Unit 2: Friends and family

Unit 2: Friends and family Unit 2: Friends and family Seite 22 family tree festival to be called twin retirement uncle engaged (to) to get married (t...
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Unit 2: Friends and family

Unit 2: Friends and family Seite 22 family tree festival to be called twin retirement uncle engaged (to) to get married (to sb)

[!fäm4li 1tri.] [1fest9vl] [k0.ld] [tw9n] [r91ta94m4nt] [1cNkl] [9n1ge9d7d] [1märid]

Familienstammbaum Fest, Festival heißen Zwilling, ZwillingsRuhestand Onkel verlobt (mit) (jdn) heiraten

finally aunt pregnant

[1fa9n4li] [2.nt] [1pregn4nt]

schließlich, zum Schluss Tante schwanger




not … anymore to expect detailed age member personality to consist of only child

[nqt !eni 1m0.] [9k1spekt] [1di.te9ld] [e9d7] [1memb4] [!p3.s41näl4ti] [k4n1s9st 4v] [148nli]

nicht mehr erwarten, annehmen ausführlich, detailliert Alter Mitglied Persönlichkeit bestehen aus Einzelkind

place to get divorced to decide tough at sb’s place luckily stepbrother stressful

[ple9s] [!get d91v0.st] [d91sa9d] [tcf] [ple9s] [1lck9li] [1stepbrcD4] [1stresfl]

Haus, Wohnung sich scheiden lassen (sich) entscheiden hart bei jdm (zu Hause) glücklicherweise, zum Glück Stiefbruder sehr anstrengend, stressig

to make sure

[!me9k 1S84]


to miss rather

[m9s] [1r2.D4]

vermissen lieber, eher



besonders, insbesondere

to quarrel all the time

[1kwqr4l] [!0.l D4 1ta9m]

(sich) streiten die ganze Zeit

comprehension to match stress

[!kqmpr91henSn] [mätS] [stres]

Verständnis zuordnen Stress, Belastung

subheading heading expectation suicidal case study crunch ambitious far too hopes pl to reach a high to nag sb about sth

[1scbhed9N] [1hed9N] [!ekspek1te9Sn] [!su.91sa9dl] [1ke9s stcdi] [krcntS] [äm1b9S4s] [1f2. tu.] [h48ps] [!ri.tS 4 1ha9] [näg]

Zwischenüberschrift Überschrift Erwartung suizidal, selbstmordgefährdet Fallstudie Krise, Klemme ehrgeizig bei weitem, viel zu Hoffnungen einen Höhepunkt erreichen jmd mit etw in den Ohren liegen

My older sister is getting married to her boyfriend next month.

Her sister is pregnant. The baby is due in May.

© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Seite 23 My parents aren’t together any more, they got divorced two years ago.

My best friend is the same age as me. We’re both 15. I’m a member of the swimming club.

Seite 23 Transkript Where is your new place? – On Mozartstraße. I can’t decide where to go. The cinema or the disco?

It can be very stressful working 10 hours a day but I enjoy my job. Could everyone make sure they do their homework for tomorrow? I miss my older brother now that he is at uni. Shall we go shopping? – No, I’d rather go to the cinema. I really like meat, especially chicken. Chicken is my favourite. Stop quarreling! I don’t like I when you argue. He just talks and talks and talks, all the time.

Seite 24

Seite 1 von 5

There’s a lot of stress at work at the moment because there’s a lot to do.

© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Unit 2: Friends and family

greeting to let it get to you anyway

[1gri.t9N] [let 9t !get t4 1ju.] [1eniwe9]

Gruß(formel), Begrüßung an sich herankommen lassen sowieso

veterinary, vet in spite of to mean late night to miss out on to make it in the end dramatically warning sign top class to struggle to keep up by the time mock exam to come round stressed out nervous wreck to pass (an exam) by … points

[1vetnri, vet] [9n 1spa9t 4v] [mi.n] [!le9t 1na9t] [!m9s 1a8t qn] [1me9k 9t] [9n Di 1end] [dr41mät9kli] [1w0.n9N sa9n] [!tqp 1kl2.s] [1strcgl] [!ki.p 1cp] [ba9 D4 1ta9m] [mqk 9g1zäm] [!kcm 1ra8nd] [!strest 1a8t] [1n3.v4s] [rek] [!p2.s 4n 9g1zäm] [ba9]



