NEWS FROM MEMBER ORGANISATIONS MAY – SEPTEMBER 2012 BELGIUM National: The registration organised by the Health Ministry started in March 2012. After January 2013, all occupational therapists have to be registered to work in Belgium: it will be a guarantee of quality for all patients in our country. This registration is also mandatory in order to work in private practice according to the new legislation. Patients are now refunded by the national health insurance system if they need evaluation of the home, advice for technological aids, information of the families and carers, ADL and AIDL evaluation and specific ADL home teaching,... after their stay in an approved rehabilitation center. Foreign occupational therapists will also have to apply for registration in order to work in Belgium. Information about registration procedure is available on our websites. Dutch-speaking regional association: The ”Woonzorgdecreet” has been activated: networks will be created to focus on assisting elderly to remain at home as long as possible providing assistive services (eg: cleaning services, meals). If necessary daycare, short stay or residential care are also available. Therefore occupational therapists are included in local and regional service centers. The regional centers work with insurance companies (complementary insurance) and are are only accreditated if, per year, they have at least 30 clients needing occupational therapy care: home evaluation, adaptations. In January a two-year evaluation period started before implementation of this project for free advice and home service. An installation meeting for a home health working group composed of representatives (medical advisors) from different insurance companies will include, from 1 April 2012, occupational therapists as advisors in work handicap or work rehabilitation. It will be a two-year project, starting locally with extension to the entire region. A new professional profile, description of competencies and tasks, is studied in collaboration with the universities. French-speaking regional association: The association organized in March 2012 a one-day conference in order to inform its members of legislation changes, to propose modalities of intervention and to share experiences of work as independants. This conference was linked to the possibilities for the



occupational therapists to work in private practice due to the new regulation published in December 2010. The different groups (geriatric, neurology, home care) are very active and are present on our regional website, where everybody can find information on their meetings and research. We will soon celebrate the 40th anniversary of our association and we are therefore getting ready to organise this event.

Marlies Suetens, Delegate WFOT Anne Ledoux, 1st Alternate Delegate WFOT Claire Valentin, President Belgium

CANADA The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) has engaged in many activities this year to address its mission to promote excellence in occupational therapy in the areas of advocacy, visibility, standards and practice. In the area of advocacy, CAOT has been successful in increasing the use of occupational therapists by rehabilitation services in the Canadian Forces. CAOT has advocated to the federal government for long term funding to support the participation of Internationally Educated Occupational Therapists in bridging programs to facilitate workforce integration. CAOT’s innovative work related to elder abuse prevention and intervention strategies for occupational therapists and other health professionals was presented in a round table on elder abuse sponsored by the federal Minister of State (Seniors). There were many activities to promote visibility this year. Some examples are the significant campaign to promote coverage of occupational therapy services by extended health insurance plans, the elder abuse guidelines initiative, the older driver blueprint to promote safe community mobility options for our ageing population. In the area of standards, the CAOT Academic Credentialing Council is preparing to implement a continuous quality improvement approach to academic accreditation. The CAOT Board of Directors approved a discussion paper on advanced competencies. There continues to be activities to enable the National Occupational Therapy Examination and Practice Preparation (OTepp) to provide resources to assist with the preparation for the national occupational therapy examination. Some examples of initiatives to advance practice are the new interdisciplinary caseload management tool, the second edition of Enabling Occupational Therapy ll, a new e-book technology to ease accessibility to its publications especially in international markets and the establishment of a new Leadership Fellowship.

Sandra Bressler, Delegate WFOT, Canada




According to the register of National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira), there were 2,518 occupational therapists in Finland at the end of 2011. Every year about 100 new occupational therapists graduate from Universities of Applied Sciences. In the April-May applications for 2012, occupational therapy was one of the most popular subject in Oulu, along with paramedic studies, physiotherapy and the social field. The University of Lapland granted PhD Anna-Liisa Salminen the first status of docent in Finland in rehabilitation and occupational therapy on 1 March 2012. The Faculty of Social Sciences saw that the status of docent was appropriate since PhD Anna-Liisa Salminen has a profound knowledge of occupational therapy. In Finland a colloquium has been created for anyone who is interested in the scientific development of occupational therapy. The colloquium allows participants to have scientific and academic discussions about occupational therapy, and get peer reflection and cooperation. The colloquium hosts online meetings once a month as well as two additional meetings in 2012. Occupational therapy has also been recognised in a consensus dictum regarding the elderly, published by The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim and Academy of Finland. In the dictum, the subsequent is stated: ● In stroke rehabilitation a multi-professional team is needed, which may include an occupational therapist. ● The amount of occupational therapy among the elderly in home care must be increased. ● In all health care and social care, including occupational therapy, there must to be professional specialised in geriatrics and gerontology. A Finnish version of the Consensus dictum can be found from:

