Hedge Fund Innovation

This version: March 15, 2013 ABSTRACT We study first-mover advantages in the hedge fund industry by clustering hedge funds based on their asset instruments, sector and investment focus, and fund details. We find that early entry in a cluster is associated with higher excess returns, longer survival, higher incentive fees and lower management fees compared to funds that arrive later. Moreover, the latest entrants have a high loading on the returns of the innovators, but with lower incentive fees, and higher management fees. The results are robust to different parameters of clustering and backfillbias. Our results show that the reported characteristics of hedge funds can be used to infer strategy-related information and suggest that specific first-mover advantages exist in the hedge fund industry. JEL Classification: G15, G23

I. Introduction The large and increasing size of the hedge fund industry suggests that hedge funds are offering value to investors that is not available elsewhere. 1

As of April 2012, the hedge fund industry has grown in size to approximately USD 2 trillion of assets under management (HFR, 2012). The number of funds is estimated to be around 10,000. The fee structure and light regulation gives hedge funds the opportunity to follow investment strategies that are not directly available to mutual funds, for example. The excess returns and changing risk exposures as documented in the literature are a witness of their exceptional institutional structure, see (Fung and Hsieh, 1997, 2001; Agarwal and Naik, 2000, 2004; Ackermann, Mcenally, and Ravenscraft, 1999; K BRUNNERMEIER and Nagel, 2005; Agarwal, Daniel, and Naik, 2009; Patton and Ramadorai, 2013). There is agreement in the literature on the fact that some funds show persistent outperformance (Jagannathan, Malakhov, and Novikov, 2010). Moreover, the outperformance seems to be related to changing risk exposures in reaction to (or in anticipation of) changing market conditions, see (Criton and Scaillet, 2011; Patton and Ramadorai, 2013). In this paper, we analyze to what extent hedge fund performance is related to the inception date of a fund within a group of hedge funds with the same characteristics. In short, whether early-entrants perform better than similar funds that arrive later. Such an advantage has been shown in the literature to exist in investment banking, where innovation in financial products is visible in the new products that are being offered (Herrera and Schroth, 2011). For the hedge fund industry, explicit information on — especially new — strategies or streams of income is not available. In this paper we introduce a novel approach to identify early-entrants, which might be the carriers of new ideas, and followers, who appear later but have similar characteristics.. Our approach to grouping funds into clusters is done based on the characteristics that are supplied by the funds when registering to the database. These characteristics cover the focus of the asset instruments (stocks, bonds, futures, etc.), sector and investment focus (emerging markets, US equities, etc.), and fund details (use of managed accounts, leverage, etc.). We call these 2

characteristics the ‘institutional design’ of a hedge fund. The test we provide in this paper is whether the institutional design, i.e., the fund characteristics, provides information on the type of strategy followed by a hedge fund. If the initial characteristics are of little information on important return-generating aspects of the investment strategy, we should not find any effects of a hedge fund being among the firsts in a similar group of hedge funds. However, if the innovation that is necessary to set up a hedge fund affects both static characteristics and return patterns, our approach measures the benefits of early entrants in the hedge fund industry. To identify early entrants we sort hedge funds into clusters, and measure the funds’ moments of entry relative to the starting time and length of the cluster. Early entrants are the hedge funds that appear in the first quintile of the cluster’s existence. Likewise, latecomers can be identified relative to the starting date of the cluster and its length. The definition of a cluster is key, and we develop an algorithm specifically for the purpose of the paper. A custommade algorithm, which we call Fast Binary Clustering, is necessary because we have 144 binary variables on which to cluster and existing algorithms are either not suitable to binary data or have problems with the high dimensionality. A related approach that uses clustering in finance is in Hoberg and Phillips (2010), who use the cosine distance in a text-based analysis to identify firms with related products. In the literature, not all innovations are considered equal. Abernathy and Clark (1985) identify four types (architectural, niche, regular, and revolutionary) which differ in market impact. Furthermore, the definition of an innovator is flexible. It needs not be the first company in the new market. Instead, a notion of an early-entry is adopted where a group of firms is considered innovative. We first consider this definition of an innovator and group hedge funds according to the proximity of their arrival in a cluster to its inception date, which allows us to label funds as first-movers. Conversely, Christensen, Suárez, and Utterback (1998) consider disadvantages of early-entry, and put


