Rozanne Rosenthal. JoanKatz

T R O P E R 5 L 201 A 4 1 U 0 2 ar ANN scalYe Fi Rozanne Ros ent hal JoanKat z OURBOARD OFDI RECTORS OURSTAFF OURADVI SORYBOARD ToOURKomenFam...
Author: Noah Reynolds
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T R O P E R 5 L 201 A 4 1 U 0 2 ar ANN scalYe Fi

Rozanne Ros ent hal

JoanKat z




ToOURKomenFami l y, I ti sr ar et hes edayst omeets omeonewhohasnotbeeni mpact edbybr eas tcancer . Thedi s eas er unsi nbot hofourf ami l i es oneofus( Gynna)i sas ur vi vor ,andt heot her ( Mar yAnn)i st hedaught erandgr anddaught erofbr eas tcancers ur vi vor s .Weandour l ovedoneshavebeenf or t unat et os ur vi vebr eas tcancerbecaus eofours t r ongs uppor t s ys t emsandexper theal t hcar epr ovi der s . Unf or t unat el y,t her ear ei ndi vi dual si nourcommuni t ywhoar enots ol ucky.Formany, evens i mpl yget t i ngt r ans por t at i ont oamedi calf aci l i t ys eemsoutofr each. Sus anG.Komen® Gr eat erFor tWor t hexi s t st of i l li nt hes egapsbet weent hecommuni t y needsandt hef i ni t eavai l abl er es our ces .Wear ewor ki nghar dal ongs i deourhi ghl y vi s i bl e( ands omet i mesmobi l e)l ocalheal t hcar epr ovi der st os er vel owi ncome, uni ns ur ed,under i ns ur ed,andunder s er vedi ndi vi dual swi t hbr eas theal t heducat i on, cancers cr eeni nganddi agnos t i cs ,andcancert r eat ments er vi cesi nTar r ant ,Par ker , Johns onandHoodcount i es . I n201 4,wef undedbr eas theal t hs er vi cesf or4, 633i ndi vi dual s ,and428womenwer e di agnos edandt r eat edf orbr eas tcancer .Weas kt hatyoucont i nuet oj oi nusi nour l i f es avi ngef f or t s .Youcanl ear nmor eaboutourongoi ngact i vi t i esbyvi s i t i ngour webs i t eatwww. komengr eat er f w. or g. Si ncer el y, Mar yAnnMeans Duf r ene Execut i veDi r ect or

GynnaHar l i n Pr es i dent ,Boar dofDi r ect or s

SURVI VORSPOTLI GHT Lynel l ewasanunempl oyed, si ngl emot herof4whenshe f oundal umpi nherbr eas t .

OURGRANTEES Br i dgi ngBr eastHeal t hAccessi nFor tW or t h

TexasHeal t hHar r i sMet hodi stHospi t alFor tW or t h I ndi gentMammogr aphyPr ogr am TwoTexasHeal t hHar r i sMet hodi s tHos pi t alFor tWor t hmobi l es cr eeni nguni t s pr ovi dedmammogr aphys cr eeni ngandpr event i ons er vi cesandeducat i onaland s uppor tr es our cest ot hehi ghr i s kpopul at i onoff i nanci al l y/ medi cal l yunder s er ved womeni nTar r ant ,Par ker ,Johns onandHoodcount i es .Wi t ht hehel poff unds f r om Sus anG.Komen® Gr eat erFor tWor t h,t hemobi l euni t sr emovedbar r i er st o s cr eeni ngandpr ovi dedcl i ent swi t ht heknowl edge,educat i onandt ool st hey neededt obepr oact i vei nt hei rownbr eas theal t hcar e.

www. t exas heal t h. or g/f or t wor t h

Moncr i efCancerI nst i t ut eBr eastScr eeni ng, Navi gat i onandOut r each/Educat i onSer vi ces TheMoncr i efCancerI ns t i t ut e/UTSout hwes t er nmobi l emammogr aphyuni t eat erFor tWor t hgr antt oi mpr oveacces st o us edaSus anG.Komen® Gr s cr eeni ngandpr event i ons er vi ces ,di agnos t i cpr ocedur es ,navi gat i onand br eas theal t heducat i ont ouni ns ur edandunder s er vedwomeni nTar r ant ,Par ker , Johns onandHoodcount i es .I naddi t i on,i nFor tWor t h,uni ns ur edwomenwer e gi vencl i ni calbr eas texams ,s cr eeni ngandnavi gat i onatt heMoncr i efi nhous e mammogr aphys ui t e.

www. moncr i ef . com

Hugul eyMemor i alMedi calCent er 24HourMammogr aphyMar at hon Hugul eyMemor i alMedi calCent erhos t edamammogr aphymar at honi n201 4 eat erFor tWor t hf undsandpr ovi dednocos tdi gi t al wi t hSus anG.Komen® Gr s cr eeni ngmammogr amsf or53uni ns ur edandunder i ns ur edwomenr es i di ngi n Tar r antandJohns oncount i es .Thepr ogr am benef i t edwomenwhoot her wi s e woul dnothaveacces st obr eas tcancers cr eeni ngs .Thepubl i ci t yf ort heevent pr ovi dedbr eas theal t heducat i onandencour agedal lwomeni nt hecommuni t y t ogets cr eeni ngmammogr ams .

