Get Your Jokes Right: Ask The Crowd

Get Your Jokes Right: Ask The Crowd Joana Costa1 , Catarina Silva1,2 , Mário Antunes1,3 , and Bernardete Ribeiro2 1 2 Computer Science Communication...
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Get Your Jokes Right: Ask The Crowd Joana Costa1 , Catarina Silva1,2 , Mário Antunes1,3 , and Bernardete Ribeiro2 1


Computer Science Communication and Research Centre School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria; Portugal {joana.costa,catarina,mario.antunes} Department of Informatics Engineering, Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC); Portugal {catarina,bribeiro} 3 Center for Research in Advanced Computing Systems (CRACS), Portugal

Abstract. Jokes classification is an intrinsically subjective and complex task, mainly due to the difficulties related to cope with contextual constraints on classifying each joke. Nowadays people have less time to devote to search and enjoy humour and, as a consequence, people are usually interested on having a set of interesting filtered jokes that could be worth reading, that is with a high probability of make them laugh. In this paper we propose a crowdsourcing based collective intelligent mechanism to classify humour and to recommend the most interesting jokes for further reading. Crowdsourcing is becoming a model for problem solving, as it revolves around using groups of people to handle tasks traditionally associated with experts or machines. We put forward an active learning Support Vector Machine (SVM) approach that uses crowdsourcing to improve classification of user custom preferences. Experiments were carried out using the widely available Jester jokes dataset, with encouraging results. Keywords: Crowdsourcing, Support Vector Machines, Text Classification, Humour classification



Time is an important constraint due to the overwhelming kind of life modern societies provide. Additionally, people are overstimulated by information that is spread faster and efficiently by emergent communication models. As a consequence, people no longer need to search, as information arrives almost freely by several means, like personal mobile devices and social networks, like Twitter and Facebook, just to mention a few examples. The numerous facilities provided by these communication platforms have a direct consequence of getting people involved on reading small jokes (e.g. one-liners) and quickly emit an opinion that is visible instantly to all the connected users. Crowdsourcing emerged as a new paradigm for using all this information and opinion shared among users. Hence, this model is capable of aggregating talent, leveraging ingenuity while reducing the costs and time formerly needed to solve problems [?]. Moreover, crowdsourcing is enabled only through the technology of the web, which is a creative mode of user interactivity, not merely a medium between messages and people [?].


J. Costa, C. Silva, M. Antunes, B. Ribeiro

In classification scenarios, a large number of tasks must deal with inherently subjective labels and there is a substantial variation among different annotators. One of such scenarios is text classification [?] and particularly humour classification, as it is one of the most interesting and difficult tasks of it. The main reason behind this subjectivity is related with the contextual meaning of each joke, as they can have religious, racist or sexual comments. However, in spite of the attention it has received in fields such as philosophy, linguistics, and psychology, there have been few attempts to create computational models for automatic humour classification and recommendation [?]. The SVM active learning approach we propose in this paper takes advantage of the best of breed SVM learning classifier, active learning and crowdsourcing, used for classifying the examples where the SVM has less confidence. Thus, we aim to improve the SVM baseline performance and provide a more assertive joke recommendation. The reason for using active learning is mainly to expedite the learning process and reduce the labelling efforts required by the supervisor [?]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We start in Section ?? by describing the background on SVM, crowdsourcing and humour classification and proceed into Section ?? by presenting the crowdsourcing framework for humour classification. Then, in Section ?? we introduce the Jester benchmark and discuss the results obtained. Finally, in Section ?? we delineate some conclusions and present some directions for future work.



In what follows we will provide the background on SVM! (SVM!), crowdsourcing and humour classification, which constitute the generic knowledge for understanding the approach proposed ahead in this paper. 2.1

Support Vector Machines

SVM! is a machine learning method introduced by Vapnik [?], based on his Statistical learning Theory and Structural Risk Minimization Principle. The underlying idea behind the use of SVM for classification, consists on finding the optimal separating hyperplane between the positive and negative examples. The optimal hyperplane is defined as the one giving the maximum margin between the training examples that are closest to it. Support vectors are the examples that lie closest to thehyperplane. Once this hyperplane is found, new examples can be classifiedby determining on which side of the hyperplane they are. The output of a linear SVM is u = w × x − b, where w is the normal weight vector to the hyperplane and x is the input vector. Maximizing the margin can be seen as an optimization problem: minimize

1 ||w||2 , subjected to yi (w.x + b) ≥ 1, ∀i, 2


where x is the training example and yi is the correct output for the ith training example. Intuitively the classifier with the largest margin will give low expected risk, and hence better generalization.

