Thank The Editorial Board reviewed manuscripts

appreciates submitted


the help of all who have worked for The FASEB Journal for publication. The work of such referees is indispensable

during the last year. Below are the names of those who in helping maintain the journal’s publication standards

and ensuring clear and accurate reporting. Our sincere thanks to all of you. In turn, the Federation is grateful to the members Board who have served and whose names are recorded on the second page of the Table of Contents in each issue.

C. Abad-Zapatero U. Aebi R.W. Alexander S. Ambudkar I. Arias B. Arrick S.D. Aust W.M. Awad K. Bacon S. Baekkeskov Q. Bakouche S. Bandiera N. Bass W.B. Benjamin P.E. Berchtold C.D. Berdanier B.C. Benk T.D. Bigby R. Billings J. Blanchard W.S. Blanen G.S. Bloom C. Boileau P. Bonnstein J. Bradley R. Bradshaw L Brakien-Gingras K.R. Brasch T. Breitman I. Bremner M.D. Breyer B. Bmdsky S.M. Brown J. Buchner

F. Davidson K. Davies P.J.A. Davies S. DeFlora LM. DeLuca Dj. DeRosier J. Deutscher M. Diench W.H. Diliman X. Ding V.M. Dixit 1. Dooley J.W. Drake W. Droge G. Duester F. Dumont I. Dunlap T. Edgington C. Eichele T.M. Ellis N. Epstein R. Evans C. Falany R.A. Fads l.A. Fontana A.H. Frey D.D. Friel X-Y. Fu A. Calni W. Gallagher JJ. Galligan H.R. Gaskins

W. Busa

V.F. Chetie

M. Capecchi iD. Capra J.M. Caron K.L Carraway I. Casamento A. Caswell K. Catt W. Cavanee

V. Giguere P. Glazer L. Goldberg S. Gorges C. Grabowski L. Greene i.R. Grider A. Grodzinski K.R. Groh

K. Chan

P. Gros

S.K. Chapes R.W. Chesney W.W. Cleland R.L Coffman P. Cohen D. Collins P.M. Conn HE. Conrad M. Costa ii. Coyle L. Cress P. Cresswell C. Crouse N.P. Curthoys LK. Curtjss

S.S. Gross C. Grubbs A. Guidotti

D.K. Das J. David

1.-A. Gustafson

A. Gukovskaya M. Hans 0. Hamill H.E. Hamm J. Handler L. Hansen R. Hardeland D.R. Harder M. Hare B. Flafliwell D. Harris N.L Harrison H. Herschman

IN. Herron R. Heyman D. Hilvert P.M. Hinkle D. Hollander M. Horowitz R. Horuk M. Howard

R. Lotan R.A. Luben R.G. Lynch

Y. Ichikawa I. lgarashi C. Janeway AJ. iesaitis A.M. ietten E. Johnson C. Johnson R. lope J.Kadonaga S. Kalra S. Kapila J. Kaplan S. Karpatkin C.L Keen D. Keppler ED. Kilbourne Y.S. Kim T. Kindt D. Kleiner H. KoIb M.A. Kolber L Kozak G. Kreibich R. Kreitman R. Krumlauf

R. MacDonald T.E. Machen N. Mackman J. Madri P. Majerus C.A. Maltin MB. Martin i.R. Mathias R. Mattera M. Mattson E.E. Max J.F. McGinnis L.C. McPhail R. Medford P. Meier-Abt C. Meissner 1W. Metzger J. Mezick 1. Milne R. Mira-y-Lopez R.S. Moreland M. Mullins H. Murer E. Murphy R.A. Murphy M. Murray N.


l, . eu e A. Newton .


M. Kuhar A. Kulkarni S. Kurlandsky


ISflIZUKU #{176}#{176}#{176}


.‘,. .

R. Okita R.W. Olsen I. Oppenheim J.R. Ortaldo

M. Lagare M.E. Lamm TJ. Lampidis W.E.M. Lends R. LaTorre A. Leach B.K. Lee H.C. Lee E. Leiter M.S. Levin M. Lewis E. Lianos W. Liao A.R. Liboff J. Lichtenberger MA. Lichtman L-L. Lin L. Lindahl I. Linnoila S.L. Lipsius

L Packer R.E. Pagano A. Paradiso M. Parker AJ. Parodi l.H. Pastan G.W. Pasternak A. Pawson R. Perez-Polo RN. Perham l.A. Peterson D.W. Pfaff M. Picciotto S.K. Pierce H.C. Pitot I. L. Platt


D. Pollock


I. Lomako W. Lorenz F.L. Lorscheider

J. Poyssegur S. Prescott D.L. Purich

The FASEB Journal

M. Quik N. Rash K. Randolph A. Ratcliffe T.A. Reh Ri. Reiter K.W. Renton S.M. Reppent L. Resnick A. Richmond B. Rigas P. Robbins A. Roberts R. Roberts L. Roden B.J. Rollins C. D. Roodman V. Rooney N. Rose C.J. Rosen 1. Ross R. Ross M.G. Rossman J. Rothstein G.M. Ruhanyi L. D. Russell H. Sage R. Sager MC. Salzler E.P. Sandgren iJ Sando P.C. Schultz W.A. Scott M.A. Schwartz M.L Schwartzrnann C. Seidel R. Semba W. Sessa S. Sharma p.W. Shaul J.A. Shayman B. Shenker M. Shoham J.D. Shull H. Sies M. Sikorska H.A. Singer P. Singh H. Sloboda I.E. Smith S.M. Smith S. Snyder G. Somero DR. Soprano N. Sperelakis P.K. Srivastava E.R. Stadtman J. Stamler D.C. Stein M. Steiner L Steinman T. Stossel

of the


U.B. Storb K. Strange G. Strassman T:W. Sturgill A. Swick K. Swisshelm C. Szabo

G.l. Tennekoon D. Thiele L Thim S.S. Thongeirsson C.M. Townsend P.C. Traher J.Q. Trojanowski M.-D. Tsai M. Tsokos R.T. Turner B. Tycko C. Utermann R L Veech R.W. Voellmey T. Walle T. Walseth P.C. Wang T. Wang J.F. Ward R.P. Warrell 1. Watanabe M. Waterman D.J. Waxman G. Weber R.C. Wek T. Whiteside C.H. Williams J. Williams D.W. Wilmore B.A. Wittenberg i.F. Woessner G. Wolf

A. Wolkoff J. Woodgett R. Wurtman

K. Yagi A. Yao RD. Ye T. Yen A. Young M.K. Younoszai B.P. Yu

J. Zabriskie RD. Zachman M. Zile R.M. Zinkernagel K. Zucker

Vol. 10 December


Subject Index to Volume 10 Acid: in gastnc mucosal defense 731 Acidosis: in hypoxic and ischemic injury 1318 Acne: treatment with retinoyl jI-glucuronide 1014 Actin fold: as a nucleotide binding motif 799 Activation constants: in allostenc enzymes 702 Activation function AF-2: transcriptional mediators of 940 Activator protein-i (AP-i) redox regulation of 709 transrepression by retinoid receptors 1002 Acute promyelocytic leukemia altered retinoic acid receptors in 955 retinoid differentiation therapy in 1025 S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase: as a pharmacological target 471 S-Adenosylmethionine: and methylation 471 Ad4BP/SF-i: transcription factor for cytochrome P450 genes 1569 Adipocytes: pyruvate carboxylation in 481 ADP nbosylatlon factor: GTP binding motif of 1347 AF-2 domain: of human retinoic acid receptor a 1524 Aggrecan: inhibitory effects on neural crest cell migration 293 Aging and lymphatic absorption of retinol in rats 1085 melatonin decrease and neurodegeneration in 1546 oxidative damage to DNA in 333 oxidative damage in stress and 1532 agouti-induced obesity effects of calcium channel blockade on 1646 Agnin: genes encoding 598 Ah receptor nuclear translocator transcriptional regulation of the CYP1 Al gene by 809 AIDS: transcription factor binding sites in genes involved in 709 Alcohol dehydrogenase: in ethanol-induced reduction in retinoic acid 1050 Aldehydes: iron-peroxy species in deformylation of 428 Aldehydr dehydrogenase class 3: hormonal regulation of 1369 Aldose reductase: increased by hypertonicity 1598 Algal blooms: effect of nitrate on 1443 All-trans3,4-didehydroretinoic acid: equals all-trans retinoic acid in support of neuronal development 1078 All-trans retinoic acid: in chick neuronal development 1078 Allosteric enzymes: models for chemomechanical energy transducing assemblies


aJjl barrel proteins: structure and evolution of (Letter) 184 Alprazolam: effect on response to acute stress 517 Alzheimer’s disease human apolipoprotein E in 1485 metaliothionein down-regulation in 1129 Amino acids in cell volume increase during the cell cycle 920 critical for transcriptional activity 1524 substitutions fixed by P450 enzymes 683 Amino acid sequences: assigning to protein folds 126 Amino acid starvation: protein synthesis inhibition in response to 1378 y-Aminobutyric acid: currents activated by 1539 Aminolevulinate synthase: levels decreased by melatonin 882 Androgen: in restoration of cytochrome P450 2C1 1 1058 Angiogenesis estrogen and 615 inhibition by thrombospondin 1183 Anterior pituitary cells: glutamate receptors in subpopulation of 654 Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity: in HIV infections 258 Antigen-presenting cells: engineering of 574 Antigens: intrathymic injection of 721 Antioxidant enzymes: mRNA levels increased by melatonin 882 Antioxidants: and regulation of gene transcription 709 Antiviral responses: vitamin A and retinoids in 979 Apolipoprotein E: the Alzheimer’s disease connection 1485 AP-1 transcription factor activity increased by stretch 631 Apoptosis of bFGF-deprived endothelial cells 1192 effects of CD38 on 1408 induced by choline deficiency 510 induced by N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) retinamide 1014 induced by BAR and RXR selective ligands .1071 liver hyperplasia and 1118 role of proteases during 587 tumor cell resistance to 325 Apoptotic protease AP24: and tumor cell resistance to apoptosis 325 Arachidonic acid cascade cytochrome P450 in 1456 molecular