www. t exas heal t hhugul ey. or g

CancerCar eSer vi ces HopeChest :Br eastCancerNavi gat i onf ort heFut ur e CancerCar eSer vi cesut i l i zedSus anG.Komen® Gr eat erFor tWor t hf undst o pr ovi det r eat ments uppor tt obr eas tcancerpat i ent st hr ought heHopeChes t pr ogr am.Li cens eds oci alwor ker spr ovi dedcr i s i si nt er vent i on,r es our ces ,and couns el i ngt oenabl epos t di agnos i spat i ent s ,t hei rf ami l i es ,andt hei rcar egi ver s t os ucces s f ul l ycompl et ecancert r eat ment .HopeChes tgavedi r ectf i nanci al as s i s t ancef orcancer r el at edmedi cat i ons ,t r ans por t at i on,heal t hi ns ur ance pr emi ums ,nut r i t i onals uppl ement sandemot i onal / ps ychos oci als er vi ces .

www. cancer car es er vi ces . or g

Musl i m Communi t yCent erf orHumanSer vi ces( MCCHS) I nTar r antCount yt her ear emor et han1 50, 000Sout hAs i an,Mi ddl eEas t er nand Af r i cani mmi gr ant sandr ef ugees ,andt hi snumbercont i nuest oi ncr eas e. MCCHScommi t st opr ovi di ngneces s ar ybr eas tcancerawar enes seducat i ont o t hes evul ner abl egr oups .MCCHSeducat i onl ect ur est ar getas peci alneeds popul at i onofet hni candr aci almi nor i t ywomenwhoar ei mmi gr ant sand exper i encebar r i er ss uchascul t ur albel i ef sandl i mi t edornoEngl i s hpr of i ci ency. MCCHSpr ovi desbr eas ts el f awar enes si nf or mat i oni nAr abi c,Ur duandEngl i s h t oi ncr eas et hepr obabi l i t yofi mmi gr ant sr ecei vi ngcr i t i cali nf or mat i on, educat i onandr es our ces .

www. mcchs . or g

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EXPENSES: $1 , 505, 1 29

$1 1 3, 272 Fundr ai s i ng

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Cor por at i ons

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$1 , 21 8, 21 1

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RaceEnt r y Fees

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Race&Ot her Speci alEvent s


Di dyouknow? Ever ymaj oradvancei nt hef i ghtagai ns tbr eas tcancerhasbeent ouchedby ® Sus anG.Komen.We’ vepr ovi dedmor emoneyf orbr eas tcancerr es ear chand communi t yheal t hpr ogr amst hananyent i t yout s i deoft heU. S.gover nment .Par t ofKomen’ smi s s i oni st o“ ener gi zes ci encet of i ndt hecur es . ” Komen’ scommi t mentt os uppor t i ngl i f es avi ngr es ear chhasneverbeens t r onger . Bui l di ngon27year soff undi ngr es ear cht of i ndt hecaus esandcur esofbr eas t cancer ,Komencont i nuesi t si mpor t antnew f ocusonr es ear cht hatwi l ls peedt he t r ans l at i onofdi s cover i esi nt or educt i onsi nbr eas tcancermor t al i t yand/ or i nci dencewi t hi nt henextdecadeandaddr es s eddi s par i t i esi nbr eas tcancer acr os spopul at i ons . 25% oft heneti ncomef r om eachAf f i l i at es uppor t st heKomenRes ear ch, Eval uat i onandSci ent i f i cPr ogr am,whi chf undsgr oundbr eaki ngbr eas tcancer r es ear ch,mer i t or i ousawar dsandeducat i onalands ci ent i f i cconf er encesar ound t hewor l d.

Resear chdol l ar shavehel pedsuppor tmor et han: 2, 900i nves t i gat or st ocar r youtt housands ofr esear chpr oj ect s 450cl i ni calt r i al s 300r esear chadvocat es 60par t ner shi psandcol l abor at i ons 60sci ent i f i cconf er ences

OURPRI ORI TI ES BasedonTheCommuni t yPr of i l ef i ndi ngsandanal ysi s, ourAf f i l i at eest abl i shedt hef ol l owi ngpr i or i t i es:


I ncr easenumberofscr eeni ng mammogr amsi nt hef our count yser vi cear ea.


Devel opandi mpl ementt ar get ed andcul t ur al l ysensi t i veout r each andeducat i onpr ogr ams.


I ncr easef undr ai si ngr evenue.


Pr omot eavi gor ouspubl i c pol i cyandadvocacypr ogr am.

Fr ogsf ort heCur e


Ourmi s si oni st os avel i vesandendbr eas tcancerf or ever byempower i ngot her s ,ens ur i ngqual i t ycar ef oral l andener gi zi ngs ci encet of i ndt hecur es .

HELPUSSAVELI VES.DONATETODAY. www. KomenGr eat er For t Wor t h. or g 221 6Gr eenOaksRoadFor tW or t h,Texas761 1 6•81 77358580