Sawatzki M, Brunner W, Neff-Schöb A, Meyenberger C, Borovicka J. Chronische Nausea und Emesis. Swiss Medical Forum 2015; 15:

PD Dr. med Jan Borovicka Kantonsspital St.Gallen Gastroenterologie/Hepatologie Rorschacherstrasse 95 9007 St. Gallen Switzerland Publikationen Stand:...
Author: Marjory Carr
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PD Dr. med Jan Borovicka Kantonsspital St.Gallen Gastroenterologie/Hepatologie Rorschacherstrasse 95 9007 St. Gallen Switzerland

Publikationen Stand: 16.01.2017

Wissenschaftlicher Artikel/Review Borovicka J, Krieger-Grübel C, van der Weg B, Thurnheer M, Schultes B, Sulz M, Gutzwiler J P, Bisang P, Pohl D, Fried M, Meyenberger C, Tutuian R. Effect of morbid obesity, gastric banding and gastric bypass on esophageal symptoms, mucosa and function. Surg Endosc 2016;. Sawatzki M, Brunner W, Neff-Schöb A, Meyenberger C, Borovicka J. Chronische Nausea und Emesis. Swiss Medical Forum 2015; 15:1039-1040. Müller-Stich B P, Linke G R, Senft J, Achtstätter V, Müller P C, Diener M K, Warschkow R, Marra F, Schmied B M, Borovicka J, Fischer L, Zerz A, Gutt C N, Büchler M W. Laparoscopic Mesh-augmented Hiatoplasty With Cardiophrenicopexy Versus Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication for the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Double-center Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Surg 2015; 262:721-7. Sulz M, Frei R, Semadeni G M, Sawatzki M, Borovicka J, Meyenberger C. The role of singleballoon colonoscopy for patients with previous incomplete standard colonoscopy: Is it worth doing it?. Surg Endosc 2015;. Sawatzki M, Borovicka J, Meyenberger C, Frei R. Stenting after severe iatrogenic submucosal. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2015;1499-1501. Krieger-Grübel C, Tutuian R, Borovicka J. Correlation of esophageal clearance and dysphagia symptom assessment after treatment for achalasia. United European Gastroenterology Journal 2015; 0:1-7. Tack J, Zerbib F, Blondeau K, des Varannes S B, Piessevaux H, Borovicka J, Mion F, Fox M, Bredenoord A J, Louis H, Dedrie S, Hoppenbrouwers M, Meulemans A, Rykx A, Thielemans L, Ruth M. Randomized clinical trial: effect of the 5-HT4 receptor agonist revexepride on reflux parameters in patients with persistent reflux symptoms despite PPI treatment. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2014; 27:258-68. Sulz M, Bertolini R, Frei R, Semadeni G M, Borovicka J, Meyenberger C. Multipurpose use of the over-the-scope-clip system ("Bear claw") in the gastrointestinal tract: Swiss experience in a tertiary center. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20:16287-92. Sawatzki M, Meyenberger C, Borovicka J. New Kit on the block - unkonventionelle HemoprayAnwendung. Swiss Medical Forum 2014; 14:734-735.