of enzymes


L-Arginine: hydroxylation by a cysteine

Vol. 10 December




herne protein


Arylhydrocarbon receptor transcriptional regulation of by 809 Astrocytes: metallothioneins in 1129 Ataxia telangiectasia: increased incidence of cancer in Atherosclerosis fibronectin variants in 248 inflammation as a component of 283 transcription factor binding sites in genes involved in Atherosclerotic heart disease: looking for the smoking Atherosclerotic plaques: role of calcium in development Al? calcium leak regulated by 302 functional interaction with hexokinase 799 utilization by chemomechanical transducers 702 A23187: K channel activity increased by 792 Autoantigen: myelin protein P0 as 1635 Autoimmune inner ear disease: myelin protein P0 in

the CYP1A1 gene


709 guns” 654 of 491


Bacteriophage coat protein: role of chaperonins in folding of 5 BCECF: calibrations in vascular smooth muscle cells 1205 Benzodiazepines: modulation of response to acute stress by 517 jt-blockade: modulation of response to acute stress by 517 Betaine transporter: activation by hypertonicity 1598 Bicarbonate: in gastric mucosal defense 731 Bicuculline: blockage of halothane- and GABA-activated currents 1539 Bisindolylmaleimide IV: increase in L-channel current blocked by 1310 Blood clotting, fibronectin variants in 248 safety in the age of AIDS 390 Blood clots: formation and dismantling 1464 Blood flow: mucosal, in gastric mucosal defense 731 Bone marrow transplantation effects of glutamine supplementation in 821 immunobiology of 721, Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor disulfide folding pathway of 110 Brain fyn kinase altered in a murine AIDS 339 metallothioneins in 1129 oxidative damage caused by immobilization stress in 1532 Brain damage: after stroke or seizures in melatonin-deficient rats 1546 Brain trauma: melatonin potential for treatment of 891 Breast cancer cells: defective expression of retinol binding protein in 1064 Bullous pemphigoid antigen: hemidesmosome, structure and function of 871 Cachexia: role of glutathione in 1219 Calcium cytochalasin effect on 357 effects on migration and recruitment of macrophages 491 leak from agonist-sensitive stores regulated by ATP 302 mobilization induced by thrombin and trypsin 309 regulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase 552 signaling, spatial and temporal aspects 1505 Calcium-activated K channels: opening of in eosinophils 792 Calcium-binding proteins: effects on desmin assembly 317 Calcium channel blockade: effects on agouti-induced obesity 1646 Calcium channel currents enhanced by IL-i)3, TNF-a, and LPS 785 modulation by PACAP 1310 Calcium release channel: mRNA, effect of etomoxir on 1303 Calmodulin: regulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase 552 Calpains: role during apoptosis 587 Caiphostin C: increase in L-channel current blocked by 1310 Calyculin A: sensitization of cells to TNF and UV activation 325 cAMP-dependent protein kinase: in PACAP modulation of calcium channel currents 1310 Cancer effects of carotenoids in 690 looking for the “smoking guns” 654 polygenic model of inherited predisposition to 865 transcription



Cancer chemoprevention: Cancers: with structurally Carbohydrates:



in genes




retinoids in 1031 altered receptors 955 by hyalectans


Carbonic anhydrase isozymes: role in pyruvate carboxylation in adipocytes 481 Carbonic anhydrase V: diffemetiation-dependent expression of 481 Carcinogenesis: defects in cell cycle checkpoint control and 238

The FASEB Journal


Cardiac an’hythmias: treatment with 5-HT4 receptor agonists and antagonists 1398 Cardiac hypertrophy mechanical stress induced 631 modification of gene expression by etomoxir in 1303 Cardiac myocytes: stress-activated protein kinases in 631 Cardiac surgery: effects of glutamine supplementation in 821 Cardiomyopathy



of HSP9O



Cardiovascular diseases: effects of carotenoids on 690 Cardiovascular system endothelial control of 283 protection by estrogen 615 3-Carotene and disease prevention in humans 690 metabolism of 542 Carotenoids absorption, metabolism, and transport of 542 and disease prevention in humans 690 functions in higher plants 403 geneticsof pigment biosynthesis 228 Catalase: iron regulatory protein inhibition prevented by 1326 Catalytic cycle: conformational changes in 702 Cataracts: effects of carotenoids on 690 CCA.AT/enhancer ginding protein (C/EBP) family 267 CD4 T cells: expression of LAG-3-encoded protein by 769 CD36: thrombospondin-1 binding to 1183 CD38: multiple functions of 1408 Cell cycle cell volume increase during 920 checkpoints and DNA damage 238 during liver regeneration 559 Cell growth regulation: sphingolipid metabolism and 1388 Cell-surface engineering: with GPI-anchored proteins 574 Cell-surface receptors: redistribution initiated by ac electric fields 1552 Cellular immunity: responses reduced by partial sleep deprivation 643 Cellular retinol binding protein: modulator of enzymes of retinol metabolism


Central nervous system regrowth failure: transplantation rophages in 1296 Ceramide DNA cleavage induced by 325 phospholipases in generation of 1147 sphingolipid hydrolysis to 1388

of activated


molten globule as a model target of 102 and protein stability 84 Chaperonin-containing TCP-i: peptide mass fingerprinting Chaperonins competing models of function of 20 principles


Chlorophyll: interaction Cholangiocarcinoma:

with carotenoids in higher development of hepatocytes

Choline deficiency, apoptosis induced by dietary supplementation in pregnant Choriocarcinoma cells: erythropoietin Chromatin interaction

plants into

510 rats 1653 expression by


in the retinoid signaling pathway JAK-STAT and other signaling


Cryptdins: of Paneth cells 1280 Crystals: dinitrobenzene, monoclonal antibodies that recognize 1435 CXC chemokine family: linked to PDGF chemokine family 1336 Cyclic ADP-ribose: synthesis catalyzed by CD38 1408 Cyclic AMP: fibronectin transcriptional regulation and 248 Cyclin-dependent kineses: and cell cycle checkpoints 238 CYP1A1 gene: transcriptional regulation of 809 CYP4A6 gene; regulation by peroxisome proliferators 1241 Cysteine: catabolism in liver 1219 Cytochalasin: effects on rectification in potassium channels 357 Cytochrome c: unfolding at alkaline pH 164 Cytochrome P450 in the arachidonic acid cascade and hypertension 1456 4A gene regulation 1241 hepatic, constitutive expression of genes 1112 peroxidative reactions of 428 structural flexibility and functional versatility 683 transcription and regulation of activities of 1455 Cytochrome P450 2C11: restoration in vitamin A-deficient rat liver 1058 Cytochrome P4501 Al hormonal regulation of 1369 induction of 809 Cytochromes P450 basal

and inducible




historical overview 202 structural similarities and functional differences Cytokines CD38 in induction of 1408 effect on ADCC effector function 258 in growth regulation during liver regeneration impact on lipid mediator production suppressed

networks by partial

regulation of STAT-dependent responses


in vitamin



1147 sleep deprivation

pathways A-deficient





979 215

and signal transduction during liver regeneration Cytolytic T lymphocytes: effect of isothermal






Deadenylation: in mRNA decay 559 Defensins: of Paneth cells 1280 Denaturation: of staphylococcal nuclease mutants 67 Denatured state: role in protein stability 27 Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy: a tnnucleotide repeat disorder 1589 Depression: effects of S-adenosylmethionine in 471 Desmin: assembly, effects of calcium-binding proteins on 317 Desmoplakin: structure and function of 871 Desmosomes: structure and function of molecular components 871 Dexamethasone: effects on postnatallung 986

93 and

940 pathways



403 673

Diabetes: Diabetic in


of the arylhydrocarbon receptor with 809 and transcription 1173 Chromium(lll) picolinate (Letter) 365 Chymotrypsin: activities detected with synthetic substrates 1621 Circadian system: nitrate as a signal for 1443 c-myc proto-oncogene: posttranscnptional regulation of 819 Coagulopathy: treatment with all-hans retinoic acid 1025 Collagen effects on cell viability, growth, and morphology 1471 secretion regulated by estrogen 615 Collagenlcollagenase interaction: conformation of the enzyme and its substrate 927 Competitive exclusion principle: in RNA virus evolution 859 Conformational changes in energy transducing assemblies 702 in nucleotide binding proteins 1257 in proteins employing the actin fold as a binding motif 799 Conformational search: protein folding and 119 Conformational stability: of proteins 75 Congenital abnormality: and abnormality of retinoic acid signaling pathway 961 Connective tissue activating peptide Ill: Leukocyte-derived growth factorprecursor of 1336 Contractile response: regulation by NO synthases 1614 Copper: metallothionein storage and release of 1129 Crambin: folding trials with 119



Cytophilia: of immunoglobulins 1495 Cytoskeleton control of rectification in potassium channels effects of extracellular matrix on 1471 impact of apolipoprotein E on 1485 Ras GTPases in organization of 625 reorganization induced by ac electric fields


in protein folding, investigation by mass spectrometry role in protein folding 5 Chaperonin substrates: thermolabile folding intermediates Chemotaxis: bacterial, methylation in 471






gestational, complications:

NOS expression transcription

in factor

777 binding


in genes


709 Diacylglycerides: phospholipases in generation of 1147 Diarrheal illness: effects of glutamine supplementation in 821 Diarrheal morbidity: vitamin A deficiency and 1040 Diet: role in disease prevention 690 Dietary restriction: influence on lymphatic absorption of retinol in rats 1085 Dinitrobenzene crystals: monoclonal antibodies that recognize 1435 Disease prevention: -carotene, carotenoids, and 690 Disulfide bonds: formation concomitant with folding 49 Disulfides: in protein folding 110 Diversozymes: peroxidative reactions of 428 DNA damage caused by immobilization stress in rat brain 1532 damage and cell cycle checkpoints 238 mitochondrial, oxidative damage to 333 Drosophila: position effect variegation in 1173 Editorial on the Clinton



to Science

533 Evolution of The FASEB Journal 937 FASEB and The FASEB Journal 375 Life Sciences Forum 1111 ‘no empire, no sect, no star...” 1237 Setting the trends in Europe 197 Education of biochemical scientists (Letter) Effector mechanisms: in graft rejection 721



