Aberford -585#.

Abstracts of Title.B. Jackson 648(8),648(9)#658(S),658(7).

pccoulVts. hlxors of nKnwBu 627 (9) ,T.K-.i£.662 ,0-1if*f Farm and. ’ *■■ ••’ » ?• * ’Farm opposite Manor 6f3 (31rX•K.B.657 r3ri sthorpe Accounts to 1804-658(1)•

Acklhan 4 8 ,6 9 *7 6 .

Acts ..Re Game £44^tealing Shipwrecked Goods 415,for preventing clandestine marriages 420,re Tithes 634.

Admission as Attorney 482(2).


Agreements and see Lease.533,615,027.

Almanacs I^oors 1766 to 176^*463.

Anmerdown Park 643(8).

Armory 17E.


Arms.Latter re 6*436.

Boswick 436*


S .

3eswick Park(see under Park)649

3everl«y 603(8),640(3)l640(3a),640(4). • -t? .i C ■ Bewholme 167,323; E97*hesp & Uppleby Bills, JohniB«483#Gr30*B*E66,E71#583*584#c . fc27(7)*J«S*?*oe 648(6),Turnbull 6E4(£)9Pearson 65S(10%

’jills ot Acceptance by Geo*3eswick (later I5arley)648(3)»

Hishops5^ate 13? (£)*

Blaraton (Lebberston) 180#

Bonwick ££1

'ihe bottom 17* v

Uothames or Bottomea Close 199,201,l^p{2) ,442(2) ,444( 455.

uridlington 176,201,284,340*

Bridlington quay#202,203*204,350,365,451,4^2(2).

fcrt *hton 631(4)*

Bottomry.Deed of 509.

Brid redales 541,543*

Brompton 565(4),608(5).

B ro u g h to n T 7 .

Bugworth. Co.Derby 375.

Building Lease.Miss Somerville 658(5).

Calyerley 37,37(2)*


Car?* CXpaes £67,654(3).

Carr Pykes 436,604*

Carr. Leas 436*

Case#Statement of r© Geo.B.Darley 658 (f-).

Cass ihe 436.

Castl©house Close 640(5),640(7). 133,135* Cayton 146,165,180,202,203,204,207,208,20 A

261(2),315,322,341,343,365,373,374 -42B,440,476,477,49Q,495,£05,525.

Cayton Carr 194,506.

CaTthorn© 576.

Certificate of serving on Jury 271.

Change of Nam© 657 (2)•


Filey 31._ ~

'\ r r i~*

Charg© for Man & Arms 660. - ^ i’ i*^ -*>'**V ^ Charter of F©offm©nt 272.


Charter of lown^T Scarbro (c'py of )fl.

Christ Church Cathedral Canterbury 491(2)•

Church Ayton,Co.Staff 35*

Churchwardens of Gristhorp© 636.

Clandestine Marriages.Act f6r prevontion of 420#

Clerjc of th© King’s a 147,149. Cunyholae 1 9 P ,4 0 9 (f ),4 ? 7 (c ),4 4 ? (r ),4 4 4 (£ ),


Court Rolls 641.

naan of Xork £43(3),£47(4).

r;seds.Fron nesp & Appleby 6f9(f).List of 1C9? to l?*2%e$9* Re Denb^ and High hoyland

He lands purchased by

W,aaiL64^(l0),6£4f3)#6E8{7).Re ‘rs ,yers r, - (r),540(5).

venby ££•

T>puty of Lieutenant p?«•


Mary of 3eo.r.l744 to 17f7* ?5P%V;ts. U3ld 4^6.1 . 6 3 1 (r ),6 3 l f 3 ).

!?o»1din^ton T-reat 44 8,443 (r).

Dovecote Close t55,3S2,^crf'W.

Dower Kelease of 228*

trains Ortsthorpe C7E.


JASingwolA t£Aw

jAst Ing !$%•»

East Inga SOB* , t< \

r^ast Leys £&$•

gfast iloor 511*

gtcr.ezer "Ship* -6.13,514. _

Efc:?3rston S33. fc


Bccleshall 324,326«

gntail 06,77*

£r -han C04*

Esliri^ 7r.

Sxpsnditure^^^kj652,Parms 6S3(3),658(1 )•

Faiasrave £73(2),509,53E,644.

