-m. - Mines and Craft, at least three ~ ot service. Mines and Craft, at ieast tbree ;years or service

. Appendix A FUaLIC 1I.lIl8 Chief· Engineer and Principal qineer -m. - civil servant of the cadres of Public ~"POIt:·atlI! COIIIlIW1i- catio~,or Mi...
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. Appendix A FUaLIC 1I.lIl8 Chief· Engineer and Principal qineer

-m. - civil servant of the cadres of Public

~"POIt:·atlI! COIIIlIW1i-

catio~,or Mines and Craft, at least three ~ ot service (up to the da;r ~. gets a re~ degree), a e~citic degree of alXf of the categories A-l,

A-2, A-3, A-4, B-1, B...2, and B-3.

Princ1pal Engineer at a class ha.villg a sala17 'index immediately higher than the present salary 1ndeGt of: - civil servant of the cadres of Public Works. Post and Commmicati~,or Mines and Craft, at ieast tbree

;years or service

(up to the day he gets a required degree), a specific degree of alXf of the stated categories, his presant salary index being higher than that of the class to which. a hol,der of a specific degree of the, SlIIIe category is usua.U.y assigned.. - ci vU servant of the cadres' of Engineer and Assistant


of Public Works, Post and COI!JIIUIlication)l.or Mines and Craft, at the rank of Assistant Engineer Class I and above. and professional examination.

" Categories and parenthesJzed letters aJl.d numbers as used herein do not refer to personnel classifications but are refeNnces to the cadre statut e.

;; ,

AppendLx A


l!lr>31. '


Assistant ":Sneer

Decree No; lll-ec· ot' October 14, 1954 De~ the specific statute ot' the rlatiollllJ. cadre ot' Public

Works _1neers and Assistant Engineers and'MiIrlng and Industrial Engineers and Ass1stant Eng.1neerB.

1000 Engineer, Super Class "

940 Engineer. Eltceptional

)1Director or ) Chief of

(more ~ three ~arsn ~mce, ) Arrond1sse" 890 ~~er, Exception&1. Cla.ss (less tbal) t/lree ~ars») ment Chief. Cl.II.8S


840 Engineer, Class 1

) ) t!±SS_Bt'"-

790 Eng:Ineer; Class 2 (more tha,n three years) .740 Engineer, Class 2 (less than three years)

» Chiof. »Chief of » Administrative

) ) or Tecbnical. ) Serrlce of a 690 Engineer, Cla ss :; ) General Direc) torata. )- Chief of 640 Engineer, Class 4 ) Technical 590 Assistant Engineer, Class 1 (more thJm three ye ars) ) Bureau )- Ch1&f of 550 Assistant Engineer, Class 1 (less than three years» . GeQgrlflhical " ) Subdivision ) 510 Ass1stant Engineer, Class 2

470 Assistant Engineer,



4)0 Assistant Enginee+', Cla.ss 4 or Probationary liPali fiCitiop

S ) )


Assistant Engineer, Class 4. Probationary: - holder of one of the specific degrees in category :;*(b8lli:lng on school evaluation) wi tit lOWer cla.ss-standing.


flalC 1IDRI5 Enitr .=end



Assistant 1!hgI.neer

- candidates satisf)1ng


qU8.UQtF~Qij(;~ents (~ . " .-.. , "~".


be detezmined by 8. subse~ent ,PJ;esi~ial ~)~,ill.reet. cClllpet!:t;ive entr,y examinatiqD. Assistant Engineer. Cl,ass 3, Probationar,y (to .~ ~ed pemaraent st;l.tus at the next higher class) I - holder of ooe of the specific degrees in cat.e£o17 :3 (baaing on school evaluation) with required class-stand1.ng. Assistant Engineer, Class 2, Pfob&tibnli.r,y (to be granted Plrmanent status at the naxt. hl.gher claas): - holder of ene of the specific degrees in categor,y 2 (basing on school evaluatien). Assistant Engineer, Olass I, Probationar,y (to be granted Permanent status at the next higher class): - holder of one of the specific degrees in categor,y 1 (b~in8' on school evduatien). As sis tent Engineer at_the class inmediately higher than the present salary index of al - TechniCal Agent haYing at least six ;rears of seniority and canpetitive professional entry exaninatr~·.~·; .•, Assistant Engineer at' ·'the class to lIIhich