Tierarzt/Tierärztin trotz bedeuten, meinen, sagen wollen Nachtschicht, bis spät in die Nacht etw auslassen es schaffen zum Schluss, schließlich dramatisch, drastisch Warnsignal Spitzenklasse kämpfen, sich abmühen mitkommen wenn, als Übungstest stattfinden überbelastet, strapaziert nervös Wrack (eine Prüfung) bestehen mit … Punkten (über der Bestehensgrenze) Neuigkeit(en), Nachricht(en)

to criticize private tuition to yell

[1kr9t9sa9z] [!pra9v4t tju19Sn] [jel]

kritisieren Nachhilfeunterricht schreien, brüllen

tutor to believe

[1tju.t4] [b91li.v]

NachhilfelehrerIn, PrivatlehrerIn glauben

for your own good to fail

[f4 j4r 48n 1g8d] [fe9l]

failure to notice on the net to cry sleep to curl up miserable to hold back tear to hold sb close absolutely

[1fe9lj4] [1n48t9s] [net] [kra9] [sli.p] [!k3.l 1cp] [1m9zr4bl] [!h48ld 1bäk] [t94] [!h48ld 1kl48s] [1äbs4lu.tli]

zu deinem Besten durchfallen, nicht bestehen, scheitern VersagerIn, Ausfall, Misserfolg (be)merken im Internet weinen, schreien Schlaf sich zusammenrollen elend, unglücklich zurückhalten Träne jdn an sich drücken absolut, völlig



besorgt, beunruhigt






unverstanden, verkannt

to try hard to call round to see sb (about) the last thing proud

[!tra9 1h2.d] [!k0.l 1ra8nd] [si.] [D4 1l2.st T9N] [pra8d]

sich sehr bemühen, anstrengen vorbeikommen jdn aufsuchen (wegen) das Letzte stolz

I’m very proud of him. He did well.

[4!pri.Si1e9Sn] [h2.dli] [a9 k8dnt b9!li.v ma9 194z]

Anerkennung kaum ich traute meinen Ohren nicht

I couldn’t believe my ears when they said I had won!

The party has been cancelled, though I wasn’t going to go anyway. We enjoyed ourselves in spite of the problems. I didn’t mean that. That’s not what I wanted to say.

In the end, it’s only important that you are safe.

She was very nervous about the match. He did really well. He passed with a very high grade.

We watch the news to find out what’s happening in the world. My dad criticizes my clothes. He doesn’t like them. He was yelling so loudly I could hear him from the next room. You have to believe me when I say I didn’t take your camera. She didn’t do very well in the exam. She failed in fact. Failure to work hard will result in a bad grade. I notice you’re wearing a new dress. It’s very nice.

Please don’t hold back, tell me everything.

Is that absolutely clear? Is everyone sure they understand that? I’m worried about Anne. She’s got a lot of problems at the moment. She hasn’t got any friends. She often feels quite lonely. I think she feels misunderstood, no one understands her.

Seite 25 appreciation hardly I couldn’t believe my ears

Seite 2 von 5

© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Unit 2: Friends and family

to arrange

[41re9nd7 f4]

arrangieren, vereinbaren

to drop to to solve

[1drqp t4] [sqlv]

zurückgestuft werden lösen

literally overnight straight As advice heart to take sth to heart summary

[1l9t4r4li] [!48v41na9t] [!stre9t 1e9z] [4d1va9s] [h2.t] [te9k t4 1h2.t] [1scm4ri]

buchstäblich über Nacht glatte Einsen, lauter Einsen (guter) Rat Herz sich etwas zu Herzen nehmen Zusammenfassung

delighted to concentrate (on) to produce

[d91la9t9d] [1kqnsntre9t] [pr41dju.s]

froh, erfreut sich konzentrieren (auf) produzieren, herstellen

diary entry sheet

[1da94ri] [1entri] [Si.t]

Tagebuch Eintrag, Beitrag Blatt (Papier)

at the moment role-play role dialogue situation to role-play result reaction to guess

[!4t D4 1m48m4nt] [1r48lple9] [r48l] [1da94lqg] [!s9tSu1e9Sn] [1r48lple9] [r91zclt] [ri1äkSn] [ges]

im Augenblick Rollenspiel Rolle Dialog Situation, Lage im Rollenspiel darstellen Resultat, Ergebnis Reaktion (er)raten

wonderful pleased

[1wcnd4fl] [pli.zd]

wunderbar, wundervoll froh, zufrieden



Absatz, Abschnitt

reason unhappy to develop

[1ri.zn] [cn1häpi] [d91vel4p]

