Duval County Public Schools District Curriculum Guide

Duval County Public Schools District Curriculum Guide Grades 9-12 Course: Spanish I Big Idea/Supporting Idea: Myself Topic III: Talking about Likes a...
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Duval County Public Schools District Curriculum Guide Grades 9-12

Course: Spanish I Big Idea/Supporting Idea: Myself Topic III: Talking about Likes and Dislikes (Integrated Culture: Music and Dance Genres of the Spanish-Speaking World) Standards NGSSS: INTERPRETIVE LISTENING: WL.K12.NM.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing with simple and concrete daily activities, and needs presented in a clear, slow, and repeated speech. WL.K12.NM.1.3 Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in simple messages and announcements on familiar settings. WL.K12.NM.1.4 Demonstrate understanding of simple information supported by visuals through a variety of media. WL.K12.NM.1.5 Demonstrate understanding of simple rhymes, songs, poems, and read aloud stories. WL.K12.NH.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of short conversations, in familiar contexts. WL.K12.NH.1.3 Demonstrate understanding of short, simple messages and announcements on familiar topics. WL.K12.NH.1.4 Demonstrate understanding of key points on familiar topics presented through a variety of media.

INTERPRETIVE READING: WL.K12.NM.2.1 Demonstrate understanding of written familiar words, phrases, and simple sentences supported by visuals. WL.K12.NM.2.3 Demonstrate understanding of simple written announcements with prompting and support. WL.K12.NM.2.4 Recognize words and phrases when used in context on familiar topics. WL.K12.NH.2.1 Determine main idea from simple texts that contain familair vocabulary used in context.

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: WL.K12.NM.3.3 Ask simple questions and provide simple responses related to personal preferences. WL.K12.NH.3.1 Engage in short social interactions using phrases and simple sentences.

PRESENTATIONAL SPEAKING: WL.K12.NM.4.3 Express likes and dislikes. WL.K12.NM.4.6 Present simple information about a familiar topic using visuals.

PRESENTATIONAL WRITING: WL.K12.NM.5.1 Provide basic information in writing using familiar topics, often using previously learned expressions and phrases. WL.K12.NM.5.7 Draw pictures in sequence to demonstrate a story plot.

CULTURE: WL.K12.NM.6.1 Recognize basic practices, and perspectives of cultures where the target language is spoken (such as greetings, holiday celebrations, etc.) WL.K12.NM.6.2

Objectives Students will be able to:

- Recognize and produce vocabulary related to activities. - Classify infinitives as -ar, -er or -ir. - Express likes and dislikes related to activities. - Respond to questions about likes and dislikes. - Inquire about others' likes and dislikes. - Agree or disagree with someone's likes or dislikes.

Essential Content Students will know: - Me/te gusta - Vocabulary related to likes and dislikes. - Expressions used to quantify likes and dislikes (mucho, nada, más) - Expressions used to agree and disagree with another's preference (a mí también, a mí tampoco) - Music and dance genres of the Hispanic culture.

Pacing 6 Days

Days 17 — 22

Evidence of Learning (Progression of Standards) DEVELOPING: - Recognize vocabulary related to activities. - Express likes and dislikes. ACHIEVING: - Produce vocabulary related to activities. - Ask about other's likes and dislikes. EXCELLING: - Ask and respond to questions related to activities. - Agree or disagree with someone's likes or dislikes, and express the degree to which they like or dislike an activitiy.

Recognize common patterns of behavior (such as body language, gestures) and cultural practices and/or traditions associated with the target culture(s). WL.K12.NM.6.3 Participate in age-appropriate and culturally authentic activities such as celebrations, songs, games, and dances. WL.K12.NH.6.2 Identify examples of common beliefs and attitudes and their relationship to practices in the culture studied.

CONNECTIONS: WL.K12.NH.7.2 Use maps, graphs, and other graphic organizers to facilitate comprehension and expression of key vocabulary in the target language to reinforce existing content area knowledge.

COMPARISONS: WL.K12.NM.8.1 Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language in order to compare words that are similar to those in his/her own language. WL.K12.NM.8.2 Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and compare them to own language. WL.K12.NH.8.2 Compare basic sound patterns and grammatical structures between the target language and own language.

