The Payroll Case Study

The Payroll Case Study You are about to study 7 stages of a case study. The first program will be very simplistic and each program will make some sm...
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The Payroll Case Study You are about to study 7 stages of a case study.

The first program will be very simplistic and each program will make some small change or add something new.

// // Payroll Case Study #1 // The first stage of the Payroll program has correct syntax and logic. // However, there is no concern about any type of proper program design, // even to the degree that there is no program indentation. // This program is totally unreadable. import java.text.*;public class Java0718{public static void main (String args[]) { String a; double b,c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k; int d; DecimalFormat m = new DecimalFormat("$0.00"); System.out.println( "\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #1\n"); System.out.print("Enter Name ===>> "); a = Expo.enterString();System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> "); b = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> "); c = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print( "Enter dependents ===>> "); d = Expo.enterInt(); if (b > 40) { e = b - 40; k = 40 * c; j = e * c * 1.5;} else { k=b*c;j = 0;}g=k+j;switch (d) {case 0:f=29.5;break;case 1:f=24.9;break;case 2:f=18.7; break; case 3:f=15.5;break;case 4:f=12.6;break;case 5:f=10.0;break;default:f=7.5;}i=g*f/100;h=gi; System.out.println("\n\n");System.out.println("Name: " + a);System.out.println( "Hourly rate: " + m.format(c)); System.out.println("Hours worked: " +b);System.out.println( "dependents: " + d);System.out.println("Tax rate: " + f + "%"); System.out.println("Regular pay: " + m.format(k));System.out.println("Overtime pay: " + m.format(j));System.out.println("Gross pay: "+m.format(g));System.out.println( "Deductions: "+m.format(i));System.out.println("Net pay: "+m.format(h)); System.out.println("\n\n"); } }

This is the output for most of the programs in the

Payroll Case Study.

// // Payroll Case Study #2 // The second stage does use indentation, but it is still very poor program design. // All the program logic is contained in the method and there are no // program comments anywhere, nor are the identifiers self-commenting. import java.text.*; public class Java0719 { public static void main (String args[]) { String a; double b,c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k; int d; DecimalFormat m = new DecimalFormat("$0.00"); System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #2\n"); System.out.print("Enter Name ===>> "); a = Expo.enterString(); System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> "); b = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> "); c = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter dependents ===>> "); d = Expo.enterInt();

if (b > 40) { e = b - 40; k = 40 * c; j = e * c * 1.5; } else { k = b * c; j = 0; } g = k + j; switch (d) { case 0 : f = 29.5; break; case 1 : f = 24.9; break; case 2 : f = 18.7; break; case 3 : f = 15.5; break; case 4 : f = 12.6; break; case 5 : f = 10.0; break; default: f = 7.5; }

i = g * f / 100; h = g - i; System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Name: System.out.println("Hourly rate: System.out.println("Hours worked: System.out.println("dependents: System.out.println("Tax rate: System.out.println("Regular pay: System.out.println("Overtime pay: System.out.println("Gross pay: System.out.println("Deductions: System.out.println("Net pay: System.out.println("\n\n"); } }

" + a); " + m.format(c)); " + b); " + d); " + f + "%"); " + m.format(k)); " + m.format(j)); " + m.format(g)); " + m.format(i)); " + m.format(h));

// // Payroll Case Study #3 // Stage 3 improves program readability by using meaningful identifiers. import java.text.*; public class Java0720 { public static void main (String args[]) { String employeeName; double hoursWorked; double hourlyRate; int numDependents; double overtimeHours; double regularPay; double overtimePay; double taxRate; double grossPay; double taxDeductions; double netPay; DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00"); System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #3\n");

System.out.print("Enter Name employeeName = Expo.enterString(); System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked hoursWorked = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate hourlyRate = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter dependents numdependents = Expo.enterInt();

===>> "); ===>> "); ===>> "); ===>> ");

if (hoursWorked > 40) { overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40; regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate; overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5; } else { regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate; overtimePay = 0; } grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;

switch (numdependents) { case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break; case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break; case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break; case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break; case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break; case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break; default: taxRate = 7.5; } taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100; netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions; System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Name: System.out.println("Hourly rate: System.out.println("Hours worked: System.out.println("dependents: System.out.println("Tax rate: System.out.println("Regular pay: System.out.println("Overtime pay: System.out.println("Gross pay: System.out.println("Deductions: System.out.println("Net pay: System.out.println("\n\n"); } }

" + employeeName); " + money.format(hourlyRate)); " + hoursWorked); " + numdependents); " + taxRate + "%"); " + money.format(regularPay)); " + money.format(overtimePay)); " + money.format(grossPay)); " + money.format(taxDeductions)); " + money.format(netPay));