Grund, Begründung unglücklich (sich) entwickeln

a friend in need

[4 !frend 9n 1ni.d]

the new girl row face to stare at front row rest (of) to leave sb alone crowd figure

[!nju. 1g3.l] [r48] [fe9s] [1ste4r 4t] [!frcnt 1r48] [1rest] [!li.v 41l48n] [kra8d] [1f9g4]

ein wahrer Freund, ein Freund in der Not die Neue Reihe Gesicht anstarren vorderste Reihe Rest (von) jdn in Ruhe lassen (Menschen-)Menge Figur, Zahl, Ziffer

What’s the matter? closed not … either dump I don’t think so. to change one’s mind

[1mät4] [kl48zd] [1a9D4] [dcmp] [!a9 d48nt 1T9Nk s48] [!tSe9nd7 wcnz 1ma9nd]

Was ist los? gesperrt, geschlossen auch nicht Müllhalde, Kaff Das finde ich nicht. seine Meinung ändern

to join (in)


to shout Wait and see! to cheer

[Sa8t] [!we9t 4nd 1si.] [tS94]

sich anschließen, mitmachen (bei), sich beteiligen an rufen Warts ab! jubeln

Can we arrange a time to meet so that we can discuss the problem? We need to solve this problem before it gets any worse.

A summary of the book is she loves him but he loves her sister. I’m going to concentrate on my maths homework. Sneakers are normally produced in Asia where the workers are paid less.

Write your address on a sheet of paper for me, please. At the moment, I’m studying for my English exam.

= two people talking to each other

I saw a friend of yours in town today. Guess who it was? You passed your exam, that’s wonderful! I’m pleased I went to the party. It was a lot of fun.

Seite 26

Seite 3 von 5

Read the first paragraph and then answer the questions. Give a reason why you like learning English. I’ve developed a liking for jazz. I didn’t like it before.

We sat in the front row when we watched the film. Can you turn your face to me so I can take a photo? Can you stop staring at me, please?

It would be nice if you could just leave me alone. 50% of people own their homes, and this figure gets bigger every year. What’s the matter? Why are you crying? I’m not happy about his plans either.

I’ve changed my mind, I would like to have a piece of cake.

Unit 2: Friends and family

Seite 27 bright flash coloured to shine up and down the road anywhere else Hindu to sigh sequencing

[bra9t] [fläS] [1kcl4d] [Sa9n] [!cp 4nd 1da8n] [!eniwe4r 1els] [1h9ndu.] [sa9] [1si.kw4ns9N]

hell, strahlend Blitz, Aufblitzen bunt, farbig scheinen die ganze Straße entlang sonst irgendwo Hindu seufzen Sequenzierung, in die richtige Reihenfolge bringen Ereignis der/die/das Erste anschalten, einschalten zählen

event the first one to switch on to count

[91vent] [1f3.st wcn] [!sw9tS 1qn] [ka8nt]





Punkt (auf einer Liste), Posten, Artikel, Gegenstand einmal, einst

[1l9sn9N f0.] [k41rekt]

beim Hören auf … achten berichtigen, korrigieren

to celebrate origin mythology it’s all about …

[1sel9bre9t] [1qr9d79n] [m91Tql4d7i] [41ba8t]

feiern Ursprung Mythologie es geht darum, …

to fill (with) to get rid of darkness Muslim because of to have no idea busy

[f9l] [get 1r9d 4v] [1d2.kn4s] [m8zl9m] [b91kqz 4v] [ne8 a91d94] [1b9zi]

füllen (mit) loswerden, abschaffen Finsternis, Dunkelheit Muslim/Muslima, muslimisch wegen keine Ahnung haben beschäftigt, verkehrsreich, belebt

flat BE cross (with) heritage to keep in contact to look … up

[flät] [krqs] [1her9t9d7] [!ki.p 9n 1kqntäkt] [!l8k 1cp]

talking of … hospital shift department

[1t0.k9N 4v] [1hqsp9tl] [S9ft] [d91p2.tm4nt]

Wohnung sauer (auf) Erbe in Verbindung/Kontakt bleiben … nachschlagen, … (heraus-)suchen (z.B. auf Facebook) apropos … Krankenhaus Schicht Abteilung She works in the shoe department in Harrods.

