I. OOUMTft'l': BoliViS 2 2.)0 07$11 6 7 :. sus.lecT:.AeM.viti~s ~r the 2nd· R&nger 28 11017 :t.%7 kttalion and. DNth ot ••Che" · CUovara (U) 10, H...
Author: Martin Cannon
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I. OOUMTft'l': BoliViS

2 2.)0 07$11 6 7

:. sus.lecT:.AeM.viti~s ~r the 2nd· R&nger

28 11017 :t.%7

kttalion and. DNth ot ••Che" · CUovara (U) 10, HO. 01' PAOC'E':


t 11. REFEftiENC4i:S:

PC..lCEti.NODAT€01'A.C~29 tO 3t .Qct 67 Sont& cru,, Bolivia

C. SVALU... 1'10'-'~



DD1M: Sl

to )1 Oct 67

4. Olt.TCO, llrti'OI\IU,ftoN:29







sou.-:cE: lJS Arm.}" Officer


f.t/f" RePort

. .. .


forward• results ot clot>rioti'ng of orUcers of t.lle 2nd. ~er' tr010 26 September to 14 00'-ober ~7.:

Bo.t'-alil>n oonoorning ~h• Bo.tte inclosed report was subml.tt.ed. b;r souroe 'lObo

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Oln'RieUT.ON .... Olllle1NAYO .. ,

ACSI J2 USSOU'I'HOOM DA'l'T (1\:lli'Via)

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'DOD DIR S200.10 DOES I!O'i' Al'i>IX


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llllr1ng the pet'lod 29 Oct.obeJ> 't.o .31 October, Cpt Gary F:rado of ·B ·: :,.. Col!lpany, Lt. Bsplnoaa of .3rde or ........mtion, h do in the e.rea, it appoer~ t'l>ot · : · · the guorrl.lla toreo lul'OC60~ed to Bl 1'11611te with l at Platoon and. tho IIICI't&r ooct1on on ·: · tho north 'oe.nlc and. )I'd l'll:t.oon on 1.ho ooutb. At lU Fuente 1.he OO"'P2'\f i j o1nod with anther. -panr ot CI.'I'S and. 'tbe iX>I!\pal:\l' l.J.ori(la. llle Flor~ ··. compal:\l' wao made 'Ill' of puro eol.lqo . (Indiona of the uto-plai)O)thot were • $Uppo&ed t.o )>e IIOl1IO Of the best troopo for •rou&ll '!OOUilto1JIOilO terrain, , •.''


On 2 Octo'Oo.r . ibe ~ •1-nte. tllat mo.de "P llc>mpoq 8 gat.h4r~ · a t Bl fuonte. That atternoon tho lot Platoon, under the oommllnd or E.t . . ' . Venipa, ret\ll'nod to •Qu1Ml to oover the Son Antonio ravine. Since : . ·. · . OoalpallJ A bd bo011 o ·«n!l'"G' no" el80 hetl . · eontaet vi\.h Company A tllat hatS boon opentin; f1'001 Vallo G:-ando ~rd..- :, PicaCho. 7ho patroll1ng oon\Jnued tllrough ,t.ho 6th end 7th or Octo>oor. ;' ··

·· ,.


. .. .

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. .·

,. . .... Ullito ftooo ~

on. COIObine4 wdto o! Con!pony.). B ..,.ot. a ,..chine ·!!Ill\ lfU brwght up t o·· al.so oover the ravino. Md llole lett !l.apl< of .Prado' s ,;;rttr aectdon •;' 8Dd ""pporting tl'oopC! begin· pursuit :In tho 411'eet1on of Lt. platoon. Sgt. Huaue& i>ooedi.at~ly ... , ; encoWitcred a group ~r 6 to 8 guerriU..o ar.d opened. tire, At till.a poi nt -. they killed ".An:tonio" and 110rt.uron, two OubaM. · Sst Ruauce. lost oue · · · · : soldier here and ano€her .,..., wounded, "llaolon" (Guov&N) and "lllll;v" t riefl · to break ovt in tile direc~l.on ot the ..,..tar aaetinn. 'lhe;t were aJ.cli(ed b7 tho llltlchino ~ ~ whleh took th""' tl.re. •Raaon• (Guo~~) Wl\si/ hi t :In the lover calf 'ord. """ Joelpa4 tw "'ally• toltard the 1Uscal Ravine' .· , whore ~pparent.l.7 t!'tey. ruto-ado &rul tho elemlll\to. of Conlpanl.es A Mil B, nto . ·· ,,_Bolivians did. net l'"'!61n 1n poal.t:l.on a1't.o:r al.glrt.!ail. From 1900 bra ~~- . 0400 brs on the 9th, thoro were oo ~nifj.oont Bol.1'1'1Bn t.rcopo in \M P•"'-'· ot tile fire. J:iibt . 'lhie save tho C"•rl'ill.a" force ample timO to eocapa til• area, blit eit.ber due ,to contusion a1'tor ~ be.tUe or poor evaluat:l.oto of .' ·. tbo sU Uiltipo> b)' thel.r U.adero, tile guer:rW.e. fl>ree re,..ined in t ho t!IOJ'I"'·· . .




Ravine: •


. .

·· ·...

On 30 October 67., a t a Sl!>Oll pavilion in l•.' loperan••• Bolivia,· i..t :: :. Ral Eopino.,. Lo:rd,· Co"mPsn:t B, 2nd Ranger Bn,. et~, l>ad given expraoa orders to lceep tile prisoners alive.~· 'I'M Otrioors involved. did 110t knmr whore tho order originated, l>ut t el ' that i~ """"' nom tJoo h!.ebeot echelons. Cpt. Prado jl&ve the order to oxoou~o ... . Gu...,.ro. to Lt Perot, but he woo unable to carry out the order a.nd 1n turn go,.. i t to S~ 'l'err.,, ~ B. At this tao Pore~ asked Guevara if tM(• .. :. , :


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""" lieythill& he viehed betor his -Cittion,

c/nlJ' wished to

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Interviews with.· a doctor that hod .....W.ed Gu......,.,. cadover anii ·..: ' eveluation ot ava1J.a.blo photo~ indicate that ~evara did bua one iiound . •. in the low61' cAlf, tha.t &1't'4&2'od to tho doctor to have· boon Ncoivect a.t : a. di£feront tiDe thl,'l\ tho other lrolln:lo t.hot vero roceiV«! a.t ehort ro,nge ' .. · and diroctl,J tZ'QJO tho f ront. ·

' During the OV.,1118 of tho eth and the moming or the 9th , Lt !op.l.nooa·. had on hit per eon a pipe thAt ho oaid Qu,tova.ra had g1von him dll\"1J18 th.-l.r : . 1'118ht. togathor at lA iU.8Urao. .R• ohowad thl.e pi~ to aouzoe at the . :, l)llvtlion inD& ~poran.... end o.gain at tho 8tb Divioi on l!~toro in . :. Sant.o. Cru• on tne IIIDI.'Iling or the 31ot. The pipe ..... or an •Air Cooling . . ·. . dooisn" with a part or tile at.,. a:cposoct and made ot oUvor colored metal. The bowl .... black a'nd appe&recl to hove boon IIIIIOJrrillae could not be l.oea.tell eo Cpt Pra

gu..,rilla Ioree wa. 17. 7 ""ro 1