forward a competing notion of a learning window around the time a final specification of a product (dominant design) is established. They argue that only firms which enter within this window can obtain a competitive advantage. We use this idea of ‘dominant design’ to test the alternative hypothesis that funds which enter a cluster during the highest growth phase have the best performance and profit the most from innovation. Thus, we consider funds who either appear in a cluster at the stage of its maximum growth, or at the moment when it decreases in size for the first time (late-stage entry). The following are our findings. First, hedge funds that are first in a cluster earn a significantly higher excess return than funds that come later. Taken over all funds, the difference in excess performance between the first 20% and the last 20% of funds is 0.509% per month. We do not find evidence for a mechanism of a dominant design (a ‘learning window’) or benefits to late entry. The results are robust across hedge fund styles and to alternative specifications of risk factors, including the Pastor and Stambaugh (2003) and Sadka (2010) liquidity factors. Second, we find evidence for pricing benefits in terms of higher incentive fees charged for the earliest quintile of funds in a cluster. Funds that arrive later in the life of the cluster have significantly lower incentive fees. The effect for management fees is the opposite: innovators charge a lower management fee than later entrants. These findings become more pronounced when we limit the analysis to the actual first-entrants in each cluster. Third, we find that the portfolios sorted on entry time all load significantly on the Innovators, which we define as the first quintile portfolio. The loadings are higher for the higher quintiles, which is evidence for an effect of followers in the hedge fund industry. Combined with the lower excess returns of latecomers, this suggests that followers try to mimic the systematic exposures but cannot replicate the specific strategies exactly which leads to superior performance of the innovators.


Our findings are related to the analysis of first-mover advantages in investment banking, mutual fund and pension fund industry, see Tufano (1989); Herrera and Schroth (2011); Lounsbury and Crumley (2007); Makadok (1998); Lopez and Roberts (2002). There, the findings are that first-movers obtain a higher share, but do not necessarily obtain a higher margin or fees. Our results suggest that an early-mover advantage also exists in the hedge fund industry, and is associated with higher returns, longer survival, and higher incentive fees. The higher incentive fees of early-movers, which is not found in the other industries, might reflect the decreasing returns to scale of hedge fund strategies, as witnessed by a negative size-return relationship of hedge funds, see Getmansky (2004). Another contribution of our paper is to hedge fund classification. It is well known that self-reported styles are indicative of the exposures to risk factors, see Fung and Hsieh (1997), Agarwal and Naik (2004). Our results show that static characteristics other than style can be used to make groupings that have a bearing on performance. Our paper is related to that of Agarwal, Nanda, and Ray (2013) who analyze institutional investment in hedge funds and find that early-stage investors have better risk-adjusted performance. Our results are different in that we do not look at the moment when an investor enters the fund, but the moment when a fund enters a cluster of similar hedge funds. Finally, our results have some bearing on the issue of systemic risk in the hedge fund industry. If early movers gather a following of hedge funds that mimic the systematic risk exposures, systemic risk might be increased, following from the externality of the simultaneous unwinding of similar positions, see for example Khandani and Lo (2011), Aragon and Strahan (2011). The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the data. Section 3 introduces the methodology for clustering and the construction


of entry-time variables. Section 4 presents the results and Section 5 tests for the robustness of the results. Section 6 concludes.