F?.rned*lf 153,1&3*164.

fee Fans Kents S43|a)#aS4(l),6M(f).

pendales 63'}(4>*

fi'ey (Fynelay) P2,re Lands in £4,£4(£),31,24,35,37,37(2), ?7f3),9£f99,lC6#in7,160,1(51,164,170,172, 173 ,101,195 ,2f 3,r>£4,f:4I,£43 ,262 ,263 ,304,305, 33£(£),340,344,34£,348,400,415(2),415(3), 41d(C),44£,449,460,461,470,476,498,t08(3), c m , LZ$,502(2),5 5(4),539(2),603(8),613(C), 013(4),613(5),613(6),613(7),G13(8),6£1,G;52, 637.

fMey Church Sittings 632.

Fordene f?9(2).

Fords Hotel (see Inn) .

Foulthorpe Closes 594.

Frankish Close 541,543.

Freeholders Carr 44R(?).

Frislcney 286.

rallwood Hall Sheffield 375*

Funeral J.B.483.

Furniture Huston 65C.

t’ylingdales 357.

Pynelay '(Filey) 22.

(Jainsborough 230
(£) ^sfr). Cliff Road 630-Field $£$• -Hv. v^

Ori 3 thorp


Slackness 55£(4).

Hampstead G£8(3)*

Harpharft,Co•York 30 ,3£8,36£• • '* Harriers.Names of pack of 605(a)* i


Hel ?sley 301 (r) ,315,3-13.

He.^sle 513.

i-ii.;h Castle 170.

iii:5h Onrth C41,E43.

Hi# Lees Clo3e TQ7.

Hi£h Melton 543(3),£43(4).

i =>h Moor 643(5)*

Hi-jh Sea barrows 561*

jji -h


End Close 5 7 9 *

jiin^erwell 233*

Holaerness 197*




Hoy land)deed re


Jlovinjhan 1 ^ 6 (P)•

Hornsea P97t399.

t(ul 1 £ r4-f £7 4 ,4-69 , 4 6 3 (P ) ,£ CO ffv'L

|fun?r\:Tby Dseds r© PC *36 »4t;l(P) ,14P *16o ,170 ,177 *£01 ^33.4,o4^ 396,3 9 7 ,398,408,409,473,£04,L£4,£3£,£41 £43,eGP(^),589(r),613(P),613(4),613(5), 613(6),613(7),613(n).

Hutchinson Close £79*Moor £79»

Hutton tfu^hell S0t6E ,C7,7P,59C(P)«

Inclosure award of Sristhorpe 242,248,259,654.

Incroft The 603(5},603(6).

Indenture of Apprenticeship.See Articles.

Industry "Ship* 4^>2(2).

^ J 3 Closes 541,543.

Inn (Filey) 508(3),562(2),594,613(8).

inscriptions Filey Church 505(2),029,637.

Inventory 1612 Geo#3.81,Poster Christr 190,Brian.3.206,Brian. 3.3£6,V;m.B.619(r).

Isabella HShip"534.

Jurors re 219,271,$36.

fc^yton (see* Cay ton) 1~%135*

Jteldholm© 301 (?) ,303,30c ,31C ,

Kent GES(r). *

ftiIlia™. 347*

fclllerby r-r ,f-r,,rf?7,310, 733,

Kin sston-upon-iiull (see liull)

f * fcirl'y .lills 301 (f>)*31S,343.

Kirby Moorside 110,301(r),703 *£0f3).

K-irton -in-holland,Line

knayton fgee Cayton)373,374.

kneashaw Moor 565.

613,613(11),617,633,639(f),639(E),640(3a),643(3), 6A3(4),r,44(r),64B(9),6Ee(t),CES(9),5C3(9),5Ee(10)

Leeds tetter


If ,1E9,64?(?),64P(7),

Amusing £83,Geo.B to Geo

i f■ ■ ■ ■

ftiddle Close,Muston, 197. (liddlesex 196,261,409(2) ,438* tfiddleton 518,564,573.


■ ,'i>* . .1>’■


i11 10 ,16 ,39,46*101,f72,421 (2) ,444,

,y>? .,

■ill Close 442(2),444(E),603.




rail iilll 603(6).


ilns Hill Close 1»>6»


flinithoros Closes IPI,613.

Hinut^s od ^riathorpe Vestry ".e-tiiis

Hitford Castle 613(4) ,Ca2(n ,613(nu~?ntal Inscriptions Filey Church rQ£ (J?),££ >,637*

floor Closes 40£(r},4CS(£),4C9(r) ,C7y

Th(5 Hoor

fT>rpeth 613(4),613(£),«23(e).