profile to exchange fact file activity to light bonfire powdered paint paint

[1pr48fa9l] [9ks1tSe9nd7] [1fäkt fa9l] [äk1t9v4ti] [la9t] [1bqnfa94] [!pa8d4d 1pe9nt] [1pe9nt]

Profil, Porträt austauschen, eintauschen Faktenzusammenstellung Aktivität, Tätigkeit anzünden (Freuden)feuer Farbpulver Farbe

religious prince king to worship to refuse god

[r91l9d74s] [pr9ns] [k9N] [1w3.S9p] [r91fju.z] [gqd]

religiös Prinz, Fürst König anbeten, verehren sich weigern, ablehnen Gott

Perhaps the sun will shine tomorrow.

Can you switch on the light, it’s dark in here. How many copies do we need? Can you count how many people are coming? How many items of clothing did you buy?

Seite 28 listening for … to correct

These sentences are wrong. Correct them, please.

© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Seite 28 Transkript We celebrated my grandfather’s birthday last week.

The book is all about two people who fall in love but never get together.

= person who belongs to the Islam faith

She is very busy so she can’t come to the party tonight. AE = apartment

Seite 28

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My favourite leisure time activity is playing football.

We will need lots of paint if we want to decorate the whole room. = son of a king or queen The king rules his country, he isn’t elected. She refused to help so I sent her to her room.

Unit 2: Friends and family

to trick to destroy power

[tr9k] [d91str09] [1pa84]

täuschen, hereinlegen zerstören, vernichten Macht, Kraft, Stärke

evil to burn flame milkmaid practical joke

[1i.vl] [b3.n] [fle9m] [1m9lkme9d] [!präkt9kl 1d748k]

das Böse, das Übel (an)brennen, verbrennen Flamme Melkerin Streich

to underline part of to get home

[!cnd41la9n] [1p2.t 4v] [!get 1h48m]

to sacrifice


sheep goat to share (the) poor to offer

[Si.p] [g48t] [Se4] [p84] [1qf4]

present to appear act obedience devil to tempt to obey (in order) to to save sb/sth

[1preznt] [41p94] [äkt] [41bi.di4ns] [1devl] [tempt] [41be9] [9n 10.d4 t4] [se9v]

to be about to do sth lamb Jewish Christian to tell sb to do sth

[4!ba8t t4 1du.] [läm] [1d7u.9S] [1kr9stS4n] [tel]

unterstreichen Underline the correct word. Teil von Scotland is a part of Great Britain. nach Hause kommen, heimkommen How will you get home after the party? – I’ll take the bus. opfern In some religions, animals are sacrificed on special occasions. Schaf(e) There are more sheep in New Zealand than people. Ziege teilen He shared the food with his neighbours. die Armen (an)bieten The school offers lessons in Italian and Spanish, too. Geschenk erscheinen, auftauchen Tat, Handlung Gehorsam Teufel in Versuchung führen gehorchen um … zu jdn/etw retten My dad once saved me from drowning – I couldn’t swim very well and nearly died. im Begriff sein, etw zu tun Lamm, Lammfleisch I had lamb stew for dinner last night. jüdisch christlich, ChristIn jdn auffordern, etw zu tun My mum is always telling me to tidy my room.

[1T9Nk 4v] [1i.st4] [h48ld] [r91s3.tS] [1bäkgra8nd] [1pe4w3.k] [!äkt 1a8t] [!bäk 1h48m] [1p489m] [1käl9nd4]

sich etwas überlegen, ausdenken Ostern (ab)halten erforschen, recherchieren Hintergrund, Herkunft Paararbeit vorspielen, aufführen zu Hause Gedicht Kalender



grandmother grandfather niece nephew stepsister marital status synagogue mosque temple Jew

[1gränmcD4] [1gränf2.D4] [ni.s] [1nefju.] [1steps9st4] [!mär9tl 1ste9t4s] [1s9n4gqg] [mqsk] [1templ] [d7u.]

Ur-, Groß- (bei Verwandtschaftsbezeichnungen) Großmutter Großvater Nichte Neffe Stiefschwester Familienstand Synagoge Moschee Tempel Jude/Jüdin

How much power does the Queen have? – Not much, most decisions are made by the government. At what temperature does paper burn?

© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Seite 30

Seite 31 to think of sth Easter to hold to research background pairwork to act out (back) home poem calendar

Seite 32

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We get chocolate eggs at Easter in Britain.