The FASEB Journal


Vol. 10 December


Eicosanoids: phospholipases in generation of 1147 elF-2 kineses: and control of protein synthesis 1378 Electric fields, ac: microfilament structure reorganization by 1552 Elongation factor EF-Tu: GTP binding motif of 1347 Embryonic development: and pattern formation 961 Encephalopathies: disruption of fyn kinase signaling in 339 Endonucleases: proteolysis in the activation of 587 Endothelial cells bFGF-deprived, apoptosis of 1192 interleukin-1 receptors on 351 Endothelium in control of the cardiovascular system 283 estrogen activity in 615 Endothelium-derived relaxing factor estrogen and 615 Energy





as models

GABAA receptor








of de novo

Etomoxic modification of sarcoplasmic Evolution of I barrel proteins (Letter) 184


reticulum gene expression




growth stimulated



by leukocyte-derived

growth factor studies 1257


Fyn kinase:





altered in brain in murine AIDS

Vol. 10 December



of PAH induction




1336 248

Foam cells: calcium effects on recruitment of 491 F1-ATPase: conformational changes in 702 Foreign compound metabolism: hormonal regulation of hepatic enzymes involved in 1369 Fragile X syndrome: a tnnucleotide repeat disorder 1589 Fragmentin: role in apoptosis 587 Free radicals damage to mitochondna in aging 333 metallothionein protection against injury by 1129 Friedreich ataxia: a trinucleotide repeat disorder 1589 Fruit ripening: participation of S-adenosylmethionine in 471 Fumonisins: inhibition of ceramide synthase by 1388 Fusion


as a model

of genes










Glutamate receptors: in subpopulation Glutaminase: in glutamine metabolism



Fibronectin gene: model for splicing and transcription Fingerprint region: of nicotinamide binding proteins Fitness variation: of RNA viruses 859


and metabolism

1213 461

in response



of anterior pituitary cells 8219


interaction with a-lactalbumin models for functions of 20

role in protein folding Gr0ES models for functions of role in protein folding suppressor

factor 1147

148 57


5 20 5 analysis

of mutations

Growth factors expression in hepatic stem cell activation fibronectin transcriptional regulation and

The FASEB Journal



GR-like proteins: classical fold of 1257 GroE chaperone function reduced by groES mutations the chaperone role model 10 temperature-sensitive mutants suppressed by Gr0EL




“no crystals, no grant” (Letter)

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating effect on ADCC effector function 258 in lipid mediator biosynthesis regulation Granzymes: role in apoptosis 587




Glutamine synthetase: in glutamine metabolism 821 Glutathione abnormal levels after interleukin-6 treatment 1219 depletion and oxidative damage 1532 mitochondrial oxidation and oxidative damage to DNA 333 in regulation of redox-sensitive gene expression 709 Glutathione S-transferase: hormonal regulation of 1369 Glycans: schistosome 838 Glycoinositol phospholipids: anchoring of proteins in cell-surface neering 574 Glycoproteins: diagnostic in schistosomiasis 838 Glycosphingolipids: schistosome 838 Glycosylation: N-linked, donor and acceptor substrates for 849 Glycosyltransferases: schistosome 838 Gly-Pro-Arg: in blood clot formation 1464 Gonadal sex differentiation: Ad4BP/SF-1 transcription factor and Gonyaulax polyedra: nitrate and circadian system in 1443 G protein binding sites: of human interleukin-8 receptors 1426 G protein-coupled receptors: regulating growth responses 741 G proteins: heterotrimeric, GTP binding motif of 1347 Graft rejection GPI-anchored proteins in protection against 574


stability and folding of

by mechanical

of cytochrome


Fat storage: regulation by agouti’ 1646 Fatty acid synthase: regulation by agouti 1646 Fc receptors: attachment of cytophilic antibody to 1495 Fetal alcohol syndrome: potential mechanism for 1050 Fetal development: Ad4BP/SF-1 transcription factor and 1569 Fibrin: in blood clot formation 1464 Fibrinogen: anticipating a 3-dimensional structure 1464 Fibroblast feeder layers: transgenic mice for establishment of 1641 Fibroblast growth factor acidic, in hepatic stem cell activation 1249 basic, and endothelial cell apoptosis 1192 release


Glucose 481

glycosylation in 849 convergent, formation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase by 552 genomic, fibronectin gene as model for 248 of RNA viruses 859 Excitotonic seizures: brain damage after in melatonin-deficient rats 1546 Excitotoxicity: neuroprotection by melatonin from 891 Extracellular matrix effect on cell structure, function, and responsiveness 1471 proteoglycans


regulation of 283 metallothioneins in 1129 osmotic regulation of 1598 regulation by alternative promoters 453 repression by chromatin 1173 regulation inliver regeneration 559 Gene targeting hisD gene in 1641 transgenic mice and 819 Gene therapy: for induction of transplantation tolerance 721 Genetic bottlenecks: in RNA virus evolution 859 Genetic marking: studies of liver development, regeneration, cancer 673 Gene transcription antioxidant and redox regulation of 709


of binding sites 461 conservation of N-linked

Eye lens crystallins:

and molecular

Glucokinase: rate limiting for glucose utilization in liver Glucose interconversion with galactose in the Leloir pathway utilization in liver 1213





Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase: enzyme in carotenoidbiosynthesis 228 Glomeruli: effects of anti-MCAF/MCP-1 in 1418 Glomerulonephnti . crescentic, intervention by MCAF antibodies 1418 Glucocorticoid responsive elements: in hormonal regulation of hepatic enzymes 1369 Glucocorticoids induction of MIF 1607

pulmonary, development of 986 surface-active, in gastric mucosal defense 731 Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids: vasoactive properties 1456 Erwinia species: carotenoid biosynthesis from 228 Erythropoietin: expression by human placenta 760 Escherichiacoil

Estrogen effects in ovariectomized rats 905 vascular protective effects of 615 Ethanol: inhibition of retinoic acid synthesis


carcinogenesis: inhibition by retinoids 1031 treatment with 5-HT4 receptor agonists and 1398



rates of protein systhesis by 5 suppressor analysis of groES mutations in 148 Esophageal carcinogenesis: inhibition by retinoids


Gastrointestinal Gastroparesis: tagonists Gene expression

Energy transduction: nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase and 444 Eosinophils: opening of calcium-activated K channels in 792 Epidermal growth factor action in liver regeneration studied in transgenic mice 819 during liver regeneration 215 Epilepsy-associated brain damage: melatonin potential for treatment of 891 Epithelial cells: induction by retinoyl -glucuronide 1014 Epithelium cryptdins

halothane as partial agonist of 1539 Galactokinase: in the Leloir pathway 461 Galactose: interconversion with glucose in the Leloir pathway 461 Galactose mutarotase: in the Leloir pathway 461 Galactose-l -P undylyttransferase: in the Leloir pathway 461



1249 248


regulation of STAT-dependent pathways by 1578 role in liver regeneration in transgenic mice 819 thrombospondin-1 interaction with 1183 Growth hormones: P450 gene expression mediated by 1112 Growth responses: G protein-coupled receptors and signaling regulating 741 G6PD-deficient variant A unproductive folding of 153 GTPases: Ras superfamily of 625 GTP binding motif: variations on a theme 1347 GTP binding proteins: interplay with Ras-related binding proteins 1290 Gyro mice: molecular defect in sodium-phosphate transporter in 751 Halothane: as partial agonist of GABA receptor 1539 Harderian glands: melatonin prevention of cell damage in 882 Heat shoclc protein synthesis inhibition in response to 1378 Heat shock protein 90 decrease in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 1198 a specific general chaperone 10 Heat shock proteins foldingintermediates as substratesfor 57 suppression of irreversible unfolding reactions in 10 Heavy metal ion exposure: protein synthesis inhibition in response to 1378 Heilcobacter pylon: and peptic ulcer disease 731 Hematopoietic cells: effects of CD38 on 1408 Heme: cysteine thiolate-liganded 552 Heme-regtdated kihibitor kinase: in regulation of protein synthesis 1378 Hemidesmosomes: structure and function of molecular components 871 Heparan sulfate: a piece of information 1270 Heparan sulfate proteoglycans: thrombospondin1 interaction with 1183 Heparin biosynthesis and interactions of 1270 calcium leak in the presence of 302 Hepatic enzymes: involved in foreign compound metabolism, regulation of 1369 Hepatocarcinogenesis geneticsusceptibility to 865 initiation step of 1118 Hepatocellular carcinoma altered retinoic acid receptors in 955 development of hepatocytes into 673 Hepatocyte growth factor action in liver regeneration studied in transgenic mice 819 in hepatic stem cell activation 1249 role in liver regeneration 1118 Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1: homodomain family of 267 Hepatocytes apoptosis induced by choline deficiency in 510 culture systems for 1479 during liver regeneration 559 effect of extracellular matrix geometry on function of 1471 genetic marking studies of 673 phospholipase A2 and hypoxic injury in 1318 proliferation after hepatic resection 215 proliferation induced by mitogens 1118 source of proliferating 819 transcription factors and differentiation of 267 Hepatotrophic stimulator substance: increase after partial hepatectomy 215 Herpes virus infection: in vitamin A deficiency 979 Heterotrimeric G-proteins: in growth response regulation 741 Hexokinase: functional interaction with ATP 799 Hindbrain: sensitivity to teratogenic effects of retinoic acid 969 Hippocampus metallothionein Ill and zinc homeostasis in 1129 phospholipase D activity increased by dietary choline 1653 HIsD gene: in gene targeting 1641 Histidine kinase systems: osmotic regulation of gene expression in 1598 Histidinol: fibroblast feeder layers resistant to 1641 Histone acetylase; activity in a transcriptional adaptor complex 1173 Histones: in apoptosis 587 HIV infection antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in 258 progression, effects of glutamine on 821 role of CD38 in 1408 vitamin A status and 1040 HNF-lw expression of P450 genes regulated by 1112 HNF3/tkh winged helix family 267 Homeostasis: microsomal cytochrome P450 in 1456 Hox genes: retinoids and 969 5-HT4 receptors: peripheral, physiology and pharmacology of 1398 Human intestinal trefoil factor: expression in hypothalamus and pituitary 1518