-epayraent 6£4 (C)• £

iluston r»,r9,30,73,77,13$,142,170,17?,173,176,177,17ft,185,


107»£f,&^2£69£35 (3 ,£37 ,3£3,367 ,36ft



40^ ,409,439#4£3,4C7{3),4£ft,4£ftfT) 419 ,4.0,461,476, 409 #-4?3E£).t5£6,e3&,ssf •510(3),613(11),65f. «



...aston Close 14r«

,£fle(r),e 5 3 ,60 3 (4 ),603 (&),

Nafferton 640(6b)

Nappay Co;

k deed re 26,27.

Narrow Moor 565

Hewbeggin 139,160,400,£23,603(8),605(3)*

Newby 509t5C-r,576.

Newcastle 119*120,121,122.

New Inn,Filey 50B(3),£S2(2USee Inn,

Newton,Hutton Bushell 78.

Northallerton 627(91.

Northampton •*4-8,448(2).

North Fields 533(E).

North (Jete Close 603(5) ,603(6).


('tenor) Northumberland 40.

North GrlWsfton 401, •3|V


'*b't"Northumberland 40,6 13{4),615(E) ,613(6) ,616{£ V*rs

Norton I-’bl^ate 157f£ )•

Notes Tsneral b y ^ s o

Molt In ,'hrmshire 471 ,4T3,474,475.

0* 1.1 srdale £31.

M f ( *'A,

Orrl nncn Office 175.

■ i if*

■tu fe'.*

Oulton :ioor f^r.

OVf!rs*ers of C-risthorpe 636.


pnrk Se9irlck 4,143. ■«


. a


park Close 143. ■


parks The 436. "V

•f.f•••** •„

P^rsonasfe in Filey 348,416(2).

P a r t i t i o n o f "ris th o rp e Eafcttstef 6 1 2 .8 2 ,1 7 3 9 .3 6 7 ,3 6 8 ,1 7 4 3 .3 8 5 .

Patent o f arant o f Aras 658(3). r* * ■'



P tn C or Peck 402.

fe«khou3«,S'tttinton B^le (Gregory a«svJicke) 4 1 .

P *d i ;re « Me’ns re 1 7 3 * . ?45(2) ,1 7 4 P . 37'3,3'i0,40f>(3) ,4 4 6 #*a r8 id e 4 5 7 1 2 ) ,4 6 7 ,4 7 0 ,4 7 3 ,4 P 7 ,S O ? ( f ) ,S t a f f o r d s A Y;ilsons £ 1 7 ,G o fto n 5 ^ 0 ,f 65 ( 4 ) ,5 7 4 ,’-tarshalls I iiodg3ons £ 7 7 ,&® S,614,63l(i;) ,6 3 1(6 ) , * j ’»


633,640f 6 4 0 ,6E0 , 6 f« ( 6 ) , G5fi( 1 2 ) ,6 7 3 ,6 7 4 .

i ^ s e l l s E 4 1 #e;43. ;

P e t i t i o n re M in is te r a t r l l e y 290*


?ickeririg 94 ,95 ,548 |”W ,445,5 | WlS-,.5ljL.S3S O O ^O**o ,546 p.1 ,£69(2) ,£7Lr601,«O3(4) 604(C),608(0,610(3),640(5), ...- .1


. .

Pickering Castle 61*

pictures at Grlsthorpe 658(12).

;'ittiver,Scotland 688* '■L L * » ,

* '-&Sb& Plrin (of House and Strawyard 0riathorpe)328,(of rjristhorps) 444(3),(High & Low Sea Furrows)561t(of Lands)645(4)#J|L 544,(Manor Drainage)649(3),(Lease to 2Uss 3 om e rv i ll e k* fE8(r.),(Cbarters Land)669(I1),(Gristhorpe)658(12) (Hall Drainage)069.% see G75).

Poe icet jooks (i.^a's) 558.

Pontefract 235.


^ro-npton 691.

Precept for Jurors 219.


Ramadan Cloa*8 486 (F).

.,apok#f}ri»thorpo(see also Valuatton)l873.649(f),540 (4 )*

"rading 416 (P )*4PE(f ),.43.6. £ *,

Receipts (re Foster) 439, (Goo*^,.) ;43,(John.E.)489,(Heap & Uppleby )6£7(7) ^(iionasaent*)537 ,(Sithea >642 ,654(5), (Rent) 6C6,(Pearson) 658(10),(Sundry)670.

Recovery of I,ands 460,461.

factory of Filey(Tithea) 304,348.

;istera Parish,Sxtracta from £65(4),£74,£86,613(5),627(8), 633,673,574*

;hton or Fighton 75,89,147,188,189,367,368,408,409,411*

He.'lt Book 1830-38.627(10),1839-77.649(1).


T?«nt Roll (Keld) 390,463(3),471,Sftf? if

fi; ?.«sdoan 261 (3 ).

