A principal component analysis (PCA) of hospital effluent pollution levels (provincial hospital in Sidi Kacem Morocco)

Basic Research Journal of Soil and Environmental Science ISSN 2345-4090 Vol. 2(1) pp. 23-28 March 2014 Available online http//www.basicresearchjournal...
Author: Kristin Dalton
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Basic Research Journal of Soil and Environmental Science ISSN 2345-4090 Vol. 2(1) pp. 23-28 March 2014 Available online http//www.basicresearchjournals.org Copyright ©2014 Basic Research Journal

Full Length Research Paper

A principal component analysis (PCA) of hospital effluent pollution levels (provincial hospital in Sidi Kacem Morocco) Sadek Sanae1, Benel harkati Fatima1, Dakir Zahra2, Hamoumi Tarik1, Fathallah Rachid2, Fathallah Zhor1, Abdelmajid Dridi1, Elmerkhi Mina1, Elkharrim Khadija1, Belghyti Driss1* 1

Environment and Renewable Energy Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofaїl University, Kenitra, Morocco. 2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University Ibn Tofail, BP 133, Kenitra, Morocco. *Corresponding author email: [email protected] or [email protected]. Tel: 0666563359 Accepted 04 April, 2014


In order to assess the bacteriological pollution (Total Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms and Faecal Streptococci) contained in effluents from hospital wastewater we used a statistical method called Principal Component Analysis coupled with the physical-chemical parameters (temperature (T), potential of hydrogen (pH), electrical conductivity (Cond), salinity (Sal), turbidity (Tur), redox potential (P. red), dissolved O2 (O2), TDS, chlorine (Cl), biological oxygen demand (BOD5) , chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended matter (SPM) and Nitrogen (AZ). A principal component analysis (PCA) of all the data obtained on the waters of the provincial hospital in Sidi Kacem, collected during twelve sampling campaigns on the sampling site, based on six hours (8am - 10am -12pm - 2pm-4pm -6pm) and depending on rest days (Saturday, Sunday and holidays or there are less activity) and working days.For the rest days, the first axis explains F1 (51.58%) of the variance , it is mainly due to the BOD5, COD, TSS, conductivity, salinity, while the second axis F2 represents (24.46 %) of the variance, it appeared because of the presence of the measured bacteriological parameters and especially total and fecal coliforms. For the days of working, the first axis F1 explains (83.30 %) of the variance, it gives us many information, it is mainly due to all measured bacteriological parameters, while the second axis represents F2 (7.94%) of the variance, it shows the presence of TDS, temperature and conductivity and especially in these times 12pm and 2pm during the working days. From the results obtained it can be seen that the rate of bacteriological and physic -chemical pollution exceeds standards recommended by CNS (1994) and WHO (1996, 1997). Keywords: A principal component analysis, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, conductivity, salinity, Provincial Hospital Sidi Kacem.

INTRODUCTION The wastewater of the provincial hospital represents a bad fraction of the volume of water resources, but there is no clear correlation between the consumption of

specific hospital and the hospital size (CTC 1994; Wangsaatmaja 1997; Laber et al., 1999; Chawatee 2002; Altin et al., 2003 ; Mohee, 2005; Rezaee et al., 2005.

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Table 1. The main axes

Eigenvalue variability (%) % accrued

F1 8,252 51,578 51,578

F2 3,914 24,463 76,041

Sarafraz et al., 2007 ; Duong et al., 2008; Suarez et al., 2009; Guidelines of Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy, 2009; Mesdaghinia et al., 2009), more or less poor quality requires treatment before discharge to the crude state in the receiving environment. According to the nature and concentration of its constituents, wastewater of hospital can be a cause of a number of effects on the environment. The purpose of this study is to make physicochemical analyzes to assess the risk of hospital wastewater to human health. MATERIALS AND METHODS

F3 2,214 13,836 89,877

F4 1,086 6,791 96,667

F5 0,533 3,333 100,000

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Principal Component Analysis Table 1. An analyze of principal components (PCA) of all the data obtained on the waters of the provincial hospital in Sidi Kacem, collected during twelve sampling campaigns on the collection site and according to six hours (8am-10am -12pm-2pm-4pm-6pm) during rest days, shows that the first axis explains F1 (51.58%) of the variance, it is mainly due to the BOD5, COD, TSS, conductivity, salinity .while the second axis is F2 shows (24.46%) of the variance of the mark measured the abundance bacteriological parameters and more particularly the total and fecal coliforms.

