Influenza (The Flu)

Flu Activity Remains High • Year round, the proportion of people seeing a doctor for flu-like symptoms is about 2% • Right now, the rate is almost 6%, the 7th straight week above normal • The most common type of flu this year is Influenza A – 30% of cases are Influenza A H1N1 (included in this year’s flu vaccine) – 70% of cases are Influenza A H3N2 (Not included in this year’s vaccine)

• H3N2 causes more severe symptoms, infections and deaths than Influenza A H1N1 or influenza B virus

Quick Review: What is the flu?

• Influenza is a viral illness • That means antibiotics WILL NOT be effective in treating it – In 2013, 30% of patients with flu symptoms were given unnecessary antibiotics

• Symptoms: – A 100oF or higher fever or feeling feverish (but not everyone with the flu has a fever) – A cough and/or sore throat. – A runny or stuffy nose. – Headaches and/or body aches. – Chills. – Fatigue. – Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea (most common in children)

Why does flu occur during the winter? • Traditionally, the explanation is that people congregate indoors during the winter so virus is more easily transmitted • New theory – we are outdoors less during the winter (and wearing more clothes outside) so vitamin D levels are lower in the winter • Vitamin D is important for immune system function. Low vitamin D levels = increased risk of infection

Vitamin D Clinical Research • Supplemental vitamin D (1200 IU daily) in school children helped reduce the incidence Influenza Type A by 8% – Some children received supplemental vitamin D from their parents BEFORE enrolling in the trial – If look at only children who had NO supplemental vitamin D prior to the study, the risk of infection was reduced almost 60%

• In a separate study in adults, higher vitamin D levels was associated with a 50% reduction in respiratory infections

Other Natural Flu Fighters • Echinacea, andrographis, pelargonium – Echinacea shown in cell studies to kill H3N2 (this year’s flu strain) extremely effectively, without creating any resistance. After just two treatments with an antiviral drug, 100% of the viruses had developed drug resistance – Elderberry shown to reduce influenza symptoms in 93% of cases within 2-3 days, while placebo group took 6 days to recover – In an animal model of Influenza Type A, treatment with compounds from andrographis significantly reduced symptoms and improved lung function

• Concentrated plant oils – ravintsara, myrtle, bay, thyme – Have potent antiviral activity and have been used as traditional treatments for colds and flu

Quick News Headline Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial Sweeteners and Type 2 Diabetes • Many people switch to non-caloric artificial sweeteners to cut their sugar intake – Example: aspartame (Nutra Sweet) and saccharin (Sweet’N Low)

• A 2009 study reported that daily consumption of diet soda increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 67% (even after controlling for diet and lifestyle factors)

Why do artificial sweeteners increase blood sugar levels? • A new study found a possible explanation – artificial sweeteners change the gut environment (the intestinal biome), destroying helpful gut bacteria which help keep blood sugar levels down • To test their ideas, researchers gave healthy volunteers 10 packets daily (roughly equivalent to the average American daily sugar intake) – Over half the volunteers had significant increases in blood sugar levels – Some became pre-diabetic within a few days

• In a separate study, researchers removed intestinal bacteria from mice fed artificial sweeteners and transplanted the bacteria into mice never exposed to artificial sweeteners – These mice developed blood sugar problems JUST LIKE the mice who had originally been fed the artificial sweeteners – This is proof that artificial sweeteners are changing the gut bacteria in a way that leads to high blood sugar and diabetes

Quick News Headline Honeybees Against MRSA

Antibiotics from Honey • Swedish researchers recently discovered 13 unique lactic acid bacteria in fresh honey that is strongly active against several human pathogens • They tested these compounds AND conventional antibiotic drugs against 3 dangerous pathogens (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)) • Results: – Strongly inhibited all three pathogens – Most of the time inhibited pathogens BETTER than the drugs!

• Quote from the lead researcher: Honey is better than or just as effective as many of the widely used antibiotics in wound treatment today. Another advantage over antibiotics is that honey is active against a wide variety of pathogens, while many antibiotics are active only against a specific bacteria. • The fresher and the less processed the honey, the more likely it is to have potent antimicrobial properties. Highly refined, processed honey will not likely be active.