededor de Aspen, aunque son desconocidas, son de primera clase. Tomaremos una caminata desafiante Lost Man Loop sobre un paso escarpado sobre una ruta accesible y a través de los lagos colgantes en los densos bosques. ¡Éstas sin duda es una de las vistas escénicas más bellas de de Colorado! Caminata: 7 horas, 9 millas / 15 km, +450m/-700m (This walk is guided by a local company to give your guide a day to rest)

Hiking in the Rockies Día 8. Maroon Bells, D, A Las Maroon Bells se encuentran en postales nacionales. Estos son magníficos picos que se reflejan en los tranquilos lagos alpinos. Iremos de excursión hacia estos picos a través de densos bosques (esta caminata es autoguiada por razones de los leyes de los parques). Al atardecer nos deleitaremos en Aspen. Tendrá la opción de visitar las famosas boutiques, o de ir en la góndola que le transportara a la cima del pico de Aspen para tomar preciosas fotos panorámica, este paseo es opcional ($20 por persona). Caminata: 4 horas, 6 millas / 10 km, +/-200m

Maroon Bells Día 9. Durango, D, A Seguimos los caminos remotos de la montaña, hacia el sur a través de los Montañas Rocosas hasta el poblado de Mesa Verde. En el camino, conduciremos por la autopista famosa del Million Dollar Highway, considerada ser una de las autopistas más escénicas de Norteamérica. Usted tiene la oportunidad de tomar el ferrocarril de Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge, elegido entre los 10 mejores viajes del mundo (opcional, ca. $70). Por la noche descansaremos en la entrada a Mesa Verde. Baymont Inn en Cortez o similar 3*, 1x Tiempo de manejo: 280 millas / 450 km o 5-6 horas

Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad Día 10. Mesa Verde PN / Monument Valley, D, A, C Exploraremos Mesa Verde, un sitio constituido por la UNESCO como patrimonio mundial. Podemos tomar una caminata guiada por el guardabosque para visitar las ruinas de 1000 años de antigüedad, o ir de excursión por los bordes de las mesetas hasta llegar a los miradores con impresionantes vistas panorámicas.

Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

Mesa Verde PN Luego conduciremos hasta Monument Valley para llegar a un punto culminante del día: admiraremos una noche bajo de las estrellas junto con los nativos de Navajo. Una vez que lleguemos a Monument Valley subiremos a nuestros Jeeps y nos dirigimos fuera del valle. La cena se sirve sobre una hoguera mientras disfrutamos de la hospitalidad tradicional del nativo Navajo. Campamento, 1x Tiempo de manejo: 200 millas / 300 km o 3-4 horas

Monument Valley

Monument Valley

Día 11. Gran Cañón de Colorado, D, A Continuamos a través del desierto pintado del Gran Cañón de Colorado. Alcanzaremos el Cañón en un tiempo aproximado de tres horas. Las grandes vistas panorámicas se extienden en todas las direcciones. Tomaremos una caminata a lo largo del borde del oeste del cañón (autoguiada) donde Ustedes podrán disfrutar de las vistas espectaculares. Tendremos suficiente tiempo para tomar un tour opcional en helicóptero. Red Feather Lodge o similar 3*, 1x Tiempo de manejo: 200 millas / 300 km o 3 horas

Grand Canyon PN Día 12. Gran Cañón de Colorado, D, A, C Partiremos muy temprano para la siguiente aventura: descenderemos sobre una pendiente en el Gran Cañón hasta llegar a las cascadas de Havasupai. Alcanzaremos la cumbre en un tiempo aproximado de tres horas. Nuestro equipaje y tiendas de campaña irán empacadas en mulas (traiga cantidad limitada de carga de cada persona). Luego descenderemos en el cañón por sendero. Después de cinco horas aproximadas alcanzaremos la aldea lejana indígena de los Supai, una reserva en donde en la actualidad viven 300 personas. A esta aldea se puede llegar únicamente a pie, a caballo o en helicóptero. Podemos tomar un refrigerio antes de dirigirnos por dos millas mas hasta nuestro próximo campamento, Este es un oasis dentro del cañón, debajo de copiosos árboles de algodón. Estableceremos nuestro campamento al lado de un oasis de aguas de color turquesa entre las inmensas cascadas y disfrutaremos del escenario sorprendente. Su guía preparará comidas campestres. Campamento, 2x Tiempo de manejo: 200 millas / 300 km o 3 horas Caminata: 5-6 horas, 10 millas / 16 km, -750m

Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

Havasu Falls Havasupai Canyon Día 13. Cascadas de Havasupai, D, A, C Disfrutaremos de un día de recreo para poder disfrutar a plenitud las cascadas y el paisaje. Usted puede elegir ir de excursión a la aldea indígena o bañarse en las cascadas para refrescarse.

Havasu Falls Havasupai Canyon Día 14. Las Vegas, D, A Iremos de excursión muy temprano fuera del cañón para evitar el calor del mediodía. A las personas que no deseen caminar pueden tomar un helicóptero o montar una mula (ca. $100, opcional). Luego continuaremos el viaje hasta Las Vegas, en donde disfrutaremos de una ducha y de las comodidades que ofrece el hotel. El viaje concluye hoy. La Quinta Las Vegas o similar 3*, 1x

Helicopters in Grand Canyon Tiempo de manejo: 200 millas / 320 km o 3-4 horas Caminata: 5-6 horas, 10 millas / 16 km, +750m Dia 15. Salida, D El hotel ofrece transporte gratis en bus hasta el aeropuerto. La salida es por su propia cuenta. Datos importantes Este itinerario de excursión esta diseñado para la gente que quiere explorar a pie los parques nacionales más famosos de los EE.UU. Estos viajes se adaptan idealmente para el nivel avanzado de trekking. Los hoteles están localizados en lugares céntricos, así que es poco el tiempo de movilización entre los diferentes senderos escogidas. Este viaje tiene relativamente pocos días de viaje en vehículo y esto reduce el tiempo en conducir largas distancias en los parques, inevitablemente hay dos días de largo recorrido en el bus. La mayoría de las noches las pasarán en hoteles de estándar para la clase turista, no obstante pasarán tres noches en tiendas de campaña, donde se requiere un saco de dormir (NO puede ser alquilado localmente, sino puede ser comprado localmente cerca por unos $30).

Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /


Tour Code

Start Dates

Eng Eng Eng Eng

FT-ROC-16-1 FT-ROC-16-2 FT-ROC-16-3 FT-ROC-16-4

Saturday June 4 Saturday June 18 Saturday September 3 Saturday September 17


End Dates Saturday June 18 Saturday July 2 Saturday September 17 Saturday October 1


$2410 pp net, $3085 rack, double occupancy rd th 3 and 4 person staying in a room in existing bedding pays $2010 each net/rack (a triple occupancy room in the USA does NOT have 3 beds, but 2 double beds sleeping up to 4 pax comfortably) $750 single supplement (no commissions on single supplement) The following hikes are self guided due to national forest and national park rules: Grand Teton National Park, Maroon Bells in Aspen, Fish Creek in Steamboat Springs, and inside Grand Canyon National Park (Havasupai is NOT inside the park, the hikes here are guided), the tour director will assist with the planning of the hikes DRIVING DISTANCES AND TIMES are from park entry to park entry and can vary depending on road conditions, wildlife viewing, and can be longer or shorter. The tour director will adjust the days inside Yellowstone to accommodate the local conditions and the desires of the group

Minimum group size: 4 Pax Minimum Age: 12 years

Maximum group size: 14 Pax

Inclusions • • • • • • • •

Highly trained driver-guides that also conduct all hikes Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese. Tours are conducted in one or two languages. Please check the web site, for details. Transport in 15 passenger vans with or without trailer depending on group size, or any other vehicle depending on group size Entrance fees to National Parks and Monument Valley 11 night nights 3* hotel accommodations with private facilities 2 nights camping in tents in Havasupai, mules will carry the gear 1 night camping with Navajos in Monument Valley - complete with jeep tour and Native American entertainment meals: 14 breakfasts – mostly continental (cold) breakfasts and some hot breakfasts, 13 self made picnic lunches (breads, cold cuts, cheeses, trail mix, snacks, fruit) while traveling in the parks, 3 simple camp dinners camping equipment and kitchen (tents, sleeping pads, kitchen) are provided but no sleeping bags (those can be bought locally for about $30-40 each)