Presentation of the Provincial Hospital of Sidi Kacem The provincial hospital of Sidi Kacem has a theoretical capacity of 210 beds litter, its technical platform consists chambers of surgeries which contains three central blocks and two blocks maternity rooms, rooms with standard radiology and imaging table and a table of digestive in addition to a mobile equipment; hemodialysis contains 5 generators, the number of PCE Sampling and Testing Samples of wastewater are taken twice a month during a year (from 01/11/2012 to 7-1 - 2013) the 12 samples are taken during the working days (Monday-TuesdayWednesday-Thursday-Friday) when the hospital knows many activities and the other 12 samples are done during the weekends and holidays (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) when there is less activities. The wastewater collection was selected to cover almost all the sanitation hospital network before discharge into the sewage of Sidi Kacem city networks during the 6 sampling periods (8h-10h-12h-14h-16h-18h) identifying the different sources of pollution for each sampling period. Assessment of health risks associated with hospital wastewater Principal Component Analysis (PCA) The study of the ACP is done using the statistical software. Matrices of intermediate correlations, correlations between variables and axes and projection of variables in the space of axes F1 and F2.

Projection physicochemical variables rest days on axes F1-F2 Analysis of physical and biological data indicates that the main components of the arrangement site studied in the plane defined by the first axis and the second revealed the existence of two groups (Figure 1). - A first group in the positive part of the F1 -axis, characterized in turbid waters heavily loaded with localized SF - A second group where the axis F2 characterized by sewage fecal contamination is especially CT- CF This discrimination of the groups studied is related more irregular diet and composition of wastewater schedule to seasonality function. The study of correlation between the variables (Table 1) showed a negative correlation is present on the F1 axis between indicator bacteria of fecal contamination especially with SF and pH. These results confirm those reported with Mayo (2003); N’diaye et al. (2011). Specifically, when the pH away from neutrality bacterial survival appears to be adversely affected. A negative correlation was observed between indicator bacteria of faecal contamination (TC and FC) and electrical conductivity which reflects the overall degree of mineralization and information on salinity. Indeed, Bennani et al. (2012); Chedad et al. (1007) showed that salinity is a very important against bacteria of fecal pollution in the salty environment stressor. A highly significant positive correlation was observed between indicator bacteria of faecal contamination (SF) and turbidity. These results are consistent with those of N'diaye et al. (2011), Health Canada, (2003), Schnitzer and Kahn (1972). And can be explained by the natural

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Figure 1. Representation of variables rest days on the plane of the two axes F1 and F2

Figure 2. Presentation of six hours of rest days on both axes F1 and F2

presence of suspended particles in water, such as silt, clay, organic and inorganic fine particle materials, plankton and other organisms which protect against viruses and bacteria the disinfection.

with organic matter - A third schedules 8h and 18h in the positive portion and the axis F2 of the negative axis F1 group, characterized weakly polluted water in comparison with other groups loaded with mineral matter and bacteria germs moderately loaded CT in CF and CSR.

Screening schedules rest days in space axes F1 and F2 Working days Analysis of physico -chemical and bacteriological data principal components shows that the arrangement of schedules wastewater Provincial Hospital Sidi Kacem during rest days in the plane defined by the first and second line showed the existence of three groups (Figure 2). - A first group of 10h and 16h hours in the positive part of the F1 and F2 negative axis, characterized by turbid water loaded with organic matter and heavily loaded with CT in CF and SF - A second group ranks schedules 12h and 14h of the activity of the hospital, as well a representative and significant correlation with the F1 axis characterized by waters with high mineralization and moderately loaded

Figure 3. The said first axis F1 (83.30%) of the variance gives the more information is mainly due to bacteriological All safety parameters measured, while the second axis A2, which is (7.94%) of the variance, is marked by the abundant presence of TDS, temperature and conductivity and especially for 12h and 14h hours during working days. Projection of physico-chemical variables of working days on axes F1-F2 The results of the statistical analysis (PCA) of physico-

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Figure 3. The main axes of correlation

Figure 4. Overview of variables working days on both axes F1 and F2

chemical and bacteriological parameters showed that bacterial indicators of fecal contamination have strong positive correlations with the F1 axis and TDS, conductivity parameters, temperature and chlorine show negative correlations and highly significant with the F1 axis. There is a strong negative correlation between nitrogen and total bacteria on the one hand, and between nitrogen and faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci other (Figure 4). This correlation is significant between nitrogen and streptococci fecal or total coliforms. Fecal coliform exclusively habitat and fecal nitrogen may also come from feces. Similarly there is a positive correlation of the TDS and conductivity with the axis F2 which means that there is an inorganic pollution that opposes the bacteriological contamination of germs. The statistical values obtained indicate that wastewater from the provincial hospital in Sidi Kacem have a very significant burden indicator bacteria of faecal contamination. The contents of total coliforms, faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci reach important values and a very strong correlation. Therefore, the bacteriological quality of hospital wastewater is classified