II. Data

We use the Lipper TASS database with data from January 1994 onwards, which includes data on both live and defunct funds. We remove all hedge funds created before January 1994, as it is not possible to compute their position in product clusters due to no information on their contemporaries. This leaves us with 16051 hedge funds created since January 1994. The characteristics that we use for clustering consist of the 144 binary variables that describe the assets instruments, investment focus and fund details of each fund, as given in the TASS database. They are listed in Appendix A and are fixed at the inception date. Table 1 shows summary statistics for hedge funds in the TASS database grouped by style classification. Note, to provide point of reference for further results, the data for this table is from January 2003 through December 2010. For clustering purposes we use data from January 1994 through March 2012. The choice of January 2003 as the beginning of the sample is driven by clustering results. The end point of December 2010 is due to the availability of time series of risk factors. Insert Table 1 here All styles are represented throughout the 2003–2010 sample period and most hedge funds are created close to the beginning of a month (not reported). Given the distribution of reported inception dates in the database, a hedge fund is considered to have been established in month t if its inception occurred after 15th of t − 1 and before 16th of t. 6

III. Clustering and hypotheses The empirical approach is to make clusters of hedge funds based on their institutional design. We identify the degree of innovation based on moments of arrival of new funds in a cluster. We then setup tests for the different windows of opportunity that might exist.

A. Clustering hedge funds by institutional design

We sort funds into clusters based on similarities in their institutional design, which we define as the zeros and ones in the set of 144 binary variables listed in Appendix A. We thus infer structure of a network of knowledge based on the binary variables. To form clusters, we use Fast Binary Clustering (FBC) algorithm which builds upon the classical k-means algorithm (Lloyd, 1982; Steinhaus, 1956; Ball and Hall, 1965; MacQueen, 1967) and density-based algorithms (Krger, Kriegel, and Kailing, 2004; Ester, Kriegel, Sander, and Xu, 1996; Böhm, Kailing, Kriegel, and Kroger, 2004). FBC is an agglomerative hybrid clustering algorithm that combines hierarchical, centroid, and densityconnected algorithms. Iterating between a centroid step, which assigns an archetype ‘genome’ to each cluster by averaging the characteristics of all observations in it, and a density step, in which previously identified clusters of hedge funds which are close enough (depending on a pre-defined distance metric ε) are merged, the algorithm proceeds by increasing the distance at which clusters are formed by ∆ε until the maximum allowed distance is reached. We use the cosine distance measure, as used in other studies that employ clustering techniques, see Hoberg and Phillips (2010); Watts and Strogatz (1998); Granovetter (1973). The end result of the FBC-algorithm is a deterministic partition of the data given the distance between clusters ε and the size of its increments ∆ε . Details of the FBC algorithm are given in Appendix B. 7

For the type of data we use, the clustering results are most affected by one input variable — the maximum distance between two clusters and/or funds. In the following, we work with clusters based on a maximum distance of 0.1, which leads to clusters with good properties from a clustering perspective. We assess the sensitivity of our results to the distance parameter in Section 5. Each cluster is assigned an inception date, a duration, and a size. The inception date is equal to the inception date of the first arrival in the cluster. The duration of the cluster is equal to the inception date of the last fund in the cluster, minus the inception date of the first fund. The size of the cluster is equal to the total number of funds forming it at any point in time. We discard clusters with less than 5 funds. On average, the computational burden of clustering the hedge fund takes 2 hours on the Dutch National Computer Cluster (Lisa), which is comprised of a Dell Xeon InfiniBand cluster, 20 TFlop/sec. Table 2 shows summary statistics of the resulting clusters of hedge funds, reported as clusters’ inception years. Insert Table 2 here In the whole time sample, 1994–2012, 5735 hedge funds (35%) end up being clustered. 5735 (35%) is not in any cluster, and 5083 (35%) is not considered clustered because of a cluster size smaller than 5 funds, which we take as a minimum. In clustering, we consider all hedge fund styles (including Funds of Funds) but in the main analysis we discard Funds of Funds. From Table 2 we observe that on average 12 new clusters are created each year most of which are small in size. Cluster lifespans are on average 35% shorter than hedge funds’ lifespans given a year (not reported), i.e. we are able, at some point in time, to directly compare innovators and imitators within the same cluster. Survival of hedge funds that were grouped into clusters matches survival of all funds in the database. Lastly, based on analysis of variance in returns within and between clusters, there is significant evidence that between clusters returns are drawn from different distributions.