Exclusions • • • • • • • •

All other meals Airport transfers Tips of $105-150 per person for the tour manager depending on his/her performance Alcoholic beverages All meals not listed (most dinners) Optional excursions Single supplement if single room is desired Porterage Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

• • • •

sleeping bag for 3 nights camping (a thin sleeping bag suffices) more comfortable inflatable sleeping pad if the 2 foam pads do not suffice heli-ride / mule ride out of Havasupai in case you are not strong enough to hike out guided walks in Grand Canyon NP / Grand Teton NP and on certain National Forest Trails due to permit regulations

Extensions 49 Hotel Inn and Suites $170 s/d 330 West Pearl Street Jackson Hole, Wyoming 83001 Phone : 307-733-7550 there is an airport shuttle or taxi to the town center for about $15 - 20 La Quinta or similar Convention Center $94 s/d 3970 South Paradise Road Las Vegas, NV 89109 Ph 702-796-9000 Fax 702-796-3537 the hotel offers a free shuttle. Pick up the courtesy phone in the luggage claim area and ask to be connected with this hotel. The hotel will send out a shuttle. You may have to wait 20 min for Optional excursions (based on last year’s prices) Hot Spring entrance approx $10 pp Silverton-Durango Train approx $67 (if purchased the day of the ride) Grand Canyon IMAX approx $13 Helicopter Fights 25 min. approx $200-250 Havasupai Mule Ride approx $180 RT Havasupai 5 min. heli ride approx $100 Temperatures: In spring, summer and autumn, the weather in California and the South West is considered to be very stable, with an abundance of sunshine. The dry air makes for perfect hiking conditions! In summer, temperatures will be moderate and pleasant at Yosemite, Bryce and Grand Canyon (23-27 C), as these parks are at an altitude of 1000 – 2400m, whereas they will be hotter in the desert parks (25-35 C). The hottest area on tour is Death Valley and Las Vegas, here you can expect daytime temperatures to reach 40C or above, however extended hiking is not possible here, so the heat will not affect us much. On hot days hikes might be conducted early or late to avoid hot afternoons. Late July to early September is considered monsoon season in Utah and Arizona. Often there are afternoon thunderstorms that cool the air pleasantly. The dry air makes these temperatures less noticeable and quiet pleasant for hiking. In spring and autumn, expect a bit cooler temperatures, about 15-25 C at higher elevation and 20-30 C in the deserts, with the occasional storm bringing cooler temperatures. Spring has desert wildflowers, cacti blooms and longer days, whereas autumn has beautiful fall colors and soft light perfect for serious photographers. In the Rockies temperatures are dependent on elevation. Yellowstone and Grand Teton warm up in June, and offer incredible autumn colors in late September. Afternoon thunderstorms are common in this area July through August. In Hawaii, temperatures are pleasant year round, between 20C-30C during the day, and a bit cooler at night. Please be prepared for colder and windy temperatures while hiking on the volcanoes due to elevation, bring a warm sweater for those days. The days will be sunny and hot, and at times there will be rain showers. There are short periods of light rain possible most days. Sometimes there are very strong rains that lead to flash floods and trail closures. Please bring a lightweight rain jacket. Be prepared to walk through rain. Trails will be muddy and slippery when wet, we recommend a walking stick. Meeting instructions: Please be at the indicated hotel at 8 am on the start day of the tour. Please bring a copy of your traveler’s insurance. You will be expected to sign a waiver of liability. If you miss your flight or cannot be at the hotel at the indicated meeting time you must contact Adventure Travel West, Inc, at 303-6976688 and inform us about your travel plans. Our office is open Monday – Friday and is closed on the weekends, however our recording indicates the person(s) on emergency duty. Please call one of us. Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