as poor to very poor class. PCA revealed that the indicator bacteria of fecal contamination have negative correlation with turbidity and electrical conductivity and positive and highly significant correlation with pH. This means that there is a perceptible difference between the different schedules selected and pollution sources in the hospital may have origins depending on the type of releases from each block in the wastewater from the hospital. This difference seems to be influenced by hourly sampling during working days. Screening schedules of working days in space axes F1 and F2 Classification wastewater Provincial Hospital Sidi Kacem, on the basis of their contamination by germs, allowed distinguishing three different groups (Figure 5). • Group G1: it isolates the study time 10h and 16h, whichhas water very poor bacteriological quality, characterized by a very high concentration of germs fecal pollution indicators including rate: Total coliforms,

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Figure 5. Projection of hours studied 6 working days, the plandes two factorial axes F1 and F2 of the ACP

Staphylococcus aureus, and faecal coliforms. • Group G2: it contains the schedule of 12h and 14h study, which also has poor water bacteriological quality but relatively less contaminated compared with that of the G1 group. This difference between the bacteriological quality of the water produced by these two groups could certainly be explained by the existence of antibiotics due to the strong activity during these hours in the hospital. . G3: it combines both 8h and 18h periods which have a fecal bacterial pollution, whose waters are mediocre to poor. They are indeed less polluted germs indicators of fecal pollution, which often exceed the levels proposed by WHO and CNS standards , the development of these A bacteriological results of wastewater from the hospital studied, we can conclude that contamination water is almost universal. This pollution is characterized by levels far exceeding the standards of water quality

CONCLUSION The results obtained during our study allowed us to respond to the physico- chemical and bacteriological water quality of the provincial hospital in Sidi Kacem, physico-chemical and bacteriological analyzes performed showed a source contamination by germs indicators fecal contamination which could pose a risk to the environment. The effects of water from the hospital on the waters of the river are mainly remarkable in terms of increased conductivity, salinity and temperature. They also contribute to enrich these chlorinated waters. Bacteriologically, the germ concentrations recorded in the source are higher than those recommended by WHO and CNS standards. The waters of the hospital during the 10H and 16H hours are concentrated in fecal coliform and those de12h 8h -14h and 18h - streptococci. The results obtained from statistical analysis (PCA)

revealed that wastewater Provincial Hospital Sidi Kacem site have a very significant burden indicator bacteria of fecal contamination. The contents of total coliforms, faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci reach important values. Therefore, the bacteriological water quality of the hospital is classified in the wrong category to very bad. It could have an effect on the entire aquatic ecosystem management and treatment of wastewater Provincial Hospital Sidi Kacem remains a paramount solution to preserve the one hand the quality of the waters of Wadi R' dom and other environmental. REFERENCES Altin A, Altin S, Degirmenci M (2003). Characteristics and treatability of hospital (medical) wastewaters. Fresen. Environ. Bull. 12 (9), 1098– 1108. Bennani MR, Amarouch H, Boukanjer A, Nadre H, Lalaoui M, Allali Et N. Cohen M (2012) «Influence des Facteurs Environnementaux Sur les Charges des Bactéries Fécales Dans le Littoral Méditerranéen du Maroc», Eur. J. Sci. Res. ISSN 1450-216X 71(1):24-35. Chawatee SD (2002). Manual on Water Demand Assessment for Urban Water Chedad KH, Assobhei O (2007). «Study of survival of bacteria of fecal contamination (fecal coliforms) in the waters of the oyster lagoon area of Oualidia (Morocco), "Bulletin of Rabat section Sciences 2007 Scientific Institute, Life, No. 29 , 71-79 Comité Normes et Standards. (CNS), (1994). Ministry of Environment of Morocco. Rabat CTC – Clean Technology Consultant (1994). Design Criteria of Wastewater Treatment Plant, Ratchawithi Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. Duong H, Pham N, Nguyen H, Hoang T, Pham H, Ca Pham V, Berg M, Giger W, Alder A (2008). Occurrence, fate and antibiotic resistance of fluoroquinolone antibacterials in hospital wastewaters in Hanoi, Vietnam. Chemosphere 72, 968–973. Guidelines of Region Emilia-Romagna (2009). Italy, on the Managing of Sanitary Institutions Wastes and Wastewaters, DGR 1155 27 Luglio 2009 (in Italian). (accessed 01. 06.10). Laber J, Haberl R, Shrestha R (1999). Two stage constructed wetland for treating hospital wastewater in Nepal. Water Sci. Technol. 40 (3), 317–324. Mayo AW (2003). Modelling coliform mortality in waste stabilization

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