B. Entry-time Variables

To measure who benefits from innovation in the hedge fund industry, we need to be able to position the inception date of a hedge fund relative to the other funds in the cluster. To do so, we first construct three different clusterspecific variables: FirstEntry, MaxGrowth and NegGrowth. FirstEntry measures the time when first-entry occurred. MaxGrowth is the month in which the number of funds increases the most in absolute terms. NegGrowth is the month is in which the number of funds in the cluster decreases for the first time, i.e. when we observe (within a cluster) that more hedge funds stop reporting than there are new entrants. Both MaxGrowth and NegGrowth are determined based on the 6-month moving averages of the number of new entries and exits per month.

IV. Results We sort hedge funds into quintile portfolios based on the absolute distance between their inception date and the cluster variable, which is either FirstEntry, MaxGrowth, or NegGrowth. For FirstEntry the first quintile portfolio consists of hedge funds that belong to the first 20% of entrants in their cluster and the last quintile portfolio has the 20% of funds which enter last. For MaxGrowth, the first quintile portfolio has the 20% funds which enter the closest to the maximum-growth point, etc. Classifying the entry moment in this way is suggested by Lopez and Roberts (2002), but different from Makadok (1998), who uses just a zero-one variable to identify the true innovators. We control for this approach in robustness analyses and find similar results. As seen in the previous section, some 65% of hedge funds are not in a cluster, or in a cluster that is too small, given our threshold of having minimum 5 funds per cluster. These funds are grouped in a separate portfolio of nonclustered funds. 9

In the following, hedge funds are sorted into equally-weighted portfolios based on their quintile of entry relative to each anchor point. Only the first 24 months of returns of each fund are used. E.g., a fund entering a cluster in March 2004 only contributes to returns of its respective quintile portfolio until March 2006. Unless stated otherwise, this method of making portfolios is used in the rest of the paper. A. Entry-time sorted portfolios For the three different anchor points, Table 3 has summary statistics of the quintile portfolios. It also shows the the average per-fund Fung and Hsieh (2004) 7-factor alpha and average survival. Insert Table 3 here From Table 3, panel A, we see that alpha is decreasing monotonically from quintile one to five, becoming negative for quintile five. This suggests that there are benefits to investors from hedge funds being first in a cluster, as the quintile portfolios are sorted relative to the first entry time in the cluster. The first quintile portfolio does have a heavier left tail, shown by the lower skewness (-2.4) and higher kurtosis (12.5) than the other portfolios. The excess returns for innovators are comparable to the type of outperformance found by Criton and Scaillet (2011); Patton, Ramadorai, and Streatfield (2012); Boyson (2010), who test for skill. Of special interest are hedge funds that were not included in any cluster, either because the cluster size is too small (less than 5 funds per cluster), or because the necessary distance to include them in a valid cluster is larger than the threshold set for clustering. In terms of the theory of innovation, we might conjecture that these are funds that innovate, but do not gather a following, or remain in a small niche of less than 5 funds. The return properties of unclustered funds are in the penultimate row of panel A, where we observe a positive excess return, close to the second quintile of first entry. Thus, funds that are not in a cluster appear to be somewhat 10