Ulla Niutanen Acting Delegate WFOT, Finland


Two big issues are in discussion in the German Association of Occupational Therapists (DVE). The organisation has published its strategic plan until 2020 (Perspektiven) and it is working on an action plan to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Occupational therapy has to meet many changes in our society such as the higher life expectancy and the ageing of the population. Until 2030 the part of the population over 65 years will increase to 30% and the part of the children and youth will decrease to 15%. This means on the one hand an increase of people who need more health service and integration in the society and on the other hand less working people and less resources to finance these services.



Another issue is the observation that many children and youth are seriously affected by behavioural disorders, ADS/ADHS or locomotor difficulties, which affect their development in education, profession and social life. And an increase of mental health, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal problems according to harder work and life conditions means less working days in the economics and restraint in the private and professional sector. Occupational therapists have to meet these developments. They have to be prepared to develop innovative ways, although they are outstandingly qualified focusing on activity and participation. The focus of DVE will be on public relations and professional representation in politics and society, promote professional advancement and quality and more occupational therapy research in our country. Establishing an action plan to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, DVE is sure about the chance for the professionals to fill in some traditional fields of action. For this purpose certain articles of the convention are in discussion, which meet the fields of creation of awareness, self-caring, productivity, leisure and social life. With the action plan DVE is going to support its professionals being actively involved in the realization of an inclusive community.

Herta Dangl Delegate WFOT, Germany


A General Assembly for the comprehensive review of the outgoing board’s actions was held on January 2012. At the same time elections were set for February 2012 and after their completion the new Board for the Hellenic Association of Occupational Therapists (HAOT) for the next 2 years, now consists of: President: Vice President: General Secretary: Treasurer: Special Secretary: Members:

Kyriaki Keramiotou Fotini Zografou Mary Karabetsou Stavroula Bakatsi Sarah Kantartzis Eleni Makraki, (the 2nd member will be elected in the forthcoming General Assembly)

The new Board will submit proposals for the 2012-2013 Action Plan, including the organisation of the 7th Panhellenic Congress as well as other seminars, at the next General Assembly on 20 May. A full day Seminar-Workshop, already scheduled, under the title: “Doing Social Inclusion”, will take place on September 2012. The innovation of this seminar, among others, is the opportunity given in service-users to participate in the organisation of this. Additionally, there



are active partaking with presentations, sharing activities of their programmes and also personal experiences on social inclusion and exclusion, through their participation in the monthly meetings of the Greek group of ELSITO. Considerable time was spent by the Board and several members of the Hellenic Association that have been consistently working since the early drafts of a Law published in the summer of 2011 concerning reforms to Health Services. The Association fought to ensure that the law would establish the best possible services for all persons requiring occupational therapy in Greece from qualified occupational therapists who would receive an appropriate fee for their services. A letter of support for these issues was also sent to the Greek Government, by the President of WFOT, Professor E Sharon Brintnell, on 30 March 2012, during the WFOT Meeting in Taiwan. After several meetings, the Central Health Council (K.E.S.Y.) finally accepted the proposal of the Hellenic Association of Occupational Therapists, supported by the WFOT’s letter of support, for occupational therapy services’ costing. This result is a first and vital step towards ensuring that occupational therapy services will remain available to all those persons who require them, and that occupational therapists will be paid fairly for their services. The support of the President, Executive and Delegates of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) was vital to this effort, and on behalf of all our members and the occupational therapists of Greece we would like to express our thanks for the immediate and essential reaction.