of ~e of the

specific degrees in 4'categor,y are usualJ.y assignedl

Appendix l'\lBl.lC lIUBKS

EhlfJ 'I,.ani AIls iatant lihgineer

- civil servant in Public Wot'kB or in II1laes. and "lhdustriaJ.


~#i having at least three years ~ aeniori:w.,. aDd a speci!'1c degree at the requiNd class-stanCIbtB. Assist&Dt. !i!qpDMr a.t the class i;I!Iac:tiately higher tAIan tha present

salary tml- of a: -: civil .....ant in Public Works, or in M1nee and ,




' ;"

niques. having at least three years of seniority, a. specific "'


degree at the required





and hi8 present saJ.ary


index higher than the class to loIhich a. holder ot a specific degree ot the same category is usually assigned. J.e1llat..m1l:,:i\' Bngineer at the class :iJamediately hiaher than the

present class ot al ,

- peI'llUlllElnt civil servant recruited on the basis of his degree, •.

lIho, dur.lng his aan1n1strative career, acquired one or the decrees in a higher category.




, f ••

.. Categories as used herein do not refer to personnel clsssit1catians but are references to the cadre statute.

Appendix A l'UBl,IC OKS

NIBc 1Rlrb Senior Clerk

Arrete No. 55/00'{/ND/CC of J~ 21, 195;;; . rc.:


Determining the specific statut.e;d the·1JIIIhIIJ of :llublic Wcirks Senior Clerk (Tham Su Cong Cha). - Assist members of Public


ea.dree 8Jld ~ on

routine works.


Principal Public Works Senior Clerk, Super Class

600 Principal Public Works Senior Clerk, Class 1 560 Principal Public Works Senior Clerk, Cless 2

520 Principal Public Works Senior Clerk, Class .3 :

480 Principal




Public Wo~s Senior Clerk, Class 4

440 Public Works, Senior Clerk. Class 1 410 Public Works Senior Clark, Class 2 380 Public Works Senior Clerk, Class .3 350 Public Works Senior Clerk, Cless 4 ~.


320 Public Works Senior Clerk, Cless 5 or Probationary Qual~f~cat~on

Chief or Seet10n in a bUreau (to top rank).


Public Works Senior Clerk, Class 5. Probationary: - holder of Baccalsureat II, or equivalent diploma, and entry exlillination. Public Works Senior GleN, Class 4, Probationary: - holder 01: BaccaJ.aureat II and Law Licence Certificate II, and entry exllDination.

Public Walks Senior Clelk at a cla.ss having a. salary indax l.llllllHliately higher than the present salary indax of: - Public Wolks Clerk of Class 1 (300) and above, and professio~ examination.

- 331 Arrete No. 55jOlO/ND/CG of January 21, 1955 Determining the specific statute of the cadre


Public Works

Clerk (Thu Ky Gong Chanh). - Assist mllllbers ot higher cadreIJ and carry on routine work. 450 Principal Public Works Cler!c, Super Glus 410 PrinclpalPublic Works Clerk, Class 1 390 ?rinclpal Public Works G1erk, Class 2 360 Principal Public Works Clerk, Glass .3 330 Principal Public Works Clerk. Class 4 300 Public Works Clerk, Class 1 280 Public Works Clerk, Class 2 260 Public Works Clerk, Class .3 240 Public Works Clerk, Class 4 220 Public Works Clerk, Class .5 or Probationary Qqalification Requirements: Public Works Clerk, Class 5, ProbatiOl8ry: - holder of Junior High SOOool DiplQllla. or SecolXiary First Cycle DiplQllla, or Baccalaureat I, or equivalent dlplana. and entry examination • Public Work Clerk. Class 4, Proba.tionary: - holder of BaccaJ.aureat IT, or equivalmt diplQDB., a.nd entry examination •

Appendix A PUBLIC WORKS PublicllQlb Clerk

-"38 Mechanic or PrinciPal ·MildJanic at a class having a salary iOO_

:imDJldiately higher thall the present salar;y index: of: - Professional (Skilled) Worker of Class 4 (220) and above, and professional eiamination.