similar to innovators, as our intuition suggests. They differ though in having a lower survival time and a less pronounced heavy left tail (higher skewness and lower kurtosis than quintile 1). Another perspective on whether late-entry leads to lower excess returns is by counting the number of clusters in which a later quintile of entrants is performing worse than the first quintile of entrants. This is shown in the last column of Table 3. The percentage of clusters in which Q1 alphas are higher than those of Q2 is 51.43%, which is not significantly different from 50% under the null hypothesis of a random distribution of excess returns over entry time. For the other quintiles the percentage of clusters in which the first quintile of funds outperforms ranges between 62.96% to 67.57%. So again, we find that late entry in a cluster is associated with worse performance in terms of excess returns. The average survival of hedge funds in quintile 1 is significantly higher than those in quintiles 3 to 5. This rules out an explanation of a missing risk factor in assessing innovators’ returns, in the sense of Bollen (2012), where low-R2 hedge funds are found to have excess performance, but a lower survival rate. For the anchor points MaxGrowth and NegGrowth, panel B and C do not show a monotonic pattern for alpha or survival times, so that we find no evidence for a ‘window of opportunity’ effect, around the time of maximum growth, nor an effect of higher efficiency for late entrants. This is corroborated by an analysis of how quintiles of funds overlap when sorted on different anchor points (not reported). From the patterns of average alpha per portfolio, we conclude that there is no evidence for advantages of late entry or the presence of a window of opportunity. In the following, we therefore limit our attention to early-entry advantages, and thus the FirstEntry anchor point.


The benefits to early entry might be stronger in specific styles of hedge funds, for example, if institutional design (the descriptors on which we cluster) is more important for performance in one style than for another. However, there are not enough funds for each style (Global Macro, Convertible Arbitrage, etc.), so for our subsequent analysis we only consider Long/Short Equity Hedge (LSE) as a separate style. The clustering is still based on the total sample (including Funds of Funds). The average alphas for each group and portfolio quintiles are in Table 4. Insert Table 4 here Taken over all funds (excluding Funds of Funds), the alphas in Table 4 show a decreasing pattern, from 0.562% to 0.053%. For Long/Short Equity Hedge funds, the alpha decreases from 0.985% for the first quintile portfolio to 0.056% for the last quintile. Apart from the Long/Short Equity Hedge funds innovation benefits seem to be present to the same extent in the first two quintile portfolios and are of comparable magnitude to the portfolio of unclustered funds. Note that negative excess returns for some portfolios of hedge funds does not mean that hedge funds in later quintiles of entry are not attractive to investors and are not necessarily ‘inferior’ to early funds in the cluster. For example, investors might also be interested in the specific risk exposures that hedge funds provide, which they might not achieve themselves, due to institutional restrictions or otherwise. Also, the fact that these funds exist and survive long enough to be included in our analysis suggests that they cater to preferences of some investors. B. Pricing benefits of innovators If early-entry or innovating hedge funds earn higher excess returns, we would expect to see an effect in the fees charged to investors. Table 5 compares the average incentive and management fees for hedge funds, grouped as in Table 4. 12

Insert Table 5 here From Panel A of Table 5 we see that for All funds the average incentive fee in the first quintile is 16.76% while the average of the other quintiles all lie closer to 10%. The differences are statistically significant. This suggests that early entrants have pricing benefits over later entrants in the cluster. For the Long/Short Equity funds we see a less clear pattern. There, the clear pattern of excess returns in Table 4 is not mirrored in higher incentive fees. The last column of Panel A of Table 5 has the average incentive fees for funds that are not clustered. They are the highest in each row, for All funds as well as the sub-styles. This suggests that, more than being first, being not-clustered goes with the highest pricing benefits. This is not an automatic result of our clustering methodology, as the incentive fee itself is not used as a clustering variable. The average management fees are in Panel B of Table 5. The second, fourth, and fifth quintile portfolio have a significantly higher management fee, of 1.52, 1.54, and 1.61 percent, respectively, relative to 1.39 percent for the first quintile portfolio. The unclustered funds have an average management fee of 1.58 percent. The lower management fee for early entrants is what we would expect from innovative hedge funds that, at inception, are also more risky than less innovative funds.