Mary Karabetsou Delegate WFOT, Greece


The first cohort of Master (Entry) in Occupational Therapy students were recruited and the program commenced in January this year. 32 students were selected for the 2 years intensive program, a trimester program structure with summer term included. It is a government funded program for training occupational therapists in a shorter period due to rapid development in the profession and severe shortage of professional staff in the field, especially in Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). Students recruited in the program were bachelor degree holders. Majority of them came from counseling, psychology, or social work background. Some of the students had work experience on related fields. They possess relatively mature mindset as compared with traditional cohorts incoming from high school, which is an advantage for them as they freshly enter the clinical practice. They have coped well in the program so far and are expected to graduate in late 2013; they will enter into the NGO market and hopefully relief the tension of professional staff to a certain degree. It is also encouraging that the program was approved by the WFOT in March 2012. Manfred Fung Delegate WFOT, Hong Kong



INDIA OTICON’2012, that is, the 49th Annual National Conference of AIOTA was very successfully organised at Goa from 16-18 January 2012 which was attended by more than 600 delegates, students and guests. The 50th Golden Jubilee Conference of All India Occupational Therapists’ Association (AIOTA), that is, OTICON’2013 will be organised at Trivandrum (Kerala) from 26-28 February 2013 with the Theme ‘Research Informed Occupational Therapy in Healthcare’. The Organising Secretary of the OTICON’2013, Dr Joseph Sunny (E-mail: [email protected]) may be contacted for more information. For Scientific presentations write to Chairman Scientific Program Committee of the conference, Dr. Ebenezer W. Rajkumar (E-mail: [email protected]). AIOTA Election Results, electing the new Executive Committee for 2012-2014, were declared by Chairman Election Committee, Dr R. K. Sharma, New Delhi. after counting of postal ballots on 18 Janiary 2012 at Goa during the G.B. Meeting. Dr. Anil K. Srivastava (Lucknow) was elected as President, Dr. Mrs Zarine D. Ferzandi (Mumbai) as Vice President, Dr. Pankaj Bajpai (Kolkata) as Hon. Secretary and Dr. Mrs. Shashi Oberai (Navi Mumabi) as Hon. Treasurer. Accordingly Dr. Anil Srivastava has also taken over the role of the WFOT Delegate. He has emphasised the need for formation of Central Council of Occupational Therapy for multifaceted growth of the profession in India. A seven-member US Occupational Therapy Professionals Delegation visited key institutions at Delhi and Jaipur, between 14-21 March 2011 under People to People Ambassador Programs. Dr. Karen Jacobs, the past President of American OT Association was leading the delegation. The first such visit followed with 1st Indo–US OT Workshop with 40 members US Delegation was very successfully arranged in November 2007, at New Delhi. The purpose of this delegation was to learn about health care and educational systems and the delivery of Occupational Therapy services in India. The 2nd Indo-US OT Workshop was arranged with key 8 speakers from India and US on 16 March 2011 at Indian Spinal Injury Center, New Delhi. Dr Anil Srivastava was the Organising Chairman of this event.

Anil Srivastava Delegate WFOT, India


The WFOT Congress 2014 is coming up in two years. Please be prepared with your submission of abstract and participation. The organising committee has set 8 congress themes for the lectures and discussions at the upcoming WFOT Congress: 1) Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery 2) Inter-professional Collaboration and the Role of Occupational Therapy 3) Wisdom: Learning from the past, tradition for the future 4) Innovations and Challenges in Occupational Therapy 5) Education and Research: Meeting the demands from the field



6) Evidence-based Practice and Quality of Occupational Therapy 7) The Nature of Human Occupation 8) Community & Occupational Therapy The call for abstract will open in December 2012, and registration starts from January 2013. Please check the Important Dates below to ensure that you won’t miss the dates: IMPORTANT DATES FOR WFOT CONGRESS 2014 Call for Abstract: December 2012 – April 2013 Early Bird Registration: January 2013 – May 2014 Education Day will be held on 16 June 2014. The Call for proposal will also start in December 2012, and your active involvement is greatly welcome. The Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists hope to see you all in Yokohama in 2014. Earthquake Disaster Recovery Support Programs Almost one year has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the support activities conducted by the Prefectural Associations of Occupational Therapists (PAOT) are still going on. The photos show examples of Professional Support Activities implemented by Fukushima Association of Occupational Therapists (retrieved with permission: 05/13/2012)The programs are provided every Saturdays with a variation of physical health-maintenance activities such as stretching and relaxation exercise, and arts and crafts activities which are oriented to community and family life style context.

