Name of Collaboration/Partnership Memorandum of Understanding 1. This document is an agreement between1: Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Etc.... to form a collaboration to be known as NAME of collaboration

2. description Example 1: NAME of collaboration is a collaboration of community and voluntary organisations in [Locality] created to facilitate and support the participation, development, and well being of older residents of Black and minority ethnic background in [Locality] and neighbouring areas.

Comment [T1]: Give the partnership a name

Comment [T2]: Describe the collaboration/partnership, & overall reason for setting up (high level aim)

Example 1: NAME of collaboration is a collaboration of community and voluntary organisations in [Locality] created to facilitate and support the participation, development, and well being of residents in [specific area]. Example 3: NAME of collaboration is a collaboration of the above named organisations created to improve awareness and skills among professionals in the areas of violence against women and girls, mental health and wellbeing, and other related issues.

3. Purpose 1. To maximise the use of the NAME FACILITY for the benefit of [beneficiary groups] in [Locality] and neighbouring areas. 2. To create new opportunities for joint projects between [Partnership] member organisations 1

This list is a proposed membership to be ratified at a date to be decided. New members can be included later according to section 6. This note will be removed from the final version of the document.

Comment [T3]: General statement of what this collaboration is set up to achieve – its purpose. Quite general statements. 3 or four should do. Below are just examples. Each collaboration will be identify their own specific purpose

3. To increase the range of people benefiting from services provided from the NAME FACILITY 4. To present a strong voice and coherent service offer for negotiations with funding partners

4. Specific Objectives 1. To develop a timetable for member organisations to make appropriate use of the NAME FACILITY 2. To agree appropriate charges for covering essential costs 3. To develop and agree procedures for safe and secure use of the building

Comment [T4]: More specific than Purpose statements. This describes some of the practical things the collaboration will achieve (these are examples only, different groups will determine their own lists). Specific Objectives are how the collaboration will achieve its Purpose as stated

4. To identify any restrictions on the use of the facility as specified in the lease (for example, lower age limit for eligibility), and negotiate as appropriate 5. To identify projects and services that could be delivered collaboratively between partners 6. To develop joint project delivery procedures - including ‘lead partner’ procedures, sharing of administrative (back office) functions, and other considerations

5. This Memorandum of Understanding 1. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to establish and govern the operations of the NAME of collaboration 2. This document does not create a binding legal relationship between the NAME of collaboration’s members, nor is it intended to result in the creation of a new organisation. 6. Membership 1. Membership of NAME of collaboration shall be the organisations who are signatories to this memorandum of understanding. New members may be admitted by a unanimous vote at a meeting of the Partnership. Membership is subject to NAME of collaboration eligibility criteria2 2. An organisation shall cease to be a member of NAME of collaboration if it: 2

To be drafted for approval

Comment [T5]: Making it explicit that the agreement does not create not a new legal entity and to avoid any ambiguity if the word ‘partnership’ is used. If this is desired, it can be stated as an Objective to be achieved, but will be a separate action.

2.1. resigns in writing to the Partnership; 2.2. is removed from membership by a unanimous vote if the member acts against NAME of collaboration agreed Code of Conduct or other agreements and decisions that NAME of collaboration may make in the course of its business. If a member is to be removed in this way, they shall have the right to make a representation to the meeting at which the decision is to be made; 2.3. is wound up. 3. If an applicant is refused membership, a written reason will be given

7. Lead Partner

Comment [T6]: Optional

1. For the purposes of making joint bids for collaborative projects, the [NAME LEAD BODY] will be the Lead Partner, or accountable body. 2. The [NAME LEAD BODY] will retain overall control and responsibility for the [NAME FACILITY]

8. Meetings and Decision Making 1. NAME of collaboration will conduct its affairs through regular meetings of the representative organisations. Meetings will take place not less than four times a year, and more regularly as agreed by members.

Comment [T7]: These will vary, so each point below must be adapted and agreed with member groups to create an appropriate procedure.

2. Member organisations may delegate a maximum of two representatives to contribute to NAME of collaboration Meetings. 3. A [NAME LEAD BODY] representative will Chair the meetings of the NAME of collaboration. The members will elect a Vice Chair to serve for a period to be decided by members. 4. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Partnership. If there is no Chair or if she/he is absent fifteen minutes after the time set for the commencement of the meeting, the Vice Chair, or another member of NAME of collaboration present shall be selected to chair the meeting before any other business is transacted. 5. No meeting of NAME of collaboration shall proceed unless a quorum is present. A quorum shall more than half the total membership. 6. All questions shall be decided by a unanimous agreement of the members of NAME of collaboration present, subject to the considerations in clause 8.7 below. 7. If a decision is taken that affects, commits, or binds in any way a member absent from the meeting, the Chair may defer the decision until all members, including those not present at the meeting where the decision is proposed, have registered their vote.

Comment [T8]: Decision making procedures will vary depending on the partnership. Al lead body sharing a facility (e.g. building)will have to need a casting vote on use of the facility. Another partnership will need a fixed term Chair appointment for fairness. Partnerships with big membership may go for majority decision rather than unanimous. Unanimous decision making can be important for building trust, but could allow for a single group to veto a decision. This may or may not be a good thing, depending on the group.

8. Each member organisation is entitled to one vote. (i.e. the total number of votes will be equal to the number of member organisations, regardless of the number of representatives delegated by each organisation). 9. NAME of collaboration may from time to time make and alter rules for the conduct of their business and the summoning and conduct of their meetings. No rule may be made which is inconsistent with this Memorandum of Understanding. 10.NAME of collaboration shall ensure that proper minutes are kept of the proceedings at all meetings of the Partnership. 9. Conflict of Interest 1. Collaboration member representatives agree to declare a conflict of interest if they, or the organisations they represent, stand to gain financially from any decision taken by the NAME of collaboration. 2. Should such a conflict of interest occur, the member representative(s) concerned will not be able to participate in or vote on the decision in question and may, at the discretion of the Chair, be requested to leave the meeting while the issue is being discussed and decided. 3. If the conflict of interest is shared with a majority of the other Collaboration members present, all members will remain present at the meeting and related decisions will be made by unanimous vote, subject to 8.7 above. 10.

Duration and Review 1. No specific duration or time limit is intended for this collaboration. Members may at their discretion decide on a time limit subject to the procedure for making alterations to this Memorandum (clause 9.3 below) 2. This Memorandum of Understanding will be reviewed twelve months after the date of signature of members, and on an annual basis thereafter. 3. This Memorandum of Understanding may only be altered by a resolution passed at a meeting of the Partnership.



1. This Memorandum of Understanding shall cease to have effect, and NAME of collaboration shall no longer exist, if no quorate meetings of Partnership are held in any period of 12 months or if it is decided to terminate this Memorandum of Understanding by a resolution of the Collaboration.

Comment [T9]: A lead organisation may have a casting vote, depending on its responsibilities.

Collaboration Member [Group Name] Representative Name:















[Group Name] Representative Name:

[Group Name] Representative Name:

[Group Name] Representative Name:

[Group Name] Representative Name:

[Group Name] Representative Name:

[Group Name] Representative Name:

Appendix 1 Partnership Member Organisations Main Activities and Contact Details