C. Are early entrants imitated?

The observed excess performance of early-entry funds does not necessarily mean that they are imitated by hedge funds that come later in the cluster. To test for this, we regress the returns of the other quintile portfolios on the returns of the first quintile portfolio, that we label ‘Innovators’. We correct for the standard risk factors. The results are in Table 6. Insert Table 6 here 13

Table 6 shows the loadings, again for all funds and different subsets of funds. Taken over all funds, we observe an increasing pattern of the loadings of the quintile portfolios on the innovators (the first quintile portfolio), running from 0.479 for the second quintile portfolio to 0.792 for the fifth quintile portfolio. All loadings are significant. This suggests that the later a fund comes in a cluster, the more it imitates the innovators in terms of systematic exposure. Followers might be able to replicate the systematic risk exposure of innovators, but without the security selection or timing ability of the innovators. This effect is strongest for funds that come latest in the cluster.

V. Robustness A. Zero-distance clustering

Our results depend on how well the clustering algorithm is able to pick group funds together. We set the maximum distance of 0.1 between clusters to be joined. However, some funds do not belong to a cluster or their cluster was too small and was discarded, as denoted in Tables 3, 4, and 5 with the label ‘No Cluster’. Clustering allows us to increase the sample size, but it may also affect the results. To assess the sensitivity of the results to a different minimum distance, we redo our estimations for a minimum distance of zero. This is equivalent to making clusters based on identical funds only. Based on the whole time sample used in clustering (1994–2012) we are able, in this case, to assign only 4255 (26%) of funds to a quintile. 3973 (24%) funds are found to be in clusters which do not satisfy our minimum requirement of 5 funds per cluster, while 8273 (50%) funds are not clustered at all. Moreover, we identify 14 fewer clusters of innovation in the relevant time period of 2003–2010. We construct quintile portfolios as before, and compute both the excess return and the loadings of late entrants on the returns of the first quintile portfolio. Table 7 reports the results. Insert Table 7 here 14

Panel A of Table 7 confirms our findings on the excess returns of innovators vs. laggards. Overall, early entrants display higher excess returns than funds in higher quintiles. The fact that quintile 2 and 3 have the highest excess returns in less popular styles of hedge funds is suggestive of innovation benefits accruing to more than just the early entrants in these categories. In Panel B we document a generally increasing pattern in the loadings of late entrant portfolios on the innovators’ returns. For all funds the loadings increase from 0.211 for the first to 0.483 for the fourth quintile. The majority of the loadings across styles remain significant. B. Correction for backfill bias Backfill bias is a result of hedge funds with an initial reporting date that is later than the inception date. Returns before the initial reporting date are called ‘back-filled’. In our analysis we assumed innovation is especially beneficial to an innovator only shortly after it enters the market due to increasing competition from imitators. As such we chose not to control for ‘backfill’ bias before. However, our results are potentially affected by back-filled returns, which might not reflect actual investment returns and possibly overstate the benefits from being early. To analyze the sensitivity to the backfill bias, we remove the first twelve month of returns of each fund and re-do our analysis1 . Table 8 has the results for excess returns and loadings on the early entrants. Insert Table 8 here The results in Table 8 are qualitatively similar to those in Table 4 and 6. Excess returns are significantly positive for the first quintile portfolio, taken over all funds, and monotonically decreasing over in the quintiles. Results for the other styles are similar. Panel B of Table 8 shows the same pattern as Table 6 before: loadings on the Early Entrants (the first quintile portfolio of entry-time sorted funds) are positive and significant, and increasing in the 1

The clustering remains identical, as return information is not used for clustering.