Preissler C, Krieger-Grübel C, Borovicka J, Fried M, Tutuian R. The contribution of intrabolus pressure to symptoms induced by gastric banding. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2014; 23:13-7. Sulz M, Bertolini R, Frei R, Semadeni G M, Borovicka J, Meyenberger C. Multipurpose use of the Over-the-Scope-Clip system (‘Bear claw’) in the gastrointestinal tract: Swiss experience in a tertiary center. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 20: .:16287-16292. Putora P M, Müller J, Borovicka J, Plasswilm L, Schmidt F. Relevance of incidental colorectal FDG-PET/CT-enhanced lesions. Onkologie 2013; 36:200-4. Stickel F, Worni M, Pache I, Moradpour D, Helbling B, Borovicka J, Gerlach T J. Optimizing ribavirin exposure by therapeutic drug monitoring improves treatment response in patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 1. Am J Gastroenterol 2013; 108:1176-8. Häuptle R, Weilenmann D, Schneider T, Haile S, Ammann P, Knellwolf C, Borovicka J. Individualised PPI prescription in patients on combination antiplatelet therapy and upper gastrointestinal events after percutaneous coronary intervention: a cohort study. Wien Med Wochenschr 2012; 162:67-73. Sulz M, Sagmeister M, Schelling M, Binek J, Borovicka J, Ulmer H, Meyenberger C. Quality assurance of sphincterotomy: A prospective single-center survey. Central European Journal of European Medicine 2012; 7:9-19. Borovicka J, Meyenberger C, Anliker M D, Stöckli S, Bühler D. Toxische epidermale Nekrolyse : Therapie einer kompletten hypopharyngealen Okklusion bei toxischer epidermaler Nekrolyse (Lyell-Syndrom); ein interdisziplinärer Approach. Schweiz Med Forum 2011; 11:593-594. Rauch A, Kutalik Z, Descombes P, Cai T, Di Iulio J, Mueller T, Bochud M, Battegay M, Bernasconi E, Borovicka J, Colombo S, Cerny A, Dufour J F, Furrer H, Günthard H F, Heim M, Hirschel B, Malinverni R, Moradpour D, Müllhaupt B, Beckmann J S, Berg T, Bergmann S, Negro F, Telenti A, Bochud P Y, Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study , Swiss HIV Cohort Study . Genetic variation in IL28B is associated with chronic hepatitis C and treatment failure: a genome-wide association study. Gastroenterology 2010; 138:1338-45, 1345.e1-7. Overbeck K, Dufour J F, Müllhaupt B, Helbling B, Borovicka J, Malinverni R, Heim M, Moradpur D, Cerny A, Rickenbach M, Negro F. Impact of international consensus guidelines on antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C patients in Switzerland. Swiss Med Wkly 2010;.

Gonvers J J, Heim M H, Cavassini M, Müllhaupt B, Genné D, Bernasconi E, Borovicka J, Cerny A, Chave J P, Chuard C, Dufour F, Dutoit V, Malinverni R, Monnat M, Negro F, Troilliet N, Oneta C. Treatment of hepatitis C in HCV mono-infected and in HIV-HCV coinfected patients: an open-labelled comparison study. Swiss Med Wkly 2010; 140:w13055.

Roushan A H, Wolff K T, Beutner U, Borovicka J, Marti L. Functional outcome after perineal stapled prolapse resection for external rectal prolapse. BMC Surg 2010; 10:9. Lindenmann N, Meyenberger C, Hell M, Ulmer H, Spieler P, Borovicka J. Malignant biliary stenosis: conventional cytology versus DNA image cytometry. Surg Endosc 2010;. Boller D, Spieler P, Schönegg R, Neuweiler J, Kradolfer D, Studer R, Grossenbacher R, Meyenberger C, Borovicka J. Lugol chromoendoscopy combined with brush cytology in patients at risk for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Surgical endoscopy 2009;.