Huntington disease: a trinucleotide repeat disorder 1589 Hyalectans: a family of proteoglycans 598 Hyaluronan: binding by hyalectans 598 Hydrogen bonding: contributions to protein stability 75 Hydrogen peroxide: inhibition of iron regulatory protein 1326 Hydrophobic effect contributions to protein stability 75 and stability of folded proteins 35 t,ans-4-Hydroxynonenal: inactivation of cytochrome P450 428 N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl) retinamide: bioactivities of 1014 Hydroxytetraenoic acids: vasoactive properties 1456 Hyperimmune serum: restoration of ADCC by 258 Hyperplasia: versus liver regeneration 1118 Hypertension: cytochrome P450 and the arachidonic acid cascade in 1456 Hyperthermophiles: thermal adaptation of 84 Hypertonically shrunk cells: volume recovery of 920 Hypervitaminosis A: and impairment of skin barrier function 1002 Hypoglycosylation: in vivo consequences of 849 Hypophosphatemic mice: molecular defect in sodium-phosphate transporter in 751 Hypothalamic releasing hormones: anterior pituitary cell response to 654 Hypothalamus: expression of human intestinal trefoil factor in 1518 Hypoxic injury: contribution of phospholipase P2 to 1318 1gM locus: dominant expression of 1227 Immediate early genes expression during liver regeneration 1118 in regenerating liver 413 Immobilization stress: causes oxidative damage in rat brain 1532 Immune response: MIF as regulator of 1607 Immunobiology: of transplantation 721 Immunoglobulin G: binding to natural killer cells 1495 lmmunoglobulin M: binding to natural killer cells 1495 lmmunoglobulins: cytophilic 1495 Inclusion body precursors: thermolabile folding intermediates and 57 Inclusion body proteins: in vitro folding of 49 Inducible NO synthase II: constitutive expression in guinea pig skeletal muscle 1614 Infection: effects of glutamine supplementation in 821 Inflammation a component of atherosclerosis 283 effecton retinol transport and metabolism 979 Inflammatory response: in gastric mucosal defense 731 Influenza A virus infection: in vitamin A deficiency 979 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate: effect on cellular calcium signaling 1505 Inositol transporter activation by hypertonicity 1598 Integrins hemidesmosome, structure and function of 871 thrombospondin-1 binding to 1183 Interferon-y effect on ADCC effector function 258 and LAG-3-encoded protein expression by T cells 769 Interferon-responsive genes: STAT dimerization and responses of 1578 Interieukin-1 during liver regeneration 215 in growth regulation during liver regeneration 413 impact on lipid mediator networks 1147 lnterieukin-l receptors: on rat brain endothelial cells 351 Interleukin-l jI enhancement of calcium channel current by 785 induction of sphingolipid hydrolysis 1388 Interleukin-l jIconvertingenzyme in endothelial cell apoptosis 1192 role in apoptosis 587 Interleukin-2 effect on ADCC effector function 258 and effects of radiofrequency radiation on T cells 913 production suppressed by partial sleep deprivation 643 Interleukin-4: and release of LAG-3-related peptides 769 Interieukin-6 and abnormal glutathione and sulfate levels 1219 during liver regeneration 215 in growth regulation during liver regeneration 413 productioninratbrainendothelial cells 351 lnterleukin-8 receptors: identification of 0-protein binding sites of 1426 lnterleukin-12: up-regulation of LAG-3 expression 769 Internetbiologist 200,540 Intestine carcinogenesis: genetic susceptibility to 865 Intracellular loops: functional mapping of 1426 Iron-deficiency anemia: vitamin A deficiency and 1040 Iron regulatory protein: superoxide and H202-dependent inhibition of 1326 Irritable bowel syndrome: treatment with 5-HT4 receptor agonists and antagonists 1398

The FASEB Journal

Vol. 10 December


Kainate: neuronal effects prevented by melatonin Kainate receptors: in anterior pituitary cells 654 Katchalski-Katzir, Ephraim: scientist and statesman Kennedy disease: a trinucleotide repeat disorder Keratinocytes: responses to retinoids 1002 Kineses: CD38 in activation of 1408

891 1233 1589

Labial genes: and the retinoic acid response 969 a-Lactalbumin: molten globule state of 102 LAG-3-encoded protein: expression by human CD4 T cells 769 Lamins targets of proteases during apoptosis 587 Latency viral, related to DNA methylation 471 L-channel current modulationby PACAP 1310 LDH-like proteins: classical fold of 1257 Leaves: carotenoids in 403 Legume-Rhizobium symbiosis: sulfated carbohydrates in 1137 Leloir pathway for three enzymes 461 Leukocyte-derived growth factor links PDGF and CXC chemokine families 1336 eelcoplakla: incidence reduced by N-(4-hydn,xyphenyfl retinamide 1014 Leukotrienes: pharmacologic intervention in biosynthesis of 1147 Lewis x antigen: on fucosylated schistosome glycans 838 Ligand binding in energy transducing assemblies 702 within cavities 35 Limb development: retinoic acid and 961 Lipid hydroperoxides: reductive scission of 428 Lipid mediator networks: in cell signaling 1147 Lipid peroxidatlon: increased by immobilization stress in rat brain 1532 Lipoate-dihydrolipoate couple: in regulation of redox-sensitive gene expression 709 Lipogenesis: inhibition by sulfonamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 481 Llpopolysaccharlde: enhancement of calcium channel current by 785 Lipoproteins: carotenoid transport by 542 Liver constitutive expression of P450 genes in 1112 cysteine catabolism in 1219 differentiation, model for 267 fibrosis, fibronectin variants in 248 glucose utilization in 1213 Liver carcinogenesis: inhibition by retinoids 1031 Liverregeneration analysis by genetic marking studies 673 hepatic stem cells in 1249 regulation of signal transduction during 215 role of mRNA stability in 559 transcriptional control of 413 transgenic mice as tool to study 819 versus direct hyperplasia 1118 Low density Iipoprotein: effects on macrophage mobility 491 L-pyruvate kinase: activity in transgenic mice 1213 Lung cancer effects of 13-carotene on 690 Lung carcinogenesis: inhibition by retinoids 1031 Lung development retinoids in 986 Lung tumorigenesis: genetic susceptibility to 865 Lung tumors: in mice expressing antisense RAR13-2 transgene 1091 Lutelnizing hormone: half-life controlled by sulfated oligosaccharides 1137 Lycopene: cyclization of 228 Lymphocytes: sulfated oligosacchandes in homing of 1137 Lymphokine-activated killer cells activity reduced by partial sleep deprivation 643 restoration of ADCC by 258 Lyn protein-tyrosine kinase: Tec protein-tyrosine kinase an effector moleculeof 637 Machado-Joseph disease: a trinucleotide repeat disorder 1589 Macrophage migration inhibitory factor cytokine, pituitary hormone, and immune regulator 1607 Macrophages calcium effects on recruitment of 491 number in glomeruli decreased by anti-MCAF/MCP-1 in 1418 transplantation in CNS regrowth failure 1296 Macular degeneration: effects of carotenoids on 690 MAE cells: bFGF-deprived, apoptosis of 1192 Magnetic resonance: biological, onginsof 1448 Mammary gland carcinogenesis: inhibition by retinoids 1031 Masking: of mRNA by V-box proteins 435 Mass specfromeby investigation of protein folding by 93 Matrix metalloproteinases: role in arterial remodeling 283 Measles: vitamin A deficiency and 1040 Mechanical load: induction of sarcoplasmic wounding and FGF release 502 Mechanical stretch: activation of protein kinases 631 Melatonin neuroprotection by 891, 1546 prevention of cell damage by 882

Vol. 10 December


MEKK/JNK. in growth response regulation 741 Membranes: incorporation of GPI-anchored proteins into 574 Metabolism endogenous by cytochromes P450 1455 intermediary, theorigins of 802 Metallothioneins: brain, functional significance of 1129 Metal metabolism: metallothioneins in 1129 Metastasis: growth regulation by thrombospondin-1 1183 Methylation: S-adenosylmethionine and 471 Methyftulenolone: in restoration of cytochrome P450 2C1 1 1058 mFtz-F1 gene: regulatory mechanism of 1569 Microfilaments: structure reorganization induced by ac electric fields 1552 Microgravity: PKC distribution in leukocytes altered in 1627 Microtubules: apolipoprotein E in depolyrnerization of 1485 Migration: cell, inhibition by aggrecans and versicans 293 Mitochondria glutathione oxidation and DNA damage in 333 oxidative damage caused by immobilization stressin 1532 P/C ratios of 345 Mitogen-activated protein kinase activation by sphingosine 1388 activity controlled by Ras 1290 in growth response regulation 741 Mitogens: effects in liver 1118 Mitosis: absent in cells treated with choline 510 Molecular switches GTP binding motif as 1347 Ras GTPases as 625 Molten globule state: of a-lactalbumin 102 Monocyte chemotactic and activating factor antibodies and crescentic glomerulonephritis 1418 Monte Carlo procedure: protein folding by 119 Mouse light chain: replaced by human Igic locus 1227 mRNA isoforms with altered stability 453 masking by V-box proteins 435 role in gene expression in liver regeneration 559 Mucosal immunity: Paneth cells and 1280 Mucus: in gastric mucosal defense 731 Muller’s ratchet: and RNA virus evolution 859 Multiple organ system failure: effects of glutamine supplementation in 821 Murine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: altered brain fyn kinase in 339 Muscle wasting: effects of glutamine supplementation in 821 Musculus uvulae: contractile and metabolic characteristics 897 Mutations of Arc repressor dirner 42 in cell cycle checkpoint controlgenes 238 and destabilization of T4 lysozyme 35 effect on the denatured state 27 in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 153 in groES gene of Eschenchia CoIl 148 second-site reversion of 159 of staphylococcal nuclease 67 temperature-sensitive folding 57 Myelin protein P0: in autoimmune inner ear disease 1635 Myeloma: role of CD38 in 1408 Myotonic dystrophy: a trinucleotide repeat disorder 1589 NAD-linked substrates: mitochondnal P/C ratios with 345 NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase: hormonal regulation of 1369 Nafoxidine: effects in ovanectomized rats 905 Na, K, CI cotranspout in cell volume increase during the cell cycle 920 National Institutes of Health:peer reviewatinthe21stcentury 1563 Natural killer cells activity reduced by partial sleep deprivation 643 correlation with ADCC activities 258 effect of acute stress on 517 immunoglobulin 0 interaction with 1495 in vitamin A-deficient hosts 979 Neoplasms: prevention by N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) retinamide 1014 Nerve growth factor induction of sphingolipid hydrolysis 1388 Nerves: of the central nervous system, inability to regenerate 1296 Neural crest cells: migration inhibited by aggrecans and versicans 293 Neurites: impact of apolipoprotein Eon extension of 1485 Neurodegeneration: role of metallothionein Ill in 1129 Neurodegenerative diseases human apolipoprotein E in 1485 melatonin deficiency in 1546 Neuronal development all-trans 3,4-didehydroretinoic acid in 1078 Neuronal NO synthase I: constitutive expression in guinea pig skeletal muscle 1614 Neurons: apolipoprotein in repair and remodeling of 1485 Neutrophil activating peptide 2 leukocyte-derived growth factor precursor of 1336