DO NOT leave a message after hours, as we are NOT checking messages once we leave the office. Our office hours are Monday – Thursday 8 am – 4 pm and Fridays 8 am to 12 noon. We are often in the office earlier and later. You can also email the office at [email protected] and we will respond to you when we have received your email. Please write in English. You can also contact the tour director directly at the hotel. The group will try to wait for you, but if you are delayed more than a few hours we might not be able to wait for your arrival. If you do not contact us, we will assume you are not joining the group and will cancel your remaining travel arrangements. If you are delayed make sure you indicate your estimated arrival time and a contact phone number so we can coordinate late joining. Tour operators: for any emergencies or important information during the tour please email us at [email protected]. We are looking at this email in the evenings and on the weekends and will respond to you when we have read your email. Please write in English. Night time emergencies while on tour: at night any emergency is handled by the office staff. Our tour directors are not allowed to be interrupted at night due to DOT rules. Your passengers will be instructed to call 911 for any medical emergency. For non-medical emergencies, please have your passengers wait until the morning or email us [email protected] or call the person on emergency duty. PACKING LIST Each passenger is allowed to bring one luggage with a maximum weight of 23 kg plus one carry-on item with the weight of 10 kg. Should a group be larger, pax may not be able to buy heavy items and add them to the luggage in the trailer while on tour. Worn in hiking boots (over the ankle with cleated sole, tennis shoes are NOT acceptable on our hikes!!!) Hiking socks (we recommend a combination of liner socks with wool socks) A day pack (for rain shell, sweater, 1-2 liters of water & food) 1-2 one-liter water bottles Sunhat Sunglasses Sunscreen Lip balm Insect repellent Personal first aid and blister kit Hiking shorts Long hiking pants Rain or wind shell or jacket, preferably breathable T-shirts or shirts Fleece jacket or sweater (jumper) On camping tours, bring your own sleeping bag. ATW provides high-quality, self-inflating sleeping mats. We recommend you dress in layers, as that allows you to properly adapt to the varying temperatures of the trip. We might experience crisp mornings followed by warm to hot days. Layering helps to adapt to these temperature changes. Recommended: Walking stick for wading in the Narrows and on rocky or wet trails Flashlight Pocketknife Cameras Bring ALL your funds in US - $. Money exchange facilities will NOT be available on tour. Use your ATM / Cash Point Card to withdraw cash, provided you bring your safety (PIN) number. VISA and MasterCard are commonly accepted for meals, excursions and souvenirs, Diners Club and American Express are accepted less frequently. Some group meals and excursions only accept cash. Traveler’s Checks are no longer accepted.

Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

Laundry and luggage allowance: due to space limitations, you may bring a maximum of 2 pieces of luggage on this trip. We recommend duffel bags or soft shell bags. Hard shell luggage will be scratched in the trailers and is harder to load. We are not responsible for damaged luggage. There are laundry facilities on tour that you can use to wash your clothes for a small fee. Extra expenses: apart from the optional tours listed above, allow for about $15-20 pp/day for extra expenses such as postcards, drinks, tips, etc. Tips: Everyone in the USA service industry lives on tips. Please tip the taxi driver, the maid $1-2 per night, and 18-20% for your restaurant meals. Tips are mandatory and expected. Expect to tip the tour director around $5-7 pp / day according to his / her performance. Food: The US has a lot of excellent fresh food. Your hotels will offer breakfast facilities. Either a continental breakfast will be served (coffee, tea, toast, marmalade, and at times granola, cereal, milk, fruit and yogurt) or a Full American Breakfast (eggs and bacon). Due to health department regulations most continental breakfasts are served on plastic or paper plates. All breakfasts on tour are included. While in condos or huts, some breakfasts may be self made (see tour notes). For lunches your tour leader will provide you with breads, cheeses and cold cuts for self made sandwiches, as well as snacks / nuts / cookies for hiking. Drinks or bottled water are not included in your trail lunches. Please refill your water bottles in the hotel, lets minimize plastic waste! We do NOT provide bottled water. Dinners are eaten either at the hotel’s restaurant or nearby in town or at a restaurant of the leader’s recommendation. The tour leader generally does not attend the dinners. You can count on dinners costing anywhere between $20-30 depending on what you order, plus beverages and dessert. A glass of wine costs $9-15 and a beer costs about $6-10.

