FITNESS FOR M U M S TO B E - YO UR GUID E TO E X E RC I S I N G T H R O U G H O U T PR EG N A N CY - Exercising during pregnancy has many benefits f...
Author: Albert Hawkins
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Exercising during pregnancy has many benefits for both you and your baby. Maintaining a good level of fitness will set you up for an easier, shorter labor with better recovery and fewer chances of complications.(3) On the other hand, neglecting exercise and gaining too much weight during pregnancy can place extra stress on the joints and contribute to an increase of lower back pain.(3) Benefits also include delivering a child who is calm, self-quieting, and better able to cope with the stresses of labor. However there are some exercises and positions you should avoid, and certain modifications to your favorite LES MILLS™ workouts that will keep you and your baby safe.


WORK YOUR CORE Working your core in CXWORX™ should be safe in the first and second trimester and has been shown to minimize disruption of the abdominal wall during pregnancy, but there are a few adjustments you should make when you can. There are some great options to work your abs in 4-point kneeling, supporting yourself on your elbows (ensuring you keep the chest lifted) or rolling over to do hover or plank work when it’s no longer comfortable to lie flat on your back.


WEIGHTS - BUT MAKE SOME ADJUSTMENTS As Les Mills BODYPUMP™ uses lighter weights and a reduced range of motion compared to other resistance training programs – it’s a great option for maintaining muscle tone during pregnancy. When you’re in BODYPUMP™, turn your bench into an incline bench when it’s no longer comfortable to lie flat on your back. You can ask your instructor to show you how to do this.


Reduce the height of your risers in BODYSTEP™ and take the low-impact options. Ensure you have a stable base of support by ensuring your foot is always planted firmly on the step and keeping a slightly wider base of support.


Reduce intensity when you, and your doctor think you should.


Take the low-impact options in BODYATTACK™.

Listen to your body and please STOP what you are doing if you ever feel dizzy or uncomfortable while working out. Pregnancy is generally the time for maintenance, not striving for new fitness goals. Remember, staying active during your pregnancy will set you up for a faster recovery after labor and child who is better prepared for the stresses of labor.


Let your caregiver know what you’re doing in the gym throughout your pregnancy.




Listen to your instructor, they’ll help you with pregnancy options when needed.

NO-NO’S We DON’T recommend attending Les Mills BODYCOMBAT™ and LES MILLS GRIT™ workouts. Your joints are less stable due to the release of hormones such as oestrogen and relaxin and high-intensity exercise is generally not appropriate during pregnancy. DON’T do exercises that position you on your back after the first trimester. This position hinders blood flow to and from the heart. DON’T do any exercises that may cause loss of balance.

DON’T do any exercise that may cause trauma to the abdominal area so now’s the time to give up your kickboxing, at least until the baby’s born. DON’T exercise in high heat environments - wear loose, comfortable clothing to class, preferably with layers that can be removed. DON’T stand stationary or motionless for long periods, as this can cause changes in blood pressure.

EXERCISE OPTIONS What are some of my options? Whether you’re doing group fitness classes or your own workout, any of the below exercises are good options for you and your baby.

TWO POINT KNEELING Begin by lifting your opposite arm and leg. Activate your core to stabilise your body. Ensure that your shoulder is stacked above your hand and that your hips are above your knee. Look at the ground to create a flat back. Repeat the exercise alternating the other arm and leg.

These core exercises are great alternatives to use in a CXWORX™ class or when doing your own core strengthening.

INSTEAD OF lying on your front

FOUR POINT KNEELING This is a great low-intensity option to work your core. Start the exercise on your hands and knees then push your back towards the ceiling to create a ‘crunch’ effect within the core. Push your chest into the ground and lift your head and hips to the ceiling for a nice stretch.

ALTERNATE LEG RAISES Lean back on your elbows and raise your leg to a 45-degree angle. This will activate your lower abs. It is important to lift your chest in this exercise, this will engage your core. By propping yourself up onto your elbows, you will ensure you have adequate blood flow around your body.

INSTEAD OF lying on your back

You will need to adjust any exercise that requires you to lie flat on your back. Your chest must be elevated above your hips to ensure adequate blood flow around your body.

CHEST PRESS The chest press exercise requires one adjustment during pregnancy. Place the step on an angle to encourage blood flow while you are lying on your back. Pull the bar towards your chest and keep your feet flat on the ground.

BACK ROW Begin with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees and tip over. Make sure you keep a flat back. Pull the weights from your knees upwards so that your elbow is at a 90-degree angle. Squeezing your shoulder blades together and return the weights back down again.

As your tummy grows bigger, you will notice your range of movement will be restricted. Use these alternate back exercises once you notice this happening.

INSTEAD OF using the bar in back exercises

CLEAN AND PRESS The exercise begins by pulling the weights up your body. As they reach your chest push your elbows under the weights with a half squat as shown, this is the ‘clean’. Press the weights above your head and return back to the beginning position to complete the clean and press.

(3) Piper TJ Core Training Exercise Selection During Pregnancy Strength and Conditioning Journal, VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 1 | FEBRUARY 2012, LANAY M. MUDD, Health Benefits of Physical Activity during Pregnancy: An International Perspective, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, July 2012

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