Duval County Public Schools District Curriculum Lesson Guide Grades 9-12 Course: Spanish I Topic III: Talking About Likes and Dislikes (Integrated Culture: Music and Dance Genres of the Spanish-Speaking World) Suggested Days 17

Resources & Activities

Objectives Students will be able to recognize and produce vocabulary related to activities.

¿Cuál es tu actividad favorita? COMMON Realidades 1 Textbook: - Vocabulary list, p. 46 - A primera vista, pp. 26-27 (NM.2.1/NM.1.4) - Exploración del Lenguaje-Cognates, p. 34 (NM.8.2) Students will be able to - Gramática-Infinitives, p. 32 (NH.8.2) classify infinitives as -ar, -er - Writing Act. 9, p. 32 (NM.5.1) or -ir. - Listening Act. 10, p. 32 (NM.1.1) Realidades 1 Practice Workbook: - 1A-5, p. 17 (NM.5.1) - 1A-8, p. 20 (NM.5.1) - WAVA Listening Act. 9, p. 13 (NM.1.2) Realidades 1 DVD Program: - GramActiva Video-Infinitives (NH.8.2)

Higher Order Questions



90 minute blocks

17 — 22

Vocabulary & Structures

ESOL/ESE Accommodations

Discuss the difference between an THEMATIC VOCABULARY: infinitive in Spanish and an infinitive in - Activities English. STRUCTURES: Which infinitive phrases contain - Infinitives cognates? LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY: - Cognate - Infintive

Provide vocabulary list in Spanish and English.

Why is "gustar" sometimes referred to THEMATIC VOCABULARY: as a backwards verb? - Activities

Only require students to list infinitives rather than write complete sentences on the 2-column notes.

Underline infinitive endings in different colors for -ar, -er and -ir verbs. Highlight cognates in green on vocabulary list.

ONLINE Textbook Companion Website (phschool.com) - Capítulo 1A: Practice Activities-Practice with Infinitives (NM.2.4) ADDITIONAL - Provide students with flaschards with pictures of activities on one side and have students write the Spanish word or expression on the other side. (NM.5.1) - Game-GANO (SEE ADDENDUM) (NM.1.1) INTEGRATED CULTURE Realidades 1 Textbook: - Reading/Listening Act. 14, p. 35 (NM.6.2)


Students will be able to express likes and dislikes related to activities.

¿Qué te gusta hacer? ¿Qué no te gusta hacer?

COMMON Realidades 1 Texbook: - Writing Act. 5, p. 30 (NM.5.1) - Writing Act. 6, p. 30 (NM.5.1) Realidades Practice Workbook: - 1A-1, p. 13 (NM.5.1) - WAVA Listening Act. 5, p. 10 (NM.1.2) - WAVA Listening Act. 8, p. 13 (NH.1.2) ONLINE Voki Activity (www.voki.com): - Students will create a voki to talk about two activities they like and two activities they don´t like (NM.4.3). ADDITIONAL - Illustrated 2-Column Notes: Me gusta/No me gusta (SEE ADDENDUM) (NM.5.1) INTEGRATED CULTURE Global Flamenco Video: http://www.nytimes.com/video/2013/03/16/world/europe/1000 00002120283/global-flamenco.html (NM.6.2) Flamenco Didactics Video: - http://www.graf-martinez.com/guitarist/video.html (NM.6.2) Flameco-The Spanish Music and Lifestle Article: http://www.justlanded.de/english/Spain/Articles/Culture/Flamen co (NM.6.2) Tango Dance Video: - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6VvR3hkePI (NM.6.2)

When responding to the question "¿Qué te gusta hacer?", why is the word hacer not included in your answer?

STRUCTURES: - Gustar (me/te gusta) LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY: - Cognate


Students will be able to ¿Te gusta …? respond to questions about likes and dislikes. ¿Y a ti? Students will be able to inquire about others' likes and dislikes. Students will be able to agree or disagree with someone's likes or dislikes.

¿Qué te gusta más?