quintile distance from the first entry. For instance, for All funds the loading in case of quintile two is equal to 0.824, while for the fifth quintile it is 0.963. C. Correcting for other risk factors It might be that innovation is a proxy for an omitted risk factor in the Fung and Hsieh (2004) 7-factor model. One possible candidate is the return on an emerging markets index, on which hedge funds usually load significantly. Doing this does not change the results. An alternative explanation of our results is that hedge fund innovators are the first to find new markets that are initially less liquid. Then, the excess return for innovative funds might be a reflection of the liquidity premium in new market or new investment opportunities. Once other funds start following the same investment strategy, liquidity increases and the earliest funds earn an excess return. To correct for the effect of liquidity, or liquidity timing, we have included the Pastor and Stambaugh (2003) liquidity factor as well as the permanent-variable liquidity factor of Sadka (2010) and the results remain unchanged. D. Selecting only first entrants We consider a stricter definition of early entry, namely the actual firstentrants in a cluster. We construct a portfolio of first entrants, consisting of funds that enter at the inception date of the cluster. We form a portfolio of later entrants from the remaining clustered funds. A third portfolio has the funds that are not clustered. Table 9 has the results for pricing advantage, for which we found limited evidence in the approach which uses quintile portfolios. Insert Table 9 here Table 9, Panel A shows that incentive fees are significantly higher for first entrants than for later entering funds. Taken over all funds, Panel B of Table 9 shows that there are no differences between average management fees which suggests that management fees rise slower in time and less in magnitude. 16

VI. Conclusion In this paper we cluster hedge funds by their use of assets instruments, sector and investment focus, and fund details,that they fill in upon entrance to the database. We find that funds that enter a cluster early have a higher excess return than funds that enter the cluster at a later date. This effect is found for the cross-section of clusters and for portfolios sorted on entry time in the cluster. Moreover, portfolios of late-entry funds have a high and significant loading on the portfolio with innovators. The loading is the highest for the last quintile of entry, which suggest imitating behavior. The results show that it is possible to define clusters of hedge funds based on descriptive characteristics, other than the investment style, which are set at inception of the fund. It suggests that the characteristics are actually related to the strategy followed by a hedge fund, and can be used to proxy for innovation taking place in the industry. In turn, early entrance in a cluster of similar hedge funds appears to be a signal of skill. With respect to fees, we find that early entrants charge higher incentive fees and lower management fees than funds that enter later in the cluster. It remains an open question as to why funds that copy innovators exist, given their negative excess return and high management fee. One possible explanation is that there is demand for the alternative risk exposures and associated risk premiums that hedge funds can provide from investors who are otherwise limited in their investment strategies.


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Appendix A: Hedge fund properties used for clustering This table gives the properties that are used for clustering. These are all the properties in the TASS database that have a zero/one value. Assets Instruments AE_Cash AE_Convertibles AE_Equities AE_ExchangeTraded AE_IndexFutures AE_Options AE_OTC AE_PrimaryFocus AE_Warrants AF_Cash AF_Convertibles AF_ExchangeTraded AF_FixedIncome AF_Forward AF_Futures AF_Options AF_OTC AF_PrimaryFocus AF_Swaps AF_Warrants AC_Agriculturals AC_BaseMetals AC_Commodity AC_Energy AC_ExchangeTraded AC_Forwards AC_Futures AC_Indices AC_Metals AC_Options AC_OTC AC_Physical AC_PreciousMetals AC_PrimaryFocus AC_Softs ACUR_Currency ACUR_ExchangeTraded ACUR_Forwards ACUR_Futures ACUR_HedgingOnly ACUR_Options ACUR_OTC ACUR_PrimaryFocus ACUR_Spot ACUR_Swaps AP_OtherAssets AP_Property AP_PrimaryFocus

Investment Focus SF_BioTechnology SF_CloseEndedFunds SF_CorporateBonds SF_Diversified SF_EmergingMarketBonds SF_EmergingMarketEquities SF_Financial SF_Gold SF_GovernmentBonds SF_GrowthStocks SF_HealthCare SF_LargeCap SF_MediaCommunications SF_MediumCap SF_MicroCap SF_MoneyMarkets SF_NaturalResources SF_NewIssues SF_OilEnergy SF_Other SF_PrivateEquity SF_PureCurrency SF_PureEmergingMarket SF_PureManagedFutures SF_RealEstateProperty SF_Shipping SF_SmallCap SF_SovereignDebt SF_Technology SF_TurnaroundsSpinOffs SF_Utilities SF_ValueStocks IA_Arbitrage IA_BottomUp IA_Contrarian IA_Directional IA_Discretionary IA_Diversified IA_Fundamental IA_LongBias IA_MarketNeutral IA_NonDirectional IA_Opportunistic IA_Other IA_RelativeValue IA_ShortBias IA_SystematicQuant IA_Technical