// // Payroll Case Study #4 // Stage 4 separates the program statements in the main method with spaces and comments // to help identify the purpose for each segment. This helps program debugging and updating. // Note that this program does not prevents erroneous input. import java.text.*;

// used for text output with class.

public class Java0721 { public static void main (String args[]) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Program variables // String employeeName; // employee name used on payroll check double hoursWorked; // hours worked per week double hourlyRate; // employee wage paid per hour int numdependents; // number of dependats declared for tax rate purposes double overtimeHours; // number of hours worked over 40 double regularPay; // pay earned for up to 40 hours worked double overtimePay; // pay earned for hours worked above 40 per week double taxRate; // tax rate, based on declared dependents, // used for deduction computation double grossPay; // total pay earned before deductions double taxDeductions; // total tax deductions double netPay; // total take-home pay, which is printed on the check //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Program object // DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00"); // money is used to display values in monetary format ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Program input // System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #3\n"); System.out.print("Enter Name ===>> "); employeeName = Expo.enterString(); System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> "); hoursWorked = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> ");

hourlyRate = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter dependents

===>> ");

numdependents = Expo.enterInt(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Program computation // if (hoursWorked > 40) // qualifies for overtime pay { overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40; regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate; overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5; } else // does not qualify for overtime pay { regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate; overtimePay = 0; } switch (numdependents) { case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break; case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break; case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break; case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break; case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break; case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break; default: taxRate = 7.5; } taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100; // compute proper tax deductions based the number of declared dependents

netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions; // compute actual take-home-pay, which is printed on the paycheck

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output display, which simulates the printing of a payroll check // System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Name: " + employeeName); System.out.println("Hourly rate: " + money.format(hourlyRate)); System.out.println("Hours worked: " + hoursWorked); System.out.println("dependents: " + numdependents); System.out.println("Tax rate: " + taxRate + "%"); System.out.println("Regular pay: " + money.format(regularPay)); System.out.println("Overtime pay: " + money.format(overtimePay)); System.out.println("Gross pay: " + money.format(grossPay)); System.out.println("Deductions: " + money.format(taxDeductions)); System.out.println("Net pay: " + money.format(netPay)); System.out.println("\n\n"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } }

// Payroll Case Study #5 // Stage #5 is more in the spirit of modular programming. The program is now divided // into five separate methods, which are called in sequence by the main method. // There is one major problem which causes many errors. All of the variables are defined // locally in the method. The other methods do not have access to them. import java.text.*; public class Java0722 { public static void main (String args[]) { String employeeName; double hoursWorked; double hourlyRate; int numDependents; double overtimeHours; double regularPay; double overtimePay; double taxRate; double grossPay; double taxDeductions; double netPay; DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00"); System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #5\n"); enterData(); computeGrosspay(); computeDeductions(); computeNetpay(); printCheck();


public static void enterData() { System.out.print("Enter Name ===>> "); employeeName = Expo.enterString(); System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> "); hoursWorked = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> "); hourlyRate = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter Dependents ===>> "); numDependents = Expo.enterInt(); }

public static void computeGrosspay() { if (hoursWorked > 40) { overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40; regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate; overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5; } else { regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate; overtimePay = 0; } grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay; }

public static void computeDeductions() { switch (numDependents) { case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break; case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break; case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break; case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break; case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break; case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break; default: taxRate = 7.5; } taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100; }

public static void computeNetpay() { netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions; }

public static void printCheck() { System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Name: System.out.println("Hourly rate: System.out.println("Hours worked: System.out.println("Dependents: System.out.println("Tax rate: System.out.println("Regular pay: System.out.println("Overtime pay: System.out.println("Gross pay: System.out.println("Deductions: System.out.println("Net pay: System.out.println("\n\n"); } }

" + employeeName); " + money.format(hourlyRate)); " + hoursWorked); " + numDependents); " + taxRate + "%"); " + money.format(regularPay)); " + money.format(overtimePay)); " + money.format(grossPay)); " + money.format(taxDeductions)); " + money.format(netPay));

The user-defined methods cannot find the variables because they are all declared inside the main method.

