North Crescent Primary School. Equalities Information January 2016

North Crescent Primary School Equalities Information January 2016 On 5 April 2011 the Public Sector Equality Duty (The Equality Duty) came into force...
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North Crescent Primary School

Equalities Information January 2016 On 5 April 2011 the Public Sector Equality Duty (The Equality Duty) came into force in England, Scotland and Wales. This Duty replaces the existing Race, Disability and Gender Equality Duties. The 3 aims of the General Duty are: 1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. By removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics. 2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people 3. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.

This workbook has been published to show that at North Crescent Primary School we aim to: 1. Publish equality information annually to provide as complete and clear a picture as possible of how we work to eliminate discrimination and harassment, advance equality and foster good relations, and what we have achieved as a result as well as show o Evidence of equality within policies and practice. o Engagement. 2. Prepare and publish equality objectives at least every 4 years This workbook takes a matrix approach to this process, enabling North Crescent Primary School to cross reference the three aims of the General Duty with the eight protected characteristics/groups. The eight protected characteristics/groups:        

Age (as an employer – but not applicable to pupils) Disability Sex Gender reassignment Race Pregnancy and maternity Religion or belief Sexual orientation


Process we followed: Preparation Stage The first thing we did was to select a project group – We made sure this included at least one governor and a representative of your community.

Stage 1 EQUALITY INFORMATION – Gather the information we already hold e.g. Census, SEN register, Raise on Line, Target tracker progress grids etc.

Stage 2 ENGAGEMENT – Summarise/Evidence how we currently engage with the protected groups and how we will engage to close gaps.

Stage 3 EQUALITIES summary of effectiveness - Using the evidence we have gathered in Stage 1 and Stage 2 we offer a brief analysis of our effectiveness in promoting each of the 3 aims for each of the protected groups. We also use this information to help set our objectives.

Stage 4 PUBLISH - Using the evidence we have gathered in the stages above we decided upon our equality objectives as a project group. We aim to publish this Information by September 2016 and monitor it annually.


STAGE 1 : EQUALITY INFORMATION Protected characteristics What evidence do we hold that we eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation? Race

Equalities policy and anti-bullying and behavior policies are in place and reviewed regularly.

Aims of the general duty How do we advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? Developing a creative curriculum which encourages children to find out about different countries and cultures.

Parent and pupil questionnaires show A curriculum which includes SEAL and that incidents are dealt with effectively. British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. Racist incidents are recorded and reported. Using Ethnic Minority Achievement Service (EMTAS) as a resource to Curriculum includes Social Emotional support children with English as Approach to Learning (SEAL) and Additional Language (EAL). British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. Assess children with EAL and tailor the curriculum to meet their needs Comparative attainment data in Raise monitoring their progress. on line shows that pupils from Bangladeshi and White & Black Caribbean backgrounds do better than similar groups nationally in all subjects.

Children with Additional Educational Needs and

SEN Policy, Equality policy and antibullying and behaviour policies are in place and reviewed regularly Comparative attainment data in Raise

Accessibility plan in place April 2016 – to be reviewed September 2016 and each term following. A curriculum which includes SEAL and

How do we foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? We have a creative curriculum which encourages children to find out about different countries and cultures e.g. Adopt a country week We have established links with schools abroad – to be re-established in 2016. A curriculum which includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. Family Fun days where families are invited in to take part in activities for the day. Parents / visitors invited in to talk about different cultures including Traveller Heritage. Grid Maker tracks the delivery of SMSC across the school. Developing further the Personal Social and health Education (PSHE) curriculum which includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging 3

children with a disability

on line shows that our SEN pupils with an EHCP perform better than National in maths and reading. Regular pupil and parent questionnaires show that pupils and parents are happy with provision in school.

British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. Planning specifically mentions SEN and provision is adapted / differentiated. Provision maps in place for SEN children and reviewed half termly. Provision is discussed with parents. Pupil progress meetings monitoring the progress of SEN children and interventions put in place as needed. Close working with a variety of different agencies and professionals to ensure close matching of the provision with the needs of the children.