- lIechanic of Clull 2 and above and professional IllCaDlination.

',.' . -'-





Arrete No. 55/009/NTJ/OO




Deterlllining the sp&tittil: statilxtlJoFthi (tho ,Lv). l"lCL., - In charge of





. :",


thti;~ anor*,~liinic~l~Ion~

the Department



or'ti'ilblltl- wo~slliia£eC:l!uirultf~~t!~I~l . •

470 Principal Mechanic, Super Class 440 Principal Mechanic, Class 1 410 Principal Kschanic, Class 2 380 Principal Mechanic, Class 3 350 Principal Kschanic, Class 4 320 Mechanic, Class 1 300 Mechanic, Class 2 280 Mechanic, Class 3 260 Mechanic, Class 4 240 Mechanic, Probat ionary. Qualification lieguirEmE;llts: MedJanic, Protationary: - holder of Diploma of Iniustrial Education (Gi/tp Iboa Yy Nghe)



of a Vietnamese School of Technics, or equivalent diplana, at least one year .of experience


the job, and entry examination.

- holder of Professional tptitude Certificate (Kha Nang Nghe Nghiep), or eql:\iva.lent diplana, at least four years of experience on too job; and Entry examination.


Appendix A ruBLE WORKS Skilled Worker


-m- II )i;f:i¥;,.

• Arrete No. 55/0l3/PID/Cc of Jariuary,21, 1955


Detenn1ning the specific statute of the'.cadre of BkUlttdWorker. (Tho'etNyen bk>n).

- In charge' Of the operation of machines, assEl!lblJ' Jllld"Jl8pair of various types of machines in Technical Serri.ces of the Department of Public Works and CClDIIIUllication. 430 Principal Skilled Worker, Super Clasa' 400 Principal


Worker, Class 1

370 Principal Skilled Worker, Class 2 340 Principal Skilled Worker, Class 3 310 Principal Skilled WOrker, Class 4 280 Skilled Worker, Class 1 260 Skilled WorkEil', Class 2 240 Skilled Worker, Class 3 220 Skilled Worker, Class 4 200 Skilled Worker, Yrobationary.


tication ReQUiranents: . Skilled Worker,.


- holder of Professional Aptitude Certificate


a tedQl1cal

school m VietlUllll, or ecpiv81ent diplana, 'and entry 8ltIIDimtion.

,'5·-, ,'-.



-'41Arrete No, 55/l04/ND/CC of Septlaber 10, 195' Dete1'lllining the epeaU'ic sta.t.ute of the cadre of.l)riVeI' (Tal Ie), - Care, maintenance and driving of p.1blic cars .01·· I!PV~ agencies. ,

280 Principal Driver, Super Class ty'

260 Principal Driver, Class 1 240 Principal Driver, Class 2 220 Principal Driver, Class .3 200 Principal Driver, ClasB 4 180 Driver, Class 1 170 Driver, Class 2 160 Driver, Class .3 150 Driver, Class 4 140 Driver, Probationary' Qualification Requirements: , Driver, ProbatiOnary'S - holder of Primary Certificate, car driver


and entry

Driver, Class'/,;.. .Pl:Uatlonary: - holder of Pr:imlirt C8l'tificate, truck driver or passenger-car driver license, and entry examination.