COMMON Realidades 1 Textbook: - Speaking Act. 7, p. 30 (NM.4.3) - Speaking Act. 8, p. 31 (NM.3.3) - Gramática: Negatives, p. 36 (NH.8.2) - Gramática: Expressing agreement or disagreement, p. 38 (NH.8.2) - Reading/Writing Act. 15, p. 36 (NM.2.4) - Speaking Act. 16, p. 37 (NM.3.3) - Writing/Speaking Act 18, p. 38 (NM.3.3) - Reading/Writing Act. 19, p. 38 (NM.2.3) Realidades 1 Practice Workbook: - 1A-3, p. 15 (NM.4.3) - 1A-4, p. 16 (NM.4.3) - 1A-7, p. 19 (NM.2.4) - WAVA Listening Act. 7, p. 12 (NM.1.3) Realidades 1 DVD Program: - GramActiva Video-Negatives (NH.8.2)

Compare and contrast "¿Y a ti?" with "¿Y tú?".

THEMATIC VOCABUALRY: - Activities STRUCTURES: - Gustar (me/te gusta)

Have students create flashcards for "A mí también" and "A mí tampoco." On the back of each card, have students write "agree" or "disagree." Students can use them to help with the activities.


ONLINE Make Belief Comix (http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/) - Create a three scene comic strip with two characteres. Characteres will ask each other about their likes and they will either agree or disagree. (NM.5.7/NM.3.3) Textbook Companion Website (phschool.com) - Capítulo 1A: Practice Activities-Practice with Negatives (NM.2.4) ADDITIONAL - Do a PowerPoint Q&A with pictures of activities. Have one student ask the question (e.g., ¿Te gusta bailar?) and call on another student to answer. (NM.3.3) - Think-Pair-Share: Students select three activities they like to do. Pair up with another student to ask questions (e.g., ¿Te gusta correr?) to try to figure out the activities their partner likes doing. (NM.3.3/NH.3.1) INTEGRATED CULTURE - Salsa Dance Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpJUATcOusg (NM.6.2) - Merengue Dance Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26lwrPx2K_8 (NM.6.2)



COMMON Realidades 1 Textbook: - Videohistoria p. 28-29 (NM.2.1/NH.1.2/NH.1.4) - Reading Act. 3, p. 29 (NM.2.1) - Writing/Speaking Act. 4, p. 29 (NM.3.3) - Listening/Writing Act. 13, p. 33 (NH.1.3) - Reading, Listening and Writing Act. 14, p. 35 (NM.6.2) - Speaking Act. 17, p. 37 (NM.3.3) - Pronunciación, p. 39 (NH.8.2) - Adelante, pp. 40-41 (NM.2.3) Realidades 1 Practice Workbook: - 1A-7, p. 19 (NM.2.4) - 1A-9, p. 21, Part I (NM.5.1); Part II (NH.8.2) FCAT Support and Test Practice: - Determining the Main Idea, p. 9 (NH.2.1) - Strategies to Analyze Words: Context and Word Structure Clues, p. 10 (NM.8.1/NM.8.2) - Friendship Among Latin Americans, pp. 11-13 (NH.6.2)

What do you notice in the sentence: THEMATIC VOCABULARY: "No me gusta nada correr"? Compare - Activities the use of double negatives in Spanish and English. STRUCTURES: - Gustar (me/te gusta)

Allow students to use their vocabulary sheet or their flaschards during the listening activities. Provide an exam study guide.

LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY: - Infinitive - Cognate

ONLINE Textbook Companion Website (phschool.com) - Canciones de Hip Hop: Mambo (NM.1.5) - Capítulo 1A: Test Preparation INTEGRATED CULTURE - Realidades 1 Textbook: Act. 14, p.35; La cultura en vivo: ¿Te gusta bailar?, p. 42. (NM.6.3) - Mambo Dance Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oqc1bAwMsrU (NM.6.3)



ASSESSMENT OPTIONS - Create an exam for Capítulo 1A. - Have students complete survey and visual component of Project 1A-Una Encuesta (SEE ADDENDUM) (NM.3.3/NH.7.2)


Allow extended time on exam or project.

STRUCTURES: - Gustar (me/te gusta)

Provide a word bank for exam.

LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY: - Infinitive - Cognate

Allow students to work with teacher or a partner to create questions for the survey.



PRESENTATION - Students share the results of their survey project with the class in a brief oral presentation. (NM.4.6) (SEE ADDENDUM)) SUPPLEMENTAL ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY: - Students learn basic dance moves from one or more of the genres introduced. (NM.6.3/NH.8.3)

Model expected presentation. Allow students to use a written script.