Comparative attainment data in Raise on line shows that the gap between boys and girls attainment is closing in maths. Girls outperform boys in all other areas. *This is an area of which the governors are aware and are addressing.

respect and acceptance - we have bought in a new scheme of work for PSHE. Anti- bullying policy and behaviour policy shared and reviewed with the school community Class rules and school rules drawn up with children Friendship days have taken place. Staff training takes place for pupils with medical needs.

Care plans in place for children with medical needs. Developing a creative curriculum which Equalities policy and anti-bullying and is based on topics that appeal to boys as behaviour policies are in place and well as girls to help to engage and reviewed regularly. motivate. School behaviour policy encourages Pupil progress meetings monitoring the equality and respect for all. progress of boys and girls and interventions put in place as needed. Encouraging male role models by engaging sports coaches.


Gender Reassignment Pregnancy and Maternity Age Religion and Belief


Planning of the outdoor curriculum and provision through Forest Schools etc. to engage and motivate boys as well as girls NA





NA RE, Equality policy and anti-bullying and behaviour policies are in place and reviewed regularly. RE and PSHE Curriculum including SEAL and British Values encourage respect and acceptance.

NA Following the RE curriculum which encourages children to find out about different religions and beliefs A curriculum which includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance.

Any incidences of bullying are recorded and dealt with promptly Sexual Orientation



NA Visitors invited in to talk about different religions. Open book assemblies led by members from the CofE parish. For religious dress to be considered as part of the school dress code. Grid Maker tracks the delivery of SMSC across the school. NA


STAGE 2 EQUALITY ENGAGEMENT Protected characteristics How have we engaged with the protected groups in order to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation? Race Equalities policy and anti-bullying and behavior policies are in place and reviewed regularly and shared with the school community.

Aims of general duty How have we engaged with the protected groups in order to advance equality of opportunity?

How do we engage with protected groups in order to foster good relations?

Developing a creative curriculum which encourages children to find out about different countries and cultures.

Developing a creative curriculum which encourages children to find out about different countries and cultures e.g. Adopt a country week.

Whole school adopt a country day. We conduct annual questionnaires to gather parents and pupils views Parents are informed about any racist incidents and their co-operation is sought for dealing with incidents. Governors are informed of all racist incidents. Curriculum includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. Assembly topics and display linked to British values.

A curriculum which includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. Using EMTAS as a resource to support children with EAL. Assess children with EAL and tailor the curriculum to meet their needs monitoring their progress.

A curriculum which includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. Family Fun days where families are invited in to take part in activities for the day. Visitors invited in to talk about different cultures. Assemblies and curriculum teach the children about major festivals and celebrations from around the world e.g. Chinese New Year and Diwali. Grid Maker tracks the delivery of SMSC across the school.


Children with Additional Educational Needs (AEN) and children with a disability

SEN Policy, Equality policy and antibullying and behaviour policies are in place and reviewed and shared with the school community regularly. Regular pupil and parent questionnaires give feedback about their views.

Accessibility plan in place April 2016 – to be reviewed September 2016 and each term following. A curriculum which includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. Planning specifically mentions SEN and provision is adapted / differentiated.

Parents are informed about any bullying and their co-operation is sought for dealing with incidences. The Provision maps in place for SEN behaviour reflects consistent children and reviewed half termly. consequences for bullying behaviour. Provision discussed and agreed with parents. Curriculum includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging respect and Pupil progress meetings monitoring the acceptance. progress of SEN children and interventions put in place as needed. Induction meetings and processes on starting the school ensure good Close working with a variety of communication and information different agencies and professionals to sharing. ensure close matching of the provision with the needs of the children.

Developing further the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum which includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. Anti- bullying policy and behaviour policy shared and reviewed with the school community. Class rules and school rules drawn up with children. Friendship days have taken place. Regular review meetings with parents and pupils through drop ins and end of day contact.

Care plans in place for children with medical needs.