Borovicka J, Schönegg R, Hell M, Kradolfer D, Bauerfeind P, Dorta G, Netzer P, Meyenberger C, Fischer J E, Spieler P. Is there an advantage to be gained from adding digital image cytometry of brush cytology to a standard biopsy protocol in patients with Barrett's esophagus?. Endoscopy 2009; 41:409-14. Vogt N, Schönegg R, Gschossmann J M, Borovicka J. Benefit of baseline cytometry for surveillance of patients with Barrett's esophagus. Surgical endoscopy 2009;. Bochud P Y, Cai T, Overbeck K, Bochud M, Dufour J F, Müllhaupt B, Borovicka J, Heim M, Moradpour D, Cerny A, Malinverni R, Francioli P, Negro F, Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study Group . Genotype 3 is associated with accelerated fibrosis progression in chronic hepatitis C. Journal of hepatology 2009; 51:655-66. Borovicka J. Laparoscopic mesh-augmented hiatoplasty as a treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernias-preliminary clinical and functional results of a prospective case series. Am J Surg 2008; 195:749-56. Linke G R, Zerz A, Tutuian R, Marra F, Warschkow R, Müller-Stich B P, Borovicka J. Efficacy of laparoscopic mesh-augmented hiatoplasty in GERD and symptomatic hiatal hernia. Study using combined impedance-pH monitoring. Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract 2008; 12:816-21. Borovicka J. Laparoscopic mesh-augmented hiatoplasty as a treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernias-preliminary clinical and functional results of a prospective case series. Am J Surg 2008; 195:749-56. Linke G, Zerz A, Tutuian R, Marra F, Warschkow R, Müller-Stich B, Borovicka J. Efficacy of laparoscopic mesh-augmented hiatoplasty in GERD and symptomatic hiatal hernia. Study using combined impedance-pH monitoring. J Gastrointest Surg 2008; 12:816-821. Borovicka J. Efficacy of laparoscopic mesh-augmented hiatoplasty in GERD and symptomatic hiatal hernia. Study using combined impedance-pH monitoring. J Gastrointest Surg 2008; 12:816-21. Borovicka J. Efficacy of laparoscopic mesh-augmented hiatoplasty in GERD and symptomatic hiatal hernia. Study using combined impedance-pH monitoring. J Gastrointest Surg 2008; 12:816-21. Müller-Stich B, Linke G, Borovicka J, Marra F, Warschkow R, Mehrabi A, Köninger J, Gutt C, Zerz A. Laparoscopic mesh-augmented hiatoplasty as a treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernias-preliminary clinical and functional results of a prospective case series. Am J Surg 2008; 195:749-756. Grübel C, Borovicka J, Schwizer W, Fox M, Hebbard G. Diffuse esophageal spasm. The American journal of gastroenterology 2008; 103:450-7. Schwab C, Borovicka J, Schmid H P, Engeler D. [Urethral fistula due to Crohn's disease: case report of successful conservative management]. Der Urologe. Ausg. A 2008; 47:1350-2.

Helbling B, Overbeck K, Gonvers J J, Malinverni R, Dufour J F, Borovicka J, Heim M, Cerny A, Negro F, Bucher S, Rickenbach M, Renner E L, Mullhaupt B, Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study . Host- rather than virus-related factors reduce health-related quality of life in hepatitis C virus infection. Gut 2008; 57:1597-603. Linke G R, Borovicka J, Schneider P, Zerz A, Warschkow R, Müller-Stich B P. Is a barium swallow complementary to endoscopy essential in the preoperative assessment of laparoscopic antireflux and hiatal hernia surgery?. Surgical endoscopy 2008; 22:96-100.

Ciuffreda D, Comte D, Cavassini M, Giostra E, Bühler L, Perruchoud M, Heim M H, Battegay M, Genné D, Mulhaupt B, Malinverni R, Oneta C, Bernasconi E, Monnat M, Cerny A, Chuard C, Borovicka J, Mentha G, Pascual M, Gonvers J J, Pantaleo G, Dutoit V. Polyfunctional HCV-specific T-cell responses are associated with effective control of HCV replication. European journal of immunology 2008; 38:2665-77. Müller-Stich B P, Linke G R, Borovicka J, Marra F, Warschkow R, Mehrabi A, Köninger J, Gutt C N, Zerz A. Laparoscopic mesh-augmented hiatoplasty as a treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernias-preliminary clinical and functional results of a prospective case series. American journal of surgery 2008; 195:749-56. Jeske H C, Borovicka J, von Goedecke A, Tiefenthaler W, Hohlrieder M, Heidegger T, Benzer A. Preoperative administration of esomeprazole has no influence on frequency of refluxes. Journal of clinical anesthesia 2008; 20:191-5. Gruebel C, Linke G, Tutuian R, Hebbard G, Zerz A, Meyenberger C, Borovicka J. Prospective study examining the impact of multichannel intraluminal impedance on antireflux surgery. Surg Endosc 2007; 22:1241-7. Linke G R, Borovicka J, Tutuian R, Warschkow R, Zerz A, Zünd M. Altered esophageal motility and gastroesophageal barrier in patients with jejunal interposition after distal esophageal resection for early stage adenocarcinoma. Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract 2007; 11:1262-7. van der Weg B, Meyenberger C, Borovicka J. helicobacter pylori: Wann testen, wie testen?. Hausarztpraxis 2006;. . Helicobacter pylori 2006: How to test, when to treat. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 2006; 95:1413-1418. van der Weg B, Meyenberger C, Borovicka J. [Helicobacter pylori 2006: how to test, when to treat]. Praxis 2006; 95:1413-8. Meyer-Wyss B, Rich P, Egger H, Helbling B, Müllhaupt B, Rammert C, Gonvers J J, Oneta C, Criblez D, Rossi L, Borovicka J, Meyenberger C, Arn M, Renner E L, Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver (SASL) . Comparison of two PEG-interferon alpha-2b doses (1.0 or 1.5 microg/kg) combined with ribavirin in interferon-naïve patients with chronic hepatitis C and up to moderate fibrosis. Journal of viral hepatitis 2006; 13:457-65. Helbling B, Jochum W, Stamenic I, Knöpfli M, Cerny A, Borovicka J, Gonvers J J, Wilhelmi M, Dinges S, Müllhaupt B, Esteban A, Meyer-Wyss B, Renner E L, Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver (SASL) . HCV-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis: randomized controlled trial of pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin. Journal of viral hepatitis 2006; 13:762-9. Borovicka J, Fischer J, Neuweiler J, Netzer P, Gschossmann J, Ehmann T, Bauerfeind P, Dorta G, Meyenberger C. Autofluorescence endoscopy in surveillance of Barrett's esophagus: a multicenter randomized trial on diagnostic efficacy. Endoscopy 2006; 38:867-72. Jeske H C, Borovicka J, von Goedecke A, Meyenberger C, Heidegger T, Benzer A. The influence of postural changes on gastroesophageal reflux and barrier pressure in nonfasting individuals. Anesthesia and analgesia 2005; 101:597-600, table of contents.

