HeadStart: Reading and Writing Skills Quiz WRITING TUTORS

Reading and Writing Skills Quiz Instructions: 1. We have prepared a short quiz that will help you test some of what you’ve read in earlier modules. 2. This quiz contains sections on grammar and reading. 3. Give yourself enough time to complete the test. 4. When you’re done, compare your answers against the answer sheet we’ve provided at the end of the Skills Quiz.

Commonly Confused Words Read over the following sentences and circle the word that fits. Example: Is this your/you’re jacket? Correct answer: Is this your jacket? a) Can you tell me where/wear the Lakeshore campus is?

b) Bye/Buy/By the time this class is finished, it will be to/too/two late to watch the movie.

Subject-Verb Agreement Read over the following sentences and circle the correct verb to logically reconstruct the sentence. Example: Samantha and Ron (doesn't, don't) want to drive together. Correct Answer: Samantha and Ron don’t want to drive together. a) The woman with the large dogs (live, lives) on my street. b) The cats and the dogs (is, are) loose in the back yard.

Run-on Sentence Errors The following sentences contain run-ons. Fix each run-on to eliminate the runon sentence error. Example: Animals made significant contributions to space exploration; before people were sent up into orbit, animals such as dogs and monkeys were sent. a) Scientists wondered what the effects of weightlessness on a mammal would be they wondered how the body would handle radiation from the sun. b) Fruit flies were the first living organism to be launched into space they were launched in 1947 and their capsule parachuted back without any noticeable damage. Note: Keep in mind there are multiple ways to correct run-on sentences.

Fragment Errors Read through the following sentences and correct any fragments that you find. You may need to add or remove words to make the sentence correct. Example: Because she looked over the grammar review quiz. Correct answer: Because she looked over the grammar review quiz, she passed the test. a.Left over from yesterday’s dinner. b.After seeing the geese flocking to the pond. Note: Similar to run-on sentences, fragments can be corrected in many ways

Apostrophe Use Read through the following sentences and add in any apostrophes that are necessary. Example: Legos are my favourite toy because theyre so versatile.

Correct answer: Legos are my favourite toy because they’re so versatile a) This is the worst pizza Ive ever eaten, and Im not sure its properly cooked. b) Dominicas cat is the largest of its kind.

Comma Use Read over the following sentences and insert commas where needed. Example: Butter tarts usually have a crust top and a warm gooey centre. Correct Answer: Butter tarts usually have a crust top and a warm, gooey centre. a) The appearance and physical characteristics of the butter tart like the firmness of its pastry or the consistency of its filling varies. b) Butter tarts were common in pioneer Canadian cooking and they remain a characteristic pastry of Canada.

Transition Use Example: There are several different reasons why I selected Humber college. ___Firstly___, the Lakeshore campus is quite scenic. Choose a transitional word below that logically completes the sentence.

a) To sum up, b) To this end, c) Firstly, d) Next,

Transition Use In 1996, Tickle-me-Elmo was immensely popular with toddlers,________________ there was a shortage that caused arguments between many frantic customers. Choose a transitional word below that logically completes the sentence.

a) As a result, b) On the other hand, c) Nevertheless, d) To sum up,

Transition Use While attending college will help me meet new friends and gain new contacts, ____________ I want to prepare myself for my chosen career.

Choose a transitional word below that logically completes the sentence. a) as a result b) because of this

c) for example d) above all else

Paragraph Unity Example: Underline the sentence that does not relate to the bolded topic sentence

Humber is the perfect fit for me. As long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be an early childhood educator, and Humber’s ECE program will give me the opportunity to meet that goal. I just love little children, and I’m hoping to work in an infant classroom because I just love small babies. Humber is close to my parents’ home, so it is much cheaper for me than it would be if I lived in residence at a school further away. I also know quite a few other people attending Humber, so I’ll already have friends and that will make things easier for me. I’m also really looking forward to working with Humber faculty because they have years of experience that they can share with me.

Paragraph Unity Underline the sentence that does not relate to the bolded topic sentence. Everyone knows that there are many ancient ruins to be seen all over the world, but there are also a number of modern, abandoned cities to be seen as well. For instance, the Ukrainian city of Prypiat was evacuated after the explosion in Chernobyl. And Centralia, Pennsylvania, used to house over 3000 residents, but was abandoned after an underground coal fire. Finally, Detroit, Michigan contains large patches of the city that are uninhabited. While many know Detroit for its financial problems, it also contains an amazingly vibrant arts community.