// // Payroll Case Study #6 // Stage #6 fixes the problem from Stage 5 by using class variables. // NOTE: The object is defined locally in // because that is the only method it is used in. import java.text.*; public class Java0723 { static String employeeName; static double hoursWorked; static double hourlyRate; static int numdependents; static double overtimeHours; static double regularPay; static double overtimePay; static double taxRate; static double grossPay; static double taxDeductions; static double netPay;

public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #5\n"); enterData(); computeGrosspay(); When done properly, computeDeductions(); the main method computeNetpay(); should look like printCheck(); an outline for }

your program. public static void enterData() { System.out.print("Enter Name ===>> "); employeeName = Expo.enterString(); System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked ===>> "); hoursWorked = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate ===>> "); hourlyRate = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter dependents ===>> "); numdependents = Expo.enterInt(); }

public static void computeGrosspay() { if (hoursWorked > 40) { overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40; regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate; overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5; } else { regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate; overtimePay = 0; } grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;


public static void computeDeductions() { switch (numdependents) { case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break; case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break; case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break; case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break; case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break; case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break; default: taxRate = 7.5; } taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100; }

public static void computeNetpay() { netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions; }

public static void printCheck() { DecimalFormat money = new System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Name: System.out.println("Hourly rate: System.out.println("Hours worked: System.out.println("dependents: System.out.println("Tax rate: System.out.println("Regular pay: System.out.println("Overtime pay: System.out.println("Gross pay: System.out.println("Deductions: System.out.println("Net pay: System.out.println("\n\n"); } }

DecimalFormat("$0.00"); " + employeeName); " + money.format(hourlyRate)); " + hoursWorked); " + numdependents); " + taxRate + "%"); " + money.format(regularPay)); " + money.format(overtimePay)); " + money.format(grossPay)); " + money.format(taxDeductions)); " + money.format(netPay));

// // Payroll Case Study #7 // In Stage #7 the method is part of the "driving" class, which is // the class responsible for the program execution sequence. The // method now contains method calls to objects of the class. import java.text.*; public class Java0724 { public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println("\nPAYROLL CASE STUDY #6\n");

} }

Payroll.enterData(); Payroll.computeGrosspay(); Payroll.computeDeductions(); Payroll.computeNetpay(); Payroll.printCheck();

class Payroll { static String employeeName; static double hoursWorked; static double hourlyRate; static int numdependents; static double overtimeHours; static double regularPay; static double overtimePay; static double taxRate; static double grossPay; static double taxDeductions; static double netPay; public static void enterData() { System.out.print("Enter Name employeeName = Expo.enterString(); System.out.print("Enter Hours Worked hoursWorked = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter Hourly Rate hourlyRate = Expo.enterDouble(); System.out.print("Enter dependents numdependents = Expo.enterInt(); }

===>> "); ===>> ");

===>> "); ===>> ");

public static void computeGrosspay() { if (hoursWorked > 40) { overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40; regularPay = 40 * hourlyRate; overtimePay = overtimeHours * hourlyRate * 1.5; } else { regularPay = hoursWorked * hourlyRate; overtimePay = 0; } grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;


public static void computeDeductions() { switch (numdependents) { case 0 : taxRate = 29.5; break; case 1 : taxRate = 24.9; break; case 2 : taxRate = 18.7; break; case 3 : taxRate = 15.5; break; case 4 : taxRate = 12.6; break; case 5 : taxRate = 10.0; break; default: taxRate = 7.5; } taxDeductions = grossPay * taxRate / 100; } public static void computeNetpay() { netPay = grossPay - taxDeductions; }

public static void printCheck() { DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("$0.00"); System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Name: " + employeeName); System.out.println("Hourly rate: " + money.format(hourlyRate)); System.out.println("Hours worked: " + hoursWorked); System.out.println("dependents: " + numdependents); System.out.println("Tax rate: " + taxRate + "%"); System.out.println("Regular pay: " + money.format(regularPay)); System.out.println("Overtime pay: " + money.format(overtimePay)); System.out.println("Gross pay: " + money.format(grossPay)); System.out.println("Deductions: " + money.format(taxDeductions)); System.out.println("Net pay: " + money.format(netPay)); System.out.println("\n\n"); } }

Variable Terminology Variables that are declared inside a method or block are called local variables. Local variables are only accessible inside the method or block that they are defined in. Variables that are declared inside a class, but outside any method, are class variables. Class variables are accessible by any method of the class. Class variables are also called attributes. If a variable is only used by one method, it should be declared inside that method as a local variable. If a variable is used by 2 or more methods of a class, it should be declared as a class variable.

Program Design Notes This was the first introduction to program design.

Additional design features will be introduced as you learn more object-oriented programming. At this stage you can already consider the following: •

Programs should use self-commenting identifiers.

Control structures and block structure need to use a consistent indentation style.

Specific tasks should be placed in modules called methods.

Similar methods accessing the same data should be placed in a class.

The main method should be used for program sequence, not large numbers of program statements.