Booking / Cancellations BOOKING Indicate if your passenger wants a single room, a double, or is a single wanting to share. On certain tours we offer to match up singles from other companies. We may or may not have singles sharing depending on the tour. If a single wanting to share ends up alone in a single room, on some tours we offer a reduced single supplement. We will confirm any booking within 1 day (longer over the weekends or Holidays), issuing a booking number. Current booking conditions can be found on our extra net at Wholesalers can request log in and password information for our extranet site. Bookings are updated regularly on the extra net. To obtain a password please contact us via email at [email protected]. Tours are either: “Open” - we accept bookings, “Guaranteed” - we have enough bookings to operate the tour and will not cancel this departure, “On request” - a tour is almost full, better check with us if we still have space “Full” - a tour is sold out, or “Cancelled / Not Available”. However what you can see on our web site may be not be current if there is a holiday or a weekend. Therefore please do not offer confirmations unless you have received a booking number from us, as bookings are accepted in the order they are received and confirmations must be sent by our office to you before you can confirm the booking with your client. In order to have the best chance at obtaining space for your pax, send your requests ONLY to [email protected], where bookings are processed in the order they are received. Please do not send copies to other email addresses, as this confuses matters and can lead to double bookings. LANGUAGES Certain tours have language selections pre-set. For other tours the language is determined 2-4 months out depending on which languages have booked. Once ATW assigns a guide, it is difficult to change the language selection, even if more people of a certain language book. Short-term language changes are possible at times and if that would affect your passenger we would contact you in advance via email. Before promising a certain language please check our extra net, and confirm on your confirmation the correct language will be provided. Should there be any language changes after your pax have booked you would always be notified well in advance by the office (this happens in case minimum numbers have not been reached, or if there is a request to change the second language). Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

PRIVATE TOURS If you have a group and would like to book a closed group please contact us. We may be able to set aside a private tour for you from an existing room blocks. FIT EXTENSION RATES FIT extension rates are generally pre-negotiated, however we need to confirm with the hotels that the rate offered is indeed available. In San Francisco all extensions nights need to be quoted. In either case extension rates are not guaranteed until confirmed and accepted by the hotel. CONFIRMATION OF TOURS We will confirm the departure of a tour no later than 45 days prior to departure. PAYMENT DUE DATE Full payment is due 30 days prior to departure in our accounts. If we do not receive full payment we reserve the right to cancel your booking at any time. CANCELLATIONS Summary cancellation fees: At time of booking - 30 days prior departure 25% 29 days - 22 days prior departure 30% 21 days – 15 days prior departure 40% 14 days – 7 days prior departure 60% 6 days – 3 days prior departure 75% 2 days prior departure, or no-show 80% Trip interruption 100% If Adventure Travel West cancels a tour, or moves pax to another tour, no fees apply. LUGGAGE RESTRICTIONS Due to limited space on our vehicles and luggage trailers, passengers are allowed to bring one piece of luggage, with a maximum weight of 23 kg, plus one carry-on item. Laundry can be washed for a small fee at most hotels. Depending on group size, pax may be restricted in their shopping while on tour and may have to postpone purchasing heavy items until the end of the tour. DISRUPTIVE PASSENGERS We reserve the right to remove a passenger from tour if he/she is not fit enough to keep up, a disturbance to the group, disruptive or sick. We will try to make any possible arrangement to keep passengers from having to leave the group but if a group member cannot keep up with the schedule they may be asked to stay behind in the hotel. IN CASE OF SICKNESS In case a passenger gets sick or injured while on tour, the tour director will send him / her to the nearest emergency room or a doctor. However it is the tour director’s responsibility to stay with the group and continue with the program. He/she may not be able to assist the sick passenger, and if hospitalized, the group will have to continue with the tour. It is therefore a tour requirement that all passengers have travel insurance. TRAVEL INSURANCE ATW requires that all passengers carry current traveler’s insurance. The tour director will collect the information at the start of the tour. Should a passenger not have traveler’s insurance, he/she will be required to purchase one from your office. ATW does not offer traveler’s insurance. Please check that your passenger carry current traveler’s insurance. ATW does not take responsibility for lost or stolen items (e.g., luggage) regardless of if item(s) were lost or stolen from hotel rooms, trailers, vans, or tents. WAIVERS All participants have to sign a waiver before the start of the tour. Please inform your passengers that this is a US law requirement set forth by our insurance company. While participating in optional activities, pax will be required to sign additional waivers by other companies. Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