The FASEB journal


Newcastle disease virus infection: in vitamin A deficiency 979 Nicotinamide dinucleotide binding motif comparison of nucleotide binding proteins 1257 Nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase: model for utilization of binding energy for translocation 444 Nigericin: in calibrations of BCECF 1205 Nitrate: a signal for the circadian system 1443 Nitric oxide modulators of mucosal defense 731 signal, production by L-arginine 552 synthesis stimulated by estrogen 615 Nitric oxide synthase constitutive expression in guinea pigskeletal muscle 1614 inducible, expression in gestational diabetes 777 neuronal, an enzyme formed by convergent evolution 552 NMDA receptors: in anterior pituitary cells 654 Nodulation factor of Rhizobium meliloti 1137 Nuclear factor-icB activation during liver regeneration 1118 of liver regeneration 413 redox regulation of 709 Nuclear hormone receptors: primary mitogens acting through 1118 Nuclear transport: Ras GTPases in 625 Nucleolin: proteolytic cleavage of 587 Obesity effects of calcium channel blockade on 1646 Okadaic acid: sensitization of cells to TNF and UV activation 325 Oligosaccharyltransferase: biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics of 849 Opsonizatlon: cytophilia versus 1495 Optic nerve: absence of regrowth in 1296 Oral cavity carcinogenesis: inhibition by retinoids 1031 Organ regeneration: regulation of 215 Oscillations: of cytosolic free calcium 1505 Osmotic regulation of gene expression 1598 Oval cells: genetic marking studies of 673 Ovariectomized rats: effects of four compounds in 905 Oxidants: and regulation of gene transcription 709 Oxidative injury: superoxide and H2C2 in protection against 1326 Oxidative refolding: investigation by mass spectrometry 93 Oxidative stress: and damage to mitochondrial DNA 333 Oxygenase &w-1: in development of hypertension 1456 Oxytocin: modulatory action of hITF on 1518 Pancreatic carcinogenesis: Paneth cells: defensins of Pattern

inhibition by retinoids 1280



and embryonic development 961 retinoic acid response elements and 969 Peer review- at NIH in the 21st century 1563 Penicillin: the view from Cxford in the early 1950s 525 P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase gene promoter glucokinase expression controlled by 1213 Peptic ulcer disease: Helicobacter pylon association with 731 Peptidase activities: selective monitoring of 1621 Peptide mass fingerprinting: of chaperonin-containing TCP-1 and copuritying proteins 137 Peripheral tissues: 5-HT4 receptor-mediated effects in 1398 Perlecan: genes encoding 598 Peroxides: as oxygen donors, substrates, and intermediates 428 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor role in cytochrome P450 4A gene regulation 1241 p53: and cell cycle checkpoints 238 Phage P22 proteins: folding intermediates for 57 Phorbol mynstate acetate: increase in L-channel current mimicked by 1310 Phosphate binding consensus: of nicotinamide binding proteins 1257 Phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C: crystal structures 1159 Phospholamban: mRNA, effect of etomoxir on 1303 Phospholipase A2 contribution to hypoxic injury in rat hepatocytes 1318 in sex-dependent expression of P450 genes 1112 solution




Phospholipase C: effecton cellular calciumsignaling 1505 Phospholipase D: increased by dietary choline supplementation Phospholipases in lipid mediator generation 1147 motifsforworkingatan interface 1159 Phospholipids:surface-active, ingastric mucosal defense 731 Phosphorylation and binding of V-box proteins 435 by Lyn protein-tyrosine kinase 637 and oxidant-antioxidant homeostasis 709 role of CD38 in 1408 tyrosine, in growth response regulation 741 Photoprotection: carotenoids in 403 Photosensitivity diseases: effects of carotenoids on 690



Photosynthesis: carotenoids in 403 Phytoene synthase: enzyme in carotenoid biosynthesis 228 Picrotoxin: blockage of halothane- and GABA-activated currents 1539 Pituitary: expression of human intestinal trefoil factor in 1518 Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP): modulation of L-type calcium channel currents 1310 Pituitary hormone: MIF as 1607 Placenta erythropoietin expression by 760 expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in 777 Plakoglobin:structure and functionof 871 Plakophilin/band 6: structure and function of 871 Plaquemolecules:ofdesmosomes 871 Plasmacytomagenesis: genetic susceptibility to 865 Platelet-activating factor opening of calcium-activated K channels in eosinophils 792 phospholipases in generation of 1147 Platelet basic protein: Leukocyte-derived growth factor precursor of 1336 Platelet-derived growth factor induction of ceramide hydrolysis 1388 linked to CXC chemokine family 1336 Pleckstrmn homology domains: in GTPase communication 1290 P19 embryonal carcinoma cells: induction of apoptosis and neuronal differentiation in 1071 Polarity: effects of extracellular matrix on 1471 PoIy(ADP-ribose) polymerase: target of proteases during apoptosis 587 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: induction of cytochrome P4501A1 1369 Polygenic model: of inherited predisposition to cancer 865 Polyion-sensitive membrane electrode detection: monitoring of peptidase activities with 1621 Polypeptide substrates: synthetic, monitoring of peptidase activities with 1621 Polysaccharides: biosynthesis of 1270 P/O ratios: mitochondrial with succinate and NAD-linked substrates 345 Porphyrins: synthesis inhibited by melatonin 882 Posthepatectomy factor of liver regeneration 413 Posttranscriptional regulation: of gene expression in liver regeneration 559 Potassium channels: cytoskeletal control of rectification in 357 Premalignant lesions: retinoid effects on 1031 Pressure overload: effect on heart modified by etomoxir 1303 Proliferating cell nuclear antigen:expressioninhibited incellstreated with choline 510 Proliferating cells: DNA damage in 238 Proline zipper in the collagen/collagenase interaction 927 Prometheus’ myth revisited 819 Promoters: alternative, regulation of gene expression by 453 Promyelocytic leukemia gene: retinoic acid receptor fusion to 955 Propranolol: effect on response to acute stress 517 Prostacyclin production in rat brain endothelial cells 351 synthesis stimulated by estrogen 615 Prostaglandin E2: production in rat brain endothelial cells 351 Prostaglandins: modulators of mucosal defense 731 Prostatic carcinogenesis: inhibition by retinoids 1031 Protease-activated receptors: in calcium mobilization 309 Proteases role during apoptosis 587 thrombospondin-1 regulation of 1183 Protein engineering: of cell surfaces withGPI-anchoredproteins 574 Protein fold: recognition by sequence threading 171 Protein folding by a biased Monte Carlo procedure 119 in the cell 20 a determinable but unresolved problem 3 of enzymes from thermophiles 84 of eye lens crystalling 84 of inclusion body proteins 49 intermediate state in 67 investigation by mass spectrometry 93 from protein coagulation and reversible denaturation to 179 of P22 Arc repressor dimer 42 role of chaperonin proteins in 5 roles of partly folded intermediates in 110 suppressor analysis of mutations in groES gene 148 of 14 lysozyme 35 thermolabile intermediates in 57 three-state model of 67 of ultrastable proteins 84 unfolded state of cytochrome c 164 unproductive, of G6PD-deficient variant A. 153 Protein folds: assigning amino acid sequences to 126 Protein isoforms: generated with alternative promoters 453 Protein kinase C distribution in leukocytes altered in microgravity 1627

The FASEB Journal

Vol. 10 December


effect on cellular calcium signaling 1505 in PACAP modulation of calcium channel currents 1310 Protein kinases: activation by mechanical stretch 631 Protein-protein interactions: in growth response regulation 741 Proteins damage caused by immobilization stress in rat brain 1532 mammalian GPI-anchored 574 Protein stability forces contributing to 75 role of the denatured state in 27 Protein synthesis: elF-2a kinases and 1378 Protein-tyrosine kinases: phosphorylation and regulation of 637 Proteoglycans aggrecan and versican families of 293 of the extracellular environment 598 Proteolysis: mediated by ubiquitin 587 Proto-oncogenes: the discovery of 362 p21-activated kinase: activity regulated by GTPases 1290 P22 Arc repressor dimer folding and stability of 42 Public health: contribution of vitamin A to 1040 Pyruvate: carboxylation in adipocytes 481 Quasispecies:

in RNA virus evolution

Retinol binding protein type I:defectiveexpressionin breast cancer cells 1064 Retinoldehydrogenase: isozymes 993 Retinoyljt-glucuronide: bioactivities of 1014 Retinylacetate:HPLC-electrospraymass spectrometryof 1098 Retroviral infections: in vitaminA deficiency 979 Rhodobacter capsulatus: carotenoid biosynthesis from 228 RNA-dependent kinase: in regulation of protein synthesis 1378 RNA polymerase II:chromatin remodeling in 1173 RNase Ti: conformational stability of 75 RNA viruses: basic concepts inevolution of 859 Rotavirus infection: in vitamin A deficiency 979 Rous, Peyton: homage and appraisal 1559 Rubisco: role of chaperonins in folding of 5 Ruthenium red:calciumleakinthe presenceof 302