- J44Arrete No. 55/CX)6/Nn/CC of JamUlry 21, 1955 Detenaining the specific statute of the c_e of Public Wades . Technical Agent (Can Su COQg Chanh - Agent Techniqued9s 'l'ravaux Publiques) • - lssist Public Works Engineers.

670 ~nc1pal Public Works Technical AgEllt,'Super Class ·630 Principal Public WOrks Technical Agent, Class 1



590 Principal Public Works Technical Agent, Class 2


550 Principal Public Works Technical Agent, Class 3

) )- Chief of ) Section in

510 Principal Public Works Technical A&a1t, Class 4


a Prorln-

) ) ))

elal Service. Chief of Sect.1on in II. TedlDi cal. Bureau.

470 Public Works Technical Agent, Class 1 440 Public Works Technical Agent, Class 2


410 Public Works Technical Agent. Class 3

) )

380 Public Works Tecbn1cal Agent, Class 4


350 Public Works Technical Agent, Class 5 or Probationary ) 9!a1 ifl."tation

ReguiJ'!llents I

Public Works Technical Agent, Class 5, Probationary: - holder of Diploma of Public WOrks Technical Agent of Vietnamese High School of Public WOrks, or equivalent diploma.

- holder


a diploma of French Technical Schools, and recogni-

tion for equivalency on Public Works technical kno'ldedge by Suprem.e Council of Civil Service.



- formal' auditor at the lIIe(liUIII .course of-High School of Public Works with at least l)t'2Q~ot.~tal marks-,~ tbepa~1on, and professional·extl'flnstion. ' '.


Public Works Technical Agent at a class having a.aalary iIl.dtllt i1l1l'nediately higher than the present salary indeX .of: - Public Works Draf'tman, or Public Works OJerator (Surveyor).' or Public Works Shop Foreman. at a class having a salary index of 320 and above, and professional examination.

• n1'f!Utl0'

Appendix A RlBLIG WCRKS D~~!\t.e

D«leral,pf P.ubl1C r ,!O't'ke Draftsman - SuxveJor Shop-Foreman

Arrete ¥O. 55/0n/ND/cc of January 21, 1955 DeteI'llining the specific statutes of the cadres of Public Works' Draftsman, Public Works Surveyor, Public Works Shop-ForEllUlll.

, - Carry out work projects, land SUI"'ley, map draw:i.ng, and supervise work :, in ,', Department of PIlblic WOrks and CCIlllllIlnication, 1.

Public Works Draftsman

450 Prinoipal Public Works Draftsman, Super Class 420 Principal Public Works Draftsman, Class 1 390 Principal Public Worl(S Draflman, Class 2 360 Principal Public Works Draftsman, Class 3 330 Principal Public Works Draftsman, Class 4 300 Public Works Draftsman, Class 1


Public. Works Draftsman, Class 2,

260 Public Works Dra.:fIl3nian, Class 3 240 Public Works Draftsman, Class 4 220 Public Works Draftsman, Class 5 or Probationary. QuaJ.itication Requirement!!.: Public Works Draftsman, Class 5, Probationary: - graduate of Surveyor-J)raftsman Training Course (Lop Huan Luyen Trac Hoa Vien) - NO No. 199~D of 3/30/1956.

• App~dix A l'UBLIC WORKS D1rebtOl'atIe~Gmnftlt;.\'.lf Pnbllc~"o:dat

Draftsman - Surveyor Shop-Forem!ln - holder of Diploma of Professional EducatiOn (Giao Khoa Chuyen Nghiep) in required I!Ubject, OJ" 8quivalent diploma, and entry examination. Public Works DraftSlllan or Principal Public WON! Dre.ftsman at a class having a saJ.a.rY index immediately higher thart the present salary index of: - Skilled Worker at Probationary Glass (200) and above, or Principal Foranan or Principal Highway· Maiiltenance Foreman of Class 4 (200) and above, and professional .exmnation. 2.

Public Works Surveyor Same salary index 8chedule, same qualification requirements.


Public Works Shop-Foreman Sa'l16 salary index schedule.