Get Your Jokes Right: Ask The Crowd


To deal with the constrained optimization problem in (??) Lagrange multipliers αi ≥ 0 and the Lagrangian (??) can be introduced: Lp ≡

l X 1 ||w||2 − αi (yi (w.x + b) − 1). 2 i=1


In fact, SVM! constitute currently the best of breed kernel-based technique, exhibiting state-of-the-art performance in diverse application areas, such as text classification [?, ?, ?]. In humour classification we can also find the use of SVM to classify data sets [?, ?]. 2.2


Over the last few years, with the burst of communication technologies, virtual communities emerged. People are now easily connected and can communicate, share and join together. Considering this new reality, industries and organizations discovered an innovative low-cost work force, which could save time and money in problem solving, as online recruitment of anonymous, a.k.a. crowdsourcing, brings a new set of issues to the discussion [?, ?, ?, ?]. Since the seminal work of Surowiecki [?], the concept of crowdsourcing is expanding, mainly through the work of Jeff Howe [?], where the term crowdsourcing was definitely coined. The main idea underpinning crowdsourcing is that, under the right circumstances, groups can be remarkably intelligent and efficient. Groups do not need to be dominated by exceptionally intelligent people in order to be smart, and are often smarter than the smartest individual in them, i.e. the group decisions are usually better than the decisions of the brightest party. As an example, if you ask a large enough group of diverse, independent people to predictor estimate a probability, and then average those estimates, the errors each of them makes in coming up with an answer will cancel themselves out, i.e., virtually anyone has the potential to plug in valuable information [?, ?]. There are four conditions that characterize wise crowds [?]: 1. Diversity of opinion, as each person should have some private information, even if it is just an eccentric interpretation of the known facts. 2. Independence, related to the fact that people’s opinion is not determined by the opinions of those around them. 3. Decentralization, in which people are able to specialize and draw on local knowledge. 4. Aggregation, related to the existing mechanisms for turning private judgements into a collective decision. Due to its promising benefits, crowdsourcing has been widely studied for the last few years, being the focus of science and research in many fields like biology, social sciences, engineering, computer science, among others. [?]. In computer science, and particularly in machine learning, crowdsourcing applications are booming. In [?] crowdsourcing is used for the classification of emotion in speech, by rating contributors and defining associated bias. In [?] people contribute to image classification and are rated to obtain cost-effective


J. Costa, C. Silva, M. Antunes, B. Ribeiro

labels. Another interesting application is presented in [?], where facial recognition is carried out by asking people to tag specific characteristics in facial images. There are still few applications of crowdsourcing for text classification. In [?] economic news articles are classified using supervised learning and crowdsourcing. In this case subjectivity is not an issue, while in our application scenario subjectivity is of major importance. 2.3

Humour classification

Humour research in computer science has two main research areas: humour generation [?,?] and humour recognition [?,?,?]. With respect to the latter, research done so far considers mostly humour in short sentences, like one-liners, that is jokes with only one line sentence. Humour classification is intrinsically subjective. Each one of us has its own perception of fun, yetautomatic humour recognition is a difficult learning task. Classification methods used thus far are mainly text-based and include SVM classifiers, naïve Bayes and less commonly decision trees. In [?] a humour recognition approach based in one-liners is presented. A dataset was built grabbing one-liners from many websites with an algorithm and the help of web search engines. This humourous dataset was then compared with non-humourous datasets like headlines from news articles published in the Reuters newswire and a collection of proverbs. Another interesting approach [?] proposes to distinguish between an implicit funny comment and a not funny one. A 600,000 web comments dataset was used, retrieved from the Slashdot news Web site. These web comments were tagged by users in four categories: funny, informative, insightful, and negative, which split the dataset in humourous and non-humourous comments.


Proposed approach

This section describes the proposed crowdsourcing SVM! active learning strategy. Our approach is twofold. On one hand, we use the power of the crowd as a source of information. On the other hand, we define and guide the crowd with an SVM! active learning strategy. Figure ?? shows the proposed framework.

Fig. 1: Proposed crowdsourcing active learning SVM framework. We start by constructing a baseline SVM model to determine which examples

Get Your Jokes Right: Ask The Crowd


should be presented to the crowd. Then, we generate a new SVM model that benefits from the active examples obtained by the crowd classification feedback. The key idea behind active learning is that a machine learning algorithm can achieve greater accuracy with fewer training labels if it is allowed to choose the data from which it learns. An active learner may pose queries, usually in the form of unlabeled data instances to be labeled by an oracle [?, ?]. We use an SVM active learning strategy that determines the most uncertain examples and point them as active examples to be labeled using the SVM separating margin as the determining factor. When an SVM model classifies new unlabeled examples, they are classified according to which side of the Optimal Separating Hyperplane (OSH) they fall. Yet, not all unlabeled points are classified with the same distance to the OSH. In fact, the farther from the OSH they lie, i.e. the larger the margin, more confidence can be put on their classification, since slight deviations of the OSH would not change their given class. To classify the active examples, instead of using a supervisor as traditionally happens, we propose to use crowdsourcing, i.e., make available the set of examples to classify and let people willingly provide the classification. While in academic machine learning benchmark-based settings this may seem useless, in real situations where in fact the classification is not known, it can become remarkably important.