SalmonellatyphimuriumhisD gene: in gene targeting


Radiofrequency radiation: isothermal, effects on cytolytic T lymphocytes 913 Raloxifene: effects in ovariectomized rats 905 RANTES: opening of calcium-activated K channels in eosinophils 792 RARJ32 antisense transgene: lung tumors in mice expressing 1091 Ras/MAP kinase cascades: in growth response regulation 741 Ras-related binding proteins: interplay with heterotrimeric GTP binding proteins 1290 Ras superfamily diverse roles of 625 GTP binding motif of 1347 Rectification: cytoskeletal control of in potassium channels 357 Red Queen hypothesis: in RNA virus evolution 859 Redox regulation: of gene transcription 709 Regeneration: effect of transplanted macrophages on 1296 Relaxation: endothelium-dependent 283 Renal medullary cells: response to extreme osmotic stress 1598 Renin: activities detected with synthetic substrates 1621 Reproductive function: Ad4BP/SF-1 transcription factor and 1569 Retinal cleavage of /3-carotene to 542 HPLC-electrospray mass spectrometry of 1098 Retinoic acid acceleration of fetal lung branching 986 biosynthesis and metabolism 993 inembryonic development 961 HPLC-electrospray mass spectrometry of 1098 sensitivity of acute promyelocytic leukemia to 1025 synthesis inhibited by ethanol 1050 9-cis-Retinoic acid: formation from 9-cis-t-carotene 542 Retinoic acid receptor analysis of AF-2 domain of 1524 Retinoic acid receptor ligands: induction of apoptosis by 1071 Retinoic acid receptors altered 955 defective expression in breast cancer cells 1064 molecular biology of 940 Retinoic acid response elements and pattern formationinvertebrate embryo 969 polymorphism of 940 Retinoic acid-responsive elements 1524 Retinoid actions in skin 1002 differentiation therapy in promyelocytic leukemia 1025 revolution, overviewof 938 Retinoid binding proteins: functions of 993 Retinoid receptors: and their target genes in skin 1002 RetinoidX receptor ligands: induction ofapoptosisby 1071 Retinoid X receptors: molecular biology of 940 Retinoids in antiviral responses 979 in cancer chemoprevention 1031 cause apoptosisinembryonalcarcinomacells 1071 a history of 1102 and Hox genes 969 HPLC-electrospray mass spectrometry of 1098 in lung development 986 Retinol deprivation, lung sensitivity to 986 HPLC-electrospray mass spectrometry of 1098 lymphatic absorption in rats 1085 reduced mobilization in vitamin A deficiency 979 Retinol binding protein: in embryonic development 961

Vol. 10 December



Sandwich configuration: extracellular matrix studies with hepatocytes in 1471 Sarcolemma: wounding induced by mechanical load 502 Sarcoplasmic reticulum: gene expression modified by etomoxir 1303 Scatterfactor action in liver regeneration studied in transgenic mice 819 Schistosomiasis: glycobiology of 838 Second messengers: lipid 1159 Second-site reversion: ofstructural defectinT4 lysozyme 159 Sensitization: ingraftrejection 721 Sequence determinants: of folding and stability of P22 Arc repressor dimer 42 Sequence threading: protein fold recognition by 171 Senne proteases: role during apoptosis 587 Serplns: role in apoptosis 587 Serum deprivation: protein synthesis inhibition in response to 1378 Side chains: size and P450 specificity 683 Signaling of cellular calcium 1505 desmosomes and hemidesmosomes in 871 mitogenic, regulation by G-protein-coupled receptors 1290 Tec and Lyn protein-tyrosine kinases in 637 Signaling pathways cross-talk between 1578 regulating growth responses 741 Signal transduction cascades initiated by ac electric fields 1552 effect of gravity on 1627 lipid mediator networks in 1147 regulation during liver regeneration 215 sensitivity to oxidants and antioxidants 709 stress transmission and 283 triggered by Fc receptors 1495 Skeletal muscle cultures, effects of mechanical load in 502 expression of NC synthases in 1614 Skin: retinoid actions in 1002 Skin carcinogenesis genetic susceptibility to 865 inhibition by retinoids 1031 Sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome: upper airway dilator muscle in 897 Sleep deprivation: reduction of natural killer and cellular immune responses 643 Small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRP5) 598 Snoring: nonapneic, upper airway dilator muscle in 897 Sodium-phosphate transporter: moleculardefectinGyro and hypophosphatemic mice 751 Solvent: binding within cavities 35 S-iOO proteins:effects on desmin assembly 317 Sphingolipids: metabolism and cell growth regulation 1388 Sphingomyelinase defect and tumor cell resistance to apoptosis 325 in lipid mediator generation 1147 Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: a trinucleotide repeat disorder 1589 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1: a trinucleotide repeat disorder 1589 Splenectomy: and immunologic response to acute stress 517 Splicing: fibronectin gene as a model for 248 Staphylococcal nuclease mutants: thermodynamics of denaturation of 67 STAT-dependent pathways: regulation by growth factors and cytokines 1578 STAT protein: in sex-dependent expression of P450 genes 1112 Stat3: of liver regeneration 413 Stem cell factor/c-kit system: in hepatic stem cell activation 1249 Stem cells hepatic, in liver regeneration 1249 in the liver 673 Steroidogeniccytochrome P450 genes: Ad4BP/SF-1, a transcription factor essential for 1569

The FASEB Journal


Steroidogenic of 1569 Steroids: effects Stress down-regulation importance of metallothioneins modulation of Stress-activated





by MIF




of protein synthesis in response to 1378 molecular chaperones in 10 in adaptation to 1129 immunologic response to 517 protein kineses (SAPK5): activation by mechanical 631

stress Stroke brain damage after in melatonin-deficient rats 1546 melatonin potential for treatment of 891 Stromal cells: thrombospondin-1 effects on 1183 Succinate: mitochondrial P/C ratios with 345 Sudden-death pigs: decrease of heat shock protein 90 in 1198 Sulfate: abnormal levels after interleukin-6 treatment 1219 Sulfated carbohydrates: biological roles of 1137 Sulfonamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: inhibition of de novo lipogenesis 481 Superoxide: inhibition of iron regulatory protein 1326 Superoxide dismutase: iron regulatory protein inhibition prevented by 1326 Syncytiotrophoblasts: a site of erythropoietin expression 760 System A: incellvolume increaseduringthecellcycle 920 Tailspike proteins: folding intermediates for 57 Tamoxifen: effects in ovariectomized rats 905 Taurinetransporter activation by hypertonicity 1598 T cells: in transplantation 721 Tec protein-tyrosine kinase: effector molecule of Lyn protein-tyrosine kinase 637 Tetrahydrobiopterin: regulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase 552 T4 lysozyme folding and function of 35 second-sitereversion ofstructural defectin 159 Thapsigargin:calciumleakinthe presenceof 302 Thermogenesis: regulation by agouti 1646 Thermolabile folding intermediates 57 Thermophile enzymes: stability and folding of 84 Thermotolerance:molecularchaperones in 10 Thioredoxin:

in regulation

of redox-sensitive



Thrombin in blood clot formation 1464 calcium mobilization induced by 309 Thrombin receptor in thrombosis 283 Thrombin receptor agonist peptide: calcium by 309 Thrombosis, mechanisms of 283 treatment with all-trans retinoic acid Thrombospondin-1: regulation of tumor

1025 growth



and metastasis



Thyrotropin-releasing hormone: anterior pituitary cell response to 654 I leukemic cell lines: protease-activated receptors of 309 Tolerance: in transplantation 721 Total parenteral nutrition: animal models of intestinal atrophy induced by 821 Transactivation

amino acids critical for 1524 of retinoic acid receptors 940 Transcription in blood clot formation 1464 chromatin and 1173 fibronectin gene as a model for initiation with alternative promoters





to public





status and retinoic acid biosynthesis 993 Vitamin A deficiency embryonic protection against 961 impact on fetus and infant 1045 ocular and systemic consequences of 1040 restoration ofcytochrome P450 2C1 1 in 1058








of rejection



Xenopus oocytes: masking of endogenous mRNA in 435 X-linked agammaglobulinemia: role of CD38 in 1408 X-linked hypophosphatemic vitamin D-resistant rickets: molecular defect in animal


and an-


oxidase: and inhibition of iron regulatory protein Xanthophyll cycle: carotenoids in 403 Xanthophylls: formation of 228




conversionof 3-carotene to 542 in growth and differentiation of skin



481 1589

Vaccines: cancer, GPI-anchored proteins in development of 574 Vascular growth: endothelial control of 283 Vascular smooth muscle cells calibrations of BCECF in 1205 cytokine enhancement of calcium channel current in 785 modulation of calcium channel current by PACAP in 1310 Vascular smooth muscle: estrogen activity in 615 Vasodilation: promoted by extrogen administration 615 Vasopressin: modulatory action of hITF on 1518 Versican: inhibitory effects on neural crest cell migration 293 Vesicles: Ras GTPases in traffic of 625 Viral infection: protein synthesis inhibition in response to 1378 Viral transformation: fibronectin transcriptional regulation and 248 Virus-specific neutralizing antibodies: in anti-HIV immunization and immunotherapy 258 Vitamin A in antiviral responses 979



action in liver regeneration studied in transgenic mice in hepatic stem cell activation 1249 increase after partial hepatectomy 215 role in liver regeneration 1118 Transforming growth factor-Jt action in liver regeneration studied in transgenic mice activation by thrombospondin-1 1183 Transforming growth factor-J31: role in liver regeneration Transgenic mice for establishment of fibroblast feeder layers 1641 and glucose utilization in liver 1213

Ubiquitin: proteolysis mediated by 587 UDP-galactose 4-epimerase: in the Leloir pathway 461 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase: hormonal regulation of 1369 Ulcers: repair of 731 Ultraviolet light: activation of sphingomyelinase 325 Upper airway:collapsibility and musculus uvulae 897 Urinary bladder carcinogenesis: inhibition by retinoids 1031 Urinary incontinence: treatment with 5-HT4 receptor agonists tagonists 1398 Uterus: advantages of raloxifene in 905

Waves: of cytosolic free calcium Wound healing fibronectin variants in 248


Y-box proteins in regulation of 435 Transcriptional control:of liver regeneration 413 Transcription factors expression of P450 genes regulated by 1112 and hepatocytedifferentiation267 Transformation: inhibition by retinoids 1031 Transforming

locus introduction in 1227 as tool to study liver regeneration 819 Transhydrogenation: and proton translocation 444 Translation: Y-box proteins in regulation of 435 Translocation: utilization of substrate binding energy for 444 Transplantation: immunobiology of 721 Trefoil factor, human intestinal 1518 Trifluormethanesulfonamide: inhibition of de novo lipogenesis Tnnucleotide repeat disorders: mechanisms and medical issues Trophoblast cells: a site of erythropoietin expression 760 Trypsin:calciummobilization inducedby 309 Tumor cells: resistance to apoptosis 325 Tumor necrosis factor in lipid mediator biosynthesis regulation Tumor necrosis factor-a activation of sphingomyelinase 325 during liver regeneration 215 enhancement of calcium channel current by 785 in growth regulation during liver regeneration 413 induction of sphingolipid hydrolysis 1388 primary mitogens acting through 1118 Tumors: growth regulation by thrombospondin-1 1183 Tyrosine kinase: role in hepatocyte proliferation 215