We have considered research showing Developing a creative curriculum which boys’ attainment and what motivates is based on topics that appeal to boys and engages boys. as well as girls to help to engage and motivate. We have looked at our boys’ attainment and have discussed ways Creative homework is set to engage of engaging and motivating boys to boys as well as girls. narrow the gap between boys and girls attainment. Pupil progress meetings monitoring the progress of boys and girls and We have arranged workshops to interventions put in place as needed. encourage reading for boys. Encouraging male role models by engaging sports coaches

Gender NA Reassignment Pregnancy and NA Maternity Age NA Religion and Belief We have taken the information included in our census to understand the different religions and beliefs of the pupils in our school and have used this information to ensure we are being inclusive community.

Sexual Orientation


Equalities policy and anti-bullying and behavior policies are in place and reviewed regularly.

Planning of the outdoor curriculum and provision through Forest Schools etc. to engage and motivate boys as well as girls NA




NA Following the RE curriculum which encourages children to find out about different religions and beliefs. A curriculum which includes SEAL and British Values and so encouraging respect and acceptance. NA

NA Visitors invited in to talk about different religions. Grid Maker tracks the delivery of SMSC across the school.



STAGE 3 - EQUALITY Summary statement of effectiveness Protected characteristics How effective are we at eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation? Race

Aims of the general duty How effective are we at advance equality of opportunity?

How effective are we at fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not?

Parent and pupil questionnaires show that incidents are dealt with effectively. The numbers of racist incidences which have been recorded and reported have been low - see office file for up to date numbers. Children are aware of the school rules and can talk about what is right and how they should treat each other. OFSTED judged the extent of our pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development to be good. OFSTED judged our effectiveness with which we promote equality of opportunity and tackle discrimination to be good.

Children with Additional Educational Needs (AEN) and children with a disability

Comparative attainment data in Raise on line shows that our pupils from Bangladeshi and White/Black Caribbean families perform better than other cultural groups compared to national. We have a curriculum which includes SEAL and British Values and so children are aware of the school rules and can talk about what is right and how they should treat each other so encouraging respect and acceptance. Our behavior policy which has been shared with parents and implemented in class. This has been effective in reducing the incidences of behavior and exclusions remain low. Planning specifically mentions SEN and provision is adapted / differentiated so that progress is generally good. Pupils with an EHCP perform better than similar children nationally. OFSTED judged pupil’s behavior to be good. OFSTED judged the effectiveness of our care guidance and support to be good.


OFSTED judged our effectiveness with which we promote equality of opportunity and tackle discrimination to be good. Provision maps in place for SEN children and reviewed regularly to ensure children’s needs are being met and progress is at least satisfactory. Provision maps are discussed and agreed with parents so promoting consistency. Parents are invited in to meetings with the school and other professionals to discuss their child’s progress. Pupil progress meetings monitoring the progress of SEN children and interventions put in place as needed. Close working with a variety of different agencies and professionals to ensure close matching of the provision with the needs of the children.

Sex Gender Reassignment Pregnancy and Maternity Age Religion and Belief

Care plans in place for children with medical needs. OFSTED judged our effectiveness with which we promote equality of opportunity and tackle discrimination to be good NA NA NA NA



NA NA NA OFSTED judged the extent of our pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development to be good. OFSTED judged our effectiveness with which we promote equality of opportunity and tackle discrimination to be good.

Sexual Orientation

We are continuing to monitor the effectiveness of the new RE and PSHE schemes of work NA NA




Which protected group(s) will this most affect/influence

How will we know we have achieved the objective?

Lead and other key players

To write and publish an equalities statement for North Crescent Primary School. To forge links with a country on another continent, enabling children to learn about different cultures.


Statement is published on the website.

Miss Clarke Miss Baker


Mrs Brizman

To continue to track progress of groups to ensure that gaps are narrowing.

Minority groups

Links made with another school. Curriculum reflects work which takes other cultures into consideration. Gaps between minority groups and non-minority groups are narrowing.

Mrs Brizman (Monitored by governors)

Actions Please give an end date/timescale to each action (ie by………) Equalities statement to AHT by end of April. AHT to present to governors Resources meeting (17.5.16) Apply to British Council Links with schools made. Work / activities reflects the partner country.

Half termly


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