Ri^abouts £79, >• R o M n Hoods Bay *r7tEio« .4~>


* t .♦* r.

ftoyrxl Licsnse.Charvje of na?a® 657 (pj,


* Hoyston 44fi. *Jfcf r

’yse ?»'j*1


•* . , ' ! r


*r$fl H

} ”( ’■

I X**" . !' n o t i l - S " ■'.

Schedule of Deeds re ,:&rr. Setts* of marker GO*(3)* "

Lands 51£*


Deeds re Marr*Setts* of :/.*£•Beswick (1680 I960) 5 4 0 ( M #640{4),64B{7). *#

Seals f4,P0,6f,58,7f,79,90,91,lir,lS>*,lJ?8,lSS,188,181,19t»(£), 348,380,381*383,384,308,409(P>,460,494.

Ss*i "3,147,149,ICOflSlf1 5 2 , U 3 f105, 508.

Saeaton Castle £33.


Somerset 643 (S). *•



ft !'•!*'


.3«s rtr^rj



3outhfields Close 176.

fr^v'. f Staintondalo 41,402, '* r

rr. r r- t v

*, r r

** •

- r~

taniford,Lincoln* f:3,P9*

** * A-'rtr? Cr 4

Statutes re Game 244.

Staxton 565(4).

2teareV?loses 541,543,

Stepney.iiiddle3ex 37,57 (r), vr-r tones Removal of 431.

Stony Butts 436.

Succession Duty W.3.6E3, - t t'


I _ ,494(4) ,Ef3#

613(l0j,619f61t>p634,G33(r)fS3 >(o),&!n(4)fSSPffc),639(6), o39(7),(Rent Charge in lieu)640(r) t»543fS) ,576*

lofts 34^.

■ovnond Closes 541,£4*%

To-vthorps Field 2 6 *

*radsalens Books 657,.>70*

Valuation of Cristhorpe 630(T),630(3) ,631,>54n(3),644(3), of Geo.^s.

(later Geo.B.D. )reversionary interest

648(£) ,650 'f4)9Vsu.Bvs Estate 663»r X.iUBfs property 658(18).

Vestry Meetings 589.

Voluntoers 515,SIR,520,545,546,554 (?),554(2)

lifslksr Close M l ?f43.

Inl-ls ^rave (seeJPals^rave).

l/nrters COa(£).

Writer In; Places and Pond 3 .Award

V/ ;rd 13E. . 1#* ' ) # West Ay ton 17f,S?c(rU

M>st I&y* ZGZ.

W G~t :>oor lf.f•

V.'hsldrakG Co. York £g.

*©^trainster 654(5)*

** Ilford *Hott« 471#473*474,47£•

Oeo*74,3torr 73, Johnson Francis 17%Dofton Richd lB6,Fo3ter Chris 191,5eswick Srjum £D5#3ofton Wra 233, Johnson Pobt 236(3),Foster Vfai 24£,Foord Anne 282# Jenkineon Jane £B8,Hebdspton Richd 3X8, . •* I ^ -*j '' 4 + North ?:obt 330,Leake Susanna 3f0,3©swick :sryan 364, Anderson John 3f9,3eswick Oeo 363,Beswick Eleanor 37S, 404,Ku*npton 7>m 394,Rose ."Latth.-ro 413,7, iIson Sm 414, Binniftgton Ann 434,Foster Chris 43* ,SnrsTick C-oo 4:57, * * >• Northcott Jos 43R,Le?r'en Ihos *41,Villon .lathew 449, Skelton Frances 450,3eswick Dorothy 4£3,456,Leak Nathl 4S2,?;iiscn Mathew 470,humpton Oeo 47;itioswick John 4ar,483,454,431 ,436*Shepherd ftobt 401 (3) ,’,Ve3burne I£ary 4 Of,Preston 7m 493,499,£eswick Robt eOO (fl),£01,503, iiopper V'n £10,i:odgson Francis £1?,Shepherd -lary £31, Hailey John C3^,7;ilson T.:n 543(f) ,1 ountayne Revd John £43(4),3eneon John £44,Wilson John 5£5(f ),iiodhson Revd Sanuel £64,3eswick Oeo £64(f),£~o(f ),600,60^,603(3), Shepherd T^obt 5: 5 f£),Uar9hall Elizh £73,£eswick Wm 595 Foster lho$ 506,Keld Tho4| £08,601(3),60r,G0S,Sheph*rd John 605(3),Beswick Geo 606,607,Beswick $fm 609,627(4)* Munro Benjn 635,Beswick Oeo 640(6a),Beswick *im 663(21* Beswick Thos .eld 658(4).