V-box proteins: masking of mRNA by 435 Yeast GCN2: in regulation of protein synthesis 1378 Yeast kinase cascade: osmotic regulation of gene expression Zeaxanthin: role in dissipating excess light energy Zinc: metallothionein storage and release of 1129

The FASEB Journal




Vol. 10 December


Author Index to Volume 10 Adams, W. W., III.. 403 Adamson, E. D.. 1071

Caskey, C. T., 1589 Castrusini, E., 1326

Addadi, L., 1435 Agus, C., 1058


J-P., 1627 Cereghini, S., 267 Cermak, J. M., 1653 Chakrabarti, R., 829 Chalikian, 1. V., 164

Ahmad, A., 258 Akiyama, M., 1418 Albright, C. D., 510 Alexander, R. W., 283 Allenby, G., 1524 Alonso, C. A., 248 Ames, B. N., 1532 Ang, H. L., 1050

Chambon, P., 940 Chaput, D., 1627 Cheng, H-C., 1198 Chevalier, S., 1085 Chiang, P. K., 471 Chik, C. L., 1310 Chiu,Y-T., 1198 Cho, M. A., 1552

Annunziato, F., 767 Antolin. I., 882 Armstrong, G. A., 228 Arthur, p., 1040 Aschner, M., 1129 Assandri, A., 357 Auberger, P., 309 Ayoubi.

Chomienne, C.. 1025 Chytil, F., 986 Clagett-Dame, M., 1078 Clark, B. F. C., 1347

1. A. Y., 453

Baenziger, Baldwin,

Clarke, M. S. F., 502 Clarke-Katzenberg, A., 809

Cleary, S. F., 913 Closs, E. I., 1614

J. U., 1137 W., 1563


Bar-Sagi, D., 625 Barna, B. P., 1192 Barnes, S., 783 Barnett,

G. H., 1192

Barua, A. B., 1014 Basile,

A. S., 339 Bautista, J. M., 153 Beihacene, N., 309 Bellamacina, C. A., 1257

Belletti, S., 920 Benschop, R.J., 517 Benyo, 0. F., 760 Berard, J., 1091

Berke, G., 1219 Berkenbosch, F., 351 Bernelli-Zazzera, A., 1326 Berthiaume, F., 1471 Bestervelt, L. L., 428 Bethea,

T. C., 510

Biagiotti, A.. 767 Bird, G. St. J., 1505 Bishop, J. M., 362 Bleiweiss, I. J., 1064 Bloch, K., 800 Blusztajn. J. K., 1653

Bockstette, M., 1219 Bokoch, G. M., 1290 Bollag, W., 938 Bosch, F., 1213 Bouvier, S. E., 159 Bowie, J. U., 126 Boyarsky, G., 1205 Bradley, W. E. C., 1091 Bradshaw R. A., 375 Breitmayer, J-P.. 309 Brentani, R. A., 927

Breslauer, K. J., 164 Bronner-Fraxer, M., 293 Brown. B. M., 42 Brown, J. H., 741 Bruggemann, M., 1227 Brunner, E. A., 1539 L., 333 Bryant, H. U., 905 Bucala, A., 1607

L. A., 1205

Bussolati, Butler,



Cairo, G., 1326

Canzian, F.,

da Costa, K-A., 510 Dall’Asta, ‘1/., 920 Damaj, B. B., 1426 Darby, N. J., 110 Darden, T. A., 683 Davies, N. P., 1227 Dawidowicz, A., 530 de Boer, A. G., 351 de Haro, C., 1378 de Souza, S. .3., 927 de The, H., 955 de Vries, H. E., 351 Deggouj, N., 1635 Degos. L.. 1025 Deltour, L., 1050 Demmig-Adams, B., 403 Dhalla, N. S., 1303 Diehl, A. M., 215 Difrancesco, 0., 357 Dobson, C. M., 93 Doctor, B. P., 471 Domingo, E., 859 Donato, R., 317 Dong, L., 809 000little, A. F., 1464 Dragani, 1. A., 865 Droge, W., 1219 Du, Z., 913 Duester, G., 1050

Dupriez, V.


Esteras, A.,

Cao, M. V., 1635 Capdevila, J. H., 1456 Carra, J. H., 67 Carter, D., 1539 Casey, C. G., 530

Vol. 10 December



R. W., 202 333

Everse, S. J., 1464 Faick, J. R., 1456 Falkner, K. C., 1369




Hopp, H., 775 Horn, V., 1071 Howard, B. H., 1071

M., 891

Igarashi. A., 1336 lida, N., 1336 lozzo,

B. J., 1448 Gajiwala, K., 75 Garbuglia, M., 317 Gaff ney,

de Ia Asuncion,

J., 333

Garcia-Sancho. .3., 654 Garrido-Pertierra, A., 153 Gath, I., 1614 Gazzola, G. C., 920 Georgopoulos, C., 148 Germano, P., 767

M. C. H., 1635


F. K., 750

Giambanco, I., 317 Giann#{244}, V., 767 Gillin, J. C., 642 Gilmore. A. M., 403 Gilmore, A., 849 Gindikin, V. S., 164 Giudizi, M-G., 767 Giusti. P., 891 G#{246}dtel-Armbrust, U., 1614 Gof man, J W, 661 Golan, 0. E., 1552

Goldsmith, E. J., 702 Gomez-Gallego, F.. 153 Gonzalez, F. J., 1112 A. K., 471 J., 587

Gores, G.

Graham-Lorence, 5, 206 Granger, 0. N., 731 Green. K. J., 871 Griendling, K. K., 283 Griffin, K. J., 1241 Grippo, J. F., 1524 Gross, A., 1219 Grotendorst, G. A., 1336 Gu, 0., 345 Guerin, S., 309 Haase-Pettingell, C., 57 Hack, V., 1219 Haeggstrom, .3. Z., 1147

Haisa, M., 1336 HajnOczky, G., 1505 Hamilton, B., 1539 Han, I. S., 1621 Hanssen. C., 1205 Harada, K., 1418 Harrison-Shostak, 0. C., 1318 Hartl, F-U, 20 Hatef I, V., 444 Hatton, J. P.. 1627 Hazen, S. A., 481 Hearst, J. E., 228 H#{233}bert, C. A., 1426 Hegde, S. S., 1398 Herberman, A. B., 1495 Herman, B., 1318 Hirschberg, 0. L., 1296 Hisatome, I., 790 Ho, A. K., 1310 Hofer, A. M., 302

The FASEB Journal

R. V., 598

Irwin, M., 642

Frey, P. A., 461 Fuhr, N., 775 Furuichi, K., 1418


T., 1653

Holman, R. T., 931 Hooper, L. V., 1137

Formelli, F., 1014 Forstermann, U., 1614 Fortner, M., 642 Franceschini, 0., 891 Frey, A. H., 200, 540


Escarmis, C., 859


Cao, G., 913

Hsu, M-H., 1241 Huang, C-A., 1098 Huang, H-C., 1198 Hynes, G.,137

Creighton, T. E., 110 Cummings, R. D., 838 Curci, 5., 302

Elena, S. F., 859 Elimban, V., 1303 Ellis, R. J., 20 Emond, C., 1627 Ernster, L., 345

0., 920

Ferroni, A., 357 Fiers, W., 1219 Fischer, 0., 126 Fisher, G. J., 1002


Earle, M. L., 783 Edmondson, D. G., 1173 Eglen, A. M., 1398 Eisenberg, 0., 126

Bunn, F., 530 Burg, M. B., 1598 Burke, 0. T., 1641

Holland, J. J., 859

Collins, J. F., 750 Columbano, A., 1118 Conrad, K. P., 760 Coon, M. J., 428 Costlow, C., 642 COt#{233}, C., 897 Cramer, p., 248


Buchner, J., 10

Far, 0. F., 309 Farhat, M. V., 615 Fayet, 0., 148 Feeback, 0. L., 502 Fenaux, P.. 1025 Ferland, G., 1085 Ferre, T., 1213

Jacchieri, S., 927 Jacobs, A., 517 Jaenicke, R., 84 Jing, V., 1064 Jirikowski. G. F., 1518 John, M., 775 Johnson, E. F., 1241 Joklik, W. K., 525 Jones,

0. T., 171

Jones, J. C. A., 871 Joo, J-V., 1546 Kaakaji, A., 1192 Kang,

H. S., 119

Karpinski, E., 1310 Kaufmann, S. H., 587 Kaufmann, W. K., 238 Kemmink. J., 110 Kessler, N., 1435 Kharlamov, A., 1546 Kim, J. H., 1646 Kimata, K., 293 King, J., 57 Kinscherf, A., 1219 Kjeldgaard. M., 1347 Ko, H. P., 809 Kobayashi, K-I., 1418 Komuro, I., 631 Kondo, 5., 1192 Kondo,V., 1192 Kornbl,htt, A. A., 248 Kothary, A., 1091 Kotler, M. L., 882 Kren, B.T., 559 Krumlauf, A., 969 Kubo, H., 1192 Kudo, S., 631 Kuiper, J., 351 K#{252}ltz, 0., 1598 Kurochkina, N., 119 Kustova,V., 339 Kuwajima, K., 102 Kwon, E. 0., 1598 Laboune,

F., 1091

Ladomery. M., 435 Landgraf, A., 1518 LaNoue, K. F., 481 Lavie, V., 1296 Lavigne, M. C., 615 Lazarov-Spiegler, 0., 1296 Leaman, D. W., 1578 Lee. B.. 119 Lee. C. P., 345 Lee, A. C., 1552 Lee, W-C, 1198 Lee,V-L., 1112 Lemasters, J. J., 1318 Leslie, CC., 1147 Leung. S., 1578 [evade, T., 1627 Levin, A. A., 1071, 1524 Li, B., 1310 Li, H., 809 Li, X., 1578 Lidholt, K., 1270 Lilie, H., 49