Qqalification Requirements: . i Public Works Shop-Foreman, Class 5, Pro batioooryl - fonner student, or auditor, of VietnameSe High School of Public :"orks who failed at the Public Works Technical Agent gradua.tion, but got at least 8/20 of gm eral marks. - holder of Diploma of Professional Education in required subject, or equivalent

d1.~i,' .

430 Principal River Boat Captain, Super Class 400 Principal River Boat Captain, Class 1 370 Principal River Boat Captain, Class 2 340 Principal River BCJiI. t Captain, Class :3 310 Principal River Boat Captain, Class 4 280 River Boat Captain,


260 River Boat Captain, Class 2 240 River Boat Captain, Class :3 220 River Boat Captain, Class 4

Qualification Requirements: River Boat Captain, Probationary: - holder of Local. Diplana. of River Boat Captain (Brevet ~

s!2 Patron) and entry examination. lliver Boat Captain, Class 4, Probationar,y: - holder of Diploma of Canpleted Boat Captain Studies (Brevet

.s!!! .Ei!:! d I Etudes). two years of na.vigation, and EIrltry examination. I


.. ..~

, ',f",.,··: .



'~;';'" ,

- J.§i! -


R:lv(i~i.Soat Captain, ClalSa 2, Probationary I ;:

.. '!It.



- holder. of Superior Diplana of Boat C8.ptain(BrlWe Superieur de Patron). -.

and ent17 ex:am1na.Uen.

River Boat Captain or Principal



Boat Captlli.n at;" ae'dass

havinl: a' sallU"1 index illlli!ediatelyidgber than the


index: of: - lII.EIIlIber of cadre of F1rEllll8n, or Sailor. and professional

!!!lCN!!! nation.


AppeI:ldlx A lQIS,.. Dirett.t*.Qf ~tilon


. pup



Sallor and Fireman Arrete; No. 55/m4/ND/CC of Jamla.ry 21. 1955 Determining the


statute!; of the .uclrea

or Sailor


Fireman (Thuy Too va Cai Chum Lua) •. - Carry on the maintenance ani. operation of all kinde of small ships or whatever kinds of boats


propelled by oars, sails or motors

of the Department of Public Works and Communication. 1.


270 Principal Sallor, Super Class 250 Principal Sailor, Class 1 230 Principal Sailor, Class 2 210 Principal Sailor, Class 3 190 Prio ci pal Sail or, Cl as t. 4 170 Sailor, Class 1 160 Sillor, Class 2 150 Sallor, Class 3 140 Sillor, Class 4 130 Sni1or, Class 5 or Probationary

Qualii'ication Resu iranen:t.s: Sailor, Class 5, Probationary: - holder of Primary Certificate, or equivalent diplana, two years of sailing experience, and entry EIltamination.

Appendix A .'



-1:i4. 2.

Direcftmite-pf1ltrl;gation and Hydro-Agriculture Sailor and Fil'Ellllm


)00 PrincipaJ.. Fireman, Super Class 280 PrincipaJ.. FirElllall, Class 1 260 Principal. F1reu.an, Class 2' 240 PrincipaJ.. FirElllall, Glaas) 220 Pr.i.nDipaJ.. Fi:rema.n, CIa.SI'I 4 200 FirEIIIM. ,Class 1 190 Fir_, Claas 2

lSO Firtman, Class ) 170 Fireman, Class 4 160 Fireman, Class 5 or Probationar;y Qu" :fUstian Regni'N!!!!!!!ts: Fireman, Claas 5, Pro ba.tionary: - holder ot Pr:!.mary Certificate, or equiValent diplClla, tluJee yean ot firEman experience, and 6lItiI:7' SXAI!!inatian.



Appendix A

Arrete No. 26/BCC/VN/ND of



PUBLIC WCIl$S DirectQratO of'N~on and HydIy-AgricuitLti"e L4>;hthoose Keeper


16, 19i8

Determining the specific statute of the cadre of Lighthouse ,

Keeoor' (Qua:n Dang - Maitres et Gardie9Sfle

PhVes ).