Investment Focus (cont’d) IA_TrendFollower GF_Africa GF_AsiaPacific GF_AsiaPacificExcludingJapan GF_EasternEurope GF_Global GF_India GF_Japan GF_LatinAmerica GF_NorthAmerica GF_NorthAmericaExcludingUSA GF_Other GF_Russia GF_UK GF_USA GF_WesternEurope GF_WesternEuropeExcludingUK IF_Bankruptcy IF_CapitalStructureArbitrage IF_DistressedBonds IF_DistressedMarkets IF_EquityDerivativeArbitrage IF_HighYieldBonds IF_MergerArbitrageRiskArbitrage IF_MortgageBackedSecurities IF_MultiStrategy IF_PairsTrading IF_RegD IF_ShareholderActivist IF_SociallyResponsible IF_SpecialSituations IF_StatisticalArbitrage Fund details AcceptsManagedAccounts CurrencyExposure Derivatives FXCredit Futures Guaranteed HighWaterMark InvestsInManagedAccounts InvestsInOtherFunds Leveraged Margin OpenEnded OpenToPublic PersonalCapital

Appendix B. Fast Binary Clustering algorithm The dataset has 16051 hedge funds (created after January 1994) with 144 binary variables that describe properties. The challenge for any clustering algorithm is to identify clusters based on (i) binary variables and (ii) do so in an acceptable amount of time. Existing algorithms like the k-means algorithm (Lloyd, 1982; Steinhaus, 1956; Ball and Hall, 1965; MacQueen, 1967) with smart seeding (Arthur and Vassilvitskii, 2007) and DBSCAN (Ester, Kriegel, Sander, and Xu, 1996) do not produce satisfactory results or do it in a very restrictive setting. Our Fast Binary Clustering (FBC) algorithm is a combination of the two, as each one separately is not suitable for the task, as shown in Table 10. Insert Table 10 here Table 10 shows the outcomes of the two existing clustering algorithms, k-mean and DBSCAN, for a simulated clustered dataset of binary data. With the simulated data, we know the clusters beforehand so we can check the efficiency of each algorithm, in terms of the number of clusters it identifies, and whether the cluster composition is correct. From the table, we see that DBSCAN identifies at most 27% of the clusters, and the clusters it does find are of bad quality (homogeneity is low). The k-means algorithm does better, by finding close to 100% of clusters (or sometimes more, an indication of overclustering). However, the k-means algorithm only works from the starting point of knowing in advance the number of clusters, which is not the case in the hedge fund data. The third set of outcomes shows the performance of the FBC algorithm, that we explain in some detail below. It is a combination of approaches used in the DBSCAN and k-means algorithms and performs well: it identifies all clusters correctly in minimal time. Fast binary clustering (FBC) is an agglomerative hybrid clustering algorithm combining hierarchical, centroid, and density-connected algorithms. It requires two parameters, the maximum distance to be considered, ε, and the amount by which distance should be incremented after each step, ∆ε . Given the set of initial parameters and data, FBC produces a deterministic set of clusters. Pseudo code for the FBC is presented below.


The algorithm operates as a set of two nested loops. At the outset all observations with identical characteristics are grouped into θ-clusters (temporary, θ). A θ-cluster can also be composed of only one observation. The outer loop controls the hierarchical step by incrementing distance, ε, from 0 up. ε is used in the inner loop. The outer loop runs until any of the following is satisfied: ε is equal to its maximum allowed value, the total evaluations of the inner loop function reached its maximum allowed value, or only one cluster remains. 1

## ##FBC pseudo−code ## #parameters maxDistance # v a r e p s i l o n


distanceIncrement # D e l t a _ v a r e p s i l o n distanceMeasure # algortihm curDistance =0 clusters ={}


while curDistance