Gubler C, Borovicka J, Diener P A, Meyenberger C. [Cholestatic hepatitis. 27-year-old tool engineer]. Praxis 2003; 92:1269-72. Sagmeister M, Borovicka J, Knierim M, Magdeburg B, Meyenberger C. Perception of gastrointestinal endoscopy by patients and examiners with and without background music. Digestion 2003; 68:5-8.

Hurschler D, Borovicka J, Neuweiler J, Öhlschlegel C, Sagmeister M, Meyenberger C, Schmid U. Increased detection rates of Barrett's oesophagus without rise in incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Swiss medical weekly : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology 2003; 133:507-14. August-Jörg B S E, Borovicka J, Dufour J F, Gonvers J J, Henz S, Hermann R, Meyenberger C, Weitz M, Renner E L, Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver . Twenty-four vs. forty-eight weeks of re-therapy with interferon alpha 2b and ribavirin in interferon alpha monotherapy relapsers with chronic hepatitis C. Swiss medical weekly : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology 2003; 133:455-60. Gubler C, Borovicka J, Diener P A, Meyenberger C. Cholestatische Hepatitis. Schweiz. Rundsch. Med. Prax. 2003; 92:1269-1272. Pescatore P, Jornod P, Borovicka J, Pantoflickova D, Suter W, Meyenberger C, Blum A L, Dorta G. Epinephrine versus epinephrine plus fibrin glue injection in peptic ulcer bleeding: a prospective randomized trial. Gastrointestinal endoscopy 2002; 55:348-53. Helbling B, Stamenic I, Viani F, Gonvers J J, Dufour J F, Reichen J, Cathomas G, Steuerwald M, Borovicka J, Sagmeister M, Renner E L, Investigators of the Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver . Interferon and amantadine in naive chronic hepatitis C: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 2002; 35:447-54. Albert S, Borovicka J, Thurnheer M, Meyenberger C. Prä- und postoperative Transaminasenveränderungen im Rahmen der Magenbandeinlage bei morbider Adipositas. Schweiz. Runsch. Med. Prax. 2001; 90:1459-1464. Albert S, Borovicka J, Thurnheer M, Meyenberger C. [Pre- and postoperative transaminase changes within the scope of gastric banding in morbid obesity]. Praxis 2001; 90:1459-64.