Paragraph Unity Underline the sentence that does not relate to the bolded topic sentence.

For Blue Jays fans, one of the most memorable moments of the 2015 playoff run was the Jose Bautista bat flip. The Toronto Blue Jays had a great run in 2015, but were not able to repeat the World Series wins of 1992 and 1993. After hitting a game changing home run, Bautista took a long look at the ball as it sailed into the stands. As he trotted off to first base, he flipped the bat in celebration. For some, like opposing pitcher Sam Dyson, the bat flip was in poor taste. Bautista was accused of showboating and not respecting the game. Others, like hockey star Sidney Crosby, argued that it would have been impossible for Bautista to avoid getting swept up in the moment.

Topic Sentences Example: I know that this is an unpopular opinion, but I just can’t help my love of winter. I’ve always enjoyed the cool, crisp air and blanket of snow that winter brings. Hot chocolate, ice skating, snow angels also capture my heart. Shoveling the sidewalk is just about the only part of winter I could do without.

Which of the following sentences makes the strongest topic sentence?

a) Winter is a far better season than summer. b) Winter has always been my favourite season. c) Most Canadians don’t love winter. d) It’s starting to get cold outside; Winter is coming.

Topic Sentences When you are asked to write an essay exam, make sure you take the time to outline. It’s easier to write a clear, focused, essay if you have some idea of where you are heading. While drafting your essay, make sure that you include a number of supporting points to prove your main ideas. Remember that the more specific your supporting details are, the more convincing they will be. It’s also quite important to leave yourself time to edit and revise. Editing your work gives your essay a final polish that makes a huge difference.

Which of the following sentences is the strongest topic sentence? a) Studying for essay exams can be quite difficult, but a few simple tips can make the task easier. b) Essay exams can be quite difficult. c) I’m extremely good at writing essay exams. d) Many of your college courses will require you to write exams.

Topic Sentences The multiple concussions sustained by players make it hard to justify letting the players fight. Fights also slows the game down, and many other leagues have exciting, fast-paced games that don’t involve fighting. It also seems a bit strange that a fight is permitted during a hockey game, but fighting off the ice is considered a crime. Finally, little kids often look up to players as role models, and might try to emulate the actions of their heroes. Which of the following sentences is the strongest topic sentence? a) Hockey is a very violent sport. b) There are a number of strong reasons to ban fighting in hockey. c) In order to protect our children, we must ban all fighting from hockey. d) Hockey fights are the most exciting part of the game.

Reading Comprehension Example: Spiders, like other creatures, molt at several points during their lifespan. All spiders have a hard external shell called an exoskeleton. The spider’s exoskeleton consists of many different parts that are connected by joints. When a young spider grows, it must molt the exoskeleton. A spider will molt when certain hormones kick start the process. A molting spider must break through the old exoskeleton in order to emerge. Underneath the old exoskeleton, the new one is soft and often folded so that it can expand and harden once the old one is shed. The paragraph above does the following: a)

Describes the process of molting.

b) Explains what a spider’s exoskeleton is. c)

Explains what a spider’s hormones signal.

d) Describes a spider's body.

Reading Comprehension Many professional artists use a medium that is often thought of as something for kids. Crayons, pigmented wax sticks, come in a variety of different colours and allow artists the flexibility to shade and layer colour. Crayola is perhaps the most famous brand of crayons, and they have begun to offer a range of products that cater to adults. They’ve also produced a line of adult colouring books and pages that have become popular over the last few years. Based on the above passage, it can be inferred that a) Crayola produces a wide variety of products. b) Colouring is a relaxing hobby. c) Adults who colour love Crayola products. d) Crayons and colouring aren’t just for kids.

Reading Comprehension Having the proper materials makes it that much easier to build a fire. First, it’s important to have kindling to get the fire going. Tinder can consist of dry leaves, paper, dry fibres such as wool, or even dried pine cones. Next, place a small structure of twigs over the tinder. After you’ve built your structure, light the tinder underneath. Keep adding larger twigs until the fire is going. Now it’s time to add the larger logs. When you are finished with your fire, always be sure to pour water or sand over the flames.

The above passage does the following: a) Explains the need to put your fire out when you are finished with it.

b) Lists the materials needed for a fire. c) Describes that qualities of a good fire d) Describes how to build a fire. e) I’m not sure what the correct answer is.

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