Experimental Setup

In this section we start by describing the Jester jokes data set, used in the experiments. We then proceed by detailing the pre-processing method and finally, we conclude by depicting the results obtained. 4.1

Data set

The Jester dataset contains 4.1 million continuous ratings (-10.00 to +10.00) of 100 jokes from 73,421 users and is available at: It was generated from Ken Goldberg’s joke recommendation website, where users rate a core set of 10 jokes and receive recommendations from other jokes they could also like. As users can continue reading and rating and many of them end up rating all the 100 jokes, the dataset is quite dense. The dataset is provided in three parts: the first one contains data from 24,983 users who have rated 36 or more jokes, the second one data from 23,500 users who have rated 36 or more jokes and the third one contains data from 24,938 users who have rated between 15 and 35 jokes. The experiments were carried out using the first part as it contains a significant number of users and rates for testing purposes, and for classification purposes was considered that a joke classified on average above 0.00 is a recommendable joke, and a joke below that value is non recommendable. The jokes were split into two equal and disjoint sets: training and test. The data from the training set is used to select learning models, and the data from the testing set to evaluate performance. 4.2

Pre-processing methods

A joke is represented as the most common, simple and successful document representation, which is the vector space model, also known as Bag of Words.


J. Costa, C. Silva, M. Antunes, B. Ribeiro

Each joke is indexed with the bag of the terms occurring in it, i.e., a vector with one component for each term occurring in the whole collection, having a value that takes into account the number of times the term occurred in the joke. It was also considered the simplest approach in the definition of term, as it was defined as any space-separated word. Considering the proposed approach and the use of text-classification methods, pre-processing methods were applied in order to reduce feature space. These techniques, as the name reveals, reduce the size of the joke representation and prevent the mislead classification as some words, such as articles, prepositions and conjunctions, called stopwords, are non-informative words, and occur more frequently than informative ones. These words could also mislead correlations between jokes, so stopword removal technique was applied. Stemming method was also applied. This method consists in removing case and inflection information of a word, reducing it to the word stem. Steaming does not alter significantly the information included, but it does avoid feature expansion. 4.3

Performance metrics

In order to evaluate a binary decision task we first define a contingency matrix representing the possible outcomes of the classification, as shown in Table ??. Several measures have been defined based on this contingency table, such as,

Class Positive Class Negative a b (True Positives) (False Positives) Assigned Negative c d (False Negatives) (True Negatives) Assigned Positive

Table 1: Contingency table for binary classification. b+c a a error rate ( a+b+c+d ), recall (R = a+c ), and precision (P = a+b ), as well as combined measures, such as, the van Rijsbergen Fβ measure [?], which combines recall and precision in a single score:

Fβ =

(β 2 + 1)P × R . β2P + R


Fβ is one of the best suited measures for text classification used with β = 1, i.e. F1 , an harmonic average between precision and recall (??). F1 = 4.4

2×P ×R . P +R


Results and discussion

To test and evaluate the proposed approach, we used the margin-based active learning strategy presented in Section ?? and preprocessed the jokes according to the methodology described in Section ??. We select ten active jokes, correspond to those which would be more informative to the learning model, and then we

Get Your Jokes Right: Ask The Crowd


let the crowd members to classify them. After collecting the 100 answers for each joke classification, we averaged the results. Table ?? summarizes the overall performance results obtained. Analysing

Precision Baseline SVM Crowd SVM

81.40% 81.82%



92.11% 86.42% 94.74% 87.80%

Table 2: Performances of Baseline and Crowdsourcing Approaches.

the table we can see that crowdsourcing introduced tangible improvements even with such preliminary setup. As both recall and precision were improved we were able to conclude that the enhancement was robust regarding both false positive and false negative values. However, further work might be necessary in order to guarantee that the used crowd is vast and diverse enough to optimize the performance of the proposed model, as classification errors (or at least inconsistency) made by the crown were verified. These errors might me explained not only by the general subjectiveness of humour, but also by the contextual meaning of some jokes, as the used crown was mostly non-English native, and some jokes were intrinsically related to the American culture.


Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper we have presented a framework for humour classification, based on an SVM active learning strategy that uses crowdsourcing to classify the active learning examples. Our aim was to evaluate the improvement of performance with this strategy, when compared with baseline SVM. For that purpose, we have conducted a set of experiments using the Jester data set, by comparing the baseline SVM model with our twofold active learning approach, which consisted in using the crowd source information to classify the examples in which SVM has less confidence. The preliminary results obtained are very promising and in line with some previous published work. We were able to observe that crowdsourcing can improve the baseline SVM. Although the improvement is still slight, probably due to the constrains referred in Section ??, an overall performance improvement was achieved, i.e., users can be more confident in the assertiveness of the joke recommendation when using crowdsourcing. Our future work will include a diverse crowd and possibly a more restrictive contextual jokes.

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