, ",',r l,,~

_ Operation and maintenance of li~~tboose and beacol1ll for nautical "

:' :7 '

navigation. 430 Principal Lighthouse Keeper, Super


400 Principal Lighthouse Keeper, Class 1 370 Principal Lighthouse Keeper, Class 2 340 Principal Lighthouse Keeper, Class 3 310 Principal Lighthouse. Keeper, Class 4 280 Lighthouse Keeper, Class 1 260 Lighthouse Keeper, Class 2 240 Lighthouse Keeper, Class 3 220 Lighthouse Keeper, Claas 4 200 Lighthouse Keeper, Class 5 or Probationary Qualification Requirements: Lighthouse Keeper, Class 5, Probationary: - holder of Primary Certificate and completion of thii'd Class of Junior High School or fifth Class of Secondary Education, and entry examination.


- 1-16 -



Appanr.t1x A roBLltl WORKS DirectoratIL:Qf'liavigation and Hydro-Agricul tur'e Signalman

Arrete No. 27-00c/W/ND at: Janu!U7 16, 1958 Determining the specific stat'llts at: the cadre at Signalman

(Tin !lieu Vien - Guetteyr S"""er'wr1gue).

- In charge at: the c are at: or the .'iIOrk on nautical. s1,iDA!.•• : 240 Prin~:S1&nalJnan,SUper C1ass 220 PrincipalS:t.gnalman, Clasa 1 200 Principal S:lgnalman, Class 2

180 Principal Signalman, Class :3 160 Principal Signalman, Class 4

]JO S1gna]lIIIIll" Class 2

120 Signalman, Class :3 llO Signalman. Class 4 100 S1gnal.lllllll, Class 5 or ProbatioIllll7 ' QI:lalification Regu.i:rrk, operations on postal administration,

telegra}il and tele}ilone. radio devrks ControlAgent, Cla. es 2 ) ler. ) - Cbief ot LaboAgent, Class 3 ) ratory. ) - Chiet ot Princi) pal Radio 8tat.i.on. Agent, Class 4 ) - Chief ot TrunsAgent, Class 5 or J'robationa.ry) mission or beeptton StatlOllL. - Chief ·Worl!:

670 Principal Postal Technical Agent, Super Cla811 630 Principal Postal 590 Principal Postal

550 Principal Postal 510 Principal Postal 470 PosW Technical

44D Poe tal Tec1U:J:i..cal 4i0 Postal Technical 380 Postal TeChnical

350 Postal Tec~Cal



Appendix A




Directorate General ot Poet. and Teleeormnmi ea.tions Posj:.al Te¢hnic.el Agent

" Post'll Technical Agent, C:tass 5, Proba.tio.na.r.y.~ - holder of Baccalaureat iII or Diploma. q£ Radio

Te~ A~t

of the Saigon School of Rs.dio, and adnd.sflion into and· gradua


tion from


Postal Technical Agent. training

course. Postal Tec,:micaJ. Agent or Principal Postal Technical Agent at a clas s having a salary index :ilm:r.ediat.ely higher than the present. call:ry index of: - AS sis tant.

Post.al Technical Agent having a. sal ary indEilt of .300

and above, and professional e,:l(;2mination.

.'. I,


~~' "~:'


., Dir~t?'Ia.t8. General. of Pm . tInd "'.IeleOOllllllUlic&t1ons Assietant. Postal Technical Agent

:, '

- 311. ;. Arrete No. 102-l3CC/}W/ND of February 10, 1958 Determining the specific statute of the cadre of Assistant Postal. Technical Agent (Phu Ta Can Su Ky Thuat Buu D~). - In charge of all technical ...ork~ on tele~, telephone and

radio (instaJ.l.ing, t;epairing al!!1 aasanbU "




- SUpervise on technical aspecte the operat,t