Naccache, P H , 1426 Nagarajan. S., 574 Nakane, M., 1614 Napoli, J. L.. 993 Narahashi, 1., 790 Naruto, M., 1418 Negishi, M., 683 Neote, K., 1426 Neu, J., 829 Nishimura, J. S., 552 Novella, I. S., 859 NUnez, L., 654 Nyame, A. K., 838 Nyborg, J.. 1347

Lin, K-V., 1198 Lindahl. U.. 1270 Under,

M. W., 1369

Lipartiti, M., 891 Liu, J., 1532 Liu, L-M., 913 Liu, A., 510 Liu, S-K., 1198 Lorimer, G. H., 5

Lotan,A.,1031 Lounsbury, K. M, 625 Lynch,C. J.,481 Ma, 0.,809 Machen, 1. E., 302 Macra, I. G., 625 Maggi. E., 767 Mahley, A. W., 1485 Makita, K., 1456 Malavasi, F., 1408 Manetti, A., 767 Manev, H., 891, 1546 Mano,

Ogborn. K. 1.. 1426 Ogiwara, 1., 1310 Ogryzko. V. V. 1071 Okino, S. T., 809 Olson,J.A., 1014 Omura, 1., 1569


H., 637

Manzella, S. M., 1137 Mao,S.J.T., 1198 Marc, I., 897 Marchesi, V.1,



Man, B., 309 Marshall, H., 969 Martasek,P.,552 Martonosi, A. N., 529 Mason, P. J., 153 Masse, 5., 1091 Masters, B. 5. 5., 205, 552 Matsushima, K., 1418 Matthews, B.W., 35 Mavilia, C., 767 Mayne, S. T., 690 Mayo, J. C., 882 Mazzanti,

M., 357

McCann, P. P., 471 McCardle, P.. 1563 McCarty, M. F., 365 McClintick, J., 642 McColl, S. A., 1426 McCrady, C., 913 McKiernan, C., 625 McMiIIan, K,, 552 McNutt, M., 75 Medof, M E, 574 Mehta, K., 1408 M#{233}ndez, A., 1378 Men#{233}ndez-Pel#{227}ez, A., 882 Menezes, J., 258 Merrill, A. H., Jr., 1388 Meyerhoff. M. E., 1621 Miles, 1. M., 760 Milla, M. E., 42 Millan, A., 333 Miller, A. T., 171 Minotti, G., 1326 Minucci, 5., 1071 Mira-y-Lopez, A, 1064 Miranker, A., 93 Mitchell. A. A.. 345

Mitraki. A., 57 Miura, V., 637 Miyazato, A., 637 Moghe, P. V.. 1471 Moore,J.W, 1646 Morello, D., 819 Margelin, M., 293 Mon. A., 1532 Morimura,

1., 1192


K-I., 1569 Morrison, A., 969 Morniss-Kay, G. M., 961 Morse, H. C., III., 339 Moudrianakis, E. N., 179 Moustaid, N., 1646 Moya. A., 859 Mukaida,

N., 1418

Mukuna, M., 1091 Murdoch. A. 0., 598 Muro, A. F., 248 Murray, M., 1058 Mynatt, A. L., 1646


A. J., 1280

Ozato, K., 1071 Ozawa, K., 637


Pace, C. N., 75 Packer, L., 709 Pallardo, F. V., 333 Palmer, C. N. A., 1241


K., 471

Paris, H., 1627 Parker, A. S., 542 Patel, T., 587 Paul, I. A, 339 Paul, M., 775 Paules, A. 5, 238 Pedersen, L. G., 683 Pencev, 0., 1336 Pereira, H. M., 927 Perez, J. A., 1524 Perissinotto, D., 293 Perl-Treves, D., 1435 Perris, A., 293 Pesce, C. G., 248 Peterson, .3. A., 206 Peterson, J. W., 1192 Pettway, Z., 293 Peyron, J-F., 309 Pierotti, M. A., 865 Pinaire, J. A., 1369 Pistoi. S.. 819

Pla, A., 333 Plum, L. A., 1078 Ponder, K. P., 673 Popov, A. V., 1227 POpperl, H., 969 Post, G. A., 741 Poteete, A. A., 159 Privalov, P. L., 67 Probst,J C., 1518 Prough, R. A., 807, 1369 Ptitsyn, 0. B., 3 Putney, J. W., Jr., 1505 Quer,

J., 859


H-A., 517

Radford, S. E., 93


Aichards, S. A., 625 Aider, M. H., 1635 Aippy, M. K., 905 Riu, E., 1213 Aobb-Gaspers, L. D., 1505 Aobenek, H., 491 Roberts, D. 0., 1183 Roberts, M. F., 1159 Roberts, S. S., 391 Robinson, A. S., 57 Robinson, C. V. 93

Rodriguez, C.. 882 Aodriguez-Colunga,

Sato, M., 905

U.S. 137 Uggeri, J., 920 Underwood, B. A., 1040 Uno, T., 683 Uria, H., 882 Uz,T., 1546

Sato, R., 790 Sauer, A. T., 42 Schaffar, L., 1627 Schaller, U., 1621

Valera, A., 1213 van Breemen, R. B., 1098 van den Geit, M., 775


M., 517

Schiavo, N., 891 Schildbach, J. F., 42 Schmidt, R. E., 517 Schmitt, 0. A., 1627 Schmitt, S., 1614 Schdnfelder, G., 775 Schulz, I., 302 SchOrmeyer, T. H., 517


Shi, H., 491 Shigenaga, M. K., 1532 Shinozuka, H.. 1118 Shiojima, I., 631 Shirley, 8. A., 75 Shortle, D., 27


M. J., 882

5., 849

Simoneau, J-A., 897 Sincoff, A., 1539 Skolnick, P., 339 Skutella, T., 1518 Sly, W. 5., 481 Sokolova, N., 961

Solomon, A. 5., 1296 Sommer, B., 517 Sommerville, J., 435 Songqing, N., 1426 Speed, M., 57 Spiegel, S., 1388 Spraggon, G., 1464 Spreca,A., 317 St. Pierre, S., 897 Stark, G. R., 1578 Stearns, D. M., 367 Steer, C. J., 559 Stephensen, C. B., 979

Studer, M., 969 Su, S-B., 1418 Sueyoshi, T., 683

Tadikonda, P. K., 1078 Takeuchi,J., 1192 Tal, J., 471 Tanguy,J., 1539 Tate, B. F., 1524 Taub, A., 413 Thatte, H. 5., 1552 Theilemann, P., 1518 Thomas, A. P., 1505 Thorgeirsson, S. S.. 1249 Thornton, J. M., 171

The FASEB Journal

Van Dam, A-M., 351 Van de Ven, W. J. M., 453 Varmus, H., 1237 Vaz, A. D. N., 428 Verzini, M., 317 Villalobos, C., 654 Vina, J., 333 Vogt, P. K., 1559 Voorhees, J. J., 1002

D. A., 797

Schwabe, C., 184 Schwartz, M., 1296 Sei, V., 339 Seisted, M. E., 1280 Sen. C. K., 709 Serhan, C. N., 1147 S#{233}ri#{233}s, F., 897 Severs, N. J., 491 Sevilla, N., 859 Shahid, U., 1408 Shenoy, V., 829 Sheta, E. A., 552

Sulica, A., 1495 Sutton, C. W., 137 Sykes, M., 721

Rice, 0., 126

Tilders, F. J. H., 351 Timchenko, L. T., 1589 Tolivia, D., 882 Tomasevic, I., 767 Tomasi, J-P., 1635 Toner, M., 1471 Triggle, C. A., 783 Tuchweber, B., 1085 Tucker, A. M., 1641 Tykocinski, M. L., 574

S#{225}inz, R. M., 882 Saito, M., 790 Salganik, A. I., 510 Salmivirta, M., 1270 Santoyo, J., 1378 Sastre, J., 333

Srebrow, A., 248

Rai, A. M., 215 Aamamurthy, N., 1621 Ramwell, P. W., 615 Aees, D., 197 Aehman, J., 1443 Aepa,J.J.,

Aoenneberg, T., 1443 Romagnani, 5., 767 Roman, L. J., 552 Aoss, A C, 979 Rossi, B., 309 Aoth, S. V., 1173 Rousseau, G. G., 1635 Rudolph. A.. 49 Aupp, H., 1303

Wada, 1., 1418 Waheed, A., 481 Waldburger, C. D., 42 Wallace, J. L., 731 Wang, H., 1318 Wang, X., 1532 Waterman, M. R., 1455 Waxman, 5., 1064 Weber, M., 1518 Weisgraber, K. H, 1485 Werbajh, 5., 248 Wessler, I., 1614 Westerhausen-Larsen, A., 760 Wetterhahn, K. E., 367

Whelan, W. J., 1233 White, J., 642 Whitesell, L., 339 Whitlock, J. P., Jr., 809 Wilkinson, M. F., 783 Willison, K. A., 137 Wilson. .3 E., 797 Wolf,G., 1102 Woychik, A. P., 1646 Wright, S. C., 325 Xian, J., 1227 Xiao, G.H., 1369 Xiong, V., 345 Vamaguchi, M., 444 Vam#{225}shita, V., 637 Vamazaki, T., 631 Vang. P-C., 1198 Vang,V.C., 1621 Varmush, M L, 1471 Vazaki, V., 631 Veh,J.Z., 1539 Veo,H.C., 1532 Vin,D., 1192 Vokoyama, H., 1418 Vun, J. H., 1621 Zarain-Herzberg, A., 1303 Zeev-Brann, B., 1296 Zeilstra-Ayalls, J. , 148 Zeisel, S. H., 510 Zelent, A., 1064

Zemel, M B, 1646 Zeng, G. C., 471 Zetzsche,

1., 1518

Zhang. J., 1064 Zheng, H., 325 Zhong, J., 325 Zijlstra, F. J., 351 Zou, X., 1227 Zou, V., 631

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Analysis of liver development, regeneration, and carcinogenesis by genetic marking studies. K P. Ponder

and Prometheus’ myth revisited: transgenic mice as a powerful tool to study liver regeneration. S. Pistoi and D. Morello

Role of growth factors and cytokines in hepatic regeneration. N Fausto, A. D. Laird, andE. M Webber

Liver regeneration versus direct hyperplasia. A. Columbano and H. Shinozuka

Regulation of signal transduction during liver regeneration. A. M Die/il and R. M Rai


stem cells in liver regeneration.

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Transcriptional R. Taub

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