LATE BOOKINGS We can accept late bookings up to 1 week prior to arrival. However with late bookings we do require that we receive full payment before arrival of the client. HOTEL SUBSTITUTIONS ATW reserves the right to change hotels when needed. Hotel substitutions are generally of equal or higher value; however in some instances a lower class hotel is selected if no better alternative is available. In some cases a hotel may be in a different or nearby town, should all hotels in the original town be sold out for that date. Please review the hotel list that we send out with the booking confirmation to confirm where passengers are being accommodated. START AND END HOTEL Please carefully check the start and end hotel of the tour, as the hotels in the cities may change from tour to tour. Not all series are at the same hotel for all dates! It’s it the tour operators responsibility to check the hotel list that we provide with the booking confirmation. ATW is not responsible for any last minute hotel changes due to hotel closure or an oversell situation of a hotel. CHANGE OF TOUR ASSIGNMENT AFTER BOOKING ATW reserves the right to change the passenger’s tour for yield management purposes. For example, if your passenger is booked on tour group A we may decide to move your passenger to group B in order to separate the languages (SAME DATE, SAME ARRIVAL CITY). In rare occasions this may lead to a change of a hotel. These changes are made more than 30 days before the start of the tour. We recommend you do not notify your client of the hotel list until 30 days prior to tour start. Should we change a tour for your passenger we will automatically notify you with all relevant information. (Separating languages and nationalities leads to a higher customer satisfaction while on tour.) COMPLAINTS All complaints must be brought to the guide’s attention during the tour and must be documented by the tour director. ATW must be given the opportunity to remedy the situation before any recourse is possible. The complaint therefore should be made in writing to the guide. Complaints must be submitted to ATW no later than 60 days after the end of a tour to be considered. HOW WE OPERATE TOURS Our tours are conducted with a 15 pax van with or without enclosed luggage trailer (depending on group size). For groups over 11 Pax we use a Mercedes Sprinter van or a Ford Transit van with a lot of space. ONE person, a driver-guide, will both be the driver as well as the tour director. This person is allowed to work 70 hours in 8 days. He/she will also lead most of the hikes. When tours are multi-lingual, the same information will be repeated in the other language. The tour director is not allowed to give commentary while driving for safety reasons. Some hikes are self guided (e.g. all hikes inside Grand Canyon, Grand Teton and Glacier NP, and on national forest land), and some hikes are self guided due to the fact that they are one way hikes (e.g. Yosemite’s Panorama Trail). All lunches are self-made picnic lunches (food will be provided by the tour director). Breakfasts are typically eaten at the hotel. When camping, pax need to help a bit in the kitchen and set up and, at the end of the tour and clean their own tents. While in condos (Hawaii) breakfasts are selfmade in the kitchen of the condos. Some tours, especial hiking tours, have rustic rooms in some parks (Yosemite / Hawaii) with communal or shared bathrooms and kitchens. This is clearly explained in the trip notes. HIKES AND OPTIONAL EXCURSIONS We list a number of hikes every day and a selection of optional activities that would enhance the program. Generally the tour director will try to offer the walks that fit the majority of the group, however he/she may choose to offer harder or easier walks as well. On certain days customers have to decide between an optional excursion or the day’s walk. Not all options and activities are possible on all days. While at Grand Canyon, helicopter rides are ALWAYS offered (in rare cases they are cancelled due to weather). In Monument Valley – a jeep tours will ALWAYS be offered. While in Page, Antelope Canyon will ALWAYS be offered. While in Hawaii, a nighttime lava walk will ALWAYS be offered when the lava can be safely reached. In San Francisco, Alcatraz needs to be booked online in advance of the journey by passengers directly as we are not allowed to book on behalf of pax. Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

Proprietary Information - photos, text and content copyrighted and property of ADVENTURE TRAVEL WEST, INC, Denver, Colorado, USA [email protected] /

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