Occupational therapists from Fukushima and Niigata Prefecture worked together at a community support center (left). They introduced the traditional local doll making activities of Okiagari Koboshi (right). This fall and get-up kid doll is famous for Fukushima Folk toy as a symbol for good fortune and well-being.



Left shows a making a paper miniature of flying-Carp for Boys’ Day (May 5th) and the right shows a finished wrapped flower arrangement using half-cut-out materials donated from a local flowering plant agency. Noriko Tomioka Delegate WFOT, Japan


The WFOT-OTAP Disaster Preparedness and Response (DP&R) workshop successfully ran from 21-23 September 2012 with Kit Sinclair, WFOT Ambassador and WFOT DP&R project leader, providing workshop leadership. One outcome is the Occupational Therapy Association of the Philippines (OTAP) National Strategic Plan for DP&R. An information package will be distributed among OTAP members with a view to recruitment of committee members, experts and volunteers. The OTAP Convention 8-9 September 2012 was entitled „Practice and Patterns and Current Research responding to National Needs“. It focused on partnering and marketing the occupational therapy profession with various invited governmental and non-governmental departments. OTAP also participated in the Global Competitiveness Forum sponsored by the government in August 2012. The outcomes of the forum are the mandate by government to produce a Roadmap for the profession (including manpower planning). World Trade Organisers (WTO) mutual trade agreements will come into force in 2015. The service sector must be prepared. OTAP and the occupational therapy / physical therapy regulatory boards need to address the present strictly designed regulatory laws to accommodate the new trade agreements.

Lyle Duque 1st Alternate Delegate WFOT, Philippines




Inga-Britt Lindström Grant Award 2012 – closing date 1 October The Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists (FSA) has established a grant award in the name of Inga-Britt Lindström, who has been the president of the FSA in 1970-2008. FSA invites applications from foreign occupational therapists and occupational therapy students. The grant is offered to individuals or teams from countries where occupational therapy is under development. We are pleased to announce the grant award of 2012. The maximum amount of the grant is 10 000 Swedish Kronor (about 1000 Euro) per year. Application form together with instructions are found on our website: Closing date for the application is 1 October 2012.


The 30th Anniversary of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association (TOTA) Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association was established in 1982, known as Occupational Therapy Association of Republic of China at that time. When the association was first established, there were less than 50 members. With the efforts of numerous occupational therapists in Taiwan during these 30 years, the education, services and visibiity of occupational therapy have been well developed. To celebrate this special year, Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association hosted the 30th WFOT Council Meeting and a series of workshops in March 2012. In the 2012 TOTA Annual Conference, annual assembly, conference, Occupational Science workshop, Occupational Science Forum, competitions of assistive device, photographs and short films will be held on 3-4 November 2012.

Athena Tsai Delegate WFOT, Taiwan


The American Occupational Therapy Association(AOTA) Annual Conference and Expo will occur 25-28 April 2013 in San Diego, California. The WFOT Vice President, Susan Baptiste will speak about Mental Illness at the International Breakfast. The breakfast will be followed by an international poster session, and a wide variety of sessions. As a reminder, international colleagues who are members of their national occupational therapy association may register at the AOTA member rate. At the conference, members of the WFOT and Team Japan will encourage participants for the WFOT Congress in Japan 2014.



The AOTA’s Evidence Exchange Project has further expanded to enable practitioners to become evidence reviewers and also access reviews of evidence from the central repository. The AOTA is responding to the societal need to serve wounded soldiers. The AOTA joined interdisciplinary colleagues on 18 September to co-host a Congressional Briefing on the Rehabilitation of Wounded Warriors and Veterans. Also in September, the AOTA held a Specialty Practice Conference in San Antonio, Texas – “Traumatic Injuries & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Lessons for Military, VA and Civilian Practitioners”. A May 2012 White House report, reports occupational challenges for returning soldiers and families on a scale far greater than the reported number of soldiers identified as wounded. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – often referred to as Obamacare- is rolling out over a 5 year period in an attempt to bring much needed change to a fragmented system. Opportunities in the Act include provision for habilitation and rehabilitation, prevention and community services. The AOTA is working intensely on the position of Occupational Therapy in the enactment of the legislation. The candidate selected in the November presidential election will prove to be a turning point in the law going forward. Susan Coppola Delegate WFOT, USA