Borovicka J, Schwizer W, Guttmann G, Hartmann D, Kosinski M, Wastiel C, Bischof-Delaloye A, Fried M. Role of lipase in the regulation of postprandial gastric acid secretion and emptying of fat in humans: a study with orlistat, a highly specific lipase inhibitor. Gut 2000; 46:774-81. Suter W R, Neuweiler J, Borovicka J, Fantin A C, Meyenberger C. Cytomegalovirus-induced transient protein-losing hypertrophic gastropathy in an immunocompetent adult. Digestion 2000; 62:276-9. Borovicka J, Lehmann R, Kunz P, Fraser R, Kreiss C, Crelier G, Boesiger P, Spinas G A, Fried M, Schwizer W. Evaluation of gastric emptying and motility in diabetic gastroparesis with magnetic resonance imaging: effects of cisapride. The American journal of gastroenterology 1999; 94:2866-73. Kreiss C, Schwizer W, Borovicka J, Jansen J B, Bouloux C, Pignol R, Bischof Delaloye A, Fried M. Effect of lintitript, a new CCK-A receptor antagonist, on gastric emptying of a solid-liquid meal in humans. Regulatory peptides 1998; 74:143-9. Kunz P, Crelier G R, Schwizer W, Borovicka J, Kreiss C, Fried M, Boesiger P. Gastric emptying and motility: assessment with MR imaging--preliminary observations. Radiology 1998; 207:33-40. Schwizer W, Asal K, Kreiss C, Mettraux C, Borovicka J, Rémy B, Güzelhan C, Hartmann D, Fried M. Role of lipase in the regulation of upper gastrointestinal function in humans. The American journal of physiology 1997; 273:G612-20.

Wells A S, Read N W, Fried M, Borovicka J, D'Amato M. Effects of a specific CCK-A antagonist, Loxiglumide, on postprandial mood and sleepiness. Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England) 1997; 11:241-6. Schwizer W, Borovicka J, Kunz P, Fraser R, Kreiss C, D'Amato M, Crelier G, Boesiger P, Fried M. Role of cholecystokinin in the regulation of liquid gastric emptying and gastric motility in humans: studies with the CCK antagonist loxiglumide. Gut 1997; 41:500-4. Borovicka J, Schwizer W, Mettraux C, Kreiss C, Remy B, Asal K, Jansen J B, Douchet I, Verger R, Fried M. Regulation of gastric and pancreatic lipase secretion by CCK and cholinergic mechanisms in humans. The American journal of physiology 1997; 273: G374-80. Kreiss C, Schwizer W, Erlacher U, Borovicka J, Löchner-Kuery C, Müller R, Jansen J B, Fried M. Role of antrum in regulation of pancreaticobiliary secretion in humans. The American journal of physiology 1996; 270:G844-51. Borovicka J, Michetti P. Oesophageal hypersensitivity. Gut 1996; 39:147-8. Borovicka J, Kreiss C, Asal K, Remy B, Mettraux C, Wells A, Read N W, Jansen J B, D'Amato M, Delaloye A B, Fried M, Schwizer W. Role of cholecystokinin as a regulator of solid and liquid gastric emptying in humans. The American journal of physiology 1996; 271: G448-53. Schwizer W, Fraser R, Borovicka J, Asal K, Crelier G, Kunz P, Boesiger P, Fried M. Measurement of proximal and distal gastric motility with magnetic resonance imaging. The American journal of physiology 1996; 271:G217-22. Lehmann R, Borovicka J, Kunz P, Crelier G, Boesiger P, Fried M, Schwizer W, Spinas G A. Evaluation of delayed gastric emptying in diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy by a new magnetic resonance imaging technique and radio-opaque markers. Diabetes care 1996; 19:1075-82. Borovicka J, Gonvers J J. Use of a biopsy forceps with and without needle. Gastrointestinal endoscopy 1996; 44:510. Borovicka J, Schwizer W, Remy B, Fried M. Cerulein-induced changes in plasma amino acid concentrations are not a valid test for pancreatic insufficiency. The American journal of gastroenterology 1995; 90:1111-5. Stanghellini V, Borovicka J, Read N W. Feedback regulation and sensation. Frontiers in gastric emptying. Digestive diseases and sciences 1994; 39:124S-127S. Schwizer W, Fraser R, Borovicka J, Crelier G, Boesiger P, Fried M. Measurement of gastric emptying and gastric motility by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Digestive diseases and sciences 1994; 39:101S-103S. Fraser R, Schwizer W, Borovicka J, Asal K, Fried M. Gastric motility measurement by MRI. Digestive diseases and sciences 1994; 39:20S-23S. Schwizer W, Borovicka J, Fried M, Inauen W. [Motility disorders and assessment methods of the esophagus]. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift. Supplementum 1993; 54:8-14.